aix p5 firmware up gradation

What is Firmware? Code which is programmed into hardware components (to control their operation) is called Firmware or Microcode. Microcode generally initializes the hardware - enabling it to boot up and operate. In many cases it may also provide some of the interface between the hardware and device-drivers or the operating system. Microcode is usually found programmed into modules on cards, adapters, or devices. If these modules are Flash memory, you can update the code rather than having to change the card or device. System Microcode initializes the system hardware and controls the boot process enabling the system to boot up and operate correctly; it also provides the interface between the operating system software and the hardware. Adapter Microcode is the operating code of the adapter; it initializes the adapter when power is applied and it controls many of the ongoing operations executed by the adapter. Device Microcode provides these same functions for devices such as tape drives. Key Topics for IBM eServer pSeries, and IBM System p5. These systems (and many other IBM systems) include a Service Processor, which contains System Firmware and other key System code. High-end systems also include "Bulk Power Controllers" (BPC) which each have a separate Service Processor. In addition, a System Power Control Network provides the interface to the BPCs or other power controllers. The Flexible Service Processor (FSP) firmware provides diagnostics, initialization, configuration, run-time error detection, and correction. The Power Hypervisor firmware (which is based on the pSeries hypervisor) provides VLAN, virtual I/O, and subprocessor partitioning support. The Platform Firmware (PFW) supports the "Power Architecture Platform Requirements+" interface The Bulk Power Control (BPC) firmware controls each bulk power unit in CEC and towers. This firmware is model dependent. The System Power Control Network (SPCN) firmware interfaces with bulk power for power monitoring and control. In addition, many systems are likely to have a Hardware Management Console (indeed, it is a requirement for all systems which have Bulk Power Controllers). An HMC is required for Logical Partitioning (LPAR), Service Focal Point etc.

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Page 1: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

What is Firmware?

Code which is programmed into hardware components (to control their operation) is called Firmware or Microcode. Microcode generally initializes the hardware - enabling it to boot up and operate. In many cases it may also provide some of the interface between the hardware and device-drivers or the operating system. Microcode is usually found programmed into modules on cards, adapters, or devices. If these modules are Flash memory, you can update the code rather than having to change the card or device.

System Microcode initializes the system hardware and controls the boot process enabling the system to boot up and operate correctly; it also provides the interface between the operating system software and the hardware. Adapter Microcode is the operating code of the adapter; it initializes the adapter when power is applied and it controls many of the ongoing operations executed by the adapter. Device Microcode provides these same functions for devices such as tape drives.

Key Topics for IBM eServer pSeries, and IBM System p5. These systems (and many other IBM systems) include a Service Processor, which contains System Firmware and other key System code. High-end systems also include "Bulk Power Controllers" (BPC) which each have a separate Service Processor. In addition, a System Power Control Network provides the interface to the BPCs or other power controllers.

• The Flexible Service Processor (FSP) firmware provides diagnostics, initialization, configuration, run-time error detection, and correction.

• The Power Hypervisor firmware (which is based on the pSeries hypervisor) provides VLAN, virtual I/O, and subprocessor partitioning support.

• The Platform Firmware (PFW) supports the "Power Architecture Platform Requirements+" interface

• The Bulk Power Control (BPC) firmware controls each bulk power unit in CEC and towers. This firmware is model dependent.

• The System Power Control Network (SPCN) firmware interfaces with bulk power for power monitoring and control.

In addition, many systems are likely to have a Hardware Management Console (indeed, it is a requirement for all systems which have Bulk Power Controllers). An HMC is required for Logical Partitioning (LPAR), Service Focal Point etc.

Page 2: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

• The Hardware Management Console (HMC) firmware provides platform configuration, management, and services.

Page 3: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

Updating p5 System Firmware May 2006

1 Overview 1.1 p5 server hardware 1.2 System firmware fixes and upgrades 1.3 Decoding firmware names 1.3.4 Why are there multiple firmware streams? 1.4 Decoding the operator control panel 1.5 Temporary versus Permanent Firmware sides 1.6 Be Advised 2 Requirements 2.1 Software requirements 3 Upgrade firmware with HMC 3.1 Connectivity 3.2 HMC requirements 3.3 Viewing system firmware information using LIC wizard 3.4 Upgrade system firmware to a new release using HMC 3.5 Update system firmware within a release using HMC 3.6 Change License Internal Code Wizard 3.7 Reject the installed firmware using a HMC 4 Upgrade firmware without a HMC 4.1 Access ASMI via serial console 4.2 Checking the current firmware level 4.3 Power on using ASMI 4.4 Upgrade system firmware via running operating system 4.4.1 Upgrade firmware image using AIX 4.4.2 Upgrade firmware image using Linux 4.5 Upgrade firmware using diagnostics CD 5 Reject installed firmware without an HMC 5.1 Boot to the permanent side 5.2 Reject the installed firmware using an OS command 5.3 Reject the installed firmware using a diagnostic CD 6 Appendix common problems 7 References

1 Overview

The goal of this paper is to provide easy-to-read instructions to quickly update system firmware on p5 servers. It is assumed the reader has basic p5 skills. There are extensive references that should help with items not covered in this paper.

Three firmware update methods will be covered:

1. Update on an HMC managed system 2. Update on a standalone server via OS, without a HMC 3. Update on a standalone server using the Diagnostic CD, without a HMC

Page 4: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

Please first read through the prerequisites before getting started on any of these upgrade sections. Then refer to any one section or all sections when choosing the preferred method for updating system firmware.

1.1 p5 server hardware

The hardware used in developing this paper was a p5 550Q (type-model 9133-55A). HMC (version 5.2.0 including fix MH00586) was also used when needed.

1.2 System firmware fixes and upgrades

Firmware, also known as microcode, is Licensed Internal Code that fixes problems and enables new system features as they are introduced. New features introduced are supported by new firmware release levels. In between new hardware introductions, there are fixes or updates to the supported features. These fixes are often bundled into service packs. A service pack is referred to as an update level. A new release is referred to as an upgrade level. Both levels are represented by the file name in the form of PPMMXXX_YYY_ZZZ. PP and MM are package and machine type identifiers. PP can be 01 for managed system or it can be 02 for power subsystem. The MM identifier is a SF for p5 systems and a BP for Bulk Power Controller. The firmware version file applicable to p5 machines is in the form of 01SFXXX_YYY_ZZZ.

1.3 Decoding firmware names

The file naming convention for system firmware is:

01SFXXX_YYY_ZZZ, where XXX is the stream release level YYY is the service pack level ZZZ is the last disruptive service pack level

Using the above example, the system firmware 01SF235_185 would be described as release level 235, service pack 185.

Each stream release level supports new machine types and/or new features.

Firmware updates can be disruptive or concurrent. A disruptive upgrade is defined as one that requires the target system to be shutdown and powered off prior to activating the new firmware level. A new release level upgrade will always be disruptive. All other upgrades are defined as concurrent, meaning that they can be applied while the system is running. Concurrent updates require an HMC but are not guaranteed to be non-disruptive.

In general, a firmware upgrade is disruptive if

1. The release levels (XXX) are different. Example: Currently installed release is SF230, new release is SF235

2. The service pack level (YYY) and the last disruptive service pack level (ZZZ) are equal. Example: SF235_180_180 is disruptive, no matter what level of SF235 is currently installed on the system

Page 5: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

3. The sdisruptiExamplSF235_

An insta

1. The syour syExamplSF235_

1.3.4 W

Multiplmodel (install fManagistreamslevels. machinexampl(eg, SF2server (one servdisrupti

1.4 De

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1.5 Te

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Page 6: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

firmware fixes are installed on the temporary side. Copying the temporary firmware level to the permanent side is known as committing or accepting the fix. Conversely, rejecting, or removing the current firmware level consists of copying the permanent firmware image to the temporary side.

Note: It is recommended to use a new firmware fix for a period of time before committing (or accepting) it.

If firmware fixes are applied consecutively, the first fix will, by default, be copied from the temporary to the permanent side, or accepted. Using an HMC, it is possible to simply replace the temporary image by doing an Install and Activate of the new firmware and indicating that the firmware should not be accepted.

1.6 Be Advised

During a firmware update, the flashing of the NVRAM might take anywhere from ten minutes to one hour. In general, updating to a new release level will take longer. Ensure the system is not interrupted before the flash process is completed. Interrupting this process could result in a service call.

For systems that are not managed by a HMC, the installation of system firmware is always disruptive. During the update_flash process, the console output will be displayed. Again, do not interrupt this process.

Restarting system. FLASH: preparing saved firmware image for flash FLASH: flash image is 35191632 bytes FLASH: performing flash and reboot FLASH: this will take several minutes. Do not power off!

2 Requirements

2.1 Software requirements

The table below is a summary of the minimum components required for each method covered in this paper:

Method Minimum Requirements

Update via HMC

1. A compatible version of HMC. 2. An Ethernet connection from the HMC to the p5 server (HMC1 port). 3. Desired firmware image on CD. The rpm and XML files are required.

Update via running AIX or Linux operating system

1. A running AIX or supported Linux operating system on a single LPAR environment, ie, no attached HMC. 2. Firmware image on a CD or file system. The rpm file only. 3. update_flash executable. For AIX, it is part of the diagnostic aids tool in the /usr/lpp/diagnostics/bin directory. For Linux, it is part of the Service and Productivity Tools.

Page 7: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

Update Diagno

There aupdate fperform



via Standalstic CD

are two veryfirmware. V

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Page 8: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

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Figure 2

3 Up

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Page 9: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

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Page 10: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

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Page 11: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

Figure 5

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Figure 6

3.4 Up



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Page 12: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

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Figure 7

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Page 13: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

Figure 8

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Figure 9


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Page 14: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

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Page 15: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

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Page 16: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation


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Page 17: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation


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Page 18: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation


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Page 19: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation


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3.7 Re

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Page 20: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

The Remfirmwarfirmwar

Figure 2

4 Up

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Page 21: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

Service Processor: Primary User ID: admin Password: ***** User ID to change: admin Current password for user ID admin: ***** New password for user: ****** New password again: ****** Operation completed successfully. PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE: Number of columns [80-255, Currently: 80]: Number of lines [24-255, Currently: 24]:

Type the User ID and password to log in to ASMI. If this is the first time logging into ASMI, it might be required to change the default password. The default password is admin

4.2 Checking the current firmware level

Upon logging into ASMI, the firmware level will be clearly displayed as shown below.

System name: Server-9133-55A-SN10B7D4G Version: SF235_185 User: admin Copyright © 2002-2005 IBM Corporation. All rights reserved. 1. Power/Restart Control 2. System Service Aids 3. System Information 4. System Configuration 5. Network Services 6. Performance Setup 7. On Demand Utilities 8. Concurrent Maintenance 9. Login Profile 99. Log out

The current activated firmware level is also shown in the ASMI web interface after logging in. To see the firmware level, look in the upper-right corner. Basically, to access the ASMI web interface, connect an Ethernet cable directly to the HMC1 port. For details on accessing the ASMI web interface, see reference 6.

Page 22: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

Figure 2The curLevel seprovide

Figure 2

The cur

23 rrent active election on

ed in 4.7


rrent active

firmware lethe Diagno

firmware le

evel can alsoostics CD. D

evel as seen

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n from the S

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Page 23: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

Figure 2

Finally,Productdetails a


4.3 Pow

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On the npowers

Power CurrenCurrenCurren


, if the servetivity tool lsare provided

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235_185 (tCF0681

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Page 24: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

1. System boot speed Currently: Fast 2. Firmware boot side for the next boot Currently: Permanent 3. System operating mode Currently: Normal 4. AIX/Linux partition mode boot Currently: Continue to operating system 5. Boot to system server firmware Currently: Standby 6. System power off policy Currently: Stay on 7. i5/OS partition mode boot Currently: A 8. Power on 98. Return to previous menu 99. Log out S1>8

When the system completes the boot process, note the operator control panel. Note that there should be no indication of HMC=. This indicates that the service processor does not expect to be managed by an HMC (see below).

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4.4 Upgrade system firmware via running operating system

The rpm file for the firmware fix file stored either in the file system or on a mounted CD. For this example, the rpm file is in the /tmp directory.

Run the command below to extract the flash image file in the rpm file:

rpm -Uvh --ignoreos /tmp/01SF240_202_201.rpm

The flash image file is put into a newly created directory /tmp/fwupdate

To install the server firmware through a running OS, use the update_flash. To run this command, root authority is required. Since installing server firmware fixes through the operating system is a disruptive process, shut down any running applications and logout any non-root users.

On AIX, the update_flash command is located in the /usr/lpp/diagnostics/bin directory. If this directory does not exist, install the AIX diagnostics to run this command.

On Linux, the update_flash command is located in the /usr/sbin directory. A separate installation of Service and Productivity Tools may be required.

The command syntax is as follows (for both AIX and Linux):

update_flash [-f file_name]| [-c] | [-r] Attention: The update_flash command reboots the entire system. Do not use this command if more than one user is logged in to the system.

Page 25: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

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Page 26: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

After downloading the Linux tools into the /tmp directory, install the three packages - Platform Enablement Library (librtas), Service Aids (ppc64-utils), and Hardware Inventory (lsvpd) as follows

linux:~ # rpm Uvh librtas-1.1-17.ppc64.rpm linux:~ # rpm Uvh ppc64-utils-2.1-0.ppc64.rpm linux:~ # rpm Uvh lsvpd-0.12.7-1.ppc.rpm

The Hardware Inventory package contains the lsmcode command that allows us to view the current system firmware information. To populate the VPD database and enable this command, type

linux:~ # chkconfig lsvpd on linux:~ # /sbin/update-lsvpd-db linux:~ #/tmp/fwupdate # lsmcode Version of System Firmware is SF235_185 (t) SF235_185 (p) SF235_185 (b) Version of PFW is 17112005111681CF0681

Run the update_flash command to upgrade firmware:

linux:/tmp/fwupdate # /usr/sbin/update_flash -f /tmp/fwupdate/01SF240_202_201 info: Current Temporary side will be committed to Permanent side before being replaced with the new image Projected Flash Update Results: Current T Image: SF235_185 Current P Image: SF235_185 New T Image: SF240_202 New P Image: SF235_185 Flash image ready...rebooting the system...

The flash process will reboot the system as part of a disruptive install of the firmware. Do Not Power off or interrupt the flash process. When the new firmware is completely installed, log back into Linux and verify the current firmware configuration.

linux:~ # lsmcode Version of System Firmware is SF240_202 (t) SF235_185 (p) SF240_202 (b) Version of PFW is 13552006011081CF0681

4.5 Upgrade firmware using diagnostics CD

This method is intended for systems that are not managed by a HMC.

Insert the diagnostics CD into the CD-ROM drive and connect to ASMI to power on or restart the system as described in 4.3.

Press 1 after keyboard POST to in order to get the SMS menu screen. Watch closely as this passes quickly.

Select the following SMS options and choose to boot from the CD device.

5. Select Boot Options -> 1. Select Install/Boot Device -> 7. List all devices

Page 27: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

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Page 28: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

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Page 29: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

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Page 30: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

5 Reject installed firmware without an HMC

There are times when it may be necessary to reject a firmware update. The reject function is accomplished by basically copying the P-side firmware to the T-side and activating. The rejected T-side firmware is removed completely. Without an HMC, it is possible to reject the firmware in the T-side and roll back to the firmware in the P-side using the OS update_flash command or a Diagnostics CD.

Note: If rejecting firmware without an HMC, the server must be booted from the P-side copy of the firmware prior to performing this action.

5.1 Boot to the permanent side

Connect to ASMI as described in section 4.1. Log in to ASMI and select 1. Power/Restart Control

System name: Server-9133-55A-SN10B7D2G Version: SF235_185 User: admin Copyright © 2002-2006 IBM Corporation. All rights reserved. 1. Power/Restart Control 2. System Service Aids 3. System Information 4. System Configuration 5. Network Services 6. Performance Setup 7. On Demand Utilities 8. Concurrent Maintenance 9. Login Profile 99. Log out S1> 1

Select 1. Power On/Off System

Power/Restart Control 1. Power On/Off System 2. Auto Power Restart 3. Immediate Power Off 4. System Reboot 5. Wake On LAN 98. Return to previous menu 99. Log out S1> 1

Select 2. boot side for the next boot

Power On/Off System Current system power state: Off Current firmware boot side: Temporary Current system server firmware state: Not running 1. System boot speed Currently: Fast

Page 31: AIX P5 Firmware Up Gradation

2. Firmware boot side for the next boot Currently: Temporary 3. System operating mode Currently: Normal 4. AIX/Linux partition mode boot Currently: Continue to operating system 5. Boot to system server firmware Currently: Running 6. System power off policy Currently: Automatic 7. i5/OS partition mode boot Currently: A 8. Power on 98. Return to previous menu 99. Log out S1> 2

Select 1. Permanent

Firmware boot side for the next boot Currently: Temporary 1. Permanent 2. Temporary 98. Return to previous menu without saving changes 99. Log out S1> 1

Note that the firmware boot side is now set to Permanent which is our backup copy of the firmware flash.

Select 8. Power on. Hit the <ENTER> key. Wait for a few seconds to be logged out as the system powers on.

Power On/Off System Current system power state: Off Current firmware boot side: Temporary Current system server firmware state: Not running 1. System boot speed Currently: Fast 2. Firmware boot side for the next boot Currently: Permanent 3. System operating mode Currently: Normal 4. AIX/Linux partition mode boot Currently: Continue to operating system 5. Boot to system server firmware Currently: Running 6. System power off policy Currently: Automatic 7. i5/OS partition mode boot Currently: A 8. Power on 98. Return to previous menu 99. Log out S1> 8 The system is powering on.

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5.2 Reject the installed firmware using an OS command

To reject firmware using AIX or Linux, use the update_flash command with the r option. The system is running on the P-side firmware as noted in the lsmcode output SF235_185 (b). (b) denotes booted.

linux:~ # lsmcode Version of System Firmware is SF240_202 (t) SF235_185 (p) SF235_185 (b) Version of PFW is 17112005111681CF0681

This option will reject the installed T-side firmware, SF240_202 (t), and copy SF235_185 (p) to the T-side copy of the firmware. The system will reboot.

linux:~ # update_flash -r success: Rejected temporary firmware image

5.3 Reject the installed firmware using a diagnostic CD

Powered on from the P-side (see 5.1), boot the Diagnostics CD as described in section 4.5. Then select Update and Manage Flash selection from the diagnostics CDs Task Selection List. Note: the system is currently booted from the permanent firmware side.

UPDATE AND MANAGE FLASH The current permanent system firmware image is SF235_185 The current temporary system firmware image is SF240_202 The system is currently booted from the permanent firmware image. Move cursor to selection, then press 'Enter'. Validate and Update System Firmware Validate System Firmware Reject the Temporary Image

Move the highlighted cursor to Reject the Temporary Image and hit <ENTER> key to proceed with rejecting the installed firmware on the T-side.

UPDATE AND MANAGE FLASH The reject operation was successful.

6 Appendix common problems

1. Using HMC LIC wizard, result is error code HSCP0155 The task is unavailable. Please try again later. Please refer to 2.3 HMC requirements and ensure the HMC build level is up-to-date. [7]

2. A message stating: "This partition does not have the authority to perform the requested function. is received. Before doing firmware update other than using HMC LIC feature, check the Firmware

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Update Policy in the ASMI. For the HMC LIC method, the policy should be set to HMC. For other methods, the policy should be set to Operating System.

3. Where do I get the DIAG CD and other required components See [14] in 7 References for download sites.

4. Why is the firmware in rpm and xml formatted files? Is rpm command in the AIX toolbox as a separate installation? Isnt rpm an alien format in AIX? The rpm in AIX toolbox has been available on AIX and has been shipped with AIX since v5.2. AIX geninstall command uses the rpm command for installing rpm filesets.

5. Received error: Failed dependencies: messages during installation of Linux Service and Productivity Tools Use the rpm option requires to look for the missing prerequisite rpm package. For instance, the dependency file, librtas rpm, is required by the ppc64-utils package

rpm -qp --requires ppc64-utils-2.1-0.ppc64.rpm /bin/bash /bin/sh /bin/sed /usr/bin/perl librtas >= 1.1-12 /bin/sh