aiims medical pg exam may 2014 solved question paper.pdf

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  • 7/23/2019 AIIMS Medical PG Exam May 2014 solved question paper.pdf




    1. All of the following are derived from ectoderm


    A. Hair follicles

    B. Erector pilae

    C. Sebaceous glands

    D. Mammary glands

    2. Which of the following muscles is not a derivative

    of mesoderm?

    A. Skeletal muscles

    B. Smooth muscles

    C. Cardiac myocyte

    D. Dilators of pupil

    3. Buccopharyngeal memrane develops from!

    A. Ectoderm + Mesoderm

    B. Ectoderm + Endoderm

    C. Mesoderm+ Endoderm

    D. Ectoderm + Mesoderm+ Endoderm

    4. "pithelioid cells include which of the following?

    A. Islet cells of pancreas

    B. Theca lutein cells

    C. Cells of Brunners gland

    D. Interstitial cells of !eydig

    5. #enous drainage of esophagus is into the

    A."#ygous and inferior thyroid $eins

    B. "#ygous% inferior thyroid and left gastric $eins

    C. "#ygous% inferior thyroid and right gastric


    D. Superior thyroid% inferior thyroid $eins%

    a#ygous and hemi&a#ygous $eins

    6. The most common variant in the lood supply of

    colon is

    A. "bsent right colic artery

    B. "bsent middle colic artery

    C. "bsent left colic artery

    D. "bsent superior rectal artery

    7. All of the following are part of mesorectal fascia


    A. Superior rectal $ein

    B. Inferior rectal $ein

    C. 'ara rectal nodes

    D. Inferior mesenteric ple(us

    8. Which of the following is not true aout lood

    test is arrier?

    A. It is formed by Sertoli cells

    B. It is formed before primary spermatogenesis

    C. "ny rupture of barrier can cause immune

    response to germ cells

    D. )erm cells are not necessary for formation of

    the barrier

    9. Which of the following is not true aout dura


    A. It is the outermost of the cranial meninges

    B. It has t*o layers&periosteal and meningeal

    C. Dural $enous sinuses lie belo* the meningeal


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    D. It is supplied by a branch of the ner$e

    10. Which of the following structures is seen in the

    cavernous sinus?

    A. ,st

    part of ner$e

    B. -ndpart of ner$e

    C. IC"

    D. .thner$e

    11. The medulla receives its lood supply from all of

    the following arteries except

    A. "nterior spinal

    B. 'osterior inferior cerebellar

    C. ertebral

    D. Superior cerebellar

    12. Which of the following is not supplied y

    ipsilateral nerve nucleus?

    A. Superior rectus

    B. Inferior rectus

    C. Medial rectus

    D. Inferior obli/ue

    13. Trigeminal nerve supplies all of the following

    muscles except

    A. Stylohyoid

    B. Medial pterygoid

    C. !ateral pterygoid

    D. Tensor $eli palatine

    14. $acial nerve gives out secretomotor fires to all of

    the following except

    A. !acrimal gland

    B. 'arotid gland

    C. Submandibular gland

    D. 0asal glands


    15. (n an encephale isole preparation+ the transaction

    is done at!

    A. 1irst cer$ical spinal segment

    B. !e$el of medulla

    C. Midpontine le$el

    D. Midcollicular le$el

    16. (f a supramaximal stimulus is applied to an

    excitale tissue li,e a nerve or a muscle and it

    elicits a response+ then the tissue is said to e in

    A. "bsolute refractory period

    B. 2elati$e refractory period

    C. !atent period

    D. "fter&depolari#ation

    17. Nuclear ag fires are related to

    A. 1orce

    B. !ength

    C. Tone

    D. !ength and $elocity

    18. True aout *olgi tendon organ is

    A. Sense the dynamic length of the muscle

    B. "re in$ol$ed in reciprocal inner$ations

    C. "re stimulated by alpha motor neuron

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    D. Sense muscle tension

    19. The mechanostretch receptors in -oints and

    ligaments are

    A. 1ast adapting

    B. Slo* adapting

    C. 0on adapting

    D. "dapt differentially for different stresses

    20. .uring hip replacement+ loss of -oint and

    ligament receptors leads to

    A. 0o loss of sensation

    B. !oss of all sensations

    C. 3oint sensation lost in stable position

    D. Decrease in mo$ements and decrease in


    21. $ast fatigue fires are recruited during wal,ing

    A. In the beginning

    B. In the end

    C. Throughout the *alking process

    D. 4hen small neurons are e(cited

    22. Which of the following can cause a shift of the

    oxygen/ hemogloin dissociation curve to the left?

    A. pH

    B. Temperature

    C. -%5&B')

    D. pC6-

    23. (n the given circuit+ the inward flow pressure is

    011 mm &g and the outward flow pressure is 01

    mm &g2 "ach resistance in the circuit is of 3 mm

    &g4m)4min2 5alculate the flow across the circuit

    A. .7 m!

    B. 89 m!

    C. 5:; m!

    D. ,57 m!

    24. Which of the following defines the pressure in the

    vascular system in the asence of lood flow?

    A. 'ulse pressure

    B. Critical closing pressure

    C. Mean circulatory pressure

    D. 'erfusion pressure

    25. Which of the following defines the pressure in the

    vascular system in the asence of lood flow?

    A. 'ulse pressure

    B. Critical closing pressure

    C. Mean circulatory pressure

    D. 'erfusion pressure

    26. Which of the following is true aout measurement

    of lood pressure?

    A.The length of the bladder in the blood pressurecuff should co$er more than

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    A. !eft side is high pressure system

    B. !eft atrium is more compliant

    C. !eft atrium is compressed posteriorly by

    pulmonary $eins

    D. 2ight atrial pressure is transmitted into thepulmonary circulation

    28. The right atrium chronic overload is indicated y

    a % wave of more than

    A. -:7 mm

    B. 5:7 mm

    C. .:7 mm

    D. 7:7 mm

    29. The cells of the human ody most sensitive to

    ischemia are

    A. 0eurons

    B. 0ephrons

    C. Cardiac myocyte

    D. Hepatocytes

    30. The most important hormone that increases

    gallladder contraction after a fatty meal is

    A. )astrin

    B. Secretin

    C. CC>

    D. )I'

    31. The most serious complication of prolonged

    sitting position is

    A. enous air embolism

    B. Dysrhythmias

    C. Hypotension

    D. 0er$e palsies


    32. Not an intermediate product of citric acid cycle is

    A. "cyl Co"

    B. Succinyl Co"

    C. Citrate

    D. ?& ketoglutarate

    33. The en9yme common to oth glycogenolysis and

    glycogenesis is

    A. )lycogen phosphorylase

    B. )lycogen synthase

    C. )lucotransferase

    D. Carbo(ykinase

    34. (n the entire human genome+ coding .NA


    A. 9:9-

    B. 9:,

    C. 9:-7

    D. 9:.

    35. Methylation of cytosine leads to

    A. Increased e(pression of gene

    B. Decreased e(pression of gene

    C. 0o effect on gene e(pression

    D. Mutation

    36.:+;/ B%* inds to //// sites of hemogloin and//////the affinity for oxygen

    A. .% decreases

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    B. ,% decreases

    C. .% increases

    D. ,% increases

    37. The last receiver of electrons in electron transport

    system is

    A. Coen#yme @

    B. 1"DH-

    C. 6-

    D. Cytochrome b


    38. Which of the following is not converted into an

    active metaolite?

    A. !isinopril

    B. 1luo(etine

    C. Cyclophosphamide

    D. Dia#epam

    39. Methacholine is a

    A. M,receptor agonist

    B. M-receptor agonist

    C. M5receptor agonist

    D. M. receptor agonist


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    C. The primary use of methadone is relief of

    chronic pain

    D. The onset of analgesia is 59&;9 minutes after

    parenteral administration and ,&- hours after

    oral administration:

    46. The site of action of the loop diuretic furosemide


    A. Thick ascending limb of loop of Henle

    B. Descending limb of loop of Henle

    C. 'ro(imal tubule

    D. Distal tubule

    47. Which of the following pairs of drug and its

    indication is matched incorrectly?

    A. Carbama#epine

    B. 6ctreotide& treatment of diarrhea associated

    *ith $asoacti$e intestinal peptide tumours

    C.Desmopressin& treatment of diabetes insipidus

    D. hC)& treatment of infertility in men and


    48. Time dependent ,illing and prolonged post/

    antiiotic effect is seen with

    A. 1luoro/uinolones

    B. Beta lactam antibiotics

    C. Clindamycin

    D. Erythromycin

    49. Non = nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhiitors

    >NN8T(s include all of the following except

    A. 0e$irapine

    B. Dela$irdine

    C. Eta$irine

    D. !ami$udine

    50. Which of the following antituercular drugs is

    associated with hypothyroidism?

    A. 2ifampicin

    B. '"

    C. Etionamide

    D. Streptomycin

    51. The most common side effect of cancer

    chemotherapy is nausea with or without vomiting2

    The anticancer drugs vary in their aility to cause

    nausea and vomiting2 Which of the following anti/

    cancer drugs is least li,ely to cause nausea and


    A. Chlorambucil

    B. Cisplatin

    C. Do(orubicin

    D. Daunorubicin

    52. Which of the following medications is essential

    for ameliorating the toxicity of pemetrexed?

    A. 1olinic acid and $itamin B;

    B. 1olic acid and $itamin B,-

    C. itamin B; and $itamin B,-

    D. 1olic acid and de(amethasone

    53. Which of the following drugs is useful for the

    treatment of advanced prostate cancer?

    A. )anireli(

    B. Cetroreli(

    C. "bareli(

    D. )oserelin


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    54. A 31/year old patient presents with wea,ness and

    leeding episodes2 &is hemogloin was 0123 g4d)2

    &is leu,ocyte count was @01C cells4) and platelet

    count was 3101C cells4)2 There was dysplasia of

    neutrophilia with a differential count showing

    DEF neutrophils+ F last cells+ 0:F myelocytes

    and metamyelocytes and @F other cells2 Bone

    marrow examination showed 0@F lasts2

    5ytogenetics showed t>+:02 The most li,ely

    diagnosis is

    A. "cute myeloid leukemia

    B. Chronic myeloid leukemia

    C. Chronic lymphoid leukemia

    D. Myelodysplastic syndrome

    55. Which of the following regarding cellular events

    in acute inflammation is not correct?

    A. 'EC"MCD5, is responsible for neutrophil


    B. Components of complement can assist in


    C. 0eutrophil margination is assisted by selectins

    D. IC"M&,C"M&, is responsible for neutrophil


    56. Which of the following factors in morphogenic as

    well as mitogenic?

    A. 1ibroblast gro*th factor

    B. 'latelet deri$ed gro*th factor

    C. Bone morphogenetic protein

    D. Insulin&like gro*th factor

    57. Which of the following is not an example of a

    syndrome caused y uniparental disomy?

    A. 'rader&4illi syndrome

    B. "ngelman syndrome

    C. 2ussell&Sil$er syndrome

    D. Bloom syndrome

    58. Anti/neutrophil cytoplasmic antiodies >AN5A

    is seen in

    A. 4egeners granulomatosis

    B. Diabetes mellitus

    C. 2heumatoid arthritis

    59. A8.' is due to a defect in

    A. Type , pneumocytes

    B. Type - pneumocytes

    C. Clara cells

    D. Endothelial cells

    60. A 31/ year old male presents with large owel

    type diarrhea and rectal leeding2 On

    sigmoidoscopy+ a cauliflower li,e growth is seen

    in the rectum2 5olectomy specimen on

    histopathology shows adenocarcinoma2 Which of

    the following prognostic investigations is not


    A. Microsatellite instability

    B. c&myc mutations

    C. E)12 mutations

    D. k&2"S mutations

    61. #erocay odies are seen in

    A. Meningioma

    B. Hemangioma

    C. )lioma

    D. Sch*annoma

    62. &istopathologically+ rosettes are not seen in

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    A. 2etinoblastoma

    B. 0eurocysticercosis

    C. '0ET

    D. Medulloblastoma


    63. Which of the following is correct regarding

    staining of microes?

    A. )ram positi$e bacteria stain black

    B. )ram negati$e bacteria stain red

    C. )omorris methenamine sil$er stains fungi


    D. Calcoflour *hite stains acanthamoeba red

    64. Both .NA and 8NA are present in

    A. Bacteria

    B. 'rions

    C. irioids

    D. 'lasmid

    65. Which of the following is not true regarding (g"


    A. It mediates release of histamine and other

    chemical mediators

    B.It is the primary antibody in$ol$ed in allergicreactions

    C. It is in$ol$ed in anti&parasitic immune


    D. May cross the placenta and fi( complement

    66. A 01/ year old child presented with severe sore

    throat and a grey pseudomemrane over pharynx

    and tonsils2 The organism causing this infection is

    most li,ely

    A. " gram positi$e bacillus

    B. " gram negati$e bacillus

    C. " catalase&positi$e gram positi$e coccus that

    gro*s in clusters

    D. " single&stranded positi$e sense 20" $irus

    67. The hematoxylin and eosin staining of a lung

    section during autopsy of a patient suffering from

    A(.' shows desGuamation of type 0 pneumocytes

    with prominent intranuclear asophilic inclusion

    odies surrounded y a clear halo2 The 5.@ count

    was less than 0114mm; efore demise2 The most

    li,ely diagnosis causing these features is

    A. "cute respiratory distress syndrome

    B. 'neumocystis iro$eci pneumonia

    C. CM pneumonia

    D. Mycobacterium a$ium&intracellulare


    68. *iemsa stained smear of epithelial cells otained

    from a neworn with hepatosplenomegaly is

    shown elow2 What is the most li,ely cause of this

    congenital infection?

    A. CM

    B. 2ubella

    C. HI

    D. Ebstein&Barr $irus

    69. An elderly male presents : months after renal

    transplantation with nephropathy2 Which of the

    following can e a viral etiological agent?

    A. 'olyoma $irus B>

    B. Human herpes $irus type ;

    C. Hepatitis C

    D. Human papilloma $irus% high risk types

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    70. The causative organism for A(.' was identified

    in the year

    A. ,8

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    A. Histoto(ic

    B. asculoto(ic

    C. Musculoto(ic

    D. 0euroto(ic

    %8"#"NT(#" AN. 'O5(A) M".(5(N"

    80. The prospectively evaluated+ doule/linded+

    randomi9ed clinical trial represents the gold

    standard for providing evidence for therapeutic

    decision ma,ing2 This was first proposed y the

    father of evidence/ased medicine!

    A. Tolstoy

    B. Sackett

    C. Hippocrates

    D. da inci

    81. True statements regarding the calculation of &.(

    are all of the following except

    A. The minimum $alue for combined gross

    enrolment ratio is fi(ed at 9=

    B. The minimum $alue for adult literacy rate is

    fi(ed at 9

    C. The ma(imum $alue of life e(pectancy at birth

    is taken as ,99

    D. The ma(imum $alue for per capita income is

    fi(ed at .9%999

    82. 8egarding education in &.(+ true statement is

    A. In gross enrolment% only secondary educationis

    considered% not primary education

    B. ,5rd*eightage is gi$en to adult literacy

    C. -5rd*eightage is gi$en to gross enrolment

    D. Countrys achie$ement is computed on the

    basis of adult literacy

    83. (mmune thromocytopenic purpura >(T% is a

    complication oserved with which of the

    following vaccines?

    A. MM2

    B. HiB conugate polysaccharide $accine

    C. Typhoid i polysaccharide $accine

    D. Influen#a $accine

    84. (mmune thromocytopenic purpura >(T% is a

    complication oserved with which of the

    following vaccines?

    A. MM2

    B. Hib conugate polysaccharide $accine

    C. Typhoid i polysaccharide $accine

    D. Influen#a $accine

    85. 5hemoprophylaxis is indicated for all of the

    following except

    A. Cholera

    B. Measles

    C. Meningococcal meningitis

    D. Conuncti$itis

    86. All of the following statements regarding (N&

    chemoprophylaxis are correct except

    A. It is cheap

    B. It is not feasible to apply on a large scale

    C. It has risk of drug&induced hepatitis

    D. It is not highly clinically effecti$e

    87. %ositive predictive value is a function of

    sensitivity+ specificity and

    A. "bsolute risk

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    B. 2elati$e risk

    C. Incidence

    D. 're$alence

    88. All of the following are correct regarding the

    period of isolation in the following disease except

    A. Chicken po(& ; days after the onset of rash

    B. Measles& 5 days after the onset of rash

    C. )erman measles& days after the onset of rash

    D. Herpes #oster& ; days after the onset of rash

    89. Which of the following regarding oral polio

    vaccine >O%# is not true?

    A. Fseful in epidemics

    B. E(cretion of $irus in stools may cause disease

    to the unimmuni#ed

    C. 2apid antibody response

    D. 'rotecti$e e$en in the presence of maternal


    90. &(# sentinel surveillance provides data

    A. To monitor disease trends

    B. To identify high risk population

    C.To estimate disease incidence

    D. To assess the /uality of related ser$ices

    91. A oy complained of unprovo,ed ite y a local

    dog in the community2 The dog was alter caught

    y the local animal authorities and appeared to e

    healthy2 The most appropriate course of action

    would e

    A. )i$e post&e(posure prophyla(is to the bitten

    person *ith cell&culture deri$ed $accine

    B. 4ithhold $accination% keep the dog under

    obser$ation for ten days for signs of rabies

    C. Test the dog for rabies antibodies

    D. Immediately carry out euthanasia of the dog

    92. "vidence of decreased ris, of cardiovascular

    disease is associated with all of the following


    A. itamin E supplementation

    B. !o* to moderate daily alcohol consumption

    C. 2egular physical acti$ity

    D. 'otassium

    93. Inder the school vision screening programme+

    vision screening in schools is done y

    A. 6phthalmologist

    B. 6ptometrist

    C. 0)6 *orker

    D. Teacher

    94. Inder the National 8ural &ealth Mission+ an

    A'&A will receive financial remuneration for all

    of the following except

    A. Institutional deli$eries

    B. Measuring the birth *eight of neonates

    C. ,stdose of D'T and 6'

    D. 2egistration of births

    95. The provisions under Janani 'hishu 'ura,sha

    Karya,ram >J''K include all of the following


    A. 1ree food to the mother in the hospital

    B. Cash incenti$e for institutional deli$eries

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    C. 1ree transport to the mother and baby tofrom


    D. 1ree treatment of the neonate and infant in all

    public health facilities:

    96. 5alculate the neonatal mortality rate for a

    population according to the data of :10:2 Numer

    of neonatal deaths! @312 Numer of still irths!

    :0:2 Total numer of live irths 0:+@31

    A. 5;

    B. ,7

    C. 89

    D. 7;

    97. (nfant mortality rate includes all of the following


    A. Early neonatal deaths

    B. !ate neonatal deaths

    C.'ost neonatal deaths

    D. Still births

    98. A girl is having white hair2 @1F of her classmates

    are also suffering from the same prolem2 None of

    the other people from the same village have white

    hair2 &er rother who is staying with an aunt in

    the neighouring village is also normal and does

    not have white hair2 Which of the following

    explains the proale cause of her white hair?

    A. En$ironmental

    B. )enetic

    C. 0utritional

    99. 'evere Acute Malnutrition >'AM in (ndia is

    defined as

    A. ery lo* *eight for age Gbelo*&5 scores of

    the mean 4H6 standards for gro*th% by

    $isible se$ere *asting or presence of

    nutritional edema

    B. ery lo* *eight for age Gbelo* &5 scores of

    the mean 4H6 standards for gro*th only

    C. isible se$ere *asting% or presence of

    nutritional edema

    D. ery lo* *eight for height Gbelo* &5 scores

    of the mean 4H6 standards for gro*th% by

    $isible se$ere *asting% or presence of

    nutritional edema:

    100. The most sensitive indicator of

    environmental iodine deficiency is

    A. Serum T. le$els

    B. Serum T5 le$els

    C. Frine iodine e(cretion

    D. 0eonatal hypothyroidism

    101. All of the following can cause epidemic

    in post/disaster period except

    A. !eishmaniasis

    B. !eptospirosis

    C. 2ickettsiosis

    D. "cute respiratory infections

    102. The hemogloin levels of pregnantfemales in a community was found to have a

    mean of 012E g4d) and a standard deviation of :

    g4d)2 What is the minimum hemogloin level

    elow which 3F of the pregnant females will

    have their hemogloin levels?

    A. :5-


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    103. Iniversal &ealth coverage in (ndia was

    recommended y which of the following


    A. Multipurpose *orker committee

    B. Health de$elopment and planning committee

    C. High le$el e(pert committee

    D. Medical education committee

    104. All of the following provisions are

    included in the primary health care according to

    the Alma Ata declaration except

    A. "de/uate supply of safe drinking *ater

    B. 'ro$ision of food supply

    C. 'ro$ision of free medicines

    D. Basic sanitation


    105. The critical angle of cornea/air interface


    A. 5;

    B. .;

    C. 7;

    D. ;;

    106. Which diagnostic procedure is not done

    in a dilated pupil?

    A. )onioscopy

    B. !aser inferometry

    C. 1undus e(amination

    D. Electroretinography

    107. A 3C/ year old male presents with

    dimness of near vision2 On examination+ the

    media was clear in oth the eyes2 What would e

    the next step?

    A. 2efraction *ith near add

    B. 2efraction under atropine

    C. 2adial keratotomy

    D. Cataract surgery

    108. Which organismal infection is highly

    virulent and may cause corneal ulcer perforation

    within @ hours?

    A. Herpes simple(

    B. 'seudomonas

    C. Staphylococci

    D. "spergillus

    109. 5ircumcorneal vasculari9ation is

    oserved in deficiency of

    A. itamin D

    B. Thiamine

    C. 2ibofla$in

    D. Biotine

    110. A patient gives a history of chuna falling

    into his eyes2 All of the following would e a part

    of his immediate management except

    A. Irrigation of both eyes *ith copious amounts of

    normal saline

    B. 1re/uent sodium citrate drops

    C. Thorough slit&lamp e(amination on


    D. 2emo$al of chuna particles by double e$ersion

    of upper eyelids

    111. Which of the following drugs acts on

    traecular meshwor, and affects the aGueous


    A. Timolol

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    B. 'ilocarpine

    C. Brimonidine

    D. Brin#olamide

    112. "x/press glaucoma implant is made up of

    A. Silicone

    B. Titanium

    C. )old

    D. Stainless steel

    113. Ascorate and

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    B. Carbon dio(ide

    C. 0itrous o(ide

    D. 6(ygen

    120. 5ells affected in glaucomatous optic

    neuropathy are

    A. "macrine cells

    B. Bipolar cells

    C. )anglion cells

    D. 2ods and cones

    121. )ipogranulomatous inflammation is seen


    A. 1ungal infection

    B. Tuberculosis

    C. Chala#ion

    D. iral infection

    "A8+ NO'" AN. T&8OAT

    122. Which of the following does not show

    negative 8inne test in the right ear?

    A. Sensorineural hearing loss of .7 dB in left ear

    and normal right ear

    B. 'rofound hearing loss

    C.Conducti$e hearing loss of .9 dB in both ears

    D. Conducti$e hearing loss of .9 dB in right ear

    and left ear normal

    123. The screening investigation of high ris,

    neonates in (5I for suspected hearing loss is

    A. 6toacoustic emissions

    B. 1ree field audiometry

    C. Stapedial refle( testing

    D. 'ure tone audiometry

    124. The wave # in B"8A represents activity

    in which of the following?

    A. !ateral lemniscus

    B. Superior oli$ary comple(

    C. Cochlear ner$e

    D. Cochlear nucleus

    125. Which of the following is not resected in


    A. "nterior crus of stapes

    B. 'osterior crus of stapes

    C. Stapedial ligament

    D. !enticular process of incus

    126. Which of the following part of cochlear

    implant is implanted during surgery?

    A. 2ecei$er stimulator

    B. Transmitting coil

    C. Microphone

    D. Speech processor

    127. A D3/year old diaetic patient presents

    with severe ear pain and granulation tissue at

    external auditory canal with facial nerve

    involvement2 The most li,ely diagnosis is !

    A. Skull base osteomyelitis

    128. A 0@/year old oy presents with nasal

    leeding2 &is & was found to e E2@ g4d) and

    peripheral smear showed normocytic

    hypochromic anemia2 The most proale

    diagnosis is

    A. 3u$enile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma

    B. Hemangioma

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    C. "ntrochonal polyp

    D. Carcinoma of nasopharyn(

    129. A patient presents withantrochoanal

    polyp arising from the medial wall of the maxilla2Which of the following would e the est

    management for the patient?

    A. 1ESS *ith polypectomy

    B. Medial ma(illectomy GTEMM

    C. Cald*ell&!uc procedure

    D. Intranasal polypectomy

    130. An elderly male presents with T; No

    laryngeal carcinoma2 What would e the


    A. 0eo&adu$ant chemotherapy follo*ed by


    B. Concurrent chemoradiotherpay

    C.2adical radiotherapy follo*ed bychemotherapy

    D. 2adical radiotherapy *ithout chemotherapy


    131. Which of the following is not a

    characteristic feature of multiple myeloma?

    A. Increased Ig le$els in serum

    B. 'ositi$e "0"

    C. 'lasmacytosis

    D. M spike on electrophoresis

    132. A E1 year old oese male with a history

    of chronic smo,ing since childhood presents in

    5I with pelvic fracture due to fall from height2

    On the @


    day of the (5I stay+ he developedsudden tachypnoea+ fall in 'pO: and

    hypotension2 On :. echo+ there was a dilation of

    right ventricle and tricuspid regurgitation2 What

    would e the next immediate step?

    A. D&dimer assay

    B. "dministration of heparin

    C. 'ericardiocentesis

    D. Systemic thrombolysis

    133. A @/year old girl presents with severe

    vomiting after a viral fever of 3 days2 'he is

    hospitali9ed and develops cereral edema2 )iver

    iopsy is most li,ely to demonstrate which of the


    A. Centri#onal hemorrhagic necrosis

    B. 0on&alcoholic steatohepatitis

    C. 2ing granulomas

    D. Marked micro$esicular steatosis

    134. A @1/year old oese female presents with

    fullness of right upper Guadrant of adomen2 &er

    medical history is significant for Type : .M and

    hyperlipidemia2 )iver iopsy is most li,ely

    suggestive of which of the following diagnoses?

    A. 0on&alcoholic steatohepatitis

    B. 'eliosis hepatis

    C. "utoimmune hepatitis

    D. 'rimary biliary sclerosis

    135. A young female patient presents with

    -aundice and elevated liver en9ymes2 'he has a

    history of : similar episodes in the past2 &er

    serum ANA was 0!@1 and (g* was :@11 (I2 &is

    serum copper levels were normal and viral

    mar,ers were negative2 A liver iopsy was carried

    out and ased on the pathology report+ you treated

    her with immunosuppressants and the patient7s

    condition improved2 What was the most li,ely

    finding on pathology report to suggest the


    A. 0on&alcoholic steatohepatitis

    B. Hemosiderosis

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    C. "utoimmune hepatitis

    D. 'rimary biliary cirrhosis

    136. )axative ause is associated with

    A. Hypokalemia

    B. Hypomagnesemia

    C. Hypoglycemia

    D. Colonic spasticity

    137. A :D year old male presents with low

    ac,ache+ that occurs early in the morning+associated with stiffness+ and persists for more

    than ;1 minutes2 On examination+ his chest

    expansion is also restricted2 The most proale

    diagnosis is

    A. 2heumatoid arthritis

    B. 6steoarthritis

    C. )outy arthritis

    D. "nkylosing spondylitis

    138. One of the following is not a diagnostic

    criteria for declaring rainstem death

    A. "bsence of brainstem refle(es

    B. " positi$e apnea test

    C. !ack of cerebromotor response to pain in alle(tremities

    D. "bsence of stretch refle( from all e(tremities is


    139. A vascular lesion in the mid/rainstem

    level in the area depicted in the figure can cause

    all of the following except

    A. De$iation of the tongue to the same side

    B. Contralateral loss of pain and temperature

    belo* the neck

    C. 0ystagmus

    D. 'aralysis of soft palate

    140. Two persons A and B were told to draw a

    sGuare from the lan, and filled circle+respecitively2 The sGuare drawn y A is irregular2

    What could e the possile cause?

    A. !esion in basal ganglia

    B. !esion in subthalamic nucleus

    C. !esion in cerebellum

    D. 'hysiological tremors

    141. One of the following drugs is used in

    acute acterial meningitis

    A. Erythromycin

    B. Sulfametho(a#ole

    C. Ceftria(one




    142. The first priority in management of a

    case of head in-ury with open fracture of shaft of

    femur is

    A. 0eurosurgery consultation

    B. )i$e I fluids

    C. Intubation

    D. Splintage of fracture

    143. Neurogenic shoc, is characteri9ed y

    A. Hypertension and tachycardia

    B. Hypertension and bradycardia

    C. Hypotension and tachycardia

    D. Hypotension and bradycardia

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    144. .uring resuscitation+ artefacts of

    fractured ris most commonly involve

    A. -nd&.thribs

    B. 5rd&7thribs

    C. .th



    D. 7th&thribs

    145. A 0: year old girl presents with nodular

    goiter2 Which of the following statements

    regarding her evaluation and management


    A. 88 m&Tc scan should be performed to

    determine *hether the nodules are

    hypofunctioning or hyperfunctioning

    B. 1unctional thyroid nodules are usually benign

    C. "ll nodules J .cm should be resected

    irrespecti$e of cytology

    D. 10"C should be performed for all nodules J

    ,cm in diameter

    146. Which of the following incisions is ta,en

    for diaphragmatic surgery?

    A. Trans$erse

    B. Circumferential

    C. ertical

    D. 2adial

    147. Which of the following is not an

    etiological factor for pancreatitis?

    A. "bdominal trauma

    B. Hyperlipidemia

    C. Islet cell hyperplasia

    D. )ermline mutations in the cationic trypsinogen


    OB'T"T8(5' AN. *YN"5O)O*Y

    148. All of the following indicate

    superimposed pre/eclampsia in a pregnant female

    of chronic hypertension except

    A. 0e* onset proteinuria

    B. 'latelet count K 7%999

    C. Increase in systolic B' by 59 mm Hg and

    diastolic by ,7 mm Hg

    D. 1resh retinal hypertensi$e changes

    149. All of the following indicate

    superimposed pre/eclampsia in a pregnant female

    of chronic hypertension except

    A. 0e* onset proteinuria

    B. 'latelet count K 7%999

    C. Increase in systolic B' by 59 mm Hg and

    diastolic by ,7 mm Hg

    D. 1resh retinal hypertensi$e changes

    150.Which of the following antihypertensives

    is not given in pregnancy?

    A. Enalapril

    B. ?&methyldopa

    C. !abetalol

    D. 0ifedipine

    151. All of the following can e administered

    in acute hypertension during laour except

    A. I labetalol

    B. I nitroprusside

    C. I dihydrala#ine

    D. I dia#o(ide

    152. Which of the following is not a part of

    &"))% syndrome?

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    A. Hemolysis

    B. Ele$ated li$er en#yme

    C. Thrombocytopenia

    D. 2eteroplacental hemorrhage

    153. A 5esarian section was done in the

    previous pregnancy2 All of the following would

    e indications for elective 5esarean section except

    A. Breech

    B. Macrosomia

    C. 'olyhydramnios

    D. 'ost&term

    154. Which of the following is responsile for

    puertal growth in females?

    A. Decreased le$el of adrenal androgens at


    B. High le$el of estrogen at puberty

    C. 'ulsatile release of )n2H during sleep

    D. Increased sensiti$ity of H'6 a(is to estrogen

    155. One of the following forms the asis for

    sex chromatin testing?

    A. Barr body

    B. Testosterone receptors

    C. Hormone le$els

    D. 'henotypic features

    156. &ysteroscopic myomectomy scores over

    open myomectomy in all of the following except

    A. !ess recurrence

    B. !ess post&operati$e pain

    C. !ess bleeding

    D. Early ambulation


    157. A ;:/wee+ 0@11 g neonate is orn to a

    primigravida2 The ay did not reGuire

    resuscitation and showed stale vitals2 The ay

    was transferred to the N(5I2 &ow will youmanage the feeding of the patient?

    A. Start total enteral feeding and I feeding not


    B. Start I feeding *ith minimal enteral feeding

    C. Start I feeding and introduce feeding on -nd

    day of life

    D. Start parenteral feeding and institute oral

    feeding on -ndday of life

    158. Which of the following is not a

    component of Kangaroo mother care >KM5?

    A. Skin to skin contact

    B. Supplementary nutrition

    C. E(clusi$e breast feeding

    D. Early discharge and follo*&up

    159. A ;: wee, ay is orn to a mother with

    eclampsia+ who was given (# magnesium

    sulphate2 The ay was resuscitated and

    transferred to the N(5I2 0: hours later+ the ay

    showed hypotonia+ lethargy+ constricted pupils

    and two episodes of sei9ures2 The staging of &("is

    A. ,

    B. -

    C. 5

    D. There is no HIE

    160. Asymmetric Moro7s reflex at irth is

    indicative of

    A. HIE

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    B. Brain damage

    C. Erbs palsy

    D. >ernicterus

    161. A very preterm ay on ;1 m)42,g of

    enteral feeding developed sudden severe

    adominal distension with visile owel loops on

    day E of life2 The ay also showed temperature

    instaility and lethargy2 H/ray of the adomen

    showed portal venous gas2 The staging of N"5 is

    A. ,b

    B. -a

    C. -b

    D. 5a

    162. Which of the following aies has the

    least ris, of developing hypoglycemia?

    A. " baby born to mother treated *ith beta


    B. Infant of diabetic mothers

    C. "ppropriate for gestational age babies

    D. IF)2 babies

    163. The most common fungal infection in the

    neonates transmitted y caregiver7s hands is

    A. Candida albicans

    B. Candida glabrata

    C. Candida tropicalis

    D. Candida parapsilosis

    164. A child has deficient one minerali9ation

    with low serum calcium+ high serum phosphorus+

    with decreased urinary excretion of calcium and

    phosphorus and elevated levels of al,aline

    phosphatase2 The most li,ely diagnosis is

    A. 0utritional rickets

    B. 2enal tubular rickets

    C. 2enal glomerular rickets

    D. Celiac rickets

    165. Bull/nec, is seen in severe cases of which

    of the following?

    A. Diphtheria

    B. Tubercular lymphadenitis

    C. Mumps

    D. )oitre

    166. (n a rural clinic+ a ;/year old girl child is

    rought y her mother and is emaciated2 &er

    hemogloin was 3g4d)2 The girl also has edema

    over her ,nees and an,les with discrete rash on

    her ,nees+ an,les and elows2 The most li,ely

    worm infestation causing these manifestations is

    A. Hook *orm

    B. 2ound *orm

    C. 4hip *orm

    D. 'in *orm

    167. A E/wee, ay presents with cough and

    cold for the past ; days2 8espiratory rate is @4min2

    On examination+ patient is ferile with whee9ing

    ut no chest in drawing2 Which of the following is

    not true?

    A. Child has pneumonia

    B. "ntibiotics are not re/uired

    C. 4hee#ing to be treated

    D. 1e$er to be treated

    168. A 01/ year old child presents with edema+

    oliguria and frothy urine2 &" has no past history

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    of similar complaints+ On examination+ his urine

    was positive for ;L proteinuria+ no 8B5s4WB5s

    and no casts2 &is serum alumin was :23 g4) and

    serum creatinine was 123 mg4d)2 The most li,ely

    diagnosis is

    A. Ig" nephropathy

    B. Minimal change disease

    C. "cute interstitial nephritis

    D. Membraneous nephropathy

    169. A E/year old girl presents with fever for

    the past 3 days+ generali9ed erythematous rash+

    strawerry tongue and cervical lymphadenopathy2

    The most li,ely diagnosis is

    A. >imura disease

    B. >a*asaki disease

    C. Scarlet fe$er

    D. 2osie&Dorfman syndrome

    170. A E/year old girl presents with fever for

    the past 3 days+ generali9ed erythematous rash+

    strawerry tongue and cervical lymphadenopathy2

    The most li,ely diagnosis is

    A. >imura disease

    B. >a*asaki disease

    C. Scarlet fe$er

    D. 2osie&Dorfman syndrome

    171. "n9yme replacement therapy is availale


    A. )auchers disease

    B. 'ompe disease

    C.San 'hilipo disease

    D. 1abrys disease

    172. A child presents will alinism2 &e

    should e evaluated for

    A. E0T consultation

    B. Eye consultation

    C. Electrocardiography

    D. 0eurosurgery

    173. A ;@/wee, female fetus was orn as

    shown elow2 (dentify the congenital anomaly

    A. "nencephaly

    B. Iniencephaly

    C. "nen&iniencephaly

    D. Complete craniospinal rachischisis

    174. A D/year old oy presents with a right/

    sided hemangioma and left sided focal sei9ures2

    The most li,ely diagnosis is

    A. 0eurofibromatosis

    B. Incontinetia pigmenti

    C. Hypermelanosis of Ito

    D. Sturge&4eber disease

    175. A 023 year old female is rought to the

    clinic with complaints of excessive enlargement of

    head+ intolerance to feeds and severemalnourishment2 M8( imaging was suggestive of

    a medullolastoma causing ostructive

    hydrocephalus2 Which of the following is an

    example of irrational management of the patient?

    A. Craniotomy and sub&total e(cision of the

    tumour: Surgeon lea$es the layer of the tumour

    adherent *ith colliculus

    B. 1irst $entriculoperitoneal shunt *as done

    C. CC0F and $incristine *ere gi$en as


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    D. 2adiotherapy 57&.9 )y *as gi$en to the *hole

    craniospinal a(is


    176. (n a case of tuerculosis of the thoracic

    spine+ the earliest sign of cord compression is

    A. Bladder dysfunction

    B. E(tensor plantar

    C. Motor *eakness

    D. Sensory loss

    177. A 3 year old oy presents with pain and

    swelling in diaphysis of tiia2 &e also complains

    of fever2 On examination+ his "'8 was raised+

    which of the following is the li,ely diagnosis?

    A. E*ing sarcoma

    B. Chondrosarcoma

    C. 6steogenic sarcoma

    D. 1ibrosarcoma

    178. The signs of malignant transformation in

    osteochondroma are all except

    A. 'ain

    B. 4eight loss

    C. Increase in si#e

    D. Increase in thickness of cartilage cap


    179. Olympian row and rhagades are seen in

    A. CM inclusion disease

    B. Ectodermal dysplasia

    C. Congenital syphilis

    D. Hyper IgE syndrome

    180. A E1/year old male presents with painful+

    grouped vesicles over erythematous plaGues in T;

    dermatome region of trun,+ which of the

    following would e the li,ely causative


    A. aricella #oster

    B. Herpes simple(

    C. 'o( $irus

    D. 'apilloma $irus

    181. A 0C/year old male presents with several

    comedones+ papules and pustules on face and

    trun,2 The appropriate drug of choice for thepatient would e

    A. Topical retinoic acid

    B. Topical retinoic acid + 6ral do(ycycline

    C. Topical clindamycin

    D. Topical a#ithromycin

    182. A ;D year female presents with multiple+

    linear+ itchy wheals+ with itching for ;1 minutes at

    the site2 The most proale diagnosis is

    A. Dermatographic urticaria

    B. 'ressure urticaria

    C. "cute urticaria

    D. Chronic urticaria

    183. A young year old oy presents with

    multiple discrete+ shiny+ pin/head papules on

    dorsal aspect of hand+ forearms and shaft of penis2

    The diagnosis is

    A. Molluscum contagiosum

    B. Scabies

    C. !ichen planus

    D. !ichen nitidus

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    184. A ;1/year old male presents with flaccid

    ullae on an erythematous ase and erosions over

    the oral mucous memrane2 The listers

    developed painful erosions on rupture2 What

    would e the most li,ely finding on an

    immunofluorescent examination of the s,in

    iopsy of this patient?

    A. !inear Ig" deposition in dermopeidermal


    B. !inera Ig) deposition in dermoepidermal


    C. 1ish net Ig) deposition in epidermis

    D.)ranular deposits of Ig" in dermal papillae

    185. A patient presented with thinning of

    nails and onychyloysis2 What else finding can e

    oserved in him?

    A. iolaceous papules

    B. Suprabasal split

    C. Basal degeration

    D. "cantholysis

    186. A patient presents with focal alopecia

    areata2 All of the following are associations of

    alopecia areata except

    A. 0ail pitting

    B. "topy

    C. )eographical tongue

    D. E(clammatory mark

    187. A man presents with rashes on face and

    also complains of decreased mental function2 &e

    is also having few macular lesions on his s,in2 On

    5T scan+ intracranial calcification was seen2 &iswife is normal2 &is 01/year old daughter is also

    normal ut his E year old son is also having

    similar s,in lesions2 What would e the most

    li,ely diagnosis?

    A. 0eurofibromatosis&,

    B. 0eurofibromatosis&-

    C. Leroderma pigmentosum

    D. "utosomal dominant inheritance


    188. A patient of head in-ury is intuated and

    ventilated2 The ideal mode of ventilation in him

    would e

    A. CM

    B. C'"'

    C. "M

    D. SIM

    189. The appropriate si9e of )MA for an

    average adult patient weighing 31 ,g is

    A. -:7

    B. 5:9

    C. .:9

    D. 7:9

    190. At supra MA5 concentrations+

    anaesthetics lead to shift of ""* wave from

    A.? to *a$es

    B. to N *a$es

    C. N to O *a$es

    D. O to ? *a$es

    191. The plane of surgical anesthesia during

    either anesthesia is defined as

    A. !oss of consciousness

    B. !oss of consciousness to the onset of

    spontaneous respiration

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    C. 1rom onset of regular respiration to cessation

    of spontaneous breathing

    D. "bsence of refle(es

    192. Which of the following drugs does notaffect asorption and secretion of cererospinal


    A. Halothane

    B. 0itrous o(ide

    C. >etamine

    D. Thiopentone sodium

    193. Which of the following intravenous

    anesthetic agents is contraindicated in epileptic

    patients posted for general anesthesia?

    A. >etamine

    B. Thiopentone

    C. 'ropofol

    D. Mida#olam

    194. Mida9olam causes all except

    A. "nterograde amnesia

    B. 2etrograde amnesia

    C. Causes tachyphyla(is during high dose


    D. Decreased cardio$ascular effects as compared

    to propofol


    195. %uff of smo,e appearance on cereral

    angiography is seen in

    A. "C" aneurysm

    B. Ca$ernous sinus thrombosis

    C. Moyamoya disease

    D. ein of )alen malformation

    196. A D/year old patient presents with severe

    headache+ paralysis of upward ga9e+ loss of light

    perception and accommodation+ nystagmus and

    failure of convergence2 5T scan showed

    homogenous hyperdense lesion aove the sella

    and in the posterior part of the third ventricle2

    M8( showed that the lesions were homogenous

    and isointense on T0 weighted imaging+ and

    isointense on T: weighted imaging with intense

    contrast enhancement2 The most li,ely diagnosis


    A. Teratoma

    B. )erminoma

    C. Dermoid

    D. Choroid ple(us carcinoma


    197. All of the following statements are true

    aout lac,outs except

    A. The person appears confused to the onlookers

    B. 2emote memory is relati$ely intact during the


    C. It is a discrete episode of anterograde amnesia

    D. It is associated *ith alcohol into(ication

    198. According to the (5./01 revision+ for

    estalishing a diagnosis of mania+ the symptoms

    should persist for at least

    A. , *eek

    B. - *eeks

    C. 5 *eeks

    D. . *eeks

    199. The evidence/ased psychological

    therapy of choice for depression is

    A. )roup discussion therapy

    B. Counselling

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    C. Cogniti$e beha$ior therapy

    D. 'sychological psychotherapy

    2 No Ans

    ,: B






    : B

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