aiesec ghana 15.16 mcp application questionnaire

AIESEC Ghana MCP Application Questionnaire 15 | 16

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Post on 06-Apr-2016




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Application Questionnaire

15 | 16

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Personal Questions

1. What is your drive to continue AIESEC?

2. What is you purpose in life? How will your possible MCP term help you in achieving it?

3. What are the main challenges you expect to face during your term regarding the following areas (Your team,

your work, your personal life). How do you plan to overcome them?

4. Who are you and what are your values? How does this shape your leadership style?

5. What are your key strengths and weaknesses as a leader? How will they affect your role as MCP? What will be

your unique contribution?

6. What is a TEAM for you? What kind of characteristics should your MC team have, if you are successfully

elected? How do you envision your MC team?

AIESEC Experience

1. Rank the 3 main areas where you have had the most experience in and you consider that are related to

the MCP position.

2. List the relevant conferences/meetings/trainings you have attended in the past and your role.

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General Questions

1. Develop a comprehensive PEST Analysis of the Ghanaian society and explain in some few words how these trends are

influencing AIESEC’s operations, contributions, structures on the national level. Justify by giving examples, analysis and


2. What is the unique value proposition that AIESEC provides to the Ghanaian market? What should we do to make AIESEC

more relevant?

3. Defining a SWOT analysis of AIESEC in Ghana, How can we capitalize on our strengths to improve short and long term

results? What must be done to strengthen our weakest areas, or how can we avoid them affecting our operations?

4. One of the behaviours of Generation 2015 is “Purposeful”. As MCP, what would you do to ensure AIESEC in Ghana

becomes a purposeful Organisation in Ghana? What results will it lead to?

5. How can AIESEC Ghana engage with and utilize the global network to ensure we increase our strategic development and


Organisational Evolution

1. Critically evaluate the national organisational evolution from 2010/2011 (including) to 2014/2015. For this please

consider (1) the global directions; (2) the role of the MC and the national Plenary (LCPs); (3) organisational alignment;

(4) the organisational performance and (5) key learning points of each team.

2. Identify 3 (three) key learnings we should take from 2015 to 2020 mid-term ambition creation process. Justify by

giving examples, analysis or inferences.

3. AIESEC 2020 will be created and started during your term. How will you make sure that AIESEC in Ghana is aligned and

adapted for the new global direction? How will you manage this change to ensure smooth and fast transition?

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Strategic Direction

1. By the time you will assume office if successfully elected there will be just 6 months left for AIESEC to achieve 2015 goals; what needs to

drastically change in AIESEC Ghana within that 6 months to ensure we meaningfully contribute to 2015 goal achievement. What will be your

key role as MCP in driving that change/evolution?

2. In your opinion, what should be the top 3 priorities for AIESEC Ghana for the year 2014/15? Why do you think these 3 are the crucial ones?

3. Evaluate the strategic direction of AIESEC International 2014/2015. How successfully has it been implemented in AIESEC Ghana? What could

have been done better?

4. What will AIESEC in Ghana remember about the 14-15 term – your vision? Describe which will be the key milestones you commit to strive

for during the term. Please include but do not limit yourself to organizational goals.

5. What kind of culture would you like to see in AIESEC in Ghana next year? What steps will you take to foster that kind of culture in our


6. How would you describe the current relation between the LCs and MC Ghana? What should be the ideal relationship between the 2 and how

are you going to fix differences existing within this relationship? How can AIESEC Ghana become an LC driven entity?

7. In the context of 15/16 year, rank in order of priority the key responsibilities of the MCP and explain the reasons for your ranking:

a. MC Team Management

b. Implementing National Strategies

c. Governance & Accountability

d. Global Representation in the AIESEC Network

e. Managing the National Plenary (LCPs)

f. Stakeholder Management (Alumni, BoA, Partners, Government etc.)

g. External Representation

8. Define your ideal MC structure for the year 2015/2016 based on your vision. How is this structure different from the current MC structure?

What impact do you think it will make on the Key Programs?

9. There is a saying that “You are what you do, not what you say you'll do.” This has been something we’ve been preaching about for the

past 2 years in AIESEC Ghana but we still see little actions from members. If elected as MCP, what will be your unique strategy towards

creating an action oriented AIESEC Ghana?

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Filled Application form together with other important documents demanded by the application

process (check the candidate booklet) should be sent to:

[email protected] and [email protected] before the deadline; 8th December, 2014 at

exactly 11:59 GMT

Call +233 247958280 or +233 302 433 327 if you do not receive a response email after 24 hours of

sending your application.