aiche corporate sponsorship solicitation 2016-2017 · tance and poster compe ons in manha4an and...

American Institute of Chemical Engineers Sponsorship Information 2015-2016 Academic Year Iowa State University

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Page 1: AIChE Corporate Sponsorship Solicitation 2016-2017 · tance and poster compe ons in Manha4an and qualified for the Na onal ChemE Car Compe on, which will be in November in San Francisco

American Institute of Chemical Engineers

Sponsorship Information

2015-2016 Academic Year

Iowa State University

Page 2: AIChE Corporate Sponsorship Solicitation 2016-2017 · tance and poster compe ons in Manha4an and qualified for the Na onal ChemE Car Compe on, which will be in November in San Francisco

Dear Company Name Representa�ve,

The Iowa State University student chapter of the American Ins�tute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) is interested in

partnering with Company Name to promote the professional development of our members. The AIChE chapter has

seen incredible growth in the last five years, directly related to the growth of the Chemical and Biological Engineer-

ing Department. The AIChE chapter needs Company Name’s support to meet the rising demand to offer more fre-

quent and diverse ac�vi�es for our members.

The student chapter seeks to support the professional development of our students by offering opportuni�es for

members to expand upon their leadership, communica�on, and technical skills. We do this by providing many di-

verse ac�vi�es for our members including company sponsored mee�ngs for students to network with and learn

from company representa�ves, the development of small shoebox sized cars (ChemE Cars) powered and stopped

with chemical reac�ons, the promo�on of STEM educa�on for K-12 students, community service, social events to

strengthen community between students and faculty, and a4endance at AIChE regional and na�onal conferences.

During the 2015 - 2016 academic year, the chapter was able to send 14 representa�ves to the AIChE Na�onal Stu-

dent Conference in Salt Lake City and 33 representa�ves to the MidAmerica Regional Conference in Manha4an,

Kansas. At these conferences student competed in a variety of research compe��ons and gave technical talks or

professional development presenta�ons; addi�onally, one of our ChemE Car teams took 2nd place in both the dis-

tance and poster compe��ons in Manha4an and qualified for the Na�onal ChemE Car Compe��on, which will be

in November in San Francisco.

During the 2016 - 2017 academic year, the chapter will take students to compete at both the Na�onal Student Con-

ference in San Francisco and the MidAmerica Regional Conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The chapter plans to field

three ChemE Car teams, one will be compe�ng in San Francisco the others will be preparing for the spring compe�-

�ons in Tulsa. The chapter aims to send 20 representa�ves to San Francisco and approximately 35 to Tulsa.

To support chapter ac�vi�es, we are seeking partnership with Company Name by invi�ng you to a4end/host cor-

porate involvement events on campus and through tax-deduc�ble dona�ons to the organiza�on. Your sponsorship

may help us send a ChemE Car team to the na�onal AIChE student conference in November or support us as we

design and build new and innova�ve ChemE Cars. Your dona�on may also enable our chapter to con�nue to devel-

op events including the CBE Showcase, and STEM Day, which gives 3rd - 6th graders a chance to explore sci-

ence. All of these ac�vi�es will be happening during the upcoming academic year, from August 2016 to May 2017,

and will affect more than 200 chemical engineering students. An explana�on of the various sponsorship levels and

corporate involvement events has been included.

The Iowa State University student chapter of the American Ins�tute of Chemical Engineers is excited to partner

with Company Name and we hope you will help us in our mission to improve leadership skills and create more

effec�ve engineers.


Gavin Hellmich, President Vincent Anderson, Vice President

[email protected] [email protected]

IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering

American Institute of Chemical Engineers

Page 3: AIChE Corporate Sponsorship Solicitation 2016-2017 · tance and poster compe ons in Manha4an and qualified for the Na onal ChemE Car Compe on, which will be in November in San Francisco

General Meeng:

A4end a weeknight mee�ng (typically Tuesdays or Thursdays) and present about what a

chemical engineer does at your company. Some of this presenta�on should focus on infor-

ma�on about the company culture, mission, and products. These mee�ngs serve as a

method to show members the wide variety of career op�ons available to those with a de-

gree in chemical engineering.

Corporate Involvement Opportuni�es

Networking Night:

Informal networking opportunity the evening before the career fair. The plan is to supply

students an opportunity to meet recruiters from several companies before the career fair -

- a sort of networking speed da�ng event with a business-formal meal. We are reques�ng

companies to contribute $250 to defray food and facility costs.

Social Event:

Sponsor an event focusing on the maintenance and support of the community in the

Chemical and Biological Engineering department. These events are some�mes held with

other student organiza�ons. In the past these events have included the following: Friday

AHer Class gathering at a local restaurant, bowling in the Memorial Union, or tailga�ng at a

home football game.

Professional Development Event:

Host an event targeted at encouraging the professional development of the AIChE mem-

bers. These events typically require several representa�ves to visit campus and facilitate

some kind of presenta�on or exercise. In the past these events have included resume re-

views and mock interviews.

Lunch & Learn:

This informal session will be hosted during lunch�me, when the vast majority of students

are available on campus, giving representa�ves a chance to discuss topics related to their

company or industry.

How to schedule these events:

For ease of scheduling, the chapter now employs a google form to gauge company inter-

est in corporate involvement opportuni�es.

Please fill out this google form to express interest: h4p://

Page 4: AIChE Corporate Sponsorship Solicitation 2016-2017 · tance and poster compe ons in Manha4an and qualified for the Na onal ChemE Car Compe on, which will be in November in San Francisco

General Sponsorship Levels


$250 - $749


$750 - $1249


$1250 - $1749


$1750 - $2499



Name/Logo on

ChemE Car and



Name/Logo on

Na�onal Confer-

ence T-Shirt

x x

Name/Logo in

CBE Showcase


x x x

Name/Logo on

Regional confer-

ence T-shirt

x x x x

Name/Logo on

Monthly News-

le4er x x x x x

Name/Logo on

Membership T-

shirt x x x x x

Name/Logo ap-

pears on Website

x x x x x

Page 5: AIChE Corporate Sponsorship Solicitation 2016-2017 · tance and poster compe ons in Manha4an and qualified for the Na onal ChemE Car Compe on, which will be in November in San Francisco

ChemE Car sponsor: $2000

• Fully covers the fabrica�on costs of a ChemE Car

• Company Logo on car and posters

Naonal Conference Sponsor: $1500

• Sponsor one student’s trip to the na�onal Annual Student Conference happening

from November 11-14th taking place in San Francisco.

• Company Logo appears on Na�onals Conference Shirt

Membership Donor: $100

• Support the growth of the ISU AIChE Chapter by providing funding that will be used

to encourage greater student involvement and par�cipa�on

Outreach Event Donor: $500

• Support the Outreach Commi4ee by providing funding that will be used to facilitate

the promo�on of STEM field educa�on in K-12 students and for community service


Lab Equipment Donor: ???

• Support the ChemE Car teams and Outreach Commi4ee by dona�ng needed pieces

of laboratory equipment. Current equipment needs, contact Gavin Hellmich

([email protected]) for specifics.

Please fill out this google form to express interest in sponsorship opportuni�es:


Ini�a�ve Sponsorship

Page 6: AIChE Corporate Sponsorship Solicitation 2016-2017 · tance and poster compe ons in Manha4an and qualified for the Na onal ChemE Car Compe on, which will be in November in San Francisco

IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering

American Institute of Chemical Engineers

To donate to the Iowa State University student chapter of the

American Ins�tute of Chemical Engineers, please contact Gavin

Hellmich ([email protected]) by September 15 with the follow-

ing informa�on:

Company Name

Contact Informa�on

Sponsorship Level

Total Sponsorship Amount

Please send payments to the ISU Founda�on:

2505 University Boulevard

P.O. Box 2230

Ames, IA 50010-2230

For sponsorship and organiza�onal ques�ons and informa�on,

please contact:

Gavin Hellmich

Chapter President

American Ins�tute of Chemical Engineers

[email protected]

For payment ques�ons and informa�on, please contact:

Bobbi Burkhart:

Corporate and Founda�on Rela�ons

Iowa State Founda�on


The Iowa State University chapter of the American Ins�tute of

Chemical Engineers is excited to support the professional develop-

ment of chemical engineering students. We hope you take this op-

portunity to support the high achieving chemical engineering stu-

dents and help them to improve their leadership skills to make

them be4er future engineers.

To learn more about the American Ins�tute of Chemical Engineers, please visit:

To learn more about the AIChE chapter at Iowa State University, please visit: