alabama #5,2013

By Cindy Riley CEG CORRESPONDENT Construction continues on a 225,000-sq.-ft. (20,903 sq m) structure in Tuscaloosa, Ala., that will replace the state’s oldest and largest inpatient psychiatric facility. Historic Bryce Hospital currently houses 268 beds for acute care, treatment and rehabilitation of committed patients. Large excavators have been digging and concrete has been poured at the site, as crews continue work on the more than $73 million project. The new hospital is being rebuilt in an area devastated by the April 2011 tornadoes. “Construction began in October of 2011 and the cur- rent construction completion is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2013,” stated Yates Construction Manager Kenny Bush, who said roofing, brick exterior, windows and interiors of Phase 1 are now being installed. “Erected structural steel and metal deck are complet- ed,” Bush continued. “We have placed and finished 225,000 square feet of concrete slab. Brick and block exterior is about 40 percent done, and at completion there will be 143,000 bricks in place.” Crews also must install windows and build out the interiors. According to Bush, the main concern has been the project’s size. “It’s spread out over 12 acres, with security in all buildings. This is an adult psychiatric facility with med- ical requirements. The weather has also made the con- struction very challenging. It had a direct impact on bringing the building out of the ground in the winter months,” Bush said. Using a variety of cranes, earth movers and backhoes, Yates crews have utilized structural steel, concrete, brick and waterproofing tools to complete the multitude of tasks. “Yates Construction is proud to be a part of building history,” added Bush. “Included in the 18 new pods is the renovation of a three-story existing structure that sur- vived the tornado of 2011.” Tom Maddray, LEED AP, Yates project executive, pointed out, “In the partitions requiring security, we must install heavy gauge wire mesh. The thickness of the walls must be coordinated with all rough-in within the walls and finish items on the walls. There is no room for error. The hospital walls with medical equipment do not have this added layer of security mesh.” A new access road off Helen Keller Boulevard leading to the construction site has been completed. According to the Alabama Department of Mental Health, construction is on schedule, although recent rainy conditions have been a challenge for construction crews. David Jackson, chief operating officer of the Department, said the new facility should be completed by October of this year, after an interruption of services in early 2012. “The groundbreaking took place and the project began but it was stopped. There was a decision to halt work based on a number of hospitals that were in jeop- ardy of closing.” Two state hospitals were ordered to shut down, but at a 2012 press conference, Gov. Robert Bentley, a former dermatologist with experience treating the mentally ill, announced plans to go ahead with the new Bryce facili- ty. Tuscaloosa’s mayor and most of the legislative dele- Work Continues on Tuscaloosa’s Historic Bryce Hospital ALABAMA STATE EDITION A Supplement to: Your Alabama Connection • Rich Olivier, Atlanta, GA • 1-800-409-1479 “The Nation’s Best Read Construction Newspaper… Founded in 1957.” see HOSPITAL page 2 Todd Media Inc. photo The vacant structure on the Partlow campus (far right) will be a featured building incorporated into the newly built hospital structure. March 6 2013 Vol. XXIV • No. 5 Mobile Dothan Auburn Anniston Gadsden Huntsville Florence Decatur Birmingham Bessemer Tuscaloosa Selma Montgomery Phenix City 65 65 65 65 10 85 20 20 59 59 565 2 20 72 31 231 43 78 5 72 431 280 82 231 31 43 80 82 231 84 84 52 431 331 45 98 84 82 Todd Media Inc. photo Extensive renovations are taking place inside the old build- ing to make it a part of the new facility.

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Alabama #5,2013



Construction continues on a 225,000-sq.-ft. (20,903 sqm) structure in Tuscaloosa, Ala., that will replace thestate’s oldest and largest inpatient psychiatric facility.Historic Bryce Hospital currently houses 268 beds foracute care, treatment and rehabilitation of committedpatients.Large excavators have been digging and concrete has

been poured at the site, as crews continue work on themore than $73 million project. The new hospital is beingrebuilt in an area devastated by the April 2011 tornadoes. “Construction began in October of 2011 and the cur-

rent construction completion is scheduled for the fourthquarter of 2013,” stated Yates Construction ManagerKenny Bush, who said roofing, brick exterior, windowsand interiors of Phase 1 are now being installed.“Erected structural steel and metal deck are complet-

ed,” Bush continued. “We have placed and finished225,000 square feet of concrete slab. Brick and blockexterior is about 40 percent done, and at completion therewill be 143,000 bricks in place.”Crews also must install windows and build out the

interiors. According to Bush, the main concern has beenthe project’s size.“It’s spread out over 12 acres, with security in all

buildings. This is an adult psychiatric facility with med-ical requirements. The weather has also made the con-struction very challenging. It had a direct impact onbringing the building out of the ground in the wintermonths,” Bush said.Using a variety of cranes, earth movers and backhoes,

Yates crews have utilized structural steel, concrete, brickand waterproofing tools to complete the multitude oftasks.“Yates Construction is proud to be a part of building

history,” added Bush. “Included in the 18 new pods is therenovation of a three-story existing structure that sur-vived the tornado of 2011.”Tom Maddray, LEED AP, Yates project executive,

pointed out, “In the partitions requiring security, we mustinstall heavy gauge wire mesh. The thickness of the wallsmust be coordinated with all rough-in within the wallsand finish items on the walls. There is no room for error.The hospital walls with medical equipment do not havethis added layer of security mesh.”A new access road off Helen Keller Boulevard leading

to the construction site has been completed. According tothe Alabama Department of Mental Health, construction

is on schedule, although recent rainy conditions havebeen a challenge for construction crews. David Jackson,chief operating officer of the Department, said the newfacility should be completed by October of this year, afteran interruption of services in early 2012.“The groundbreaking took place and the project

began but it was stopped. There was a decision to haltwork based on a number of hospitals that were in jeop-ardy of closing.”Two state hospitals were ordered to shut down, but at

a 2012 press conference, Gov. Robert Bentley, a formerdermatologist with experience treating the mentally ill,announced plans to go ahead with the new Bryce facili-ty. Tuscaloosa’s mayor and most of the legislative dele-

Work Continues on Tuscaloosa’s Historic Bryce Hospital


Your Alabama Connection • Rich Olivier, Atlanta, GA • 1-800-409-1479

“The Nation’s Best Read Construction Newspaper… Founded in 1957.”

see HOSPITAL page 2

Todd Media Inc. photo The vacant structure on the Partlow campus (far right) will be a featured building incorporated into the newly builthospital structure.

March 62013

Vol. XXIV • No. 5Mobile










Phenix City






































Todd Media Inc. photo Extensive renovations are taking place inside the old build-ing to make it a part of the new facility.

Page 2 • March 6, 2013 • • Alabama State Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide

Yates Construction Leads $73M Bryce Hospital Projectgation attended Bentley’s formalannouncement at the Partlow cam-pus. Jackson said the timing wasright for the new structure.“The current Bryce Hospital,

which has been in existence sincethe 1860s, sits adjacent to theUniversity of Alabama. They wereinterested in acquiring the proper-ty, so we needed a replacementhospital. In our process of negotiat-ing with the university we learnedof their expertise in large construc-tion projects, so we entered into anagreement for them to basicallymanage construction of the newhospital for us.”According to Jackson, the state-

of-the-art facility, which includes alibrary and meeting spaces, willprovide patients with the latest inevidence-based construction.“It will be therapeutic for these

individuals, and will help thoseadjusting to daily living outside thefacility at some point. We have abudget for new equipment and fur-niture, both which were very old.We think the new facility will servepatients very well.”Former Gov. Bob Riley

announced in December 2009 thatBryce Hospital would relocate intoa new facility across McFarlandBoulevard, and the universitywould take over the current Brycecampus. The Montgomery, Ala.,firm Sherlock, Smith and Adamsworked closely with highlyacclaimed architect Frank Pitts,president of architecture+, whichspecializes in evidence-baseddesign.“My firm was responsible for

developing a space program for theState and for designing the floorplan and massing for the newbuilding,” said Pitts. “We’veremained involved to this day, giv-ing advice on issues as arcane asdoze hardware, showers and sig-nage. According to Pitts, “Patient

safety and security are importantingredients to an effective treat-ment program. We’ve beeninvolved in the design of thesekinds of facilities for 34 yearsthroughout North America andoverseas. We’ve consulted withalmost all of North America’smajor health care architects, whenthey do psychiatric projects. Thedesign team has been proud to

work with the state of Alabama todevelop a hospital that encompass-es current thinking about how abuilding can best support apatient’s healing and the clinicalstaff’s efforts to deepen the recov-ery experience.”Specifically, architecture+ pro-

vided programming, planning andspecialty advisory services for thereplacement hospital, whichincludes 170 acute and intermedi-ate care adult beds and 98 adultforensic beds. Because fundingwas limited to the price receivedfrom the sale of the existing facili-ty’s land, plus a small fundingsource set aside by the legislature,the firm worked with the projectteam to make adjustments, cuttingthe square feet by 25 percent fromwhat was originally planned.Sherlock, Smith and Adams

architect David Parker said thereare a number of aspects of evi-dence-based design in the Bryceproject.“It was a consideration regard-

ing security, staff and the qualityof the environment for patient care.Day lighting was important inspaces where patients gather.There’s a gym included in theplans, along with a cafe wherepatients can benefit from socializ-ing with each other. By developinga sense of community within thefacility with the appropriate care,patients can certainly benefit.”To communicate with construc-

tion teams, the firm used a series ofdrawings and multiple mockups ofdifferent building elements.Because of the size and complexi-ty of the project, specific contractswere drawn up involving informa-tion technology and access controlsystems.“Physically, the hospital has a

perimeter designed to resist anyattempts to break through,” Parkerstated. “All the glass and glazingwas designed for resistance toimpact from the interior, and theexterior walls were designed toprevent breakouts from within.”“Security was a very prevalent

part of the design of the building’sinterior. It’s a sad fact that somepatients can become desperate, soyou have to be very aware in thedesign of hardware and equipmentthroughout. The primary concernis preventing any kind of selfharm.”

Added Parker, “Better lightingand brighter interiors is reflectedthrough better patient care andtreatment. As for the configurationof the building, we needed to cre-ate light and also provide sleepingunits, subdivided, that facilitate amore intimate setting for patients,so that they feel a sense of commu-nity in their housing areas. This canhelp both patients and the staff asthey later move into the entirepatient population.”The building is being built on

the front 20 acres of the formerW.D. Partlow DevelopmentalCenter campus. Partlow, whichpreviously served people withintellectual disabilities, closed latelast year. The new psychiatric hos-pital will incorporate an olderadministrative building that hasbeen vacant for more than 20years. The Partlow campus lost numer-

ous trees during the April 2011 tor-nado and while the vacant struc-ture received roof damage, it wasdeemed to be structurally solid.Because the building was original-ly constructed using columnsinstead of supporting walls, itallowed the interior to be com-pletely renovated. It will be a fea-tured building incorporated intothe newly built hospital structure.The building has been in the plansince the beginning of the project.The new psychiatric hospital

will replace the 150-year-oldBryce Hospital, which was boughtby the University of Alabama in2010. The University also is man-aging the construction of thereplacement hospital for the mentalhealth department. Bryce will con-

tinue to operate until the new hos-pital opens. Moving patients at the current

Bryce facility into the new Brycefacility upon completion is notexpected to be a significant issue. Said Jackson, “There will be a

transition plan for moving patientsat the appropriate time. Once thehospital is certified for occupancy,that can take place. The transfer isa mere half-mile away, so I don’tthink it will be a huge issue for us.There are a lot of misconceptionsout there about the facility, but weare confident things will gosmoothly when the transition ismade.”The original Bryce Hospital will

not be torn down once constructionof the new facility is finalized.Bryce Hospital, a four-story build-ing, is a landmark in Tuscaloosa. Infact, the original plans for a statehospital for the mentally ill inAlabama began in 1852.Construction of the building beganin 1853, but was not completeduntil 1859.The Alabama Insane Hospital

opened two years later. It was laterrenamed for its first superintendentPeter Bryce, who had first begunas a 27-year-old psychiatric pio-neer from South Carolina. The hospital actually played a

crucial role regarding the lack ofminimal standards of care and therising demand for services, reach-ing a crisis level in 1971. At thattime, hospitals and residentialfacilities were overcrowded, shortstaffed and lacking in cash. Brycereportedly had more than 5,000patients with only three psychia-trists. A lawsuit was filed in federal

court and became the catalyst forchange across the United States.Officials believe that due to the

structure’s past — having survivedthe Civil War and the attack of theuniversity by federal troops in1865 — the exterior facade of theoriginal building should be pre-served for future generations toappreciate. The Bryce HospitalHistorical Committee is workingwith the Alabama Department ofMental Health to preserve the his-toric facility, along with the BryceHospital cemeteries, where thou-sands of former patients are buried.In addition, the committee isworking to establish a nationalmental health museum in a portionof the historic building. According to Alabama

Department of Mental HealthHistorian Steve Davis, “The hospi-tal was designed by ThomasKirkbride, as were most hospitalsbuilt for the treatment of individu-als with mental illnesses in the sec-ond half of the 19th century. Thearchitecture style was Italianate,Kirkbride’s and architect SamuelSloan’s favorite. Both mendescribed the hospital as the bestexample of their plans and themost true to the standards of moraltreatment.“Bryce has been in constant

operation since April 5, 1861. Thepresident of the University ofAlabama sent his family to Dr.Peter and Mrs. Ellen Bryce at thetime of the burning of theUniversity. Ms. Garland saw theUnion troops burning thePresident’s Mansion from theBryce dome and went to save herresidence. The hospital also wasrecognized as one of the world’sfive best in 1884.”Davis concluded, “Having a

museum in the original building isessential to preserving the historyof the treatment of people withmental illnesses in Alabama. It alsowill help to reduce the stigma thoseindividuals often have to facewhen they receive treatment. Theefforts of the Bryce HospitalHistorical Preservation Committeeand the University of Alabamahave helped bring this dream to areality.”

(This story also can be foundon Construction EquipmentGuide’s Web site at

HOSPITAL from page 1

Alabama Department of Mental Health photoThe main campus of Bryce circa 1945,, when the roof line wasconsidered the longest in the world.

Construction Equipment Guide • Alabama State Supplement • • March 6, 2013 • Page 3

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Page 4 • March 6, 2013 • • Alabama State Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide Construction Equipment Guide • Alabama State Supplement • • March 6, 2013 • Page 5

Page 4 • March 6, 2013 • • Alabama State Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide Construction Equipment Guide • Alabama State Supplement • • March 6, 2013 • Page 5

Page 6 • March 6, 2013 • • Alabama State Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide

The Alabama State Department of Transportationreceived bids for transportation-related improvementprojects.Following is a list of some of the projects let.

County: ShelbyContract ID: IM-I065(401).Project: Bridge replacement and approaches on I-65(NBR) at the Norfolk Southern Railroad north of Exit 228in Calera.Distance: .65 mi.Contractors and Bid Amounts:

• Alabama Bridge Builders Inc. — $4,189,624• McInnis Construction LLC — $4,800,372• R. R. Dawson Bridge Company LLC — $6,056,267

County: MarengoContract ID: BRF-0008(528).Project: Bridge replacement (WBR) and approaches onSR-8 (US-80) at French Creek east of Demopolis.Distance: 1 mi.Contractors and Bid Amounts:

• W. S. Newell & Sons Inc. — $3,602,539• Alabama Bridge Builders Inc. — $4,302,316• McInnis Construction LLC — $4,396,227

County: CovingtonContract ID: BRF-0012(547).Project: Bridge replacements and approaches on SR-12(U.S.-84) (EBR) at Yellow River and Relief southeast ofSanford.Distance: 078 mi.Contractors and Bid Amounts:

• Murphree Bridge Corporation — $3,526,200• McInnis Construction LLC — $3,565,439

County: ShelbyContract ID:ACBR58382-ATRP(001).Project: Bridge replacement and approaches on CR-12 atDry Creek in Montevallo.Distance: .21 mi.Contractors and Bid Amounts:

• Winston Contracting LLC — $1,931,282• Alabama Bridge Builders Inc. — $1,951,346• Chilton Contractors Inc. — $2,069,430

County: ChambersContract ID:ACNU58386-ATRP(001).Project: Resurfacing and traffic stripe on CR-278 fromSR-1 (U.S.-431) to the Georgia state line.Distance: 8.26 mi.Contractors and Bid Amounts:

• East Alabama Paving Company Inc. — $1,068,680• Gary Ingram Grading & Paving Inc. — $1,089,815• C. W. Matthews Contracting Company Inc. —


County: LowndesContract ID: ERPR-8910(937).

Project: Slide repair on CR-37 at approximately threemiles north of SR-185 northeast of Fort Deposit.Distance: .07 mi.Contractors and Bid Amounts:

• W. S. Newell & Sons Inc. — $1,068,550• Walker Patton Company Inc. — $1,082,271• Grady Ralls & Sons Inc. — $1,120,559

County: MonroeContract ID: EB-0021(539).Project: Intersection improvements (grade, drainage andpavement) on SR-21/SR-47 at CR-42 northeast of TunnelSprings.Distance: .89 mi.Contractors and Bid Amounts:

• Grady Ralls & Sons Inc. — $2,279,217• W. S. Newell & Sons Inc. — $2,394,314• Mobile Asphalt Company LLC — $2,576,148

County: JeffersonContract ID: STPBH-CN12(907).Project: Planing, resurfacing and traffic stripe at varioussites in and around Birmingham.Distance: 16.80 mi.Contractors and Bid Amounts:

• Dunn Construction Company Inc. — $3,640,118• Apac Mid-South Inc. — $3,962,059• Jones Utility And Contracting Company Inc. —


County: JeffersonContract ID: STPBH-CN12(908).Project: Planing, resurfacing and traffic stripe on variousstreets in Birmingham.Distance: 6.24 mi.Contractors and Bid Amounts:

• Dunn Construction Company Inc. — $2,122,423• Apac Mid-South Inc. — $2,546,506• Good Hope Contracting Company Inc. — $2,649,355

County: MorganContract ID: 99-302-524-067-201.Project: Planing, resurfacing and traffic stripe on SR-67From south of the Cotaco Creek Bridge (MP 17.230)through Florette to south of SR-36 (MP 24.020).Distance: 6.76 mi.Contractors and Bid Amounts:

• Whitaker Contracting Corporation — $2,149,719• Wiregrass Construction Company Inc. — $2,232,156• Reed Contracting Services Inc. — $2,312,812

County: CovingtonContract ID: 99-307-203-012-201.Project: Planing, resurfacing and traffic stripe on SR-12(U.S.-84) from the Conecuh County Line to west of SR-55(MP 127.301) in River Falls.Distance: 7.75 mi.Contractors and Bid Amounts:

• Wiregrass Construction Company Inc. — $1,094,012• Apac Mid-South Inc. — $1,204,029

Montgomery • Jefferson • Talladega • Calhoun • Russell • Walker • Lawrence • Dekalb • Morgan • St. Clair • Tuscaloosa • Morgan • Shelby• Bibb •Hale • Fayette • Marion • Winston • Cullman • Shelby • Chilton • Chambers • Covington • Baldwin • Clarke • Monroe • St. Clair• Chilton • Escambia• Montgomery • Jefferson • Russell • Fayette • Conecuh • Coffee • Geneva • Montgomery • Jefferson • Talladega •Bibb • Coffee • Calhoun • Russell • • Walker• Lawrence• Dekalb • Morgan • St. Clair • Tuscaloosa • Bibb• Hale • Fayette • Monroe •Clarke • Winston • Cullman • Shelby • Chilton • Chambers • Covington • Baldwin • Clarke • Monroe • Montgomery • Jefferson • Talladega


‘The Yellowhammer State’ Highway Project Lettings

Construction Equipment Guide • Alabama State Supplement • • March 6, 2013 • Page 7






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Page 8 • March 6, 2013 • • Alabama State Supplement • Construction Equipment Guide


































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