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An Analysis of High School Students’ Attitudes and Beliefs Toward International Agricultural Concepts Seth Heinert Donna A. Lavery T. Grady Roberts

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An Analysis of High School Students’ Attitudes and Beliefs

Toward International Agricultural Concepts

Seth Heinert Donna A. Lavery T. Grady Roberts


OGlobal context is important

OSBAE programs can help

OUnderstanding attitudes and beliefs

OPrevious studies conducted

Theoretical FrameworkO Constructivism

O Individuals form or construct much of what they learn and understand (Schunk, 2012)

O Theory of Planned BehaviorO An individual’s actions depend on both motivation and ability

(Ajzen, 1985)

Relevant LiteratureO University Students Toward International Concepts

O Harbstreit & Welton (1992)O Redmann, Schupp, & Richardson (1998)O Wingenbach, Boyd, Lindner, Dick, Arispe, & Haba (2003)

O High School Students Toward International ConceptsO Elliot and Yanik (2002)O Radhakrishna, Leite, and Domer (2003)

Purpose and ObjectivesO Purpose

O To determine the attitudes and beliefs of high school students studying agriculture toward international agricultural concepts.

O Specific objectives O Determine the attitudes and beliefs of students toward international

agricultural concepts.O Determine student’s views of the importance of concepts to be included

in curricula design for a better understanding of international agriculture.

MethodologyO Target Population

O Students studying agriculture in the United States

O Data Collection (Non-probabilistic)


Source Authors Region

Year N

1 Primary Heinert, Lavery & Roberts

SE 2013 69

2 Secondary

Elliot & Yanik SW 2004 98

3 Secondary

Radhakrishna et al. NE 2003 62

MethodologyO Instrumentation for Primary Data Collection

O Radhakrishna et al. (2003); Elliot and Yanik (2002)

O 44 items; two sections

O Five-point rating scale O 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree

O 11 demographic and background questions

O Post hoc reliability analysis O Attitudes (13 items, α = .85) O Beliefs (13 items, α = .72)O Understanding (6 items, α = .79)O Attitudes towards instruction (12 items, α = .78)

ResultsConstruct Southwest



Northeast U.S.2002


Southeast U.S.2013



S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D.

Attitude 3.51 * 4.00 .84 3.79 .52

Beliefs 3.55 * 3.80 .91 3.77 .40



3.66 * 4.17 .73 3.84 .58

Instruction 3.56 * 3.94 .84 3.76 .44

ResultsConstruct Southwest



Northeast U.S.2002


Southeast U.S.2013



S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D.

Attitude 3.51 * 4.00 .84 3.79 .52

Beliefs 3.55 * 3.80 .91 3.77 .40



3.66 * 4.17 .73 3.84 .58

Instruction 3.56 * 3.94 .84 3.76 .44

ResultsConstruct Southwest



Northeast U.S.2002


Southeast U.S.2013



S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D.

Attitude 3.51 * 4.00 .84 3.79 .52

Beliefs 3.55 * 3.80 .91 3.77 .40



3.66 * 4.17 .73 3.84 .58

Instruction 3.56 * 3.94 .84 3.76 .44

ResultsConstruct Southwest



Northeast U.S.2002


Southeast U.S.2013



S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D.

Attitude 3.51 * 4.00 .84 3.79 .52

Beliefs 3.55 * 3.80 .91 3.77 .40



3.66 * 4.17 .73 3.84 .58

Instruction 3.56 * 3.94 .84 3.76 .44

Conclusions and Recommendations

Conclusion Recommendation

Students generally had positive attitudes and beliefs toward international agricultural concepts

• Develop curricula and courses focused on international agriculture concepts

• Allocate resources

Conclusions and Recommendations

Conclusion Recommendation

Findings were consistent across all three studies • Spanning over

10 years • Spanning

multiple geographic regions

• Repeat the study in central plains and the northwest

• Determine why students have positive attitudes and beliefs

Thank you!