al jabr islamic school news letter semester ii,march … filenews letter from the head of school...

NEWS LETTER From the Head of School From the Principal From the MYP Coordinator From the PYP Coordinator Catatan Dari Administrasi Pre-K: What We Know About Day And Night Kindergarten 1: Students’ Assessments Kindergarten 2: Siklus Mahluk Hidup G r a d e 1: Invenon Through Science Experiment Grade 2: Students’ Language Development Grade 3: Planning & Reflecng Through IB Learner Profiles Grade 4: Conserve Life With Renewable Energy Grade 5: Cube Is Cute: It’s All About Geometry Special Arcle: Science Fair 2016 Special Arcle: Student-Led Conference Islamic: Gerhana Matahari From Parents’ Associaon 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Semester II,March 2015/2016 Al Jabr Islamic School TABLE OF CONTENTS

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Page 1: Al Jabr Islamic School NEWS LETTER Semester II,March … fileNEWS LETTER From the Head of School From the Principal From the MYP Coordinator From the PYP Coordinator Catatan Dari Administrasi


From the Head of SchoolFrom the PrincipalFrom the MYP CoordinatorFrom the PYP CoordinatorCatatan Dari AdministrasiPre-K: What We Know About Day And NightKindergarten 1: Students’ AssessmentsKindergarten 2: Siklus Mahluk HidupG r a d e 1: Invention Through Science Experiment

Grade 2: Students’ Language DevelopmentGrade 3: Planning & Reflecting Through IB Learner ProfilesGrade 4: Conserve Life With Renewable EnergyGrade 5: Cube Is Cute: It’s All About GeometrySpecial Article: Science Fair 2016 Special Article: Student-Led ConferenceIslamic: Gerhana MatahariFrom Parents’ Association








S e m e s t e r I I , M a r c h 2 0 1 5 / 2 0 1 6

A l J a b r I s l a m i c S c h o o l


Page 2: Al Jabr Islamic School NEWS LETTER Semester II,March … fileNEWS LETTER From the Head of School From the Principal From the MYP Coordinator From the PYP Coordinator Catatan Dari Administrasi

Al Jabr Islamic School Newsletter March 2015/2016 2

Melestarikan dan mengembangkan PYP merupakan salah satu workshop baru dari IB yang kami ikuti Februari 2016 di Singapore dalam rangka ingin tahu akan apa yang menjadi pembicaraan dan pemikiran atas pendidikan dasar standard International saat ini.

Workshop ini masuk dalam kriteria katagori tiga yang diikuti oleh peserta yang diharapkan sudah mempunyai pengalaman terbang yang cukup tinggi, kemampuan berpikir, bertukar pikiran atau brainstorming sekaligus bersama secara kreatif mencari solusi dari situasi pendidikan yang menjadi bagian dari keadaan dunia baik international maupun nasional.

Sekilas saya meraba bahwa agenda ini seperti workshop Leadership yang saya ikuti pada 2007 di Hong Kong dengan Desy. Awalnya kami di bagi dengan kriteria berapa lama telah menjadi leader dan berapa

lama menjadi leader dalam dunia pendidikan. Lalu kami ditanya apakah leadership berubah, kenapa terjadi perubahan dan bagaimana kita sebagai pimpinan mengatur nya baik sekolah maupun diri sendiri. Ketika dirumah saya membaca koran ingin tahu keadaan situasi negara tetangga kita dan di beritakan bahwa dunia sudah demikian terbuka dan penuh dengan kompetisi sehingga perusahaan international pun mulai pindah produksi ke tempat yang lebih murah dan mempekerjakan pegawai yang lebih murah walaupun dengan tuntutan tugas justru yang lebih berat. Dunia berubah.

Jika Anda seorang pembuat rencana, perancang keuangan, organisator, staffing, handal memecahkan masalah (problem solving), dapat mengukur (measuring), mengerjakan apa yang tahu dikerjakan Dan membuat products yang dapat di gantungkan hasil nya - apakah Anda seorang pemimpin? Ternyata belum. Dengan 7 tugas tadi maka pemimpin saat ini harus mendapat 6 tugas tambahan yakni dapat langsung dapat mengarahkan(establish direction), mengumpulkan orang (aligning people), memotivasi, menginspirasi, memobilisasi banyak orang untuk mencapai sasaran dengan tepat dan mempersiapkan serta memprediksi situasi didepan (propeling into the future). Setelah mengetahui betapaberat tugas seorang pemimpin terutama pemimpin dalam dunia pendidikan maka saat itu saya antara mau pulang saja dan pergi belanja atau makan sambil dalam hati juga menanyakan pada diri sendiri, am i really that old to give up. Sambil sepintas melihat ke Dwi our PYP coordinator yang terlihat tenang , entah karena everything under control or she just take thing easy - maklum dia masih muda - mungkin seperti saya ketika di HK 9 th yang lalu.

Lalu kita diberi waktu untuk memeriksa situasi masing masing dengan menjawab, apakah masyarakat kita diposisi belakang dari kompetisi dunia saat ini? Apakah kita tidak siap untuk menang kompetisi dimana depan? Apakah masyarakat kita terlalu lamban? Apakah kita terlalu cepat menjalankan

f r o mThe Headof School

Melestarikan dan MengembangkanSekolah PYP - IB

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Al Jabr Islamic School Newsletter March 2015/2016 3

sesuatu namun lambat dalam berpikir, berstrategi dan membuat rencana? Terbelakang dalam berinovasi? Lambat dan tidak efektif untuk berintegrasi? Terlalu mau sendiri untuk berkolaborasi? Apakah pimpinan Anda disengage (melepaskan) diri dari peran nya and so on and so on.

Demikian, sepintas laporan dari workshop kami di Singapore - negara berpenduduk 5 juta dengan tanpa natural resources kecuali manusianya. Dan setelah workshop saya sempat volunteer guide di Art Museum yang dengan bangga memamerkan 50 Tahun kemerdekaan dengan 5 kata dari representasi bendera mereka yakni, keadilan, demokrasi , progress, persamaan dan perdamaian. Betapa mudah nya menikmati hidup di negara yang maju. Dan ketika pulang ke Jakarta maka mulailah jetlag sosial budaya politik terjadi dengan kegaduhan dari koran, media TV, media sosial dan menanyakan kemana ya pemimpin negara ini? How we organize ourselves, bagaimana kita mengatur diri. Setelah menangkan hati dan datang ke sekolah melihat murid umur 2 tahun merayakan ulang tahun dan berdoa untuk menjadi seorang pemimpin dunia akhirat - maka saya optimist kembali. Bismillah lancar - Allah SWT selalu bersama umat nya, dan semakin besar perjuangan maka semakin banyak pahalanya. Amin YRA. A journey of thousand miles begin with a single step.

Uchu Riza

“...yakin akan adanya negeri akhirat, MEREKA itulah orang yang tetap mendapat petunjuk dari Tuhannya dan beruntung.”Al Quran 31: 1-5

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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Learning at school must accommodate the needs of making connection between the real life experiences and fun activities to engage and promote life-long learners. Concepts and knowledge they inquired in and outside the classroom should be promoting their communication and social skills.

The Students Led Conference (SLC), in particular always becomes a way to enable students to be communicators. The conference aimed to review and discuss the work and the student’s progress directly from their presentation. The message is that the students are responsible for their own success and the premise is the same: it is the time to share their reflections on achievements and challenges.

Parents in the other side enable to see their son/ daughter as active learners with knowledge, conceptual understanding and skills at school. Parents can also draw connections on what the students learn at school and how the attitudes grow from unit to another unit. Hopefully, parents can emphasize and cooperate better with school to support the students achieve the higher standards.

We are looking forward to the Grade 5 Exhibition and Grade 10 Personal Projects Exhibition on April 7, 2016. The drama class from High School will also perform their annual School Play, inspired by world-prominent plays at the end of April.

While Grade 6, Grade 9 and Grade 12 students are having their School Exams, District Standardized Exams and National Exams within these 3 months, March – May. Insya Allah, from all the school events that the students experience at school will enrich their potentials, talents and interests that might contribute for their successful future, as stated in Al Quran:

“…Oh Lord! Bestow on us mercy from Yourself, and facilitate for us our affair in the right way!”

Wassalamualaikum Wr. WbKartika Desy Wardani

f r o mThe Principal


In the MYP, interdisciplinary learning is the process by which students come to understand bodies of knowledge and ways of knowing from two or more disciplines or subject groups and integrate them to create new understanding.

Students demonstrate interdisciplinary understanding when they can bring together concepts, methods, or forms of communication from two or more disciplines or established areas of expertise to explain a phenomenon, solve a problem, create a product, or raise a new question in ways that would have been unlikely through a single discipline (Boix Mansilla 2010). Taken from Fostering interdisciplinary teaching and learning in MYP document P.3.

In the MYP, interdisciplinary learning is:• PurposefulClear outcome for a subject to be included• DisciplinedIt selects and reorganizes disciplinary objectives in meaningful and connected ways, learning across disciplines and subject groups builds on disciplinary learning• IntegrativeElements of more than one discipline are placed into a productive relationship with one another—and connections considered over time—so that students can develop a new, deeper, more compelling or nuanced understanding of the topic under study.In the MYP, students are encouraged to bring together knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes learned in different disciplines or subject groups to deepen and enrich their understanding.

Example units from class:How are disciplines integrated in the example of “The Sound of Music”?

Understand of sound waves and elements of music in two fundamental ways:Physics •Explains how musical instruments produce soundMusic•Explores the expressive power of new sounds

Integration yields a deeper, richer understanding of the topic. In this case, it is how musical instruments produce sound and how that sound can be use to create compelling musical experiences.

“There are schools that are teaching in the old fashioned way which was of benefit in the beginnings of the 1900s – but the needs are not the same and we need something fit for the 21st century.” Marjo Kyllonen, Helsinki’s education manager -

Amelia Bertyapaty

f r o m The MYPCoordinator

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from The PYP Coordinator

School ritual, ceremony and culture in action

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. What is ritual in a school means? How can we celebrate it? How is it connected with school culture?

Based on the book of Shaping school Culture, rituals are procedure or routines that are infused with deeper meaning. Greetings and goodbye rituals are value-embedded ways of connecting people. As a school that implement IB programmes as its international curriculum, Al Jabr value and respect ways to greet people inside and outside the school. However as a school with strong Islamic values, we prefer to say salaam ‘assalamualaikum’ as a way to greet each other in school. Saying salaam without shaking hand is also a ritual that goes along with it.

Rituals become significant when it is conducted with special history and meaning. Rituals are the daily comings and goings that create a bond that ties people and activities: rituals hold a school together.

Ceremonies are ways that a school celebrates successes, communicates its values, and recognizes special contributions of staff and students. There are few types of ceremony based on the Shaping school Culture book. :1. Opening day ceremonies that connects and ties the staff to the school and its mission – teacher’s back to work (TBW)2. Community renewal ceremonies, an event that can rebuild and recharge the energies of staff and students as well as parents – parents curriculum day3. Seasonal ceremonies – Idul Qurban celebration4. Management ceremonies – collaborative meeting every week5. Integrative ceremonies – assemblies every week6. Recognition ceremonies – profile 7. Special ceremonies – language day, sport day, science fair8. Memorial ceremonies – flag ceremony commemorating Independence day

Those are samples of ceremonies we conduct at school in order to celebrate the teaching and learning process of all school community. As for tradition are significant events that has a special meaning and conducted year in and year out. There are traditions that build professionalism and there is tradition that recognizes significant contribution of others in school.

Rituals, ceremonies and tradition vary in every school and make the culture of the school. Align with Al Jabr school mission, we want to build a strong school culture of international mindedness in respect to Islamic values. Hopefully by conducting relevant and engaging rituals and tradition at school will lead students to a meaningful initiated action in their daily life and making changes for themselves, others and environment.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Dwi Murtayuningsih

C a t a t a n D a r iA d m i n i s t r a s iAssalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Dengan merebaknya kejadian penyakit Hand Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) dan Demam Berdarah (DB), sekolah secara rutin melakukan tindakan pencegahan yaitu pengasapan (fogging) nyamuk, sterilisasi ruang kelas dan mainan, serta desinfektan ruangan. Selain itu kami juga menyediakan hand sanitizer di beberapa titik agar siswa dapat selalu membersihkan tangan at any time dan masker yang disediakan bagi siapa pun yang membutuhkan. Namun istirahat di rumah lebih disarankan bagi para siswa yang terindikasi sakit flu dan batuk yang berpotensi menular.

Dalam hal cinta kebersihan, Agama Islam menaruh perhatian yang amat tinggi. Kebiasaan bersih hendaknya dimulai dari rumah dengan membiasakan anak-anak untuk hidup bersih dan sehat. Karena lingkungan yang bersih dan sehat akan menjauhkan kita dari berbagai pernyakit.

Penerimaan siswa baru pada level PYP Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017 sudah berakhir kecuali High School Grade 10 yang masih kami buka untuk gelombang ke-2. Formulir Pendaftaran dapat dibeli di bagian Administrasi setiap hari Senin – Jumat dari pukul 9:00 – 14:00.

Terakhir, kami himbau kembali orangtua/wali murid untuk selalu menginformasikan nomor handphone maupun email terbaru demi kelancaran komunikasi. Serta mohon cek kembali setiap invoice tagihan uang sekolah yang kami kirim per tiga bulan.

Wassalaamu’alaikum wr. wb.Siska LilianaHead of Administration

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For the provocation of our unit, the Earth’s natural cycles influence the activity of living things, Pre-K students watched a video about rotation and made observations outside the classroom. Pre-K students also discussed about things that occurred during the day and at night. To develop their knowledge, the students discussed about these things and also about diurnal animals and nocturnal animals. To deepen their understanding about Earth’s natural cycle, Pre-K students visited a mobile planetarium. In the mobile planetarium, they gathered information about Earth’s natural cycle and the things that we can find in our galaxy such as planets, suns, moons, and stars.To make connection between the weather and how

to protect themselves, the teachers dressed up based on seasons created by the Earth’s revolutions. Pre-K students learned about what the functions of the things we can use to protect ourselves during different seasons. To going further, the children played with rain using umbrellas, raincoats, and boots.In this unit, children were involved in the Science Fair. They created simple experiments and presented them in front of guests and explained what they knew about Earth’s natural cycle. Students showed enthusiasm and independence while presenting. As an action, students were able to recognize daily weather and identify items to protect themselves during different seasons. (Lisa/3/2016)

P r e - K : What We Know About Day And Night

Students applied their understanding by doing a meaningful action at the school and at home. At school, they were able to sort out the materials according to the matter, like stones and books as solids, water and juice as liquids and balloons and balls as filled with gas . Ghenar said, “Ini dalamnya ada gas.” At home, as parental feedback, Oceana said, “Mama itu ada cuka, cuka kalau dicampur sama soda kue bisa buat gas ma.”, Some of students keep repeating the song about solid, liquid and gas, and explained the characteristics of matter, and some of students were much more aware of the types of matter in their house. (Dyah/3/2016)

Students of K1 were very excited to learn about matter around them due to our central idea about understanding the way materials behave and interact in certain ways which determines how people use them.

We started this unit by discussing and introducing new vocabulary, then presenting their examples of matter that they brought from home to show their prior knowledge. Students developed their understanding about 3 states of matter by finding matter around class and classifying them into a solid, liquid or gas. Students explored the characteristics of solids, liquids and gases by observing how the matters behaved, such as pouring the water on different surfaces to know that water changes its shape based on the place. We also learned that matter can change by going through a reaction, and this was proven by doing some experiments: melting chocolate, a candle experiment and cooking pancakes.

To show students’ understanding about this unit and apply the basic properties of materials in order to match materials to its purpose, we joined the science fair. Some students performed about the characteristics of matter and some students did experiments in groups and explained the materials, processes and results to the guests. Blowing up balloon, melting crayons, plastic explosions and the mysterious water are some of the experiments about changing matter. This activity also showed their cooperation in group work.

Students enjoyed doing the experiments. They asked a lot of questions, which showed their curiosity. Hopefully students now understand the way materials behave and interact in certain ways and how this determines how people use the materials around them.

K i n d e r g a r t e n 1 :Students’ Assessments

L: Students experienced a rainy day. R: Mobile

Planetarium at the school.

K-1 students showed their experiment on the yearly Scince Fair

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Al Jabr Islamic School Newsletter March 2015/2016 7

Bagaimana cara Makhluk hidup berkembang biak? Proses apa saja yang dilalui oleh makhluk hidup untuk berkembang biak? pertanyaan pertanyaan ini memancing keingintahuan siswa siswi tentang berbagai macam binatang dan cara berkembang biak-nya. Di sekolah siswa siswi diperkenalkan dengan berbagi binatang dengan cara reproduksi yang berbeda beda, contoh, ulat menjadi kupu-kupu, kecebong menjadi katak dan telur menjadi burung.

Berbekal dengan pengalaman memelihara binatang – binatang tersebut dikelas serta kunjungan ke museum air tawar TMII, siswa/i dapat mempresentasikan hasil risetnya di dalam acara science fair. Science Fair kali ini berbeda dari biasanya dimana siswa dikelompokkan berdasarkan cara belajar dan kesukaannya. Beberapa siswa/i secara berkelompok membuat model sebagai alat pendukung presentasi secara mandiri dan mempresentasikan pengetahuannya dalam bentuk pameran. Sementara itu, beberapa siswa lainnya memaparkan pehamannya melalui gerak dan lagu. Perbedaan cara menilai ini dilakukan agar siswa dapat lebih maksimal dalam memahami target pembelajaran unit ini dan juga untuk memberikan kesempatan pada siswa untuk mengembangkan kemampuannya masing-masing.

Dengan mengetahui tentang berbagai proses reproduksi makhluk hidup, diharapkan siswa lebih menghargai makhluk hidup di sekitarnya dengan cara merawat binatang peliharaan dan melepaskannya ke habitat aslinya (Rindy/3/2016)

K i n d e r g a r t e n 2 :Siklus Mahluk Hidup

G r a d e 1 :Invention ThroughScience ExperimentFirst graders were enjoying their fourth unit under the central idea that people apply their understanding of forces and energy to invent and create. During this unit, the students began to explore many materials to experiment and create. We observed the forces and energy from many objects, such as toy cars, baby strollers, chairs, and trolleys. This activity provoked students to think about cause and effect, such as why some things move and why some of them don’t. It continues to recognize the invention to make it happen . Kenzie , one of the students, said invention is something new. The students expanded their thinking skills to understand the functions of inventions in human life. They also solved daily problems through inventions. We invited the science club to provoke the students about forces and energy and how they lead us to invent and create. As a reflection, students were able to recognize the basic understanding of forces and how people use it in daily life. Then, we used our science skills to identify or generate questions or problems to be explored. This time, the students used the scientific method to measure data accurately. The scientific method motivated them to explore the objectives and implement their analytical skills to

make hypotheses. They got more knowledge from the result of experiment.

Finally, the students showed their research and thinking skills in the Science Fair 2016. Singing and art performances through magic tricks were parts of their shows. The best moment was when students showed their experiments in front of parents and other students. Visitors knew the process from verbal explanations and our students were being confident to answer any questions. Students, teachers, parents and the school agreed to develop the application of forces and energy that contribute to scientific developments and inventions and also support the students to determine different kinds of forces that are useful and being used by people in their lives. (Mirna/3/2016)

Murid-murid mengamati mahluk hidup di sekitarnya.

Grade 1 students explained their experiment to a visitor

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The theme of “How The World Works” was really engaging for grade 2 as we had a wonderful experience related to the central idea about how the design of buildings and structures is dependent upon environmental factors, human ingenuity and available materials.

During this unit, we learned about various ways to create structures, structure’s diversity and multiple perspectives that the people possess related to structure. We also learned about how people use and maintain structures. We focused on language development by experimenting with discussions and presentations about science projects. Students enthusiastically worked to produce language products such as science journals, slide presentations and various kinds of science charts explaining their project.

We began to explore this unit by asking the students the following questions: have you been to different kinds of structures and did you observe them? How would you classify the function of structure? How would you reflect your own responsibility to sustain these structures around your area ?. All the students showed their enthusiasm to be engaged with every activity occurring during the learning.

Another activity that we had was a visit to the toll road construction on Jalan Bango. There, students observed the process of making the toll road and interviewed people who lived around there about how the road project did not harm the environment. Students were able to absorb the knowledge and grasp the meaning from the visit by presenting their experience through the writing, presenting and drawing in the Science Fair. They also arranged and performed various role plays and created art products about the structures in the class and had their groups or individual projects assessed. (Adi/3/2016)

G r a d e 2 :

Students’ Language Development During our unit of inquiry, the students focused on the

following attributes of the Learner Profile: inquirer, risk-taker and reflective. Students communicated their learning through oral and digital presentations. They had an open-ended discussion responding to the following questions: how is the Earth structured, what are some natural disasters we know of, and how do natural disasters affect humans?

They demonstrated an understanding about the connection of the structure of the Earth with natural disasters. They were inquisitive learners by identifying short and long-term changes on Earth (e.g. movement of tectonic plates, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes). We also watched a documentary on the structure of the Earth and completed a visible thinking routine labeled “I used to think…now I think” after doing all the tasks. They became more reflective about their explorations by using their interactive science journals, and they gained new knowledge throughout the unit.

In addition, we also shared and discussed the summative task for the unit. They were risk-takers to select one of the natural disaster experiments for the science fair and to explain that this is how the world works and that this will continue to occur.

This unit was very engaging to learn because one of the students from grade 3C, Mika, took action by inviting her uncle, Mr. Anto, who works as management of natural disasters. She took the initiative to connect what she learned and requested her uncle to explain about preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation of natural disasters. The grade 3 students were very excited with the guest speaker as they learned and practiced simple ways to be prepared when natural disasters happen. (Hana/2/2016)

G r a d e 3 :Planning & Reflecting Through IB Learner Profiles

Grade 3 students showing their understanding of the anatomy of the earth

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In Unit 4, grade 4 students learned about energy under the following central idea: energy may be converted, transformed and used to support human progress. The students were inquisitive and showed their enthusiasm when learning about renewable and non-renewable energy. They found out that non-renewable energy sources like oil and coal will not last forever and producing a lot of pollution will cause global warming.

The students started their learning by observing the things around the school that use some kind of energy. They found a lot of things like computers, projectors, air-conditioners, a refrigerator, and a generator. From there, they learned that every tool that people use in their daily life needs energy. Energy is important, and it cannot be created nor destroyed only converted or transformed.

Based on that knowledge, the students visited the Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional (Batan) to find out more about nuclear energy. In Batan, the nuclear scientists explained about the benefits of using nuclear energy and how energy is created by producing a fusion reaction. After the visit, the students knew that nuclear energy is one of alternative energies that create less pollution.

To follow up, the students analyzed the problems that happen in their surroundings, and those eventually became the background problem for their experiments. It was a challenging process when some students failed and the results were not as expected. However, they kept on experimenting and showed commitment to complete their experiments. At the end, the students reflected about what they have learned and changed some of their habits like always turning off lights and the AC when it is not needed.. Hopefully, after this unit, the students can implement their understanding by appreciating and using the energy more wisely (Didi/Vivi/3/2016)

G r a d e 4 :Conserve Life with Renewable Energy

Central idea: Understanding of scientific knowledge is constantly evolving and has an impact on people’s lives.

In this unit, grade 5 continued learning about area, perimeter and volume. The students started by exploring properties of 2D shapes such as rectangles, square, triangles, and parallelograms. Then, they were able to find and identify the formula of area and perimeter of the shapes. After that, they compiled all the formulas into a formula book which could be used as a key to solve math problems. As thinkers, they also investigated sides, vertices and symmetry of 3D objects. They found that triangles have interior angles that add up to 180 degrees, and every quadrilateral has interior angles that add up to 360 degrees.

During the third week, students learned about Pythagoras’s theorem. They explored that in a right-angled triangle, the square of the long side is equal to the sum of the square of the other two sides; C^2= a^2+ b^2. This formula helped them to calculate the perimeter and area of scalene triangles. The students had successfully found out various solid geometry . They were able to find the perimeter and surface area which are the nets of solid geometry. At the end, the students had to build their favorite solid geometry shapes such as cuboids, cubes, prisms and pyramids. To develop a deeper understanding about solid geometry, the students also measured the shapes’ volume. By doing those learning engagement, students were encouraged to be inquirers in finding the volume of 3D shapes (Anik/Kia/3/2016)

G r a d e 5 :Cube Is Cute:It’s All About Geometry

Students experimented heat energy using gas stove

Students making visualizations about geometry

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N u r s e r y :Student Led Play

This is the first year of Nursery Class and it has been amazing to see how the children are progressing throughout the first semester. Some of the children have come into the classroom with a big smile ready to greet the teachers and friends. Most of them have settled and have been able to follow the classroom routines. They knew where to line up before going to library, playground and going home. The children have started to enjoy singing and dancing, and even some of them have requested for certain songs! We are very happy to see how the children have started to enjoy all of the classroom activities.

On March 11th 2016, we had SLP (Student Led Play) at the school. Here, parents are invited to see what the children have been doing for the last 10 weeks. There were 6 areas that need to be reviewed. The 6 areas were mathematics,

language, fine motor skills, library, sensory, and sports. At mathematics corner, students are required to identify circle and square. For the activity, they did shape stamping by using blocks and circle toys. At language corner, students need to identify and match the pictures of vocabularies that they have been studied. Students played water beads at sensory corner. The aim of sensory play is to stimulate children’s senses. The focus of our sensory play during SLP was touch. In order to see the development of the student’s gross motor skill, they are required to play basketball at sport corner. Moreover, students did scoop and macaroni transferring at fine motor skill corner. Lastly, both parents and students are required to go to the library to read a story. This is their 1st year of SLP, new experience that can perform as new start for their learning journey. (Dhani/2/2016)

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Al Jabr Islamic School Newsletter March 2015/2016 11

The SLC, or Student Led Conference, is an activity where the students of Al Jabr Islamic School invite their parents to present and show their work and the activities that they have done over the school year. This year, the SLC was on the 8th until the 11th of March, 2016.

This was my first SLC in Al Jabr as a high school student. Overall, I think that the SLC is a great time for the students to practice their speaking skills on adults. It is also a great way for the parents to see the students’ activities. Different students have different points of view about the SLC. Mabel, a G6 MYP student, said that she likes the conference because her parents get to know her progress at school and can also learn from it. After the conference, she discussed with her parents about the topic of the units, her favorite assignments, and any difficulties that she had so the parents know what she needs to improve.Why is this whole process important? It helps parents supervise and encourage the students to do better at school and to help them with obstacles. The success of

From the Perspective of MYP/HS Students

From the Perspective of ParentAlhamdulillah...Becoming life long learner is a process. School and parents collaborate to make it happen.

The Student Led Conference (SLC) is a time when the teachers do very little talking. Instead, the students run the conferences, informing their parents about how they are doing, what their goals are going forward, and what kind of learners they are.

Every school has different way of running SLC. In my daughter’s school, the SLC run in a very family-friendly and less stress atmosphere so my daughter will feel enjoyment and confidence in presenting her school life in her own way. (Sri Mulyani - mother of Alea, Pre-K-A/3/2016).

learning at school is best when all parties are invested: teachers, parents, and students. Hopefully, from the SLC, students can reflect and do better each and every year.(Nino – Grade 10 Student/03/16)

S p e c i a l A r t i c l e :

Student-Led Conference

Page 12: Al Jabr Islamic School NEWS LETTER Semester II,March … fileNEWS LETTER From the Head of School From the Principal From the MYP Coordinator From the PYP Coordinator Catatan Dari Administrasi

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Memupuk Kolaborasi dan Aksi yang BerkesinambunganAlhamdulillah, Science Fair 2016 telah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 16-18 Februari 2016. Setiap tahunnya science fair selalu mengganti tema, seperti pada tahun ini tema yang digunakan adalah sustainability atau berkesinambungan. Berkesinambungan memiliki dua makna, yang pertama adalah kesinambungan antara ilmu yang dipamerkan. Seperti contoh, Pre-K memamerkan uji coba tentang tentang siang dan malam sesuai pelajaran yang dipelajari. Lalu, kelas 6 melakukan uji coba tentang tata surya dan kelas 8 membahas tentang fungsi rotasi. Kedua adalah berkesinambungan, hasil dari uji coba yang dilakukan dapat digunakan terus menerus dan bertujuan untuk kelangsungan kelestarian bumi. Konsep utama ini menjadi benang merah atas keempat tema yang dipelajari dalam bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, yaitu Materials & Matters, Force and Energy, Earth & Space, dan Living Things.

Tahun ini Science Fair membawa warna baru yaitu dengan konsep museum. Konsep museum, bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kontribusi setiap individu menjelaskan proyek yang telah dilakukan. Setiap murid harus mengerti setiap bagian proyeknya, tanpa bantuan papan penjelas seperti yang pernah dilakukan pada Science Fair tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Akan tetapi pada tahun ini peserta hanya dibantu dengan table signage, yang berisi judul, kelas, ayat Al – Qur’an dan bagian dari barang – barang hasil uji coba yang dilakukan. Selain itu konsep museum didukung dengan tempat yang dipilih sebagai tempat pameran, yaitu di dalam ruangan yang bertempat di Al Jabr 2

dan Al Jabr 3. Lebih tepatnya di Auditorium Lantai 3, Aula utama Lantai 2, dan Perpustakaan Al Jabr.

Science Fair tahun ini menggunakan Lobi Al Jabr 2 sebagai sudut interaktif, yaitu tempat siswa melakukan games atau menjual produk-produk kreatif, melakukan diskusi atau tanya jawab, dan lain –lain. Untuk pertunjukan dilakukan di Kantin Al Jabr 3, yang menampilkan pertunjukkan dari setiap kelas. Pada Science Fair tahun ini tidak ada perlombaan hasil uji coba yang telah dilakukan siswa. Science fair tahun ini mengedepankan kolaborasi daripada kompetisi, seperti diadakannya jadwal mempresentasikan pameran, yang harus bergantian dari setiap kelompok peserta science fair, sehingga terjalin kolaborasi antara siswa dalam satu kelompok.

Selain itu pameran juga dilakukan bukan berdasarkan kelas, tetapi sesuai topik yang dibahas. Ada 4 tema yaitu Materials & Matters bertempat di aula utama lantai 2, Force and Energy bertempat di aula utama lantai 2, Earth & Space di Perpustakaan Al Jabr, dan Living Things di Auditorium lantai 3. (Widyi Arta/3/2016)

S p e c i a l A r t i c l e :

Science Fair 2016

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Pada hari Rabu, tanggal 9 Maret 2016, merupakan hari yang sangat spesial bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Saudara kita yang beragama Hindu menyelenggarakan hari rayanya yaitu Nyepi yang bertepatan dengan peristiwa Gerhana Matahari Total di beberapa wilayah tanah air.

Bagi Umat Islam, gerhana (matahari/bulan) merupakan salah satu peristiwa untuk merefleksi diri dan bermuhasabah (introspeksi) atas keberadaan diri dan Tuhan-Nya. Jika kita melihat gerhana tersebut, nyatalah bahwa keberadaan kita di mata Allah SWT sungguh sangat kecil dan tidak ada apa-apanya. Keteraturan dan keselarasan semesta ini sangat luar biasa, tidak mungkin segala keteraturan tersebut bergerak dengan sendirinya, pasti ada Sang Pencipta yang mengatur dengan segala kekuasaan-Nya.

Hadis riwayat Mughirah bin Syu`bah ra., ia berkata:

Pada masa Rasulullah saw., pernah terjadi gerhana matahari pada hari kematian Ibrahim. Lalu Rasulullah saw. bersabda: Sesungguhnya matahari dan bulan adalah dua tanda di antara tanda-tanda kebesaran Allah. Keduanya tidak gerhana disebabkan kematian atau kelahiran seseorang. Oleh sebab itu, apabila kalian melihatnya, maka berdoalah kepada Allah dan tunaikan salat hingga matahari nampak kembali.(Nomor hadis dalam kitab Sahih Muslim; 522)

Beberapa cara bisa dilakukan oleh Umat Islam dalam menghadapi gerhana yaitu; bertaubat (memperbaiki diri), shalat dan bersedekah.

1. Bertaubat merupakan jalan bagi seorang muslim untuk bisa memahami dirinya sendiri. Membangun kekuatan mental dan meredam ego merupakan manfaat dari taubat yang dilakukan secara sungguh-sungguh sehingga manusia akan merasa memiliki motivasi baru dalam menjalankan aktifitas yang lebih positif.

2. Shalat merupakan tanda pengakuan dari seorang Muslim tentang Kebesaran Allah SWT., dan kerendahan diri di mata Sang Pencipta. Kebutuhan akan adanya pertolongan dan petunjuk dalam shalat bisa dilihat dari gerakan dan bacaan itu sendiri. Asas kesetaraan, persamaan dan keseimbangan juga ditujukan dalam gerkana shalat (ruku’ dan sujud) sehingga di mata Allah SWT., seorang hamba diperlakukan dengan adil dan bijaksana tanpa melihat status sosialnya.

Tata cara shalat gerhana:Secara umum shalat gerhana dengan shalat lainnya sama, yang membedakan hanya pada niat dan beberapa gerakan saja, yaitu: dalam satu rakaat terdapat dua kali ruku’ dan dua kali al fatihah, jadi dalam dua rakaat ada 4 kali ruku’ seperti pada gambar di bawah ini. 3. Bersedekah merupakan lambing dari persaudaraan. Bersedekah tidak harus dalama bentuk materi, membuang duri di jalan pun termasuk sedekah bahkan memberikan haknya kepada tubuh ini (istirahat) merupakan sedekah yang berpahala menurut hadits nabi. Jadi, makna sedekah secara luas adalah mendatangkan sesuatu yang bermanfaat kepada orang lain.

Dari ketika point di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa semua peristiwa yang terjadi di alam ini merupakan tanda-tanda kebesaran Allah SWT yang bisa dijadikan pelajaran untuk pembangunan umat. Memperhatikan tiga unsur pokok (diri, Tuhan dan Orang lain) akan menjadikan hidup menjadi seimbang dan memang jika dilihat dari perjalanan hidup Rasul saw., beliau selalu memperhatikan ketiga unsur tersebut sehingga manfaatnya bisa dirasakan sampai akhir zaman. Sebagaimana firman Allah SWT yang berbunyi:“Dia-lah yang menjadikan matahari bersinar dan bulan bercahaya dan ditetapkan-Nya manzilah-manzilah (tempat-tempat) bagi perjalanan bulan itu, supaya kamu mengetahui bilangan tahun dan perhitungan (waktu). Allah tidak menciptakan yang demikian itu melainkan dengan hak. Dia menjelaskan tanda-tanda (kebesaran-Nya) kepada orang-orang yang mengetahui.(Qs.Yunus Ayat : 5)”(Ma’ruf/3/2016)

I s l a m i c S t u d i e s :Gerhana Matahari

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tahapnya melewati tahapan masa anak, masa pubertas, masa remaja, dan masa dewasa dengan tugas perkembangan kognitif, sosial, dan moral.

Contextual Learning yaitu menghubungkan proses pembelajaran dengan perkembangan dunia saat ini atau hal-hal keseharian yang dikenal & update sehingga lebih mudah ‘menyerap’ materi pelajaran tertentu.

Lingkungan Sosial yang melibatkan Guru & lingkungan, komunitas (teman) dan orangtua.

Berikut reflection dari parents setelah mengikuti workshop yang telah dilaksanakan di sekolah: Sebagai orangtua murid yang terbiasa dengan konsep sekolah konvensional, terasa agak ‘terkejut’ dengan pendekatan yang dilakukan dalam proses belajar mengajar. Mengkombinasikan student-centered, multiple intelligences, dan contextual learning memberikan tantangan bagi orangtua juga. Dan yang paling penting adalah mengkaji, mengkaitkan dan menerapkan makna Al Qur’an dengan pembelajaran di sekolah.

Ketika sekolah menyertakan orangtua untuk terlibat dalam proses belajar, orangtua bisa secara langsung menjadi bagian dari komunitas pelajar dan melengkapi pengetahuan serta keterampilan orangtua dalam mendukung pendidikan anak di era saat ini.

Penyajian proses belajar yang simultan dan terstruktur mengikuti kaidah-kaidah konsep pendidikan diatas membuat proses belajar menjadi bagian dari keseharian dan berkesinambungan akan menjadikan kurikulum sekolah menjadi sesuatu yang ‘hidup’ dan efektif yang memungkinkan untuk mewujudkan ‘future by designed’ yang terbaik bagi anak didik & bagi dunianya. Insya Allah.(Liza - Orangtua Kaylee, Grade 7A)

Wassalam,Hilda Purnomo

Alhamdulillah, Parents Workshop pada tanggal 12 Januari 2016 tentang Science Skill dan 2 Februari 2016 tentang Making PYP Happen berjalan dengan lancar yang disajikan langsung oleh Ibu Uchu Riza sebagai Head of School.

Topik yang disampaikan berkaitan dengan bagaimana cara orangtua mengajar anak yang didasari dengan pendekatan Key Concepts yang dimiliki oleh IB yaitu form, function, connection, causation, perspectives, and responsibility.

Proses belajar secara ideal perlu mengkolaborasikan hampir seluruh dimensi, yakni aspek:

Objektif (Target Pencapaian) terdiri dari 5 Essential Elements (konsep, knowledge, skills, attitudes, dan action) dimana hal tersebut berkaitan dengan aspek kognitif, afektif, psikomotor. Tentunya berhubungan dengan moral value (konten & penerapan Alqur’an) serta intensitas/kedalaman ilmu berdasarkan konsep Taxonomy Bloom

Proses yang mendasarkan pada multiple intelligences: visual, auditori, kinestetik, interpersonal, intrapersonal, musikal, logis/matematis, naturalistik.Tahap Perkembangan dimana kematangan usia di setiap

from Parents Association

Misi dari Al Jabr Islamic School

Misi kami adalah menyediakan pendidikan yang berkualitas tinggi untuk komunitas pelajar di sekolah guna mengembangkan semaksimal mungkin potensi yang dimilikinya melalui pembelajaran yang aktif, sepanjang masa dan kesempatan mendapatkan pengalaman yang nyata demi membentuk individu-individu yang seutuhnya baik mental, fisik, emosi dan akademis dalam rangka ikut mendorong terciptanyadunia yang lebih baik dan menghormati nilai-nilai luhur Islam yang ada di komunitas global.

Al Jabr Islamic School Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide a high quality education for our community of learners to develop and maximize their potential through active, lifelong learning and real life experiences to become well-rounded individuals mentally, physically, emotionally and academically in creating a better world with respect of Islamic values in a global community

Al Jabr Islamic SchoolJl. Bango II No. 34 Pondok Labu, Cilandak

Jakarta Selatan 12450, Indonesia