aiesec 2015 information booklet

April 2011 Introducing AIESEC 2015 Booklet

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April 2011


AIESEC 2015 Booklet

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2015 Booklet What will you find?Section Page Number

On the Road to 2015 3

What is this booklet for? 4

What is my role? 5

Essence and Progress 6

The Big Picture 7

It’s all linked 8

Golden Circles 8

AIESEC 2015 & BHAG 9

The Experience We Offer 12

Business Model Generation 16

Team Member programme 17

Team Leader programme 19

Global Internship programme 21

Global Community Development programme 23

2015 Step by Step 25

Timeline 27

FAQs 28

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Road to



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What is this booklet for?

This booklet is designed to provide a comprehensive

understanding of AIESEC 2015, as a strategy and

mid-term ambition for AIESEC globally.

It will allow you to understand the key elements which

are important for AIESEC 2015, so that you can better

facilitate the implementation of AIESEC 2015 in your

country, territory or local chapter.

Disclaimer!This booklet is not designed as a complete planning

and management guide for your entity, nor as an

external sales and marketing tool.

The information is intended for an internal AIESEC

audience, to give the depth of understanding about

AIESEC 2015, so external materials can be

customised as needed.

What this booklet is for:

• Understand the strategy

and ambition for AIESEC


• Understand key strategic

elements of 2015;

• Understand in detail the

programmes which AIESEC


What this booklet isn‟t for:

•A planning tool or

management framework

•External sales and

marketing tool

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What is my role in the context of 2015?

• Implement and execute the programmes which AIESEC runs

• Track and report the achievements of targets at a local level

• Evolve and adapt operations as required

• Support the MCs in implementing a long-term planLCs

• Support LCs to implement the programmes and track theachievements of targets at national level

• Managing the balance of the current programmes andintroducing new ones.

• Ensure constant communication of global and nationaldirection towards 2015.


• Support MCs to implement the programmes and track theachievements of targets at global level

• Managing the process of inventing and piloting newprogrammes.

• Ensure constant communication of global direction towards2015.


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Essence and Progress

The Chinese wisdom of Yin Yang1 represents a metaphor

between slow and fast, soft and hard, essence and

progress: seemingly contradictory forces that, in the end,

are interconnected, both essential for the continuation of

the whole.

Since the creation of the AIESEC Way, our organisation

keeps this essence as our main compass that connects

our vision – Peace and the Fulfilment of Humankind’s

Potential – to our evolution throughout the years.

In order to advance, we need to maintain the essence of the

organisation, but, at the same time, allow innovation and

progress. It’s not one versus the other, but one

complementing the other! That’s why AIESEC 2015 is

about improving our current programmes – exchange,

leadership and global learning environment – while

inventing new ones.

AIESEC 2015 stimulates progress and is our aspiration in order to get

closer to our vision. The AIESEC Way is our compass to get there.



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It‟s all linked!During the D.R.E.A.M. Process, AIESEC used various

methodologies to develop AIESEC 2015. These helped

us to understand how the different elements of AIESEC

2015 are linked.

Golden Circle2 - What is it? It is comprised of three spheres (Why,

How and What). Below you can find the golden circles that define AIESEC:

Why (why does AIESEC exist?):

To empower young people for Peace and Fulfilment of Humankind‟s


How (How do we deliver our unique selling points?):

Value-based platform; accessible to a high volume of young people;

exploration and development of leadership potential; experiential learning,

cross-cultural understanding and creating positive impact.

What (what does AIESEC provide?):

Team Member programme, Team Leader programme, Global Community

Development programme, Global Internship programme

Keep in Mind!The AIESEC Way is our compass and the Golden Circle model is just a way of explaining the same essence in

another way. Nonetheless the content does not challenge the AIESEC Way, but rather strengthens it.




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BHAG stands for Big, Hairy, Audacious, Goal. It’s

a hope that drives organisational accomplishments

by setting a focal point of efforts for organisational


The BHAG is used for pointing a motivational

direction that pushes us closer to our vision.

What we envision:

Peace and Fulfilment of Humankind‟s



Engage and develop every young

person in the world

BHAG!What is it?



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The statements of AIESEC 2015 tell us what AIESEC will look like in

2015, the first step to achieving our BHAG. It is through these

statements that AIESEC is able to design the activities it will deliver

in 2015:

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Objective: Global Youth Voice

What type? The most credible and diverse

How you deliver it? By our growing physical and

virtual reach

Objective: First-choice Partner

What type? Across sectors

How you deliver it? By being recognised for our

ability to develop responsible and entrepreneurial


Objective: Positive Impact

What type? Cross-generational

How you deliver it? By living a high-quality

AIESEC Experience and by enabling a collaborative


2015 statements and wheelsThe 2015 statements can be summarised by the 2015 Wheels: Global

Youth Voice, First-Choice Partner and Creating a Positive Impact.

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We Offer

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Engagement:In this phase, young people are introduced to the world of AIESEC through different engagement

channels. They will learn about the WHY, HOW and WHAT of AIESEC and it will empower them to

pick the path to kick start their AIESEC Experience.

Experiential Leadership

Development:The main programmes of the organisation

are delivered here. This is the leadership

development centre where the members

can learn and gain everything from the global

leadership network of AIESEC.

Life-long Connection:A life long connection will ensure positive

change throughout an AIESEC members

life. In this way, AIESEC presents each of its

alumni a platform for continuous growth,

enabling them to make a constant positive

impact on society.

The AIESEC Experience

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The AIESEC Experience consists

of three phases:

• Engagement with AIESEC

• Experiential Leadership


• Life-long Connection

In each of these phases there are

programmes to be developed,

following the principle of

improving and inventing. In this

booklet you’ll find more details

about the improved programmes

The AIESEC Experience

The programmes in the AIESEC Experience can be

taken in any order, according to a member‟s choice

and the opportunities offered by the entity.

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Improve and Invent

To follow the road towards 2015, the organisation’s direction, from now on, needs to be

focused in two complementary forces:

1) Constantly reviewing our programmemes in order to improve them;

2) Absorbing innovative trends in order to invent new programmes.

This is the chosen approach to take

the refreshed phases of the AIESEC

Experience off paper and how we

will get closer to engage and

develop every young person in

the world.

The AIESEC Experience

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Business Model Generation4 – Why and how was it used?

To support this approach of improving and inventing, AIESEC has researched the most

suitable methodology to lead a shift in the organisation. Business Model Generation

introduces the concept of how organisations create, deliver and capture value. This

process can be rationally described by a business model canvas, such as the one


1) Whom do we serve?

2) What we offer?

3) How we reach them?

4) How we interact with them?

5) How we earn revenue?

6) What resources do we need?

7) What activities do we perform?

8) Who supports us?

9) Where do we spend money?

The Programmes











Value Proposition








Key Resources





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Team Member programme

It is one of the most crucial ways

in which you can start on your

path towards leadership

development. In this phase you

will be introduced to a practical

team experience, gain access to

a global network and engage in

practical hard skills


The Programmes

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This experience will culminate in

your personal and professional

development through the

concept of team building and

management. You get to

experience leading other

members and guiding them in

their work, thus becoming a

crucial part of their


Team Leader programme

The Programmes

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This programme offers

internships that contribute to the

professional development of a

member and assist them to

specialise in a certain field of

work. They are normally long

term in nature and involve

working on diverse business

projects and organisations.

The Programmes

Global Internship programme

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International internships are the most

intense learning experience we offer

and links together our global network.

This programme encompasses cross-

cultural positive impact through

working abroad for social and

community development projects that

lead to self development and skill

enhancement for the member

undertaking the programme.

The Programmes

Global Community Development programme

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Global Community Development programme

Global Community Development Programme Video:

AIESEC 2015 Videos:

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Step by


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2015 step by step

Milestones and Timeline

The path we have walked through since IPM 2010 in Tunisia, is represented below, as well the main

milestones achieved or to be achieved:

IPM 2010, Tunisia

D.R.E.A.M. process


IC 2010, India

BHAG and 2015

statements creation

IPM 2011, Mexico


2015 programmes



Strategic Meetings,

March 2011

Developmentof materials and design

XPROs 2011

Education and


to the network

Steering Team

Meeting, May 2011

Definition of measures

and targets

IC 2011, Kenya

Full process closed and translation

into operations

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is AIESEC 2015?

AIESEC 2015 is the midterm ambition defined by AIESEC globally during IC 2010 in

India. The midterm ambition is composed by vision statements that came from the 600

delegates present in India, with the virtual support of members and Alumni.

AIESEC 2015 explains how AIESEC wants to be seen in 5 years time.

What is a BHAG?

A BHAG is a Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal. BHAGs are bigger, bolder and more powerful

than regular long and short-term goals and they typically take a 10 to 30 year

commitment. BHAGs are considered to be nearly impossible to achieve without

consistently working outside of a comfort zone and displaying commitment and constant

evolution and performance.

You can read more here:

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the overall link between the AIESEC Way, BHAG, AIESEC 2015 and our


The AIESEC Way is our guidance and compass and it's to be seen from a very long

term perspective. The BHAG is our aspiration and something that challenges the

organisation and stimulates progress. AIESEC 2015 is the midterm ambition that defines

the desired state of AIESEC in 5 years time. The programmes are what we execute and

run every single day for local, national and global operations.

The focus on the BHAG, AIESEC 2015 and the programmes brings us closer to the

vision of the organisation of Peace and Fulfilment of Humankind's Potential.

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Frequently Asked Questions

When can I find 2015 Goals?

AIESEC 2015 goals will be defined during the May 2011 Steering Team Meeting. Until

June 30th 2011 we will keep working with the 2010 measures of success. From July 1st

we will be working with the 2015 Measures of Success.

What is happening with X+L measure of success?

X+L measure of success is still relevant in the network as it allows us to assess the

number of members in the network that are developing themselves through more than

one of the programmes the organisation offers.

Is the current AIESEC Experience changing?

Yes. The current AIESEC Experience is evolving to the one presented during XPROs

2011 and in the documents of 2015. We want to have programmes for people to engage

with AIESEC, have a deep leadership development phase and also programmes to

ensure a life-long connection.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What programmes are under the “Engagement with AIESEC” phase?

AIESEC International will be inventing programmes to enhance this phase, with the

support of specific global teams (e.g. Steering Team, GSTs). For the time being the local

and national chapters can improve their current engagement channels (E.g.

Recruitment, Online Marketing and Induction).

What programmes are under the “Life-long connection” phase?

AIESEC International will be also inventing programmes to enhance this phase, with the

support of specific global teams (e.g. Steering Team, GSTs). For the time being the local

and national chapters can improve their current initiatives connected with Alumni and

recent members leaving the organisation.

Why a difference between a programme and an experience?

AIESEC offers experiences. We highly recommend that we keep that communication

consistent to external audiences, but internally we are working with programmes to build

the management mindset across the network.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do we integrate the work that we have been doing with „Execution‟ of the

programme‟s business models?

The focus for 2010-11 is to achieve our current Measures of Success, while aligning our

activity, planning & review structure to implement 2015 programmes. Thus, we need to

balance between achievement and making structural transformations in our entities to

implement 2015.

How much can I customise to my own reality?

The AIESEC 2015 programmes can be implemented at any level of the organisation

until 2015. The most important thing is to ensure that activity in your country is aligned to

the logic of the described programmes. As a minimum, countries should plan their

contribution to 2015 according to the 2015 Goals and evolve their operations to

implement the programmes.

Can I invent my new programmes as country?

It’s not recommended. AIESEC International is the entity in the network that is investing

resources in research and development of new programmes, testing them and piloting

them, and we recommend MCs and LCs to implement the programmes defined globally.

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Yin Yang

Page 6, Footnote 1



Golden Circles

Page 8, Footnote 2





Page 9, Footnote 3



Business Model


Page 16, Footnote 4

Osterwalder &


Wiley (2010)

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Are you excited about

AIESEC 2015?