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  • AL127


  • lNt* ^

    ( V ^ (\L | ^ " supports

    SHAlA- UDFThe Transvaal Indian Congress (T.I.C.) pledges its total support to the United Democratic Front (UDF). The UDF is a broad front o over 600 organisations from all parts of South Africa. They hav united to oppose the Apartheid Constitution and the Koomhr Bills. We call on all our people to help the T.I.C. and UDF ir tf campaign to resist Apartheid.

    How you can help to oppose Botha’s Apartheid Constitiitk n

    1. Read T.I.C. and UDF literature, and discuss Its contents with your fi nd md family.

    2 . Set up small house or street meetings of about 15 or 20 people where i T.l. or UDF member can be invited for a discussion.

    3 . Help the T.I.C. or UDF to organise a mass meeting in your area.4 . Form a T.I.C. branch in your area.5 . Get an organisations (religious, political, civic, worker, youth, sportir, or zny

    other organisation) in your area to join the UDF.6 . Refuse to have any dealings with puppet bodies like the South African Indian

    Council, Labour Party, any Bantustan *'government", or any organisation that supports Botha's Apartheid Constitution.

    If you can help in any way, please contact —The Secretary, Transvaal Indian Congress, P.O. Box 25063, Ferreirastown 2048 Telephones 852-1268 or 838-5838 - -

    tu » d by ttn T i w ^ l M w Congw , P.O. >ok 25063. FenenetowmZMS

  • UDF unites — APARTHEID dividesm t * r ~ * • ^ -

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    . ( f a * ] > • : ■■'A i*n Boesak addressing Ota gathering a t the U.D.F. m»y.The launching o f the United Democratic Front (U.D.F.) lest month attracted 75.000 people. This was the largest a n ti-apa rth e id m eeting since the Congress o f the People in 1955.

    Why Mm the UDF formed ?The UDF was formed to units al poM the new Apartheid constitution as

    that befieve in a non-radal, free and democratic South Africa, and who or i the Koomhof B is.

    How waa the UDF formed ?Dr. Alan Boaeak caled for a national raaponee against the tri-camanl parliament and the Koomhof BBs when he spofcr the Congrses of the TranavaaJ Anti-SAIC Committee in January 1963. A resolution was adopted at this congraai to to United Democratic Front (UDF), conaistinB of political, worker, civic, rafigious, student, youth, woman end *x> j

    How ie the National UDF constituted ?the UDF coneisla of about GOO organisations. The National UDF is made up of five regional branches. Theee t the Transvaal UDF, Western Cape UDF, Natal UDF. Eastern Cape UDF and the Orange Free State UDF. The f was launched at Roddanda Civic Centra in Cape Town on August 20th. Mrs. Abertins Sisutu, Mr. Oscar M( Archie Gumede are the presidents of the UDF. Dr. Essop Jassat is one of the patrons of the UDF, whft Satoogae and Dr. RJLM. Saiogee are bn the Executive of the National UDF.How la the Trensved UDF conathutod ?The Transvaal UDF conaira of a General Council of about a hundred organisations. The Transvaal I nr! member of this General Coundl. Soma other organisations that are mentors of the Transvaal UDF are:

    Transvaal Arro-P.C. Committee Islamic Coundl of South Africa (ICSA)Anti-Community CouncBs Committee Wttwatersrand Council of Churches (WCC)

    - Release Mandela Committee (RMC) General and Afied Workers Union (GAWU)Soweto Civic Aaaodation (and Committee of Tan) South African AMed Workers Union (SAAV


    re3F+ .■m

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    In adtfition, the General Coundl has elected Mrs. Atoertina Sisuiu, wife of Mr. Walter Sisuki.

    ».a Transvaal Executive Committee, whose res 4 is

    REJECT Botha’s Apartheid Constiti tijnThe T.I.C. rejects Botha's new Constitution because —(a) It is racist divisive, undemocratic and does not remove economic a d sodat

    inequalities.(b) The genuine popular leaders and organisations of South Africa s oppressed peo

    ple have not been consulted.(c)lt entrenches authoritarianism and Apartheid through a one-party military state.(d) It retains unjust laws, including the denial of citizenship to the African people, and

    the fragmentation of South Africa into homelands.(e)lt is designed to make Indian and Coloured people junior partners in a political

    system dominated by the National Party.(fj We do not want to sacrifice our children to fight for cn unjust system.

  • Collection Number: AK2117 DELMAS TREASON TRIAL 1985 - 1989 PUBLISHER: Publisher:-Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand Location:-Johannesburg ©2012


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