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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Welcome to theAmerican Heart Association

    2010 Update for CPR.

  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Clinical staff all levels

    2010 AHA Update for CPR



    This module provides the audience with an overview ofthe American Heart Associations 2010 changes to

    CPR procedures for healthcare professionals.

    The module contains 45 slides and should take ~25minutes to complete. 404-785-6767

    Shannon Dunlap

    [email protected]

    Mark Guerrein

    05/24/2011 22011 Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta Inc.

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta has developed this module topresent the updated CPR protocol from the American HeartAssociation (AHA) to clinicians who perform CPR.

    On April 1, 2011, we will begin utilizing this new protocol when CPR isperformed in our hospitals and neighborhood locations. You will bethoroughly instructed in this protocol during your next CPRrecertification or your initial CPR certification course. Meanwhile,there are some important points you must know so that you and all

    those performing CPR are using the same protocol.

    If you have any questions about any of these points you can ask youreducator or contact Shannon Dunlap.

    Note:The new guidelines are highlighted in red throughout the CBT.

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    At the completion of this module you will be able todescribe the American Heart Associations 2010 revisions

    to providing basic life support (including CPR) for:

    Adult victimsInfant and child victimsVictims with foreign body obstructions in their airways

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    In late 2010, the American Heart Association or AHAmodified its recommendations on Cardio PulmonaryResuscitation (CPR) procedures to improve survival

    rates of adult and pediatric victims.

    These recommendations were based upon empiricalstudies that indicated improved survival. They include:

    Changes to the Chain of Survival

    Changes to the CPR sequence

    In this lesson you will be presented with an overview ofthese changes.

    Lesson 1: CPR Overview

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    CPR Overview

    Immediate recognition of cardiac

    arrest and activation of theemergency response system

    Early CPR emphasizing chestcompressions

    Rapid defibrillation

    Effective advanced life support

    Integrated post-cardiac care

    Successful resuscitation following cardiac arrest requires several key actionsalso know as the Chain of Survival. These are:

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    Change in SequenceThe new AHA guidelines recommend afundamental change in CPR sequencefrom A-B-C to C-A-B

    C-A-BCompressions: Push hard and fast onthe center of the victims chest.

    Airway: Tilt the victims head back and liftthe chin to open the airway.

    Breathing: Give mouth-to-mouth orbag/mask rescue breathing.

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    Change in Sequence continuedThe new AHA guidelines have also eliminated Look, Listen, and Feel from

    the CPR sequence because performing it is inconsistent and time consuming.

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    Cardiac Arrest Cardiac arrest in adults is usually

    sudden, and the primary cause iscardiac related. Thereforecirculation produced by chest

    compressions is crucial.

    Cardiac arrest in children ismostly asphyxial which requiresboth compressions andventilations.

    Rescue breathing may be moreimportant for children than adultsin cardiac arrest.

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Lesson 1: CPR Overview

    In this lesson you learned about general changes toCPR guidelines that the AHA has recommended:

    Changes to the Chain of Survival

    Changes to the CPR sequence from A-B-C to C-A-B

    In the next lesson you will be presented the specificchanges to the AHA CPR guidelines for adults.

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Lesson 2: Adult Basic LifeSupport for Healthcare


    In this lesson you will learn about changes to the CPRprocedures for adults that are provided by ourcaregivers here at Childrens.

    These include revisions to:

    Chest compressionsPulse checksRescue breaths

    You will also learn about revisions on using anAutomated External Defibrillator (AED) in conjunctionwith CPR.

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    Adults / Adolescents Basic Life Support (BLS) forHealthcare Providers The rescuer recognizes that the

    patient is unresponsive nobreathing or no normal breathing.

    Activate the emergency responsesystem and get AED/defibrillatorif second rescuer is available sendher or him to do this.

    Check the pulse if definite pulsewithin 10 seconds give 1 breathevery 5 to 6 seconds and re-checkcarotid pulse every 2 minutes.

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    Adult BLS for Healthcare Providers If there is no pulse, begin CPR starting with

    30 compressions. Then open the airway andgive 2 breaths.

    When the AED/defibrillator arrives, checkrhythm.

    If rhythm is shockable, give 1 shock andresume CPR immediately for 2 minutes.

    If rhythm is not shockable, resume CPR for 2

    minutes; check rhythm every 2 minutes andcontinue until advanced life support providerstake over or the patient starts to move.

    The AED will automatically prompt you toperform the above actions.

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Chest Compressions in AdultsRescuers should focus on delivery of high qualityCPR Push Hard and Push Fast

    Provide chest compressions at an adequate rate (at least 100/min)

    Provide Chest compressions to adequate depth

    o Adults: Compression depth of at least 2 inches (5cm)

    o Allow complete chest recoil after each compression

    Minimize interruptions in compressions

    Avoid excessive ventilations

    If multiple rescuers are available, they should rotate the task of compressionsevery 2 minutes

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Pulse Checks Studies have shown that healthcare

    providers and lay rescuers havedifficulty detecting pulses.

    To avoid delay in CPR, healthcareproviders should take no more than 10seconds to check for a pulse.

    If a pulse is not detected within 5-10seconds then compressions should be


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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Rescue Breaths The 2010 AHA Guidelines recommend

    the initiation of compressions beforeventilations.

    Once compressions have been started,a trained rescuer should deliver rescuebreaths by mouth-to-mouth orbag/mask.

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Rescue Breaths Rescue breaths should be

    delivered over 1 second.

    Give sufficient tidal volume to

    produce visible chest rise.

    Use compression to ventilationratio of 30 compressions to 2ventilations.

    If there is a pulse give 1 breathevery 5-6 seconds.

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    AED/DefibrillationDefibrillation sequence

    Turn on the AED.

    Follow the AED prompts.

    Resume chest compressionsimmediately after the shock;minimize interruptions.

    Pad placement

    The 4 pad positions areanterolateral, anteroposterior,anterior-left infrascapular, and

    anterior-right infrascapular. All ofthese positions are equallyeffective.

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Adult BLS for Healthcare ProvidersThe following slide displays a flow chart of the steps to follow when providingAdult BLS.

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    Ad lt / Ad l t

  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Victim is unresponsive. No breathing or no normal breathing (i.e., only gasping).

    Activate the emergency responsesystem and get AED/defibrillator.

    Check pulse:DEFINITE pulse within 10 secs.?

    Begin cycles of 30 compressionsand 2 breaths.

    Give 1 breath every 5 to 6 secs.

    Re-check pulse every 2 mins.

    AED/defibrillator arrives.

    Shockable rhythm?

    Shockable rhythm:Give 1 shock and resume

    CPR for 2 mins.

    No shockable rhythm: ResumeCPR immediately for 2 mins. Checkrhythm every 2 mins. Continue until

    ALS providers take over or victimstarts to move.



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    Pulse No Pulse


    High Quality CPRRate at least 100/minute

    Compression depth at least 2inches (5cm)

    Allow complete chest recoil aftereach compression.

    Minimize interruptions in chestcompressions.

    Avoid excessive ventilations.

    ** Indicates achange toAHA protocol


    Adult / AdolescentBLS for

    Healthcare Providers

  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Lesson 2: Adult Basic LifeSupport for Healthcare


    In this lesson you learned about revisions to CPRprocedures for adults including:

    Chest compressionsPulse checksRescue breaths

    You also learned about revisions on using an Automatedexternal defibrillator (AED) in conjunction with CPR.

    In the next lesson information about BLS for childrenand infants is presented.

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Lesson 3: Child andInfant CPR

    This lesson presents information about revisions to theCPR procedures for infants and children.

    These include:

    The differences between CPR for infants and childrenInadequate breathing issuesPoor Perfusion

    You will also learn about revisions on using anAutomated External Defibrillator (AED) in conjunctionwith CPR for children and infants.

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Child and Infant CPR Infant BLS guidelines apply to

    infants less than approximately 1year of age.

    Child BLS guidelines apply tochildren approximately 1 year ofage until puberty.

    For teaching purposes, puberty isdefined as breast development in

    females and presence of axillaryhair in males.

    05/24/2011 232011 Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta Inc.

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Child and Infant CPRThe AHA recommends that the sequence of CPR for adults andinfants/children be the same

    Rationale for making the changes inCPR sequence to C-A-B in infants

    and children:

    The majority of victims who requireCPR are adults. They have a betteroutcome if compressions are startedas early as possible.

    Beginning CPR with compressionsrather than ventilations leads to ashorter delay to the first compression.

    All rescuers should be able to startchest compressions almost

    immediately. Whereas positioningthe head and making sure there isa seal for mouth-tomouth or bag-mask resuscitation takes time anddelays the initiation of chestcompressions

    This also offers the advantage ofconsistency in education whetherthe victims are adult, children orinfants.

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Pediatric Chain of Survival Make sure the area is safe for you

    and the infant/child

    Assess the need for CPR andstart compressions lonerescuers should give about 5cycles of compressions andventilations before leaving thechild to activate the emergencyresponse

    Activate emergency responsesystem and get the AED

    Effective advanced life support

    Integrated post-cardiac care

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Chest Compressions in Infants and ChildrenRescuers should focus on delivery of high quality CPRPush Hard and Push Fast.

    Provide chest compressions to adequate rate (at least 100/minute)

    Provide chest compressions of adequate depth Infants and children: a depth of at least one third the anterior-posterior

    (AP) diameter of the chest or about 1 inches (4cm) in infants and about2 inches (5cm) in children

    Allow compete chest recoil after each compression

    Minimize interruptions in compressionsAvoid excessive ventilation

    If multiple rescuers are available they should rotate the task of compressionsevery 2 minutes.

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    Pediatric BLS for Healthcare Providers in Infantsand Children If second rescuer is available send him or her to

    activate the emergency response and obtainAED/defibrillator. AEDs have now been

    approved for use with infants. Check pulse if definite pulse within 10

    seconds give 1 breath every 3 seconds.

    Add compressions if pulse remains less than60/min with poor perfusion despite adequate

    oxygenation and ventilation. Recheck pulse every 2 minutes.

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    Pediatric BLS for Healthcare Providers in Infantsand Children If no pulse is detected, begin cycles of 30

    compressions and 2 breaths for one rescuer. For2 rescuers begin cycles of 15 compressions and 2

    breaths. If lone rescuer, after about 2 minutes, activate the

    emergency response system if not already done.Use an AED as soon as available.

    If rhythm is shockable, give 1 shock and resume

    CPR immediately for 2 minutes.

    If rhythm is not shockable, resume CPRimmediately for 2 minutes. Check rhythm every 2minutes. Continue until Advanced Life Supportproviders take over or victim starts to move.

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Pediatric BLS for Healthcare ProvidersThe following slide displays a flow chart of the steps to follow when providingpediatric BLS.

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    Vi ti i i N t b thi i S d t ti t


    Pediatric BLS for

  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Victim is unresponsive. Not breathing or gasping. Send someone to activateThe emergency response system and get an AED/defibrillator.

    One rescuer:For SUDDEN COLLAPSE activatetheemergency response system and get


    Check pulse:DEFINITE pulse within 10 secs.?

    One rescuer: Begin cycles of 30compressions and 2 breaths

    Two rescuers: Begin cycles of 15compressions and 2 breaths

    Give 1 breath every 3 secs. Addcompressions if pulse remains

    < 60/min with poor perfusion despiteadequate oxygenation and ventilation

    RE-check pulse every 2 mins

    After about 2 mins, activate emergencyresponse system and get AED (if not already

    done). Use AED ASAP to check rhythm.

    Shockable rhythm?

    Shockable rhythm:Give 1 shock and resume

    CPR for 2 mins.

    No shockable rhythm: ResumeCPR immediately for 2 mins. Checkrhythm every 2 mins. Continue until

    ALS providers take over or victimstarts to move.



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    Pulse No Pulse


    High Quality CPRRate at least 100/minuteCompression depth at

    least 1/3 anterior-posteriordiameter of chest, about 1 inches (4cm) in infantsand 2 inches (5cm) inchildren

    Allow complete chest recoilafter each compression.

    Minimize interruptions inchest compressions.

    Avoid excessive ventilations.


    * Indicates achange to AHAprotocol


    Pediatric BLS forHealthcare Providers

    TWO rescuers:For SUDDEN COLLAPSE send someone

    to activate the emergency responsesystem and get AED/defibrillator


  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Chest Compressions for Healthcare Providerof Infants For infants, the single rescuer should

    use the 2-finger chest compressiontechnique.

    The 2-thumb encircling handstechnique is recommended when CPRis provided by 2 rescuers.

    To do this, encircle the infants chest

    with both hands. Spread your fingersaround the thorax, and place yourthumbs together over the lower third ofthe sternum. Forcefully compress thesternum with your thumbs.

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Inadequate Breathing with PulseIf there is a palpable pulse > 60 perminute but there is inadequatebreathing:

    Give rescue breaths at a rate of about12-20 breaths per minute 1 breathevery 3-5 seconds until spontaneousbreathing resumes.

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Bradycardia with Poor PerfusionIf the pulse is less than 60 beats per minute and there are signs of poor perfusion( i.e., pallor, mottling, cyanosis) begin compressions.

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    AED/Defibrillators in Children and Infants If a manual defibrillator is unavailable

    then an AED that has a pediatricdose attenuator (pediatric pads) ispreferred for infants.

    An AED with a pediatric doseattenuator is also preferred forchildren under 8 years of age.

    If neither is available an AED withouta dose attenuator may be used.

    In infants, manual defibrillators arepreferred. If a manual defibrillator isnot available then one with apediatric dose attenuator (pediatricpads) is preferred.

    AEDs that do not have

    pediatric dose attenuators havebeen used in infants with noclear adverse effects.

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Summary of Key BLS Components for Adults Children and Infants*

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    Component Adults Children Infants


    Unresponsive (for all ages)

    No breathing or no normalbreathing (i.e., only gasping)

    No breathing or only gasping

    No pulse palpated within 10 seconds for all ages (HCP only)

    CPR Sequence C-A-B

    Compression rate At least 100/min

    Compression depth At least 2 inches (5cm)At least AP diameterAbout 2 inches (5cm)

    At least AP diameterAbout 1 inches (4cm)

    Chest wall recoilAllow complete recoil between compressions

    HCPs rotate compressions every 2 minutesCompressioninterruptions

    Minimize interruptions in chest compressionsAttempt to limit interruptions to < 10 seconds

    Airway Head tilt-chin lift (HCP suspected trauma: jaw thrust)

    Compression-to-ventilation ratios(until advancedairway placed)

    30:21 or 2 rescuers

    30:2Single rescuer

    15:22 HCP rescuers

    Ventilations: whenrescuer untrained or

    trained and notproficient

    Compressions only

    Ventilations withadvanced airway


    1 breath every 6-8 seconds (8-10 breaths/min)Asynchronous with chest compressions

    About 1 second per breathVisible chest rise


    Attach and use AED as soon as possible. Minimize interruptions in chest compressions

    before and after shock;resume CPR beginning with compressions immediately after each shock.Source: Highlights of the 2010AHA Guidelines for CPR & ECC

    Summary of Key BLS Components for Adults, Children, and Infants*Excluding the newly born, inwhom the etiology of an arrest isnearly always asphyxiate.

  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Lesson 3: Child andInfant CPR

    In this lesson you learned about.

    The differences between CPR for infants and childrenversus adults

    Inadequate breathing issuesPoor perfusion

    You also learned about using an Automated ExternalDefibrillator (AED) in conjunction with CPR for childrenand infants.

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Foreign Body Airway Obstruction (Choking) Greater than 90% of childhood

    deaths from foreign bodyaspiration occur in children under5 years old.

    Foreign body obstruction can beeither mild or severe.

    When it is mild, the adult and childrencan cough and make some sounds.

    When it is severe, the adult or childcannot cough or make any sound.

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Relief of Foreign Body Obstruction If the foreign body obstruction is

    mild, do not interfere. Allow thevictim to clear airway by coughingwhile you observe for signs of

    severe foreign body obstruction. If the foreign body obstruction is

    severe you must act to relieve theobstruction.

    For adults and children, performabdominal thrusts until the objectis expelled or the victim becomesunresponsive.

    For infant, deliver repeated cyclesof 5 back blows followed by 5chest compressions until theobject is expelled or the victimbecomes unresponsive.

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    Relief of Foreign Body Obstruction (Unresponsive)If the victim becomes unresponsive:

    Start CPR with chest compressionsdo not perform a pulse check.

    After 30 chest compressions openthe airway.

    If you see a foreign body, remove itbut do not perform blind fingersweeps because they may push theobjects further into the pharynx.

    Attempt to give 2 breaths andcontinue with cycles of chestcompressions and ventilationsuntil the object is expelled. Look

    for the object after each round ofcompressions and sweep if seen.

    After 2 minutes, if no one hasdone so, activate the emergencyresponse system.

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Hands-only CPRBecause we are in a healthcare setting, this CBT has focused primarily on CPRfor Healthcare Providers. Hands-only CPR is for layperson cardiac arrestrescue in the community or out of the hospital when unable to provide breaths(no mask/barrier) because:

    Lay rescuers are more likely to provide CPR if they do

    not have to give ventilations.

    It is easier for emergency response personnel toinstruct lay rescuers how to perform chestcompressions when they are untrained.

    Survival rates from cardiac arrest are similar for

    Hands-only CPR and CPR using both compressionsand ventilations.

    If the lay rescuer is trained, it is still recommendedthat the rescuer perform both compressions andventilations.

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    Lesson 4: Foreign BodyObstruction (Choking)

    This lesson presented information about foreign bodyobstructions in victims airways, including:

    Relief for responsive and unresponsive victims

    Recognizing and responding appropriately to mild andsevere obstructions

    You also learned about Hands-only CPR used by lay-people.

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  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010


    You have completed this module. In it you learned aboutthe changes to the AHAs new recommendations for

    providing CPR. These changes impact providing basic

    life support for:Adult victimsInfant and child victimsVictims with foreign body obstructions in their airways

    05/24/2011 442011 Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta Inc.

  • 8/6/2019 AHA Update 2010



    2010 American Heart Association Guidelines for CPR and ECC,

    Supplement to Circulation November 2,2010, Volume 122,

    Issue 18, Supplement 3.


    2011 Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta Inc
