ah keynote w/sml strtgies1 andy hargreaves sustainable leadership welcome to

AH Keynote w/SML Strtgi es 1 Andy Hargreaves Sustainabl e Leadership Welcome to

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Andy Hargreaves

Sustainable Leadership

Welcome to

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Sustainable development

Sustainable development,

democracy and peace are indivisible as an idea whose time has come.

Wangari Maathai

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Development of the term “sustainability”1980 Term first coined by Lester Brown, founder of the World Watch Institute

1987 Sustainable development defined by Brundtland Report of

the World Commission on Environment and Development

1992 Agenda 21, United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio De Janeiro systematically addressed sustainable development

2002 United Nations Johannesburg Summit – developed practical goals for sustainable development

2005 Beginning of UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development

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United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2015

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Sustainability does not simply mean whether something can last. It addresses how particular initiatives can be developed without compromising the development of others in the surrounding environment, now and in the future.

Hargreaves & Fink 2000

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Sustainable leadership

Sustainable leadership matters, spreads and lasts. It is a shared responsibility that does not unduly deplete human or financial resources, and that cares for and avoids exerting damage on the surrounding educational and community environment.

Hargreaves & Fink 2003

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Sustainability is the capacity of a system to engage in the complexities of continuous improvement consistent with deep values of human purpose.

Fullan 2004

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Educational Lessons of Environmental Sustainability• Rich diversity, not soulless

standardization• Taking the long view• Act urgently for change, wait patiently

for results• Prudence about conserving and

renewing human and financial resources• Examine the impact of our improvement

efforts on others• All of us can be activists and make a


Hargreaves & Fink 2006

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Built to Last Companies• Put purpose before profit• Preserve long-standing purposes amid

the pursuit of change• Start slowly, advance persistently• Do not depend on a single, visionary

leader• Grow their own leadership, instead of

importing others• Learn from diverse experimentation

Collins & Porras 1994

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Seven principles of sustainable leadership1 Depth

2 Endurance

3 Breadth

4 Justice

It matters It lasts It spreads It does not

harm the surrounding environment


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Seven principles of sustainable leadership5 Diversity

6 Resourcefulness

7 Conservation

It promotes diversity & cohesion

It conserves expenditure

It honours the

past in creating the future

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Repetitive change syndrome is

Initiative overload +

Change-related chaos

Abrahamson 2004

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Initiative Overload

The tendency of organizations to launch more change initiatives than anyone could ever reasonably handle

Abrahamson 2004

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Change-related Chaos

The continuous state of upheaval that results when so many waves of initiatives have worked through at the organization that hardly anyone knows which change they’re implementing or why

Abrahamson 2004

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Imposed, short-term targets (or adequate yearly progress) transgress every principle of sustainable leadership and learning

Hargreaves & Fink 2006

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Principle 1: Depth

Sustainable leadership matters. It preserves,

protects, and promotes deep

and broad learning for all in relationships

of care for others.

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Nelson Mandela The human body has

an enormous capacity for adjusting to trying circumstances. I have found that one can bear the unbearable if one can keep one’s spirits strong even when one’s body is being tested. Strong convictions are the secret of surviving deprivation: your spirit can be full even when your stomach is empty.

1. Depth

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The Two Hungers In Africa, they say there are two

hungers, the lesser hunger and the greater hunger.

• The lesser hunger is for the things that

sustain life, the goods, and services, and the money to pay for them, which we all need.

• The greater hunger is for the answer to the question ‘why’, for some understanding of what life is for.

Handy 1997

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Product IntegrityClif Bar’s Philosophy of Sustainability

Sustaining…• our brands• our company• our people• our community• our planet

1. Depth

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Standards and Sustainability

Learning Achievement Testing


Testing Achievement Learning

Hargreaves & Fink, 2006

1. Depth

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The four pillars of learning

1. Learning to know2. Learning to do3. Learning to be4. Learning to live togetherUNESCO 1996

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The four pillars of learning

1. Learning to know2. Learning to do3. Learning to be4. Learning to live togetherUNESCO 19965. Learning to live sustainablyHargreaves & Fink, 2006

1. Depth

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BasicsOld basics• Literacy• Numeracy• Obedience• Punctuality

New basics• Multiliteracy• Creativity• Communication• IT• Teamwork• Lifelong Learning• Adaptation &

Change• Environmental


1. Depth

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Slow Knowing The unconscious realms of the human

mind will successfully accomplish a number of important tasks if they are given the time. They will learn patterns of a degree of subtlety which normal consciousness cannot even see; make sense out of situations that are too complex to analyze; and get to the bottom of certain difficult issues much more successfully than the questing intellect.

Claxton 1997

1. Depth

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What does the doctor reply?

1. Depth

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1. Depth

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Slow forms of knowing• are tolerant of the faint, fleeting, marginal and

ambiguous• like to dwell on details that do not fit or

immediately make sense• are relaxed, leisurely and playful• are willing to explore without knowing what

they are looking for• see ignorance and confusion as the ground from

which understanding may spring• are receptive rather than proactive• are happy to relinquish the sense of control

over the directions the mind spontaneously takes

• treat seriously ideas that come ‘out of the blue’

Claxton, 1997

1. Depth

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Slow schooling

• starts formal learning later• reduces testing• increases curriculum flexibility• emphasizes enjoyment• doesn’t hurry the child• rehabilitates play alongside


Honore, 2004

1. Depth

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Leaders of Sustaining Learning• Passionately advocate and defend deep learning for

all students• Combine and commit to old and new basics• Put learning, before achievement, before testing• Make learning the paramount priority• Become more knowledgeable about learning• Make learning transparent• Be omnipresent witnesses to learning• Practise evidence-informed, inquiry-based leadership• Promote assessment for learning• Engage students in decisions about their learning• Involve parents in their children’s learning• Model effective adult learning• Create the emotional conditions for learning

Hargreaves & Fink, 2006

1. Depth

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Principle 2: Endurance

Sustainable leadership lasts. It preserves and advances the most valuable aspects of learning and life over time, year upon year, from one leader to the next.

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• It is a common defect in men not to consider in good weather the possibility of a tempest

Machiavelli, 1532• All leaders, no matter how

charismatic or visionary, eventually die

Collins & Porras, 1994• Few things succeed less than

leadership successionHargreaves & Fink, 2006

2. Endurance

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Approaches to succession

The public sector…

• Passively lets candidates emerge

• Focuses on the short term

• Handles succession informally

The private sector…

• Actively recruits and encourages potential leaders

• Takes the long view

• Manages succession more formally

Continued…2. Endurance

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Approaches to successionThe public sector…

• Seeks replacement for existing roles

• Selects in relation to current competencies

• Views succession planning as a cost

The private sector…

• Defines future leadership skills and aptitudes

• Emphasises flexibility and lifelong learning in the face of changing needs

• Views succession planning as an asset

2. Endurance

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Four Issues in Succession

1. Succession Planning2. Succession Management3. Succession Duration &

Frequency4. Succession and the Self

2. Endurance

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Succession Planning Patterns




Hargreaves & Fink


Continuity Discontinuity

Planned PlannedContinuity


Unplanned Unplanned

Continuity Discontinuity

2. Endurance

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Good succession plans• Are prepared long before the leader’s

anticipated departure or even from the outset of their appointment

• Give other people proper time to prepare• Are incorporated in all school improvement

plans• Are the responsibility of many, rather than the

prerogative of lone leaders who tend to want to clone themselves

• Are based on a clear diagnosis of the school’s existing stage of development and future needs for improvement

• Are transparently linked to clearly defined leadership standards and competencies that are needed for the next phase of improvement

2. Endurance

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Successful Succession Management• Distributes leadership effectively• Builds strong professional communities• Deepens and broadens the pools of

leadership talent• Establishes leadership development

schools• Stresses future leadership competencies• Supports and sponsors aspiring school

leaders• Replaces charismatic leadership with

inspirational leadership• Plans early for the incumbent leader’s exit• Moderates and monitors leadership

succession frequency

2. Endurance

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Three Cultures of Teaching• Veteran dominated

– serves experienced teacher interests– feels exclusionary– offers few leadership opportunities

• Novice orientated– surrounded by fellow novices– feels inclusive– driven by enthusiasm rather than expertise

• Blended– provides mentoring– offers leadership– reciprocal learning

Johnson et al, 2004

2. Endurance

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Sound succession, strong selves, through• Availability of counselling and coaching for

exiting leaders• Quick, clear and open communication of

reasons for departure• Acceptance of emotional confusion and

vulnerability• Celebration of the leader’s contributions• Recognition that succession is subject to the

four stages of grief – denial, awakening, reflection and execution

• Confrontation of the Messiah and Rebecca myths

• Prepares oneself and others early for the possibility of succession

Hargreaves & Fink, 2006

2. Endurance

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Principle 3: Breadth

Sustainable leadership spreads. It sustains as well as depends on the leadership of others

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Culture and Contract Regimes





Professional Learning CommunitiesPerformanceTraining Sects










3. Breadth

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Professional learning community Collaboration

Learning & teaching focus

Achievement and



reflection &


Use of evidence

3. Breadth

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3. Breadth

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Professional learning communities aren’t…X Merely convivial and congenial – they

are demanding and critical

X Just a collection of stilted teams looking at data together

X Obsessed with scores and results, instead of

depth of learning

X Forced and imposed, they are facilitated and


X Ways to hijack teachers to carry out administrative agendas

3. Breadth

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Communities and Sects

Professional learning


• Transform knowledge

• Shared enquiry• Evidence

informed• Situated


Performance training


• Transfer knowledge

• Imposed requirements

• Results driven• False certainty

Continued…3. Breadth

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Communities and SectsProfessional learningcommunities

• Local solutions

• Joint responsibility

• Continuous learning

• Communities of practice

Performance training sects

• Standardised scripts

• Deference to authority

• Intensive training

• Sects of performance

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It’s hard to eat something you’ve had a relationship with

Hargreaves & Fullan, 1998

3. Breadth

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Distributed leadershipsees leadership practice as a product of theinteraction of school leaders, followers and

theirsituation.• Leadership practice involves multiple

individuals within and outside formal leadership positions

• Leadership practice is not done to followers. Followers are themselves part of leadership practice.

• It is not the actions of individuals, but the interactions among them that matter most in leadership practice.

Spillane, 2005

3. Breadth

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Raising the temperature of distributed leadership


Assertive distribution

Emergent distribution

Guided distribution

Progressive delegation

Traditional delegation


Too hot

Too cold

3. Breadth

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Principle 4: Justice

Sustainable leadership does no harm to and actively improves the surrounding environment by finding ways to share knowledge and resources with neighboring schools and the local communities.

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Sustainability and Social Justice

do not steal your neighbour’s capacityuse multiple indicators of

accountabilityemphasize collective accountabilitycoach a less successful partner schoolmake a definable contribution to the

community your school is inpair with a school in a different social

or natural environmentcollaborate with your competitors

4. Justice

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Responsible leadership

Mutual relationships among the domainsof ethical responsibility

Starratt, 2005

4. Justice

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Principle 5: Diversity Sustainable

leadership promotes cohesive diversity and avoids aligned standardization of policy, curriculum, assessment, and staff development and training in teaching and learning. It fosters and learns from diversity and creates cohesion and networking among its richly varying components.

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You learn more from people who are different from you, than ones who are the same

Hargreaves & Fullan, 1998

5. Diversity

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Effective organizations are characterized by:• A framework of common and enduring values,

goals and purposes• Possession and development of variability or

diversity in skills, talents and identities• Processes that promote interaction and cross-

pollination of ideas and influences across this variability

• Permeability to outside influences• Emergence of new ideas, structures, and

processes as diverse elements interconnect and new ones intrude from the outside

• Flexibility and adaptability in response to environmental change

• Resilience in the face of and in response to threats and adversity

5. Diversity

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Networked learning communities

• Enable and encourage schools to share and transfer the considerable knowledge already in existence that can help children learn better. Individual schools have limited knowledge, but collectively they have almost as much as they need.

• Stimulate the professional fulfilment and motivation that comes from learning and interacting with colleagues in ways that help teachers be more effective with their own students.

Continued…5. Diversity

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Networked learning communities

• Capitalize on positive diversity across teachers and schools who serve different kinds of students, or who vary in how they respond to them, rather than maintaining the negative diversity of cut-throat competition that prevents mutual learning and assistance, or than denying diversity altogether through imposition of standardized solutions.

• Provide teachers and others with opportunities for lateral leadership of people, programs and problem-solving beyond one’s own school setting.

Continued…5. Diversity

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Other advantages

• they provide opportunities to draw on and develop evidence-informed, research-derived practice

• they promote innovation and its dissemination across large groups of interested schools

• they give teachers more of a voice in professional and school-based decision-making

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Other advantages• they help personalize every school as a

learning community, enabling them to adopt emergent solutions to their own needs, that are diffused and made available throughout the network, instead of being subjected to overly prescribed programmes.

• they are flexible and resilient in the face of crises or misdirected system initiatives that turn out to be unsuccessful – allowing new learning and fresh solutions to emerge and fill the gap that the false starts and failures have left behind.

Jackson, 2006

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Network risks

• Restricted to enthusiasts• Shared delusions• Self-indulgent• Limited scale• Unaccountable• Over-regulation• Over-participation

5. Diversity

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Strong networks have…

• Strong branding, definite products• Clear moral purpose• Clarity, focus, discipline• Evidence informed substance• Accessibility in real and chosen

time• Hacker ethic• Embedded in altered structures• Support from lateral leadership• PLCs as nodes

5. Diversity

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Networking and interaction

• Paired schools• University-school

partnerships• Internet

communities• Families of

schools• Collaborative

accountability• Professional


5. Diversity

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Short-term strategies

• Exam strategies• Revision sessions• Tutoring• Recognition of achievements• Pupil-teacher conferences• Bananas and water

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Medium-term strategies

• Teacher mentor programs• SAM technology• Data-driven assessment for

targeted instruction• Training days

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Long-term strategies

• Restructuring• Student voice• Continuous improvement• Teaching and learning

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Principle 6: Resourcefulness Sustainable

leadership develops and does not deplete material and human resources. It renews people’s energy. Sustainable leadership is prudent and resourceful leadership that wastes neither its money nor its people.

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Two theories of energy







6. Resourcefulness

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Four Forms of Energy Renewal

1. Physical Renewal2. Emotional Renewal3. Intellectual Renewal4. Spiritual Renewal

Loehr & Schwartz

6. Resourcefulness

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Energy restraint

• No achievement without investment

• Shared targets, not imposed ones

• Slow leading, slow learning• Time• Political continuity and


6. Resourcefulness

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Three Sources of Renewal


Confidence Positive emotion

6. Resourcefulness

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Three forms of trust & betrayal


Contract Competence

Hargreaves, 2002

6. Resourcefulness

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Trust involves

• reliability and predictability• reaching shared

understanding• assumptions of good faith• trusting yourself as well as

others• trusting processes as well as


6. Resourcefulness

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Betrayal involves

• loss of trust or absence of trust

• spectacular breakdowns of trust

• small, accumulated breaches of trust

6. Resourcefulness

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Contractual trust

meeting obligations completing contracts keeping promises

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…and Betrayal

Xnot pulling one’s weightXpoor work-rate or effortXteaching the same thingXclockwatchingXcomplaining without


6. Resourcefulness

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Competence Trust

trust own & others’ capabilityeffective delegationproviding professional growth

& development

6. Resourcefulness

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…and Betrayal

X constant criticism/dissatisfactionwith others

X martyrdom/inability to delegateX abandon people when faults first

appearX recruitment and retention problemsX micromanagement, scripting,


6. Resourcefulness

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Communication Trust

clear, high-quality, open and frequent communicationsharing information,

admitting mistakestelling the truth, keeping confidences

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…and Betrayal

X malicious / mischievous gossipingX public shaming / humiliation in

front of:colleaguessuperiorsstudents

X miscommunication/misunderstanding

X self-servingness

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Many problems that we treat as being a result of other people’s contract or competence betrayal, are actually a result of their or our communication

problems. In other words… Competence failures or contractual

failures are often really communication failures.

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Principle 7: Conservation

Sustainable leadership respects and builds on the past in its quest to create a better future.

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Modes of organisational forgetting

New KnowledgeEstablished Knowledge



Failure to consolidate DISSIPATIO


Failure to maintain


Abandoned innovation


Managed unlearning PURGING

DeHolan & Phillips, 2004

7. Conservation

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The Past, Present & Future of Change Acknowledge the past. Preserve the best. Learn from the rest. Wildness, diversity and disorder have value. The past is not pure. Do not romanticize it. The past has no Golden Age to which we should return. We view the past differently. We must therefore interpret it together. When we dismiss or demean the past, we fuel defensive nostalgia among its bearers.

7. Conservation

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Creative Recombination for RenewalFrom:Firing and rehiring

Developing new communications

Inventing new values

Re-engineering new processes

Complete restructuring

To:Redeploying the talent companies already have

Plugging into & reinventing

existing social networks

Reviving and renewing existing values

Salvaging existing good Processes

Reworking and rebuilding

existing structuresAbrahamson, 2004

7. Conservation

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Stop, Start, Continue…


What is less valuable


What is more



What remains highly



What is formally required but

threatens what is valuable

7. Conservation

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Conserving the past through…

• Retreats that renew the vision• Audits of the organization’s memories of

analogous change• Asset inventories of existing experience and

knowledge• Organizational abandonment meetings• Appointments made mid-term to cultivate

learning of the culture• Storytelling to pass on wisdom• Mentoring that runs in both directions• Good written records• Creation of blended professional cultures• Creative recombination, not repetitive change

7. Conservation

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The Long & Short of Educational Change

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A Network of Over 300 Underachieving Secondary “Schools Helping Schools”

An Invitational Process to Three Annual Cohorts

A “No Strings Attached” Stipend of 9,000 pounds per annum


Expert Analysis of School Achievement Data

Mentor Schools and Consultant Heads

Data-Informed Reflection and Decision Making

A Menu of Short, Medium, and Long-term Strategies

A Web Portal with a Chat Room and Discussion Forum

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Research Design

Individual and focus group interviews with school

heads, teachers, and policy makers

Conference attendance, site visits to schools, and

ethnographic observations of instruction

Review of pupil achievement data

Analysis of RATL’s web portal

Targeted interviews of heads in the top and bottom


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QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

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The Failures Car Park

… there was a bit of a joke that we’re going to

have our wrists slapped because we didn’t do

terribly well, and we met a whole lot of other

headteachers who we knew who said, “well,

you’re in the failures car park,” you know,

those sorts of things.

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Achievement Gains

63.2% of Cohort A Schools (141 of 224) maintained or

improved GCSE results from 2003 to 2004--an increase

of 2.4% in contrast to .8% among all secondary


82% of Cohort B Schools (86 of 105) maintained or

improved GCSE results from 2004 to 2005--an increase

of 5.4% in contrast to 2.9% among all secondary


73% of Cohort A Schools (173 of 224) maintained or

improved their performance from 2003 to 2005--an

increase of 4.7% compared to 3.7% among all

secondary schools

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What about the schools without gains?

Leadership transitions

Leadership instability

Leadership isolation

No prior networking


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Short-Term StrategiesProviding students with test-taking strategies

Offering revision sessions after school and on weekends

Creating tutoring opportunities with peer and subject specialists

Celebrating student accomplishments

Implementing supplementary materials using ICT

Initiating parent-teacher conferences

Providing nutrients before exams

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Medium-Term Strategies

Teacher mentor programs to assist struggling or

coasting colleagues to improve instruction

SAM technology learning program to track and

encourage pupil homework on challenging curricula

Data-informed assessment to target specific groups

of pupil for further study and customized


School training days to enhance awareness of new

approaches to raise achievement and transforming


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Long-Term Strategies

Organizational restructuring of a school’s leadership team

Increasing student voice through Learning to Learn

Emphasizing continuing assessment and improvement

Building professional learning communities that

continuously review upon and revise instruction

Developing new strategies for creating local capacity that

include parents and other community constituencies

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The Long and Short of Change

Hargreaves and Fink’s Proposition

The urgency of targets is inversely related to the degree of power held by those responsible for implementing them.

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achievement targets

UN Millenium Goals

shared targets,

quick “wins”

authentic transformations

In practices and beliefs


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Negative Longs

• Long-term targets, such as Millenium Goals, that are evasions of political and corporate responsibility

• Mission and vision building processes that do not survive the leaders who initiated them

• Long-range plans that are soon made obsolete by unanticipated events

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Negative Shorts

Targets that are

• Imposed upon the powerless• Do not engage those responsible

for reaching them• Are politically convenient and

arbitrary• Are imposed in cultures of

distrust and fear

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Positive Shorts

• Also demand changed behavior among the powerful

• Are collectively shared• Are inspired by cultures of trust

and hope• Build confidence to persevere

with longer term struggles

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Positive Longs

• Promote and depend on patience, discipline and perseverance

• Inspire people to see beyond the present

• Symbolically guide and articulate short-term measures

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Comes from

• Choice, but not too much• Control over one’s own destiny• Achievement of purposes along

the way

Jonathan Haidt, The Happiness Hypothesis

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Sustainable Leadership

One of the most important and neglected aspects of leadership is leadership succession. Schools tend to focus on improving schools or remaking them anew rather than sustaining what has been created by past leaders. Similarly, leaders rarely think about how the improvements they make will survive their own departure. In this book, Andy Hargreaves and Dean Fink examine what we know about making leadership last and offer seven p rinciples of sustainability. They provide an ov erview of the topic, a s ummary of research, examples of good practice, and guidelines for the future. This is a volume in The Jossey-Bass Leadership Library in Education, Andy Hargreaves, Consulting Editor.

• This landmark book focuses on the important (but neglected) topic of leadership succession in schools. • Offers a concise, practical, and easy-to-read guide for the busy professional. • Written for both aspiring and practicing leaders who must keep current in this dynamic f ield.

Andy Hargreaves is co-director of the International Centre for Educational Change at the University of Toronto, and professor of educational leadership and change at the University of Nottingham and the National College for School Leadership in England. Dr. Hargreaves consults widely in the United States, Europe, and Australia and is the author of numerous books including Learning to Change. Dean Fink is professor of education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto.

Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Imprint · 10475 Crosspoint Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46256 · PH: 800.956.7739 · FX: 800.605.2665 · www.jbp.com

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Seven Principles of Sustainability • Depth – Learning and Integrity • Length – Endurance and Succession • Breadth – Distribution not Delegation • Justice – Others and Ourselves • Diversity – Complexity and Cohesion • Resourcefulness – Restraint and Renewal • Conservation – History and Legacy

ISBN: 0-7879-6838-2 ~ $25.00 ~ Paper ~ 304p ~ www.jbp.com

Available October 2005

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By Andy Hargreaves and Dean Fink

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Thank you