agsm the star march 2016

12 AGSM 12 12 12 12 12 2 AG AG AG A SM SM S M SM by Mikhail Narbekov AGSM MBA, 2016 Why is it important to study Marketing? A common misconception is that marketing is sim- ply selling or advertising. It is actually not the case; marketing also includes: public relations, product development, pricing, social media, digital strate- gies, and many more aspects. In order to increase sales and heighten brand awareness, every type of business (including hot new start-ups, local stores, and mature corporate giants) needs to develop a proper mix of these activities and marketers are here to help them do that. No matter how great your service or product is, without marketing ef- forts, you are more likely to stand still and be ig- QRUHG UDWKHU WKDQ WR PRYH IRUZDUG DQG ソQG \RXU customers. Knowledge in marketing management also en- hances your personal job search conversion to employment success rate. Marketing does not stop at the product or service level- people can also be marketed. The marketing principles can and should be applied to your LinkedIn page, resume, and cover letter. Marketing is everywhere. In its most basic form, marketing revolves around satisfying customer needs and wants. Not surprisingly, em- ployers also have them. Do not limit your chances IRU ソQGLQJ D ZHOOSDLG MRE VWXG\ PDUNHWLQJ Tips for Studying Marketing: Marketing is a dy- namic science. It is a good idea to keep up to date with the latest marketing news so make sure you are subscribed to relevant marketing publications. Having knowledge of marketing on-goings will im- press future employers. The AGSM Marketing Club LinkedIn group is a great way of getting the latest MARKETING is Everywhere! marketing news and you can join it now for FREE! %XLOG \RXUVHOI XS LQ WKH VRFLDO PHGLD VSDFH <RXU SROLVKHG SURソOH ZLOO VKRZ HPSOR\HUV WKDW \RX DFWX- ally know what you are talking about when it comes to digital strategies and promoting a brand.Take advantage of the internship opportunities available in sessions three and fours (ask Rachel at Career 6HUYLFHV ſ ,W DOORZV \RX WR DSSO\ WKH PDUNHW- ing theory in a real job situation. This will help you develop your skills for the work you have to do on your courses, and you will have a better under- standing of how things work in marketing. Most important, enjoy your AGSM MBA experience HYHU\ GD\ OHDUQ QHZ WKLQJV ソQG QHZ IULHQGV DQG start new chapter of your life. How can the AGSM Marketing Club add value? The Marketing Club believes that everyone can EHQHソW IURP EHWWHU NQRZOHGJH RI 0DUNHWLQJ UHJDUG- less of position and functional expertise. Therefore, it aims to provide relevant marketing industry in- sights to the AGSM community. In 2015, the AGSM Marketing club held a series of guest speaker events, during which senior speakers shared their personal experiences regarding their marketing careers in Australia. Furthermore, for the second time in a row, the AGSM Marketing club team par- ticipated in the Google Online Marketing Challenge. AGSM students learned how to use the Google AdWords tool and used these skills in practice to advertise a real business in Sydney. Currently President of the AGSM Marketing Club, MIKHAIL has a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and worked as a Product Marketing Manager at Henkel, Schneider Electric and Xerox Corporation. In his role, Mikhail was responsible for development, launch and promotion of the new products in the Russian region. Photos provided by author

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Page 1: AGSM The Star March 2016


To say 2016 has started with a bang for the Ca

reer Development Centre would be an enormous

understatement! In welcoming our new MBA Class

of 2017 Full-Time students, we could not be more

excited by the talent and motivation we have wit

nessed over the last two months. This Cohort is ex

tremely promising, and already well-underway with

initiating new collaborative events and networking


We successfully hosted the 3rd Annual MBA Ca

reers Symposium, which ran for two days and

included an engaging session from AGSM Fellow

ing your Network Authentically’; a site visit to the

Personal Brand’ and concluded with the announce

ment of our newly elected Student Society over

networking drinks with previous position-holders.

The elections for our Industry Club Presidents took










by Mikhail NarbekovAGSM MBA, 2016

Why is it important to study Marketing?

A common misconception is that marketing is sim-

ply selling or advertising. It is actually not the case;

marketing also includes: public relations, product

development, pricing, social media, digital strate-

gies, and many more aspects. In order to increase

sales and heighten brand awareness, every type of

business (including hot new start-ups, local stores,

and mature corporate giants) needs to develop a

proper mix of these activities and marketers are

here to help them do that. No matter how great

your service or product is, without marketing ef-

forts, you are more likely to stand still and be ig-


Knowledge in marketing management also en-

hances your personal job search conversion to

employment success rate. Marketing does not stop

at the product or service level- people can also be

marketed. The marketing principles can and should

be applied to your LinkedIn page, resume, and

cover letter. Marketing is everywhere. In its most

basic form, marketing revolves around satisfying

customer needs and wants. Not surprisingly, em-

ployers also have them. Do not limit your chances

Tips for Studying Marketing: Marketing is a dy-

namic science. It is a good idea to keep up to date

with the latest marketing news so make sure you

are subscribed to relevant marketing publications.

Having knowledge of marketing on-goings will im-

press future employers. The AGSM Marketing Club

LinkedIn group is a great way of getting the latest

MARKETING is Everywhere!

marketing news and you can join it now for FREE!


ally know what you are talking about when it comes

to digital strategies and promoting a brand.Take

advantage of the internship opportunities available

in sessions three and fours (ask Rachel at Career


ing theory in a real job situation. This will help you

develop your skills for the work you have to do on

your courses, and you will have a better under-

standing of how things work in marketing.

Most important, enjoy your AGSM MBA experience

start new chapter of your life.

How can the AGSM Marketing Club add value?

The Marketing Club believes that everyone can


less of position and functional expertise. Therefore,

it aims to provide relevant marketing industry in-

sights to the AGSM community. In 2015, the AGSM

Marketing club held a series of guest speaker

events, during which senior speakers shared their

personal experiences regarding their marketing

careers in Australia. Furthermore, for the second

time in a row, the AGSM Marketing club team par-

ticipated in the Google Online Marketing Challenge.

AGSM students learned how to use the Google

AdWords tool and used these skills in practice to

advertise a real business in Sydney.

Currently President of the AGSM Marketing Club, MIKHAIL has a master’s degree in Mechanical

Engineering and worked as a Product Marketing Manager at Henkel, Schneider Electric and Xerox Corporation. In his role, Mikhail was responsible

for development, launch and promotion of the new products in the Russian region.


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