aibs 2010 entry booklet · the 2012 aibs the aib international media excellence awards join our...

The AIBs 2012 Inspiring creativity The AIB international media excellence awards Join our search for the world’s most creative content in factual TV ENTRY INFORMATION Closing date for entries 2 July 2012 Awards night London, 7 November 2012

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Page 1: AIBs 2010 entry booklet · The 2012 AIBs The AIB international media excellence awards Join our search for inspiring creativity in factual programming is really working, delivering

The AIBs 2012

Inspiring creativity

The AIB international media excellence awards

Join our search for the world’s most creative content in factual TV

ENTRY INFORMATIONClosing date for entries 2 July 2012

Awards night London, 7 November 2012

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The AIB international media excellence awardsJoin our search for inspiring creativity in factual programming

TELEVISIONClearest live news coverageBest international current affairs documentaryBest domestic current affairs documentaryBest investigative documentaryBest children’s factual programme/seriesBest science programme or scientific coverageBest specialist genre programme or seriesBest live sports coverageBest coverage of London 2012*Best short documentary or report

TRANS-MEDIABest trans-media production

Sponsored by Eurosport

RADIOClearest news coverageBest current affairs documentaryBest investigative documentaryBest creative feature

ON-AIR TALENTInternational TV personality

sponsored by RTG TVInternational radio personality

TECHNOLOGYMost innovative production technology

The AIBs 2012

Categories at a glance

* closing date for this category is 20 September

Our categories change each year to reflect format development within broadcasters and production companies. Read the descriptions carefully to be sure your entry competes in the right category.

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The 2012 AIBsThe AIB international media excellence awardsJoin our search for inspiring creativity in factual programming

is really working, delivering the verybest to audiences.

FOCUS ON FACTUAL The annual AIBs have alwaysfocused on factual programming.

AIB believes that entertainmentprogrammes already have their ownfestivals to celebrate excellence infiction. Engaging an audience in afactual narrative requires differentskills. Investigative journalism isdifficult, especially in an age ofausterity and spin-doctors. Butpowerful storytelling can commandlarge audiences.

The AIBs showcase the bestcurrent affairs and documentaryproductions across a wide range ofgenres. We want to make sure weare comparing like with like.

REWARDING TALENTHaving the best on-air talent is

essential for any broadcaster andthe AIBs recognise personalitieson-screen and behind the radio mic.

Judges look for engaging,creative people who relate both totheir audience and to the story theyare telling.

TECHNOLOGY IS VITAL, TOOThe AIBs also reward excellence inproduction technology. All kinds ofnew tools are helping journalistsand broadcasters discover newstories, whether they are hidden inmountains of data or throughtapping wisdom within the crowds.

INDEPENDENT JURYThe AIBs are judged by a panel ofindependent, international jurymembers. The constantly changingpanel consists of producers,editors, journalists, writers andcritics.

WIDER SCOPE THAN ENGLISHAIB recognises that 90% of theworld's population does not speakEnglish as a first language.

We actively encourage entries inall languages.

THE CELEBRATIONAll the AIBs will be presented atour gala evening in London on 7November 2012.

We are returning to LSO StLuke's in the heart of London’sTechCity where programmemakers, executives, technologistsand marketers will gather for aninspiring evening of celebration,networking and more.

We lookforward toyour entries.


The AIBs - the media excellenceawards - are firmly established asone of the most significantinternational festivals for media.

Each year the Association forInternational Broadcasting searchesfor the most inspiring story-tellingacross radio, TV and online. We'replatform agnostic. AIB aims to show-case the very best in inspiringcreativity from establishedbroadcasters and independentproducers around the world.

Winning an AIB Award meanssomething. It brings peer recognitionfor the producer and respect tothose who commissioned the work.Past winners have found it hasgenerated interest in their workfrom all over the world, as well asgenerating interest in their homenews media.

Winning an AIB award confirmsthat your programming and content 3

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ABOUT AIBAIB is the industry association forinternational TV, radio, online andmobile broadcasting. Founded in1993, AIB provides a range ofservices to an influential globalmembership.

AIB produces regular marketintelligence briefings exclusivelyfor members, offering independentinsight into developments in mediamarkets worldwide. Thesebriefings highlight opportunitiesand inform members’ strategicplanning work.

AIB also publishes a regularmagazine, called The Channel.Available online and in print, itcarries longer articles, profiles andanalysis.

The combined reach of all theAIB's activities is more than 27,000executives and producers.

GLOBAL NETWORKING, RESEARCHAIB members benefit from regularprivate networking events held indifferent cities worldwide. Thesebring together key opinion-formersin media, government and regulatorybodies, enabling a frank exchangeof ideas and opinion in an informal,off-the-record environment.

AIB forges relationships for itsmembers with key players in alliedindustries like mobile andconnected TV.

AIB researches and publishes adirectory of the world’s media. TheAIB Global Broadcasting Sourcebookis a unique, practical and accurateguide to broadcasters, cable operators,IPTV companies and DTH platformsin almost every country of the world.

CONSULTING WORLDWIDEAIB provides consulting services to

the broadcasting industry globally. Clients have included Discovery

Communications, AssociatedPress, ABS-CBN, ABC, RadioNetherlands Worldwide and otherleading media companies. With itsglobal knowlege network, AIB isideally placed to provide in-depth,relevant consulting services.

AIB - HERE TO HELPAIB was established to help andassist the internationalbroadcasting industry.

AIB has been in the business ofbroadcasting and media for almost20 years.

AIB is ideally placed today todeliver a world-class range ofservices to the world’s leadingbroadcasters and service providers.

Join us to take advantage of thebenefits of AIB membership.


AIB Global Broadcasting Sourcebook

Gamify your brand

How to engage andmonetise audiences

P46 GOING OMNI-MEDIAPhoenix Satellite TV is ahead of the curve

P40 ASIA INSIGHTChannel NewsAsia aiming for a global presence

P50 DIGITAL ARCHIVEHow digitisation hastransformed ITN Source


Powering the Games

The Channel

African start-up

Mass market mobile for emerging territories

Live 3D, ultra-motion, enhancing graphics, remote production, screen technology


Inspiring creativity

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AIB | The Association for International Broadcasting

Head officePO Box 141 | Cranbrook | TN17 9AJ | United Kingdom

T +44 20 7993 2557F +44 20 7993 [email protected]

Key contactsChief Executive

Simon SpanswickEditorial Director

Gunda CannonBusiness Development

Roger StoneExecutive Officer

Alison SearySales and Marketing Executive

Judy LundSales and Marketing Executive

Matthew Porter


The AIBs 2012Join major brands supporting theannual AIBs and reflect the successthese international awards celebrate.

You can sponsor award categoriesor the opening champagne receptionat the Awards dinner.

If you want to be seen as one ofthe most important players in globalmedia and broadcasting, you canbecome our exclusive prime eventpartner and benefit from extensiveco-branding.

AN UNRIVALLED OPPORTUNITYWhichever option you choose - andwe are happy to discuss any ideasyou may have to support the AIBs -this is an unrivalled opportunity toput your brand in front of aninfluential international audience inTV, radio, online and mobile.

Importantly, this brand exposureis not just a "one-off". Instead, itruns for up to nine months: before,during and after the Awards event.

Support the AIBsas a sponsor

See the timetable in ourpartnership opportunities book(online at for ourmarketing plan that could place yourbrand in front of more than 27,000media leaders - senior executives,editors, producers, journalists andtechnologists - from April toDecember this year. Indeed you getcoverage well into 2013 because theawards booklet is distributed atevents in the early part of 2013.

As part of each event partnershipdeal, AIB will ensure comprehensive,high-visibility branding in advance ofthe event via its website, emailindustry briefings and printedmailings which together reach morethan 26,000 targeted seniorindividuals in the international mediaindustry.

AN INSPIRATIONAL EVENINGAt the AIBs awards evening, eachevent partner will receive extensive

branding throughout the venue andin materials handed out to guestsduring the event and indocumentation produced online andin print following the awards.

After the Awards, AIB will providecoverage of all event partners andsponsors in the December 2012edition of AIB's international mediamagazine, The Channel, including afull page ad.

Each of our event partners isentitled to significant discounts onplaces at the glittering, inspirationalgala awards night in London on 7November.

GREAT OPPORTUNITIESWe’re happy to discuss how the AIBscan make your brand stand out fromthe crowd on a truly global basis aswe deliver in excess of nine monthsof PR and coverage reaching allparts of the world.Talk to us today!

The AIB international media excellence awardsJoin our search for inspiring creativity in factual programming

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The AIBs 2012

The AIBs - sponsorsThe AIBs rely on the support ofthe international media industryto stage this major internationalfestival each year.

Here are some of the majorbrands that have successfullypartnered with AIB to make theannual AIBs competition anoutstanding global event.


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Clearest live news coverage Broadcasters still command largeaudiences during major newsevents, both natural and man-made.

Increasingly broadcasters areproviding live coverage and analysisof events: during elections, floods,sporting competitions. They partnerwith mapping companies to explainand provide news that complementswhat's done on air.

One of the most important rolesof broadcasters is providingunbiased, accurate news toaudiences, either domestically orinternationally.

Our judges will be looking forthe most appropriate coverage of amajor news story. Has the audiencebeen given the context surrounding

the story, particularly if they areunfamiliar with events in a differentpart of the world? Can the audiencefully understand what’s happenedand why? Have reporters dealtcompassionately with peopleaffected by the event and reportedthe event sensitively? Havebroadcasters given relevant newsthat can help during an emergency?

These are difficult things to getright at the best of times and whena story is breaking, it’s even moreimportant to show trueprofessionalism.

We’re looking for best practice innews coverage.

See page 24 for full informationon what you need to submit for

either the TV or radio live newscategory. In this category, you maysubmit a showreel of editedhighlights of the coverage that wasbroadcast.

Remember - broadcasts enteredmust have been transmitted ordistributed online between 1 June2011 and 30 June 2012.

TV categoryRadio category

2011 winners Lara Logan inAfghanistan for CBS 60 Minutes; theCBS production team; VictoriaDerbyshire, BBC Radio 5 Live

The AIBs 2012


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2011 winners Poul-Erik Heilbuth,Danmarks Radio for The Man WhoLied the World into War (centre);Czech Radio for Pilot and Death

The AIBs 2012

Best investigative documentaryBroadcasters have the power touncover issues and to establishthe facts that some would ratherkeep hidden.

In 2012, the AIBs are lookingfor creative story-tellingcombined with outstandingoriginal, thorough investigationthat takes the lid off an area oflife or society.

The programme needs todemonstrate extensive researchthat shows in the narrative,taking risks where appropriate toreveal a story that is of majorpublic interest.

The programme shouldprovide the audience withanswers to difficult questions.

The programme may have led toan investigation by the authoritiesinto the situation.

We’re not looking forsensationalism, but for clear,well-documented journalism andstory-telling that investigates anissue in the producer’s homecountry, or internationally.

The programme shoulddemonstrate the role TV or radiohas in making sure that justice isdone.

We’re looking for superiorproduction values, clear andunderstandable presentation andfirst rate editing.

See page 24 for fullinformation on what you need to

submit for this category.All documentaries entered

must have been transmitted ordistributed online between 1 June2011 and 30 June 2012.

The AIB international media excellence awardsJoin our search for inspiring creativity in factual programming

TV categoryRadio category

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Best current affairs documentaryDocumentaries on TV and radioare often powerful pieces offactual story-telling. Theyshould help audiences makesense of major stories acrosspolitics, religion, science andmany other subjects.

We are looking for singledocumentaries, or an extendedthemed programme sequence orseries, that has covered a topicalsubject in an interesting andperhaps unusual way.

The programme should providethe audience with an insight thatis difficult to get elsewhere.

There are two TV awards inthis category: best internationalcurrent affairs documentary and

best domestic current affairsdocumentary.

In the international award,your entry might be adocumentary that reports on amajor international occurrenceor it might shed light on aparticular part of the world that’sunder-reported by newsprogrammes.

For the domestic award, yourentry might cover the reaction toa particular situation in yourcountry, and its aftermath.

We’re looking for superiorproduction values, clear andunderstandable presentation andfirst rate editing.

Of course, the story must be

explained without bias andprovide contextual information sothat people who are unfamiliarwith the story can understandwhat is being discussed.

See page 24 for full detailsabout what you need to submitfor the TV or radio categories.

All documentaries enteredmust have been transmitted ordistributed online between 1 June2011 and 30 June 2012.

TV categoryRadio category

2011 winners True Vision Zimbabwe’sForgotten Children; BBC PanoramaFighting Gaddafi; NHK Surviving theTsunami; Radio Taiwan InternationalFreeing Taiwan’s Slaves

The AIBs 2012The AIB international media excellence awardsJoin our search for inspiring creativity in factual programming

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TV categoryThe AIBs 2012

Best science programmeScience is vitally important in allour lives, yet in many countriesinterest in science andtechnology has waned, with fewerchildren studying the sciences,for example.

Television and online dossiershave the power to bring scienceinto people’s homes and topresent complex issues in highlycreative ways.

From the creation of the solarsystem to the exploration of theseas, the development of newfuel sources to the survival ofbees, there are many subjectsthat can be tackled bymainstream media.

AIB is looking for the most

compelling and imaginativescience programme or seriesthat explains complex scientificconcepts with an unsurpassedlevel of clarity that leaves theviewer wanting to explore thesubject in greater detail.

Our judges will be looking forgreat footage, whether filmed onlocation in difficult-to-reach partsof the world or in an urbanenviroment close to home. Thenarration and story-telling willneed to be clear andunambiguous. The use ofgraphics to help explain complexconcepts in an easy-to-graspmanner will be important.

The programme or series will

appeal to a wide audience, notonly to science experts orteachers. Your programme orseries may also have generated“water cooler” discussions atviewers’ workplaces straight aftertransmission or considerablediscussion on social networks.

All documentaries enteredmust have been transmitted ordistributed online between 1 June2011 and 30 June 2012.

The AIB international media excellence awardsJoin our search for inspiring creativity in factual programming

Atlantic Productions and BSkyB tookthe inaugural best scienceprogramme award for 3D FlyingMonsters at the 2011 AIBs

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Radio category

Best creative featureFor best creative feature, we aresearching for a programme, or anepisode from a programmeseries, that combines creativeand exceptional use of the radiomedium with superb story-tellingand outstanding sound design.

We have deliberately left thiscategory wide open. In 2011 wehad an oustanding range ofprogrammes of an exceptionallyhigh creative standard.

In 2012, we are looking formore great stories told withclarity and with passion.

The winning entry will havemade full use of the sound stage,offering an immersiveprogramme that has hooked

listeners: a travelogue, perhaps,or a piece of drama that helps toillustrate an important issue.

Whatever your programme, it’sgoing to be something that ourjudges, along with your audience,will remember for a long time tocome.

See page 24 for fullinformation on what you need tosubmit.

Remember that featuresentered must have beentransmitted or distributed onlinebetween 1 June 2011 and 30 June2012.

RTE took the prize in the bestcreative feature award in 2011 fortelling the great story Don’t Go Far


The AIB international media excellence awardsJoin our search for inspiring creativity in factual programming

The AIBs 2012

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TV categoryThe AIBs 2012

Best children’s factual programme/seriesChildren are great listeners tostories and AIB is looking for thebest factual programme or seriesthat has produced ingeniousstories for children on televisionin national or internationalmarkets.

AIB knows that it is importantthat children’s television not onlyentertains but stimulates theirintellectual development.

In these days of computergames and social networking, TVhas to work harder than ever toencourage children to sit andwatch, rather than surfing theNet or playing video games.

Our best children’s factualaward is searching for an

entertaining, informativeprogramme or series that isdesigned for children betweenthe ages of six and 14.

It could be a natureprogramme, or a feature aboutdifferent cultures. It might be ascience-based programme orone that deals with news andcurrent affairs.

We are looking for the beststory-telling, the highestproduction values and forpresenters who engage with theiryoung audience andcommunicate issuescompassionately and effectively.

It is likely that the programmeor series will have an online

component to provide additionalinformation and to help theviewer find out more on thesubject.

See page 24 for fullinformation on what you need tosubmit for this TV category.

Remember that broadcastsentered must have beentransmitted between 1 June 2011and 30 June 2012.

BBC Newsround won the 2011 bestchildren’s factual award for itsspecial Growing Up in a War Zone,presented by Sonali Shah


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TV categoryThe AIBs 2012


Best specialist programme or seriesInternational and domesticbroadcasting today includes moreniche channels and programmingthan ever - and this is good newsfor viewers and for story-tellersin broadcasters and independentproduction companies.

This award provides theopportunity for companies todemonstrate their specialistprogramme-making skills. Fromtravel to finance, technology tohealth, food to fashion, greatstories are being told toaudiences around the world. Nowis the time to have your workrecognised internationally.

Whatever the subject,whatever the niche, we expect to

see extremely high productionvalues, clear presentation, greatstory-telling. If graphics areinvolved, they will be clear,simple and beautiful to look at.Presenters or narrators willengage with their audience andcommunicate effectively.

See page 24 for fullinformation on what you need tosubmit for this specialist TVcategory.

Remember that broadcastsmust have been transmitted ordistributed online between 1 June2011 and 30 June 2012.

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TV categoryThe AIBs 2012

Best short documentary, feature or reportAIB recognises that not every newsstory or documentary calls for a 30’or more production. In fact, AIB isnoticing that there is an increasingnumber of top-quality shortdocumentaries and reportscovering a remarkable range ofsubjects.

We are also seeing much morecompetition to establishedbroadcasters from online newsservices and newspapers that areinvesting in video programming.

This new category, introduced atthe request of AIB members andfinalists in last year’s AIBs, is opento broadcasters, independentproducers, newspapers and onlinevideo portals who produce reports,

features and documentaries lastingless than 10’.

Telling a story effectively in thattime can be challenging,particularly for complex issues. AIBhas seen some remarkable work,particularly by newspapers, thatare changing the way reporting isundertaken.

We’re searching for the beststories told in a succinct yeteffective way, grabbing theaudience’s attention and deliveringfactual stories in new ways.

Information on how to enterstarts on page 24 - treat thiscategory as a television category interms of what you need to submit.Online broadcasters can submit

NEWThe AIB international media excellence awardsJoin our search for inspiring creativity in factual programming

their work as a .mov file (25 fps or50 fps/1080p, 1080i or 720p)instead of a digibeta or DVCAMtape.

All submissions must have beenbroadcast or released onlinebetween 1 June 2011 and 30 June2012.

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TV categoryThe AIBs 2012


The AIB international media excellence awardsJoin our search for inspiring creativity in factual programming

Best live sports coverageSport captures the imaginationlike almost nothing else when itcomes to TV. Some of the largestglobal and national audiences arecreated by large-scale sportingevents that are televised inincreasingly innovative ways.

In 2012, AIB is looking for thepinnacle of live sports coverage.

We think that the winningentry is likely to include ground-breaking pre-event scene-settingsequences that go behind thescenes with athletes andcompetitors as they prepare fortheir events.

There will be world-class useof graphics to provide contextualinformation to viewers.

Great vision mixing, greatcommentary, great titles - all ofthese are likely to be part of themix in the shortlisted entries.

This award will helpdemonstrate best practice insports broadcasting, offering amasterclass in production topeers around the world.

Remember that this awardcovers sports events that takeplace between 1 June 2011 and30 June 2012.

Information on how to enterstarts on page 24.

Australia’s Nine Network took theAIB prize for best live sportscoverage in 2011 for The 2010 Stateof Origin

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TV categoryThe AIBs 2012

Best coverage of London 2012The XXX Olympiad takes place inLondon in the summer of 2012 andwill be the most-watched sportingevent in the world this year.

This will be the first OlympicGames that is comprehensively HDand London is also the first “socialnetwork” Games.

While the number of rights-holders is limited, this award is notnecessarily restricted to thosebroadcasters operating from withinthe Olympic stadium.

The focus of the world will be onLondon and in addition to theGames, there’s lots more going onin the city that broadcasters will becovering as the summer unfolds.

We’re looking for exceptional

coverage that reflects the city, itsresidents, its visitors, its cultureand more. We’re looking for theway stories have been told aroundthe Olympics, making best use oficonic sights as well as the hiddengems of the city of London.

If you’re covering the Gameseither as a rights or non-rightsholder, you should enter thisspecial London 2012 award andshowcase your work.

For this special award, there isa different closing date for entries.All submissions must be receivedby 20 September, 11 days after theclose of the Paralympics. Information on how to enter startson page 24.

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Trans-mediacategoryThe AIBs 2012

Best trans-media productionTransmedia storytelling is thetechnique of telling a single storyor “story experience” acrossmultiple platforms and formatsusing digital technologies. Theinteraction between the TV andtablet, for instance, has beenintegrated.

This is a huge opportunity forstory-tellers to developtransmedia formats, craftingproductions that exploit eachplatform's advantages. The bestproductions we've seen so farhave involved audiences before,during and after release of themain programme.

We’re looking for the mostinnovative production that works

across multiple platforms. Forexample, it might be a TVprogramme that allows viewersto go deeper into the subject via amicrosite on the Web that offersadditional material, in video,audio and text.

We certainly expect to seeentries that harness the power ofmobile to engage with audiences.

Or it could be a productionthat’s been specially crafted foronline consumption rather thanthe big TV screen, butnonetheless engages audiencesin a way that conventional TVdoes every day.

Our judges will be looking forthe most creative solutions that

truly harness the power of thesenew platforms to deliver outstandingcontent in an innovative way.

See page 24 for fullinformation on what you need tosubmit for this category.

All productions entered musthave been available for the firsttime between 1 June 2011 and 30June 2012.

Danmarks Radio took the award forthe best cross-media production in2011 for 1864

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Most innovative production technologyTechnology is evolving fast,offering new ways forbroadcasters to capture stories,produce programmes and delivercontent to audiences.

Harnessing the power of themost relevant technology canmean the difference betweensuccess and failure for a mediacompany.

The demands of newplatforms and cross-mediapublishing mean that newtechnological solutions need tobe employed in broadcastingcentres that allow producers andjournalists to craft programmessimply and effectively for multipleoutlets. At the same time, the

production process needs to beas easy to understand and to useas possible.

This year’s AIB technologyaward will recognise the companythat has developed the mostappropriate, useful andtransferable technologicalsolution for the internationalbroadcasting industry, in production,scheduling, distribution or incontent aggregation.

The judges will look at the wayevery entry has solved a specificneed in the TV, radio or onlinemedia industry, enabling a contentproducer to be more effective.

See page 24 for fullinformation on what you need to

submit - we strongly recommendthat you submit a video of up to10’ in length to explain to judgeshow your technological solutionhas delivered real benefits. Wewill also use a clip from this toexplain the entry during our galaawards dinner.

Remember - the technologymust have been actively in usebetween 1 June 2011 and 30 June2012.


The UK’s Ideal World ShoppingChannel won the most innovativetechnology award for its USA LiveProject

The AIBs 2012


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Eurosport advertisement

The AIB international media excellence awardsCross-media Cross-border Cross-cultural

The 2011 AIBsThe AIB international media excellence awardsJoin our search for inspiring creativity in factual programming

Remember: your entries mustbe received by 2 July 2012

The AIBs 2012

except best coverage of London 2012 - closing date 20 September

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Personality of the yearAIB is passionate aboutbroadcasting. We know that thepeople who work on screen andat the microphone share thatpassion. The AIB personalityawards in 2012 will go to themost engaging personalities onair today.

We are searching forpresenters who exude passion fortheir craft and demonstrate thatthey are passionate about theiraudience as well.

The winner will beknowledgeable, enthusiastic andpossess that “something” thatmakes their audience - and ourjudges - pay attention.

It’s likely that the winner will

be a regular on-air presenterwho’s authoritative without beingoverbearing and comes across tothe audience as someone theycan rely on to tell them the facts.

Our judges are looking forpeople who can demonstrate thatthey have a “well-stocked” mindand who relate to the stories theyare presenting. The personality ofthe year will stand out from thecrowd and make viewers andlisteners take note. And ofcourse, if they are interviewers,they will instinctively know thequestions that their audiencewant asked and not be afraid toask challenging questions.

See page 24 for full

information on what you need tosubmit.

Remember that thepersonality must have beenregularly on air between 1 June2011 and 30 June 2012.

TV categoryRadio category

Sir David Attenborough was awardedthe 2011 international TV personalityand Farshid Manafi of RFE/RL tookhome the international radiopersonality award

The AIBs 2012The AIB international media excellence awardsJoin our search for inspiring creativity in factual programming

TV category sponsored by

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WHO RUNS THESE AWARDS? The AIBs are administered by theAssociation for InternationalBroadcasting, the not-for-profitindustry association and globalknowledge network for theinternational broadcasting industry.

AIB has members throughoutthe world and these awards wereestablished at the request of theAIB's members in 2003.

DO WE PAY TO ENTER?Yes, there is an administration feefor each entry. We keep costs as lowas possible, but these annual Awardsare a major undertaking and involvesignificant resources at the AIB.

The entry fee is £150 (thisincludes UK VAT @ 20%) per entry.Companies that are members ofthe AIB, fully-paid up at the time ofentry, benefit from a reduced entry

fee of £75 (including UK VAT @ 20%). Entry fees can be paid online,

using the secure WorldPay systemat, or by includingthe cardholder details on the entryform.

We also accept internationalbank transfers, but £10 must beadded to each transfer (not eachentry) to cover bank charges.

WHAT IS THE CLOSING DATE?Award entries must reach the AIBby 1600 GMT on 2 July 2012.

WHAT DO I NEED TO SEND?All entries must be accompanied bythe official entry form (on page 29of this book; also available fordownload or for online submissionin PDF format at Oneentry form is needed for eachentry.

TELEVISION AWARDSThe AIB requires one (1) labelledPAL-format digibeta or DVCAMtape of the entry plus nine (9)labelled DVDs of the entry. Pleasecheck that each DVD is free of readerrors before you send it! The DVDshould play both on domestic DVDplayers and on PCs. Timecodemust not be visible on the tape orthe DVDs.

The digibeta/DVCAM tape and allDVDs must only contain footageand episodes to be considered forthe competition.

Slates must be added to eachtape. Slate information mustinclude the entry name, the awardcategory name plus yourorganisation and key contact name.

Time code is required on eachdigibeta/DVCAM tape. A completeand accurate time code must be

How to enter

completed for each entry. The ‘in’time code must begin with the firstframe of each programme and the‘out’ time code must be the firstframe of black at the end of the entry.

Do not send a compilation ofepisodes. All entries must besubmitted as they were initiallybroadcast with no re-editing. [Fornews and personality awards, youmay send a compilation of coverage toa suggested maximum duration of 30’.]

Please record the mixed audio onall channels and ask a technician toverify that the audio and video havebeen properly recorded.

Please tell us the 30” clip yourecommend to use if your entry isshortlisted – provide the exact starttime in minutes, seconds and frames.

In addition to the video material,we need a transcript for non-English entries and all entries not

The AIBs 2012


The AIB international media excellence awardsJoin our search for inspiring creativity in factual programming

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in English must have English-language subtitles.

Please supply a synopsis andother relevant information for ourjudges. Transcripts, synopses andother information must be in PDFor Word on a labelled CD.

TV PERSONALITY AWARDThe AIB requires one (1) labelledPAL-format digibeta or DVCAMshowreel that provides sufficientmaterial for the judges to evaluatethe entry, plus nine (9) labelledDVDs with the same showreel.Please check that each DVD is freeof read errors before you send it.The DVD should play both ondomestic DVD players and on PCs.There must be no timecode visibleon the tape or DVDs.

The digibeta/DVCAM tape andDVDs should be a minimum of 15'

and a maximum of 30' in length.You may also additionally submit acomplete programme that thepresenter has hosted,

Slates must be added to eachtape. Slate information mustinclude the entry name, the awardcategory name plus yourorganisation and key contact name.

Time code is required on eachdigibeta/DVCAM tape. A completeand accurate time code must becompleted for each entry. The ‘in’time code must begin with the firstframe of each programme and the‘out’ time code must be the firstframe of black at the end of eachentry.

Please tell us the 30” clip yourecommend to use if your entry isshortlisted – provide the exact starttime in minutes, seconds and frames.

We also require one or more

high resolution JPG images of thepresenter supplied on a labelled CD.

In addition to the video material,we need a transcript (for non-Englishentries) and you may also supply aCV and other relevant informationfor our judges. Transcripts, CVs andother information must be in PDFor Word on a labelled CD.

TRANS-MEDIA AWARDWe recommend that you treat thisin a similar way to a TV entry: sendin nine (9) labelled DVDs (or CDs)with a presentation that demonstratesclearly how the production wentonto mobile or cross-mediaplatforms, with live hyperlinks tothe online portion if applicable.

We also need a writtenexplanation and synopsis thatshould be provided on a labelled CD.

There should be a video

showreel submitted on a labelledPAL-format digibeta or DVCAM tape.

Slates must be added to eachtape. Slate information mustinclude the entry name, the awardcategory name plus yourorganisation and key contact name.

Time code is required on eachdigibeta/DVCAM tape. A completeand accurate time code must becompleted for each entry. The ‘in’time code must begin with the firstframe of the programme and the‘out’ time code must be the firstframe of black at the entry.

Please tell us the 30” clip yourecommend to use if your entry isshortlisted – provide the exact starttime in minutes, seconds and frames.

RADIO AWARDS The AIB requires three (3) labelledCDs with the radio or audio

Page 26: AIBs 2010 entry booklet · The 2012 AIBs The AIB international media excellence awards Join our search for inspiring creativity in factual programming is really working, delivering

programme you are entering. Please ask a technician to check

that the audio has been properlyrecorded on each CD.

In addition to the audio material,we need a transcript (only for non-English entries).

You may supply a synopsis andother relevant information for ourjudges. Transcripts, synopses andother information must be in PDFor Word on a labelled CD.

Please tell us the 30” clip yourecommend to use if your entry isshortlisted – provide the exact starttime, plus the "in" and "out" words.

RADIO PERSONALITY AWARDThe AIB requires three (3) labelledCDs with an audio showreel thatprovides sufficient material for thejudges to evaluate the entry. Pleasecheck that each CD is free of read

errors before you send it. Please tell us the 30” audio clip

you recommend to use if your entryis shortlisted – provide the exactstart time in minutes and seconds,plus the "in" and "out" words.

In addition to the audio material,we need a transcript (for non-English entries). You should supplya CV and other relevant informationfor our judges.

Transcripts, CVs and otherinformation must be in PDF orWord format on a labelled CD.

We require one or more highresolution JPG images of thepresenter supplied on a labelled CD.

TECHNOLOGYWe recommend you treat entries ina similar way to a TV entry.

You need to submit material thatwill engage the judges and make

them want to know more about thetechnology concept you areentering. Please submit nine (9)labelled CDs or DVDs thatcompletely explain the entry usingPowerPoint and/or video, togetherwith a detailed written explanationof the entry - in English - in MSWord or PDF format.

We highly recommend includinga video presentation of up to 10’duration to explain your entry - wealso need this for our shortlistpresentation. You should submitthe video on a labelled PAL-formatdigibeta or DVCAM tape (see TVentry information for more details).

MY ENTRY IS NOT IN ENGLISH That’s good, because we activelysearch for entries in everylanguage. However, since all thejudging is carried out in English, we

need to provide our judges with away of evaluating the production inthe English language.

Send us an English-languagetranscript of the entry (this appliesto radio and to television) on alabelled CD in PDF or Word format.

In addition, TV entries must haveEnglish-language subtitles toensure that our judges fullyunderstand your entry.

CAN I ENTER MORE THAN ONCE? There is no limit to the number ofentries you can submit, either forthe Awards as a whole, or for anycategory.

It is important that you send aseparate entry form and pay the feefor each entry.

WILL MY ENTRY GO ON SHOW? Shortlisted entries in every category


How to enterThe AIBs 2012The AIB international media excellence awardsJoin our search for inspiring creativity in factual programming

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will be shown during the Awardsnight in London on 7 November.

Shortlisted entries may also beavailable on the AIB's websites andon video-sharing websites. Byentering, you grant AIB permissionto use extracts of your programmesonline for non-commercial purposes.

HOW DO WE SEND OUR ENTRIES? All entries must be sent to the AIBAwards office at the AIBheadquarters in the UK.

If you are sending your entriesfrom outside the UK, mark thepackage as containing non-commercial items and show thevalue as the lowest possibleamount (we recommend US$10 pershipment).

The AIB is unable to pay anycustoms or import duties on awardentries sent to us and will return to

the sender any packages thatrequire customs duty to be paid.

For entries from UK-basedcompanies, we recommend thatyou dispatch your entry to us usingRoyal Mail Special Delivery. Avoidusing couriers - the AIB is locatedin rural Kent and the cost of amotorbike courier from centralLondon is well over £100!

DO YOU RETURN ENTRIES? No. Do not send us pricelessoriginals. We cannot be heldresponsible for their safe-keeping.

HOW DOES JUDGING WORK? The AIB will be shortlisting all theentries during July and August andsending the shortlisted entries toour international jury in September.

We’ll announce the shortlist inearly September.

The results will come back tothe AIB from our judges in October.We’ll then produce the Awards and“highly commended” certificates intime for the AIB Awardspresentation in London onWednesday 7 November 2012.

We will not give informationabout the winners in advance.

WHEN ARE THE AIBs PRESENTED?This year’s AIB Media Excellence

Awards will be presented during agala dinner at LSO St Luke’s inLondon on Wednesday 7 November.

The evening will start with areception at 1730, followed by dinner.

Tickets for the Awards dinnerare available now, with an early-bird discount for all bookings madebefore the Awards closing date of 2July 2012.

The early bird rate is £165 plus

UK VAT for members of the AIB, or£200 plus UK VAT for non-members.Prices after 1 July are £200 plus VATfor AIB members or £1,900 plus VATfor a table. For non-members, theprice is £225 plus VAT or £2,150plus VAT for a table.

By entering the AIBs, you agreethat if your entry is shortlisted youwill send at least one representativeto attend the awards dinner on 7November.

WILL YOU TELL US IF WE WIN? Shortlisted entrants will be advisedin October.

However, AIB will not releaseany final results before the Awardsevening on 7 November.

CAN MY COMPANY SPONSOR? Yes! All the AIB Awards areavailable for sponsorship, along

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with the champagne reception onthe Awards night and the Awardsdinner itself.

To discuss the opportunities,talk to Judy Lund or MatthewPorter on +44 20 7993 2557.

I STILL HAVE QUESTIONS... AIB is happy to answer any questionsyou may have about the Awards.

You can call the AIB head officeon +44 20 7993 2557 where the AIBAwards team is available to helpyou with your entries.

CLOSING DATE 2 July 2012 except best coverage of london2012 - closing date 20 septemberHELPLINE T +44 20 7993 2557E [email protected]

CHECKLIST TV n Entry form and entry fee per entry n Clearly-labelled PAL Digibeta orDVCAM tapen 9 clearly-labelled DVDs of theprogramme n English subtitles (for non-English entries)n 30” clip informationn Programme synopsis

CHECKLIST RADIO n Entry form and entry fee per entry n 3 labelled CDs of the programmen 30” clip information including"in" and "out" words and timen English-language transcript onCD (for non-English entries)

CHECKLIST TECHNOLOGY n Entry form and entry fee perentry n Clearly-labelled PAL Digibeta orDVCAM tape with videopresentation of submissionn Nine (9) copies of presentationmaterials (PowerPoint, Word orPDF) on labelled CDs or DVDs

CHECKLIST TRANS-MEDIA n Entry form and entry fee perentry n Nine (9) copies of presentationmaterials on labelled CDs or DVDsn Clearly-labelled PAL Digibeta orDVCAM tape with videopresentation of submission

How to enterThe AIBs 2012

WHERE TO SEND YOURENTRIESThe AIBs 2012Room G212Little SandrockCranbrook RoadHawkhurstCRANBROOKTN18 4BDUnited Kingdom


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Your name Job title


Town/City Post/Zip Code Country

Telephone Your e-mailClearest news coverage TV Radio Best investigative documentary TV RadioBest domestic current affairs documentary TV Best international current affairs documentary TVBest radio current affairs documentary Radio Best science programme TVBest creative feature Radio Best children’s factual programme/series TVBest specialist programme or series TV Best short documentary, feature or report TVBest live sports coverage TV Best coverage of London 2012 TVBest trans-media production Most innovative production technologyPersonality of the year TV Radio

Entry formOne entry form must be completed for each individual entry. One entry fee payable for each individual entry. USE BLOCK CAPITALS ON THIS FORM.

Entry title Transmission date# dd/mm/yyyy Language if applicableI am enclosing my entry fee of £150.00 (£125 plus UK VAT at 20%) payable to “AIB” drawn on a UK bank (non-AIB member fee)Please charge the credit card shown below with £150 (£125 plus UK VAT at 20%) (non-AIB member fee)I am enclosing my entry fee of £75 (£62.50 plus UK VAT at 20%) payable to “AIB” drawn on a UK bank (AIB member fee)Please charge the credit card shown below with £60 (£50 plus UK VAT at 20%) (AIB member fee)

Signature of entrant

Cardholder’s name Expiry date Cardholder’s signature

Credit card billing address

Post/Zip code Country Cardholder’s e-mail (for confirmation)This form and accompanying media and documentation must be submitted by 1600 GMT on 2 July 2012 (best coverage of London 2012 closing date is 20 September 2012) to: The 2012 AIBs, Association for International Broadcasting, Room G212, Little Sandrock, Cranbrook Road, Hawkhurst, CRANBROOK, TN18 4BD, United Kingdom

card number

*the last three digits on the signature strip on Diners, Mastercard and Visa cards, and the four digits printed above the card number on American Express.

security number*


d Ca







The AIBs 2012

Entering several categories this year? If youare a non-member you can save by joiningAIB to take advantage of members discount.

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The AIBs awards eveningThe 2012 AIBs will be presentedduring a gala evening in Londonon Wednesday 7 November.

The event will be in thestunning surroundings of LSO StLuke’s, the education andtraining centre of the LondonSymphony Ochestra.

Guests travel from all over theworld to attend this prestigiousevent. In 2011, we welcomedprogramme makers andbroadcast executives fromAustralia, Sri Lanka, SouthAfrica, Qatar, Kenya, Canada,USA and across Europe.

You can reserve your seatsnow for what’s been describedtime and time again as a trulyinspirational evening - please usethe form opposite.

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Dinner reservation -

early-bird pricesvalid to 2 July 2012


Your name Job title


Town/City Post/Zip Code Country

Telephone Your e-mail

Cardholder’s name Expiry date Cardholder’s signature

Credit card billing address

Post/Zip code Country Cardholder e-mail (for confirmation)

card number

*the last three digits on the signature strip on Diners, Mastercard and Visa cards, and the four digits printed above the card number on American Express.

security number*

AIB international media excellence awards gala dinnerLSO St. Luke’s, 161 Old Street, London EC1V 9NG, United Kingdom Wednesday 7 November 2012 from 1730AIB members

Please reserve tables of 10 at £1,550 per table + UK VATPlease reserve seat(s) at £165 each + UK VAT

I enclose a cheque drawn in Sterling on a UK bank payable to AIB for £Please charge my credit card with the sum of £

Non-membersPlease reserve tables of 10 at £1,900 per table + UK VATPlease reserve seat(s) at £200 each + UK VAT

Reservation made by

Terms and ConditionsDate and Venue: The 2012 AIBs gala dinner, Wednesday 7 November 2012, LSO St Luke’s,161 Old Street, London EC1V 9NG, United KingdomFee: The cost of each place at the Dinner at the early-bird member rate (valid to 2 July 2012) is £165 plus UK VAT @ 20% (£33.00), giving a total cost of £198.00 per place. Delegates froman AIB Member benefit from a discounted rate on all places. The early-bird rate for non-members (valid to 2 July 2012) is £200 plus UK VAT @ 20% (£40.00), giving a total cost of £240.00per place. Full tables are priced at £1,550 plus UK VAT for AIB members (total cost £1,860.00 per table (valid to 2 July 2012)). Full tables are priced at £1,900 plus UK VAT for non-members (total £2280.00 (valid to 2 July 2012)).The fees include the champagne reception, three-course meal, wines and soft drinks and the awards ceremony and documentation. Travel and accommodation are not included in any ofthe fees. Cancellations of reservations made before 30 September are subject to a 15% administration fee of the total booking cost. Cancellations between 1 October and 15 October will besubect to a 50% administration fee of the total booking cost. After 15 October no refunds are possible, however substitutions may be made at any time with no additional charge.The organisers reserve the right to alter the content and timing of the event. This contract is subject to English law. VAT: The Association for International Broadcasting is registered forVAT in the UK, registration number: 795 4970 65. The Association for International Broadcasting Limited, registered in England as a Company Limited by Guarantee, number 2841983.

The AIBs 2012

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AIB | PO Box 141| Cranbrook | TN17 9AJ | United KingdomT +44 20 7993 2557 F +44 20 7993 8043 E [email protected]

The AIBs 2012The AIB international media excellence awardsJoin our search for inspiring creativity in factual programming

TELEVISIONClearest news coverageBest international current affairs documentaryBest domestic current affairs documentaryBest investigative documentaryBest children’s factual programme/seriesBest science programme or scientific coverageBest specialist genre programme or seriesBest live sports coverageBest coverage of London 2012Best short documentary or report

TRANS-MEDIABest trans-media production

Sponsored by Eurosport

RADIOClearest news coverageBest current affairs documentaryBest investigative documentaryBest creative feature

ON-AIR TALENTInternational TV personality

sponsored by RTG TVInternational radio personality

TECHNOLOGYMost innovative production technology