airline ticketing and reservation session 2

7/26/2019 Airline Ticketing and Reservation Session 2 1/17 Airline Ticketing and Reservation AIRLINE CODE, TARIFF, FARE CONSTRUCTION AND PRINCIPLES

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7/26/2019 Airline Ticketing and Reservation Session 2 1/17

Airline Ticketing and




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IATA Areas

• IATA divides the world into three areas commonly known as IATA Trafc Conerence Areas.

•  Trafc Conerence Area 1- The whole o North and SothAmerica and islands ad!acent thereto.

•  Trafc Conerence Area "- #ro$e% Arica and islands ad!acentthereto.

•  Trafc Conerence Area &- Asia and islands ad!acent theretoe'ce$t that $ortion o Asia already inclded in area " andislands o (aci)c *cean e'ce$t those inclded in Area 1.

•  The re$resentatives rom +reat ,ritain and nited States met inthe ,ermdas in 1/0 to develo$ a com$romise etween theiro$$osing $ositions. The agreement reached etween themecame a model or all ilateral agreements in later years.

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The “Six Freedoms of the Air”

•  The right to 2y across another nation3s territory.

•  The right to land in another contry or non-commercial $r$oses.

•  The right to disemark $assengers and cargo that originated in the carrier3shome contry% in a oreign contry.

•  The right to $ick $ $assengers and cargo destined or the carrier3s homecontry% rom a oreign contry.

•  The right to trans$ort $assengers and cargo rom one oreign contry toanother oreign contry.

•  The right o an airline to carry trafc rom a oreign contry to the homenation o that airline and eyond to another oreign contry.

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Familiariatio! "ith OA#

• *fcial Airline +ide 4*A+5 is agloal 2ight inormation and datasoltions com$any or the $assenger

aviation% air cargo logistics andsiness travel markets. It ringstogether yers and sellers o air

travel and trans$ort throgh themanagement and distrition oairline $rodct inormation6 the

s$$ly o cor$orate travel $lanning

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Familiariatio! "ith OA#

• *A+ o7ers a range o data and analyticaltools that can hel$ s$$ort the needs ooth $assenger and cargo o$erations

teams. *A+ s$$lies 2ight inormation tothe world3s leading +loal 8istritionSystems 9+8S:% e-$ortals and hostedairline reservations systems. In addition

we have a $ortolio o *A+ randed travel$lanning services which reach a lcrativegloal adience o re;ent travellers.

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Familiariatio! "ith OA#

• *A+ have years o e'$erience in the com$ilationand analysis o aviation data and can give anairline3s $lanning teams accrate acts and resltsto make decision making easier and ;icker. *A+

o7ers a range o soltions that can hel$ yoma'imi<e these ene)ts. It is elieved CstomerService is a vital $art o any airline3s o$erations.*A+ can $rovide soltions to s$$ort yor service

o7ering and increase the aility o $assengersto access inormation remotely. *A+ is at theinterace etween airline com$anies and 2ightticket selling systems.

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Familiariatio! "ith OA#

•  The *A+ dataase contains the 2ightschedles o all airline com$anies that smittheir schedles to *A+. This 2ight dataase

contains crrent and detailed inormationaot $ast and $lanned 2ights% es$eciallyty$es o aircrat and cargo or seat ca$acities.

 The $rocess or acce$tance o schedles in

the dataase is as ollows= Airlines send their2ight schedles to *A+ in intervals that theydetermine 9daily% weekly or monthly% etc.:.

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Familiariatio! "ith OA#

•  The service is ree o charge orairlines. The enticement or theairline com$anies to smit their

2ight schedles comes rom theassociated marketing vehicle ortheir 2ight ca$acities.

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O$%ial Airli!e #&ide 'OA#(

• *A+ o$erates gloally in three vertical sectors=Aviation% Cargo and Travel. The S$ecialtiesincldes= Aviation 8ata% Travel (lanning Tools%Aviation Analysis% (assenger and Cargo >light

Schedles. *A+ holds a readth o aviation% cargoand travel related content and is est known or itsairline schedles dataase. This eeds the world3sgloal distrition systems and travel $ortals% and

drives the internal systems o many airlines% airtrafc control systems% aircrat manactrers%air$ort $lanners and government agencies. #very

ten seconds a 2ight is $dated on the *A+ system.

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O$%ial Airli!e #&ide 'OA#(

•  The *A+ contains inormation aot2ight schedles and re;encies orairlines throghot the world. The

*A+ incldes inormation like=

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 The *A+ contains inormation aot 2ightschedles and re;encies or airlines throghot

the world. The *A+ incldes inormation like=

 – Air Carrier- Indicates the airline that o$erates the serviceetween the air$ort $airs.

 – *rigin Air$ort - The originating $oint o the 2ight.

 – 8estination Air$ort - The end$oint o the 2ight.


Airtime - Time s$ent in air. – +rond time - Time s$ent on the grond inclding waiting

and transer times at air$orts.

 – Seats - Nmer o availale seats in the 2ight.

 – 8istance - >light distance in miles.

 – >re;ency - Nmer o 2ights etween the origin anddestination dring the considered time interval.

 – Aircrat ty$e - The name and model o aircrat that was2own etween the origin and destination air$orts.

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Three letter Cit) a!dAir*ort Code

•  The )rst & letters o the city

• & letters taken rom the city and?orstate

• & letters $artially derived rom thecity name or the air$ort name.

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Cities + Co&!tries a!d theirCodes

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Carrier A!d Airli!e Codes

•  The airline code nmer orms the)rst three digits o the docmentnmer shown on the $assenger

ticket and e'cess aggage ticket.Some ma!or international carrier andAirline codes are given in the

ollowing tale.

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Carrier A!d Airli!e Codes

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In-Class Assignment "

• @ist down the ma!or cities% air$ortsand their three letter codes in


•  @ist down the Carrier and AirlineCodes o all airlines o$erating rom


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Assignment "