al~ super-ph gra, · tachid|t~g the preparatory candles, wbh~,ut regard forwarded, to aoyscetarien...

¯ . , " ’J.T’~" .... ;’ , "~ .,:’, .. ." Li~e t ". ] :i,:, "" "’: ~’,,~. 7::i ": ;, :~ in Justice Uourt ¯ .: .: :. -., ! h~.~etn~l ’the, ~ ’~4’ ¯ ~o~ollei’. ’ ’ : " ’i : . .i;. "JAMg$:]~.’~COVEL... "=,. " c~=4ea; Nov. ~0, Ira, !’ ,t~,.tr. v - ’ " . il /’,.,., I|ammomtom,N,’J ¯ : orrwe-eCe:,nxr4¢vu*: A V. ,~ Sd 8~ " S~Y.-- ~. ~:tt "" .... .-. I DONig~ ." ;:!::T ’ .’ :"’ ¯ . .~: D;’8OMBK8 ItISI.EY,’~ ..... .’- ~: .... .c._. ¯ ." "-.JOiI~N ~ ig., ilOFF~IA N~ " , ,tTTOt~XErl k~t~’¯COUXSEm,:Oit AT LxWl "~. : :’ 80LIClTOR, MASTSR A~DI-:XAMIN~It "’ " IN GI{ANCgitY.. ’~ !!e elw¯y~ attehds ~¯ AttentieCaunty Cou.rts. ¯ ’ I~-ty, " " ,, w.,mm .,D, : , PHTS/O/A.V A,V# .VUROIO.V, ., ¯ , ¯ rs n0wlo¢¯ ¯d &t John Frkmbes, about two miles . " ’ belqw Ahszebu,~hete h~ is prepared to at~n~ tn ¯ " . , ’ nil Calle. ¯ : - . ’¯ Ch~rces $! 00~visit for alt vlsltn wRMa a mU¯. AIlVv¯r a ;nile extra. Allofllco ureserih~ o " " " ¯ ’ tt ns must’be paid for oe delh’ery. __ :. ¯ U2ffDERTAKER. : ’ " - Co~us ~f every dh~cri~tlon, front the: plninekt i to the hJahest fintsh, will be furnished aS call by . she subfer[hei" at "¯# low priee~ as tan be found . attention lo air- latru*ted’to bin e~re~ - ¯ " G. VALBNTINE. ’ " ". /fammontou, Oct.26. 18~7. . ".. 5zl2-tf. Deamea~S iglhtdne~s ttnd’ ~--’~rrh " .. ’TitE&TRB kue,:e~a . ISAAC,, Oeullet and A,rist (formerly nf den,"JloHmvQ No..~0~ Arch St.." Philndel ¯ City ¯ud Cnuutry v¯n be seen &t h|~ oflteo. The ¯ m,dies| f~nlty ire lay|ted to aeeutupauy’thch " patients ¯s .he h~ut u,, secret in eh praetlee. . t~" ARTIFICIAL XYBS inserted wlthout lain. S ~ ~o charge made forexnmiuation. --4n9;I .vT~. ; : ..... ! Clt,~Hg’S ~ PHOTOGRAPH ¯GALLERY NO, 532 ARC|I 8~. , PllILADELPlllA. Photographs from Carte de Visits to Life She, ¯ ~lain, in coinr¢ot todta h,k¯ Alta thenew Im , .: lierial Carte site, and Photo~Mlmiuturcs. Frames nf rarl0us pat~re~, &e., &c, Work’ i d *no with prompmess. Satlsfaetlen glvou.~ ¯ Prices moderst~ : ¯ Augutt 3, ISg~. ~ .. Sx2’ty .’ Xsaae IL ¯ Stauffer, BlttokbetWlel~,amd hoW# ¯ p=~o . . m~th. ~i:We ~do act: -{:. it: ~;~;,, ,p, ;0=~ Z~u,,*V; ,~,~’~¢dlt; ¢;1 i.n*a’g ei~mar~’~hts ,ubl.ek wb|& W. r WI~O, wUll havi,i ~’~ayito [u|date the nov- retard to how.tin7 ehmdd, tt~ttmittld~’ !0 die: kdow’l&l’~*’6t th;~ ~ m’~ss " If th.e ~euuiogssr 9 r~recl afie r thd by’whiststo inemme’ the" Blackberry pilint, Oouod |i froun so hardM to preventpro’ w0u]d Im to de~dl~ the ~’#mllmoaes we Imri¯l ¯bed for them, ~d you bsv e no riot ~:Ueztereo of ola¯ts, bed, the best pit¯ i* ~ bury them unfill tofthat chtrt~t which e’veuthoughts l mmm:oflfi"e fibrous roet~ 0~ be’Ja¯usry.. " most plt~ta grown ia it’ . lengtl~ a’large cart Inui of compost WaS it withthe’soil, a¯~ to throughly pul. ;e it. Thebed wa~-theu plowed to ¯ depthbf ten,t0 awe]v¯ |¯ch’~, ~.;dd.g it up, th~at iB ¢omoleuo~dg to" ~piow i~ tim middle ~|t fiuiahedr itt herin the ce¯- "t te harrow was then thor oughly’~sod-tgam. (lt mlght be wellh~re to.remark,tha we had a/~ow noi| to deal with, we wuuld, aiter:-plowipg, add a load per rn~l in length, of well rotted leaf monbl frodl the woods, or from the bottom of~ti old straw stack, which has rotted su fliciontly ~o form a black. 10nee’mould. This bo|ni wellborrowed into the :surface of the bed ~¯uld keep it from baking aftor rsins, aod much c0ndu~ to the hcalth and :vigor=of tha plants nextyear;) proceeding- the which th¯ Cuttiogs ~p]aced. Thea.c are twe¯ly inc]~es apsrt, ru¯Uifigaeross the bed. Theroiseon~ider- able skill in layi¯g ¯U t ihesa drills.¯ The objectls to have them ¯bout seven inches wide ¯nd fivc i.che~ deep’,.and th0trouble i S ¯ ¯ " "’ ’ ’" "1%. 14’8 IV, Second ’~, eor~ q~¯rry, row boa,], aodby pres*iag ¯ Pnfr.xni~t.Pttix. ¯ this strip, it leavcs a m¯rk to plant by. ¯ ’ .An ¯ yr. W~tehes and Jewelry Prempdy ~al 7" ly WM. & T. HAGARTY, ¯ . . , ’railorse NO" ~O~ Mouth Ninth Ntrcet. aet.ow WALS I/T, Phlladolphia. t?ommlsti.o ML.rebani ia IIUgR|tlIPN, PFA(:III"N attd GEN- Ial! £1s P/tOJ)UUE. Would salt th,, nttenllon of Fru:t Orowero to his supcrl0r facilities,for the solo uf frnlgespecielly Berries, Grepee, und Peaches. lie h¯s made¯r- eengements with de¯lore aud consumer| by which be ts *nnbled to dlsp]}se uf Ire’go qu¯ntltles el fruit at sln.rt uotlc, ¯ud ou tha advnetageous terms," |lit uu¢ocss lu the p¯,& has hess sneh as l~*Insnre laOeeSs to Ihe lulure. Conslgnors n, sy rely ttpun early und ¢.rreot returns. C¯rds for msrklng i,*,,~tp mey hr ehtalned tu IInmmout., .f lh~tcu A I!~Pev. of A. G.- r.ASK, nr at the.P.srerLIf~AS OFFleJ:, I~nw..Y,,rk, Mey~Id SOL .......... 42if ¯ ¢. J. ,~ D/:ALRIf /,V 141~, Drttgs and Modioinos, N. I~ oor. |IgI.I, gVEAU and It. II. Avc’n Pa|nte nf tt| eu|ore grentd lu ntt. Zt,n aud ¯ ~hlt* Lead, Varnishes, |lrushot, Window Gh*ss, It¯w and B.Ilcd tinted 011. 0oNI Oil, Neetsfout , Off, Sewing Mechiee Oit, ],~nl Oil, I’ar¯gon Off, 4~plr.Lq Tnrpsut[ne Bcusdne, .to, d, Also, Ays~t attd d¯ynt’s M~|ehm% Domestlu Dyes, ~ed all *u-h ¯rtlcles M are aonlt¯ntly kept In nooutry Drug fltore. .’ ~2-tf , / ]|ea, uar etl"---~o~,Pllls.:.___ The auhserlher t~ th¯ only nl)ihorie,d *sent In Chlu townfor thn sale of llren,lr~th’s U, V’. Pies. /HleeEk,e |*urals I~iut~ra, ¯adJohnt.n’e Anodyne |,luiment. N. ]~*’eor, liellerue ¯rid It, It. Ave- enter, a2.1r. (~. J. FAY. J) I, N 1 ISIRY haw aepaee, o| thi~tcon incles’ between drills Thes¯ drih are then to be filled about one-inehwith good~mpast~ using: had a hea,N soil wow0uld .... sn inch ot soil on this cam ,ruceed as f¯llowsi) iThist hi/thoroughly mCa~;.# it withthe soil L constitutes the bottom 0t the drill We use ¯ pronged Ao~ or ~ofato l, O0/c, and much l~t6r thus a’¢ommon hoe., ~0 . soll iuto the drill,leav- that:it from three to twelve inches apart. (The gre¯tor dletaneo prod~elng the larger phmts.) ARer the cutti¯g~ are placeJ~ a good stout stake is driven at eac]t end of the drills, projecting above ground hal’f ¯ loot Or morc. ¯ Next coverthe cuttings by. drawing in th¯ soil so as to leave the bed Icvel and the cuttings severed nbe~t two inches. If yourb0dislnheavy and, cover thc cuttl,gsc¯tirely withIcafm0uld, tramp- ing it down solid, eo thet the soil eurround. ing thc euttlngs will be well eompoetod ¯ bout it. When bard treazlng’weather comds, placebrusharound the bed, the pro- footing.stakes gorvlng to scours it in plane. Lesvea from the weeds are ¯ow to be Idacod o as to oQver de~p, euffioiontlyre%st the t’r¯et, r~ha deep furro/vs oU caohside of the bed to be kept well cleaned during ,winter s R as tO drsi¯ the bed of all super. fln0us water. Early in spri¯g, thc covcr- log is to be rentovod front immcdlate]y above caoh drill¯ The phnts will sootl nteko their appcaranec above grotmd~ hevlng bccn grewlng;nr dovolnr, ing during all the win. tcr. If very hot nunshould soont to wilt them hi the least a narrow beard ~|utuld be placed on the South side of cneh row, if or a few weeks. They seldomrequire shading, but i¯ light lands s¯d extra hot hprings It ie ncedc,I. Who¯ summer sots in, ¯epuci~lly if dry, It would he wcll to plow’ around tha hod, turning the furrow e=alnst hc bcd, thus prcvonting tbc’ ph¯ts in the onds of tho rows from suffering front drottth. Our hcds are’ phcedtwclve leot apart, so us to edntit the psasagc era cart between. should wstorlna be required. As the Idants KmW WU atlv[~O tho ropiscing ol thc cgver- ing of Ioavca which has been removed. A good ooathlg ¯fuuch material tha eta face, prevents the soil lieneath being effect- so severely by drouth.’ - In dtscribingtitle mode we havegone in- to the details minutely ; havenot attempt ed u flue written article¯ hut merely to write so that all wh_~pjtumhnsa eult[r how to trsat them. We want all to doJue- tl~ by thotu, for we belolvo if they are treated as here direeted, 90 i¯ eech 100 planted will grow, and that one halt of’thn’ 90will itroduoo No. I plsnts by fell, if sot crowded In tho bed. We have full faith in the mode above de~tibod, so Inuch eo that we ehaU |daut at least, osa ~undret~ t~ontond eutt(s#s here demrlbud. 8cue imr~cus may think the smou,t of work and compostas rather Isrg. to put on thh amountOI grqund. It does not scent se it huwill but that each rodof bed ’(flReen loot wlda} eoutsln* an agregtte OI tWO huodred feet of drill nod is ezpo~to4 tc produce (roan ’200 to St00 ;~od ,Isnta. Th0 a~ove ~n ~oe.|dsr tl~a host men., I In All Its Branohes, , A.~ Styte ,~f |’l¯t~ for Artl~eta| T=sth, MINRItAh, GGhli, ;Itl,~, glL, VUhOANITB, at.. made wh,,u doalrad, ¯nd e& /tEAS( )NAHI’~I~: ]iATES. , TRE PUiIR " MINER.~ PI~TE ttyln for ssts ~f Tw~th--u tp*ehlty ~t this o~os --ptstuatt m¯~ ndynnt~g*st~It ts e.*-thi~ tighler then fhd4 nr Rllver, end much stto=gsr ¯ it wilt stand hetl*r is **rylaa, e¯vsr set out or r¯p¯lr und een hs *.ffotdsd et ¯ Inoderal¯ prlus l II l0 Imparvloes hi m¢lslur*, an4 has no| tha sliahtut steele¯ fat, that at,~tmulatt~m ef f~,~l.-- F¯r ~llsc lefnrmetios Send IFor A Clrrular. I; cut up; saved from frost sod planted out i~ earl~ 8pri¯g. ’" : ’ Our great object isto-geta gOOd growth bef~ehot ~nlshian ~mes,u:they am easily .killed bytlieeunif not V|g0rous. -iTh0eo’who bavo-ho~bed’-’~s~!ea¯ gt0w bytbo following mode. Itwaa used ’last _seaso~by_ ono-very~exteoeivo grower-who~ probably grow 70,000 platit& Make a corn men hot-bed freme~ is for what arc called eoldfram*~. The Isvol olthe bed iusidc should be about. twent£i¯ehe~ below.the Bash. Pl¯ec i~’tbe bed four incbescfo]d ’compost, Next:twoorthreeinchesofsaud (best) or light gardeusoil. Outhis the cuttings arc planed s0 as to ~o about one and a hall inches apart, somotlmes not over one inch. Cover t~o inches with sand ¯r light so Out the- .frost. ¯ When" ¯ot frozen the eui. : ring is forming callus and preparing to send not rooted.and by springwill haveits bud ¯ r budsWell developed~d readyt ° start with the -first Warmth o| epring, thus get- ting ¯ good growth i t~.eather. tho aun heat may ~arm the Cutting~ into growth. After they appear aboveground ’watch that tlio bed d6es nOt: gettoo hot. On all warm days reni~ye_tho-eash. : It Is .well after the sun’gets strongto whilewash |he glass, rs 0 that in eaae of a neglect t0 re- move the sash when it should be off the plants mdy not be burned, see:that they do he’lackwater. " The s0il should be dantp tlOtWet. Not’so ¯tueh dangeroi too much water if the soil i~ sn¯dy.A]terthe plants ¯ .high the sashls better to borem0v~..Alter’t~0 ~eeksof hardeneag a footapart. Uhoose cloudy, damp time to tra¯sfcr fr,.m th0 bed to open ground¯ LV md-read.~,- tsku-u pbut-n= fcw,~ and p]a,t0ut immediately. Somo persons think" well of removing aloft Of the top wlieo traneplanting.auddepeucl 0it a bud near thc surface of thc eroundto make n ncw sop, we Joel confidentthere is advan- tage i¯ doinge0. P]a¯ts thus nterted mey be at oncetransfcrred tothc field when it is propoeed to ferns a pl~nlatlon..Ry plantingtho field in cot¯ and leaving each alternate hill vacantin everyother row it works well There ought to boa shovel f611 of c’otopost worked into the spot’whero theplant is to be put sol*re t!nlo bclbrc its removal to the field. In all theas opcratlone lookout for mien. nice shchsr for them, SIZE Or CUttINGS. ¯ O¯r cuttings are mado from rcuta yawing in diameterfront slightly Ices than ~ to over ~ of an inch. Kittatlony has largest root~. In leogth, they vary from lJ to~} iochcs in the case of Wilson Early and for Kittatitu!y they-are-ehertcrefrem-Ito 2 inches.-Vcry good I)lsnts were grown (while the vnrletles wura scarea) (rein eut- tlng not over } an Inch long. Contpost. Thc compost we havo referred to, is time mule. l[orso manure, ¯no load, muck or lest mould from the woods,three Iced,. Build up in ¯~tcr¯otu hycrs. After heat. log till it is pretty warm; perhaps Io two weeks, it is shoveled over, a¯d goes thmuglt mtothor heet{sg, when it is fit for u~o. "Al I the botlcr thc longer it bosbee¯composted. There are soils su rich and. Ioo~e that thcy donet 1!cod luanurc. ’JL’lto Old l~tta.’.* 8tory. ATInULl,lr~O ,K~rctl, . I shall never forget iho commencement o| .tha tei¯per¯n~ reformatlou. I was a ohihl at that time, rome ten years o| sge, Our |iomohad ovcry comfort, atnl my kind parents ldtdiscd tne,. their only child. Wine was ol~cn ou the tabls, and both Icy fitthcr and ntother gave it to me inihe bet. ,if-glass. Ono 8u¯dny at cltumh a at*rtlieg a¯- nouoeomont WSS utado to our peop]e, ] khow notlilng o| ira purl ort, but there was mu0h whislter[ng emtmg the nicn, The pastor Salll that on the nvzt evening thero would bs a nreeling and e¯ s,hircMupon !the ceils el Intentpcraneo In the uen of all al~ohnlis liquor& lie eapreesed himself ignorant el the meeting, and oould not say what eour’,,~ itwould be be=t topunuc lu the ¯tatter. The subject of the mcotlogcame up at our table after the acrvie*, and I quentlom~| my father about it withall the eurlo,e eal- neetoesa of a chfld. Th0 whisper* asd words whishhodbee¯ dropped in my hekr. Inl, elotlted the whole affair with Kreat mystery to me, and I wsa ell earee,tnese to Is*re tha strange thins. Mylather ..... ..... fi¯~ar ~tend~. I invola¯ terilg turned in-th-*-d ~i6-n-@h~r~ it pointed, dr~u]iugto see somo ehadow i¯,ibkod,, By its mtgio m0vi¯g. " . I well remember’ l’¯oe~hada motber, iWi-~ her old. came in, heart ehrushed with "sorrow ahe wcut dow¯: of ¯¯. CxH; the grays. I ot40e had ¯ wife--a tair~ = ! ever smiled iu au r home. Her eyes tm mild as a ~um- mer’s sky, a¯d her hea~ a= fahhfal and true as everg-~mrded and cherished a hus- a a~airhouse|ull. :AhIm¯d’elove. Her blue eyes grewdim. ss th¯ d0or, and up- the floods of ~orrowt till every took hid fiber was broken; I oncehad a ¯ob]c, a l !in &he gallery, as if bright and beautiful boy, but he wasdrive n ¯ ~ of beingin the out from the n, ins of his home, aud my old ::’ heart yearne to know if h0isyCt riving. I ohco b’ud ¯ [mbe;~* ~ww_eet,=tenderb|omom ;. but these h¯ddsdestroyed I n~ut:derer i. the common aecopto¯re of the .term. yet’there ia a light, evealng sky. Aspirit mothe~ rejoiees 0vcr the re- turn of her prodigal son. The wife smilea on hiat who turns bsok to virtue sad honor. The angel cbitd visits m~ at nlghtfall~.:and I feel the ha]lowed touchof s" tiny palm upon mycheek. My b~h~et lives would fot~gire the sorrowing old man ec,t him out into d, oudthe God/orgies me the ruin which I upon me and mine:"- : : eTe.. ~fy unusually pale,¯ and C x- emotion¯ ¯ i oa~ Ztanatio, a¯;] madly follow- I was a ~anatie when I eacrifiecd .mY wife, children, hsppinex~ cnd home, to the ac- cursed demon of tlte b0wl’. I once :idore~ tho geutlo being whom 1wronged sodceply. I was a drunkard. Froin r~spectabiliiy and influence I plungedin~ deuc~atlon with me. For yearn I saw her cheek grow pale nnd step wear~ I left heralone amid the wreck el her heine idols, and rioted at tbo~vern.n. c0mplaincd, yet she ~nd:t]te cbildrzn~tten went hurl O,ie.New Year’s night I returned late to the hut where charity had givenus a roof: She ~¯s ~til| up. shivering overtlie ceals. I demnnded food,-but she burst into tears, =rid told me therewas nene. "I fieresly or- deredher to go and gct some; : Shetursed her oyes uponme,the tears iaot rolling down her pale face." At this mome¯t the child hi the ~radlo other tall and, t you~ge r eler~man, ’a full round face fiatured his aU. wa~ all ;n the old aa,. deepcbest, attd un- u~ua| uptheaisle, His l waswhite, hisbrow deel)lyeearred :farrows, anti aro0nd his hamhome , were lines of calm ] ¯ His eyes were blsck and restless, nndi the tavern keeper uttered-¯ were flush went aud came ovcr his ,] ,- w=a ~tde abov6his :~OSC acd stated the and askedif "there Waa t to ~ay a prayer. and:the epcaker ei~ion enilh~g U i to muke re- marks. The IreS :~" t m Ka]lory. and attacked the of the speakerl using the argumen have-I/ffa~ sittce, mouncing-thoso engaged in as meddlesome fanaiiea, breakupthc rinie. honored of 8 ~iety~ a¯d it,jure the business of re~ lo men. At the conclusio¯ el ~iS ~ ~ th~ tavern keep- er and his friends a ch&r, and thc ¯ I~ t .~ t: While the" past( I~ tot Ae the pastor reekhis sdati tLhd;cld ma, eresd,his tsll fornl ’towering in ;Is srnutm: -¯od-liis-chest=h~vlng-as ho inhnl~d the breatlt through his thin d~lsted nostrils. ’go tile at thot time1there was somcthing awe.inspiring in tho appearane~ uf d~o oh| .msnns ha stood, his tull, dark eye upon die audience, his teeth shut hardundu si- ’lence like that :of deatl throttg!tont the ehurehL He be0this gaze upon the tavern kecrer; nodthat peculiar eye]iogcrv.d attd kindled for a ntomcnL Tits ~Cargr~w red uponhis lbrchead, acd beneath’ tlto hcavy brows his eyes glittcrcd aud glowed |ikc a ~rpent’s. ; Thotavcm ’kceper’ qusilcd before that searching glanea,and .I tclt ¯rclicf whcn’: the oldma¯ withdm~v hie gaze¯ Fora too- meat mor~ he seemed Io~t in tho~ emn|ou&teae-ho-cont n!enc- :ed. There wss,a~td~th in that voice, a thrilling Swcctnetm at~dp¯tbos, wldch r[v- itcd every heart in the church, boforc the first pcrlod had been rounded. ~y |’usher’s attention had becomc fixed npon Ihc eye of the speaker with an interest I had never before seen hit¯ exl!ibit. I canbut briefly "rcmot¯ber tho substance of w]tat *Jm old man said, though the de¢¯e is ¯s vivid bc- fore me as a¯y [ or’or wihtcssed. ~! My fricnds, I am q btr0ngerin y0nr village,and I trust may csll you tuy friends. A I!OW star has arlsc¯ a"d therc is hope in tho dark nlgbt that hasgslike a phil ol i]OOlU overourcount’ry." With a thriili¯g depth of volee, tho speaker ¢ont{¯ued I * Oh, Grid, Thou who Innkcst withoou{passio I Ulnm thn utlm( er- ring of edrth’sfrail ehildrelt, 1 thank Thco that a braasn tarpons ban been liftcd~ upon which ¯ tlruokard may look a¯d be healed. That a beaeou ha~humt out upon thu dark- tmsn that s¯rroun~ed him, which shall guhlc him beck tO boner and heaven-tits in¯lsod and weary ~t¯derer." h is etrmlge what power thure idin v0ioes, The epoaksr’s v0ieo w~slowand measured, hit ¯ tear trdnlbled hi re’cry ton,, undbelora! knew why, a lear dr,tp. pod en myhsnd followed hy others like his eye a¯tl eondnued: ¯ ’ bl,,n attd Chrietisesl y,n have Ja,t heard that I sm ¯ fsnatie. I atu not. AS God knows my own Jtasrl, I chino ]t r t Lt* jtn~t to do good. Iicm meand hc Just. "1 a,. an ohi man, alantli,tg ah,nn at the end ollifc’s JourneyP Thorn is a deep nor. I row i¯ myheart and tesrs ia my e}e& 1 I have Journ0yed over a dark, hosoonlens t~esn, and n! lile’d hrlghtest hopes have been wrock~l, [ am wilhnut f, inn,Is, kin- dred or home] |twu ¯or Sq ones.*’ No eye t~,uM’ with~asd the touching pa- ths* el the old m¯,, l Imtie,,d a tnar t,c tbolid of my lather’s aed no Jo,ter felt ashemed of nty own. ’*No, myfriends, It wsa ¯at m onto. Away over the dsrk warts which havn wrecked my hopoa there is a hle~ed light sting. : i’ : " Wehave ¯o food Ja-dio~--[ hare had ’nOne for (Wb dtlys. "[ havenctbi6g]0r-tbc" babe. Myonce kind Jtusband, mast we 8fttrre ~" That sad pleadlng face amlthoscstresm- mgeyc~, ’and the |cnblc ~atl of the chtd taaddeued me, nnd[’yc.~, [ ~truck. her tL fierce blow i~.~he lace, and she fell forvrard upon the hearth= The luries of hell boiled i0 lay bosotn, and withdeepintensity as ] fcit [ had committed s wrong. I hall ncv- er Etruek Mary he[ore bstttow some ter- rlblo intpulse boro mo on, cnd"I stooped do~¯ au wcl[a~ [ could in my druoken state and clloched both hands in her hair. ~t God of txtcrey," exclaimed my wlie, as she looked up in my ficqdish eountensoee, will net ki|l freer, wu whito~ !~ halfplmm~l eye,,:¯ml upon its tiny fl¯~ers. Ik¯ow not’what bee*m¯ of my brlve boY." i Agginthe old mad bowed his head ¯od wept, ¯nd all that were l¯ the h0u~e wept with him.. In ton. of 0w, heart-broken :pathos, th¯ 01d man ~onchrtled: "I wasarm,tad, a¯d ibr iodg tn0¯ths raved in deliiium. I woke Wl,, sonteoc~d to prison for ten yem’s, but .otonores eou]d,~lual those in mY 0w¯:besom. O, God I co’l I amnot a fanetio; I whh to sttiv¯ to warn othei’s no~te’emter the path "which h~been so dark and fcarfuls ous me. ]’could sen myangel mother, i a¯d childreu beyoud this ~al0of teats." The old:mantat dew¯, but:’¯ ipe]] Hearth ecula have beenheard i Tbo old asked the people to sign Ihe plcdgo. My father leapcdfrom his Rat and snatched at it eagerly, i h¯d foilowed him as he heal: t~tod a moment with bi~ pe¯ in the’ink ; a tear fell:[fern the old ma¯’a ere upon the ~raspcd him iaiter ctubr~ce. I caught her again by the hair and draegcd llcr to tbc dot~ n d as I]tted the ~latch the wi"d burst in with a cloud td snowWith a wild hal lal I eloscd ths doorsnd turned tbobutton, her pleading moan ntlng. ling withthe blast and thcehsrp cry el her babe. But mywork was not eontideto. ] turqed to the little bed where lay my cldo~t ~o’n, and I enatchbd him tim, hid ehltebers, and ngaiast his ball awakened etrugglee, opcoed tl!O door end fllrow Ii[m..out..In sgosy O[ fear hn c.dh!d me hy a ealno I wan not lit to bear, and locked his little fingem n mysido poekot. [ could not wrench tbet frensicd grssp away, ~nd, willi the it. I would write my name-t0n thou~nd times in blood, if it wonld bring back my loved ones." ~ ~ u t, o ¯ l~. ud~o. ~’he old man looked, wiped hlS ;: eyes, and looked agai¯, hie c0untc¯aace tl- ternate]y flushed with red and death-like ¯ "It is-n0, "it ¯armor be, muttered the br~Ve boy." " " , ~Iy father tremhlcd and held uphie left arm.from whinh the hand hed been severed. They looked for u moment into each other’e oyen, both reded and ex0]aimed-- _ ’ My own injured boyI" My father 1’: : They fell upou each other till itsc~med their souls would grow and mmRIo ate oce. There w0sweepingin the church a¯d I turned bewildered upo¯ the stteatning eycs , arouod-nic. - " " "’ - "~ein,o thankGod for this great, bless- Sing, which has. kladdened mY guiit-bur- tboncdscul.Y exclaimed the old man,and knoeling down poured out his heart in One Of the most melting prayers I over heard.. The .~pcll was broken, anal al eagerly. S go. ed the pledge ~lo’~ly going tO their "homes ¯ ’ . / =SII loth to leave the spot. The old man is dead,hut the le~o¯ he taughtthe grand- L Out.h.r" tst," ila~ ..... ¯ . . , , turned aeld¢ from the M.iu Q.e~tio~ It has oer~lidtautly ~fmmd to retell tI~ ehm~ : for vo¯geanee, o" the d*feated~ ]~el~,: ’ " whethcrby.exeeotloo or "by eoeffmmtfoa; : = i and one 0f its atroug reeaolm forth~/~0tt,~: ¯ , is~eonvi0tion thst ¯o,dmp of ]~el~ bl0ed’i , .’ i ~dld:be.~o~lly, do[ibemte]y sh~l wltl~t : ess~¯tially el~ding the prospect of:leered, " ] :~ the Right o! $¯ffrt~ to the ~m]k#. -: "" ~fying the mtdne~’ot, pmdou ~d’tl~ .:" b]ind¯resof Jibes]sot U, iversai Amne, tylwith ~mpmtt~ ’ i " ’~ L fsot that it thereby tdie~!~ ;t~e ’ who had bee, its 7 ¯ I|fo-lceg patremw th/,impeding eoutmt,’ While we"avowers , : deliberate pr~erenea to Ch|efJn~fim Chum *tetcsme¯, the ~tmmit will reudor g hearty, ch’eerf¯l, detormieed upperS to i/.- .. Gen. ~.rant, pr_$enator.Wade Co]fax, eho¯ld bo be nomimRed~md np~ ¯ "" ’. bolds the equal polhi’eal as t~ell’;’l’~(dvil~ i4ghtsof all oitigcus of the Rap~i ~e by.Republi~naof ¯fly ’! ¯ ::- oct ~ta¯d on this pistlorm. A¯d s do not apprehend that. the ~ndidatsawho, in 6ur approuhiag etr~e, :,h~dl n~nmmg . genuine ~)em¯oracy io.oppo~t~ontO:~o: , ..~ =e=~t phase ofAtisto~,or c~UbebeStm : - ri~tnpeoplo..’ .,2., ’i ’ ’ ¯ that tbo T~=al~ro,= = ~i~ ~t :, ehcapwaytoin~uenee’tlm ~to.,. " : aid usin extsn~,gits elrephl~m~ "~ ours id emine¯t]y S puliti~d J~{bttt S =~ wb~ean outlayofmoretlmog~0~0. . .’~ tOO per aanpm id incurred iUe011eot~W[tmtl transmitting news from all world. ,We ha~ :t ~ .. -. ¯t¯early all t]m~ director at London, who is :iutbo‘~ to ~’." :’ dispstah speeia]correspn¯den~toallfmlut~ ’., : where importeut’eTPnta maya~.any:f~mebe :" :. traasplring Or imm;ueut. ’The.;i~ Of ":’¯ : the war in Crete, which i~ the p~’0f ’ :. o[ stillgr~a’ter wet, :hta b6eU ~6,d-hy .. i nee of t },’see sl~ial 6orrespo~dtm~t~ i ’another telcgraphs h’oltt’.Co~t~gp]~ : r : asah nqvel "’" i cool",,~s era devilas [ was, I shut the door ulton his arm, and with uty kni!h savored tlto wrist, The speaker eeescd a momrnt, antl bur- led ),is Ihoo in his tret,tbling hands, n, if to abutout seato Ioarful dreeln, s¯d his deep Ehesthoavcd liko a stormSWVltt eea. 51y father h¯d artsnu ,Irom his .seat nndwes Ioatdng |orwatd, his vounteotmcn bloodleu, and th*i Iprsu dropsstending nut npnn his i~row, Chilhcrept Imek to nay beurt sad I tri~).d 1 was et hon!o. The ohl toau }uoked up, and I neverehtce beheld elleh n|orlal agany Idelured ttplma hutaon l~ec " It was morniog when [ awoke, and the stormhad ~)h~ed, bat thoeold was isle,ss. [ tir=t soc!trnd a dtiaknf wutur, and the¯ I hu,ked iu the a~uatoolc,I Itlsoo for blary. As I tni~ed her tor’the fir, t time a shsd- nwy scit~ el uomo horrible nightmare be- gsa to dswn nlton nty wandering ,rind. Ihought I ha,~ drea’med a Iberful d~am bnt invehtntarily opened the outaida doe whh ahnd, lcring dread. Asthe door o ~ensd tttn snow buret in, followed by a fsl| of souielhi,g ~’r~u* thu threshold, ~eatteriog the cohl ,now,and striking thu fiudr wiiha hard, sharp *cued, Myblued shot ko md hot ezmwe through nay ruins, attd 1 ~’ubbed my ~yetto shut out the siKhl- It wsa--it--t)h, t]od~ how h~. il,lel it was my eWn injured Mary, and her eteu (U ito t~n. His Jn my manhoM’s hesrt. ’--- The Tribune for 1~68. ¯ . pt~osPBc’~fi. Theyear 1868 will long beremembered lot it~ settlement of the boundary questiou betwee¯ Aristocracy of Color and’ Impar- tlol Hltman Liberty. Tb’e Wkr~ oftbe l~- belli0¯ bel.g e)eaed I we havenow to decide wh~ther the fundamentalidoa whiehim- pelled and iuetified the Rebellionshall dominate near our whole eouatry, molding her iustitutie¯s.and shaping her destiny.- If it be true that God has net created all mhn,’b¯t only all White men,in tlis o~n image, and made themequal in political and civil righ~thenit is a world-wide ea|- antity tb¯t Grantdid not surrender to’Lea r the bouts of Sherl- dan’s rough-ridlng oavalry, oct onlyahculd but will be regained i¯ Constitutlo¯al C¯¯- ventionsand at the hsllot.boxes. If the Black raoe, Imeauss they arc Black, chould be excluded from the Jury-box and repelled I from the halloS-box, then Stoncwan J~ck- ought to head the roll of American: rnartym ,embisaoned high abovethe names o{ Wnrreu and Mereer¯¯d Pulaskii¯fl EIIsworth, Lye,, Baker, I~eynolds Wads. [worth, Kesruey, Scdgwick, and bloPhcr -I It is ditfieult to ’¯rgUs wltha blind, be. sotted preJndlce, greumled ia lgsoranoe and fortifiot by self-conceit, bevoid of reason, it is hardly amenable to reason.- Bat millions who would listen unmoved to ep’peah based on Justice ¯sd |[umaoity be stirred by facts which affect their ow¯ interest and mdety.The oakedtruth that every Southern State reeonstrocted on theWhlle basis is a Rebel State --shaped am| ruled by m~n who ezecrated [,]nealn’a reluctsot ¯¯d tardy resistance to the Rebellion as ¯ eauselc~’and criminal sg~r*.ion, end profoundly reJnleed over BuU Run as their oiuto~’--wi[I pre’~a in. vinclble, if we esn but bring Jt home to the apprnbension of ovary Inyal enter.- Thole is to thc ]BIzeka Their votes are Its necessary to the prep’curler- anoo of White Ioyalily M to their own pro. teetiou and seeurily. Re¢oaetruct the South oa the White basis ~, and every one of the fiJieaa States whloh hcld alav¢| i¯ IS60 will be intcmmly, ttverwhelmlagl~ C~pperltrad thcnoeJnrth end evermore. Allow the plea that chs Blacks are I |gaortut and degraded, end thrumwt,om clothe wi.h power will take thst the plea slmlll~ ae solid nd ~lla|l.gruum|e~ ¯eeutury heuoeaait now ia ISublle l’:dueathmand (’ivilRt£ht~ tor tha Freed,hen eau mdy be n¢|tiee,~ attd mainteinod through the bnlJut. *’lVeare for Negro 8affrege.--tkeway tk=y ~m~’e,*~ is~ .h’~ Or&aae" was tha io*er{ptlon a be¯.~r borno in ¯lalo Co,~ervnthe or Bemoeratle prob,*ionhi llattimor* ; and nied th¯ l~mbasmu:lor.0f Jtutre| t6.1e~¢o I . to eearrthe Mext~n pr0blem~l~el~lm~ underausploea more ftvo/alfl~ to ’the 1~ ! publican ¯hlef th¯ throe wMph htTboo~ od tho:advieesof ouLregular t~i’l/t~ptm, ; . dents at Vera Crut and the ,~piid..&~’:" other 0orres’p0udeut a~ompat~od "tl~ .. Natio¯sl ezpeditlon to &hmkt, Wal~i~ or whatever our splinter of the Nortl~ Pole may be eaI|ed, a¯d !e ~oW re~e/t;ngOn the "i ~peet* nnd esp¯bilitisa ofthat chilly x~|pe. . : Bayard Taylor is writlt~g us iu hi" own veht item Central Europe, wbila abM eorrm. - ":; po¯deots report to us from Co]oradck Idaho, Monta,a, &o., more e Books a¯4 Literary Deptd~tent/tre|tf ohargoo! e¯e 0fth¯ dpemt Al~atiam rob0* lure; while Agrli:ulture~ trader t~.~ltet~t editor, ell!ms a Is¯all¯it phee-meur~mti* Weekly a¯d Weekly lumen :la¯.tltotlg we have for ~am epo¯t ¯ large i~roi~tlo~i of the inceme of our busine~i, eff~’6(t~’i~tt- " -’7 " der the T¯lnU~l a better and.bettgr neW*- papcr;’and, ifwo havenot meoroded, tl~ fault i~ notcxp]tined by a ~u~k ofm~aeaet ofeffor., whether on our own pqrt or on that nf a geuerous and diamrtdng publlo, " The TBIBUNZId sefi’t h~ l~ti|d~-’-(Sn, days excepted)for $10, Solqi-~teklyfoe $4, and Weekly for $2 pet’ annum,’P~¯M¯ ’: inflcxlbly in advnnee./To elulmfor the Semi-Weekly we sand two eopie* O~ year Ior $7 ;flvc oopiss, or over, /or ~h eOpy, $30 far ten eopk* we egtra espy ~iX motttlm. On . f $~5 for fifteen eepl~t wt will ~end au extra copy onn ye~t fKe $100W* will send thirty.four e~plm andS-SheD¯laY , , TRinU~r** Wo uad the Weeltly to Club* of fi,¯ for t9 iteh oople, or o~r, id4rm~d ,’ to a’m.or.u~r~be.~=bi~ ~i ~- $54; to¯ ~piee, t ¯ o~ addreu, tie; twen- ty copies, tO one address, $30. "An ~ttt copy will be sent for each dub 0t tea ;~ j:.: of the Editor L, imnt ~ of Mutr~ to m~ o¯e who,h u~is¢ $I0 for a IMh,, It fog aSemi.W¯ck]y, or ~1 for &Wmkly, i~dlott~,, desire to reedy* it., 0~,wUl likewire be m~nt to a~ pormn w~e~’w~l, a club of ten or more ~tgS-W~ o~ twentyor more W.ekilis, st oer ¢l~ltti~ and asks for tho portre[t ~t~ tlllm~l~. miltlag. Addm~lt XSl~k~l~ ~14, New ~’ork A)~royldcnt~My,,gvny*anof s~pk have ing stolen a e*a Of mBk, b~ Im0th~" took hhnto task with moral aut, do¯. trod wam~ up ber dIwourm by elehim[~i : "What|¯ tha ~a’ld w~t.~u goh~m do with that milk, aaykow?" s "I wM t~¯g to strode llttk do8 ~ ~alt it," wss the ~tublog ~. ’: ! FIL£1N,* =¯d ~ExrRAorlxo otthat ¯o olher way is known by which t¯ihebestm¯nnar. £’AI.r~/~,.~¯~d fat*,, t¯u#. to grow soohfood plan~, but that it takes i’ll tl*,e, ,,*d Aam**°t~i¯ hy sprey,,wh¯a dtmitt~J, lau isbor to thus gr~w I000 plant8 Ihtm h7 At plk M. WlHM’g OFFICE, any other mode we hnow eL t r..,.,.l~ ,..~ ~D.. L,b,,** ,4 A.t .~..,, ) We centldarthe pr*Im’ttlou cf th, trot. =l-tf N,,. |~T N, YI~qTU fiT, PIt|LA. tj¯~s in early fall M important. ~loese tner~b Mid it was a ashcme to unite the Church and 81ate. The uight cameand group8 o! I,Cop)e gathered o¯ the tavern steps, and I beard ths Jest andlaugh° andsawdru¯ka¯ man ecru* reeling out el the Imr ~o~n. of happLtlc*a a,d home¯ 1 reach sgaiu Tim nvvr true mother bowedhermll, ovor mnvuls|~ely lot thc abrtues ot hou~hohl hr rhild to ahi¢ldit, ¯nd Itn4 wrup|~d ta| ldoh that on~ were m[,e. now mmu no her uwn clothing arOunJ it, Is*ring morn." i~rtmo stork trod lure. She k.~ p~d ’rim old men lamed baking away hrr hair o,er thq faro or tha child, aml th* throughv~aey upontoms britht vi*|o,,, ~l¢,t hodttosen it to thswhitseheqk. Tb* the spirlt wbk.h dlctsted t},st a,owa|i~ atill ttmph*ut ia thn Sonth. ~ut (or wb¯t laetigt~atiand as Milit*rr De*pot¼m, it we~hi" dally eveos~ byoou*~ and i¯fikth~t wlmt it dsome he|to tretehrry to tbn South. ern t~u~ A ~seemb tel4 a I~ tl~t k* k’m~ k~ tholMht* by b~r *F*. **De ~ee~*’* lald[ . ~e ; "th.o I ,m sum ~= ~ k~p d~ ¯ eserst, far the/arek~tm ~m to, advsntege " w

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Page 1: AL~ SUPER-PH Gra, · tachid|t~g the preparatory candles, wBh~,ut regard forwarded, to aoyscetarien views. Hence. while lev depre AL~B~tsiness in Real Estate ~ belnngl.g to nat~ tko


I .... . ’ ’ " -

/ m



/~.I u



¯ To All Wanting Farms,w


, "h theicdueameu~ at~ e


The Soilloam, suitable fn


FOI~ 8 .AJE21Eo


21,000 Acres

on camd@n ~k Atlantic l~t|| Iload,LV 0.YE BOO}:

..... -.-=- INTHE BEST L0


Philsdelphi~Me/ltoine and Surgery, ’

,CP, rt,r~t bytha £e~,&.,,re Fob. ~6,18¢%Am~dme.n [6 ~or~, Feb 15, l$fl0, and Morealb, 3805.

Two full |csslouS of Lectures euehyenr, cam-retracing the £rst of Ootober, and eoutlnning untilApril The Dtss~t!ng Booms are open, aud prDrate ]Htut~’ions qoietesoontinue du:ing the entire

thr~¢ mouths, rid the soooud until theor tht~o months ; the tWO e~stitut-

lag cue ftt I eours? of le~tures._oaudtd Me~ fpr_graduatlon will Occur at the endOf each session.

l~eq,ldtct/er G.,d,otio,.~Tho requisites forgraduatlen ere three seseious of lectures, andthree yvan’ s’tudy; or four :nose one, including

...:. ,..,...- .... ,..’.. ".. 77- . :."~ ..... : , ~ : -,~ :.

A~pl~ to two yetrs spent at the University.

E. WB|GHT*" 7"~e ~$,tem of .Ucdlci,~e Ta.~As.--The Univer-

’ Et, wonu, , try is s ltbernl medical sel,(ml, lu which all, , Atl*~tle Co., ~’. J. brauehe~ o medicine and’ ~urgory are taught,Also maoy thousand acres of Cl-anhorryCiredlars or other infermatlouel~cerfuity tachid|t~g the preparatory candles, wBh~,ut regard

forwarded, to aoyscetarien views. Hence. while lev depre

AL~B~tsiness in Real Estate~ belnngl.g to nat~ tko excinsiveness ofAItt.pathy.llomcePathY,

Stepuou Colweliin theWeymouth tract, will Eolectieisnh ]lydroputhy, etc,, they beliere that

be executed by, - " all principles of cure and thernpentleM agent*

. E, WRIGHT, should l~o taught in all well-~-egutated medie’al

~~" ". aetitioner is entitled to all the eonrto

st0meh ua

W~tokm~kers and -ewelers.Mtnufa*turera oi" "


Wn hnve’eouetastUy on broad tm aeortment ef





EQUAl* TO COIN.MASONIC HARES and ErM~leme oLtdt kindsmlmr~le tltdeto~

hem, -- muds to or,.ter. ¯ "

To ~ er Cows aM= pr~lmrstlo= Is Invaluable. The best pl~tcd ware that is sold In the UnitedIt tnemlm~ nat q~lmttty and Improve* the quMny Slates can be found at our store.

¯ ,’_ of t~c rank. Ittut~ Watches and Jewelry rel’mlreit by sklltiM1 nndexpcrloueed workmen.

N.B¯--Couutry orders received and returned’by Mail or ExproM. Jn]30

¯ : :, a/&a;/-,,,i . " .....¯ W. t~ pls=r=r=’t~et=| tn v~e~t=: . -o,mv .=aaosug, , .,.,,,-.., =d .,.,=.,ar-, .hit. ,.., ..¯ . hove *tibia the put year t¯o~ued our fa~llltl~" ",

An ~teell~nt anb’~tim’ts~or :’ ’fer the mtanf~otare at oUr Raw Eont.Phdsphet* "

TIN ’BL&TB o~’SBINGI~ ROOI~TNO, to an,ether ~tou. in ~c~

.= . .And igl~lll* COS#,. " ’ Include~f~etur*d by saturating eot~ti etnvsa| with .Rim~.the lnduttuoUbln Mien Oeme’~t*

Price, 5C~. per Sq~are Foot,~CflVO:

=--= .... ItOOF -P~INT.-- ...... Iolntt- ntform quality, and at the lowest posmlbleprlees.

Far Tan Roofs, for.Sh.lvgle Eoofs. ,A cure enre St&U(tlPl ~t, 8ON~I,


Tc make them water-tight and durable¯

i~r|ee..One Dollar’ Pet" Gallon.~

t~ouuty..Rights for the Rnoflog P¯int for~a[e at reumonnble prleo~.e¯ bIlcA l~oovt~o COMPAI~Y, .

’ 73 Hahlcn Lknc, ~ew York.. ~ ~nnd stamp for’nircuhr. 12-dfi



Peruvian L%ano Substitute;

BAU I-rs


- Hammonton L~mcl Office. ~i ..... t pri*,o~-0sof ...... i*ho,,tro-IN eonsequouee0f thegreat in~lulry "for i:u gardiohL~pe’~ullnrnotlons|~therapeulic&

proved Patms by pertous who are in ¢orr~spontler~ at low pri~s donee wlth me fl’om all1 pqrls of the conntry, l

Fen ~The P~es for all brauehcs. Including all

Resl’Estate.lteglste¢. Per~ens tile tickets, ~tn’ut~teulattbn, had di~eeetion,

have to mtttrlcu] ones, which

makes ~l~e seennd seesfnn$55,

R. J. RYRNBS,2;’aLl. ilnmtnonton, ounq r~e~t n/ .to,~¢r~t(¢ men ~, tJae L’oh’ersltv. hl,S

__ . ~ . ssned fire ~..drcd seA,dart~ip., Which ar~ sol,I t,,

~Ii~¢fllan fOU~i. ~r,t co,,,so students f~r $75, and t ...... I .......

. - " stndcnt~ and clergymen for $50.eneh ¢on~titutiu~

in the oxsct eon-



¯ . pears,Cherries, B]¯ crag kinds, and all other frults re raisedhere in immcn~ quantities, :md they arc

" sought alter by the dealers and.commandth¯ be~t pr:ees in tl.e msrkets.

,a¯tot~ is’~ready celohrat~M for its

tO fi~’e hundred ~dol-’ihtrs is cleared, free from expon.e,~ vet acre

qn tb6fi~-f~ult eult,a~- Sweet-P0tatoes.~elo¯~, a¯d all the finer Vegetables delightin this soil; this branch of farming paysmuch hotter than grain rai~ing and i~mu0h caller work.-

Tg -lV ettwice

the holder a life member,’ ~,itti tho perpetual.privileges of the lcchlres, and all the teaching-<of the school. ’£ho outy additiou~tl fees arenyearly di~. coting and matrlcuintin’d tieket~ eachof which is $5 . I"

The Adt~tnt~9o "/ ~c~°/"rsS;l~’--The studentheldiug a echotership eau enter the College atkay thne during the year. ottend as tong aa hechooses, aad re.enter the Inttitution as freqneml3a~ desired.

It requires no prerlou.~ readln~" or studyenter thc Universit.v ~n Scholarships; hcnou n.]

rivate tuitiou fees are saved¯

Studente, by holdinq sehMarship~, can pro~e-other business a part of the t!me.

,e candidate for~ raduatiou ca, p~qut him-_.~elf at any time, and receire hisss qnslife,I.7 I,~ase~st-t~n-t -d,~mld hold a scholarship andnot be able to ettend lectures, it can be traus-ferred to another, thus preventing Shy l,,ss.

p~trcnts, gn~r,lla ortriel ds of student wi~h-

¯ . , " ’J .T’~" .... ;’ , "~ .,:’, ..

." Li~et". ]

:i,:, "" "’: ~’,,~. 7::i ":;, :~ in Justice Uourt

¯ .: .: :. -., ! h~.~etn~l ’the, ~ ’~4’¯ ~o~ollei’. ’ ’ ’

: " ’i : . .i;. "JAMg$:]~.’~COVEL... "=,." c~=4ea; Nov. ~0, Ira, !’ ,t~,.tr.


- ’ " . il /’,.,., I|ammomtom, N,’J¯ : orrwe-eCe:,nxr4¢vu*: A V. ,~ Sd 8~

’ " S~Y.-- ~. ’ ~:tt"" .... .-. I DONig~ ."

;:!::T ’ .’ :"’

¯ . .~: D;’8OMBK8 ItISI.EY,’~

..... .’- ~: .... .c._.¯ ." "-.JOiI~N ~ ig., ilOFF~IA N~

" , ,tTTOt~XErl k~t~’¯COUXSEm,:Oit AT LxWl"~. : :’ 80LIClTOR, MASTSR A~D I-:XAMIN~It

"’ " IN GI{ANCgitY..

’~ !!e elw¯y~ attehds ~¯ AttentieCaunty Cou.rts.¯ ’ I~-ty, " "

,, w.,mm .,D, :, PHTS/O/A.V A,V# .VUROIO.V,

., ¯ , ¯ rs n0wlo¢¯ ¯d &t John Frkmbes, about two miles. " ’ belqw Ahszebu,~hete h~ is prepared to at~n~ tn

¯ " . , ’ nil Calle. ¯ : - .’¯ Ch~rces $! 00 ~ visit for alt vlsltn wRMa a

mU¯. AIlVv¯r a ;nile extra. All ofllco ureserih~o " " "¯ ’ tt ns must’be paid for oe delh’ery. __

:. ¯ U2ffDERTAKER.: ’ " - Co~us ~f every dh~cri~tlon, front the: plninekt

i to the hJahest fintsh, will be furnished aS call by. she subfer[hei" at "¯# low priee~ as tan be found

’ . attention loair- latru*ted’to bin e~re~ -

¯ " G. VALBNTINE.’ " ". /fammontou, Oct.26. 18~7. . ".. 5zl2-tf.

Deamea~S iglhtdne~s ttnd’ ~--’~rrh" .. ’TitE&TRB with kue,:e~a

. ISAAC,, Oeullet and A,rist (formerly nfden," JloHmvQ No.. ~0~ Arch St.." Philndel

¯ City ud Cnuutry v¯n be seen &t h|~ oflteo. The¯m,dies| f~nlty ire lay|ted to aeeutupauy’thch

" patients ¯s .he h~ut u,, secret in eh praetlee.. t~" ARTIFICIAL XYBS inserted wlthout lain.

S ~ ~o charge made forexnmiuation. --4n9;I .vT~.

; : ..... ! Clt,~Hg’S ~PHOTOGRAPH ¯GALLERY

NO, 532 ARC|I 8~., PllILADELPlllA.Photographs from Carte de Visits to Life She,¯ ~lain, in coinr¢ot todta h,k¯ Alta thenew Im

, .: lierial Carte site, and Photo~Mlmiuturcs.Frames nf rarl0us pat~re~, &e., &c, Work’

i d *no with prompmess. Satlsfaetlen glvou.~¯ Prices moderst~ :

¯ Augutt 3, ISg~. ~ .. Sx2’ty

.’ Xsaae IL Stauffer,

BlttokbetWlel~,amd hoW#¯ p=~o . . m~th. ~i:We ~do act:

-{:. it: ~;~;,, ,p, ;0=~Z~u,,*V; ,~,~’~¢dlt; ¢;1i.n*a’g ei~mar~’~hts ,ubl.ek wb|& W. r WI~O, wUll

havi,i ~’~ayito’ [u|date the nov- retard to how.tin7 ehmdd, tt~ttmittld~’!0 die: kdow’l&l’~*’6t th;~ ~ m’~ss " If th.e ~euuiogs sr9 r~recl afier thd

by’whists to inemme’ the" Blackberry pilint, Oouod |i froun so hardM to prevent pro’w0u]d Im to de~dl~ the ~’#mllmoaes we Imri¯l ¯bed for them, ~d you bsve no riot

~:Ueztereo of ola¯ts, bed, the best pit¯ i* ~ bury them unfill

tofthat chtrt~t which e’veu thoughtsl mmm:oflfi"e fibrous roet~ 0~ be’Ja¯usry.. "

most plt~ta grown ia it’ .

lengtl~ a’large cart Inui of compost WaS

it with the’soil, a¯~ to throughly pul.;e it. Thebed wa~-theu plowed to ¯

depthbf ten,t0 awe]v¯ |¯ch’~, ~.;dd.g it up,th~at iB ¢omoleuo~dg to" ~piow i~ tim middle

~|t fiuiahedr

itt herin the ce¯-"t te harrow was

then thor oughly’~sod-tgam.(lt mlght be well h~re to.remark, tha

we had a/~ow noi| to deal with, we wuuld,aiter:-plowipg, add a load per rn~l in length,of well rotted leaf monbl frodl the woods,or from the bottom of~ti old straw stack,which has rotted su fliciontly ~o form a black.10nee’mould. This bo|ni well borrowed intothe :surface of the bed ~¯uld keep it frombaking aftor rsins, aod much c0ndu~ to thehcalth and :vigor=of tha plants next year;)

proceeding-the which th¯ Cuttiogs~p]aced. Thea.c are twe¯ly inc]~es apsrt,ru¯Uifigaeross the bed. Thero iseon~ider-able skill in layi¯g Ut ihesa drills.¯ Theobjectls to have them bout seven incheswide nd fivc i.che~ deep’,.and th0 trouble iS

¯ " "’ ’ ’" "1%. 14’8 IV, Second ’~, eor~ q~¯rry, row boa,], aodby pres*iag¯ Pnfr.xni~t.Pttix. ¯ this strip, it leavcs a m¯rk to plant by.

¯ ’ .An

¯ yr. W~tehes and Jewelry Prempdy ~al 7" ly


¯ . . , ’railorse

NO" ~O~ Mouth Ninth Ntrcet.

aet.ow WALS I/T,


t?ommlsti.o ML.rebani iaIIUgR|tlIPN, PFA(:III"N attd GEN-

Ial! £1s P/tOJ)UUE.

Would salt th,, nttenllon of Fru:t Orowero to hissupcrl0r facilities,for the solo uf frnlgespeciellyBerries, Grepee, und Peaches. lie h¯s made r-

’ eengements with de¯lore aud consumer| by whichbe ts *nnbled to dlsp]}se uf Ire’go qu¯ntltles elfruit at sln.rt uotlc, ¯ud ou tha advnetageousterms," |lit uu¢ocss lu the p¯,& has hess sneh asl~*Insnre laOeeSs to Ihe lulure. Conslgnors n, syrely ttpun early und ¢.rreot returns.

C¯rds for msrklng i,*,,~tp mey hr ehtalnedtu IInmmout., .f lh~tcu A I!~Pev. of A. G.-

r.ASK, nr at the.P.srer LIf~AS OFFleJ:,I~nw..Y,,rk, Mey ~Id SOL .......... 42if

¯ ¢. J.,~

D/:ALRIf /,V

141~, Drttgs and Modioinos,N. I~ oor. |IgI.I, gVEAU and It. II. Avc’n

Pa|nte nf tt| eu|ore grentd lu ntt. Zt,n aud¯ ~hlt* Lead, Varnishes, |lrushot, Window Gh*ss,

It¯w and B.Ilcd tinted 011. 0oNI Oil, Neetsfout, Off, Sewing Mechiee Oit, ],~nl Oil, I’ar¯gon Off,4~plr.Lq Tnrpsut[ne Bcusdne, .to, d, Also,Ays~t attd d¯ynt’s M~|ehm% Domestlu Dyes,~ed all *u-h rtlcles M are aonlt¯ntly kept Innooutry Drug fltore. .’ ~2-tf, / ]|ea, uar etl"---~o~,Pllls.:.___

The auhserlher t~ th¯ only nl)ihorie,d *sent InChlu town for thn sale of llren,lr~th’s U, V’. Pies./HleeEk,e |*urals I~iut~ra, ¯adJohnt.n’e Anodyne|,luiment. N. ]~*’eor, liellerue ¯rid It, It. Ave-enter,

a2.1r. (~. J. FAY.


haw aepaee, o| thi~tcon incles’ betweendrills Thes¯ drih are then to be filledabout one-inehwith good ~mpast~ using:

had a hea,N soil wo w0uld inch ot soil on this cam,ruceed as f¯llowsi) iThist

hi/thoroughly mCa~;.# it with the soilL constitutes the bottom 0t the drill

We use pronged Ao~ or ~ofato l, O0/c, andmuch l~t6r thus a’¢ommon hoe.,

~0 . soll iuto the drill,leav-that:it

from three to twelve inches apart. (Thegre¯tor dletaneo prod~elng the largerphmts.) ARer the cutti¯g~ are placeJ~ agood stout stake is driven at eac]t end ofthe drills, projecting above ground hal’f ¯loot Or morc. Next cover the cuttings by.drawing in th¯ soil so as to leave the bedIcvel and the cuttings severed nbe~t twoinches. If yourb0disln heavy and, coverthc cuttl,gsc¯tirely with Icafm0uld, tramp-ing it down solid, eo thet the soil thc euttlngs will be well eompoetod¯ bout it. When bard treazlng’weathercomds, place brush around the bed, the pro-footing.stakes gorvlng to scours it in plane.Lesvea from the weeds are ow to be Idacod

o as to oQverde~p, euffioiontly re%stthe t’r¯et, r~ha deep furro/vs oU caoh sideof the bed to be kept well cleaned during,winter sR as tO drsi¯ the bed of all super.fln0us water. Early in spri¯g, thc covcr-log is to be rentovod front immcdlate]y abovecaoh drill¯ The phnts will sootl nteko theirappcaranec above grotmd~ hevlng bccngrewlng;nr dovolnr, ing during all the win.tcr. If very hot nun should soont to wiltthem hi the least a narrow beard ~|utuldbe placed on the South side of cneh row,

if or a few weeks. They seldom requireshading, but i¯ light lands s¯d extra hothprings It ie ncedc,I. Who¯ summer sotsin, epuci~lly if dry, It would he wcll to plow’around tha hod, turning the furrow e=alnsthc bcd, thus prcvonting tbc’ ph¯ts in theonds of tho rows from suffering front drottth.

Our hcds are’ phced twclve leot apart,so us to edntit the psasagc era cart between.should wstorlna be required. As the IdantsKmW WU atlv[~O tho ropiscing ol thc cgver-ing of Ioavca which has been removed. Agood ooathlg fuuch material e¯ tha etaface, prevents the soil lieneath being effect-so severely by drouth. ’- In dtscribing title mode we have gone in-to the details minutely ; have not attempted u flue written article¯ hut merely to writeso that all wh_~pjtumhnsa eult[rhow to trsat them. We want all to doJue-tl~ by thotu, for we belolvo if they aretreated as here direeted, 90 i¯ eech 100planted will grow, and that one halt of’thn’90 will itroduoo No. I plsnts by fell, if sotcrowded In tho bed.

We have full faith in the mode abovede~tibod, so Inuch eo that we ehaU |dautat least, osa ~undret~ t~ontond eutt(s#shere demrlbud.

8cue imr~cus may think the smou,t ofwork and compost as rather Isrg. toput on thh amount OI grqund. It doesnot scent se it hu will but that eachrod of bed ’(flReen loot wlda} eoutsln* anagregtte OI tWO huodred feet of drill nodis ezpo~to4 tc produce (roan ’200 to St00 ;~od,Isnta.Th0 a~ove ~n ~oe.|dsr tl~a host men., I

In All Its Branohes,, A.~ Styte ,~f |’l¯t~ for Artl~eta| T=sth,

MINRItAh, GGhli, ;Itl,~, glL, VUhOANITB,at.. made wh,,u doalrad, ¯nd e&


" MINER.~ PI~TEttyln for ssts ~f Tw~th--u tp*ehlty ~t this o~os--ptstuatt m¯~ ndynnt~g*st~It ts e.*-thi~tighler then fhd4 nr Rllver, end much stto=gsr

¯ it wilt stand hetl*r is **rylaa, e¯vsr set out orr¯p¯lr und een hs *.ffotdsd et ¯ Inoderal¯ prluslII l0 Imparvloes hi m¢lslur*, an4 has no| thasliahtut steele¯ fat, that at,~tmulatt~m ef f~,~l.--F¯r ~llsc lefnrmetios

Send IFor A Clrrular.

I; cut up; saved from frost sodplanted out i~ earl~ 8pri¯g. ’" :’ Our great object isto-geta gOOd growthbef~e hot ~nlshian ~mes, u:they am easily.killed by tlieeun if not V|g0rous.-iTh0eo’who bavo-ho~bed’-’~s~!ea¯ gt0wbytbo following mode. It waa used ’last_seaso~by_ ono-very~exteoeivo grower-who~probably grow 70,000 platit& Make a cornmen hot-bed freme~ is for what arc calledeoldfram*~. The Isvol olthe bed iusidcshould be about. twent£ i¯ehe~ below.theBash. Pl¯ec i~’tbe bed four incbescfo]d’compost, Next:two orthreeinchesofsaud(best) or light gardeu soil. Ou this thecuttings arc planed s0 as to ~o about oneand a hall inches apart, somotlmes not overone inch. Cover t~o inches with sand rlight so

Out the- .frost. ¯ When" ¯ot frozen the eui.: ring is forming callus and preparing to sendnot rooted.and by spring will have its bud¯ r buds Well developed~d ready t ° startwith the -first Warmth o| epring, thus get-ting ¯ good growth i t~.eather.

tho aun heat may ~arm the Cutting~ intogrowth. After they appear above ground’watch that tlio bed d6es nOt: gettoo hot.On all warm days reni~ye_tho-eash. : It Is.well after the sun’gets strong to whilewash|he glass, rs0 that in eaae of a neglect t0 re-move the sash when it should be off theplants mdy not be burned, see:that theydo he’lackwater. " The s0il should be dantptlOtWet. Not’so tueh danger oi too muchwater if the soil i~ sn¯dy. A]terthe plants

¯ .high the sashls better toborem0v~..Alter’t~0 ~eeksof hardeneag

a footapart. Uhoose cloudy, damp timeto tra¯sfcr fr,.m th0 bed to open ground¯

LV md-read.~,- tsku-u pbut-n= fcw,~and p]a,t0ut immediately. Somo personsthink" well of removing aloft Of the topwlieo traneplanting .auddepeucl 0it a budnear thc surface of thc eround to make nncw sop, we Joel confident there is advan-tage i¯ doing e0. P]a¯ts thus nterted meybe at once transfcrred tothc field when itis propoeed to ferns a pl~nlatlon..Ryplanting tho field in cot¯ and leaving eachalternate hill vacant in every other row itworks well There ought to boa shovelf611 of c’otopost worked into the spot’wherothe plant is to be put sol*re t!nlo bclbrc itsremoval to the field.

In all theas opcratlone look out for mien.nice shchsr for them,

SIZE Or CUttINGS. ¯O¯r cuttings are mado from rcuta yawing

in diameter front slightly Ices than ~ toover ~ of an inch. Kittatlony has largestroot~. In leogth, they vary from lJ to~}iochcs in the case of Wilson Early and forKittatitu!y they-are-ehertcrefrem-I to 2inches.-Vcry good I)lsnts were grown(while the vnrletles wura scarea) (rein eut-tlng not over } an Inch long. Contpost.Thc compost we havo referred to, is timemule. l[orso manure, no load, muck orlest mould from the woods, three Iced,.Build up in ¯~tcr¯otu hycrs. After heat.log till it is pretty warm; perhaps Io twoweeks, it is shoveled over, a¯d goes thmugltmtothor heet{sg, when it is fit for u~o. "AlIthe botlcr thc longer it bos bee¯ composted.There are soils su rich and. Ioo~e that thcydo net 1!cod luanurc.

’JL’lto Old l~tta.’.* 8tory.A TInULl,lr~O ,K~rctl, .

I shall never forget iho commencemento| .tha tei¯per¯n~ reformatlou. I was aohihl at that time, rome ten years o| sge,Our |iomo had ovcry comfort, atnl my kindparents ldtdiscd tne,. their only child.Wine was ol~cn ou the tabls, and both Icyfitthcr and ntother gave it to me inihe bet.

,if-glass.Ono 8u¯dny at cltumh a at*rtlieg a¯-

nouoeomont WSS utado to our peop]e, ]khow notlilng o| ira purl ort, but there wasmu0h whislter[ng emtmg the nicn, Thepastor Salll that on the nvzt evening therowould bs a nreeling and e¯ s,hircM upon

!the ceils el Intentpcraneo In the uen of allal~ohnlis liquor& lie eapreesed himselfignorant el the meeting, and oould not saywhat eour’,,~ it would be be=t to punuc luthe tatter.

The subject of the mcotlog came up atour table after the acrvie*, and I quentlom~|my father about it with all the eurlo,e eal-neetoesa of a chfld. Th0 whisper* asdwords whish hod bee¯ dropped in my hekr.Inl, elotlted the whole affair with Kreatmystery to me, and I wsa ell earee,tneseto Is*re tha strange thins. My lather

..... ..... fi¯~ar ~tend~. Iinvola¯ terilg turned in-th-*-d ~i6-n-@h~r~it pointed, dr~u]iug to see somo ehadowi¯,ibkod,, By its mtgio m0vi¯g. " .

I well remember’ l’¯oe~hada motber, iWi-~ her old.came in, heart ehrushed with "sorrow ahe wcut dow¯:

of ¯¯. CxH; the grays. I ot40e had wife--a tair~= ! ever smiled iu au

r home. Her eyes tm mild as a ~um-mer’s sky, a¯d her hea~ a= fahhfal andtrue as ever g-~mrded and cherished a hus-

a a~airhouse|ull. :Ah Im¯d’e love. Her blue eyes grew dim. ssth¯ d0or, and up- the floods of ~orrowt

till everytook hid fiber was broken; I once had a ob]c, a l

!in &he gallery, as if bright and beautiful boy, but he wasdriven¯ ~ of being in the out from the n, ins of his home, aud my old

::’ heart yearne to know if h0isyCt riving. Iohco b’ud [mbe;~* ~ww_eet,=tenderb|omom ;.but these h¯dds destroyed

I n~ut:derer i. the common aecopto¯re of the.term. yet’there ia a light, evealngsky. A spirit mothe~ rejoiees 0vcr the re-turn of her prodigal son. The wife smileaon hiat who turns bsok to virtue sad honor.The angel cbitd visits m~ at nlghtfall~.:andI feel the ha]lowed touch of s" tiny palmupon mycheek. My b~h~etlives would fot~gire the sorrowing old man

ec,t him out intod, oud theGod/orgies me the ruin which Iupon me and mine:"- : :

eTe.. ~fy

unusually pale,¯ and Cx-emotion¯ ¯

i oa~ Z tanatio, a¯;] madly follow-

I was a ~anatie when I eacrifiecd .mY wife,children, hsppinex~ cnd home, to the ac-cursed demon of tlte b0wl’. I once :idore~tho geutlo being whom 1 wronged so dceply.

I was a drunkard. Froin r~spectabiliiyand influence I plunged in~ deuc~atlon

with me. For yearn I saw her cheek growpale nnd step wear~ I left heralone amidthe wreck el her heine idols, and rioted attbo~vern.n. c0mplaincd, yet she~nd:t]te cbildrzn~tten went hurl

O,ie.New Year’s night I returned late tothe hut where charity had given us a roof:She ~¯s ~til| up. shivering over tlie ceals.I demnnded food,-but she burst into tears,=rid told me there was nene. "I fieresly or-dered her to go and gct some; : Shetursedher oyes upon me, the tears iaot rollingdown her pale face."At this mome¯t the child hi the ~radlo

other tall and, t you~gereler~man,

’a full round face fiaturedhis aU.

wa~ all ;n theold aa,. deep cbest, attd un-u~ua|up the aisle, His l waswhite, hisbrowdeel)lyeearred :farrows, anti aro0ndhis hamhome , were lines of calm ]

¯ His eyes were blsckand restless, nnd i the tavernkeeper uttered-¯ were

flush went audcame ovcr his

,] ,- w=a ~tdeabov6his

:~OSC acd stated theand asked if "there

Waa t to ~ay a prayer.and:the epcaker

ei~ion enilh~g U i to muke re-marks. The IreS :~" t m Ka]lory.and attacked the of the speakerlusing the argumen have-I/ffa~sittce, mouncing-thosoengaged in as meddlesomefanaiiea, break up thc rinie.honored of 8 ~iety~ a¯d it,jurethe business of re~ lo men. At theconclusio¯ el ~iS ~ ~ th~ tavern keep-er and his friends a ch&r, and thc

¯ I~ t .~ t:

While the" past(

I~ totAe the pastor reek his sdati tLhd;cld ma,

eresd, his tsll fornl ’towering in ;Is srnutm:-¯od-liis-chest=h~vlng-as ho inhnl~d

the breatlt through his thin d~lsted nostrils.’go tile at thot time1 there was somcthingawe.inspiring in tho appearane~ uf d~o oh|.msnns ha stood, his tull, dark eye upondie audience, his teeth shut hard undu si-’lence like that :of deatl throttg!tont theehurehL

He be0t his gaze upon the tavern kecrer;nod that peculiar eye ]iogcrv.d attd kindledfor a ntomcnL Tits ~Cargr~w red upon hislbrchead, acd beneath’ tlto hcavy brows his

eyes glittcrcd aud glowed |ikc a ~rpent’s. ;Tho tavcm ’kceper’ qusilcd before thatsearching glanea, and .I tclt ¯rclicf whcn’:the oldma¯ withdm~v hie gaze¯ Fora too-meat mor~ he seemed Io~t in tho~

emn|ou&teae-ho-cont n!enc-

:ed. There wss,a~td~th in that voice, athrilling Swcctnetm at~d p¯tbos, wldch r[v-itcd every heart in the church, boforc thefirst pcrlod had been rounded. ~y |’usher’sattention had becomc fixed npon Ihc eye ofthe speaker with an interest I had neverbefore seen hit¯ exl!ibit. I can but briefly"rcmot¯ber tho substance of w]tat *Jm oldman said, though the de¢¯e is ¯s vivid bc-fore me as a¯y [ or’or wihtcssed.

~! My fricnds, I am q btr0nger in y0nrvillage, and I trust may csll you tuy friends.A I!OW star has arlsc¯ a"d therc is hope intho dark nlgbt that hasgs like a phil oli]OOlU over ourcount’ry."

With a thriili¯g depth of volee, thospeaker ¢ont{¯ued I * Oh, Grid, Thou whoInnkcst with oou{passio I Ulnm thn utlm( er-ring of edrth’s frail ehildrelt, 1 thank Thcothat a braasn tarpons ban been liftcd~ uponwhich tlruokard may look a¯d be healed.That a beaeou ha~ humt out upon thu dark-tmsn that s¯rroun~ed him, which shallguhlc him beck tO boner and heaven-titsin¯lsod and weary ~t¯derer."

h is etrmlge what power thure idinv0ioes, The epoaksr’s v0ieo w~s low andmeasured, hit ¯ tear trdnlbled hi re’cryton,, und belora ! knew why, a lear dr,tp.pod en my hsnd followed hy others like

his eye a¯tl eondnued:¯ ’ bl,,n attd Chrietisesl y,n have Ja,t

heard that I sm fsnatie. I atu not. ASGod knows my own Jtasrl, I chino ]t r t Lt* jtn~tto do good. Iicm me and hc Just.

"1 a,. an ohi man, alantli,tg ah,nn at the

end ollifc’s JourneyP Thorn is a deep nor.I row i¯ my heart and tesrs ia my e}e& 1I have Journ0yed over a dark, hosoonlenst~esn, and n! lile’d hrlghtest hopes havebeen wrock~l, [ am wilhnut f, inn,Is, kin-dred or home] ’ |twu or Sq ones.*’

No eye t~,uM’ with~asd the touching pa-ths* el the old m¯, , l Imtie,,d a tnar t,ctbolid of my lather’s aed no Jo,ter feltashemed of nty own.

’*No, my friends, It wsa at m onto.Away over the dsrk warts which havnwrecked my hopoa there is a hle~ed light

sting. : ’ i’ :" We have o food Ja-dio~--[ hare had

’nOne for (Wb dtlys. "[ have nctbi6g]0r-tbc"babe. My once kind Jtusband, mast we8fttrre ~" ’That sad pleadlng face aml thoscstresm-

mgeyc~, ’and the |cnblc ~atl of the chtdtaaddeued me, nnd [’yc.~, [ ~truck. her tLfierce blow i~.~he lace, and she fell forvrardupon the hearth= The luries of hell boiledi0 lay bosotn, and with deep intensity as ]fcit [ had committed s wrong. I hall ncv-er Etruek Mary he[ore bstttow some ter-rlblo intpulse boro mo on, cnd" I stoopeddo~¯ au wcl[ a~ [ could in my druoken stateand clloched both hands in her hair.

~t God of txtcrey," exclaimed my wlie, asshe looked up in my ficqdish eountensoee,

will net ki|l

freer, wu whito ~ !~ halfplmm~l eye,,:¯mlupon its tiny fl¯~ers. Ik¯ow not’whatbee*m¯ of my brlve boY." i

Aggin the old mad bowed his head odwept, nd all that were l¯ the h0u~e weptwith him.. In ton. of 0w, heart-broken

:pathos, th¯ 01d man ~onchrtled:"I was arm,tad, a¯d ibr iodg tn0¯thsraved in deliiium. I woke Wl,, sonteoc~dto prison for ten yem’s, but .otonoreseou]d,~lual those in mY 0w¯:besom. O,God I co’l I am not a fanetio; I whh to

sttiv¯ to warn othei’s no~te’emter the path"which h~been so dark and fcarfuls ousme. ]’could sen my angel mother, ia¯d childreu beyoud this ~al0 of teats."

The old:man tat dew¯, but:’¯ ipe]]

Hearth ecula have been heard iTbo old

asked the people to sign Ihe plcdgo. Myfather leapcd from his Rat and snatched atit eagerly, i h¯d foilowed him as he heal:t~tod a moment with bi~ pe¯ in the’ink ; atear fell:[fern the old ma¯’a ere upon the

~raspcd him iaiter ctubr~ce. I caught heragain by the hair and draegcd llcr to tbcdot~ n d as I]tted the ~latch the wi"dburst in with a cloud td snow With awild hal lal I eloscd ths doorsndturned tbobutton, her pleading moan ntlng.ling with the blast and thcehsrp cry el herbabe. But my work was not eontideto. ]turqed to the little bed where lay my cldo~t~o’n, and I enatchbd him tim, hid ehltebers,and ngaiast his ball awakened etrugglee,opcoed tl!O door end fllrow Ii[m..out..Insgosy O[ fear hn c.dh!d me hy a ealno I wannot lit to bear, and locked his little fingemn my sido poekot. [ could not wrenchtbet frensicd grssp away, ~nd, willi the

it. I would write my name-t0nthou~nd times in blood, if it wonld bringback my loved ones." ~ ~

u t, o ¯l~. ud~o.~’he old man looked, wiped hlS ;:

eyes, and looked agai¯, hie c0untc¯aace tl-ternate]y flushed with red and death-like

¯ "It is-n0, "it ¯armor be,’ muttered the

br~Ve boy." " " ,~Iy father tremhlcd and held up hie left

arm.from whinh the hand hed been severed.They looked for u moment into each other’eoyen, both reded and ex0]aimed-- _ ’

’ My own injured boy I"My father 1’:

: They fell upou each other till it sc~medtheir souls would grow and mmRIo ate oce.There w0s weeping in the church a¯d Iturned bewildered upo¯ the stteatning eycs

, arouod-nic. - " " "’ -"~ei n,o thank God for this great, bless-

Sing, which has. kladdened mY guiit-bur-tboncdscul.Y exclaimed the old man, andknoeling down poured out his heart in OneOf the most melting prayers I over heard..The .~pcll was broken, anal al eagerly. S go.ed the pledge ~lo’~ly going tO their "homes

¯ ’ . /=S II loth to leave the spot. The old manis dead, hut the le~o¯ he taught the grand-

LOut.h.r" tst," ila~ ..... ¯ . . , ,

turned aeld¢ from the M.iu Q.e~tio~ Ithas oer~lidtautly ~fmmd to retell tI~ ehm~ :for vo¯geanee, o" the d*feated~ ]~el~,: ’ "whethcrby.exeeotloo or "by eoeffmmtfoa; : = iand one 0f its atroug reeaolm forth~/~0tt,~: ,is~eonvi0tion thst ¯o,dmp of ]~el~ bl0ed’i , .’ i~dld:be.~o~lly, do[ibemte]y sh~l wltl~t :ess~¯tially el~ding the prospect of:leered, " ] :~

the Right o! $¯ffrt~ to the ~m]k#. -: ""~fying the mtdne~’ot, pmdou ~d’tl~ .:"

b]ind¯res of

Jibes]sot U, iversai Amne, tylwith ~mpmtt~ ’ i " ’~

L fsot that it thereby tdie~!~ ;t~e ’who had bee, its 7 ¯I|fo-lceg patremw

th/,impeding eoutmt,’ While we"avowers, :deliberate pr~erenea to Ch|efJn~fim Chum

*tetcsme¯, the ~tmmit will reudor ghearty, ch’eerf¯l, detormieed upperS to i/.- ..Gen. ~.rant, pr_$enator.WadeCo]fax, eho¯ld bo be nomimRed~md np~ "" ’.

bolds the equal polhi’eal as t~ell’;’l’~(dvil~ i4ghtsof all oitigcus of the Rap~i ~e

by.Republi~naof ¯fly ’! ¯ ::-oct ~ta¯d on this pistlorm. A¯d s donot apprehend that. the ~ndidatsa who, in6ur approuhiag etr~e, :,h~dl n~nmmg .genuine ~)em¯oracy io.oppo~t~on tO:~o: , ..~=e=~t phase ofAtisto~,or c~UbebeStm : -

ri~tnpeoplo..’ .,2., ’i ’ ’ ¯

that tbo T~ =al~ro,= = ~i~ ~t :,ehcapwaytoin~uenee’tlm ~to.,. " :aid usin extsn~,gits elrephl~m~ "~ours id emine¯t]y S puliti~d J~{bttt S =~

wb~ean outlayofmoretlmog~0~0. . .’~tOO per aanpm id incurred iUe011eot~W[tmtltransmitting news from allworld. ,We ha~ :t ~ .. -.¯ t ¯early all t]m~director at London, who is :iutbo‘~ to ~’." :’dispstah speeia]correspn¯den~toallfmlut~’., :where importeut’eTPnta maya~.any:f~mebe:" :.traasplring Or imm;ueut. ’The.;i~ Of ":’ :the war in Crete, which i~ the p~’0f ’ :.o[ stillgr~a’ter wet, :hta b6eU ~6,d-hy .. inee of t },’see sl~ial 6orrespo~dtm~t~i’another telcgraphs h’oltt’.Co~t~gp]~ : r :asah nqvel "’" i

cool",,~s era devil as [ was, I shut the doorulton his arm, and with uty kni!h savoredtlto wrist,

The speaker eeescd a momrnt, antl bur-led ),is Ihoo in his tret,tbling hands, n, if toabut out seato Ioarful dreeln, s¯d his deepEhest hoavcd liko a storm SWVltt eea. 51yfather h¯d artsnu ,Irom his .seat nnd wesIoatdng |orwatd, his vounteotmcn bloodleu,and th*i Iprsu drops stending nut npnn hisi~row, Chilhcrept Imek to nay beurt sadI tri~).d 1 was et hon!o. The ohl toau}uoked up, and I never ehtce beheld ellehn|orlal agany Idelured ttplm a hutaon l~ec

" It was morniog when [ awoke, and thestorm had ~)h~ed, bat thoeold was isle,ss.[ tir=t soc!trnd a dtiak nf wutur, and the¯ Ihu,ked iu the a~uatoolc,I Itlsoo for blary.As I tni~ed her tor’the fir, t time a shsd-nwy scit~ el uomo horrible nightmare be-gsa to dswn nlton nty wandering ,rind.Ihought I ha,~ drea’med a Iberful d~ambnt invehtntarily opened the outaida doewhh ahnd, lcring dread.

As the door o ~ensd tttn snow buret in,followed by a fsl| of souielhi,g ~’r~u* thuthreshold, ~eatteriog the cohl ,now, andstriking thu fiudr wiih a hard, sharp *cued,My blued shot ko md hot ezmwe throughnay ruins, attd 1 ~’ubbed my ~yet to shut outthe siKhl- It wsa--it--t)h, t]od~ how,lel it was my eWn injured Mary, and her

eteu (U ito

t~n. HisJn my manhoM’s hesrt. ’---

The Tribune for 1~68.¯. pt~osPBc’~fi.

Theyear 1868 will long be rememberedlot it~ settlement of the boundary questioubetwee¯ Aristocracy of Color and’ Impar-tlol Hltman Liberty. Tb’e Wkr~ oftbe l~-belli0¯ bel.g e)eaedI we have now to decidewh~ther the fundamental idoa whiehim-pelled and iuetified the Rebellion shalldominate near our whole eouatry, moldingher iustitutie¯s.and shaping her destiny.-If it be true that God has net created allmhn,’b¯t only all White men, in tlis o~nimage, and made them equal in politicaland civil righ~ then it is a world-wide ea|-antity tb¯t Grant did not surrender to’Lea

r the bouts of Sherl-dan’s rough-ridlng oavalry, oct only ahculdbut will be regained i¯ Constitutlo¯al C¯¯-ventionsand at the hsllot.boxes. If theBlack raoe, Imeauss they arc Black, chouldbe excluded from the Jury-box and repelled

I from the halloS-box, then Stoncwan J~ck-ought to head the roll of American:

rnartym ,embisaoned high above the nameso{ Wnrreu and Mereer¯¯d Pulaskii¯flEIIsworth, Lye,, Baker, I~eynolds Wads.

[worth, Kesruey, Scdgwick, and bloPhcr-I

It is ditfieult to ’¯rgUs wlth a blind, be.sotted preJndlce, greumled ia lgsoranoeand fortifiot by self-conceit, bevoid ofreason, it is hardly amenable to reason.-Bat millions who would listen unmoved toep’peah based on Justice sd |[umaoity

be stirred by facts which affect theirow¯ interest and mdety. The oaked truththat every Southern State reeonstroctedon theWhlle basis is a Rebel State--shaped am| ruled by m~n who ezecrated[,]nealn’a reluctsot ¯d tardy resistance tothe Rebellion as eauselc~’and criminalsg~r*.ion, end profoundly reJnleed overBuU Run as their oiuto~’--wi[I pre’~a in.

vinclble, if we esn but bring Jt home tothe apprnbension of ovary Inyal enter.-Thole is

to thc ]BIzeka Theirvotes are Its necessary to the prep’curler-anoo of White Ioyalily M to their own pro.teetiou and seeurily. Re¢oaetruct theSouth oa the White basis~, and every oneof the fiJieaa States whloh hcld alav¢| i¯IS60 will be intcmmly, ttverwhelmlagl~C~pperltrad thcnoeJnrth end evermore.Allow the plea that chs Blacks are

I |gaortut and degraded, end thrum wt,omclothe wi.h power will take

thst the plea slmlll~ ae solidnd ~lla|l.gruum|e~ eeutury heuoe aait

now ia ISublle l’:dueathmand (’ivilRt£ht~tor tha Freed,hen eau mdy be n¢|tiee,~ attdmainteinod through the bnlJut. *’lVe arefor Negro 8affrege.--tke way tk=y ~m~’e,*~is~ .h’~ Or&aae" was tha io*er{ptlon o¯a be¯.~r borno in ¯lalo Co,~ervnthe orBemoeratle prob,*ion hi llattimor* ; and

nied th¯ l~mbasmu:lor.0f Jtutre| t6.1e~¢o I .to eearrthe Mext~n pr0blem~l~el~lm~under ausploea more ftvo/alfl~ to ’the 1~! publican hlef th¯ throe wMph htTboo~od tho:advieesof ouLregular t~i’l/t~ptm, ; .dents at Vera Crut and the ,~piid..&~’:"other 0orres’p0udeut a~ompat~od "tl~ ..Natio¯sl ezpeditlon to &hmkt, Wal~i~or whatever our splinter of the Nortl~ Polemay be eaI|ed, a¯d !e ~oW re~e/t;ng On the ’ "i~peet* nnd esp¯bilitisa ofthat chilly x~|pe. . :Bayard Taylor is writlt~g us iu hi" own vehtitem Central Europe, wbila abM eorrm. - ":;po¯deots report to us from Co]oradck Idaho,Monta,a, &o., more e

Books a¯4 Literary Deptd~tent/tre|tfohargoo! e¯e 0fth¯ dpemt Al~atiam rob0*lure; while Agrli:ulture~ trader t~.~ltet~teditor, ell!ms a Is¯all¯it phee-meur~mti*Weekly a¯d Weekly lumen :la¯.tltotlg wehave for ~am epo¯t large i~roi~tlo~i ofthe inceme of our busine~i, eff~’6(t~’i~tt- " -’7 "der the T¯lnU~l a better and.bettgr neW*-papcr;’and, ifwo have not meoroded, tl~fault i~ not cxp]tined by a ~u~k ofm~aeaet ’ofeffor., whether on our own pqrt or onthat nf a geuerous and diamrtdng publlo," The TBIBUNZId sefi’t h~ l~ti|d~-’-(Sn,days excepted) for $10, Solqi-~tekly foe$4, and Weekly for $2 pet’ annum,’P~¯M¯ ’:inflcxlbly in advnnee./To elulm for theSemi-Weekly we sand two eopie* O~ yearIor $7 ;flvc oopiss, or over, /or ~h eOpy,

$30 far ten eopk* weegtra espy ~iX motttlm. On .

f $~5 for fifteen eepl~t wt will~end au extra copy onn ye~t fKe $100W*will send thirty.four e~plm andS-SheD¯laY , ,TRinU~r** Wo uad the Weeltly to Club*of fi,¯ for t9 iteh oople, or o~r, id4rm~d ,’to a’m. or.u~r~be.~=bi~ ~i ~-$54; to¯ ~piee, t ¯ o~ addreu, tie; twen-ty copies, tO one address, $30. "An ~tttcopy will be sent for each dub 0t tea



of the Editor L, imnt ~ of Mutr~ to m~o¯e who, h u~is¢ $I0 for a IMh,, It fogaSemi.W¯ck]y, or ~1 for & Wmkly,i~dlott~,, desire to reedy* it., 0~,wUllikewire be m~nt to a~ pormn w~e~’w~l,a club of ten or more ~tgS-W~ o~twenty or more W.ekilis, st oer ¢l~ltti~and asks for tho portre[t ~t~ tlllm~l~.miltlag. Addm~lt XSl~k~l~, New ~’ork

A )~royldcnt~ My,,gvny*anof s~pk haveing stolen a e*a Of mBk, b~ Im0th~" tookhhn to task with moral aut, do¯. trod wam~up ber dIwourm by elehim[~i :

"What|¯ tha ~a’ld w~t.~u goh~mdo with that milk, aaykow?" s

"I wM t~¯g to strode llttk do8 ~ ~altit," wss the ~tublog ~.

’: !

FIL£1N,* =¯d ~ExrRAorlxo otthat ¯o olher way is known by whicht¯ihebestm¯nnar. £’AI.r~/~,.~¯~d fat*,, t¯u#. to grow sooh food plan~, but that it takesi’ll tl*,e, ,,*d Aam**°t~i¯ hy sprey,,wh¯a dtmitt~J, lau isbor to thus gr~w I000 plant8 Ihtm h7

Atplk M. WlHM’g OFFICE, any other mode we hnow eL

t r..,.,.l~ ,..~ ~D.. L,b,,** ,4 A.t .~..,, ) We centldar the pr*Im’ttlou cf th, trot.=l-tf N,,. |~T N, YI~qTU fiT, PIt|LA. tj¯~s in early fall M important. ~loese

tner~b Mid it was a ashcme to unite theChurch and 81ate.

The uight came and group8 o! I,Cop)egathered o¯ the tavern steps, and I beardths Jest and laugh° and saw dru¯ka¯ manecru* reeling out el the Imr ~o~n.

of happLtlc*a a,d home¯ 1 reach sgaiu Tim nvvr true mother bowedhermll, ovormnvuls|~ely lot thc abrtues ot hou~hohlhr rhild to ahi¢ld it, ¯nd Itn4 wrup|~d ta|ldoh that on~ were m[,e. now mmu no her uwn clothing arOunJ it, Is*ring in.townmorn." i~rtmo stork trod lure. She k.~ p~d

’rim old men lamed baking away hrr hair o,er thq faro or tha child, aml th*through v~aey upon toms britht vi*|o,,, ~l¢,t hod ttosen it to thswhitseheqk. Tb*

the spirlt wbk.h dlctsted t},st a,owa|i~atill ttmph*ut ia thn Sonth. ~ut (or wb¯tlaetigt~atiand as Milit*rr De*pot¼m, itwe~hi" dally eveos~ by oou*~ and i¯fikth~twlmt it dsome he|to tretehrry to tbn South.ern t~u~

A ~seemb tel4 a I~ tl~t k* k’m~ k~tholMht* by b~r *F*. **De ~ee~*’* lald[ .~e ; "th.o I ,m sum ~= ~ k~p d~¯ eserst, far the/are k~ tm ~m to,advsntege "


Page 2: AL~ SUPER-PH Gra, · tachid|t~g the preparatory candles, wBh~,ut regard forwarded, to aoyscetarien views. Hence. while lev depre AL~B~tsiness in Real Estate ~ belnngl.g to nat~ tko

....... ,

¯ . : ¯ , fJ~he ~elllllllKe, .L ’

: rl~e ilmgtll o! lbe m~xelge tb¢~ ,~o1~son¯ sent to ConKreas on ~aeadn~,= ~omb{ned

"’ ~hh itJ Worthlesaoees+ hi~ determlned usi ’ ~t to &ueaoaber our eonstan@ crowded

," lateral, and is as far is poMib]~ from the

¯ ’it’~tlid!Pti~dhnt ’%hull from ’d~e-~llme Ki~gret~ i~ o£~lhut~o~ the

I~mto of the Onion, and re~mr~ond to flmlr- _ eensidor~t/0n :suCh measares as ho "~lml]

jndge tleeesa~ry sad expedient-" But {n

~Lv]ff°l’~emp°siti°~i~ frisk great iml~rov~.¯ tnent aa the for or mes~ges o£ Esquire

¯ J~bmon~. ~u~ a~ n~ wrlu¢~ by hlm.

’ l~ome moma~STe ~nd eehoisrJx poe, and some¯ mind ~Om refined bY inteliigeuo~ a,d edu:

cation tbnn is the Tenoeesee. Aldernn.,’i,’ wis’ thll anther of thls mhs~aga. ~,’¢ho

t thnt nildd wasi mllliere n0t‘ Ru~w]dlo t he.d~mneo i~homewbet~reed fromtheuOar~e

ielloharit at er ie oIMuently Johnson{aft.propose to corn menc on a tow clxuieo pare-

iheUnitod St&tcsheld themarket of tee world in t/ds eliplo againstall eompetitlnn. Bat this was udder ¸ a

i eheep ~atem o! I~ber, ~-hish is now I.ost toth0 country, it ,~ ice r..d forever mare.

Whed the edlter sa3s it is feared a e!:ea.p

~tem o(laber ea~ 1~ xgaiue~thlhltod irtthe United St~tcs, he either menus that lie

~nvo~ canuoh Im re-estnblls!Led, "orelse, th.t nlavEry beinj ~olisbed, It will be

!e io ~o ormldr downt6 in,be i¢, aa cheap

Lete r e-cstabli~l~la~ry-~n-tlte-U~ted

-- o~e, Osly the rebel ~)hment, is ia favorat!it; and thougbdlat’cismetltisstill etroagin the reunify ~s the recent elections hareshq~’n, it i~ not stro.g enough to’ re-eelnb-

lish slavery: As the next beet Lhlng, how-ever+ it ~ill leek to depress lahor, hadit ¸on a lave] withEurope a,,d the East.noliey, and i~ is flits tbc/~dger cdltor tear~eannn~ be done. We slne~c/y bopelt:~a-nob yet[ear the offqx, t~ 9f the rebel olonlent

whisk is organized mldfir die ham9 of the

this will he able to so dopreea’laborPlatorially interfere with the

tho isboring l~COp!er A gre.t deal oftbetroubl~ abuu~ rcconstru~llonls" eau,ed hy~opphslh~e t~drehos e h~ e~ah~

rs~e ishon

¯ _ ¯ .. , - ,¯ jo:.(,> ’ ,

: ~ CertmnJy andhad Johnson and Ills hythc~weazototbermen’sfa~s." Theyeotcrle el’ateliers y aided to tim lesson el wish to sell cotton nnd poekeu the proc~ed~

th0 W~ras fuliya0d ~paedily ,~e its in, per- wldmut sbaring wbh th,,~e wlxo have d~nne

’ (Ir,~deolanded, oar country might bvfarc the wezlt el rai~in~ it. It s trl~e ¸ thst s~

¯ ¯ :nnwhavdbeeninihefulILideotp~speiity. Jong,s’they phldnntbng for the )abet el

~b~on~tlt~d~a~_’~a~dai~ed i~ot~ ratting_tire_great_clap¯ col3 ~ lornl &ii,ofo pertbet Union between cheap and et{ll find iz ]dgidy profitable,

the State~hdt~oZosuddi~h jn~ti¢~-i,*dure I l~aber is the¸great expanse-in any artier., " done.l/o tranquility, provide for die e m- )rlsc If we couhl find hands to do thetuoo dcfune~ i , . .wor~: o~ ant o~co for no cotnp¢~SatlOn bnt

req’uLrolnents n] danL0rs were uaeTI th glve Ih’thelr biborersall purrs nt the country will’at~ompllsh ’ ¯

we could afford 9ur paper a~ half th~prel-¯ these great andre, Wxthout thac obedience ¯,aheau o0ktdrw~rd only o eontn u ou - hat price, ned thee tnako fire times aa

"’ ,upon individual rights in0~esant niueh as we make no~" Rut eo long ashieaebe.~ot the pabliope~ce natihna weak- Workmen nm~t be paid, so long must we

¯ ¯ ’ ~eU+. ti~uoial di~l~ tlie t~tal Io~zot ~mr’ sbarga such a price far oilr work ns will ,.n-~ IIr~stTcrity the genera[ ¢ornuptl0nl n£mor- ah!e us to pay ihetn. ;~.nd ~e i£ is wllh.... ~dll Intd the ~inal Oit[netion 0t popular foee-

dot..L ~ta~l.% ~ad the oondldo~ of off, ks at I "Tim ~ed~.teV ~hdms that hb’tte~

¯ Lho~outh, whero"tharoOedience"bms dera+y~tenlofpaidlaborcanhotbeeoldatnot bean given,, Could ho~ be better (10s- prices that wilt cnabis lbe grower to com.

exihe& ~femphis and Hew O~’lenns afford pete wilh foreign cot<ca, aud a long array

: ilhutr,,tions 9n rids point, and tbe~ out- el figures is produced, ~mndcd on the )res---= . " The oldraKeS v~[ll aontinuo.ti[] eo~gresz .forces Obc- price

attd hls a~¢qm!ali~s. ’~ht~" tsl~o~" I.,E~ g~eat ahly ira% httt i.t is aevozthele~s trxlo that

m bold hy them under mtatgiant’l~ing de~ly in oonttavontlon bf I~hatelhute of the ben~tltudod which eeuler~ up-

m~twneu the states. . ’The court of ~rrors a.d Appeals ~lldch

h~ glvcn the ~pi~i0~, h ~omposed of theCbdhc~Ilor, the t~ven Judges el ti, e So-"grime Uourt, ¸ and’elx other me., appointed¸


his decision, it is ~ever t hde.’~ blhdlngtill setusldc by a oontrar~ deelslou in.tlih Sup~:lneCourls of thd. Ualted Staten, ~hisb it bhollo d will b0 done with as littis d,

We lind hoped thls rnilroad controversy

ended vT]th die p~ealt e or the law ,d legalisfog t Je throug~l e~nnoetlou o~

, the Rafitan road. And it did; vlrl~all%Under that ¸law the Ilaritan & ALhiuti~:

’/5~s:ba+,e a dear rlght to do a ibru’~h

,l:c: .

onejudgovncatl.g his cent eaolt year in ~huilk

They are mer~ taken Irmu

courts, and tlioi~ 0pinio.s ot law are uf J. amonnL,ng to 141riy-tb~e per e~nL

pinion~ of in-tel]igdn t men who ha~e not been npphbeto~ Thel~ o.llk I~ I~geh ~ thah ~X- Ito.the bench, who may have eqi~al oppor-

Govergor Pprker wi]lbetho next rreslded~-

tntdtie{ ofknowjl,g all the fao~ of the ease. o[ the Udited S~t~s~dlllt ia uuIC~ the

lJutwblisfowpeop[ebesidotheseyielding llepuhlieana should PUt u Por~’nt °r e°ra~i

willing alhgiencerto the Camden & Anlboy ’ r’thgr nmn. Nqtonlywlmthe~x’~ovPriaorautocracy, vd]l agree in all tile pc{nit ot no~niaated as the D0mooratie eaqdidate bY

a isrgo nnd oilthuk~astla ntel~ting of the, 0um~eracv or’ thq Ualtad 8~t~e~ ~mlmsCdel’about sixefhis" erspnal friends Wile hadtact to 1she ~o not lag £+

~gl,th~fore h’t<t, "but that ino~lt, inlltlentlal i+]leetthe CntaherJand Comity Plitrlbh puhli~bed

n t ]Tri!lgetdtl, iu lMa State, ~lnd whMh niu~/tbav~ a wo~ktg ~li~.l~doa el ~.~ loa~ 6,ee

i~lme It thobMd

two years or

inarebeforo the pack.gee{ this law; 2~.dxiiVibe~:enrts bav~ n~hmed the comtltu-ionab y O 11¢ law of congress, be pos~z-

hilhy of k, gul controversy will exist, andrprovedz

--Tile Raritan road tins diecontinued itsthrou~b t~’ailis for the p~atid our

nnly eomhnndeatlon with New 7t’~rk at,rescht is over the monopoly rond~.

Tlxo l~elflstr~." Lll’l~’.

V(olare glad to see that some 0f t

ablest of die Danxdcrat paners of the Slate~re hal in i~vnr of the repeal of t’ho Reg-bery La~. ~ho ~eltark Jo.rnul spankstory candldlg el it~ and acknowledges thutwhile tb~’law-needs ame~dlng in’some ira-

and ~hdakL be confiuned, it, saye:

" t. has a~ded grea y lo ergo i~,at oofchulor~, and a,adc laltlCs ~ni{lisr Mtbthe character, elahus and privileges el the~eiers. 1.~ has lloa~ed r~ gre~.l.’ huI~arh

t liaudu]eot voLiilg, nnd n Ihisres-aercievcdthe eee o pP!ls,o

an immense amounL of lying is done Iritbtbem n the ace o slid’ash, w’ * - ’ ’ "g- ingto~ bole~lo I~lleal of’ tidsisw, weurea, we have the re )oft of the iNew York Ihii,b iz wouhl be weir for the Lr~ihlhtnreoo on- arhe ~W ~ ,argo order. ’ro~ :-ca p< nha co eta’ o: YeS g h¸ t

;" work n~8, deterr rig nny oe ion n d t eL 7orgao er cab e, are rope ~d, wtth tileP ’ ’ 0u~ in of ercn0x ¯ so a wle ~

9xpisntt]o,h tlxat at the" present priqes of do act it msgbe understandingly. AsLord&m~r~n eott~a, [ad~ teflon caun~t cam- lt:~een’say~: ’ Where ~ la~ ~orketb wellpeewitl And swih a overn- !tengl*tpottob~distyrbed,:a~all ew, n~-

meat tax nf2J cents per pout,,} on cotton, I~%t’ °l::~{’~dn~{ ;hai~ebn ~ ;~io~3"elrfi~do ~

wluelx ~t is thouglit oat!gross will soon re- in clistzints ~Yllg~ro this law []as operatedlol’e, henet]ohdlv, nnd cdlo are in favor ol its.conItistruetbateotionisnowgowaundor tinmlinee{ipontheslaiutebook, ~thhst;ch

but [L is alteratiOnS as may he doomed neeq. sarynoes llg fdnst it’+ to:

for we heliei’e the law to bo of mud, im-portance ]n ])reserving the purity tJ tbeballot box, pad its rcpoul noldd ouly be r~-

garded as evidence of a desire tn makefrnndu[enL i.otlng aa easy aild ~afe as po,~si-

¯ We do not propose t6 rnvler~ lha law, erpnlnl nut it~ de|~ls, hu WI~IL tu S ,gge~

tha~ it be sn ,mended that in il,n rurol dls-trlet~, a~. least it sbal[ be p~ihle to vr~tc

wilhEnt beiug registered, In 1he stnlo el

New h’ork tbern ia ,i sbuilar I~w, but in allnniln!~rlmroted Lawns, per~llllS ntit reglSlel-cd ore allowed Is’vote i,rovidod they will

~weln’i,i tholr VOLe. "We thil,k a slndlaranio~dnlent wunld wnrk wall in tbls Stall

or ineqrporated nr riot, and hope:ling heavypc,aides all Ihe l~leotinn [Io,*rd, Ibr Piking

thtl 1’ol0 0f an unregistered elector, oxet, l,tnpOll bls oath,

It hll lids anti ~omn nfher ame,dinent,,L~O nlost ~erlon~i obi¢~!tb~nii ttl the ~a’5’ tanha tethered, and Irliero it is onen hdr]y nn.

<fors~nod and ene.plitul with, wE believe it

will hu [oun,l tn bo a wh’e a/l<[ babortalnre inb)n’n[ govirrnnltnt.

..... ~ [ Farlhe Rdjdihll~thf]

.lb’, l;~h’mr,~As pDUp co[ulun~ or0 upon

id[ that rol.I ~eil.uhlln mind, | takn Iha llberlg ]

id neOlll+ping a~nudl ~pae*i, The m)lnnllnli.I t" hate lint hnd Ibeir Ilttnndnli caliu,I {.avoin ~l trio,lost ll01hlo ia year vnhndde p.gur)

I lll Ihn J~lcL !bat thorn is ill e~iintcllce It.lh,dlcal ~aeil~fp, nn ol’galLiZnlion ttolnpnn-cd of Incan’ly all chu akillul prantllioncra .i

th. )a!td;ng art wislr~shla wiildn thu Itm,nl~

.t +htisndo (~auuty. {11 is 8~n[otyis el r0-~li1~tihli~ h b~tt hll nm.nbnrs, nlahd)-youteIph)’hiciasn hlnl ,k {lied ill tbn ~ole nell id’medi-

,:i,.,, eatcbb,g tln, ~pin’it al progre~a, fltatin ..inudlnq .vtny d.parlmenL of llfE,d~lofalined not to he bnhbld lho ~ga; inuel NIMt-

sueeersnflroolabnr. "lVero hey v ingto aoccpL the ~itU~l:Onn and lnal:o honera;bin an~. hone-~t agr~’~mel’~ls r&th laberar~,rnuetl of the prc~e,t diltlcahp wotdd be

Bat onu tldng Inert im*nee~s~arym ~ sell,factory adju~tdiei, t of tile hb0r ,rodeott0n quesllonir, and tbet is, tha~ all tiJepcopJa shall work. At, iho ~orznerina~ttcri are too irnnd lo work and iinne0de~4ro lo nn, h h a prnfit on tba labeL’Of their

onllduyee~ that ellall enable them tu livewitl,nnt wnrk. This c,mnoc be doneI’Jlght ndlLiohs c~nnot Ji~’~ bg the prEfk

made on Lbo hbor offhur millions+ bat thor0i~ in iho Snath, wm’k 0niough IO well sus.rain gc leant twloo tw.lvo inillion~ wi].

Ealtingsof holiest indLibtry, A.d with n,Iimproved and e,lterprlslng system ot ealLbvnltitin ill praoliso ut tlta l~oLttll~ COttOn no1{

be ruiaal in hLrgu qnawitles .t pricE~ tlntL

WiN gb’a ear cnnn!ry the enntlol ot the

nblnutlh llae to l’hii.ddphili, we, l,~J* Jynnlsalnoe, mid thut the Cnui’l~ i! it gn~u itfll

1~,Ik’l~ wuldd abnlt0 it. 3, ’[’ilat helng as a

!h!,,’Jg!i ill+,!. ILlluULhut~zed lJy uny sterne

or hiwI inid tiin t!unlit~tltlnl rnirqirildlnl ht, hlg

autllcltlzLr+l I,~ lll.u nl:y ditougb lhle, 1]n,i e: ¯

l,iralinn nd’ thn Inmlnnli~dy agreetnen~ ,hu..

ittiry I lhilg, iYnnld in, L diniin nl tim ril4 It

, ~t -;: ~’it.ECO, ’

’. ’::’:. glllblmlilPtlill Onm:hollmr;¯ :

" " .PnxsJ~a~’a’roavns¢.+mlrg&

"" Onll~li~h 000.

" -’1’O ll~. , * * ’

¯ + ]tlild Jlll ~thldll]l140 >atcoompe~[ed with ~i

th¯n’ ~ it+It of ~eill~eat II¯

¯ , ~" nnd alan lUsUrn7 to thd belier r ¯

¯, " ; t’Rg~E~T ~ TUg mtgAff’~lB1BIBiTION.For Lh~parpole Of tnhrekllng Chl elrexnlmtla~ "

or th. RI.V.L.Oa~ te li,xmtI*’co..ty audvb TIlE "ll++AS[lI~|gitARy CO. * ":

Th i reeolufiho tar ¯n olollyl lahltie idopteg I v , I~ e]l~rtrrmd b ,die e ¯ ¯ ef lelili i~il¯s ¯ug .co..i,,+ .. 0o.o.r,+d i. o...o,.. ,. z.,,..Oolladap, of Kentuckyl ¯ . Jltiverml~le gmJtltstt+¢led to his seat~ and sworn+¯,e.b’+0,o,,o..o. DISTRIBUTION PLAN +’o,+o,d,.r,’,o.,g.r,.o,,+t,,..o,>o,..gand Mr. ~outwell made a

hy h*, .t* * l~¯w g/¯..y, ~ptil a, I~lr.

+r .hi++ IlllliO w.ah of v.l,ahi~ . THE glVEIIS)DE 1.~gTITI~t(.

i~| i~+will i~e filet tibumd at soo~ Ii Y/YE ltUlqDttEDNI{+7 8U)~SC]tI~Rlld ~re .blnluld.. +¯ ", ? Tn ey©ry p,

¯ The ~+ll.4 of ?rllll¯e¯ venires¯ of the follow., 1DO]LL&RII+ $o =<l++aaeb/w¯ wig gl.i ¯ .. ling welL ke~ll¯ ettl¯lnl at g.¯l+./L.¯~ll~l ¯~

-- 6,o;d ~r+e,]et, which will eniltl¯ th¯ holder to lhe Nee J.r¯ey :B~Yu¯l~ly N’n+* 30. ’ Ilml’U+hlc+~ oae 7ear, ~.nd Lo ODe chance te the Iio¯. Wm..16. ]gaslb ]~ktrleI,A’tt*laey#~Mladel. ¯

F Edw¯rd.; )~ol ....... I Phil+ fr*. +.lo¯. Diatribe+lea Of Plremlluntnm, ilo,.’PM¯’be+l¯Pi’lt. B,o+lall ~Oklf U. "8.

3 S,t L C Adams at ¯wpa Ai~ur ot~ luh~0rPoerl ~ay dl ? ~lh¯~9 an ~ud R¯¢v;~ ~ af D~l, ~htl¯4~lphill~

oppnrluolcy lion. W. W. W¯,,

i l.T oP:The Subscriber wising to

close out his entireG6bdg, Clotlling, .’l~a~,.

s & Shoes bythe

~0ALl l

. - . fo~ourBelves+;

Hamm~nlon. D*c. 7, ’g7. I8.2o

Local and Otllerwlse.

--The Atlantlo Comntl dail is ah presentealpff, ahbough we am wit ~ n a day or

two of Court,

--On 8nnda~ Dee. ]~tGeorge Na~isgg~ (C¯pL dobn 8mi,I

--The friends of Ib~v. T. ~. App[eget,

connected wiih the Mt Phas~nt,nl,pelnt-

illUn~l, Jllir poHo. paying ~l dullation

.... alike pnrlmllag¢

txtellded to a

tbocaase, gap-per at 4 o’clock,

--There will be n exbibitlon og"IIIunl-

i.ated" in th~ ~,I. E. Oh~ieh at5hys La.diug, on ’lNteadny evening Dee.

Suite01 of th. church. "’b’ids Exldidtiml i,,lui~ -at uaetlvc~ n-l~hiln de’,jddaT- alway ~dmwinl~ ]a.geaudionees. Theseln atten-

danellupoil fJolir~ will find rellel ot mind

ingle lalnd aetlen, the price 9t lithnission is

~fi cent~ lot adti]te. [5 cents for nhlld~n.

--The ncltz regular stated uleOtillg ot theAtlantic Counly Medical Stm[ety will bebold attbe Nolo ~ork llotolin Egg l~:irbvr

"U}ly on ~ll~llda;. Dee, 8th at 1 U. l~l, &nhl~y ~illbe~e¯d by Dr. $. B. KIrkbrble

Ihliorled uy a dlsunxsion oh the ~,+lma sub-jeer. There x~ili else b¢ & tllsen~sh,n on tile!’~tthofogg and ~te~lOnent el Int0rt]iitting

~e Ve ~’i In whish alb or ll]os L of (he Lnontbur~will Inkn parr. All the r.~guisr idiyAniatm

lnl tb0 coamy are invhed LO be pt~c,it+

--the courts sat next wcei. The feb.+ lowing are the jurors:

liu~.Nl~ Jpt~ov.’~.~{ohn Godlr~, Elias

W~ight, Joso{,ll P. Cake, llenry I!. S,,dti,;E, cob Cosde_r~i I t =l~onard ~h ey, Jos-eI It lgeul], ¸ Llavld Sclilh Israel Adams,

’£homas K, Reed Jobu lb. Boobs. T+ IRE..41ar~on Wul. ~Ioore, "jr+, ~a~hanlol Dis-bro~. lgd.ard Wibeln.

Clarh P. Ilill, Jnbn W~steol~. Ben]. If.Over]toiler, Lewis Nothro uh dolul Lbier

Gco.,~Lubisek Willianl S, fl-o~’0~, WmVeal. "

PlenI" Jttaolts.-:-Nishtdas B. GaskilL

l?rluois "~Vi~zonburll. (doe!Tie ~.~urrie,]’.I~A~-#.., ~..hli,i II. W+~7~IL",l,evl O..lilbert~on. ,]oseIJh T. ~ol !, ~|er-fil( parkharst~ Georgn Uoucb. ~uhnl L.

Br.varlt. h]aL’J+ (loll[as Jesm] l~adie~lli. Jas

ddpb, [,aamgmilli. Bmhard (Iratne (lld-eeli ~J. 8triekisad. I~dward Ertell. lliohnrd+Shegerd. Jonlitban 8~ Ifaward, Albert G.

1Ludd. John W. Mel~oilu,U,_LlOhn II. gin-gee, $o.lors Collins W,IL b’. 3IeKill ps,

- JohnIx% Jantn~ Wun[parL~ t{curge ~¢amtner,Charles Abhotb Wnl. Gibers,.: dnha C~I-line, JOsoldt C. Jollhso,., Augnslus Ste-


~A adTos festiral was held at Atisntio~iqr, for-the benefit, 0ftho ~i..10 Church

ca Thar~d~ tile "28th of last 1neath. I~Ir.11. II. L~ed~ ,+ropriotor oflhaAIhambra

which the ,eoker¯ niter pl.miuro, nnd a re-

i~row,h during thoflqtnulor Tnonthsl opennd

hie doorl, and hindb" Jnvlted the ladles tngive tbeir enterLlinmont at Ids ]lOliSe forwhLeh raver ho rooeivnd Lhoie ~i,ioerefllankl+ At 7 o’e]ook ]). M..he pnnpis

hogan to g~tber ih crowds I lot Wit h+~Lalidingtb~ ,tar ttiilh[~h rcl~cred die ~tve~t’,) and at qutrter past suve,n Ills

¢. nging ,tlllitl thirtp or rtyo" main wire

Ihelt~ld lod fseitp with dteerlul endle~, ~Inl war,i hearla i

¯ who bado tlloln ¯ beurly woh~In~. At

querier to eight tb¯ ladies hltd all tbelr or.ran£onianti ~olnp[utnd i /our in blcll atrntcb-n,I t honulelvos oia/ns, t he dhilng hall i gill¯n.¯ ~nI hlmallh all tbolnlur]~s whildlliru to he

foulld bl Lhn ~lr, eli thu earthI nr hi thewater; ¯guh propi£ratlna all Lbe litdln, rd

th0 S~& Iddo 01ty Qiily i knnw hell tn provide,nothing that nlnh ,~ini~+ of file. w~, llck-

lnglllllt could tempt tbeAPpoille 0tit at’.tit0 r}’o. A,Id ut tile Naulid nf tile 4~hgthe llllillllud0 lliill eOllih)rlllhiy i+t’lltl,+~ ul

|ha tehl0~l’limi ll¢l*~ I[ Ln jilllgn tboeenlllTUiyhr Iny~elf I shouhl ber,nillinlled hi lUly llieydid anipln J lilttilhl in lu,tidg Ihu ilUlllh{nl elthe sninpt nntl~l lU’ovbdo n ,plolid bellffn Iheinlie the, tidl viii.Is ninh¯d awl

lhu prl~llllell uli ,lie Uanli;dl~ lie ii. AISl nti111o lin ndlnd+ lindeighty took Inl lllld .lill thole Is, is lihniiy

Io qiir0 ’ah{0h ili’Vrlihil n’liPi llddaL llnnLhllltlin licit dliy i .%{ r. d. Iltimlt lluwha~l,d IItint1 emko iI huff d,disrs, gild O# ~tl’t", /¢~p0-elally Irledl brou~ hi n big prh’n. Th0 IOlule¢oluplny llaln Ilia gOllllgO~t IO Iliu lib{nit¯ ppolTud tu nnJ i t’ iht, nllalvon vet7 uiueh

hide~d. AIId l bale )’¢tte hi!0 i illUfeIll+e fttbemisl pill i" eOllliuud Digol ht+r whore

nler.vtldnll app0ared In pRPli nf~ iiililo t2n.tir+dy lilem*lril in Ibe idtbt~t lU*ll oi thltIlrm tblll the Idlilol f, etlvlll. AIi reward~lr tlleir table effort thll Ladhlllill,i Inlets.

Ihisl OVer LWO hundred i]ollnrl ’.a plies Inoh¯ hlndtl+f Ihe trustl¢l vf die rllereh.--ixll¥ dsli bll~illg of ilia II~it lield lit Ihnrhureti ¢’/¢r ro~l Ill, lie ihd liilJei el Ihu i+.asldnol,)’, rid er~wa their n,¢rp etlurt withihq~dllat lu~’elll, ~ l’~ I+ E t 1 l’ll’PI i Ill.

-.lift Ih~OUl’lie/I moel}i,II nf ih,i It‘toni nlthe+b~dd+,lt Pl| thi~+ ~>lt~lp llxl kdd ~lTu~sdiy, AII Ihl laeuril~ll ~¢1~ ftv,++ilt,

ltut Iitth~ hlllilimi was d~tilt, at¢¢pt thi

work on bddlmn|lill fa r ill

i~tident limeila ~lob Ii ~llii.

them ~tldl ln~Iligib]o to I~usoftbeu..d,©t ..¯~#the genelil rendcrl. BllEll Woul& lalm~l’ta ~le

The eO~mitleo llptlolnLod to ll~n~ the b.r I~a~ q~¯melilr of illry hMr. l~¯t muilformli" lag el¯lull#, tb~Meridtail iMho ,r or illlr or~i~

able to report+ progTese.

the ¢~pnot. The rea~n Won

for tbe,u. ~eywUI host it’i~ enid. some$75 dollars. As &he ~ounty Ireasui

nLonoynot be ~telned them; The money has,biw~er, hewn h~rlowed Ito~ tit~¯ toga ~f{female,ton, and it is expected that the

stones will sonll%o ready to

"Another item of lateral was the report elthe eommltteo appointed to suggestprovemellte in tlie tax isws of thls sutte.¸i

$o/uetimo ago a state eommltteo was ap-polp~d tel thi¯pu:p~ae. Tke e~mmltte¢

soliclfing suggestlona" from +them.board sometlme ago, appolnted acommfttee.

n attend to the matter, and at thls meetingported through its ellair-

me., 8. We laHed to

le of Irallmmllemr q~nad ll~ll or

ill the April

Lane, N¯i~ York. IBohl by all Draggllt~.

Their Ito©il oaliiltt O | ¯ lace ii a¯l~rt~e ntbl~

DRy GQOD8.ycnrly tram Cnlle,~

TS[S need llot be, Dr. ToSiu’ VeeotLan Horli ~0~.Lt~l~,t wilt p.~littvll~ e~ie cwry eli% if WIvell : ~ ~’~OCiI~RbP~,when flrlt laklll+ The ¢0st {e only COO dol[ap+gi~ry o| ¯ hers* ,heuid h¯re h©ttL/re HARDWAREIJi,.taile, re~t~forus.. Itl¯w¯rm.led ¯uper.

~]~.OC~RY.It+/l+ lly~hl~g ell+¯ fox+ thll eu~ ¢~ C~.~, WLI+4ile11,. SwellJuls, 8ore Thr.*t¯ Bpr=fn,. ]hlil.., BOOT8 & SI{OES;Ol~ Sd~ee. &e. Thin Llnlmeot is no laow rom~d.~. .. .itb~b.euu.d¯ndaprr.vedorrnril0~e.~b~


tl~t ~Tat holalmlel~ I¢, the e~nlll~. |{i~ t,* a~

e*n.tdmtlyreeel.ed trumi~erartnD+stnbi*.o/Z.. AtlIBelzli°nililil¢illr°ilttOnl)"fdnmd for It. The enlobrMed glrem ’iVo~Im~ Especial attmllopWl[] blgl¢o¯ te theof trattlhg lame+ use4 It rot ye¯r¯, and snll~ it h++, ,+.rear .+ ,o+ ~’"*mP~’v’+m’~#’°’i’++~e’e’~en+Dr* Tublaa’ ’V4net[Im {folio LInime~lt [a put uIo pipit betslel, i,Tilke ~lu 0t’~er. Sate h v~lrugg ts ctnd lidd el~t.-’~le~tn--~h Coi.l~l~

cltizun ot gl years of age, to be applied to

school purposes. It contemplates also theappoin’tiilent eta coUnly hoard of ag~sors

wile shaft go over the ommty once in three¸yeflrs ~nd eflunliza the as~altlnlt+nt ~ot~it~lilthv townpldila &o.. mad a st.4te beard who

L rooro-effeotualneihodofco eat ng thoraxes Inaklnl~ Ibem

first Inln on real astate~ and provldlng for

right of rodumptlon within .one yhar, andmaking the nollectors resnansibld far the

pad, meat of the 12 par can1 interest on dc-linqnent taxes, in case tbcy ee]ieel the taxwithoat the ]2 per cent. These are thenos nssoJItial~nlggostions, which are fo be

e,nbodied iu tile fornn o! a letter mstate ¢onltuittee. A b~ll

danmgl~ done

Lower Ba,k brldgo was phL¢cd in thehimdsof nn aftornet Ior collection nn~lahill against Uhar]e~ Dougilly Ior the sup.part of s ththcr John Doughty and for

a hart , of the fuflera]exi]enecsx was’ldm-~T/l~J~ oai:dAm~k~aite ~i

sho!’t reecgs for dhmer mid dld not adjourntill aometlnm after dark Ne¯rlyall per-sons h:t~riug billg ag~tiast the e0tt,zy pro-sentod them so that they ,night have conn.

So many hills were pneg~dteat ~h~ order I~ok was entlrel), ll~d rip,and manyhi{h were simply endoraed bythe President and Clark. l’ersons havingsttEb+ bills heIwe%’~r ~tn ttt~ them the sJInle

p~drder& Arrlingo+lllent~ wore lusde lota nlew order book before the next mcatlngof the Beard, Th~ present |loard [s earn-posed el’good hlon~ ~llpab]e of luokbig wellafter the i aunty . ]n ~en-

di.~ nose d to~l ~et hutI~m of thoul .~¢tttcd di~po~4 Lo oxatttine

the bills prns0nted Pc elo~ly ns the intnro.tsDf the eounlyl~qulred and tile Presidem

tlulmLnra c~ofeare nLmss[,,ghill~ The~SeilC hoard iS however ~ gf,~at lnnprnvo-

nlent ell Hanlu ofita predecessors in tide

re.pact, al/d nutnereltls I~akag~.~i ha~’e bo+et~SlOl)liod. W¢ arc no~ nlYnra that any of

cbe hills p~ssed nil TtleM~y u,,ju~t in

the lizard wa~ the olooSml nl ]~lr. C.harh!sTurner I1.% 2h bn~bouso 8toward far one )’nfirIt~3 Vote el II Io d.

A I’EIRIIIINIgST TOSIO.Every one al time, f~el~ Lhe necessity of s~me+

thing to tone up ~e ny,tem depressnlt by menialar bodily exhlltiltlo G. At e~ch t[m~s let erery

ul=nt I. relnvl~orMI his ,tobilitnled e~ltem by Ihe

nr yroteete~ g.luti~ .f tha PratliXlde or Ir©2,"ahieh vlnl]he~ ¯en~l e~riches the blood ay sup.plyL,g LL wiLl Lta L;f~ E?e.,.,i, ~nas.

ffil,,9~ff~r a~ n foltore4bHe, rr*, ~ t 9 ~*aeffn., hutaro iiermanntit~ f n Fu*lugslr©ogth, vLgnrand now li~ in lu ~ll paris ~fthe eylsela, end lmild.lag no IIlO~ CONSTITUT(O~.

"l~’ln. 0. St©fling V2sq.. efl’otighlt~cpsiq H Y:layS: "~ioc©.lakioV 1he ll©rtirian l~yrap ]feclhe 1or. my streligtll is impr.vedI m~ bow©h artrag lar nty el,polite Orsl rnte,

iere e &u o d , i~-ei~ an n

roar. who his used Ih. $~’mp f.r three m.eths,~lndgi¢o~ It u hll doeideg*+pilni~, Ibat itl, thehost ALt©rMive ’fen ia .M ~di<iae Be ever know,"

Fur Dvml, . end D~.1he P©ruYlan SyruI,ia ¯ specific. A ;12

mgepnloph[el s~lll frc~*. The Ailmille hn~ z¯pl:.grvl~ ~ 1~1 itur ,, hL.wn in the gl.vm

J P. D[NSM011FI Proprietor, ¯¯ " No. ~lt~ Dcy 81...Nelr Y ~k. .

So d hy a I TIrllgg ~L~.

GRACE’~ CgLE[IItATgD 8ALVg.We are eonsta~l~v henr~ favorable re~©~

frnlu 1base. who ave tried this reuxody Amywife t,f 3[.rk +t.~atl,~,.y, of t bls/ily and

Ifl}cted wilh a felon.znenlt? Induce4 to makon

AtlnO~t i~elnol~y iihe exper.ieqccd relief fr,~m the p¯i,n, wFnieh h:td bee. nilmoslnuendurublu, beery olher remedy hat thispcnve,I tin~ |illng. Thane who hare Irle(l it eneeat© .el[stied of tie merit~ and nothlngwilL induce

pply.--F,,ll B re~ N,*.~,

~ll+~¢r ti~tlilr,lt~.

Coal ear ba had of the Sub..~riber at his





$6 50 per Ton.~tlitl’ t ~h

............... I have lint in n set uf FAIlI.BAN[CS’Apl, L~l.tlATl~.~.qlJ3[L{l~--lly It.*’, W* I,.

Zane Nov. ~0tli at tb© I~alnlnnt’e tnf the hrhlen h|l~.~l " SC.kl,h~5, sn I mn able toMn ,I Olin II, Ar I’KI*41ArK n~f Phlla t elllnl+.

Jeree7.IIy.40~--NI~+WIs%AN--L~I plp.tlohllt, LIi,l~r~I

L’~,, at #lllys Lnudlnlf H.J..IL+r, lPlh led7I3|l;..resl+lnl ~’ieP+ IO ~[ISd i.tll+x +’fflIWMal<.

IIT+qO+~SI,OAN~On Ihn to.l©. I1/ Ihti llnntipMli. L~tl~lltsllnt L[rsoq to Mis~ ,I.xlll.~%ll +ql,OAr+,

PtL[IH~--SLIgRSIttlt~0a Wetnt+mlay .~.~’.27dl llifi7 hy "lhe I~er. ~lefirlla 43. 5hLLIdn0k nfMt+y’e I,a.d},g N. ,I. Mti. Btlal nl I{. Pallas LeAI t~s, J;II+IA A. 8ulnt u~:a, helh, r (,¯m~l,n

IIRl’:l¢;f~flTIigt‘MA~--On Tliltrllay Nee,~RIh]SIITUl IheroSidlln©o.fthe hrhl©s mr©i~tev~;r M. ’e I,mn,llrtlh h.v tht, IL©r, 41e0, I,. Med-d*,rk M., I~ yeeu Itntlli;s ul r hLladolphL~i to +~ r~a.

,~illcl’iid ~f01kfL

I ~l~t:g’lEll’’lOO F,g lull Iilli+lIn ’llUl llg lit il glhL illldlhnnll ~-

bill h u I lll¢lll (or Iliu Whller itioiidl s, Ill 1he viiLty Ilhere IIlt,~* rns[d©, whioli ~gl Ilnl thulnt, MI hi hlaO per II1OlltLh Yor iillrlt©lll~rl snr Id,lre~a ll.l~llMl~htllI IliiIO~, i~;l ~,ililOlU it.I

dil% Pill., I~l.I ~

fil m i:ifrTiiiT~i.,vtvl~.. - +-¯ TIho Itllt’* KI)WACD A, W[I,l~l)~l wit1 ,llnldfrcn ,,f chnrgel to niL who d©dtn II 1ha ,r~m rl

thnll ~tith ale nl rgutlnnt W ~l~r laaknlg it Ilnl tlSlllI¯ hi* *1~ rulnlo,l~ hy which h~ wee enrbdaflonlhm em I tgt Cnn*tim{in n.I1 anifl~,ror will Iry 1his ,rnsnll itl,,ll, al

IItlll+ and til.y plows v+ h[aal.lag, I’h,¯s¯ ti,l~rnla

IU~V. lqn,lAlili A, W*l,SON,

5nilllll)l.l,lAfnix~ t ~ h%tkorl m~ thn %lnl~*%ht~st t~v*. ~v

eu Ih¯ bel,I Ine,i,Ii i will .url Ili~ SlrndghleilI.air i will r~tn.~e ’l’~th Frceill,l~ I’lln hi,s, ¯n,I,It erli ,11,1111 flea th, +kill. h,+*vlng II ~tbft ~li,l~hLlaltS nit hiflllit’~. Novel knuls~t I~ f.ih I rl~uI~3 51¯11 lll~ltits,

A,t,lrp Itllt;Vl~ q ~ (’1),,~8 Nnls~ii,lflt,* New Y~ir~.


I II nff. r ,l*llh*n KiiiSallt eed I*1 I,r o*ie ©e hllllrlo al

~rntilh tl~ hllr a lOll ~ i.d,l hom,l ,,s beildhtlltruer I ¯flu ¯ rlolpe lop line +¢m.wll uf PhnldOl.g [ub~klu. ~lu ,llya~ ii1~1, i*h itl* qhl.. ill vl,*~.lhelilies It+An e i¯r llnll I,el~Llll ¯, tan b* oblalue4

e"i sin aloe l,repnrod to wo]gb]oa~

of Hay, (irldn, &e.

lit-I/ ginllll)lkO~lt@ll~ N. ~/ll

fl ] R11 llg’i4 ]’A T I{ gT. . --

81~R[g0 BED BOTTOM.Iii Act,ant tl*[Ih Ihmn P©blllin.

D h’. 0It,"

;Sall~P©Hehlltdn FaHulihl ¯tl~m,

(hltl ef all ¢llt}re ti©w [tY. PanlgalJea.henouh g hell~ tir llro. Pllrlty & elaeD[l,leds*heel--I~lr~ t n ill nllen POW~l De llld iiuh~h,n,hnllgml end [’~nr olnl, l.*r i~y reenlntnln~ndhlgI~’©tltiln,--ii,Iref~lg~, lil I, tt~e InVArh~ble

lleL iJy t ¯lli~l’ r W L[4 rH]ll, In ~PlerF¯ [~[[41[ht liilli~llllf~[ ~.lvldltig .f trhd clio’* self.©,,il ~Lir}il~* /1eL&live, The elll ,

i)lIQ e~lllIt ii itg ¯ (hole

Prices from ~,hL to ~10. lictor(|-’ ~ ing to Size.’>’A Ilu~rnligh, rollthlo ¯xens, for Veruxanl. Oin.IheeSteltl~ g©ll Jnrsn~*, atl~l Pni*nlylsant~ trelle,Iwit5 hy b FIA’% FI’ & Ill:tilL USII I~,

M nllq ~’©isrers en~[ Prnr’rh’t"rl,t 5,lie till t~ollti~ l~i., ~f=~ ?i%t k,

¯ ialllll,llil N.I.I,IFL

eli sgeqtlll~lli~ ]l’ I)uoq, llWber Illllrs~1 the reddctilm ef]~¯ ellhSolll.r, th~ follo~l.~

¯ i,ol ~*,, I, I~lhn ~/llnhow IMillns holilelleadf~nl,n soar I’orl IIi.~w Ilvol, tl.[ [i inmti,I n i el ~hh, I Ihcr~ J~ lsu s,n.ehnr eod~r aw#lll h ~tnt el~l~hnr2l J|

.~2~ iti~r L S, Otis ilnli f L.In¯r od Lltii nl g+~,,ll fline u, ull

L,,I Nti,.~, II i4~ ~rrllllf Imlil hn*d ntl, lnllti~lllnldm n(’ t, t’lanll, Wm, I,, il411~y ind IL II,iil¯,.k Umlh

/,ut 3’n. 4, ]i eheq111 IOlOW ur ),nnlltig Ihnh©~lid .lit [Lnl ih* sill h nlq ~ s llllld, I~udl af J.~, ,h LI,’rntlier tlul*¢+v II, tlnhlnh sial ,,1hull,

Let ~’,,+ ~. fs Iw,+ I,,1. vf *,$,,~Inill me¯d.~ ,,11Dut©h t ’reel. ,* mill. htK H er©l e~r I~,

Lie ,%,+, e, Is ¯ ~.r~¢7 ol I1~i ner~l, ¯n+lIi e .w ti Is ~all It lael t "r.,~h ~,~r ©¯y, Wli4 I[~M,I¯

, an~

t.t ~’.. T, La *’i~lmipkin¯ Thlluughfanl IlafH.ri’e# u1,3i ~r¯l iu £1*t lit oe t J lllu~ Bl+~+, lut

wlthoat abet hy e.I d ¯.lsll,’1~108, F. 4?Jl+i. L’,l~il A N, tPii.¯n*t,

II|3 ]Ir.ldwmy go. yolk. ¯lhi¯hle for (,i¯lilPili,,~tILSl,........ i- .{Iio Ill¯ il.rl I. il li~ .+III* ill111 inulll rarla tm.

~[III I 1’11 It I*g Pl EN, ¯ad h’’"llhMII ItillJhlill,

mill id¯ll +14th hotiureBhl od latlatll~+ IrnmtUllnl dltluml mill i*u Pied° k"eWll by,It A It Y 4~LJ IlK K,

I’Y et+nl°ltlnl I)R’ IL Allllll~Si~, g". 17~ Bi¯+eh- pi*lt R ii,u bile .%’u v, +17+ t 14ill> l?,lSs¯ Pilrlil. Pli+ YOlk¯ ?.r.eeaih+ .r l,y lo11Pr, illl

’la~¯llt*htl lil..tht$ IIqulmilr soul i+¯ry¯bar.I+lllld l+’OIP Pllllll~*

h.¯ I~J¯h[ ~F llllloell, Sl~urvl~+ I,a+ke4 h*a t,+m I ¯ A~’~t a’~ e{ ~mpsl¯l,+l lllll4 IP~I+T k~l ~, Igl.

ill elllni is¯tier hli II llllMil ¯ p,+¯ln.I euli lul sill il loll ii lllit pIdshll.l*,I II atilt. Ill#+ $135 ly] ’PU08, laVl~U,

~ot~+I PZmal. ilrttt, ~uili tit.

GI4E~-&T Bel]e~m

Wm. ~. llnl~lle t t. Pltp’r.dip 7 ll~ $~ ~lile d Jif f]4. ~S 411J tlliih

Small Profits o-.,,.. +’pgARl~irli eLall t i lllllll ~l J i-el. The

2- ynlt Dw~r f.bu 4@

pglcflos. 15 ~l l~ll

~u~g¯ t ~+rs ~2~ ~CL-ARK’S -- ::- ,, ,,,, ,.,~l l.~l ,. i; I~ ii ii x n~ i---

Dorchester, ~O.

EMP0RIUM! ++g"Y "°’+’+ +°~{tl¯llnn~, ilO¯ In’ ~b0.RAnrllzgn ll$--

PhLLild ©IL+ Mr., t+r~ llrgel ]+ lllilrDuhrlng[ "’C[¯rk¯, I.Dnolitllm IL°O.I~, I000

¯ Davllnn’l Thomlees, $1. ~b lack, ~%¢. g% +lee+,I lalla th{, e~p#oriun { ly t. lit n vii my theakl ct $75. b$100, $~100+iI 1000

Ibe’pe.l,le nf If.mmonl~l for lhelr pllt fa+nrs, lrz+~’~zn.rzm--end i.licLt ¯ ¢ontlonaece nf tb¯ e¯mn Knnwing Philid©lphla, $1. pr dot $5. hi- LllO ~!t,. pr ]OD0

Durmnd’i BeldllaS, $]. p,r del

tlammoulon, J~e 22d. l IIIli’.

At Horton BrothersXOU WILT, FIND THE

ll> ~ +,i. I.. -’tll, T Z IDX.IB.~ :



h¯,re determin,iP]l he hie tn s¢11 m~

Tn da Ihls I muag plyeash fax ¯lL g~ds,nod ni t eel1 oely do th II hy t ell]lig ~or oalh ia re¯t.rn. I bale del~rmlee&

On mad afar’the IVlPl~t of July,

Or Reali$ Pay.

th the Ci,h I eJtU

pit ]0~0Jueundn, $~, Pal’¢] ~0~ipewa,n, , ¯~llr?’s SledLing, $2, per I0BurPe +New ¥ise.

per 10Or $6.

ybrld Gl¯41,,Iu+ l0

Imported FrmLih Trees ! !


OII~ D U’ITEiITO~ retirlu rinsers thnoki tlJ hll frieods for plier ~li~nr . ¯.d to Ih¯ Im0mer.~,ul’itl~lt,laSvhl~.~.n~m~i5 gt~t+f~t sek~¯f.

a ~y at rieSmdbeP+llee 5o pl’~ne[plela f in l+~rttyj te merit & ¢ootlau¯aee o f thelr pierce.

pporhanLI7 ofan.a.nela$ io



OR ~IA Li-’. AT Tll.t "If,.ll OIITIIt¥ Oil/d][N.


17-5f 8, 15. CObWELI.. ~l’eymnutli, N. J,

M. D. DePUI’¯

ll%+mmoulon. N. J.,I:Eb{L E~TATE A¢IEA’Z~-"

"ACI, Great Reduct in! t...+,to ..,.. ll,l| ++.IJtlI+t~lode?+’lnlp ert|n+l frOi~lhn I.ottitl. ......

¯ . ii~llllliil I 1hole znrLe which ia hle cwnl’Ofth;..~ Come :all and examine [’etLo,,,+=.’,.a*r~,+S¯,u~.,++"a..¯.’>’>

lIueed s~le~ surprnling trnpll of haudlmmeuelag

~oods altd Prices before ’pur-, fr¢lblmperted,RUTFEfL &c.chasin~ alsewllere, I ant ready

to show goods at all timcs.I

FLOUR &qtialllp~ ellilllntly

nn head.

0, E, & J, 8, FBITTS,L’°r thesalueflml’f°vedLatld’tVill¯gel’els’&e" ~4l|,lllsitlo Snl;ILI Fi.lttt ~-"llITtIP-

~nromher 2a. LSlIT. ,alT.Li~,C.I! g~- I.i,

LI~IIE: LiL~IEZ i,I~l-~! Elwood, liNew Jersey¯A h’~l’/LO]~ 0~ T{II¢



KgDE i~7~r~EP. POW~U~U~, gll~g(rlig ]ii

Concrete Press

road ms4 the Itt~ntlou ,ublie II [nT|t4i~ bt’be ol~.wuglertcr ~ ~ed’¯ er~d~3|aEod~thnlr erehlre¢l:


OFY[Cl; O~ ThW. ILL+ Cg.~’il~&l,)

. l:Lu L Roab.d,,*m, ,igl+t ¯*a i,¯.r~. CfilCa~O, Dee. llth, thole delJr{ng

~a- I V/re’m-//~I/’tt~ ~ Ca n ~ ~-This i¯ to eegbify thatI have

~l~retmntested and tmi now using¯llyglx.¯tly llu*ndedfaeiiitated,wntaaodmlleLlf.ilam often the -r~L, Brick¯ made by " R~iXe " Co~-r~,lerefiextrelnaly r¯re. ~o|1th~taneareful.nquiryitma~belafely¯,lert~ CRETE ~ESI{." {~:{~ ge~o~{~o~d

rvt two percent¯ nf ]~t ae~eoon tmpartitiats them to be the 6esl Concret~hmrn h~n found oe fail,

^m,,og the fr.lle ,,illlm fenn,l Rt¯o," +,’e. Brick manufactured.Peat.bell, A ,rleott and Noclarluel co Plum ~ftAAC L. l~ilILllDIl~l.St~ki, These finn prodn*~tlonedtse~od y tiledin tbn ~r,t. rani<*l i.imc -ntirely Architech I. C. R. 11.. Co.thoee .iseases nt ]¯te nu dbccurszeing Io itieatoe’nf nltix’e ~orl~,, arl+ ~r$,l© ee [[111 i~UUrl~illi~ ~[ ~lll¯~

BgS~ t_~oeki~l~d Li]lle.Just rt~cuived sod For sale ll~

~Mlrf{{m TILTn.~ & Co..]| 15 L }I,Xll~lO~Tu~, N, J,

1,~llrly IVilson ~]illlekbel, ry.

The s hsoriher will futailh thLlenlueblli r~.~io.ty I,y h, htitulr¯d, taousand..r ten tllnn.nod..Igrrntty re,luoed r|te~, if ]1 t,~’hasod prior IO Ihc1 ~t of¯ry. ¯

Th,~ BL¯ckh~xey ¯~il~t very ¢leL~ Lu the= sgrtu~,ned it i~ s~+~r tn obl¯tn ~llom I. the ~utu.ln.-Thnto wha v, ish to

SA3[UEh PAgso~"13-19 T’n’~| RLr e,. lg. J.

~AR:tI( FOil [ISL~,~.4 I.t Al~reN at’ Innd oil 3[nlu ~enrl I~elT

TWti+AND.A-f]ALP A(’lil~q IN Fltt11T.


winl llln~l~+ ol l~,|uqll. Will he ~olll 15 Inure’sinif al,pJlenl Ior paoli..lut[~ir o nt .

N. D. ~t~ II U ~. ¯1 the Ir alinllI[alnmenton* N. J,;.Voe. 211. [$a7. 17.~0

.I.NTI~D,--AH AIIENT’Ili everyWdle Ntaleof Now Jersov fur I 1o leWti in

IIAllT.FOltll hlb’llAND AIJUIDENITM INSI-IL+INUIICOMPANV. ’[’hl~ uo.u,rm i’shteS lUl khel~ ,,t{ni[k’il~l ncudil~TIN N’[I: EPITIIEAR[Rt{p].,I.N Iho ire¯ell Ilid lanEI [la unDr foMur~ in],ifn t nsllr~no©.

Addr0~x J, S, ~IIILIgTIE. Jr,t~eueral agenl for New ,1crecy.

N¯. Ib5 & 1~7 Jlroll,l~r¯y. )tn,.h, NNP¢ ~l’l ]]l I~

¯ t dire ~/~c~ 2]¯1M~.

" - " LI’~"L2’~-~II1C~s buddedslun’f~r f~uey¯wl[eoee ¯ "Tb~Co.ere~Briekiradal]yg’~owl~g.~’fa.~ti’~TIliorpIt~t. Rtlglt|b~r]eLe~.BIRek- b~lg}ng I,tnep.-et. ill et whLvb Ill hilhertn, will be 7oFwitb the built]tog soma¯city+ Wi hleei~l~

belief f.~..~ge, aohl at mnder¯t~ rute~, reid ~000 to nee plrly ¯1 ~.35 3~er teoeltll~ h pdWil.l~;t Roat.j ]lam~nrt.n..h’. J. ~lhlull ~hem 7d/ m~|t¯ ¯ ~t ¯ .W¯

uave eumper~d brlcke reed¯ hy ibl B.og~ r’~ In- -7,tr Fept .~2r l$fiT. ~httie wilh the ,, Co~erlte I~lunl*¯ ~ux$o~ts¯ ~l~t~+

eoh i[a~ with the r~uetioo c.f the ~mlmJta

Basin-Road ~umerlee, m<-k~’n++...d+*+,+,=,.mo, te.~i~lespt ~t. ~ill "l~illl ~¯ tha 7¯i~i II ~ellplth sinew ind [e% lid the# ell Implrlk. q~llb rough 5 llboll130 d. wlitt~l Ihe e ~ cll hillt ~i¯eg

Oar as~ortmt’nt or ¯m©ll J.’rti{t~ {i n.t ,rely theI,tit on# of lhv largest

and most e.m *l,,le ,.ffrrnd i~ the country, com-prisln~ 4.+. variotl~¯ i,r .~t ra nt,.r ri~s. IS nf R~tp.¯ err[e% Ili ,Jr t; ~a],e~, a.d 5 *,F Blmv~llvrr }as

$~’e eL.e furnlse Io *,rl]~r zny other carielln~,tier grew~ hy u~, ut th~ tows~l current pr(cea,

LlUr [llduevm~u LS.

C. E. & J. S. FIl.I TT-~.*EIw,m,I. Now ~Tcr tey.

--hplants Ill’llll Ill’Ill

persiial who .+ill ]iill, e phial+ el Wilsnn’l Aihl~l) ~nrliAhcrry.-~.~to=l or Dnrohcatel ]lhek-~e’~rT, t,t ~lovl~llLu% t~l~r,~.re4 Itllxek earl IAasp-harry, I,~ +,ell io lill leli,~, ¯1o i¢llue~Led It+ leadfor etif I!lrl Uhll +~e.-~

i-t !

~-l:tlllzlS.ontoll. N. J.]l’lri Ce [.Isl

OF ST,)l~l~ PRDW.~ND FOR SAI,I’: BYJIOilN 81. lllllllhI)ll,~lO.

-ql’r trT~Standarda, 4 ye¯r~...,..5 cts ellth $?0 p¯r lilt

dn 2 ~e¯r....+ 20 eu~., Lg .-Dwa?f. ~ end 3ye,lr~.311 elm ., 2~ ¯


pul time en ii not elovl, ~ad ecald ll¯~el¯’l irechaug¢, Ei~ery Call like ila~ ~ lilllnlll$111~ty*r~ o m~ anffw~ ium4 lot a4~it, wh~:~ 111 gm-I$ I~ller". P,~f. lLtlLraln of llPl I~ll Ill!~rli=i.lll tlle,u i. d +fell- IV llr hirelll ~ml~llli+#-

will oentin~l t~ hixd ell for I t l@lilt IU~ +~earl." ¯ . .

And whenevmlr Ih e e e b xl e~ld h a r e lleell ii~illie,Innd Peitl~l the venliel {s lavurlahly P¯vlridlll~-~’hn YL]UU O[ cuu.mle al ¯ ~att]dtn t mt~

so maoy f.iluros ha.¯ bee. imil¢ 5y rl o [{ll i|-remptieg iti m manr~|lm while ¢ nllil~ I~l m’l~

i the ~lll.m billl’llllik ¯~

wheu pro~Hyanderatang Ihl IrL -’" . ,.,

The onlwr~le nted ill tb~ manafdet¯l~ ef ’thembrick is i[mllar 1~ cerulean eel#ere

m| W~]I Ill Lhe m lillilli It

FI.tldards. I ysmr.,,..~lecl.., 2A .. plllelll.and each lal¯[a, 2 aa,I ~t yrd ~n sis .... p ~e~¯llm el .Ibl+all~ £ ,..Siletll ~, 441 .,...,..-,,’e¯r ,>©,.,’,-+t"., ,,y..¢ixty’r%us°"i°euns2 I’ 2h¢le - 20 ,4 .... , II’lunn~ Cherry, Coahe, Apric~ll i"tEnI h"e©t¯r- Thll i,i++s.ure tlusln ¯ n . of ~e lime liltlno~ a.,I Q tilnco I~pel frlt in 40 {o 00ot~ each, nalld that he. Im alhmlid.S hi,din arad O euel~erU ~1 ~Rel, t0 i~ tie ~11 alah

ew Store,

New Goods.

Page 3: AL~ SUPER-PH Gra, · tachid|t~g the preparatory candles, wBh~,ut regard forwarded, to aoyscetarien views. Hence. while lev depre AL~B~tsiness in Real Estate ~ belnngl.g to nat~ tko

.,., .. . .o .

., . 1


A. ,l.gins,Ai¢

;~!1 t~ ~?l~tt Hammonton Frnilf ~ettle-i ~eft inducements are ~ffnred to



~) All Wmatlag Farms. ~pp,, toi:. YCRP, GnT.

. RLwnov,

..... "- " " ~ Abe "" Atlantic ¢~0.~ N¯ J¯

. "many thousatld acres of Crenberrylands¯ Circulars or ether inf~q’mation cheerfullyferw~:~od.

v 1[ t.L Justness ie Real Eettte belongmg to]P. St Jphen Colwell ill the Weymouth tract, will

E. ;~t IIT,*..Ivl 2~xfi~,

.~ooJ, N..f:

Hammontou:La~d 0files.:tntlet from;~t~l At]antJ~ l, and but few IN eonsequeues~of thegreat inquiry far im~tq the l~ew These ).undo proved Farms by p~rsons who are In eorrerpon

I~l~ t~the actual mettlern at low ¯ deuce with Re from tit p,trtz of the country, Ia Real EJtate Reglrte¢. PerseusIt~ t find

¯ The Soilla’~ day Io~v,~, ~uitnble for

all grains Lthe 6neat,

it tt mnnr~e

gultantee .latllfacllon.R. J. BYRNES.

27atf. llammon~on


~tion to s~

t noil iu the 1Pea~ r Penche~, Appos, Qulncen,

lYaorries, BIt ckberries,Raspberries, Grapen*a4"ldl kinds, ~nd nil other fruila are raised~ro in immense qttautilles, attd they aremougl[t after:by [he.dealnrs" nn[[ commend

the bestpriees in tl.o "Eats.JFIam~ionton-/..~.l

free fruits and wine.From tWo-~ltndred to five hundred doL

¯ ~" l~ in cleared, free from expense, nor acre¯ ’ in thefine fi’uit culture. ~wee~ Potatoes, ]f ,Melons, and all tbe finer Vegeimh]e~ delight ’

in thie soil this branch of farming paysmuoh better than grain raeing, and is

;. m~teh easier work¯

The Market¯ i~ unsurpassed; direct eo~nturiieadon twice

..... a day t~ P.h(ladelph!a, .New Ynrk , ant~ At¯--_=-.--~an~.Cit, ~ompany leaves

" ~r~ here tn be filled with fruit every day iudthe geason ; they am filled in the aRernoon,~Tt-.- -, - ~ud the ,amo night: or nezt ,morning by

= . ¯ -.,<~yfight-are iti the market,, where the~:lii~h~t- cash prices are. obtained Without-" any other u:ouble to the producer than de-:" :)irering the produce to tl M ear. Norm of

¯ ~ the. land now offered is over one and.a-Ittlf miles from the Railroad,

The Climatethe winters hc~

+ t nearly ~dl winter, whilst th~ stun:’ met. in-no tVmrmer than in the north,

.... ’ l~.~’~onn"minting aehnit~e for huahh will-~- ’ be ~ttisfiOd here--the mtldne~

. /,"

¯ . hu Inug~pnd during the summer months tend:~mim~Is flock I0r health¯ No Mi~mn,

_ : +.Ch]tb~ ~’,varsiathia eeotlon¯

3,[illville. N. J.The Water ,.,,he.+o. nfinrur, n,of thebeat l~sda, Cargo~, drc., Apainaf ,Varine

].os#es¯¯ from ten to thirty feet, DWELLING IIOl¯#gs. STORES, aid OTIIERmade here, aa there is at) rook BUIhDINGS,through. We hare the brat eture~ in thee)|/nty, where gauds are enid aa cheap as Household Furniture, ’

¯ ¯ . Merchandise, and otlterproperfy,, am m Phtndelphta or Now York.--schools with tencher~.-- Against lots or damage by 0re. -

of nil

~hera the moeteconolmle&l eOlUpally la ealrtsncs

Met.hodist~,r the Inaurud.

t, Univernhtists, have DI IM~,’--(’.~T "oaI,l.¯ Milla convenient¯ llon. Win, ,’~fooro, May’s Lendl

Rdiabtc pr~cticalnurl~Tnten ~ehofurn. Moore, Fblerville; I,aaman ltle,~Seth llowen, Maurleetown Nuth~nlelbl*aIIMn/.hoftr.,~,plaata, a[ulv;n~uttheMI villa; Furman h. Mallard, d..: lasso I~

10t0e~i’~r~’~¯ Melford, do,; John L, 8harp, de, i Franclr

thmentReeves, do.


l~tiddln, and Westl Slnte~ Application for hlsnraneo etn be mwls It, any ofIndmtrious anh nv~’al, the following agents and suTvey~o:

meat and handnome, and some of Win, Ylloorfj Jr.L~l[n~f~l ]_du!l!!llni[.Jl, llm~terlhle for-buildiogTi.m’provlnff,-&0. L%W6 ~l~kler, !1~ II"eelersl st.rat hand ; e~n reliable mecitanlca whi~ wil Cnmtlen.giis ntinl~tlon. Every convenience tobe lllred W. Clement, llmtldol|fleld.blut that eta be |oiled at any other place,]Jet|one owning property,here obtain tick- ~¥alierR.Thonsme, Willlamatown

all et the Railroad Oontptny to and from Ilenry W. Doughty, Moorcmtowo.

the el~ at a dlseount o! twenty.five per cent (lt0.1y

oe the regular fare,

r~e ~..~.~.ea *..,, ,;.,a Gith for Christmas and NowY anst

t~t thl A Superb HI.ok ef Fine (iel,Jand 811vetall Warranlnd In lull and Tkurougbl

~JNE ; Dr, L r. At tile low price ut SIlL naoh

+State f~,ttoolltl ;llia~ ; ",’dr¯ ,Ioh~gnaranleed.IP0 rolld gold hunting wat¢dlvs, $25ft to $1Ofl(

~frge~tt mnntbcr of the J|tftfrl’~a:t luet~tttfs 100 meglu owned gold watches, 260 It+<l.f Nero rork; dad ~thcrs lnO Isdlur watches, enameled, hlo tuI/l~ etcp~r rata 200 ~ohl hunt’s ohr.ueut’! wateho|~25u In

300 gold h.¢/llng I’]nglid~ hwr*~ ~(Idte

~|O t~t.~ the‘1olf, fPit per,m/is Stair¯ 300 gt, ld hantto:4 du ,Ira w.tehe~, 151 to

t+ou g~td bm~ttug Atuedeau wt~to ~es, I~0 tu

The~e lands are !bOO*liter buutlhg Invert, ~ to

old ladle.’ watoll~to ~t~0to

¯ ... ,, .. ,.,+

the tUct~dhag returnee of that’e valeahla and Attraetlvw than

’ lesumd.Their aim la to make thebig* It AhalI Alwityethall alan mAlataha

a high lUUatht~d of literary pOllell-L’~gAlgnlfieanel tO the thanghtful raider, i.t thaAnnie time that It offers lighter matter fop

¯ -.r ~ - / ¯, .~. .i - ..+--- --- ,

features of the Oala~ for

Wtilh~mW~r¯. 2¯ A eerie of papers by’Bey. Robert Cellyer,

~f ChicagO, on subjects of prteUotl intermit¯3..Riehard Oraut .White will complete hir valu-

abha series of papers on "Worde and their Uees/’and wilt follow thnm with other Atgqificant "1m-

¯ Oeerge WAkemAn, whore humereus ertlcleeon ~ubj¢.~te of eurions rereaseh have Attracted Somtich inter~fb wilt explore Aow flrld+ of literaryeuriolitiea¯ , ¯ m~ IIt~ltte~

5. Proteeeer Blot will continue to furnith him ~’valuable php~ra oa Goukery+

6, ~A new and very striking smiAl story will becommenced upon the completion of" Sloven Law’-fence, Yeoman." It will run for several mouths, -.

.Imd~be -folb~wtu~ r u-by-at-~ew-laovel-byJ--d~tlngulshed author.

7, ,Arranatrmenta have bean made which wI1secure to the Galaxy eentribk’t ~ns from th~ most bitter ¯addistinguished writers of Englavd And France. Iwe~t, In ~,t~nla

8. ContrlbutlouJ may alloheexpeeted from therenewing regular ¢o~trihuterl to the Oa/¢.ry:Horace ’Jreeley~ Walt Whitman,Bdmaed C. Sted-re¯e¯ C. GOdfrey Leland; Charcnee .Ceuk, 11¯ T.Tuek~tman, tlenry JAmell~ Jr,, Mte, Edwards,

Iu~lldtl~l~Mre. R: It¯ DArt.% Ge*rge5

Rom Terry John Eaten Cooke, Marie Hewlahd,~C~ Wyl]ys Dllyett, Bayard Tayloro W. R. Alger,T. t¥. Parlous, Roy, I~. B. Hale,¯l[Arriet P-~pet-ford, R. S, ~aekenzle, Roy. Morgan DIx. D¯ D.¯Tbeod0re Triton, William Winter. D. A. Wassov~

tiara dleeasee

Pho~ba Cery, Anne M. Crane. E. B. Seabroek. £’. ha ths% a eotahaDawson Ehnnley, Olive Logan, Inn Perdiearis, C’e~lera.Caroline Cbeserbre. J. Franhlln Fit~, Maria l~rien ~1~ faints l~r lhq~r, or 5 ~lmm br IlLLouisa Pool, Virgini~ Vnughan, Paul II. ltasnn, )~,.llr~lt’llD ~ + ’Anna ecru Ri~hie. J. K.’ Medbury, John Bus- I~i. A.. I~O’U~JUZ d~ BX:I.O.,

-r,,ughr~ ’ Xz~Hn-j~9, Oreat care will bt~ devoted te the i]lustra-.. WSOI,~$ALg DIU~I AND ~EBIflNE I)l~t~f,

tlons of the G,lazy. A serlea of irlus rations by :W. J¯ Hennessy, engraved byW¯ J¯ I~inten, wh- I ~i’o. 118 ~ St., ]~Itimoro,.Xd.

For 8~de by Dragglstl aa~ +tol~lt+ thmmlh-stamls at the head of the art of wo.od ongravint’, oat the Onlted 8talent.roa3 be expected. /llustrati~ns from designs b)"Gaston Fay and Hal Fenn ~ill al~o be given. ]~lltvlld Ill. ]~outg. ~lfifeel~kqtor.

furui~hed with a new and veryboautifitt eeve~, designed by. W. J. ]lennessy andongravnd by W.J. l,lnton " The tvpograpl~ ealappearance bf Ihe magatiuo will be "ia other

ement~ bare¯been made for clubbing theoriodicals, which offer deeid-

advautages to thoeo wh. are select

te the s.bscriber ofper cent. upwards ie efi~¢ted,

Esp*eial alteutlnn "is invited In the fnl]bwingterms. The subrcriptions will be eommeneed.tany time desired.

r~.RMs OF cLnsBInO,I~alaxy and ll.rper’s Bazt/r cue year ~ 00Galaxy aud IIarpcr’s Weekly . I 00~alasy sad Our Young Folks ¯ 4 P0Galaxy end Iho River~id~,’ifsgszino 4 50t/.alaxv and the American Agriculturist 4 00Galaxy and Every Satur,tay " 7 O0Galaxy and Round Table 8 O0Galaxy and Al:m)’nnd Navy Journal A 00

F.r ten donars, the Oalaxy, H~rpttr’. Bszar,( or/larpcr’r ~ckly) and.Every Saturday wilL becent together for cue year, ~nvlng $2 50 to thesubecriber. Or to any one remitting $4 b0 the~¢alaxy w/l[ be sent one ymaf and copy of Mrs,R. }1. Davis’ story~ "’ Waittng for the Yerdlct,"handsomely bouo4 and illuatrati:d.

Terma of the GAlaxy. single ~ubserlptlen~,$3 O0 a year. - Club terms¯ two copier, $0; 0reeopie~, $14 ; t~Q capias, $25;’twenty capias, $5n,aud one free copy to the. person "~ho eeuds theclub. Subscriptions should he wtdresred to

W. C.& F. P. Csencn,No. 39 Park Row, NewYork.

PBTER S. TILTON,Agent for IIammonton aud vipinlty.

DANIEL WALTERF.Agent forAbrecon Aud vielnlty¯


.. :+_ "_..=_ ,~-" ,_’_ ..... :"I

. " . + --- *

RS.:: % ,," ’ We ~kn plelm In aun[ Dealere Is

~L’;., "’~ ~i " ]’nrtlllean, t~l ~ .A~leul that War " have within tim put yea, h

WatohmaA~nt:,’lmd ewelere,an eAeollente~bstttnha t0r,tbfim.pftetu, of.0.r

. tans ektealtUt~l~ll,d hi* a

¯ :::~l’i~t~rl 0r " ~+ ~ v. .el.+ =_..C .LlkYalt*d 8tale o~’ ]l~.~i ....rely lndlddi th/ 6ulaF~-~

Wshave ~onstalitly on hnnd mrurortmeut ef--G*_id~tadlillv*r-Patent it~v.a~,-- ~Price,-5-Cts.-pex-Squ~re Foot.-

Jbepllie oad Pllilm Woltohmts - - theFine Gold halos,Semis,. ]PA~I~.N~T X~DTA RUBBER nm win derive e pencil- ’,¯ " lalld’Ke~.lls " ’_ .... l~oO]~. PJlk+I~]LS.~ -+ .-

eel benefit ~om’tltelr eonao}Idntlon, In oblllning’R~.L.~TPI’~V,9, IgAR+R[~’08, .......... . . ; a MA~VURg whlnh skAII ma stain a Ihandard and "

¯ PII*’(tgR RI.~Lg, aRA(7~lgT,f,¥0r Tha l~of~, for Sh[ugh Roofu. A lure cure

uniform ouall~ imd nt tha IowAIt posslb]eprlcea.M£DXZl, t01¢,~, zoe~ff’8, . ’ RAUGH dk lIONS.


WARR~NT]~J’)’I’o mukn them water-tight and dutabl~

Price--One l)ollmr Per Gallon.County Rights for tbn Roofing Pahat for

Isle at reMouabtb pslcee. " " "


Pi+rtt~an 0uano Sul~i~tee

BAUGH;S":RAw :13o


A’P .--

Grand St. CheapNEW YORK CITY.



.......... ~qUAL TO COIN:MASONIC MARKS uud lemblem~ ofnllkln~e

made tu order. .The beat plated ware that ie’eold In the U~ltsd

Stahal can be fmmd at our store.Watches Md Jewelry repalre d by skillful aud

week.n.r*ceixed and ~tumed

Dry Goodsl Dry Goods!liENRY ~. 81~IDLL,

Of leeds POimt. N. ~I.,

[.preparedtu~eelveaud promptly fiE ntl orders lleeeived Dally Fromf~r D,y Gouda, el,h. " ’ AUCTION,¯ WHOLESALE OR RETAIL.

llavlng blarge aLo+:k from~whl~h to select, £~S- And Iold cheap to Sieve Keapere and MilHne_rs.toners wnl nnd it to their advantage tn cill o~ We eat lengths at phce prices.him. Hatr and IIouuete from Ten CenlS to Thrro

Dolhrr. Largest Stock lu the States t~ so]eelCounT’ry Mere ante will find it te th*ir letereetrfrom¯ ~. Notice the addre~elto give him a eati beCo~e~reha~ing e eewhore.

,D~VAI]merehants, left ~TORE or it 309, 311 & 311~1 Grand St,, and

JAQUETT’g linTEL, 66, Sg & 70 Alien St.,will be promptly attended to. i2-24 Fifth Block East from the Rowery.

Philadelphieb July 10, 1867. 49-tf

&NI~ ~tELODEON~.(Upposlte James, Kent, Santee & Co.) Unanimously awarded the First Prise, a Gold

WholesAle Dcaler~ in Medal,n "As She Rest ~bimet Or~ana,,,Cotton Yarns, _attlng,

Ameslean Inatitute. New York, C)ctober, 1865.Wadding, Linneu, Cotton Pod Wool CARPETBeing pronounced sti~erier in QtrALrvr, PowzaCHAIN, Wool Filling, ’.fie and Wiel

Twiner and Straw Paper ef and V~atal’~ o~" TeI~A, and in number ef enmbi-and-~tnafucturers of~Patent~MBngs.- ....... "Aa thcbestlnstmments of Am~ricswere the

contending, whlebever ~on the battle would haveCAIIPET WARP IlIodo gO Order. nothinglefttoe,mquer.".--~lmerlcan,tr[Journal.NO. ~40 NORTII THII~D STREET¯ (edited by a well-known musical critic.)

~ Plallttdelph|a. They have aloe taken the firs)premium where.NERVOU8 ever exhibited thts reasan.

Ladies’ Fancy Furs! PED’.O GA. S ....., ....d,hreeb.nk.. keys~siz eizoB--~250tn$1.~00. Wilhoutpedalar

kt J01[N FAREIRA’S Old Estabii~hed Fur e;ngfe ~ra¢l dduhlo bank [n great variety, $65 to.l~.lg~ee~ el*eMa,lufactery, No. 718 ARCII gtreet above 7th~ $450. Tho~oorgans, with their smootb,’"31+aO/~°g"Ph ladolphia, effects, are tuporior for churches halls, parlors

It is an n.’¢r silvan nz~:n’t" in all cases of ~eu- Have now in Store of my own Impor(Mion end ~nd achools~ They are put up in cases of solidralgia ~’aeialis. often, affecting a perfect cure in Manufactere~ one of the largest and most beauti, walnut+ fancy veneered walnut (eew and I n 4theless than twenty.four hoers, from the uee of no ful eeleotions of Fancy Furs for Ladies¯and Chll- *styles) extd elegant rorewoed, ofsplendhl designsnwre tban ewe .r tAree Fill*. - dean’s Wear in the City¯ Also. a finoassurtment uud finidt, and of the bees workmanship! ltbcing

So other form of Neuralgia or nervous Dlseure of Gent’s Fur Gloves nnd U.,Ihare. . tntended that cnch instrument shall be model ofhue fMled to yield to thte wo.~vnnru~ I am enabled to dispose of m~ cecile" nt very Its cla|~..All iurtrumonte down to a five oetavo-.~,~z~’r. ~’easonablo prices and I+would tl~eref~re solicit a pqirtable melode.n, ll~e~rt.h~f~l~re-n~bh~ute

Even In the call from my friondslu the e6uuty and vicinity, stop, without extra charge ....and gcueral nor.cone deran~emcnts, ofmanyy Remember tbe na~ao, numl~r and street I - A large assortmc~Ueon~t~ntly ow]lt+m~ af :,uretandlng, affentlng the enlire system,

JOllN~PA-igE-IRA. No 7115 Areh general wh0hasale Aud retail wareroeme, 841few day~, er a few weeks "at the ntmost, alwayeaffords tbemost I~tontshlngrellof, and-rery rarely ~it.** above 7th~ I~lol0fih Bide, Phila. Broadway¯ " + "

Our illustrated circular and prien lists, withfailstoprodueeAe~mplele and permanenteure. ~"IhAvenoparteer, nor¢onneetlunwlthany aurnewetyles, are now ready." Sendforaeireu.

It contains no drugs or other materials in the other store io Philadelphia¯ 5x8-24 lar. -sllghlest degree injurious, even to the most dell. PELOURE’r, PELTON ~ CO,,ealo syrtem, and nan always be urcd with prefect Manufacturers, No. 84I "Dtoadwa:,.nj’,tM

- . . .it has long been In conetant nsoby mamy ofnnr ~" 4x37. New York City.

most Eminent Physicians, who give it their uriah. ""i .... nnd .etmallaed ~p~eval, HAINES BRO’S PIANOS..

Eeut by mall on receipt of prlee ef postage.

These Plunge are aulvereally aekn0wledged bys equal tn the best Plann made.


~.A.BI~N’~IT of the Iligh Schools,

& BAcon’e, and’other nee and ][~avy practice Year. bnt Ilavebeen ured the kit Pifte0n Yearr to lho utmost

~2)/2~NOSo IAtlafactIne of those uelng them.MELODEONS ofulldereriptlone. They have taken PazutuMs Ann MlCeALS

wu~nzvsn EXntAIVltU, Such hAS been tile de-Prices greatly reduced at the haw WArerooms ofmanff +for these-Pianos, tbet M~se~la’ ilal.~zsJ. 1~.. GOULD. Rue’s, have bean nempelled to enlargethelrworkr

937 Cho~tAnt sac. to the eztent of ~4 to &O Piano* a t~e*k. ..... 1laving ~ow ~ne af the most eatenslve ’and

enlilled "George 811vermnu’s Ptne and Cedar Lumber nf eve~ 3b.tL Philadelphia. complete Faetorier In the United States, Faetorleeto run through Ibree or four nun order, Boat sbrnglee of old.heart

Dr, I. t. Ihye~, Ibe Arctic Yoyeger will eontrlo ) $~0 per t000. FALh AND WINTER alonn coveting over .~ of an acre of ground, com-prl~hag a f~ontage of 219 feet on 2d Avenue.

but ..... ie, ofpAp ..... " Life in Qreenlaud (about 1~1 Inch ...... D R Y G 0 0 D S, They ..... denbtedly thn cheapest first elaersad the Arctic Regions," ilmllar In character Planer In market. Fully gnnranloed/or 5 yearsSend for IllustrAted "Doctor Moltke." lath, $4 per 1000, At the CHFAPEST Dry Goods Store "in

Jamel P~rton wlllooutlnue to furnilh articles en Lath, $0 per 1000 ft. City. ]loeort and fair dealing to All theattica of the Unhed States+ with prominent Iuo Terms eueh on dellvery~ , policy. All Gooda sold ut A smell advaene eve . llAINE$ IBROqq.dustrhl and uther toplee. An artleloon’,Pltte. ’ tL R. COLWELL, coat. We guarantee to Aell ae cheap nanny etor 356, ?~5fi+ 369, Zg2, 3fit, 556, 898, 2,70, aT2,burg " will appbar in the January number, ¯ Wewmoullb N.J. in tbb city, 4x37, Second Acetate, New York CRy.

Bayard TAylor, who Is now In Europe will non- " ----AGENTN WANTED,--No 8nap,No Wa.

gMALh PR0PlTn AND QUICK SALE8 OURtribute regularly psp0r~ on " Out-el-the.way

~ tar, No Slop¯ NOTI’O. ~]~lr]][~,’~S I[OU~JE.hornets of the Obl World.’*

Two excellent Serial10.4 wPlo.

~5 dk ~7 lliroodways ~. J,

Ills eentrl This la n new and FLANNELS, Plale Bed, Grey And White All.Opposite Bo~rling Oreeu.

AIl¯Waol Fhnnnle; Grey and White Cutten and ON Tile EUROPEAN PLA~.eyeAr with au artleleen" Aepecta vereally need, for It Is lucre nlleetual than the Wool MIzed, Twilled O r*Ly and Red t]hlrtlng ’l~ho Stevens llouse Is well prod widely knownof Culture," which will be Siren Io the Juan¯ ohl syrtem of elean[ngWIndows. Mlrrere, 0.ohl I’lahle and Striped Flunnole+ Shaker, Cotton and ¢o tile trerelleg public. The Ioeattoa Is erpeeialyary number, Sliver Plaled Ware~ Brasst Cnpper, Tin, &o,--la Weal aild all.weal, luitable to merohanll wad buAInoss men : It Is luEdwArd Everett lisle, Author of"Tke b[sn with. eail)y irpIled~ and eavee both lime, label ned aa. I.INENI~, Brown an~ While TAble T, Inen ; close proxlmlly to’.thn bualnesr part of the ¢lty--out a Country," will contribute frequently noyanee+ Linen Nepklnet Linen Towels; t,lnon Diaper " Is on Ihe htghwey of South~’n c’~.l Westernthl~nghoul Ihe year. llir first paper ft~r 18~8 A rumple renl to Agonfll, of onodoree, hy OA-~ Shlrllng hlnens iShlrtBosoma ; ere,hand llueka, travel--nnd adjacent to nil the prleelpel railroadwill appear In the January uumber, under the press, for $1¯73, that retall~ for $3.00, For ew back Towelling, and nteamboat depots,name nf" A Week In Sybarls." imrtleulare, address, J, Lewis, 82 Cedar El. N CANTON FLANNELS. Dleacbed ind Brown The Slovene House bee IlberalaeeemmodatlonsEdwle P, Whlpple wlll ~onlinnehlsa~lofad-York¯ Box :1:t91.mtrtl)le atllelea o~ English LIterat~re. Canton Fla~nels~ for ovnt 300 gneltl--lt h wellfumlthed, A~d pun¯

MEN’S AND BOY’S WEAR, KenluckyJeen sasses errry modernim)rovement fertbo comfortJolmMeredllh Ite.d,,Ir., Author of "An Ilidor.~lwalllii Fenlale Col- Satlnels, MI.wnol Ca,qhneso. llou0y onmb ran* enterlaumont of tt umatos. The rnomsteal Inquiry concerning Henry lludsrm " will

eonlr Initea sorlol ell1 Stollea ArtleJeaofdeep lean, counter )nuee, wllhWIII~’E GOODS. Nansnok, VlolorlA, I, Awngeneral~&t~r~tt, hoe IS prumpt and re.

W~lllam J, 81111m~n~ Unlled Shatee Conel] le Cr¢ Perklonueo RrldK~t ~[Olll, (~o,~ |~at CambrleI Plaid and Stripe atuallna, +g0nnroudy_pravldodltqt E83-G 00D S.--~’) b-17~i nhhhhhhhh~ei,711i-ek-~l every delicacy of the se~lou--at moderate,ere-glvleghi~-el’s OUNlt LADIES m~7 obtain A thorough SdUo Popltnp, Plaid, Morlnnl, A good rates.perlenen ann el ne elrufglo cation at tills [nltltnllon at modorttte ex¯ medium.price Drers flood,, The rooms baring been n*wly fqrnlshed andof the ls,t yelr or twu between the flroeke and pause. Board aud Tnttlon In the nrdleary IIAhMORAL SKIRT.’3, Ladles end Children. remndoled we Are edeblrd to after 3rolter f.elllTurks. branches aS0 to$Sa per enusoe uf Ave nt.nll,s, PRINTS, From 12~1 up. AII-wonl teble tlua fur the nolnfort and pleaetn’~ ef ear gueltl,Charlea DAwson 8hsnly wlll sonirlbllterogularly,

Boreral now eontrlb.lors who have already For further partlculam mhlrasn tbe l’rerhleal, covers Oh0. K. 011ASh A CO,made their mark IIi file brag.sine havelont la pd.31 J. I’.SIIF, ItMAN, A.M. WoeMlaltanllue foonressertmentefBhANK. 40.5nl3 J ~’ 1 " l’rnprletor.

artlelea whic t will appenrdurlngthe com. =.=.a;:_:=:==:_-:-==-.-~-=..-=~.z=.----" =’==.+- .... -_== ETa, 10,4, 1|-4~ 12.4, 13.4 Wind I‘11anhets, from

~ng the regular wrll~r, for the Ar,,,t,v,eln ~Mlr011il. st per pair np tc $1.% t DAINT8 for FAItMER8 and ~,thert,--The0iro ns a nMI. ILemomher tbo No, 7 Norlh .L llraflon MlnernlPslnt Co, aro uowmluufae¯to already wanned¯ ore l, onKfollnw~

" Second Etreet, firat Dry Guods Store bnve blar¯howell, Iluhntn, ’,¥1,1ttl.r, Curtis, Mrr. Stowe, C~m(J.o101 & A.tlautto IL R. ket, Eaatalde, Philaddphla, turlug thehnat ehuspnstAnd mo,t durAMs

bl rs. Chlhl+ Jlryanh Agesa[it ]lasewell, Truw. e~ ANU AryAn~ 0A3-30 JOIIN R. GRBI’~N. Inl,hlseedUlO Iwa0 lenlllwl lertW°ll 0orPnt oa,fifleennllledI,rl,18e, I¥ssro., bl[s, llarrlet Pto* Hpoff.rd

Thnradltye Oct~’dlllat , I007.’ CAlgPETIN’GN. a light bronn or ehoeolate enleII Jgglneoni A Mrleb, M ra. D as, Aed eenre~ besides . changed togre*n, lend+ ~tonn~ drab, ollvA or eream~.f thehe~twrlten le theeouatry,’ The All¯hale ’ flOWN a’l~,lt~S. ~J. T. I’fl~3L&(3ROIX, t~l¯ttlt tlt0ta~teef theeenlumrr. It in vahtabbNodthly Is mbll.bed i)y Tlekner A Fields, lice. . Mull /~ Ae0nm .’ No, 37, Suuth Second st. Phlledolphla~ fur lloussr, llarns~ Yeneo, 0¯rrlage end Oar¯I++11, at Fuur lh. Inrlay,,er. Itaedlhelrflvarlla . ,J ..... IIo blenll, ly "th,r Young Folha," n ..... t

Vin:+:~/~hll,e, +,~0 ’(’,¯, r. II ...... Ive,l~’per I.t .... Irals, alarfie andvArled mnkerl,tmplemsnle,P¯llSua.Ma.d WeOdlleetl, YI .......*.le endAI tie. t, I,l,,a t, nt ....

togelber fer ¥1re lhdlar~, 2, 45 aslnrtmenl ef J¯ ClOllley ¯nil 14on’s lumlctl~anral, Mqlel ml ~hlngle lloafi, (It ~elm(;amd.n, 7 tb 4 00 Ill|UMNEI~ CAlU~ETINOIqs Ar. nnd" wsLer prnnf~) Fottr OII Clulha, (nno man

JOB PRINTINGt ti.,i,Ip,fi,ld,s a. , ~, Ashlnlid. S 45 4 ~? New dollgnh Alan, a q.rge lln. el’ Three.Ply nfAelurSr bnvlng usnd b000 bblr.+ the lutat year,

flaying lately olltalued +me of the Belt I~lyill White liorra+ R ba t 41 1141 Ettr¯ Hupur and Fine h~graln earpetluga, Ont. and aa e p~let for ¯ny pnrporetl u~

Itetlln, 0 t5 ¯ -ILLS tag. ¯nd Rag carpets oths, 8hnlles, ate., bod3~ durability, ela,tlel*~y, andIblPROYF:I) POWEII JOB I’IIFS~EH, 9 ~0 4 00 which will he sohl at Price $~ per bhl. of 300 lhl,, which will supply a

WholesMo aml turner’for y~r to come, Wartlnlod In allealee

are new prrparod Io tP* all klnde *If Sprhlg Garden, le 03 b ItWinslnw+ In 17 h 92 4As‘17.10-f0m] PIll I,AD’, ~arlloular+. Nonn genulue uulaal

fade milk Graft*,n bllattal I’elltt. AddresaPlai~ &Ornarnontal Printing, Ilammentn,, Id 3:1 b :11Dec,,sts, 10 II 0 :I 628 IIOO1 a NILIItTN. ’ 1128

)^NIgh IIIDWEhl,, 21,I l’sntl Street, N. I’.0

Elw,m,h II 0b .-, b II WII,LIAM I’, IIOI’KINS,Egg llarbor. I I 21 n 0] ’ Gur (lwu M¯ke. ]~3[ PII{,I~I 191 1 1 IJ"JI?CIP.IL+Iill’onmna, II P,0 O I0 Afler mute thau five y.ara+ox ,urloeoe all,1 el. ~’~tt~,+r’ilYb.~ IM[ll+(+h[llO~Abte,mn, 12 IS e 35 perlu;entlllg In Iho manufarhtre Of strlclly 0rat-Allantio-atrlve, I= td , 4P e ~1 + uallty. Iio. ~ Sklrtl, wa offur our l.atly t~0h, hra- Ale superl.r tt~ all otherl fur Fmmlly end bl*nu.

UI~TRAINS. . led gunda lu inurehanll alld lhe tllhl]olnfulit/Ull, f~tnrlng Pnrpolll, Agonte wanlod. AddressA©enm Mall fl,leneo .f thelr euperl.rlly aver Ill olhera In tim l’;Ml’llIE 8. M. CU.. I01 llromlwAy, N’ Y,

I eAVA a n r M Anlerlcan market, and th.y are so Aokuowledged +I’0 01b I,y .11 wh ....... dial In th ...... 1boy glvo ________~VJkN-’~]r~~l--~~--~All&ullr,Absc¢on, I ab n ,10 more latllf¯etlen thau Ally other aklrl, end roe¯ J~]ll.~J~"

l’oluone, 2 In a ~ +llmllend thelllllllel Inevory renpeet. Dvnlers lu Aullvb, l~lllrlm|lo blew, te lUIlelt ordalre for ourF+gg llarboh 2 an 7 00 llm,, blkllln rhouhl msks a note ef thll feet-- wurk sow In press~ .Klwoed, 3 b3 7:1,I Every lady who hes n.t gives them a trtslthuuld The Collallle C/¢lepedla,D¯Cmte, 3 17 ¢~. I ;la do e,, wllhnul further dole7.Ilammeet+A, |2& ’rt‘1 O.r aerortmenl emhratme Tbs rlnhsItdep°elt°rynrkn°wltdle*rtvbl~w~ght

Wlnll+W, 3 41,. ’ q t 03 and alan for hsdl*% blllnel, end wlthim’so imlll a oomp¯H I’ A mlwe +f lalelleel.

l~l+dnI (lerd*A. | h4 fi 00 fiklrt~ re¯de to or,ler~ ale*red Aud r~palmd, ¯ we¯Rhl A lem of Illeralmml Corn]dole In

Walellerd. 4 0fi ~ S On A,k for "llupkln+e Own Make,’ and be not one Isrg* orhavo volumq uf uv.r 1000 pal.* rich-

Ate.. e+ 4 fill . II 17 dee, lead. S*.~ thsl Ibs letler. II’ Is woven on the ly lllu*tral*d¯ Prolpoelne now ready. Llboral

Ilerlln, 4¯~ +S~

Tal,el botmme Eeeh lloop, Aud Ihlt (bly ere eommt*01ndlllren" Waa[r;+-ffsr theitampod " We T, lh,phhll, Mtnulanlur*r, 030 Donlesale Ulblb~ lllnllrolrd.Whll. llern, a 07

S~I~SlA~eh t+l+, l’biladall)bla," upuu e.oh lel,*. NoAshle, nd, b I~ b7 Roe, In|ram Cobhln. A

Jlad,len0eld," b 33 ethers are genulee, or 1,0nn pA0ee, eontelalnn(’atmton, n 0~ 0 10 AI.,,, e.nstently nu baud [ult Itu* of gvod eouo*,rd¯nee, etc.,+¯file atr.t--arrlve,,g 10 0 I0 P/~w Yolk And Eastern mada 8klrte, at ver~ luw ,llvlue* .f all denomlnstlm~s.

Th* Iralnl nn thl R~’lte# laced, leave Alev 6,r pete.*, Fatally Illbla, it haw u+ m,m miller. 14Sial I~taNew talk In luilellll ~n¯~utlppr |’51 A. M I "~Ybele,alm aud Itelail+ and ra ,Idly llereasln I, tam Igrml l~p.rll I~];Freight with peseenl~r nl ~.|a. ReSmrutall At the l’hiladelphla lle.p Hklrt Maavfa+l+r~ ultSSe ~ |0 41~i+re*oh Aloe ~om New "l+atk+ p.J.~AlPr at 4’]a and Fmperlmm, /COl term0 ana lesrltery, ~ldmsAa, M i Frdlhl atl A, M+ Nm. ell Arch 14.. Phllodslphla. II. A, IIT]IP, I-;T ¯ Cf~,. PaKIbb*r~,

Fs.l. I pnlale ladlcsl~d bI lule fil~r. 3’-’ 10m WM. T, UOPKIP18- ll- F/ l’ark Be-, ~I. ¥.

For December, eeuteins tbe eoncludonefD " 9"*OO " aa~|~ ,tllead¥-31ade C*loltlling. Holme% " (tuardian Angel"I Minor ElizabetbanIt ir sold by all wholesale_~ed rei¯il doMera inDr¯matht~,by E. P. Whipple;Amengthe Work°

drugsandmedlelueathroughouttheUniLmlgmtes,on hand ’At our mills, ar to y James Partoa ; Literature ¯s anand by . . ¯be. h¯d from the wagon, made entirely frolq ~nr _ _

u~u anode, ox which a lit~r¯t alL’coneS will

42-1y.Vbit to the Beleari 120 ~retrton~ ~freet. ]3oaten+" Mysterious Pors0nege~ 9-34

~ILLVlI_,LEr v .....+~1 Publhh .... ffor the followleg -’ - = "

Mutual Mh~rlne &’+Flee hmorome~ ] PROSPt:CTUS FOR 1808.Charlen Dick .... iH f,,~t,h an "I’;U’3M~BET~ !I~emplmy.

the fonnder t (’ 100P mlreellaneuu, n leer walches, ~0 towhn will show Ihe tAil(Is 2b00hnuL;ng rllrer waluhos, 25 Io

bP00 III0rled wntobea, all bin,Is, In tn 111 thn IIF.WI’ CF WfYI,F+ and t 1411OItTof L For Inrtber infnrtnoden’rhn above will he dl*pnsed .f tt the p.pi NOTI08, W. are prepared to print lu Ih* bestIB4]~tl~ I~+ ’ ontprloe plan, Ktvld0 ©rery imtrnn fine g.h m.nner,: .,,,,d.,, ......-h,or.,P,.,,,,o,,,,ngpr,,,,,, PC.’.B.,

ue. Wrlghl, llrnthur t []o,, ISl /Ircmdway ,~ I,^~H, hlLh IIEAI)H, IIII, I,8 ItFY.rk, wish Io immudlalely ,ll.lm~. of Ibe .h FAItB, pLAIN u,*,l FANCYH0~MlkalglOM~’~III ~’ J" magnltlrnttt tttt+h, Ct*tt+fi+attt, l~anxlng tbm asfl OAIt|rE~, Aa,+ Ac,

I~F’.dlll~t~re alnllO~tm~, oles, at* l,lae.d I. sunlu,I eurelol,m, and w*lrolled, I[,Idor, are entl;led te lho atl U er nero. l’rlntlng Im 4’Glove Nellll¥B~ertL very desirable Improved flail ed lu th,lr ©atlt0eat% u mn p.yme~ of ’re. l) d- Eleouted.

In’mater 0ale. 2t’ultl larl, whethsrlt l,e¯ wat+h w~rtl $1(111~ ,;r*n~t Jl:.4~" The pitrouafia *d thaeoaaty ntvlelnlty..... worth lull. ~l’he rllurn of al y of otr car flea s. Jl e.llohed,Nrltluable Real ~tale. entitl., y0~ to lira .rtl~le nsmatl th*roon, upon Snow dc Corderspaym*ul, up.n Imylnautlrrasee011ve .f tawor h

l’¢IP~Iple In tba rlillla nf lllmmOAlen,--| ~ed i l+u elllehl vlhlld llll than ill0 Is almld .+~ll Jmmy Jol ]+l’Isllm+~ O~amIen any rar0heat+, It will at t,net I,. *mu h¯ th ¯llAat~unvuA, N. J]\\l~ll~t~ aa4ew~e snrllp out to Ink I.b.sting, Nol le no Iotter]f~ but a stralzbt f.rtlrd 0gl aln;e July I‘1, I00/.

IP~WI~ llM|ltlt~4~n llqli|k IProna Oopofi trsnstellou, Thleh may be partlclpatediu svae~TONI~ PUMPB. Pure water, a~* fr+enby tbs moil ta~Lht[olle,

~ sad Atl~tle ]!~,.~dlre~l, W(ll he lois ¯ alaahl eertlfil;Lt* ~tl[ b~ smot br mall, tel k.Jtng, ¯nd considered the but where evar In.IS ~ I~ "all pnrlhanlml. For purtloAlars el, p¯ld, npo;i rocelpI Of =b rmntl, 0vs fur ~1, oleve tludu¢od,4~ floe and~n~l os thn pmmI,N¯ or at H Yor .ala by,

IPIIOLS, lilly Ill 111,1 mull va;ultdl l,r~mlum l,,r $I0, e. WM. A. KhVlNg,~ L, ~ redS. U. IL N fur ill, tblrly.thlU and lllglOt p~ml.m fi,r $

ha.dead nnd mu~t *ui,*¢b w~t,:h h*r tl++¯ T . 3a‘10 ltnmmonton. N, reaentl or ~pl.ymeut, lhil II ¯ Is

for 8ale. 0..d.0t.d b.,I WA4L~ONN ! WAGON tl ITb. und.r~lilue d havlnl flied up a

lla~l~lal Elprlil, wltk htll lur roll+elLen o. d*II~.rv, I *¢nte all erd*rs la hlslIt~L TI~S,. rhal io dl*lattdarnvn ee~l pa011hlv oteur¯ TI~+ /ulnar eul¢,)mirm li salt*oily lot

p llllhor Ire¯4 Addles,. WBIt)UT, ak0TllER 4 Co., ; A,+- at lhe lh.p Suglh~a and CWlillea tel SS~L1411. IMI’. 0 +t j 12 It h.restm, tSl, b’, T I JOI[N ii.WIL~0~.


~otm Prgprietor~ aid Monufaetvf+~r+

Delawore lliver Chemleal Works.

-- PIIILA ~D~kP~IA,imd



.~’Farmers are reoemmendei~ leo pnrefia.~e’ of " ""the denier located in tbeirneighborhood. In ace-tions where no dealer is he I)hns-


O FI XCE .YO, 20 "& DE~.A 1YAR~ A VEXUE.


,YO. 229 l.A I~E ~TREET, CHICAGO’.

". BAUGIt BR’-~ERs & COo --een~rat Whole.ale Agsnt., .


-- ’ - =’ NEW-~0RK. + - + .... " - --

GEOROE DUGDALI~,,IVAolesale A~.t~ for JYar!¢lan~i a.d 1~’r9/,,,:~,

: 97 d" 10’5 ~JflTIP~ W~iA II.F~ "


We are prepared to eupply our PktenlSeetiovM Mill to all Manufacturers for grindingBones, t}uan,) and all othe~ herd lubltaueea.

4s50 ly

!Mann factm’ed by

Grm¥’a Ferry ileod, l~lla.


O’orrastsd frse from Adulterotlon,

P~,~K~.~ I~ BA~S 175 L]~¯ F~aK

Price, $65. Per TOU of 112000 Ibs.DJreount I0 Dealers.

ROOTIf & <]ARRETT. of Philadel~-la, Chore-late of high stnndieg, in their report td the aunT-yale, ray to ns t " The eoeetltutlon of tl’e aboveIndlcales a deemed advance in the eomyeslthmof a Fertilizer by the latroduollm~ id It eeneh]er-able per eoetAgo nl’ Pot¯rh, and eoentenn~tnes th~claim Involved in the name, "Complete Manure.’"

WILLIAMS L M0SS hie. Chem-lets of large eaperlenee In ofllllaers, ~ay : ’+ We find fson

Ma6ure". IhatChemical

polut we ahould .hate thai Its mecbAAleJl eondk-tlon Is most exrellent, being Inch nn In ;~dmlt ~fIts ure In the drill without furlher psel~r~tk,e.’"

The "Cemplela M~u~re" has been na0dlargelyon various craps, mini lhn testimony Ihua far re.0aired provoe It to be the 1,*~t FoJtlllso yet Is.Iredueed.

Ordevl reeel~’ed and leformatlon gtven 57DIXON, SIIARPLESS CO.~ ’

(Sole Agenla)5a3.1y 40 Boulh Wharves, Pblladelpbla.

A. G.. CLARK.Stoves and Tin W;



’, . ¯ . Attorney at Lawn Msist~r &¯ lgxttsnluer in d:hmueer¥. =

" ’ Collneting" sad Bns~nese |n JuStice ,cvurti promptly altouded to. ;~ . " " "

..... " TO Whom It M[a,y=Coneern:-

:" . I havo r,,sumed the practice o£ tll~ Law : and. |~llll attend the Courts of Athantle and UIoueeeter

CountIee . ’ , ¯ "¯ JAM~S ,~I, SCOVV.L,

" O~p~n; N0r. a0, t¢93.

T~tll. D~ C. NTOCKINGa.

" ~ " "~. iinntanonton;.m.’~f- o~rzc~-eon. #t:t,t,~vv~ ~t i: .c. ’~4,,s’~

Septembur,’1867. ./ 0 54:

¯ ’ ¯ Ann ’", ¯ Aek.~owledgam~eute of: Daed~ Take~ ~’

~t th~-tT~inty Cth~k:l¯~01fic~ by

¯ ~1( the- 0oil, which,

dirceb ’ remain." moist.... throughout the year,

-~hin q’Uesli . i{ ousapritign and;~t~eamn of tho D~ee~n heeldedply ’plowed ui~eP, 0 . which maielain an cqual +flbw, ’increaeedher kn0vi’n ~ ’! surfaeemauurit ~ by the :sdrpiua’rairi?atl, but though0teUl)yi~g the attcntion.of farmern, bdow a~ertaln lmlnL A.eon- of theof the di~cu~i0ns which we hkvo seen nile cxhnlatlon ef t}toL%t~ro froht 1558to us to presnnt the InK tempcrs +.he heat of~mnlner, ahd broug]xt thirty.

~ides of thin question, and rise to frequent nl/owers, which re- la pair ofratios and experience lead us to conclude lur’n thn wnterto the soil. Uodffo and cx- t’breught.’that our praetlco in this respect’must vary oosnive cvaporntion is prevented’by t)to pro-

with the varying requirohmnts of the soil tectibp fur.i~hcd by the foliage nga nat t~ho !

urmg. of high winds. ’ . : mo~t attention iclands, is of great’; but it alone will Suppose, uow, the forest t’o disappear, i-noor, or Mouonot eeabln us to early Out the’ ]tigllest cul- With t,ho nr]ue rot.tall, the: moisture," in-, t]Je jewels o! tlJeiturn Oi coarse the amo~int ofplant-|nod stead oftbeinglargely absorbed¯ passes off’sui)plied to,caw given crop for a giv6n tapidiX. ~gm the o~facc,.dri~d hard by

’amount ,of: manureei~ the came under both Sun Oi" ~fid2 ~.~l~k’s~deeome c4,eek~’,’~e-~. ~systems: The peculiar advant~ mi#er~;




_+ .t ; . ~.

~,~.,f:..’:.-~, ... ....

..... /. ¯

~. u,~ ’ "",:~! fi.lte,30.041+’- :,

25;00 4Jk0~ :

Adye~tisomonta in Io 25.errata n lht~ ’ "i’r


1867. "."I’ ..... ::; .... : . ~= 7-:~-~. Oet,,be~ % l~r.. ’:’"i ~-: ’ "

Scnectude,’! 0ncyear J " /’qlitro’Gl3:cerlne . ¯ " NIt;GAg F~gx~rr~."--Thb Boou?ille_" :*. :. :