Ï‹iwa Ï‹¿aikahj revival! mtru¤...

16 Languages English Vol. XXIV YEAR OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, 2017 MAY 16. Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one's slaves whom you obey, whether of sin to death, or of obedience to righteousness? 17. But God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin, yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered. 18. And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness. 19. I speak in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh. For just as you presented your members as slaves of uncleanness, and of lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves of righteousness for holiness. 20. For when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness. 21. What fruit did you have then in the things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death. 22. But now having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life. 23. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. THE HOLY BIBLE Please memorize this portion. PRAISE THE LORD! ROMANS 6:16-23 Editor : S. SAM SELVA RAJ Associate Editor: Bro. M. Paulraj No. 8 What is Sin To sin is to break God's laws in our thoughts, words and actions. 'whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness' (I John 3:4). God requires us to abstain from doing evil, and always to do good. When we do not obey, this is a sinful act. Whether we do many things wrong or only a few, each time we fail to satisfy God's requirement we sin, 'For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all' (James 2:10). There are no laws against what the Bible calls The fruit of the Spirit' – which is described as including: 'love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self- control' (Galatians 5:22-23). But there is a law against the works of the flesh. We do sin when we do what is wrong. It is also sin when we fail to do good. God's laws are holy and right, because he is holy and right. They are also for our benefit since we are creatures made by God. The wickedness of sin, therefore, arises from the fact that to break those laws is: 1) to act against God's wishes, and 2) to act against our own best interest. When we do not keep God's laws we dishonor him and devalue ourselves. For those two reasons, we ought to hate such failure. By explaining the seriousness of both these consequences I hope now to show why offending against God by our disobedience is such a great evil. I hope the result will be that we should hate sin. The Bible says those who fail to keep God's laws are his enemies, hostile to God” (Leviticus ... Continued at page 3... 2019 - GOLDEN JUBILEE YEAR THE SINFULNESS OF SIN! I. When we sin we act against God

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16. Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one's slaves whom you obey, whether of sin to death, or of obedience to righteousness?

17. But God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin, yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered.

18. And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness.

19. I speak in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh. For just as you presented your members as slaves of uncleanness, and of lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves of righteousness for holiness.

20. For when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness.

21. What fruit did you have then in the things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death.

22. But now having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life.

23. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

THE HOLY BIBLEPlease memorize this portion.


ROMANS 6:16-23

Editor : S. SAM SELVA RAJ Associate Editor: Bro. M. Paulraj

No. 8

What is Sin� To sin is to break God's laws in our thoughts, words and actions. 'whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness' (I John 3:4).

God requires us to abstain from doing evil, and always to do good. When we do not obey, this is a sinful act. Whether we do many things wrong or only a few, each time we fail to satisfy God's requirement we sin, 'For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all' (James 2:10).

There are no laws against what the Bible calls The fruit of the Spirit' – which is described as including: 'love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control' (Galatians 5:22-23). But there is a law against the works of the flesh.

We do sin when we do what is wrong. It is also sin when we fail to do good. God's laws are holy and

right, because he is holy and right. They are also for our benefit since we are creatures made by God. The wickedness of sin, therefore, arises from the fact that to break those laws is:

1) to act against God's wishes, and

2) to act against our own best interest.

When we do not keep God's laws we dishonor him and devalue ourselves. For those two reasons, we ought to hate such failure. By explaining the seriousness of both these consequences I hope now to show why offending against God by our disobedience is such a great evil. I hope the result will be that we should hate sin.

The Bible says those who fail to keep God's laws are his enemies, hostile to God” (Leviticus

... Continued at page 3...

How to Escape Curse?

“You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain…”

(Exodus 20:7)

REVIVAL!“My soul clings to the dust; revive me according to

Your word” (Psalm 119:25).

-Pr. L. Joseph


PERAMBULATE ERECT! (Leviticus 26:13)

(Message delivered by Pastor S. Sam Selva Raj at the Main Church)

The Doctrine of the Cross!

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God (I Corinthians 1:18).

(Message given by Pastor S. Sam Selva Raj, at the Main Church)



Kindly pray for our Echo of His Call Ministries



(JOHN 16:20)

(Message given by Pastor S. Sam Selva Raj at the Main Church)

THE GOD OF JUSTICE!“Who executes justice for the oppressed, who gives food for

the hungry. The Lord gives freedom to the prisoners” (Psalm 146:7)

The Evils Caused by the Devil to Mankind

(Message given by Pastor S. Sam Selva Raj at the Main Church)

What God expects from us



“mt® fha¥gL¤Â¡ fha§f£L»wh®; mt® mo¡»wh®,

mtUila if M‰W»wJ” (nahò 5:18).

f®¤j® fha¥gL¤Â¡ fha§f£L»wh®!

rnfh. M. ghšuh{, Ïiz MÁça®

ÚÂkh‹fë‹ ghJfh¥ò!rnfhju® M. ghšuh{, Ïiz MÁça®

eh‹ nkhnrnahnl ÏUªjJnghy, c‹ndhL« ÏU¥ng‹!

“eh‹ nkhnrnahnl ÏUªjJnghy, c‹ndhL« ÏU¥ng‹; eh‹

c‹idé£L éyFtJäšiy, c‹id¡ iféLtJäšiy” (nahRth 1:5)


“… as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not

leave you nor forsake you” (Joshua 1:5)

Ï‹iwa Ï‹¿aikahj mtru¤ njit!



The Lord who helps in distress

1. I am poor and needy (Psalm 86:1)

“Show me a SIGN for good, that those who hate me may see it and be

ashamed because You, Lord, have helped me and

comforted me” (Psalm 86:17).


I. When we sin we act against God

Our Ministries: ECHO OF HIS CALL Monthly Magazines (16 languages) BIBLECOR - Postal Courses (3 languages)

Theological Correspondence Courses (2 languages) Church Planting Nehemiah Bible Colleges Gospel Printing Press Great Commission Partners Village English High School Crusades 100 Prayer Warriors Community Development



ESTD: 1969

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,� We greet you in the matchless name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

� It is our great privilege to inform that the Lord God has granted safe travel during our recent visits to our mission fields in and out of India. We thank all our friends who had extended their help in inviting us, aranging programmes and executing them. All glory and honour to our Lord God only.� Now we are in the process of visiting our Co-ordinators of all States of India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka etc. who work sincerely co-ordinating in propagating the gospel through our BIBLECOR literature and other materials. We solicit your prayers for the success of all our efforts for the salvation of India and the neighbouring countries, as we are concentrating on 16 language speaking groups. As a spiritual person you can very well feel the numerous and unspeakable challenges and hardships we encounter every day in our spiritual fight against the evil forces, as we directly face breaking the barriers placed by the devil, who is our enemy since the creation of this world. Unless and otherwise people like you, who have been given to us are not upholding us through your prayers and support, we may have to encounter more and more hurdles and problems. So we expect your love in action for the glory of God.� In this column, we are constrained by the Spirit of God to re-cap below few of the pressing needs of this ministry of God, for your prayer and support: 1. We need God's people who could pray for our protection and progress; 2. We need more mission minded skilled workers to work with us in our administrative offices, churches, mission fields etc; 3. We need Hon. Representatives to carry out the activities of BIBLECOR in Haryana and Chhattisgarh States of India. 4. We need more support to meet the financial needs of our mission field and printing materials as we print and publish gospel literature like gospel tracts booklets, theological books etc. Recently also we published a book, 'The Profound Truth of the Bible' in English authored by our Associate Editor, Bro. Manuel M. Paulraj.

5. We need funds to construct a building for our Village High School (St. Paul's Matriculation School) for the downtrodden children and hostel in


“(He) Who turned the rock into a pool of water,

the flint into a fountain of waters” (Psalm 114:8).

MANAGING EDITOR Angeline Selvakumari Henry, M.A., M.Ed.


Bro. N. Prakasam, M.A., General Manager

ADVISORY BOARDBro. J. R. JayabalanDr. S. Rabinder Boaz, M.S. Dr. D. Dhaya DevadasBro. N. Balaji, B.Com., B.L.Bro. Jose AbrahamBro. K. Puratchivendan, M.Com., B.L.Bro. Thomas T. Jacob, B.Com., B.L.


Pastor S. SAM SELVA RAJEcho of His Call Printers

nd10, Mohammed Abdullah 2 Street,Chepauk, Chennai- 600 005, India.


Bro. M. Paulraj, M.A., B.Ed.Sis. Serena Bevin, M.A., M. Phil., B.Ed.Pastor K. Prabhakaran

Pastor S. Sam Selva RajPastor Alex Samson Sam, B.Th.,M.Div.


Phone : (+ 91- 44) 2852 8282 2852 9293, 2854 7766Cell : (+91) 98410 71852, 90924 62566

Email : [email protected] [email protected]

Websites : www.echoofhiscall.org www.echoofhiscall.com


...Contd from page 1...

“‘Fear not, you worm Jacob, you men of Israel! I will help you,’ says the Lord and your Redeemer, the Holy

One of Israel” (Isaiah 41:14).

MAY 2017


26:21) rebelling against him (Isaiah 1:2); quarrelling with God (Isaiah 45:9); hating and fighting against him; blaspheming his name and even denying his existence. 'The fool says in his heart, “There is no God” (Psalm 53:1). Merely to have an attitude of mind which gives no thought to God is described as actively hostile to him.

The sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God 's law, nor can it do so. Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God (Romans 8:7-8).1. 1 Sin is contrary to God's

divine natureAll that God says and does

is perfect because he is holy and cannot be otherwise, for perfection is an essential glory of God. There is therefore nothing more opposite to God than sin, for he cannot act against his own nature or he ceases to be God. 'Your eyes are too pure to look on evil; you cannot tolerate wrong' (Habakkuk 1:13) is how a prophet in the Old Testament speaks about God. Our failure to obey God's holy law which he designed for our benefit is so serious that God hates it. As there is

no evil in the holiness of God there is no goodness in our sin. God is the perfection of all that is good; sin-the imperfections he sees in us-is the greatest of all defects.

1.2 Sin opposes the significance of God's names

and characteristicsFor example:

a. The sinful mind will not accept that God is King of kings and Lord of all lords. Pharaoh of Egypt, when Moses confronted him with Israel's God, said, 'Who is the LORD, that I should obey him?' (Exodus 5:2). Thus the unbelieving mind will not accept God's sovereignty but seeks to dethrone him.

b. Valuing the enjoyments of this life more that seeking the spiritual benefits of a godly life implies that God is not sufficient. In effect, we say that it is better to be elsewhere, as the prodigal son did in Luke 15. A sinful attitude of unbelief says that God is not enough, denying the truth that he is sufficient.

c. Disobedience of God's good laws is a challenge to his justice. Justice and truth are part of his holy character, but when we deny his laws by disobeying them,

we also deny he is just and good. 'You have wearied the

LORD with your words. “How have we wearied him?” you ask. By saying, “All who do evil are good in the eyes of the LORD, and he is pleased with them” or “Where is the God of justice?” (Malachi 2:17).

d. God is omniscient, that is, he knows everything. To suggest that he has no interest or knowledge is to deny that truth. He is the all-knowing God, to whom all things are revealed (Hebrews 4:13).

e. God is rich and generous to all his creation, graciously providing every necessary blessing to make this world habi table . To dismiss th is undeserved favour and goodness is to oppose him in unbelief.

f. To take to good things of this life which God gives and use them in ways that are contrary to God's wishes is to turn grace into evil practices. Sometimes people even suppose that if he is a gracious God, his grace will seem more wonderful because he allows us to sin so much! Such behaviour prevents the true meaning of God's grace.

1. He would grant you rain in their season (Leviticus 26:4,5)

What God expects from us

1. We have to keep our positions

God and sacrifice

...Contd from page 1...

Three Kinds of Odours

1. The fragrance of the

knowledge of the

Living God

2. The poor in spirit3. Preserve my life,

for I am holy

4. In the day of my trouble I will call

upon you

MAY 2017

our existing land, as we are unable to accommodate all our children in the existing building.

6. We need funds to construct a building for Old Age Home in our existing land, and

7. We need funds to purchase the adjacent property of our mission house in one of our mission areas as the same is likely to go into the hands of people who may use it for anti-christian worship and training centre, which will cause unspeakable sufferings to God's people and ministry.

It will not be appropriate to explain everything in detail here. We will be happy to explain them on request to God's people. We also wish to make you

known that we are not in a comfortable position to disseminate the gospel. Let the Holy Spirit explain everything to you.� As you are aware we love you, pray for you and counting you as our own brothers and sisters in the Lord. We also need the same relationship and concern from you. We are working hard on behalf of you as everyone cannot enter into the direct mission field.� We bless you from the House of the LORD (Psalm 118:26). God will abundantly satisfy you with the fullness of His house (Psalm 36:8).

With much prayer and deep love,

Your servant in Christ, S. SAM SELVA RAJ.

98412 71858

[email protected]@echoofhiscall.org

T h e s e s i n f u l w a y s challenge God's justice; abuse his mercy; take advantage of his patience; despise his power; make light of his love. 1.3 Sin is incompatible with

what God doesSin is incompatible with

what God does for it is not just contrary to his nature, but also to his works. The Bible makes it clear that sin is actually the work of the devil who opposes God. 'He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil' (I John 3:8).

At the creation of the world all that God made was beautiful and good, but the disobedience of Adam and Eve introduced the rebellious influence of the devil into the world. As a result, the thinking and behaviour of those who neglect God has penetrated human society so that God's name and nature is continually forgotten in the world. From that neglect spring all the works of sin-disorder, confusion, ugliness, misrule, corruption, cruelty, disease and death-which trouble all of us.1.4 Sin is disobeying God's law and neglecting his will

Sin is any expression of a person's will which seeks to oppose the worship of God in the world and which tries to separate us from God and what he requires of us, so that we cannot benefit from communion with him. The sinner shows hatred to God by opposition to prayer, preaching and holiness of a

spiritual life. However, the Old Testament King David fulfilled God's will and is described as 'a man after God's own heart' (I Samuel 13:14).

1.5 Sin is contrary to the image of God

Adam and Eve were made perfect in the likeness of God, but when they sinned they lost the glory. As darkness contrasts with light, hell with heaven, or ugliness with beauty, so disfigured are our sinful natures that they are now the opposite of God's holiness and rightness. The Bible teaches that the one 'for the devil has sinned from the beginning' (I John 3:8).

1.6 Sin is contrary to the people of God

Christian believers have the

comfort of peace with God through faith in Jesus Christ. Our sinful natures seek to hinder and even destroy that comfort. The closer we are to God, the more vehemently sin will try to break that relationship, 'for the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want' (Galatians 5:17). The devil hates everyone, but especially the children of God; yet he cannot hurt believers as much as God loves them, nor do them more harm that God can do them good.1.7 The glory of God is the target sin seeks to destroy

We glorify God when we

God Almighty

� Due to the heavy rain in South India during the past about few months, a lot of death of precious people and damages have been caused. A lot of lives, church buildings and properties have also been destroyed by the wind and flood. We need your helping hand.� If the Lord lays a burden to help the victims in this time of great distress and destruction, you may send your support to us. The donations may be sent by Cheque, Demand Draft or Money Order in the name of Echo of His Call Educational Trust and Sent to Echo of His Call address. You may also transfer your donations to the following Bank Account:

Account Name : Echo of His Call Educational Trust Account Number : 1023 2923 805 Bank Name : State Bank of India Branch : Triplicane, Chennai–600 005. IFSC Code : SBIN 0000249 SWIFT Code : SBI NIN BB 475� Your donation in this regard will be exempted from payment of Income Tax under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act. We will send you the official receipt for this purpose. Pr. S. SAM SELVA RAJ, Editor.

An urgent and Special Announcement

Tax Deductible Donations

The Bible in over 50 languagesBangalore: More than just a business employing about 400 staff,

Brilliant Printers is run like a Christian mission which prints the Bible or portions of it in over 50 languages for different organisations and bridges out a host of other Christian publications with high quality, reliablility, cutting-edge technology and sheer brilliance. It's new 1.5 lakh sq ft facility on the outskirts of Bangalore was dedicated in March in the presence of the Archbishop of Bangalore, Dr Bernard Moras, Dr Mark Taylor, CEO of Tyndale House Publishers, USA, and Dr M Mani Chacko, General Secretary of the Bible Society of India (which incidentally was their first major client).

Started in 1970 by Anthony Victor Rego and run as a family enterprise with his devoted wife Irene and sons Anil, Manil and Sunil, the one-treadle-machine workshop has grown into one of the biggest one-stop printing & binding houses in India, exporting books to over 70 countries and having a daily production capacity of 100, 000 'perfect bound' books, 50,000 saddle-stitched books and 20,000 hard cover books. It can also print on fine this paper. At the dedication service Archbishop Dr Bernard Moras said that hard work, faithfulness, love of God and concern for the less privileged persons were the hallmarks of the Rego family. Perhaps their website lets out the secret of their success: “Solely because he [founder] placed his trust in the Lord Almighty”. (Daijiworld.com; BrilliantPrinters.com)


Statement About Ownership and Other Particulars About The News Paper Echo Of His Call - Form IV

(See Rule 8)

1. Place of Publication : 10, Mohammed Abdullah II Street, Chepauk, Chennai - 600 005.

2. Periodicity : Monthly

3. Printer, Editor, Owner & Publisher : S. Sam Selva Raj

4. Nationality : Indian

�I, , hereby declare that the particulars given S. Sam Selva Rajabove are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

March 2016 S. Sam Selva Raj.� � � �

1. We have to keep our positions

2. Garment of Salvation

1. Burnt Offering

2. Grain Offering or “meat offering”

3. Peace Offering

Sacrifices instituted in the Law

The details of our Bank Accounts are given below. Please inform us the details of your remittances.

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1. STATE BANK OF INDIA Triplicane, Chennai -5 S. Sam Selva Raj SBIN 0000249 102329 34679

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...Contd at page 6...

2. Aroma of life to life among the people

who are saved

5. Teach me Your way, O Lord


BALANCE!Oh, that my grief were fully weighed and my calamity laid with it in the balances together! (Job 6:2)

(Message delivered by Pastor S. Sam Selva Raj at the Main Church)

MAY 2017

If you would like to receive ECHO OF HIS CALL magazines regularly, please write to us. This ministry is supported by the free-will offerings of God's people like you. Whenever you change your postal or e-mail addresses, please do inform us your old and new addresses.

Echo of His Call, 16 language magazine is available in our websites also. You can read it on going into the site as well as downloading it and get blessed.

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TO SHARE (Galatians 6:2), SUPPORT (Romans 12:13) & SPEED UP (II Timothy 1:6)

From 2017 May 19 TO June 18

(Please take this sheet out, fold it and keep it in your Bible and pray continuously)

June 03: God is blessing the ministry and family of our State Co-ordinator in Manipur.

June 04: Pray for the ministry and family of our State Co-ordinator in Tripura.

June 05: Pray for the ministry and family of our State Co-ordinator in Mizoram.

June 06: Pray for the ministry and family of Pr. Giftson Samuel, our State Co-ordinator in Gujarat.

June 07: Pray for the ministry and family of Pr. Malar Selvan, our State Co-ordinator in Madhya Pradesh.

June 08: Pray for the ministry and family of Rev. Dr. Jeyaraj Marc, our State Co-ordinator in Jharkhand.

June 09: Pray for the ministry and family of Rev. Anjan Kumar Singh, our State Co-ordinator West Bengal.

June 10: Pray for the ministry and family of bro. Vijay Bagh, our State Co-ordinator in Chattisgarh.

June 11: Pray for the ministry and family of Pr. Josnakar, our State Co-ordinator in Orissa.

June 12: Pray for the ministry and family of Rev. Shashi Tiwari, our State Co-ordinator in Maharastra.

June 13: Pray for the ministry and family of our State Co-ordinator in Telangana.

June 14: Pray for the ministry and family of Pr. N. John Spurgeon, our State Co-ordinator in Andhra Pradesh.

June 15: Pray for the ministry and family of Pr. Moses, our State Co-ordinator in Goa.

June 16: Pray for the ministry and family of Pr. David, our State Co-ordinator in Karnataka.

June 17: Pray for the ministry and family of Pr. K. Krishna Moorthy, our State Co-ordinator in Pondicherry.

June 18: Pray for the ministry and family of Pr. Rajan, our State Co-ordinator in Kerala.

May 19: Our Malayalam Associate Editor Bro. Benjamin Moses is improving in his health.

May 20: Our English Associate Editor Bro. M. Paulraj has improved in his health.

May 21: Our General Manager Bro. Prakash is improving in his health.

May 22: God is blessing the ministry and family of Pr. E. Stephen, our State Co-ordinator Jammu & Kashmir.

May 23: God is blessing the ministry and family of Dr. Mansingh Choudhary, our State Co-ordinator in Himachal Pradesh.

May 24: God is blessing the ministry and family of Pr. Shansher Singh Marardu, our State Co-ordinator in Punjab.

May 25: God is blessing the ministry and family of our State Co-ordinator in Uttarnchal.

May 26: God is blessing the ministry and family of our State Co-ordinator in Hariyana.

May 27: God is blessing the ministry and family of Pr. Sarvesh Kumar Diwakar, our State Co-ordinator in Delhi.

May 28: God is blessing the ministry and family of Pr. N. Rajan, our State Co-ordinator in Rajasthan.

May 29: God is blessing the ministry and family of Pr. R. Johnson, our State Co-ordinator in Uttar Pradesh.

May 30: God is blessing the ministry and family of Rev. E. A. Abraham, our State Co-ordinator in Bihar.

May 31: God is blessing the ministry and family of our State Co-ordinator in Sikkim.

June 01: God is blessing the ministry and family of our State Co-ordinator in Arunachala Pradesh.

June 02: God is blessing the ministry and family of Bro. Shejon Goyary, our State Co-ordinator in Assam.




Praise & Prayer Points


MAY 2017


1. The Jailer saved



1. The Jailer saved

...Contd from page 4...

God chose a Virgin

Cross abolished division

Taking up the Cross


“For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but My kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall My covenant of peace be removed” says the Lord, who has mercy on you

(Isaiah 54:10).

(Message given by Pastor S. Sam Selva Raj at the Main Church)

Sin Offering

The Fullness of Him who fills all in all! (Ephesians 1:23).

Bro. M. Paulraj, Associate Editor

THE KEY TO VICTORIOUS LIVING!“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness; for they shall be filled”

(Matthew 5:6)(Message delivered by Pastor S. Sam Selva Raj at the Main Church)

3. Aroma of Death

among the Perishing

Statement About Ownership and Other Particulars About The News Paper Echo Of His Call - Form IV

(See Rule 8)

1. Place of Publication : 10, Mohammed Abdullah II Street, Chepauk, Chennai - 600 005.

2. Periodicity : Monthly

3. Printer, Editor, Owner & Publisher : S. Sam Selva Raj

4. Nationality : Indian

�I, , hereby declare that the particulars given S. Sam Selva Rajabove are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

March 2017 S. Sam Selva Raj.� � � �

MAY 2017

confess our sin, and repent of our wickedness, but sin tries to stop us. The sinful nature feeds the believer with false reports of God's nature, to inhibit the Christian who is living for God.

1.8 The very existence of God is questioned by sinful

attitudesPeople who are controlled

by sinful thoughts hate God and seek to ignore or even destroy his existence. They try to shut our God from their thoughts and actions (Romans1:18-32).

Before we go any further, let me ask you to pause and think over what has been said so far. I want you to listen to what God teaches in his Word, the Bible. How can you love such an ugly thing as sinfulness? Do you not wish to run away from it as from an enemy? Will you love what God hates, and hate what God, your maker, loves? No act or sinful thought can do you any good, but only harm and ruin. Do not argue with God, who is stronger that you are – strong enough finally to cast the wicked into hell!

2.1 Sin is contrary to what is physically good for us as

human beings.This follows from the fact

that we are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26): whatever is evil in God' sight is therefore harmful to us. Our highest good is to be in perfect fellowship with him. The commandments, which God laid down for us to keep, were not simply to express his holy nature, but were for our benefit as his creatures. I want to show, in

more detail, the ways in which sin is so harmful to us both in this life and the next.

a. Sin is harmful to our bodies in this life. At the creation Adam and Eve had perfect bodies which could not die, as long as they obeyed God's wishes. Death is a consequence of sin (Romans 5:12), and as soon as Adam and Eve sinned their bodies became subject to death. Now all people are ‘destined to die' (Hebrews 9:27). Our bodies are condemned to return to dust as a result of sin.

b. Sin is harmful to our souls in this life and the next. Harm to our souls is more serious than harm to our bodies. Our bodies live once and then die; our souls live forever. Jesus said,

'Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell' (Matthew 10:28).

To suffer in our bodies is preferable to sinning against our souls!

Both these points can be explained in more detail, for they affect both our natural human life and our moral life. For example:

I) At creation Adam and Eve were placed in the perfect environment. Everything there was for their physical health and enjoyment. But as soon as they sinned by disobedience, God turned them out of that Paradise. They lost all its benefits and became like pilgrims and beggars in a cursed world. They had to live by their own hands and earn their food by the sweat of their physical labour.

When the Lord Jesus came into the world to redeem sinful men and women, he had to come possessing nothing. He was Lord

of all. Yet because he came in the likeness of our fallen humanity, he had to be a man of sorrows, destitute and homeless (Luke 9:58). That shows us that human beings have now lost the great inheritance of life in the Paradise into which our first parents were placed. Sin has robbed us o f our na tu ra l inheritance.

(ii) Sin has robbed us of the natural rest and ease which we love so much. When we have finished our work there is little to show for it (Ecclesiastes 2:22-23). Life in Paradise was easy and pleasant but now it involves frustration, pain and sweat (Genesis 3:17-19).

(iii) Sin has robbed us of much comfort and joy. Our laughter can often turn to tears. In Paradise God's blessing made Adam and Eve rich and added no sorrow, but now our sweetmeats have sour sauces! For women the joy and wonder of childbirth is accompanied by discomfort and pain.

(iv) No one is immune from sickness and ill health. Before sin came into the world, there were no sicknesses. Even if we eat the best of foods, use the most effective medicines, and take the best care of our bodies, 'Each man's life is but a breath' (Psalm 39:5). At our best we are brittle pieces of humanity, because the disease of sin works against our health.

(v) Sin troubles our natural consciences. When we are at ease all other troubles can be endured. 'A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones' (Proverbs 17:22). So sin takes away the contentment of a good conscience.

(vi) Sin has deformed the perfection of our bodies. There was no such thing as deformity in

2. When we sin, we act against our own interests


TIPS TO PREACHERSfrom the diary of

Pr. S. Sam Selva Raj�------


1. We need weakness: 2 Cor 11:302. We will not be defeated : 2 Cor 11

: 243. Expect sufferings : Acts 20: 23,24


1. Put away childish things : 1 Cor. 13 : 11

2. Mature in understanding: 1 Cor 14:20

3. Grow in spiritual things : Heb 4 : 14,15 & Heb 5 : 13,14

4. Overcome devil : I John 2 : 13,14

III. IMITATE CHRIST1. Be transformed : Rom. 12 : 2,

Rom. 8 : 29,30, 2 Cor. 3 : 18, Col. 3 : 9-15

2. Walk like Jesus : 1 John 2 : 6, 9-153. Love one another : John 13 :

34,35, John 15 : 12-16.

1. “Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect”

- (Matthew 5:48).2. “You, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly” - (Matthew 6:6).

3. “But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you”

- (Matthew 6:33).




Wisemen meet Jesus

Wisemen meet Jesus

Jesus revealed the Father

What is our stand

God Will Transform The Mountains Into Ways!(Isaiah 49:11)

God so Loved the world! (John 3:16).

(Message given by Pastor S. Sam Selva Raj at the Main church)


Assam April 4, 2016

April 11, 2016West Bengal April 4, 2016 April 11, 2016 April 17, 2016 April 21, 2016 April 25, 2016 April 30, 2016 May 5, 2016

Kerala May16, 2016

Tamil Nadu May16, 2016

Puducherry May16, 2016


India - Assembly Elections 2016

3. Separated life is the Victorious one

For more details, write to us.The Chairman, Nehemiah Bible College, Echo of His Call

10, Mohammed Abdullah 2nd Street, Opp. Cricket Stadium,Chepauk, Chennai - 600 005, India.

Ph.: (044) 2852 8282, 2852 9293, 2854 7766, Cell : 98410 71852, 90924 62566. Fax : (044) 2851 5658. E-mail : [email protected]


Advanced Distance Education called Theological Correspondence Course is available for Pastors, Evangelists and Christian Leaders! A fee of Rs. 520/- is charged. 7 Books with 142 Chapters are supplied. Certificate in Ministry will be awarded.


Echo of His Call Postal Course

We offer a Postal Course on Basic Truths of The Bible to new christians and non-christians in English, Hindi & Tamil. You will get a course book entitled with about 70 pages. After New Life – For You! the completion of this course, you will get a certificate. There will be no compulsory fees. This courses is for candidates in India only.

Jesus gave the supreme sacrifice

December 1 Thursday Morning devotionDecember 3 Saturday Worker Special get togetherDecember 4 Sunday Special ServicesDecember 6 Tuesday Board meeting of Nehemiah Bible CollegeDecember 9 Friday Night prayer for the World RevivalDecember 10 Saturday Young Ladies Special ServicesDecember 11 Sunday Sunday 7 services Mission Sunday Christmas Song ServiceDecember 17 Saturday Fasting Prayer Christmas Programmes of Students of our Bible CollegesDecember 18 Sunday Sunday 7 Service Christmas Programmes of Sunday School ChildrenDecember 19 Monday Annual Administrative Council MeetingDecember 20 Tuesday Christmas Programmes of students of our St. Paul’s Matriculation SchoolDecember 25 Sunday Christmas ServicesDecember 31 Saturday Whole Night New Year Servies

December 1 Thursday Morning devotion

December 3 Saturday Worker Special get together

December 4 Sunday Special Services

December 6 Tuesday Board meeting of Nehemiah Bible College

December 9 Friday Night prayer for the World Revival

December 10 Saturday Young Ladies Special Service

December 11 Sunday Sunday 7 services Mission Sunday Christmas Song Service

December 17 Saturday Fasting Prayer Christmas Programmes of students of our Bible Colleges

December 18 Sunday Sunday 7 Services Christmas Programmes of Sunday School Children

December 19 Monday Annual Administrative Council Meeting

December 20 Tuesday Christmas Programmes of students

December 25 Sunday Christmas Services

December 31 Saturday Whole Night New Year Service

of our St. Paul's Matriculation School

Let us thank God for all our Programmes during

December, 2016



For more details, write to us.The Chairman, Nehemiah Bible College, Echo of His Call

10, Mohammed Abdullah 2nd Street, Opp. Cricket Stadium,Chepauk, Chennai - 600 005, India.

Ph.: (044) 2852 8282, 2852 9293, 2854 7766, Cell : 98410 71852, 90924 62566. E-mail : [email protected]


Advanced Distance Education called Theological Correspondence Course is available for Pastors, Evangelists and Christian Leaders! A fee of Rs. 1000/- is charged. 7 Books with 142 Chapters are supplied. Certificate in Ministry will be awarded.


Echo of His Call Postal Courses

We offer a Postal Course on Basic Truths of The Bible to new christians and non-christians in English, Hindi &

Tamil. You will get a course book entitled with New Life – For You! about 70 pages. After the completion of this course, you will get a certificate. There will be no compulsory fees. This courses is for candidates in India only.

MAY 2017

Now-a-days people worry about many things. The Psalmist says, “The days of our lives are seventy years; and it by reason of strength they are eighty years” (Psalm 90:10) When we consider our life with our Lord in heaven, our life on earth is very short. For, the Bible says our life without Lord is waste. So, it is for us to know how we should live and in what frame of mind in this world, when the Lord has given us graciously these days on earth. We should use these days profitably. The scripture exhorts us to live in this world with godliness and contentment.

For we brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content (I Timothy 6:7,8).

When all the riches and belongings of Job were taken away from him, he simply said, “Naked I came from my mother's womb and naked shall I return there. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away;….”. With empty hands we

come into this world and with empty hands we go out of this. In between these two events, when we live on this earth, the Lord leads us according to His Will.

I Know that whatever God does, it shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, and nothing taken from it. (Ecclesiastes 3:14).

But people worry about many things. They worry about themselves, about their children, about their jobs, about their promotion, about their future and so on. The Bible says, “He (God) has made everything beautiful in its time” (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

When we lead our life with the fear of God in mind and according to His words our Lord is faithful to meet all our needs.

The young lions lack and suffer hunger; but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. (Psalm 34:10)

The Lord will never leave His children with any want when they seek Him. The Lord knows our needs. In whatever status we have

been placed on this earth we should satisfy by that. Whatever blessings we receive in this world we receive them from the hands of God. We read that those collected manna in larger quantities were not left with any balance and those collected less did not go unsatisfied. Some people get large income but go unsatisfied; but some people though get less income they remain satisfied. Some people though live in big houses they may not have peace of mind; but some though live in small dwellings, live in peace. So one's wealth may not satisfy. But the leading of the Lord alone can satisfy a person and bring peace.

Some people are sticken with worries about their children. The desire of every parent should be that their children should lead a life pleasing to the Lord. The children who live pleasing to the Lord shall shine like stars. The desire that the children should study well and become a great man/woman is good. But it is a

the natural world at creation. 'God saw all that he had made, and it was very good' (Genesis 1:31). But now we only become vain as we try in various ways to regain that lost beauty.

(vii) Sin has created disharmony between our bodies and our souls. Our physical feelings may lead us one way but our minds warn us against it and our wills are confused. At creation Adam and Eve knew what was right, loved what was right and did what was right, until they fell into the sin of

disobedience. But now our souls are often prisoners to our physical senses.

(viii) Broken marriages and immoral behavior are the result of sinful weaknesses in human nature. Sin has spoiled the health of society, breaking relationships in Church and State, creating divisions and factions, disharmony and mistrust.

(ix) Sin not only damages human well-being, but often prevents our being at all! How

many die in the womb, in childbirth, in infancy! Thousands die daily from sickness, and many more from war and natural disasters. Compared with the life span of those who lived in the beginning of world history, our life span is now reduced greatly. Someone who is born today is not sure to live a day. All these points could be enlarged, but what is here is enough to show that sin is against the good of human beings in every natural aspect of this life.


(I Timothy 6:6)

- Bro. M. Paul Raj



Rev. Dr. S. Sam Selva RajFounder-President


Don’t miss !!

For more details & application forms please contact:

NEHEMIAH BIBLE COLLEGES, ECHO OF HIS CALL 10, Mohammed Abdullah 2nd street, Bells Road, Opp. Cricket Stadium,

Chepauk, Chennai-600 005, India.

Phone : (+91-44) 2852 8282, 2852 9293, 2854 7766 Cell : (+91) 98410 71852, 90924 62566.





“Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance, and the young

men and the old, together; for I will turn their mourning to joy,

will comfort them, and make them rejoice rather than

sorrow” (Jeremiah 31: 13).


RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE, Velachery(Medium: English & Tamil)Course : Diploma in Theology,Qualification : 10th StandardPeriod : One year (with field and administrative trainings)

EVENING COLLEGE, Chepauk(Medium : Tamil)Course : Diploma in TheologyMonday, Tuesday & Thursday 6.30 PM to 8.30 PM(Evening Classes - Chepauk)Qualification : 10th StandardPeriod : One year (with special Seminars on holidays)

For more details & application forms please contact :NEHEMIAH BIBLE COLLEGES

10, Mohammed Abdullah 2nd Street, Bells Road, Opp. Cricket Stadium, Chepauk, Chennai - 600 005, India.

Phone : (+91-44) 2852 8282, 2852 9293, 2854 7766, Cell No : (+91) 98410 71852, 90924 62566

E.mail : [email protected] / [email protected] Websites : www.echoofhiscall.org / www.echoofhiscall.com

Recognised by the International Christian Leaders & Senior Pastors for the 47 Years!

Affiliated to Hindustan Bible Institute & College (HBI), Chennai



Pastor S. Sam Selva Raj, Founder-President

God is Calling you!!!

Golden Opportunity!

Don’t miss!!

Affiliated to Hindustan�Bible�Institute�&�College�(HBI),CHENNAI�






Rev. Dr. S. Sam Selva RajFounder-President


Golden Opportunity! Don’t miss !!

Medium : Tamil

Course : Diploma in Theology

Days : Monday, Tuesday & Thursday

Time : 6.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m

(with Special seminars on holidays)

Qualification : 10th Std. & above

Period : One Year with special

Seminars on holidays.

For more details & application forms please contact:

NEHEMIAH BIBLE COLLEGES, ECHO OF HIS CALL 10, Mohammed Abdullah 2nd street, Bells Road, Opp. Cricket Stadium,

Chepauk, Chennai-600 005, India.

Phone : (+91-44) 2852 8282, 2852 9293, 2854 7766 Cell : (+91) 98410 71852. Fax (+91-44) 2851 5658

E.mail : [email protected] / [email protected] Website : www.echoofhiscall.org

Medium : English & Tamil

Course : Diploma in Theology

Qualification : 10th Std. & above

Period : One Year with field and

administrative trainings









E.mails : [email protected] / [email protected] Websites : www.echoofhiscall.org / www.echoofhiscall.com

Commencement�of�classes:June First Week, 2016

Registration will started!

... Continued at page 10...

� We publish our monthly magazine Echo of His Call in 16 different languages and wish to expand our Mission activities in these 16 language speaking people groups. About 1750 language speaking people groups are living in India. God has entrusted us the great responsibility of taking the Gospel to these innocent people. We give below the names of Echo of His Call Magazine published in the 16 languages. This is to enable you to pray more fervently for all these language speaking people groups, to introduce our ministries among them, and to your friends among them. English� - Echo of His Call Tamil� � - Azhaipin Ethiroli

Malayalam� - Viliyude Prathidhwani Telugu�� - Prathidhvaninchu Pilupu Kannada� - Kareya Prathidhwani Hindi� � - Bulave Ki Prathidhwani Marathi� - Bolavinyacha Prathidhwani Gujarati� - Sadno Prathisad Bengali� - Ahobaner Prathidhoni Odiya� � - Awhan ra Prathidhwani Assamese� - Ahbanor Prathidhoni� Punjabi� - Bulawe di Goonj Urdu� � - Bulahat Ki Goonj Afrikaans� - Eggo Van Sy Roep Sinhala�� - Kandavine Prathirawaya Nepali�� - Bolawatko Prathidhwani

Please pray

“I the Lord, have called You in righteousness, and will

hold Your hand...” (Isaiah 42:6).



Medium : English & HindiCourse : Diploma in TheologyQualification : 10th Std. & abovePeriod : One Year with field and administrative trainings



Medium : TamilCourse : Diploma in TheologyDays : Monday, Tuesday & ThursdayTime : 6.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m(with Special seminars on holidays)Qualification : 10th Std. & abovePeriod : One Year with special Seminars on holidays.




Golden Opportunity!

Affiliated to Hindustan�Bible�Institute�&�College�(HBI),CHENNAI�


RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE, Velachery(Medium: English & Hindi)Course : Diploma in Theology,Qualification : 10th StandardPeriod : One year (with field and administrative trainings)

EVENING COLLEGE, Chepauk(Medium : Tamil)Course : Diploma in TheologyMonday, Tuesday & Thursday 6.30 PM to 8.30 PM(Evening Classes - Chepauk)Qualification : 10th StandardPeriod : One year (with special Seminars on holidays)

For more details & application forms please contact :NEHEMIAH BIBLE COLLEGES

10, Mohammed Abdullah 2nd Street, Bells Road, Opp. Cricket Stadium, Chepauk, Chennai - 600 005, India.

Phone : (+91-44) 2852 8282, 2852 9293, 2854 7766, Cell No : (+91) 98410 71852, 90924 62566

E.mail : [email protected] / [email protected] Websites : www.echoofhiscall.org / www.echoofhiscall.com

Recognised by the International Christian Leaders & Senior Pastors for the 47 Years!

Affiliated to Hindustan Bible Institute & College (HBI), ChennaiECHO OF HIS CALL MINISTRIES (ESTD.: 1969)


Pastor S. Sam Selva Raj, Founder-President

God is Calling you!!!

Golden Opportunity!

Don’t miss!!

Classes Starts on

June 2, 2016


For more details & application forms please contact :NEHEMIAH BIBLE COLLEGES

10, Mohammed Abdullah 2nd Street, Bells Road, Opp. Cricket Stadium, Chepauk, Chennai - 600 005, India.

Phone : (+91-44) 2852 8282, 2852 9293, 2854 7766, Cell No : (+91) 98410 71852, 90924 62566

E.mail : [email protected] / [email protected] Websites : www.echoofhiscall.org / www.echoofhiscall.com

Pastor S. Sam Selva Raj, Founder-President

MAY 2017

wrong notion that one will prosper if it acquires such and such degree or diploma only. The Lord can prosper a person irrespective of the degree/course or level of education he/she secures. So, it is unnecessary to worry too much on this score. When we do our duty the Lord will give the result at the appropriate time. We must learn to know how to live in peace and joy.

We come across with some people who unduely worry about their promotions. They used to inflict their mind with unnecessary worries and crave to know when they will get promotion and so on. Do they satisfy with their promotions? No, Never. Why they crave for a thing which will not satisfy them? When the Lord has made everything beautiful in its time, why should they worry? Why we should not remain in peace and joy in the Lord with contentment and leave everything to come on its own time according to the will of God? We should select the better share and cling on to it and live with confidence that the Lord will meet all our needs in the right time.

St. Paul says that whatever state he was, he learnt to live a life of contentment. He says,

“I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:11-13).

When we are hungry or suffer need Christ Jesus provides and strengthens us. As He strengthens us we have strength to do everything. The Lord asked Gideon, “Go in this might of yours”. He obeyed. The Lord saved the people of Israel as

promised from the hands of the Midianites by using Gideon. When we are in the Lord, the Lord gives us strength to do all things. We need not be afraid of anything.

“… the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows” (I Timothy 6:10).

Some people wander here and there without sleep in amassing of wealth. Certain people not only pierce themselves with many sor rows , bu t a l so des t roy themselves. Some years ago a horrible incident took place in a big city. An youth was working in a nationalized bank. His father was also working. His mother was a teacher. He had only one sister. She too was working and was living with her mother in another city by a sea-shore. They received more income than their reasonable need. They did not have any reasonable need. But the youth had developed some bad desire over the money of the bank. He planned to fly away with a good amount of money from the strong room of the bank. He thought of a plan and decided to execute it. He was waiting for the chance to grab the key of the strong room from the possession of the concerned officer when he was alone. The 'D-day' came to him. He got a long stout needle used for stitching jute bags as his missile. Taking the 'missile' in hand he pounced on the officer who was

alone in the bank during late hours. Repeatedly struck him with that 'missile' till he was dead. Took the key, opened the strong room and grabbed currencies worth million and fled. Police came and the crime was investigated. Suspicion narrowed down on the youth and was arrested. His father who was hiding a part of the robbed money was also arrested. Newspapers flashed the news in big columns. On seeing the horrible news, his beloved mother and sister jointly fell into the sea out of shame and pain and ended their lives. What an agony? Love of money is the root of all kinds of evil!

It is the will of God that all living things that are created by Him, should be fed. The Lord tells us not to worry saying; “What shall we eat?” or “What shall we drink?” or “What shall we wear?” The birds of the air neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, yet our heavenly Father feeds them. “Are you not of more value than they?” the Lord asks us.

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble” (Matthew 6:34).

When our Lord Jesus Christ taught us how to pray to our Father in heaven, He said, “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). It is enough that we should ask the Lord to give our daily bread. This does not mean that we should

HISTORIC CHURCH RESTOREDPANAJI: The 450-year –old Church of Santa Monica, a part of

the convent of Santa Monica, Asia's first and largest convent situated in Old Goa, and a state protected monument, has been restored and is now open to the public. The Museum of Christian Art, Goa, carried out the restoration work with the help of a 1.3 crore state grant. - Forerunner (July 2016)


(Life experiences of Pastor S. Sam Selva Raj)

“whoever reads, let him understand” Matthew 24:15


The Lord graciously gave a land with four storeyed building in the main area of the Madras (Chennai) city called Chepauk, where most of the administrative offices of the Government are located. We have established our main church called ECHO OF HIS CALL MULTI LINGUAL CHURCH, Prin t ing Press , administrative offices etc. in this building.

Also we are conducting our N E H E M I A H B I B L E COLLEGE classes in this building. About 1250 students have already been given ministerial teachings and trainings and sent out to the mission fields of India and other countries. God is using them mightily.

During the period of the 1990's years, we felt the need for a separate full time Bible College in the city of Chennai as we did not h a v e e n o u g h s p a c e f o r accommodating the students in the existing building. So we started praying to the Lord to provide a place for establishing our Full Time Bible College.

God answered our prayers. One of our friends came forward to give his piece of land situated near Chennai city for God's work. But we found that the place was isolated from the city and there was no proper train or bus facilities. When we s t a r t ed cons t ruc t ing a compound wall for the land, the way farers and others mocked at us asking why we were wasting our

time and money in that land.So we went before the Lord

and placed before Him the negative words of the people around us. The Lord replied, “Make this valley full of ditches… You shall not see wind, nor shall you see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, so that you, your cattle and your animals may drink. And this is a simple matter in the sight of the Lord” (II Kings 3:16,17,18).

Hence we marched forward with faith in proceeding with the construction of the compound wall around the land. We used to visit the land very often and pray to the Lord for a building in the land for o u r N E H E M I A H B I B L E COLLEGE. Then the Lord enabled us to start the construction work little by little.

Now the construction work is nearing completion after a period of two years. Without any pressure, request or influence from our side, the Government of India has extended the train services till the place where our Bible College building is constructed (last terminal) and now you will be astonished to know that the State Government also has also opened a big bus terminus very close to our N E H E M I A H B I B L E COLLEGE from where most of the city and moffusil buses function. By God's grace, we have our Full Time NEHEMIAH BIBLE COLLEGE (Day College and Residential College) in the new place from the year 2010. Is God

good? Is God faithful to those who trust Him?

Dear brothers and sisters, are you encountering great troubles and failures in your ministerial as well as family life? Do you feel that the cross that you are called to carry seems to be too heavy for you? Are you overburdened? Are you thinking of running away from God's calling since no remarkable things have happened in your life even after toiling too much and praying ceaselessly? The Lord Who has called you says,





“I WILL NOT LEAVE Y O U N O R F O R S A K E YOU……” (Joshua 1:5).

(Please cut here, fill in the details and send to us to serve you better)Do you believe that the multifarious ministries of ECHO OF HIS CALL are LORD's ministries? ..................Do you wish to support the ECHO OF HIS CALL ministries through any means?..........................................Do you wish to become our PRAYER PARTNER by offering your earnest prayers towards ECHO OF HIS CALL MINISTRIES on a regular basis? ........................................................................................................Do you wish to become our FAITH PARTNER by offering a small monthly contribution (for 12 months) towards ECHO OF HIS CALL MINISTRIES? .............................................................................................

Please return this portion duly filled in to us.ECHO OF HIS CALL

nd10, Mohammed Abdullah 2 Street, Chepauk, Chennai - 600 005, India.

Phone : (+91- 44) 2852 8282, 2852 9293, 2854 7766 Cell : (+91) 98410 71852E-mails : [email protected] / [email protected] Websites : www.echoofhiscall.org / www.echoofhiscall.com

HEART-CRY FOR REVIVAL 7 Hour Fasting Prayer

Place : Thiruvadanai, Kamarajanagar, Ramanathapuram District.

Please pray for our next

Date : 09.01.2016 from 9.30 a.m to 5.00 p.m.

Contact : Bro. Wesley Devadason

Cell : (0) 94897 40295, 95432 21008.

Account Name : ECHO OF HIS CALL EDUCATIONAL TRUSTAccount Number : 1023 2923 805Bank Name : STATE BANK OF INDIABranch : TRIPLICANE, CHENNAI - 600 005IFSC Code : SBIN 0000249SWIFT Code : SBI NIN BB 475


We wish you A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2016!


We offer a Postal Course on Basic Truths of The Bible to new christians and non-christians in English, Hindi & Tamil. You will get a course book entitled New

Life – For You! with about 70 pages. After the completion of this course, you will get a certificate. There will be no compulsory fees . This courses is for candidates in India only.

HEART-CRY FOR REVIVAL 7 Hour Fasting Prayer

Place : Deva Rajya Magimai Jeba Veedu, Kancheepuram.

Please pray for our next

Date : 10.09.2016

Contact : Bro. Wesley Devadason

Cell : (0) 94897 40295, 95432 21008.

Time: 9.30 a.m to 5.00 p.m

For more details, write to us.The Chairman, Nehemiah Bible College, Echo of His Call

10, Mohammed Abdullah 2nd Street, Opp. Cricket Stadium,Chepauk, Chennai - 600 005, India.

Ph.: (044) 2852 8282, 2852 9293, 2854 7766, Cell : 98410 71852, 90924 62566. Fax : (044) 2851 5658. E-mail : [email protected]


Echo of His Call Postal Course

We offer a Postal Course on Basic Truths of The Bible to new christians and non-christians in English, Hindi & Tamil. You

will get a course book entitled with about 70 pages. New Life – For You! After the completion of this course, you will get a certificate. There will be no compulsory fees. This courses is for candidates in India only.

TAX EXEMPTION Donations by any individual or organization to Echo of His Call Educational Trust are eligible for Income Tax exemption under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act. Official receipts will be issued for this purpose. Please make your Demand Drafts / Cheques / M.O. for such donations in favour of Echo of His Call Educational Trust and send to us.

Account Name : ECHO OF HIS CALL EDUCATIONAL TRUSTAccount Number : 1023 2923 805Bank Name : STATE BANK OF INDIABranch : TRIPLICANE, CHENNAI - 600 005IFSC Code : SBIN 0000249SWIFT Code : SBI NIN BB 475

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Kindly pray for our Multifarious Ministries.

“For surely there is a hereafter, and your hope

will not be cut off” (Proverbs 23:18).

MAY 2017


Dear Readers, please send your Land Phone / Cell Phone Numbers and E.mail addresses to us early. We can send Echo of His Call to you through E.mail also. This will help us to pray for you more effectively. Our E.mail address: [email protected]

Pr. S. Sam Selva Raj����������Editor

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P.O. Box No. 2957,10, Mohammed Abdullah 2nd Street,Chepauk, Chennai - 600 005, INDIA.

Phone: (+ 91- 44) 2852 8282, 2852 9293, 2854 7766



1. Prayer Service : 24 hours2. BIBLECOR - Bible Correspondence Courses : English, Tamil & Hindi3. ECHO OF HIS CALL - Monthly Magazines : English, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Odiya, Nepali, Assamese, Punjabi, Urdu, Sinhala & Afrikaans.4. Nehemiah Bible Colleges (Two Centres) 5. Theological Correspondence Courses: English & Tamil 6. Great Commission Partners (Network of Pastors)7. Training Programmes8. Crusades9. Literature Distribution and Follow Up10. Gospel Printing Press - Publications11. St. Paul’s Matriculation School - Village English High School12. Sunday Schools : 8.30 a.m. & 4.00 p.m. Sunday

13. Tamil Services : 5.30 a.m. , 7.00 a.m. & 10.00 a.m. Sunday14. Malayalam Service : 2.00 p.m. Sunday15. Telugu Service : 4.00 p.m. Sunday16. Hindi Service : 5.00 p.m. Sunday17. English & Tamil Service : 6.00 p.m. Sunday18. Pastors’ Counselling : 4.00 p.m. Sunday19. Women’s Prayer : 5.30 p.m. Wednesday20. Mid-week Bible study : 6.30 p.m. Wednesday21. Men’s Prayer : 7.00 p.m. Friday22. Workers’ Meeting : 6.00 p.m. Saturday23. House Meetings : 6.30 p.m. Monday & Tuesday

st24. Special Holy Communion : 5.30 a.m. 1 day of each month25. Ministers Review Meeting : 5.30 p.m. First Saturday26. Parents’ Prayer : 4.00 p.m. First Sunday 27. Night Prayer : 9.30 p.m. Second Friday28. Fasting Prayer : 9:30 a.m. Third Saturday29. Holy Communion : Second Sunday Services30. Morning Devotion : 5.30 a.m. daily31. Staff Devotion : 9.00 a.m. daily32. Office : 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. (except Sundays)


Owned and published by S. Sam Selva Raj from 10, Mohammed Abdullah II Street, Chepauk, Chennai- 600 005 and printed by him at Echo of His Call Printers 10, Mohammed Abdullah II Street, Chepauk, Chennai-600 005. Editor: S. Sam Selva Raj.

...Contd from page 8...

th40 Year Perinba Peruvizha

(Festival of Great Joy)

27-9-2015 to 4-10-20156.00 P.M.

at St. George’s School Campus (Opp. to Pachaiyappa’s College), Chetpet, Chennai -31.

Gifted servants of God will preach!You are invited!!

Rev. Dr. Sven Peter Phone: 94448 99325

We need a full time Operator for our Gospel Offset Printing Press. Also we need Office Staff who can handle Engl ish Correspondence, Typing and Computer. Eligible persons may contact us through e.mail:


Echo of His Call, Post Box No. 2957,Chepauk, Chennai - 600 005.

E.mails: [email protected] / [email protected]


1. Christmas Services: December, 25 at 6.00 A.M. and 8.00 A.M. at our Main Church (two sevices)

st2. New Year Service: From 9.30 P.M. on the 31 st

December, 2016 to 5.00 A.M. on the 1 January, 2017 at Santhosh Mahal, No:41, Parthasarathy street (Ghosha Hospital Opposite), Bells Road, Chepauk, Chennai - 600 005.

If you are not attached with any Church, you are most welcome to attend these services with your family and loved ones. God will speak with you! Entrance free!! - Editor

“You are the of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavour, how shall it be seasoned? It

is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill

cannot be hidden” (Matthew 5:12-13).

Kindly pray for our St. Paul’s Matriculation School and Nehemiah Bible Colleges.

Pray for our St. Paul’s Matriculation School and Nehemiah Bible Colleges

Account Name : ECHO OF HIS CALL


Account Number : 1023 2923 805



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organization to Echo of His Call Educational

Trust are eligible for Income Tax exemption under

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receipts will be issued for this purpose. Please make

your Demand Drafts / Cheques / M.O. for such

donations in favour of Echo of His Call

Educational Trust and send to us.

1. The present space available in our Main Church building in adequate to conduct all our activities and ministries including our Church Ministry. So we conduct 7 services in each Sunday from 5.30 A. M. to 8.00 P.M. Presently the building attached to our Main Church wall is for sale. If the Lord give funds we can buy it and attach it with our Main Church building. Kindly pray to God to raise some of His children to come forward to help financially to buy the building.

2. We need adequate number of students for our Evening and Residential Bible Colleges for the year 2017-2018. - Editor


[email protected] / [email protected]

MAY 2017

not have any thought on the morrow. But what the Lord says is we need not be disheartened and worried about tomorrow. When the Lord said, “I have drawn you on my palm”, the Lord knows all our needs. Let us have faith in the Lord. He will protect and lead us.

Jesus told a parable about a rich man. The ground of the rich man yielded plentifully. He thought within himself, 'What shall I do, since I have no room to store my crops?' So he said, I will do this: I will pull down my barns and build greater, and these I will store all my crops and my goods. And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; eat, drink and be merry.” But the Lord said to him,

“You fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?” (Luke 12:16-20).

Therefore, brethren, when we are in this world our desire should be to make ourselves fit to inherit the Kingdom of God. Which is why our Lord says:

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).

When Saul was the king of Israel, the kingdom was removed from him and David was anointed in his place. But David had no desire to dethrone Saul and become king. Though Saul plotted against David several times to kill him, David did not have such idea to kill Saul. Though Saul was at hand to David on various occasions David did not do any harm to Saul. David was very steadfast that he should not lay his hand on an anointed person and waited patiently.

Solomon was made king of Israel when he was young, He humbled himself before the Lord, “You have made your servant king instead of my father

David, but I am a little child; but I do not know how to go out or come in.” We see that he pleaded before the Lord to give him an understanding heart to judge the people, that he may discern between good and evil. His request was pleasing before the Lord. The Lord told him, 'Because you have asked this thing, and have not asked long life for yourself, nor have asked riches for yourself, nor have asked the life of your enemies, but asked for yourself understanding to discern justice, behold, I have done according to your words… His request was conceded by God. Solomon was satisfied with the blessings of the Lord. He did not plead with the Lord by adding his needs. If a person is a king or a servant, the Lord is pleased to see that he/she is contented in his/her dispensation. See Job, how he says?, “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord”. Habakkuk, the prophet says like this,

“Though the fig tree may not blossom, Nor fruit be on the vines; Though the labour of the olive may fail, And the fields yield no food; Though the flock be cut off from the fold, And there be no herd in the stalls -Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation”

(Habakkuk 3:17,18).The prophet declares that though the Lord did

not give these things, yet he would rejoice in the Lord, While this is so, if we are satisfied with the blessings of the Lord and abide in Him with godliness and contentment. He will fill us with more blessings. The Lord will raise us in the right time. Let us humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God. May the Lord bless us!