ahmet reyiz yılmaz ceo yilmazlar group: turkey is...

μ T oday, one of the most crucial issues for Israel and the international community is Iran’s nuclear program and the question of whether and when Iran may acquire nuclear weapons. For Israeli authorities, a nuclear Iran is a serious existential threat and this issue is also jeopardising the security and existence of the next generations. I sraeli politicians and the Jewish institutions in the USA should seriously consider that they cannot deal alone with this dangerous development. As put by the Israeli officials, Iran’s nuclear program constitutes a potential threat not only for Israel’s but also for the world’s security. Thus, there is a strong need for the international community to act with decisiveness and in harmony. I ran, on the other hand, should cooperate with the international community and prove that its nuclear program is only for civilian purposes and there is no clandestine activity. I n such a complex environment, the alliance between Turkey and Israel is crucial and has many reasons to be enhanced. Turkey is a center of attraction as a regional power with its 80 million young and dynamic population, its vivid free market economy, an exemplary modern military. Besides, Turkish origin communities spread over a vast geography from the Middle East to Central Asia, including 30 million Turkish origin people in Iran. I n the context of the political and economic outlook of the region, Israel and Turkey have mutual benefits and been partners at a strategic level. So Turkey is an important and vital partner of Israel in the region. When Turkey is a party for any issue, it will certainly be the determining power for the side it relies its support. I n order to make the Middle East a more peaceful, stable and livable place, it is essential that the strategic partnership between the USA and Israel be strengthened in a way that would also encompass Turkey’s interests in a sincere manner. Even with the full assistance of the USA, Turkey’s support would be crucially instrumental in order to prevent isolation of Israel in the region. F or this reason, it is a strategic interest for Israel to keep good relations with Turkey, as a friend and ally. Therefore, Israel should consider and protect Turkey’s benefits as well. Israeli politicians should be more vigilant to find ways keeping and enhancing bilateral relations. T he supreme investment for the powerful continuity of our countries’ next generations will be by setting in the mutual interests on accurate ground. · ÏÈÈËÏ È„ Ɖ˙˘Ó ·È·‡ Ï˙ Ï˘ È¢ËÈί‡‰ Û‰ ˙¯Á‡‰ ÌÈ˘ ÌÈÓÈ˘¯Ó‰ ÌÈÏ„‚Ó· ÔÈÁ·‰Ï È„Î Ô‚ ˙Ó¯ ‰Î‡Â· ‰Îω‰ ·ÂÁ¯· ÔÓÂ‡È È˙Ï· ·ˆ˜· ÌÈÁÓˆ ‰Ï‡ ÌÈÏ„‚Ó˘ ‰·ÈÒ‰ ÆÚȘ¯‰ ˜· ÌȘ˘Â‰ ˙ÂÏÚ·· ‰ÈÈ·Ï ˙Èχ¯˘È ‰¯·Á ¨Ó“Ú· ÏÂÈ˘¯Ëȇ ¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈ ‡È‰ ˙ÂÈ‚ÂÏÂÎË ˙ÂίÚÓ ¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈ ‰ÏÈÚÙÓ ÌÈÏ„‚Ó Ï˘ Ì˙Ó˜‰· Æ˙Ș¯ÂË ‰È·‰ ˙¯·Á ÌÚ ÛÂ˙È˘· ¨¯˙ÂÈ· ÌÈȯ„ÂÓ ˙ÂÈÒ„‰ ‰ÈÈ· ˙ÂËÈ˘Â ÆÈχ¯˘È‰ ˜Â˘· ˙ÂÏÈ·ÂÓ‰Ó ˙ÂÏÚ·· ˙Èχ¯˘È ‰È· ˙¯·Á ‰‰ ÏÂÈ˘¯Ëȇ ¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈ ˙ÂÏÚ·· ‰È˜¯ÂË· ÆYILMAZLAR CONSTRUCTION GROUP ‚Ȉ ¨ÒÂÈ‚ ÌÈÒ Æ˙¯ÈÈ˙Ï ˙¯·Á ÏÈËÒÎË ¨‰ÈÈ·Ï ˙¯·Á ¨‰ˆÂ·˜‰ ¨ı¯‡· ˙ÏÚÂÙ ‰ˆÂ·˜‰˘ ¯Ó‡ χ¯˘È· Ó“Ú· ÏÂÈ˘¯Ëȇ ¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈ ‰È˘Ú˙ ¯ÁÒÓ ÈÁˢ ¨Ìȯ‚ÓÏ ‰ÈÈ· ÔÏ·˜Î ‰ÁÓ˙Ó ‰È˜¯ÂË·Â ‰ÈÓ¯· ÌÈÏ„‚ ÌÈ˘Èȯ٠≤μ–· ˙·¯ÂÚÓ ‰¯·ÁÏ ÂÈ˘ÎÚÏ ÔÂÎ Æ˙ÂÓÊÈ· ۇ ÌÂÁ˙· Ì‚ ‰ÏÈÚÙ ˙·¯ÂÚÓ ‰¯·Á‰ ÛÒ· Æı¯‡‰ Ï˘ ÌÈ¢ ÌȯÂÊȇ· ÆÈχ¯˘È‰ ˜Â˘· ÌÈÏÈ·ÂÓ ÌÈÓÊÈ ¯Â·Ú ˙ÂÈ˙˘˙‰ ÌÈÓÊÈ Ï˘ Úˆ·Ó ÔÏ·˜Î ˙ÏÚÂÙ ¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈ ‰ÈÓ¯· ˙Úˆ·Ó ˙ÓÊÂÈ ¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈ ‰È˜¯ÂË· Æχ¯˘ÈÓ ÌȯÎÂÓ Ï·ËÒȇ ¯ÂÊȇ· ÌȷίÂÓ ÌÈÈÒ„‰ ÌÈ˘Èȯ٠Ɖ¯˜‡Â Òȇ¯ „ÓÁ‡ ˙ÂÏÚ·· ˙È˯٠‰¯·Á ‰‰ ¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈ „„Óȇ ‰¯·Á‰ „ÒÈÈÓ Ï˘ ÂÈ˘¯ÂÈ ¨Ô„Ú ÂÈÁ‡Â ¨ÊÓÏÈÈ Òȇ¯ „ÓÁ‡ Ɖ˘ ¥∞ ÈÙÏ ‰˙‡ ÌȘ‰˘ ¨ÊÓÏÈÈ ÌÈÈËÈÏÂى ÌÈÈÏÎÏΉ ÌÈÈÁ· ÏÈÚÙ ‰¯ÂÚÓ ÊÓÏÈÈ Ï‡¯˘È· ˙ωÂÓ Ï‡¯˘È ≠ ¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈ Æ‰È˜¯ÂË Ï˘ ¨Ï‡¯˘È· ‰˙· ¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈ ‰Î „Ú Æ˜È¯‡ „ÓÁ‡ È„È ÏÚ ¨¯˙ÂÈ· ˙Âȯ„ÂÓ ˙ÂÈ‚ÂÏÂÎË ˘È„Á ÈÒ„‰ „ÂȈ· ÆÌÈ·˜ÂÚÓ ÌȯËÓ ÔÂÈÏÈÓΠƱπ∏∂–· ‰È˜¯ÂË· ‰„Ò YILMAZLAR CONSTRUCTION GROUP ÈÒ„‰Ó Ɖ˘ ‰‡ÓÓ ¯˙ÂÈ Ï˘ ‰ÈÈ· ÔÂÈÒÈ ‰ÈωÓ ‰¯·Á‰ È„ÒÈÈÓÏ „¯‚ÈÏ Ï˘ ˙ÈÂÓ‰‰ ‰ÚÒ‰‰ ˙ίÚÓ ˙‡ ˘„ÁÓ Â·˘ ‰Ï‡ Âȉ ¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈ Æ®ÌÂȉ Ï˘ ‚¯Â·Ò¯ËÙ ÔÒ© ‰ÈÒ¯· ˙Â‡Ó „ÂÚ ‰È˜¯ÂËÓ ‰ÈÈ· ÈÏÚÂÙ ∏∞∞–Πχ¯˘È· ‰˜ÈÒÚÓ ¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈ Ï‡¯˘È· ‰¯·Á‰ Ï˘ ˙„·ډ ۘȉ Æχ¯˘ÈÓ ‰˘ÈÓ ÈÏ·˜Â ÌÈ„·ÂÚ Æ¯Ï„ ÈÂÈÏÈÓ ˙¯˘Ú· „Ó‡ ‰ÈÓ¯·Â ‰Â·Â ˙ÂÓ„‡ ˙˘Î¯ ¨ÌÊÈΠÔÏ·˜Î ˙ÏÚÂÙ ¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈ ‰ÈÓ¯·Â ÔÈÏÂÙ· Ï˘ ‰ÈÈ·‰ χȈËÂÙ˘ ÌÈÈÈˆÓ ÌÈӯ‚ ƯÁÒÓÏ Ìȯ‚ÓÏ ÌÈ·Ó ¯˘˜‰· ÔÈÈÂˆÈ Æ˙ÂÏ·‚‰Ï ÛÂÙÎ ‡Â‰ ͇ ¯˙ÂÈ Ï„‚ χ¯˘È· ¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈ ‰ÊÂÁ ÌÂ˙ ÌÚ Â˙„ÏÂÓÏ ¯ÊÂÁ ¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈ È„È ÏÚ ˜ÒÚÂÓ‰ ÏÚÂÙ Ï΢ ‰Ê Ɖ„·ډ Âȇ ·È·‡ Ï˙· ÂÁÓˆ˘ ÌÈÏ„‚Ó‰ Û· ÂÏÁ˘ ˙¯ÂÓ˙‰ ȯÁ‡ ·˜ÂÚ˘ ÈÓ Æ·È·‡ Ï˙ Ï˘ ÈËÈÒ‰ ÈÙ ˙‡ ‰˘Ó ¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈ ˙¯·Á ∫Ú·˜Ï ÒÒ‰Ó ∫¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈ Ï˘ ˙Â‰Ê ˙„ÂÚ˙ Ô“Ï„ ÈÓÂÁ˙· ¨ÌÏÂÚ È˜·ÂÁ ‰ÏÂÚÙ ÈÙÂ˙È˘· ‰ÁÓ˙Ó ¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈ £ ÌÈÓÊÈ ÌÚ ÌÈ˘È¯٠ÁÂ˙ÈÙ ˙ÂÈ˙˘˙ ¨¯ÁÒÓ ˙ÂÈ˘Ú˙Ï ¨Ìȯ‚ÓÏ Æ‰ÈÓ¯ ¨ÔÈÏÂÙ ¨Ï‡¯˘È ¨‰È˜¯ÂË· ‰Ï‡ ÌÈÓÂÁ˙· ÌÈÏÈ·ÂÓ ¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈ ¨Ï‡¯˘È· ‰˘ ±≥ Ô‰Ó ¨˙ÂÏÈÚÙ Ï˘ ÌÈ˘ ˙¯˘Ú Í˘Ó £ ˙ÂÎȇ· ÌÈ˘È¯٠ωȷ ¯È˘Ú ÈÚˆ˜Ó ÔÂÈÒÈ ‰¯‚‡Â ‰¯·ˆ ÆÌÈÓÊ ÁÂÏ ÔÂÎ˙ ÏÚ ˙È·¯Ó ‰„Ù˜‰ ÍÂ˙ ¨‰ÏÂÚÓ ˙ÂÈ‚ÂÏÂÎË· ÌÈ˘È¯٠ωȷ ÈÓ‡ÏÈ· ÔÈËÈÂÓ ¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈÏ £ Æ˙ÂÓ„˜˙Ó Ï‡ ¨ÌÈ˘ ͢ӷ ‰¯·ˆ˘ ¨˙ÂÈ‚ÂÏÂÎËÂ Ú„È ‡ˆÈÈÏ ‰‡‚ ¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈ £ ÌÂ„È˜Ï ‰Ó¯˙ ¯˘‚ ‰‡Â¯ ‡È‰ Íη ƉȘ¯ÂË Ï˘ ‰È˙ÂÏ·‚Ï ıÂÁÓ ÆÌÈÓÚ‰ ÔÈ· ÌÈÒÁȉ Ahmet Reyiz Yılmaz CEO Yilmazlar Group: Turkey is Strategic Partner of Israel ·È·‡ Ï˙ Ï˘ ‰ÈÙ ˙‡ ‰˘Ó ¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈ ˙¯Ή ˘‚ÙÓ ˙·˜Ú· χ¯˘È ˙‡ ”‰ÏÈ‚” ÊÓÏÈÈ Òȇ¯ „ÓÁ‡ ‰ÓÓ ˘¯Ù ¨Ú·Ë ˙¯·Á· ¯Èη Ï‰Ó ˘ÓÈ˘˘ ¨ÒÂÈ‚ ÌÈÒ ÌÚ ¯Â·Ú ˙Â„Â·Ú ¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈ ‰ÚˆÈ· ÂÙÏÁ˘ ÌÈ˘· ÆÌÈÈ˯٠ÌȘÒÚÏ Ì‰Ï ˘È˘ ÌȯÁ‡ ÌÈӯ‚ ¨·‰˘Ó ¨ÌȯÂʇ ˙¯·Á ¨ÌÈ„·ÂÚ ÔÂÎÈ˘ ¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈ Ï˘ ‰˙·¯ÂÚÓ Æχ¯˘È Ï˘ ‰ÈÈ·‰ ÛÚ· Ô˙ȇ „ÓÚÓ Æ‰Ïȉ˜‰ ÌÂÁ˙· Ì‚ ˙ËÏ· ‰ˆÂ·˜· ÆÔÂÓ˘ ≠ ÔÂȈ ˙¯˘·Ó ÏÚÂÙ‰ ˙ˆÂ·˜Ï ˙ÂÒÁ ‰˜ÈÚ‰ ‰¯·Á‰ ¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈ Ï˘ ˙ÂÒÁ‰ ÆÌÈ·¯Ú ÌÈ„Â‰È Ï‚¯Â„ΠȘÁ˘ ÌȘÁ˘Ó ÂÊ ÔÚÓÏ ‰˘ÚÓÎ ‰˙‡ ‰¯È„‚‰˘ ˙Ș¯Âˉ ˙ÂÂ˙ÈÚ· ÈÂÒÈÎÏ ‰˙ÎÊ ‰˜ÈÚ‰ ‰È˜¯ÂË ≠ χ¯˘È ÌȘÒÚ‰ ˙ˆÚÂÓ ÆÔÂÎÈ˙‰ Á¯ÊÓ· ÌÂÏ˘‰ Æ“‰˘‰ ˙¯·Á” Ï˘ ¯‡Â˙ χ¯˘È≠ ¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈÏ ≤∞∞μ –· ÌȇÂ˙ÈÚ ˙ÁÏ˘Ó ˘‡¯· ıÂÁ‰ „¯˘Ó· È·ÈÏ ÈÙȈ ÌÚ ‰˘È‚Ù· ÊÓÏÈÈ Òȇ¯ „ÓÁ‡ ≤∞∞∏ ı¯Ó· ‰È˜¯ÂËÓ VIVANDO-UNIRI PROJECT-BUCHAREST ÈÙˆÓ ¯Ó˙ ∫ÌÂÏȈ ·È·‡ Ï˙ Ï˘ ÈËÈÒ‰ ˙‡ ‰˘Ó ¯ÏÊÓÏÈÈ

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Post on 11-Jul-2020




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Page 1: Ahmet Reyiz Yılmaz CEO Yilmazlar Group: Turkey is ...images.globes.co.il/images/Site/International/turkey/pdf/tur05.pdf · encompass Turkey’s interests in a sincere manner. Even


Today, one of the most crucial issues for Israel and the international community is Iran’s nuclear

program and the question of whether and when Iran may acquire nuclear weapons. For Israeli authorities, a nuclear Iran is a serious existential threat and this issue is also jeopardising the security and existence of the next generations.

Israeli politicians and the Jewish institutions in the USA should seriously consider that they cannot

deal alone with this dangerous development. As put by the Israeli officials, Iran’s nuclear program constitutes a potential threat not only for Israel’s but also for the world’s security. Thus, there is a strong need for the international community to act with decisiveness and in harmony.

Iran, on the other hand, should cooperate with the international community and prove that its

nuclear program is only for civilian purposes and there is no clandestine activity.

In such a complex environment, the alliance between Turkey and Israel is crucial and has

many reasons to be enhanced. Turkey is a center

of attraction as a regional power with its 80 million young and dynamic population, its vivid free market economy, an exemplary modern military. Besides, Turkish origin communities spread over a vast geography from the Middle East to Central Asia, including 30 million Turkish origin people in Iran.

In the context of the political and economic outlook of the region, Israel and Turkey have

mutual benefits and been partners at a strategic level. So Turkey is an important and vital partner of Israel in the region. When Turkey is a party for any issue, it will certainly be the determining power for the side it relies its support.

In order to make the Middle East a more peaceful, stable and livable place, it is essential that

the strategic partnership between the USA and Israel be strengthened in a way that would also encompass Turkey’s interests in a sincere manner. Even with the full assistance of the USA, Turkey’s support would be crucially instrumental in order to prevent isolation of Israel in the region.

For this reason, it is a strategic interest for Israel to keep good relations with Turkey, as a friend

and ally. Therefore, Israel should consider and protect Turkey’s benefits as well. Israeli politicians should be more vigilant to find ways keeping and enhancing bilateral relations.

The supreme investment for the powerful continuity of our countries’ next generations will be by setting

in the mutual interests on accurate ground.

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Ahmet Reyiz Yılmaz CEO Yilmazlar Group:

Turkey is Strategic Partner of Israel

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