airborne ebola, blood red moon and comets

Ebola, Blood Moons and returning, resurrecting Cometary Sun-God Archetypes

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** UPDATED OCTOBER 20 ** The 3rd and Final part to a small segment of a larger thesis, involving some form of a pathogen, possible cometary incursions at a future time, and Siberia as a location of interest. Do please refer to other presentations for a more detailed synopsis of where the author is leading to a conclusion. It is hoped you, the viewer, have enjoyed these powerpoints and hope you share them far and wide as you see fit. And best luck to all in your endeavours.


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Ebola, Blood Moons and returning, resurrecting Cometary Sun-God Archetypes

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As a premise to start Part III of this thesis, the author would like to point at the underlying theory to why conditions and situations presented herein should be

considered. Whether you, the viewer, have pre-conceived ideas of the occult and such other controversial topics, that is ok. But you need to at least recognise that there are hidden Ones behind the ‘World System’ you currently operate within

(which is an Artificial Operating System or AOS) and there are also many, many public officials, MP’s, directors and corporate directors and managers that also truly believe and devote their energy, time, money and their very lives and existence to

complete a primary agenda and to emplace ideas and control systems in place that are borne from other-worldly literature, ancient, occult knowledge and philosophical

understanding of nature and its processes that is not known to many. This presentation includes references to cosmology and astrological phenomenon, as well

as news articles which are or have been deemed transient or connected on the Earthly plane via the media during this period.

It is hoped you, the viewer, enjoy and above all else, that you contemplate some of the logical reasoning and connections that are being formulated herein. It is just a perspective as to what may occur and why, based on many years researching on

numerous subject matter and various fields of study.

So, let us begin and discover where this Ebola situation may be leading towards…

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At the beginning of the presentation back in Part I, the phenomenon of Blood

Moons was highlighted. Not only was there a Blood Moon, but 9 days later, there was also another cosmological

event that occurred in April – a Grand Cross Alignment on April 23

This is also the period when Ebola began its march upon West African

nations Guinea and Sierra Leone

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“I think the Cardinal T Square of 1344 is particularly significant since it shows the beginning of the fake money ruling the world and the elites holding power over the masses by creating debt. The cross also fell around 13º of the Cardinal signs as it does this year.” (previous slide)

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On August 27, the WHO released news that the DRC had an outbreak which may

or may not be the same Zaire strain

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This was the 1st mention of significant infected numbers reaching 20,000, but those figures are still tame. The numbers will be much higher and that was stated some months back in Part II, of which this is a continuation of.

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The Sunshine Project (wonderful occult title – Sun/light symbolism) was a project which investigated a number of potential weaponised pathogens and where Bio-safety Lab

containments are present in the USA, as it expects one of three possible variants of Ebola, or another “respiratory viral pathogen” presently not accounted for to enter the borders.

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One thing should be noted here as it has been observed. The WHO updates are, over time, becoming more and more vague and confusing in the way they are

constantly re-defining symptoms, who is infected, possibly infected, suspected to be possibly infected (based on some obscure finding, situation or cause) and they are

not being congruent in the way they are presenting the statistics and their own conclusion and recommendations NOT to stop flights in and out of infected


The WHO and CDC also still continues to state this current strain of Ebola is NOT Airborne and ONLY human-to-human contact transmission

One to watch

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No matter what ‘vaccine’ is promoted, people need to utterly understand and recognise that animal studies are all well and good, but those studies never quite translate

within a man or woman’s fleshy conscious body. We are more than simply similar to

apes and mice. We await the winner for this contest…it’s possible there is real treatment for Ebola (Nano-Silver), but whether it will be

made available is another matter

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Marburg Virus has been the focus of weaponisation for many decades, especially for airborne transmission in biological warfare. Other virus strains tended to kill the host too quickly and allow the pathogenicity to spread efficiently. However, Rift Valley Fever is also a virus that has shown potentiality for being aerosolised for infection, in the above case, rats (October 9, 1991) and it is believed that Ebola is

also now (or was ab initio) Airborne (as will be shown in coming slides)

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And, back in 1984, studies also revealed another pathogen, Lassa Fever Virus can also be transmitted via aerosolisation over significant distances with

relatively small numbers of PFU (plague-forming units). Lassa Fever Virus is not Ebola. However, Ebola has the ability to mutate and ‘incorporate’ other genetic material due to polymorphisms and environmental pressures.

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This study demonstrates that Pigs are susceptible to infection from Reston Ebola Virus, making it a problem for Pig stocks and their potential as hosts or reservoirs. This may only

be relevant for the United Nations of America, formerly the United States of America.

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Typically, human beings take advantage of dire situations and it was shown above how an internet hacker virus was linked to the WHO site. It was also curiously

called “Zeus”, the Planet Jupiter, the God of Thunder and an ancient archetype

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Nigeria has now begun the slow burn with increasing numbers …

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As a paradox, the ‘hunters moon’ or ‘harvest moon’ isn’t evident in Africa.

News about future famine, food shortages and economic pressures are not conducive to a ‘harvest’ time – In fact,

it’s 180 degrees the other way.

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1,900 deaths yesterday – today, deaths pass 2,000. And it’s purely direct contact that is causing the numbers to rise to significantly. Not airborne at all? Not possible?

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As of September 9th, America is still importing apparent affected patients into the USA so the chances of losing containment at some point is rising by the day…

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The Media are already softening up the populace for some form of outbreak by highlighting transmission of virus via fomites (cups, toilets, handrails, ect). Sadly, soap and water isn’t quite a safe defence against contracting Ebola which may be

now (or may eventually become) Airborne. The office, universities, factories, cramped trains and hospitals are probably the worst environs to be in should Ebola decide to make a guest appearance in one.

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Nigeria claims to have Ebola under control and USA has its 4th near miss.

How long before one those 477 contacts slip through containment, or one patient

infects a doctor in a US hospital?

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A Patient tested negative in Eldoret town and was discharged, and the same day, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf convenes a special meeting titled ‘Ebola: Can we avoid a Global Pandemic’. The time window for

containing this virus is running down. Should it escape Africa, it is not known

what behaviour Ebola will take.

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Of course, the Ebola outbreak is severely compromising the infrastructure of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone, and as cash is being channeled into the region via U.N organs (as

expected), more cash will be required for supplies, PPE, bio-hazmat suits and other provisions needed to aid the containment. This then becomes a vacuum as this situation sucks finance

from other places and negates what some call ‘economies’. Instead of being productive, nations begin a reversal into a non-productive decline as much needed financial support is sucked away into the black hole of managing the administrative costs of the UN SYSTEM

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..all of which leads to these articles from the first few slides – 9/11, the number 13 and cosmic cycles .. And maybe some future cometary bodies can be expected.

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It would appear the authorities would like things to resume ‘as

normal’, including the re-opening of Schools on September 22. But,

as thousands head to England and other locations to attend

colleges and Universities, it’s possible observing this situation post-22nd September could be useful, should this proposal

indeed become a bad decision at some future time.

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At last, the Medes (Media) finally admit what a lot of minds have been considering – that Ebola and the

possibility of Airborne transmissibility is real. The 3 week window closes at the end of September and

the roll up to October 8th (and the next Blood Moon) will be interesting to follow, now this revelation has been offered to the public after too long in the shadows. Let us see what develops in the next 4 weeks. 22 Million

potential victims = Airborne?

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Please do pop back for updates. The author may add slides from time to time, but other projects need to be constructed and this may become too large to continue, if these projected numbers come to fruition at a future time. But, this is all leading to October, a very pivotal month for numerous

reasons, so do pay attention to what occurs Geo-politically, militarily and economically.

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As the ‘blood moon’ approaches (the 2nd of 4), we are still watching

the symbolic ‘sea of blood’ portrayed by poppies expanding. It

is not known why a poppy became a symbol of a ‘hero’, when

Afghanistan is a region where opiate production from poppies is protected

by soldiers. And, as the article suggests, the proceeds never seem to go where they are intended to go. Another fine opportunity to create a

fund under the guise of ‘humanitarian aid’. Yes, The ‘world’

is truly upside-down..

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It always a curious thing when children in “war zones” (or commonly known as ‘theatres of

war’ as most ‘wars’ are controlled) Syria, are ‘accidentally’ given tainted vaccines by the

very organisation, The UN (and its organs, which happens to claim to be the world’s

caring, humanitarian philanthropic entity for goodwill and of course, Global/World

citizenship on the happy ship UN), seems to do more harm than good, ‘accidentally’ of

course. Oops.. So sorry!

Another example of this was a recent ‘accident’ in Belgium when a certain amount of

live Polio virus ‘accidentally’ spilled into a public water way. No one is punished and no one seems to have a problem with ‘accidents’

like these which endanger the public on a scale that can be underestimated

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This kind of militarised “quarantining” for 3 days, or more, will be expanded should the current virus decide to turn more virulent or

happenchance acquires a flight into a European city. 30,000 volunteers – 3,000 troops sent by Obama – 3 days quarantines. The 3’s are all over this (refer to ’33’ presentations to see more)

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For those viewers that have been following this and other topical articles and presentations on this site, you will

have seen how the medical and health system is promoting the usage of STATINS – for ALL age groups -

here we see admission that STATINS (namely the example here is the NHS choice, LIPITOR/

ATORVASTATIN) cause side effects such as OBESITY, and yet, because STATINS promote or are a causation of it (OBESITY, i.e. Weight gain), the patient

inherits another problem that they themselves have to remedy. Talk about being poisoned twice. Consider the


 "The cause of most disease is in the poisonous drugs physicians superstitiously

give in order to effect a cure."  Charles E. Page, M.D.

 "The person who takes medicine must recover twice, once from the disease and

once from the medicine." William Osler, M.D.

"Drugs never cure disease. They merely hush the voice of nature's protest, and pull down the danger signals she erects along the pathway of

transgression. Any poison taken into the system has to be reckoned with later on even though it

palliates present symptoms. Pain may disappear, but the patient is left in a worse

condition, though unconscious of it at the time." Daniel. H. Kress, M.D.

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Thomas E Levy – Vitamin C - research

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Any viewer reading this should feel slightly relieved that there is a NATURAL remedy for any possible Ebola infection by using Vitamin C – Sometimes intravenously in high dosages is or may be required. This will be discussed further on

through the presentation. Vitamin C IS a solution for pathogens and viruses, but the media won’t tell you this.

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“to date, not a single virus has been tested that is not inactivated (killed) by a large enough dose of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid or Ascorbate). Many other antioxidants have similar virucidal

(virus-inactivating/killing) effects, but Vitamin C appears uniquely to be of greatest potency and clinical efficacy..”

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WHO and CDC are taking longer and longer releasing up-to-date numbers for cases and deaths. Considering the urgency of the matter, it is perplexing why it is taking 10 days to update the numbers. 2

reasons suggest themselves – a) the numbers are much bigger than declared and therefore they are unreported, or not included or b) the cases are increasing too fast to count and by reason of ‘fear-

mongering’, the numbers are being slowly re-defined as the System struggles to keep people informed, but also keep the scenario ‘vague’.

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Supplemental Section: Studies on Ebola and possible protectoral genes FUT2 and CCR5 Delta

32 allele

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Most people believe that Ebola was only ever detected in 1976 in Africa. But, as can be seen from this study, a long-distance travelling fruit bat managed to infect a cave with European bats. Ebola has been in Europe also, mainly,

Spain, France, and Portugal in 2002. Marburg Haemorrhagic Fever (MARV) was first discovered in Marburg, Germany in 1967 and linked to Uganda as the source.

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Author Summary

A novel filovirus, provisionally named Lloviu virus (LLOV), was detected during the investigation of Miniopterus schreibersii (bat) die-offs in Cueva del Lloviu in southern

Europe.LLOV is genetically distinct from other marburgviruses and ebolaviruses and is the first

filovirus detected in Europe that was not imported from an endemic area in Africa.

Filoviruses, amongst the most lethal of primate pathogens, have only been reported as natural infections in sub-Saharan Africa and the Philippines. Infections of bats with

the ebolaviruses and marburgviruses do not appear to be associated with disease. Here we report identification of genetically distinct filovirus in dead insectivorous bats in

caves in Spain.

MARV and EBOV are proposed to have diverged 7,100–7,900 years ago [16]. The inclusion of LLOV and use of Bayesian methods suggests a most recent common ancestor for all filoviruses ,155,500 years ago (95% HPD of 87,375–249,630 years) and divergence of EBOVs and LLOV approximately 68,400 years ago (95% HPD of 38,857–109,460 years).

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The CCR5-Delta 32 deletion obliterates the CCR5 chemokine and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)–1 co-receptor on lymphoid cells, leading to strong resistance against HIV-1 infection

and AIDS. A genotype survey of 4,166 individuals revealed a cline of CCR5- Delta 32 allele frequencies of 0%–14% across Eurasia, whereas the variant is absent among native African,

American Indian, and East Asian ethnic groups

we estimate the origin of the CCR5-Delta 32–containing ancestral haplotype to be »700 years ago, with an estimated range of 275–1,875 years. The geographic cline of CCR5-Delta 32

frequencies and its recent emergence are consistent with a historic strong selective event (e.g., an epidemic of a pathogen that, like HIV-1, utilizes CCR5), driving its frequency upward in

ancestral Caucasian populations.

The CCR5 gene product encodes a 7-transmembrane Gprotein–coupled chemokine receptor that, with CD4, serves as an entry port for primary human immunodeficiency virus (HIV–1)

strains that infect macrophages and monocytes (Alkhatib et al. 1996; Choe et al. 1996; Deng et al. 1996; Doranz et al. 1996; Dragic et al. 1996). In mid-1996, several groups described a 32-bp

deletion mutation that interrupts the coding region of the CCR5 chemokine-receptor locus on human chromosome 3p21 (Dean et al. 1996; Liu et al. 1996; Samson et al. 1996). The CCR5-Delta

32 mutation, which leads to truncation and loss of the receptor on lymphoid cells, was remarkable because homozygous individuals had nearly complete resistance to HIV-1 infection despite repeated exposure, and HIV-1 infected heterozygotes for the mutation delay the onset of

acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) 2–3 years longer than do CCR5-+/+ individuals

Dating the Origin of the CCR5-D32 AIDS-Resistance Allele by the Coalescence of


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The gene that codes for CCR5 is situated on human chromosome 3. Various mutations of the CCR5 gene are known that result in damage to the expressed receptor. One of the mutant forms of the gene is CCR5-delta32, which results

from deletion of a particular sequence of 32 base-pairs. This mutant form of the gene results in a receptor so damaged that it no longer functions. But surprisingly, this does not appear to be harmful:

‘It’s highly unusual,’ says Dr. Stephen J. O’Brien of the National Institutes of Health in Washington D.C. ‘Most genes, if you knock them out, cause serious diseases like cystic fibrosis or sickle cell anemia or diabetes . But CCR5-delta32

is rather innocuous to its carriers. The reason seems to be that the normal function of CCR5 is redundant in our genes; that several other genes can perform the same function.’

Moreover, this mutation can be advantageous to those individuals who carry it. The virus HIV-1 normally enters a cell via its CCR5 receptors, especially in the initial stage of a person becoming infected. But in people with receptors

crippled by the CCR5-delta32 mutation, entry of HIV by this means is blocked, providing immunity to AIDS for homozygous carriers and greatly slowing progress of the disease in heterozygous carriers

CCR5-delta32: a very beneficial mutation by Andrew Lamb

Up to 820% of ethnic western Europeans carry this mutation, which is rare or absent in other 9–11ethnic groups. This suggests that the CCR5-delta32 mutation was strongly selected for sometime during European history . Some

researchers have proposed that the 12plague epidemics that repeatedly swept Europe during the Middle Ages were responsible. However, recent experiments in mice suggest that Yersinia pestis, the cause of plague, 13–15can infect

mammalian cells by other means and so some scientists have proposed that smallpox, which is caused by the variola virus, was the selection agent that historically caused CCR5-delta32 carriers to proliferate in Europe

13. Elvin, et al., Ambiguous role of CCR5 in Y. pestis infection, Nature 430(6998):417, 22 July 2004

12.Duncan, et al., Reappraisal of the historical selective pressures for the CCR5-delta32 mutation, Journal of Medical Genetics

8.Liu, et al., Homozygous defect in HIV-1 co-receptor accounts for resistance of some multiply-exposed individuals to HIV-1 infection,

9.Zimmerman, et al., Inherited resistance to HIV-1 conferred by an inactivating mutation in CC chemokine receptor 5: studies in populations with contrasting clinical phenotypes, defined racial background, and quantified risk,

10.Stephens, et al., Dating the origin of the CCR5-del32 AIDS-resistance allele by the coalescence of haplotypes, American Journal of Human Genetics

11.Majumder and Dey, Absence of the HIV-1 protective del-ccr5 allele in most ethnic populations of India, European Journal of Human Genetics

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Analysis of Ebola Glycoprotein Sequences from Strains of Varying Lethality - Biochem 218, Spring 2002, Tammy Doukas

(17 page pdf)

VII. Conclusions

The extremely high variability in lethality of the different Ebola virus species and strains has not yet been attributed to a specific cause. Identification and analysis of sequence variations of these strains may provide

clues to the variability in viral function of such closely related and highly conserved strains. Secreted and structural glycoprotein precursors, the most well-characterized protein sequences of the Ebola virus

family, and the only proteins of which all nine identified strains have been sequenced, were studied due to the known importance of glycoproteins in infections by other viruses.

Variability among the GP1 region of the structural glycoprotein precursor sequences may possibly be important for Ebola disease progression, as processing of GP1 in other viruses has been involved in

viral pathogenicity. Likewise, the higher variability of the C terminal region of the secreted glycoprotein precursor sequences may provide a clue to the pathogenicity of the different strains of

Ebola, where the two most lethal strains were found to contain a Delta-peptide that was not present in the less lethal or non-human lethal strains.

Zaire Mayinga and Zaire-95 are the two most lethal forms of the Ebola virus, killing approximately 85% of all known infected humans. Zaire Gabon, Sudan Boniface, and Sudan Maleo-79 are less

lethal, killing between 53 and 66% of its victims. Only two cases of Ivory Coast infection are known, and one person survived. Reston, which is lethal to monkeys, has infected several humans (as shown by the presence of antibodies), but no human deaths have occurred from this form of the virus.

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As the media have promoted endlessly, patients are being held ONLY for up to 21 days. According to the study above in 2011, 25 days should be implemented for the Zaire subtype. We are not seeing this at all. Someone held for 21 days, then given the all clear may still express and shed the virus 4 days later

or in between. Add this to the 90 day exposure for infection via sexual penetration, this is going to be troublesome to contain post-infection almost as much as pre-infection.

A proper quarantine should last 40 days.

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“A more empirical computation that distinguished between a minimum and a maximum incubation period was carried out by Dowell et al . The minimum incubation period was calculated from the death of the

index case to the onset of fever in the secondary case. The mean came out to be 7 days, and the range was from 1 day to 15 days. The maximum incubation period was calculated from the onset of fever in the

index case to the onset of fever in the secondary case and the mean came out to be 17 days with the range going from 9 days to 25 days. Because infections occur between the onset of fever and the day of

death, the mean incubation period should lie between 7 and 17 days.”

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“the median duration of the early phase of illness at home was 4 days (range, 0-9 days)

“the median duration of the late (hospital) phase of the illness from death or discharge was 6 days (range, 2-13 days)

“The minimum incubation period, defined as the median duration of the interval from the death of the primary case to the onset of fever in the first secondary household case, was 7 days (range, 1–15).

“The maximum incubation period, defined as the median duration of the interval from the onset of fever in the primary case to the onset of fever in the first secondary case, was 17 days (range, 9–

25). The median duration of illness, defined as the time from onset of fever to death, was 10 days.”

Incubation period

Early clinical phase

Late clinical phase


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Preparedness for Prevention of Ebola Virus Disease Eung Soo HwangDepartment of Microbiology and Immunology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, and Institute of Endemic Diseases, Seoul National University Medical Research Center, Seoul, Korea

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E. Implementation of international health regulations and related provisions

8.12 Contracting States shall comply with the pertinent provisions of the International Health Regulations (2005) of the World Health Organization.

8.13 Contracting States shall take all possible measures to have vaccinators use the Model International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis, in accordance with Article

36 and Annex 6 of the International Health Regulations (2005), in order to assure uniform acceptance.

8.14 Each Contracting State shall make arrangements to enable all aircraft operators and agencies concerned to make available to passengers, sufficiently in advance of departure, information concerning the vaccination requirements of the countries of destination, as well as the Model International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis conforming to

Article 36 and Annex 6 of the International Health Regulations (2005).


Article 36 and Annex 6 of the IHR 2005 needs to be consulted to ascertain exactly what all of the above means in reality.


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What the document is confirming is that should a health emergency be declared regarding airspace disruption, flights can be re-directed and special measures/efforts will be enacted. This may include mandatory vaccinations before being released to fly again, or an entire

craft may be quarantined upon landing. A central Agency is also initiated…


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This Official page from the CDC has an unbelievable contradiction. It states ‘Ebola is spread through direct contact with blood or bodily fluids (such as saliva or urine) of an infected person or animal or through contact with objects that have been contaminated with the blood or other fluids of an infected person’…. But, when it

comes to cleaning the Aircraft, it makes mention of aerosolisation.

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“While he was born in St. Louis, Missouri, he frequently travels to Africa where his West African-styled vocals mixed with East Coast and Southern beats are hugely popular. In 2011, Forbes ranked him fifth in its list of the most powerful celebrities in Africa, where he has his own

charity for underprivileged children called Konfidence Foundation. He also owns a diamond mine in South Africa. The 41-year-old, whose

hits include 'Sweetest Girl' and 'Smack That', was not available to confirm or deny the accusations and nobody from his publicity team

have yet responded to calls.”

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YOLO - “You only live once’’, right. Good job

Ebola isn’t Airborne yet and ONLY contractable

via direct contact…

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Be advised, Fluenz is the most concerning out of ALL the influenza vaccines. It as a live ‘attenuated’

virus in it and it will compromise the immune system.

Having a compromised (artificially stimulated) immune system is a bad idea when considering

Ebola typically likes immunosuppressed people with weaker immune systems. Take this ‘vaccine’ at your own risk. You waive all rights to claims for damages caused by vaccines and the vaccine makers take no

liability for damage incurred by them either. ALWAYS read the leaflets and the ingredients.

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As this presentation has focused on Blood Moons, sacrifice and October, this article seems fitting as

the Hajj ritual begins. Seems a great time to share some viruses whilst masses of people are all

gathered in one place.

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This company, Chimerix (sounds similar to Chimera) may have funding of $81 million in total for this new, FDA- “fast-tracked therapeutic” to join the other vaccines such as ZMAPP, T-701 Favipiravir, ect.

Most if not all of the directors have links to all the major vaccine makers GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi Pasteur, Merck, Gilead, AmGem amongst others, and have interests in venture capital and funding


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It would be of no surprise to the author if a sudden Ebola case just happened to occur in Ghana. When the UN and its Organs enter nations, they usually always bring a pathogen with them (as was the case of Haiti - post Earthquake - and the cholera epidemic which Haitians claim the UN brought with them –

do some research on that case for context). Mali is still a contender for a new case due to the Rotarix/Rotateq Rabies vaccine millions of Malians have been given through United Nations Vaccine Programs over the last 5-8 years . This is more probable in 2015, but may make an appearance late 2014.

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It is observable that the US ‘authorities’ are not taking this variant of Ebola (whatever it is now) seriously at all. Americans should be concerned about the real situation that can emerge from this situation. The delay in decontaminating the home of the infected victim was unforgivable considering the lethality of this strain.

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The author asks the question again: Is this NOT airborne or able to be aerosolised? Either way, Ebola is carried via water droplets (such as coughing, sneezing, ect) and Ebola has been

identified in most of the bodily fluids such as tear ducts, sweat/perspiration, saliva, mucus, nasal passage) so the question is a kind of self-answering postulation. You, the viewer, can be the judge on

what you concur to be your truth as you are going to have to become your own doctor, to some degree. The health system seems to be very ill-equipped and they seem to be only interested in palliative treatments and therapeutics, and Vitamin C intravenously is being ignored by the


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For a children’s TV show, the subject matter and why a character like Marge would give a child, Bart, such a book at bedtime seems out of place. The Simpsons are known to be more ‘adult’ in the material covered

and most children (the target audience) would miss the subtle nuances and inferences that adults don’t.

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Take a look at this picture very carefully. There is someone pointing a gun at another’s head, in the name of ‘safety and security’. This is not the case. This could be deemed to be a mind-controlling procedure to

acclimatise people to this action and to normalise this practice. There is massive psychological ramifications when people point at the head with a device that appears to resemble a fire-arm. ID

cards and Biometrics will be annexed into travel arrangements very soon. There is another agenda wrapped up within the Ebola pathogen. Ebola should also be viewed as a Social Financial Weapon for


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Project Bioshield was created by George Bush Jr. as a procurement arm of the Department of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services to acquire products for promising

vaccines and ‘therapeutics’ in the case of weaponised pathogens released upon a population.

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Two observations should be noted. 1) The UN are not releasing true figures and 2) They still insist Ebola is NOT airborne

presently. This is the biggest mistake. Being truthful with the public now, today, will help temper the anger later. But the author feels the

Media do not want this information public right now, for reasons unknown.

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This man is 33 years old. Kent Brantly is also 33 when he became infected. Now, it appears Kent will be giving the other 33 year old reincarnation of a Buddhist his blood serum with Ebola antibodies. Do notice the odd occult symbolism over the right

eye. Just a casual pose?

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Now would be a prudent time to address some of the timelines and infection dates that would pre-suppose a larger problem for the Americas.

An outbreak in America was predicted months ago, along with Paris, Italy, Brussels,

Belgium (Polio) and ‘UK’.

The dates of October 24-30 are plausible dates for the secondary cases (and cases that

emanate from them) post-death of the 1st infectee, Thomas Duncan

As Ebola has a secondary power and purpose as a financial weapon, when a major AIRPORT has a breach of containment, the World markets will react and investors will

have to reconsider their port folios, and franchised businesses that operate within most airports will be instantly affected. All

contingency planning revolves around finances and the continuation of the flow of

currency that enables the system to stay ‘charged’. When the cash flow begins to

decrease (and maybe even reduce, eventually. into a trickle), investors, vulture capitalists

and the like will move their interests and the ship will begin listing…

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It would appear that Dr. Otto Javier wore a respiratory mask and gloves, so he may

have evaded infection. But it would be prudent to keep an observing eye on primary health care workers at this

hospital. It is not a Bio Safety Level 4 facility and could be a future harbinger of

continuing infection as it has not been closed or quarantined in any way

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The National Harm Service is NOT ready or even equipped to deal with Ebola. Unless

facilities begin to stockpile Ascorbic Acid ready to be intravenously administered, ‘UK’ is as unprepared as every other nation seems to be

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At this juncture in time, the author is highly perplexed at the above paragraph and the words employed.

“The virus does not spread through casual contact”. What exactly is their definition of ‘casual’?

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This seems to be the overall agenda – herd immunity (wonderful term!) – It would appear the system is allowing dissemination of the virus to numerous locations to give the appearance that it is spreading beyond

control – and to some degree, this is what is occurring. The promise of a vaccine and a mass immunisation campaign is what the media are insistent upon reiterating again and again and again.

What about Ascorbic Acid as a remedy?

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This 21-day quarantine was mentioned months ago (see previous presentations) and that it was NOT sufficient enough time to truly monitor the transmissibility of the Zaire pathogen. Quarantine stems from when ships were held at ports for 40 days employed in the time of the black plague in 1665 in


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04/13/23175On the Quarantine Period for Ebola Virus - October 14, 2014 · Research - Charles N. Haas1 1 Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering,

Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

While the 21 day quarantine value currently used may have arose from reasonable interpretation of earlyoutbreak data, this work suggests a reconsideration is in order and that 21 days may not be sufficiently

protective to public health. Further, outbreaks such as the current West Africa EBOV are presenting anopportunity for careful collection of data sufficient to revise and update (perhaps in an adaptive fashion) suchrecommendations. It may be that incubation time itself is a function of intensity and nature of contact, which

may also need to be considered. The estimate of appropriate incubation time would need to explicitly considerthe costs and benefits involved in various alternatives, which would incorporate explicit computations from

transmission modeling.

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Back in April 22-23, 2014, the viewer may recall that a new variant or clade of Ebola was discovered. Whatever the strain used to be before that time changed in April. As far as most people are concerned,

Ebola has already adapted and polymorphosised into a new type of Ebola Zaire strain. The author encourages those viewers to revisit Part I of these presentations (and others) for a larger fraction of the total picture that is currently emerging. Maybe people have forgotten this fact that the outbreak Zaire strain has

already adapted very early on (within 4 months of the 2-year old root patient from December 2013)

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The “Rosetta” mission seems to be highlighted and promoted as the seminal event in further understanding cometary bodies. As this specific comet is passing past Mars, the archaic God of War, it makes for an interesting coincidental happening worth keeping one eye on. Comets have been historically linked to harbingers of plagues, illnesses, losses at war and

endemically bad omens to churchly and pious figures (as was the case in 1664/5 with Daniel Defoe’s account)

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CFR = 56.75%

CFR = 58.3%

CFR = 35.2%

CFR = 49.47%

Mean CFR = 50.08%

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Nigeria is currently optimistic about containing their current outbreak. If the incubation period is longer than 21 days (as recent studies have emerged) the last patient to be confirmed and isolated was October 4 (October 9 was last data point). Today is October 20. Now, count down 40 days. No cases should be appearing between now and December 1 if Nigeria has truly contained the virus. Time will tell. They may have inadvertently released 852 possible transmissible infectees.

Ebola is still carried in the testes for between 60-90 days, so Ebola via sexual transmission cannot and should not be ruled out

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Please do refer to past presentations and Part I for this sexual transmission data from studies. The media is

informing the populace of this route of transmission but the author has never heard of any post-Ebola infected

questions relating to sexual encounters whilst travelling to infected nations. That is still a form of ‘contact’ and people

don’t usually offer that kind of private information. They may omit declaring such things due to circumstances. Nor are they even being asked that particular question either.

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04/13/23185Now, onto the “Vitamin C” Ascorbic Acid studies …

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Vitamins are organic compounds which have to be obtained from the diet, either because an organism does not have the enzymes necessary to synthesize them or because it cannot produce them in

sufficient quantities. Humans cannot synthesize vitamins A, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folate), B12 (cobalamin), E and K but are able to

synthesize some vitamin B3 (niacin) and D. The last vitamin required by humans, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), is a special case in that this organic compound is synthesized by the large majority of vertebrate and invertebrate species. Interestingly, the vertebrate organ used to

synthesize vitamin C changed twice from the kidney to the liver during evolution, once in birds and once in mammals. Whereas vitamin C is produced by the kidneys of fishes, amphibians, reptiles, and older bird orders, it is produced by the liver of more recent bird orders and of


This switch to a larger organ in more active species has been interpreted as being the result of selective pressures to maintain biochemical homoeostasis under more stressful conditions. This

is reflected by the fact that the human daily recommended intake for vitamin C (60 mg) is the highest among all vitamins

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04/13/23188On the Genetic Etiology of Scurvy - Irwin Stone

Man’s liver lacks the last enzyme in the series needed to convert glucose to ascorbic acid . The lack of this one enzyme, L-gulonolactone oxidase, completely blocks the synthesis even though the human liver contains the

other intermediate enzymes in the series (Chatterjee et al., 1961).

The loss of the gene for the synthesis of the active enzyme, L-gulonolactone oxidase , probably took place in some remote Primate ancestor of Man by a conditional lethal mutation (Gluecksohn-Waelsch, 1963), possibly some fifty

million years ago. It may be possible to better pinpoint where in Time this mutation occurred if the author’s suggestion for examining various members of the Primate order for this enzyme system , is followed (Stone, 1965).

The reason that this unfavorable mutation did not eradicate the mutated animals was the presence of small amounts of ascorbic acid in their available foodstuffs, adequate to insure their survival.

Man has suffered from this genetic defect throughout his entire existence and has been absolutely dependent upon his food supply to provide him with marginal amounts of this important physiological substance that his liver fails to synthesize. He was never able to obtain in his foods amounts of ascorbic acid that his liver should

have been producing, if we judge this by the amounts synthesized by another mammal, the rat, endowed with the complete enzyme system. The unstressed normal rat synthesizes ascorbic acid at the rate of 70 mg per Kg. of

body weight per day (Salomon and Stubbs, 1961) and the stressed rat increases this to 215 mg. per Kg. per day (Conney et al.,1961). This is equivalent to the production of 4.9 to 15.0 gm. of ascorbic acid per day calculated to the 70 Kg. weight of an adult human. Because of the meager amounts of the unstable ascorbic acid in foods, it is just physically impossible to ingest enough weight of food material to supply these gram quantities of ascorbic


Bourne (1949) also suggested that the currently recommended mg. per day intakes may be wide of the optimal amount and perhaps should be measured in gm. per day instead. He stated “Perhaps it is normal for our blood and tissues always to be saturated with the vitamin and for large quantities to be flushing constantly through our urinary system and excreted in our sweat. We may find that continuous doses of vitamin C at this (high)

level over a considerable period of time may have pronounced and unequivocal anti-infective action ”.

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04/13/23189 Fifty Years of Research on Ascorbate and the Genetics of Scurvy:From a Better Flavored Beer To Homo Sapiens Ascorbicus

Irwin Stone, D.Sc.

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04/13/23190The first four papers describing the genetics of scurvy and the human "inborn error of

carbohydrate metabolism", Hypoascorbemia, appeared in the period 1965-1967. Hypoascorbemia is a potentially-fatal genetic liver-enzyme disease, a human birth defect caused by a defective gene in the human gene pool for the synthesis of the active enzyme protein, L-gulonolactone

oxidase (GLO). This defective gene appears to be present in 100 percent of the human population and is the biochemical reason that the human liver is unable to complete the normal stress-related mammalian biochemical conversion of blood sugar, glucose, into ascorbic acid.

This is an extremely vital biochemical pathway that proceeds normally and continuously throughout the lifetime of the non-Primate mammals carrying the intact gene for GLO, producing

large stress-related daily amounts of ascorbate in the liver, which is funnelled directly into the blood stream to give the necessary high blood and tissue levels of ascorbate required for the

maintenance of biochemical homeostasis throughout the body. Mammals with the intact gene for GLO also have an inherited biochemical feedback mechanism that increases the liver synthesis of

ascorbate in response to various stresses. This feedback mechanism was a great factor in assuring the survival and dominance of the Earth by the mammals during the past 165 million years of evolution.

Homo sapiens have paid a very high cost in deaths, disease and misery during the past few million years of evolution in trying to survive without the benefit of the intact gene for GLO. I regard Homo as our most endangered mammal, scheduled for extinction in the 21st Century from overpopulation pollution, unless humans take evolutionary destiny into their own hands and convert themselves into the robust

humansubspecies, Homo Sapiens Ascorbicus

I have been taking about 20 grams of ascorbate a day for many years which is over three hundred times the current RDA, enjoying full health during this time. In my 1983 paper on the effect of

megascorbate on Aging and Alzheimer's disease, I cite as shining examples of the value of this daily megascorbic regimen in maintaining a long healthy active, disease-free life: they are my long time

friends and colleagues, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, 91; Linus Pauling, 83; Frederick Klenner, 77; and myself, 77; all still working..

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I started publication of my megascorbic leukemia ideas in 1974. In 1975, as a result of my collaboration with my good friend, Wendell O. Belfield, D.V.M., we wrote a paper showing the need for and the good results obtained with megascorbic therapy in cats and dogs, even though they

had the intact gene for GLO. We found that cats and dogs were poor producers of daily ascorbate in their livers. They made about one-fifth the daily amount produced in other

mammals with the intact gene for GLO. For many years, Wendell had been independently using Megascorbics with great success in canine distemper (viral encephalitis) and in hip dysplasia

in large dogs. He also recently megascorbically solved the problem of cat leukemia, the number one killer of pet cats. He, like his counterparts in human medicine, has had his problems

with the veterinary medical establishment. His two books on dogs (1981) and cats (1983) are classics in maintaining these pets in good health.

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04/13/23193Due to the lack of L-gulonolactone oxidase, human is one of the few species not capable of synthesizing the chemically instable ascorbic acid (vitamin C) (Chatterjee et al.1961). This

mutational loss, which probably took place in a remote primate ancestor of man (Gluecksohn-Waelsch 1963), causes a dependency on dietary vitamin C sources, but can also be considered as

an advantage since ascorbic acid synthesis requires a lot of costly glucose reserves. On average, the human body loses approximately 3% of its vitamin C content per day, which is the

percentual daily loss corresponding with the first-order elimination process of vitamin C assuming no intake. This severely limits the disease-free and survival time when subjects are

on a diet poor in vitamin C, because this nutrient is a first-line antioxidant acting as a free radical scavenger. The half-life of ascorbic acid is approximately 16 days (Yung et al.1978). In

subjects without vitamin C intake, ascorbic acid is no longer detected in blood after 35–40 days (Willet 1998).

In 1939, a Harvard surgeon deliberately went on to a C-free diet, and although his blood vitamin level dropped rapidly, it was only after 12 weeks that he began to have feelings of fatigue (Crandon et al.

1940). In a larger British trial during World War II, it took 17–20 weeks for any signs to appear among 120 volunteers (No authors listed 1948). In a later trial using 4 American prisoners, using a

purified liquid diet, skin changes appeared after 8–13 weeks and gum changes in 5–27 weeks (Hodges et al. 1969). So, the clinical symptoms due to vitamin C deficiency develop very slowly.

In the early history of mankind, a successful mutation took place, which proved to be beneficial in terms of conservation of iron, although it had a major impact on vitamin C stability in vivo (Kamel

and ‘Umar 1975).

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What follows is a review, and abbreviation, a summary and a critique of the 27 scientific papers he (Fredrick Klenner) wrote. In the light of the recent developments and research in the use of Vitamin C, it is essential that the roots of its usage be reviewed. Briefly, Vitamin C does attenuate most virus infections by aiding the production of interferon , controls

many cancers, relieves some depression, modifies much pain and changes the course of many diseases, like multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, spider bites, the bites of poisonous insects and reptiles. The

watchword is, “If in doubt, give Vitamin C.” He inspired Linus Pauling and Irwin Stone toexpand the research on the great benefits of Vitamin C. Dr. Klenner died in 1984

General Remarks

He believed in the healing power of nature, but believed that natural remedies could enhance that power and were safer and usualiy more effective than drugs. Hippocrates said, “Of several remedies the

physician should choose the least sensational”. Vitamin C fills that criterion.

In 1948, he published his first paper on the use of large doses of Vitamin C in the treatment of virus diseases. In 1960, he realized, “Every head cold must be considered as a probable source of brain

pathology.” Hold on to this thought; it is significant for the understanding of diseases like multiple sclerosis.

He also felt—as do Archie Kalikarinos and Glen Dettman of Australia—that the dreaded Sudden Infant Death Syndrome was basically a Vitamin C deficiency. His maxim: the patient should “get large doses

of Vitamin C in all pathological conditions while the physician ponders the diagnosis.”

We have misled ourselves with the mistaken notion that all C was supposed to do was keep us from scurvy. If, however, we base our needs on the amounts other mammals manufacture with their

intact enzyme it comes to 2-4 grams daily in the unstressed condition. Under stress 70 kg of rats make 15 grams of C. [Burns; Salomon; Conney]

Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C - The Clinical Experiences of Frederick R. Klenner, M.D. abbreviated, sumarized and annotated by Lendon H. Smith, M.D.

2233 SW Market Street, Portland, Oregon 97201

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04/13/23195Can’t we accept the fact that we all have a genetic deficiency of the enzyme, L-gulonolactone

oxidase and have to take Vitamin C for health, even for life? [Burns,1959]Irwin Stone calls this human genetic lack, this inability, hypoascorbemia.

The point that Dr. Klenner is making: “The physiological requirements in man are no different from other mammals capable of carrying out this syntheses.” If one is anemic due to poor

iron intake, is it cheating to swallow iron tablets for a while? If you are hypoascorbemic because you cannot manufacture Vitamin C from sugar, extra glucose in your diet will not

help, you need to take Vitamin C(ascorbic acid).

He reports that one of the Pilgrim Fathers wrote to a friend in England in 1621: “Bring juice of lemon, and take it fasting. It is of good use.”

Scurvy develops slowly. Crandon (in 1940) found that the Vitamin C level of the blood plasma fell to zero for 90 days before there was obvious clinical evidence and that this was as long as *132

days before the first signs appeared. (*20 weeks is 140 days total)

It works as an oxidizing agent massive amounts, i.e., 5-150 grams, intravenously, for certain pathological conditions, if allowed to run in rapidly (20 gauge needle), acts as a “Flash Oxidizer” and may correct the condition in minutes. It can be a reducing agent. It neutralized toxins, viruses

and histamine. The more serious the condition, the more C is required. It appears that Vitamin C acts as a reducing agent, an oxidizing agent, an anticlotting agent, an antihistamine, and as an

anti-infective agent. He summarized the function of C in poliomyelitis:

1. Virus destruction.2. Dehydrates the brain and the spinal cord safely.

3. Supports and normalized the stressed adrenal glands.4. It preserves the lining of the central canal and maintains more regular spacing

and less crowding of ependymal cells (surface cells of the spinal cord).

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Ascorbic acid enters all cells. It “proceeds to take up the protein coats being manufactured by the virus nucleic acid, thus preventing the assembly of new virus units.” Cells expand, rupture and die, but there is no virus particles available to enter and infect new cells. If a virus has invaded a cell, the Vitamin C contributes to its breakdown to adenosine deaminase, which converts adenosine to


Purines are formed which are catabolized (broken down) and cannot be used to make morevirus nucleic acid. Viral nucleic acid has a protein coat which protects this parasite as it rides the blood or lymph highway to gain specific cell entry. [Larson] it is possible that if the ascorbic acid

can remove that protective protein coat in the blood stream or in the cells, thewhite cell phagocytes and immune globulin could then neutralize these vulnerable

virus particles.

I like this from Dr. Klenner: “Ascorbic acid also joins with the available virus protein,

making a new macromolecule which acts as the repressor factor.” (interferon?)Multiplication of new virus bodies is inhibited.

He summarizes the study of Lojkin, (1937), who discovered the inactivation of one virus was due to a specific intermediate product formed in the course of the oxidation of C but needed the

stimulation of copper ions. It is a peroxide and is decomposed as rapidly as it is formed. This study indicates why Vitamin C works better in the body and not the test tube. Every function of the body

requires enzymes, some vitamins and some minerals to act as coenzymes. If enough Vitamin C is supplied, the enzyme system that breaks down invading viruses and bacteria, will be able to do

its job properly.

Quote: “Unless the white blood cells are saturated with ascorbic acid,they are like soldiers without bullets.”

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04/13/23197Dr. Klenner concluded:

“The degree of neutralization in a virus infection will be in proportion to the concentration of the vitamin and the length of time which it is employed.”

This has been Dr. Klenner’s main complaint: failure to benefit from Vitamin C use isusually due to inadequate amounts being used for too short a period of time.

It acts as a respiratory catalyst, aiding cellular respiration by acting as a hydrogen transport. The liver has a better chance of detoxifying the blood stream of poisons, toxins, viruses and bacteria

if the plasma is saturated with Vitamin C. Fever, toxins and bacteria reduce the level of C. Therefore, Dr. Klenner theorizes, if a high level of C is maintained, all tissues return to normal

despite the fever and the bacteria; and because of its action “as a respiratory catalyst, it enables the body to build up adequate resistance to the invader.”

Vitamin C is known to be essential for life. He quotes the studies that show that when Vitamin C is given intravenously to patients with a deficiency, fibroblasts begin to form connective tissue

and capillary buds invade blood clots within just a few hours. In a similar time frame when used as an antibiotic, fever falls and the white count climbs.

Dr. Klenner points out that the standard treatment of colds was based on the alkalinizing effect of forcing juices down the patient’s throat. Highly alkaline urine has less Vitamin C. The Vitamin C would be thus retained in the tissues helping to guard against the viruses and bacteria. When Vitamin C levels drop,

glycogen in the liver is converted to glucose: a response to stress

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04/13/23198He cites experimental work by others indicating that in monkeys smaller doses of C could stop the

disease from appearing during the incubation period compared to the relatively large doses needed to suppress the disease once the disease was diagnosed. It all suggests that most of us

will not get any serious virus disease if we would all take sufficient Vitamin C daily. We need, however, to get a little sick so we will develop some immunity, but if we get very sick a lot there is something missing, usually Vitamin C. He is suggesting that the more serious the disease, the

more Vitamin C should be used to treat it.

In Dr. Klenner’s review of his over 3000 cases about 15% required more Vitamin C than the average. This ties in with the idea that we are all different. It also explains why some dogs, who

make their own Vitamin C would die of distemper.

“I have cured many dogs suffering with distemper by giving several grams of ascorbic acid, by needle, every two hours.”

15% of 300 obstetrical cases required 15 grams of C daily to remain within normal limits. The other 85% needed only 10 grams per day. He felt some spillage into the urine indicated the body was

saturated. “White blood cells are useless unless they are full of ascorbic acid.”

For a very severe illness, the dose he used was large and the most effective route was intravenous, but the intramuscular route was satisfactory. He gave at least 350 mg per kilogram of body weight. (A 70 kg man is 150 pounds; thus 70 x 350= 24,500 mg. He would use a 25 gram dose

for a 25 gram illness.) This amount was put in 500 cc of sterile water, usually with dextrose, saline or Ringer’s solution. It was diluted so that there was at least 18 cc of diluent to each gram of C. In small

children, 2 or 3 grams can be given intramuscularly once every two hours. An ice cap to the buttocks will prevent soreness and induration. As much as 12 grams can be given in this manner

into 2 or 3 different muscle sites with a 50 cc syringe; larger amounts must be diluted with dextrose or saline and run in by I.V. drip.

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With 350 mg per kilogram of body weight every two hours, he could stop measles and dry up chicken pox. If he could get in the vein, 400 mg per kilogram two to three times in 24 hours was

all that was required (he published this way back in 1951, in the Southern Medical Surgical Journal).

More than 30 years ago, Dr. Klenner developed the silver nitrate urine test. When treating severe pathological conditions, the test done every four hours will reveal the level of Vitamin C saturation. If

the urine test is positive for Vitamin C, it means the tissues are saturated and the patient is on the right dose. It is not a waste; some spillage indicates saturation

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More Data to Follow…

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