al-qaida chief ayman al-zawahiri the coordinator 2016 part 4-1-iran-21

C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2016 Part 4-1-Iran- 21 TEHRAN (FNA)- A Syrian political and military expert said the western states intend to keep some terrorist groups in Aleppo city to take new concessions from the government under a new evacuation deal. "The terrorists in Eastern Aleppo fulfill the orders given to them by their sponsors from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and the US; the recent agreement will not put an end to the war in this region and the West wants to keep a number of terrorists there to take new privileges from government under a new agreement," ISSA al-Zaher said. The ISIL started withdrawing from the city of al-Bab as part of a scenario which was previously unveiled by battlefield sources according to which the ISIL terrorists intend to give the control of al-Bab to the Turkish-backed militants and pave the way for their capture of Manbij after ISIL's offensive and capture of the city, media reports said. The establishment of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) is an extension of Iran’s plan to export the revolution, which keeps war against Sunni extremists from reaching the country’s borders, argued Brigadier General Iraj Masjedi, senior adviser to the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Qods Force. - The Shi'a militiamen of the Popular Mobilization Units, or Hashd al-Sha'abi The Shi'a militias of the PMU are thus a classic Iranian production – combining political, military and paramilitary/ intimidatory roles for the maximization of power and Iranian influence. Dec 18, The damage that the UK has caused in the Middle East over the centuries is “incomparable to others,” Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has said, blaming London for provoking conflicts in the region and “forcing entire nations off their homelands.” For centuries, Britain has always been the source of wickedness and evil among nations of our region. The strikes that these Britons have blown against the lives of our neighbors are incomparable to others,” Khamenei said on Saturday in a statement quoted by his official website. 1 The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston Churchill Cees de Waart: CdW Intelligence to Rent Page 1 of 16 25/08/2022

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Page 1: Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2016 Part 4-1-Iran-21

C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2016 Part 4-1-Iran-21

TEHRAN (FNA)- A Syrian political and military expert said the western states intend to keep some terrorist groups in Aleppo city to take new concessions from the government under a new evacuation deal. "The terrorists in Eastern Aleppo fulfill the orders given to them by their sponsors from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and the US; the recent agreement will not put an end to the war in this region and the West wants to keep a number of terrorists there to take new privileges from government under a new agreement," ISSA al-Zaher said.

The ISIL started withdrawing from the city of al-Bab as part of a scenario which was previously unveiled by battlefield sources according to which the ISIL terrorists intend to give the control of al-Bab to the Turkish-backed militants and pave the way for their capture of Manbij after ISIL's offensive and capture of the city, media reports said.

The establishment of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) is an extension of Iran’s plan to export the revolution, which keeps war against Sunni extremists from reaching the country’s borders, argued Brigadier General Iraj Masjedi, senior adviser to the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Qods Force. - The Shi'a militiamen of the Popular Mobilization Units, or Hashd al-Sha'abi

The Shi'a militias of the PMU are thus a classic Iranian production – combining political, military and paramilitary/ intimidatory roles for the maximization of power and Iranian influence.

Dec 18, The damage that the UK has caused in the Middle East over the centuries is “incomparable to others,” Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has said, blaming London for provoking conflicts in the region and “forcing entire nations off their homelands.”“For centuries, Britain has always been the source of wickedness and evil among nations of our region. The strikes that these Britons have blown against the lives of our neighbors are incomparable to others,” Khamenei said on Saturday in a statement quoted by his official website.Not only Iran, but also Iraq, Pakistan, and Palestine, have suffered from Britain’s “vicious act,” he said, adding that the UK aims to instigate conflict between Muslims in the region. “The old British policy to divide and rule is being pursued, intensely, topping the agenda of Islam’s enemies,” Khamenei said, adding that “now, the same Britain, shamelessly, claims Iran is a threat to the region.” The Iranian leader’s comments came after British Prime Minister Theresa May called Iran a “threat” to Middle Eastern states last week.“I want to assure you that I am clear-eyed about the threat that Iran poses to the Gulf and the wider Middle East,” the PM said at a summit of Gulf Arab heads of state, citing Tehran’s position on Syria, Yemen, Iraq, and other countries. She also called on the UK’s allies in the region “ to push back against Iran’s aggressive regional actions.”Khamenei argued that it is the West that is sowing discord in the Middle East by attempting to “ turn Muslims against one another.” 

Iraq’s PMF is IRGC’s “next step,” senior Qods Force commander saysBY BILL ROGGIO & AMIR TOUMAJ | December 17, 2016 |

The establishment of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) is an

1The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston ChurchillCees de Waart: CdW Intelligence to Rent Page 1 of 10


Page 2: Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2016 Part 4-1-Iran-21

C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

extension of Iran’s plan to export the revolution, which keeps war against Sunni extremists from reaching the country’s borders, argued Brigadier General Iraj Masjedi, senior adviser to the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Qods Force.Masjedi was speaking to an Iranian audience at a ceremony commemorating an IRGC commander killed in combat in Syria last year, which was held in Iran’s northern province of Mazandaran on Dec. 14, according to Fars News. He spoke at length about the sacrifices of Iranian military personnel in Iraq and Syria. The martyrs extend Iran’s strategic depth, uphold revolutionary values, defend holy Shiite shrines, and keep the homeland safe, proclaimed the Qods Force commander.Senior Iranian officials and commanders have repeatedly made this line of argument, especially about peace at home, as the IRGC’s involvements have become increasingly open since the Islamic State’s incursion into Iraq in 2014 and the IRGC’s military escalation in Syria in 2015.Masjedi warned that war would continue in Syria following Aleppo and Mosul, even as “takfiri and Salafi groups” are in decline. He argued that the only way “all of the Islamic community” would be at peace is to “destroy the takfir front.”“They will show mercy to none, and this is not exclusive to Shiites,” Masjedi warned.The Qods Force commander tied the mission of fighting Salafi jihadist groups on their turf and away from Iran’s border to the the export of the revolution. That has been the IRGC’s mission since 1979.When “Iraqi and Syrian forces saw your children among themselves,” their morals heightened, he said. Masjedi then subtly made the shift from the sacrifices of Iranians to exporting the revolution.“The next step of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has been the formation of the massive basij [mobilization] force that is faithful and a friend of Islamic Iran, such as the Iraqi Hashd al Shabi [PMF], which has been established as a powerful army with our organizing and our experience in the Sacred Defense [Iran-Iraq War],” Masjedi said.FDD’s Long War Journal has argued that Iran helped nurture the PMF in Iraq as part of its efforts to extend its influence in the country and create an Iraqi version of the IRGC. [See FDD’s Long War Journal reports, Iraq’s prime minister establishes Popular Mobilization Forces as a permanent ‘independent military formation’ and Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces in Iran’s game plan.]Meanwhile, the expansionism, abuses, and destruction wrought by IRGC and its supported militias on the ground – on display in Aleppo – feed into sectarianism and Sunni anger. That perpetuates radical environments fertile for Salafi jihadism and lethal anti-Shiism, feeding into a vicious cycle of sectarian violence. The war against the Islamic State and al Qaeda is inextricably linked with the IRGC.Masjedi’s statement about Iraq’s PMF comes less than three weeks after Iraq’s parliament passed a law that established the PMF as an independent security force supposedly answerable only to Iraq’s prime minister, according to the The Washington Post. Earlier this year, Prime Minister Hayder al Abadi issued an order that established the PMF as a permanent “independent military formation.”The law passed by Iraq’s parliament was greeted warmly in Iran. Earlier this week, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei received Ammar Hakim, head of the Shiite National Alliance party that helped passed the PMF law. The PMF is “a great wealth, a major resource for today and the future of Iraq,” Khamenei said, “they should be supported and consolidated.” Khamenei’s office publicized the meeting.The top political office in the Islamic Republic also advised Hakim: “Do not trust the Americans at all.”Hakim called the Iraqi parliament’s passing of the PMF law one of the party’s “important” achievements, in which the National Alliance was able to secure the votes of other movements and groups.The PMF was established in June 2014 after the Iraqi military and police forces were overwhelmed by the Islamic State in northern, central, and western Iraq. Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani issued a fatwa for

2The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston ChurchillCees de Waart: CdW Intelligence to Rent Page 2 of 10


Page 3: Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2016 Part 4-1-Iran-21

C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

Iraq to support the collapsing security forces and drive the Islamic State from the country.Militias that are supported by Iran which openly fought US and British troops during the occupation answered the call. These militias are responsible for killing hundreds of US, British, and other allied troops during the occupation of Iraq.IRGC-backed militias that dominate the PMF have been infiltrating the Iraqi government for year, occupying important government posts. The recent law enshrines their militia formations as permanent fabric of the Iraqi state. These actors are open about their ideology, promotion of the IRGC’s brand of Islamic identity, and links with the Islamic Republic of Iran. Without serious overhaul and dissolution of these formations as currently constituted, it would be difficult to imagine the Iraqi Prime Minister wrestling these groups under his command and control in practice.Many of the militias that are part of the PMF remain hostile to the United States, and some have threatened to attack US interests in the region. One of the more influential militias within the PMF, Hezbollah Brigades, is listed as a Foreign Terrorist Organization. Several influential PMF leaders, including the operational leader of the PMF, are listed by the US as global terrorists.

Iran and Turkey Jostling for Power in Iraqby Jonathan SpyerThe Jerusalem PostNovember 5, 2016The most intriguing aspect of the Mosul campaign, however, has been the differing and often opposing agendas of the various components of the attacking force. These, with surprising rapidity, have now have come to the fore.Just two weeks into the offensive, two of its most prominent backers – the Baghdad government of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and the Turkish government – are engaged in a war of words.How has this crisis emerged, and what may be the direction of events in the next phase?The Shi'a militiamen of the Popular Mobilization Units, or Hashd al-Sha'abi, are currently heading toward the town of Tal Afar, population 100,000, located 60 kilometers west of Mosul. Their mission will be to capture the town and prevent Islamic State fighters from escaping westward toward the Syrian border, on the highway adjoining it.The PMU consists of around 40 Shi'a militias. The most significant of these are directly supported by the government of Iran. The three most important militias in the PMU are the Badr Organization, the Ktaeb Hezbollah and the Asaib Ahl al-Haq group. All three are pro-Iranian and the recipients of direct training and assistance from Tehran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.The militias make little secret of their nature and goals. A Badr officer interviewed by this author in Baghdad in the summer of 2015 declared that his hope for the PMU is that its role in a future Iraq would be similar to that played by the IRGC in Iran.

PMU leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis (right) with Iranian Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani.

The two most powerful figures in the PMU, Hadi al-Ameri of Badr and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis of Ktaeb Hezbollah, are both veteran Shi'a Islamists and close associates of Gen. Qassem Soleimani, who commands the expeditionary Quds Force of the Revolutionary Guards.The Shi'a militias of the PMU are thus a classic Iranian production – combining political, military and

3The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston ChurchillCees de Waart: CdW Intelligence to Rent Page 3 of 10


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C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

paramilitary/ intimidatory roles for the maximization of power and Iranian influence.They are also deeply hooked into the centers of power in Iraq. Badr, in its political guise, is a member of Abadi's government. The militia also holds the governorship of one of Iraq's provinces, Diyala, where it dominates the official security forces.In the Mosul offensive, however, the Iranian project for wielding power via proxy is colliding with a rival project of a similar nature, maintained by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey.The Turks established a military base at Bashiqa, east of Mosul, in December 2015. There, Turkish officers engaged in the training of a Sunni militia. The militia was organized by Osama al-Nujaifi, a former parliament speaker close to the Turks, and by his brother Atheel, former governor of Nineveh province.

The Nujaifis have come out in favor of an autonomous Nineveh province, once Islamic State has been defeated. Clearly, the intention is to build Turkish and Sunni influence in northern Iraq.Abadi, while opposing the Turkish effort, has tried to take a moderate approach. His guarantee that the Shi'a militias would play no role in the fight against Islamic State in Mosul formed a part of this.But for the militias themselves and those that back them, the Turkish gambit must be opposed. The Iranians and their allies are already engaged against Turkish-supported militias in northern Syria. For them, the battle in Iraq is part of the same fight.Tal Afar, meanwhile, is of particular importance, not only because of its location but also because of its history and demography. An old Ottoman garrison town, its majority Turkmen population is a remnant of the days when Iraq was part of an empire ruled from Constantinople.The population is divided into Shi'a and Sunni Turkmen. Its Sunnis were pro-Saddam, and furnished the old regime with many recruits. Many later also joined Islamic State. Much of the Shi'a population was driven from the town when Islamic State took it in 2014. The Shi'a militias may now be seeking revenge.Turkey has now deployed tanks and artillery in the Silopi area, close to the border with Iraq. Erdogan warned last week that Turkish forces would intervene if abuses were committed by the Shi'a militias against the Sunni residents of Tal Afar.The Iraqi government is taking the threat seriously. Abadi said this week that while Iraq does "not want war with Turkey, and we do not want a confrontation with Turkey," if Erdogan's forces invade, this will lead to the "dismantling of Turkey."So how will this game of brinkmanship play out? At this stage Erdogan's words seem designed more to exert pressure than to signal an imminent intervention. As long as the militias avoid a sectarian bloodbath in Tal Afar, the Turkish tanks will probably remain on the border but not cross it.But the ongoing tensions between Ankara and Baghdad/Tehran show that even as the fight for Mosul city has not yet reached its expected height, the various players are already competing for supremacy in the aftermath.As of now, the Iranians have the overall better hand. Their experience in the use of proxy forces is longer than that of the Turks. They are allied with the central government in Baghdad. The US and the West perceive little danger in their activities in the post-nuclear-deal era.The Turks, however, have demonstrated in northern Syria earlier this year a willingness to employ their own forces in bold but risky gambits on the fragmented territory of their neighbors. Iranian- Turkish and Shi'a-Sunni rivalry are at the heart of the struggle for power in Nineveh province and further afield.The meaning of all this is that northern Iraq has ceased to function as a sovereign territory. Other forces – Turkish soldiers, Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Kurdish guerrillas, Shi'a militiamen, Sunni jihadists – are now engaged in a battle over its territory and resources.Jonathan Spyer, a fellow at the Middle East Forum, is director of the Rubin Center for Research in

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International Affairs and author of The Transforming Fire: The Rise of the Israel-Islamist Conflict (Continuum, 2011).

Dec 17, 2016 Report: Turkish-ISIL Scenario in Aleppo's Al-Bab Taking Shape

TweetTEHRAN (FNA)- The ISIL started withdrawing from the city of al-Bab as part of a scenario which was previously unveiled by battlefield sources according to which the ISIL terrorists intend to give the control of al-Bab to the Turkish-backed militants and pave the way for their capture of Manbij after ISIL's offensive and capture of the city, media reports said.

"The ISIL terrorists started withdrawing from al-Bab city on Friday afternoon after the Euphrates Shield Forces supported by Turkey could take control of the city's clinic," the Arabic-language media quoted unnamed battlefield sources as saying.After recapturing Manbij from ISIL by Kurdish forces, al-Bab and Deir Hafer have turned into the largest bases of ISIL in Aleppo provinceField sources said late November that the ISIL has shifted plans to launch new offensive to reoccupy the Kurdish-ruled city of Manbij to surrender both Manbij and al-Bab to the Turkey-backed militants in a later move after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said his troops' incursion into Syria is

meant to fight and topple President Bashar Al-AssadReports said that the ISIL has started a new scenario in the regions near Manbij in coordination with the Turkish government and has attempted in the past few days to reoccupy the villages in the Western and Northwestern parts of the Kurdish-held Manbij with the help of the Turkish forces who are stationed in the Northern villages According to field sources, the ISIL terrorists have also agreed to evacuate

the strategic city of al-Bab in several stages and reoccupy Manbij again so that the Turkish government will be able to deploy forces in the city under the pretext of fighting against terrorismSources in the SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) also disclosed that the US forces stationed in Northern Syria have also agreed with the Turkish scenario and have instead promised the Kurdish forces to give them control of the Southern parts of Raqqa province A Syrian official also underlined early December that Ankara is technically at war with Damascus given its lack of coordination with the Syrian army in al-Bab city."Considering its campaign against the terrorist groups in Aleppo, the Syrian army is fighting against Turkey indirectly" as the latter is in on the opposite side and helping the terrorists in the same region, Samir Sulayman, a high-ranking official at Syria's defense ministry, said.He added that since the Syrian army is fighting against the terrorists in different parts of the country, specially Aleppo, it has indirectly entered a battle against Turkey because the terrorist groups are enjoying Ankara's arms support and consultations.The ISIL stronghold city of al-Bab Northeast of Aleppo is on the verge of a major war among the Syrian army, the Kurds and the Turkey-backed forces that are part of Turkey's Euphrates Shield Operation.Military sources had disclosed in mid September that a large number of Syrian soldiers are deployed

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at Kuweires airbase to start military operations against the terrorists in al-Bab."Hundreds of Syrian soldiers are now in Kuweires airbase 40 kilometers to the east of Aleppo city to start al-Bab military operations against the ISIL terrorist group," the Arabic-language media quoted an unnamed military source as saying.Also, another source said in mid November that the Syrian army has sent around 1,000 reinforcement troops to the Eastern countryside of Aleppo to start the operation that aims to create a safe zone in areas in the vicinity of Kuweires airbase, including al-Bab, adding that the Syrian government troops' military operation in al-Bab region is also meant to block further advances of the Turkey-backed terrorists in al-Bab region.Experts believe that Syrian army's operations in al-Bab and Deir Hafer that are entrance gates to Raqqa province signify the government forces plan to start an attack on Raqqa soon, while the Kurdish forces have also started a large-scale offensive on Raqqa, codenamed 'Wrath of Euphrates', a couple of days ago.Turkey declared on August 24 that its Army has launched 'Euphrates Shield' military operation in Syria, as Ankara claims that it has begun to cleanse the ISIL terrorists from its border with the Arab country.But, despite Ankara's allegation, Turkish military forces support militant groups in Northern Syria, and fight against Kurdish forces in the region.Turkish officials have frequently stressed that operation 'Euphrates Shield' will continue to create a safe zone in Northern Syria, while Ankara was forced to halt air support for its ground incursion into Syria on October 22, after Damascus vowed to shoot down Turkish Air Force planes in Syrian skies, accusing Turkey of violating its national sovereignty.Damascus had condemned Ankara's military operation and entry of Turkish special forces and tanks into Syria, while Moscow expressed deep concern about what is happening in the Syrian-Turkish border area.On Wednesday, a senior political expert warned about impending direct confrontation between the Syrian and Turkish armies due to Ankara's expansionist policies and aggression against Syria, calling on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to take lesson from the heavy defeat of the Ankara-backed terrorist groups in Aleppo before it's too late."If Turkey wants to make up for its Aleppo defeat by launching fresh military operations in al-Bab, direct confrontation between the Syrian and Turkish armies will be of much likelihood," Syrian political expert on Turkey and Kurds Khorshid Deli told FNA.He reiterated that Turkey was the big loser of Aleppo battle, and said, "Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party imagined that the Aleppo battle would be the main bridge towards the collapse of the Syrian government."Deli underlined that the Syrian army's control of Aleppo city has been a heavy blow on Turkey's strategy towards the Syrian crisis and a slap across Erdogan's face."The terrorists' defeat in Eastern Aleppo not only put an end to the strategy of overthrowing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's government, but also discredited Turkey in the eyes of the terrorists that had been told by Turkey that Assad would fall," he added.Deli warned that Erdogan might want to intensify attacks on Aleppo in order to compensate for its defeats in Aleppo city.

Dec 17, 2016 Military Expert: West Trying to Keep Certain Terrorist Groups in AleppoTEHRAN (FNA)- A Syrian political and military expert said the western states intend to keep some terrorist groups in Aleppo city to take new concessions from the government under a new evacuation deal."The terrorists in Eastern Aleppo fulfill the orders given to them by their sponsors from Saudi Arabia,

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C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

Qatar, Turkey and the US; the recent agreement will not put an end to the war in this region and the West wants to keep a number of terrorists there to take new privileges from government under a new agreement," ISSA al-Zaher said.He pointed out that Saudi Arabia and the sheikhdoms are anguished with the swap deal that was mentioned in the Aleppo ceasefire deal which focused on releasing and relocating thousands of the residents of the two besieged towns of Fua'a and Kafraya in Idlib in return for the exit of terrorists from Aleppo and this could be readily seen in the Saudi media as they do not want the Al-Nusra (recently renamed to Fatah Al-Sham) Front to give this concession to the government.In relevant remarks earlier on Saturday, a security official of Aleppo operations room disclosed that evacuation of the militants from Eastern Aleppo came to a halt after the terrorists insisted on keeping the PoWs and played around with releasing the residents of Fua'a and Kafraya.The security official reiterated that the lack of commitment by the remaining terrorists in Eastern Aleppo to the evacuation agreements is the main reason for halt to evacuation operation in the region.The source noted that the Al-Nusra Front terrorists despite agreeing to set free the Syrian army's PoWs are refusing to do so and insist on taking the PoWs with themselves during evacuation from Eastern Aleppo.The Syrian security source reiterated that the al-Nusra Front is also still shrugging off implementation of evacuation the injured people from Fua'a and Kafraya in Idlib.The source noted that after the al-Nusra hindered evacuation of residents of al-Fua'a and Kafraya, about 2,000 popular armed men have moved to al-Ramouseh and prevent the exit of the remaining terrorists and their families from the region.He said that over 3,000 residents of Fua'a and Kafraya need immediate medical care, adding, "Over 40 percent of the people injured in Fua'a and Kafraya are children."The Syrian authorities and terrorist groups stationed in the Eastern parts of Aleppo reached an agreement on December 15 to evacuate militants from the region in return for relocating thousands of besieged civilians from Fua'a and Kafraya in Idlib to government-ruled territories.Tens of ambulances and Green Buses arrived at militant-held territories on Thursday morning to evacuate militant groups and their families.Russian reconciliation center in Syria said on Thursday that about 20 buses and 10 ambulances will carry out evacuation of the militants, adding that it is preparing to evacuate the remaining militants and their family members from the Eastern districts of the city of Aleppo in collaboration with the Syrian authorities.The evacuation operation monitored by web cameras that the Russian Defense Ministry has installed along the corridors, as well as surveillance drones.According to the center, the Syrian authorities have also guaranteed that all members of armed groups who decide to leave Eastern Aleppo will be safe.Meanwhile, buses and ambulances are on their way to Idlib to evacuate the wounded, women and children from Faua'a and Kafraya to government-held territories via Northern Hama, as according to official statements, the evacuation will take place in several phases.Syria's state TV reported on Thursday - before the first group of militants left Eastern Aleppo - that terrorists restarted artillery attacks on residential areas in the Eastern districts of Aleppo city, breaching the truce.The terrorists had also in a similar case earlier jeopardized the agreement on Tuesday night after they received some messages from Ankara about Turkey's increasing pressures on Damascus through military intervention in Northern Aleppo province combined with the western states' mounting pressures on Syria and its allies that accused the latter of war crimes in Eastern Aleppo. The ceasefire agreement that was reached on Tuesday went off after the terrorists violated its terms, making the warring sides to initiate a new round of talks that resulted in an agreement on Wednesday.

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C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

The first group of militants, including 1,500 armed men and their families, left Eastern Aleppo on Thursday afternoon on buses and ambulances under the ceasefire agreement.The Defense Ministry said in a statement that ambulances and buses with militants leaving Aleppo are accompanied by Russian servicemen and Red Cross staff.The Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria added that the first convoy of buses with militants has already left Eastern Aleppo, while the evacuation will take place in several stages.In the first stage, a sum of 1,500 militants, including most the wounded rebels and their family members, left Aleppo minutes ago. A sum of 4,000 to 5,000 militants and an estimated number of 10,000 people who are said to be their family members are to leave Eastern Aleppo under the deal.Meanwhile, the Russian General Staff said that the pullout of militants and their families through a humanitarian corridor has begun in Eastern Aleppo, adding that wounded militants will be evacuated by the Russian Reconciliation Center with International Red Cross involvement.“To allow the militants leave the city, a 21km humanitarian corridor has been set up. Of those, 6km lie across Aleppo's territories controlled by government troops and the other 15km to the West of the city go through militant-held areas," Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov said.He added that 20 buses and 10 ambulances are being used for the evacuation in addition to over 100 vehicles belonging to the militants themselves."Following the order of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, President Vladimir Putin, the evacuation of 5,000 militants and members of their families from the Eastern districts of Aleppo has begun today," the General underlined.Representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) confirmed on Thursday afternoon that the first group of 5,000 militants moved out of Eastern Aleppo.The ICRC reported that a sum of 1,500, including wounded militants and their family members, left Aleppo for Idlib on Thursday.The Russian general Staff also said Thursday that a total number of 105 neighborhoods have been completely taken back from the terrorists as a result of the anti-terror operation in Eastern Aleppo."The Syrian government forces and their popular allies have completed the liberation of Aleppo from terrorists. As a result of the offensive the terrorists were driven out from all quarters that were under their control. At least 900 fighters were eliminated by the Syria army during the operation, and a huge volume of heavy weapons and military equipment was destroyed," the Russian General Staff said in a statement.Over 3,000 militants have voluntarily left the Syrian city of Aleppo, about half of them have been pardoned, Lt. Gen. Viktor Poznikhir, the first deputy chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff, said Thursday, adding that "A total of 3,033 militants have voluntarily left Aleppo, 1,524 of them have been pardoned and let go, checks are ongoing in regard to others".Media sources said on Friday morning that at least 8,079 militants and their families have been evacuated from Eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo city to Southwestern countryside of the city in last 24 hours.10 cargos of vehicles have evacuated 8,079 militants and their family members from the neighborhoods of Salahuddin, al-Ansari, al-Mashhad, and al-Zobaydiyeh to the Southwestern countryside of Aleppo via al-Ramouseh corridor under the supervision of the Syrian Red Crescent Society and the International Red Cross Committee.A total of over 2300 terrorists and their families left Eastern neighborhoods on Thursday.Before the departure, many terrorist groups blew up their main headquarters and weapons and ammunition depots and burned their offices and documents that reveal their sources of funds, armaments and intelligence information.Terrorist groups' artillery units shelled heavily al-Ramouseh corridor in the Southern parts of Aleppo city on Friday regardless of the ceasefire, blocking once again exit of remaining militants and their

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Page 9: Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2016 Part 4-1-Iran-21

C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

families from the city.The terrorists violated the ceasefire and shelled al-Ramouseh corridor through which militants and their families were leaving the Eastern neighborhoods of the city, while terrorist snipers also targeted al-Ramouseh corridor and captured a number of civilians.Green buses that were in al-Ramouseh left the scene after terrorists targeted the corridor and blocked evacuation of militants.Based on reports, just before shelling of al-Ramouseh corridor by terrorist groups over 150 vehicles left militant-held neighborhoods in Aleppo city to the Southwestern countryside of the city via al-Ramouseh corridor.In the meantime, more groups of militants left Aleppo's Eastern districts with their families. 3,475 men, 3,137 women, 2,359 children and 108 wounded have left AleppoAccording to more reports, the terrorist groups have swapped a number of abducted people with captured terrorists.Local sources in Eastern Aleppo disclosed that most of the Saudi, Turkish or Egyptian commanders of al-Nusra Front have left the Eastern neighborhoods, while tens of militant that are still in these neighborhoods are to turn themselves in to the army and apply for amnesty.Terrorist groups also targeted a key passageway in Northwestern Hama on Friday and blocked the movement of a convoy of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) heading towards Northern Idlib to evacuate injured people from the two militant-besieged towns of Fua'a and Kafraya.Terrorist groups' missile units targeted al-Soqaylbiyeh passageway connecting Northwestern Hama to Southern Idlib to stop the SARC' convoy and buses' movement to Fua'a and Kafraya in Northern Idlib to transfer the injured, patients and the elderly to government-held areasThe SARC convoy and buses that were to go through al-Soqaylbiyeh passage way are still stopping at Tal Baqlo-Al-Madiq Fort in Northwestern Hama.Syrian Army troops forwarded several groups of forces to al-Ramouseh corridor in the Southern part of Aleppo city after terrorists launched several rounds of attacks on the corridor to block exit of militants and their families from the cityAccording to military sources, while violation of ceasefire and shelling of al-Ramouseh by terrorist groups has pushed the newly-concluded agreement on evacuation of militants from Eastern Aleppo to the rims of failure, the army has dispatched fresh forces to al-Ramouseh.Some of the field commanders said that the entire options are on the table for restart of military operations in next hours after terrorists' targeted al-Ramouseh corridorMeanwhile, some people who are originally from Fua'a and Kafraya and their families and friends are trapped inside the two towns came to Ramouseh to Southern Aleppo to block the relocation of Aleppo militants and their families to Idlib through Ramouseh. They stressed that they will continue to block al-Ramouseh corridor till the militants allow the injured and patients leave Fua'a and Kafraya as militants have not allowed civilians to leave the besieged towns of Fua'a and Kafraya in Northern Idlib.Arab media outlets added that militants have opened fire at those people who have closed al-Ramouseh corridor to prevent exit of militant and their families in a retaliatory move.Al-Nusra Front and Ahrar al-Sham in Northern Idlib keep blocking exist of the injured or patients from Fua'a and Kafraya despite an agreement concluded between militant groups and Damascus officials for their evacuation to government-controlled regions.Fatah al-Sham and Ahrar al-Sham did not allow any ambulance or bus to leave Fua'a and Kafraya, while an agreement reached by the Syrian government and Jeish al-Fatah coalition of terrorist groups allows evacuation of militants and their families from Aleppo in return for transferring the injured, patients and the elderly trapped in the predominately Shiite towns to army-controlled regions.The Russian Defense Ministry announced Friday afternoon that Syrian Army troops started cleansing

9The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston ChurchillCees de Waart: CdW Intelligence to Rent Page 9 of 10


Page 10: Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2016 Part 4-1-Iran-21

C de Waart; CdW Intelligence to Rent [email protected] In Confidence

operation in Eastern Aleppo to hunt the remaining pockets of Jeish al-Fatah terrorists in the city after militants violated the ceasefire again and opened fire at defenseless citizens.“In some areas, there are still groups of militants who are firing at Syria troops,” the Russian Defense Ministry said, adding that Syrian Army units are continuing the liberation of the militant-held districts of the city".The Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria announced on Tuesday that 98 percent of Aleppo city was under the control of the Army soldiers and popular force on verge on conclusion of agreement for evacuation of militants.The Russian Defense Ministry also announced on Friday afternoon that all women and children have been evacuated from militant-controlled parts of Eastern Aleppo, and only militants now remain there and are firing at the Syrian army forces.The Russian Center for Reconciliation said that over 4,500 militants have been evacuated along with their families, as well as 337 wounded, adding that more than 9,500 people have been evacuated from Eastern Aleppo.The center said that liberation of the Eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo city has been completed, adding that Syrian government forces are now tackling separate pockets of militants' resistance."The operation by the Syrian Army aimed at liberating the militant-controlled neighborhoods of Eastern Aleppo has been completed," the center said, adding that the Syrian government forces continue to hit and destroy isolated pockets of militant resistance.According to the latest figures from the Russian Defense ministry, only 2 percent of Aleppo is still controlled by a few militants.

10The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. –Winston ChurchillCees de Waart: CdW Intelligence to Rent Page 10 of 10
