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Page 2: AIESEC Groningen Board positions · EP Manager VP oGV EP Manager EP Manager EP Manager EP Manager The executive Board (EB) and the part-time members together form the Local Committee

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Dear reader,

Great that you are considering a board position within AIESEC! We are now recruiting for board positions that start January 2018 and end in January 2019. This booklet contains all necessary information regarding the available function profiles and the application procedure.

An AIESEC board year provides you with many great opportunities and challenges. During term, you will develop yourself personally and professionally; expand your national and international network; develop a global mindset, and have a lot of fun. And the good thing is: you can combine your studies with a part-time board year! Our team consists of 30 enthusiastic and ambitious people, who are working together in four teams.

Will you be the next one to join the AIESEC team? We are looking forward to seeing you during the application period and are eager to learn more about you and your ambitions.

Good luck and enjoy the process!

On behalf of AIESEC,Kind regards,

What is AIESEC?

What does AIESEC have to offer?

Structure of AIESEC Groningen

Part-time positions

Outgoing Global Volunteer team

Incoming Global Talent team

Marketing team

Outgoing Global Entrepreneur & Talent team

How to apply?


Dylan BosLocal Committee President 17.18










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AIESEC is a global platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential. We are a non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. Its members are interested in world issues, leadership and management. AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion or national / social origin.

Since we were founded in 1948, we have engaged and developed over 1,000,000 young people who have been through an AIESEC experience. The impact of our organization can be seen through our alumni who represent business, NGOs and world leaders, including one Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Martti Atisaari of Finland and other famous people as Bill Clinton, Kofi Annan and Queen Maxima. By organizing cross-cultural exchanges in challenging environments and offering board positions, AIESEC tries to develop responsible leadership in young people all over the world.

What does AIESEC have to offer? Leadership development

AIESEC has defined four qualities that we believe defines leadership. These are: self-aware, world citizen, solution-oriented and empowering others. These four qualities are important values for AIESEC, and for everyone that engages with us. We strife to develop them within themselves in order to become prepared for challenges in the future.

Professional Development

During the year you will get various trainings both from external partners and from AIESECers. AIESEC aims to give you practical experience within your function and team. You will learn a great deal on how to work with a team and function specific knowledge.

Team Experience

As part of one of the four teams you will have a whole lot of good times. Working in this team will be your core.You work together on a functional level, have weekly team dinners and organize team weekends.

And a whole lot of fun!

There will be two Local Committee weekends during the year, twice a national conference, one international conference and multiple reception weekends where every AIESEC entity in the Netherlands has prepared a fun activity and party. Next to that, there are weekly drinks after the plenary meetings on Monday and the possibility to join for lunch every day at the office!

What is AIESEC?

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Finance & ER

Acquisition Manager

Acquisition Manager

VP iGT VP MarketingVP oGET

Acquisition Manager

Account Manager

EP Manager

Account Manager

Recruitment Manager

EP Manager


EP Manager

EP Manager

EP Manager

EP Manager

The executive Board (EB) and the part-time members together form the Local Committee of AIESEC Groningen. The EB consists of six full-timers: the Local Committee President (LCP) and the Vice President Finance and External relations (VP FER), who form the Head Office. Besides them there are four Vice Presidents leading a team, VP Marketing, VP Outgoing Global Volunteer, VP Outgoing Global Entrepreneur / Talent and VP Incoming Global Talent. These four teams consist of part-time members with all different types of functions and responsibilities.

At the end of your board year within AIESEC Groningen, you have developed a unique set of skills that will pay off in any future career. This is recognized by many employers. For instance in consultancy, a sector in which many employees have done an AIESEC board year themselves.

EP Manager

Nour Manager


EP Manager

EP Manager

ER Manager

Recruitment Manager

Marketing Manager

Account Manager

Trainee Manager

Structure in Groningen


Recruitment Manager

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Part-time positionsAt our local office at Pelsterstraat 23, we work with motivated and ambitious students in four different teams. On a daily basis we create and execute marketing events, assist students who want to go on a voluntary project or professional internship, we close deals with companies in order to welcome foreign students as interns in companies around Groningen, we write and execute strategies and of course, we have a lot of fun!

General Job DescriptionIn AIESEC, we work hard and we play hard! As a part-time member, you will spend an average of 15-20 hours a week on AIESEC: this includes working with your team or function, but also working with AIESEC in general and assisting the other teams. You will divide your time between function-specific, team-specific and general tasks. This makes the work very diverse! To give an idea of what this means, continue reading below.

Local Committee Meetings (LCMs) on MondayMonday evening is AIESEC evening. Around 6pm you start having dinner with your team at someone’s place. Then at 7:15pm, all the teams come together in Café de Toeter where the Local Committee Meeting starts at 7:30pm. The Local Committee Meeting could consist of a training, an explanation of AIESEC’s strategy or mission, or the start of a general project. Around 8:30pm the team meeting start. In this meeting you will discuss your activities, to-dos and strategies of the team. After the team meetings around 10pm, the drinks will start, which are always a lot of fun!

ConferencesThere are two national conferences and one international conference included in the AIESEC board year! At the national conference you will have the chance to meet and work together with your fellow AIESEC’ers from different cities, while at the international conference you will meet AIESEC’ers from all over the world, have the opportunity to travel to a cool country in Europe and experience how worldwide AIESEC is.

Cross-teams and cross functional activitiesYou will not only work for your own team, but there are multiple cross-teams in order to work together with other LC members and to master more than just function-specific skills. Besides the cross-teams, you help the other teams with their tasks as well, which increase your knowledge of other teams.

TrainingsAIESEC is all about development and professional skills. We will provide trainings in order to improve your skills, like public speaking, sales or general AIESEC knowledge.

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Outgoing Global Volunteer Available positions:• 1 or 2x Exchange Participant Manager• 1x Nour Manager

As a member of the OGV team you are responsible for the Outgoing Volunteer program. Together with your team you select, support, prepare and coach students who wish to go abroad with AIESEC.

EP Manager’s role: Coaching and managing outgoing Exchange Participants, ensuring the delivery of the Outgoing Global Volunteer product.

Nour Manager’s role: Being one of the 11 Nour Managers of AIESEC in The Netherlands, our Nour Manager is responsible for all the processes regarding Nour for the participants that apply at AIESEC Groningen. The Nour project is a national initiative which focuses at sending students well-prepared to the Arab region.

Incoming Global Talent Available positions:• 1x Trainee Manager• 2x Account Manager• 1x Acquisition Manager

As member of the IGT team you are responsible for the Incoming Exchange program. Together with both your coordinator and the other IGT team members it is your responsibility to create as many quality traineeship opportunities as possible and to give the trainees a leadership experience by coaching them during their stay in the Netherlands.

Trainee Manager’s role: you are responsbile for the well-being, coaching and development of the international trainees who work at a partner company of AIESEC Groningen.

Account Manager’s role: selecting and matching international applicants via AIESEC to a traineeship spot at one of the accounts you have. Also, you are the one taking care of all the formalities (visa, work permit) for the trainee. Besides, you will be in touch with the company and ensure a successful traineeship and an amazing experience for both parties.

Acquisition Manager’s role: The main responsibility of an acquisition manager is acquiring quality traineeship opportunities at companies in a designated region. This includes sales, cold calling and networking. So, are you business-minded? Do you like to be professionally engaged with companies in the area of Groningen? Then could be your function!

As an Account Manager of the Incoming Global Talent team, I make sure to find the perfect match between a company and a trainee. I visit companies to discuss their demands, select suitable candidates for them and help the trainees with their visa and other formalities. To make companies happy with a trainee I provided, and to see trainees gaining international experience through the work of our team, gives me a lot of energy.

Rick de HaanAccount Manager

Being an exchange participant manager in the Outgoing Global Volunteer team, I provide guidance during the entire experience of students who wish to go abroad to give something back to the world. The opportunity to be in contact with AIESEC board members from all over the world to ensure all participants an unforgettable time gives me a lot of energy. Our team strives to find the best match between projects and participants.been the perfect hands-on experience to complement my studies.

Florence DoeksenExchange Participant Manager

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Marketing Available positions• 1x Marketing Manager• 1x Recruitment Manager

The marketing team is responsible for all the marketing activities from AIESEC Groningen. The Marketeers are divided in three functions. The External Relations Manager is responsible for all the external contacts of AIESEC. The other members are responsible for the creation marketing strategies, making effective marketing content, organizing many activities and info sessions. Besides this, both Marketing and Recruitment Managers are responsible for nurtering the people who sign up and for guiding them towards appointments with the oGV and oGET teams. The marketing focus is divided per product.

Marketing Manager’s role: As Marketing Manager you are responsible for the marketing for the oGV projects. This means a focus on first and second year’s students who are interested in project work, the Sustainable Development Goals and contributing to other societies.

Recruitment Manager’s: The focus of the Recruitment Manager is the marketing of the oGET product. This means a more professional approach and focus on business, marketing and IT students from third year or masters.

As Recruitment Manager of the Marketing Team you have a very diverse set of marketing tasks. I focus on the professional paid internships and I have to create and execute marketing events and content to reach our target group. I am also involved in getting people who sign up on the website to enthusiastic exchange participants further guided by the internship and voluntary teams.

Dirk KrijgsmanRecruitment Manager

Outgoing Global Entrepreneur & TalentNo available positions

The Outgoing Global Entrepreneur & Talent Team currently does not have available positions in Groningen, but will be shortly introduced to get an overview of all the teams. As a member of the OGET team you are responsible for two products: Global Entrepreneur and Global Talent. Both products are professional internships. The first one focuses on voluntary interships at start-ups all over the globe, while the second focuses on matching students with professional, paid interships abroad.

The members of this team are EP managers and guide their applicants through the process of applying, coaching, matching and when they are on their professional exchange.

Within my function as EP manager, I really enjoy that I keep challenging myself and others. I help students to find a great experience abroad and I guide them during the whole process of this step for them to step out of their comfort zone. Being a good personal coach for students is challenging, but being part of a big running business as AIESEC is my way of developing myself.

Roos-Anne de GraafExchange Participant Manager

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How to apply?Application procedure Within AIESEC, we put a lot of effort in selecting our applicants and making sure our members are hired into a position that fits their personality, interests and talents. Therefore our application has 3 stages:

Time line19th November, 23:59 Application deadline 20th & 21st November Assessments 23rd, 24th & 27th November Interviews28th November (most likely) Announcement calls29th November Meeting your new teams

1) ApplicationIn this stage, we are interested in you, your experience and your motivation. Fill out the form at and please make sure to include your resume. On the 20th you will get an email with the time and allocation of the assessment.

2) AssessmentIn the assessment round we hope to see more of your skills and personality. Together with other applicants, you will work on a case. Count on approximately 60 minutes, the assessments will take place on the 24th and 25th of April. Let us know if there are moments you will not be available during these days.

3) InterviewsThese will be held from from November 23-27. We take this time to ask you some questions about yourself, your motivation skills and preferences. The interview will take about an hour.All applicants have the opportunity to receive feedback per email.

On behalf of AIESEC, I wish you the best of luck during your application process! If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or at my personal email adress [email protected]