aiesec toronto university relations marketing package


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Present in over 110 countries and territories and with over 60,000 members, AIESEC is the world's largest youth-run organization. Focused on providing a platform for youth leadership development, AIESEC offers young people the opportunity to participate in international internships, experience leadership and participate in a global learning environment. What makes AIESEC unique is the youth driven impactful experience that it offers to its members. AIESEC is run by young people for young people, enabling a strong experience to all its stakeholders.


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Our ValuesOur six values provide a way for AIESEC to encourage common behaviour across our global network, and for our members to set a LEAD AS example.

Living DiversityWe seek to learn from the different ways of life and opinions represented in our multicultural environment. We respect and actively encourage the contribution of every individual.

Enjoying ParticipationWe create a dynamic environment created by active and enthu-siastic participation of individuals. We enjoy being involved in AIESEC.

Activating LeadershipWe lead by example and inspire leadership through our activi-ties. We take full responsibility for developing the youth leader-ship potential of our members.Demonstrating IntegrityWe are consistent and transparent in our decisions and actions. We fulfil our commitments and conduct ourselves in a way that is true to our ideals.

Acting SustainablyWe act in a way that is sustainable for our organisation and soci-ety. Our decisions take into account the needs of future genera-tions.

Striving for ExcellenceWe aim to deliver the highest quality performance in everything we do. Through creativity and innovation we seek to continuously improve.

Experiential Leadership Development

AIESEC’s operations are entirely managed by students, enabling young people to gain valuable skills and competencies in a practical way. This is the leadersdhip development centre where members can learn and gain everything from the global leadership network of AIESEC

Team Member ProgrammeIt is one of the most crucial ways in whch you can start your path towards leadership development. In this case, you will be introduced to practical team experience, gain access to a global network and engage in practical hard skills development.

Team Leader ProgrammeThis experience will culminate in your personal and professional development through the concept of team building and management. You get to experience leading other members and guding them in their work, thus becoming a crucial part of their development.

Global Internship ProgrammeThis Programme offers internships that contribute to the professional development of a member and assist them in a certain field of work. They are normally long term in nature and involve working with diverse business proj-ects and organisations.

Global Community Development ProgrammeInternational internships are the most intense learning experience we offer and links together our global network. This programme encompasses cross-cultur-al positive impact through working abroad for social and community develop-ment projects that lead to self development and skill enhancement.

WHO WE AREAIESEC is the worlds largest nonprofit, student-run organisation. Active in over 110 coun-tries and territories with over 50,000 members. AIESEC takes an innovative approach to engage and develop today’s youth. Students involved in AIESEC gain skills and competen-cies through challenging leadership experiences, international internships and interaction with an extensive global network. In partnership with business, government and institutions of higher education, AIESEC has over 60 years of experience in developing high-potential students into globally minded responsible leaders. In Canada, AIESEC is run by undergrad-uate students in 28 leading universities, with national headerquarters in Toronto. AIESEC Canada INC. was founded in 1985 and is a registered charity

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Experiential Leadership Development

Global Internship ProgrammeManagementInternships related to the general business functions, including administration, finance, accounting, marketing, project management & human resources

TechnicalInternships related to enginnering or information technology including web and software development, programming, system analysis & design, network and database management

EducationalInternships in acaddemic fields and sectors related to teaching a language, subject or another aspect of education, including cultural awareness, curriculum and course material development.

Global Community Development ProgrammeDevelopmentalInternships related to the development of an underpiviledged group of persons or community, focused on development and social responsibility.

Cost effective. The global internship program, at a cost of $530, is the cheapest way for students to work abroad. This is made possible because AIESEC is a non-profit student-run organization.

Excellent servicing. AIESEC chapters throughout the world ensure that incoming intern receive the best accommodation, food & welcome. They work so that the only thing the interns have to worry about is enjoying the experience of a lifetime.

Personal and professional development. The Global Internship Programme gives access to internship opportunities through the AIESEC global network of partner companies. This provides actual work experience and training, and effectively hones skills relevant in society today. Add to that the consideration that this train-ing occurs in foreign lands where everything is new and nothing is familiar. Talk about thriving in a challenging environment.

Societal impact. A lot of internships available through the Global Community Development Programme deal with world issues and social advocacies. AIESEC itself is interested in world issues, leadership and manage-ment, and takes measures to strengthen its impact on society. AIESEC ultimately aims to produce movers of the mind and stirrers of the soul who effectively become the leaders of society.

International experience. GIP & GCDP is as about loving and cherishing a challenging environment as much as it is about growing and developing in one. The world is huge and is simply waiting to be explored. There are places to be seen, moments to be part of, and people to meet. The colourful memories and ex-periences you can get from Exchange, you can’t really get from anywhere else. The excitement of trying to survive in a strange new land really is a huge part of what the Global Internship Program offers.

Awareness for the university & department. Whenever talented and motivated students are sent abroad it brings awareness and prestige to the university, department or program.


THE PROCESS1. Selection and ApplicationAfter joining and understanding AIESEC, you can enter a review process to assess your experiences and motivation for going on an AIESEC exchange.

2. PreparationThis step happens before leaving for your exchange experience and actually starts before you have matched yourself to a suitable internship. It consists of areas such as:

3. MatchingBy this stage you have been through the selection process and have become an official AIESEC exchange participant (EP). Now you are able to start being matched to a suitable internship. You will be trained and given access to use our on-line database of internship opportunities. The more flexible you are in terms of geographical preferences the better.

4. IntegrationThe most fulfilling step from here is experiencing the actual internship itself. AIESEC members in your host chapter provide support in receiving you, getting logistically setup while providing opportunities for cultural and social activi-ties.

5. Re-IntegrationAIESEC supports you in making the readjustment process when you return home. We hope that your experience opens up a world of opportunities to create a better society for us all.

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