agrale info

Institucional Agrale is a company providing the market with products of technology to the point. With over 40 years of tradition and solidity, it is the only company 100% Brazilian capital acting in the production of vehicles, tractors and diesel engines. A strong brand, built with dedication, audacity and much work, Agrale is part of the Francisco Stedile Group, that, in addition to Agrale and its subsidiaries (Agrale Montadora, Agrale Argentina, Agrale Comercial and Lintec), comprises also Agritech Lavrale, Germani Alimentos, Germani Cereais, Fundituba and Fazenda Três Rios.

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Agrale is a company providing the market with products of technology to the point. With over 40 years of tradition and solidity, it is the only company 100% Brazilian capital acting in the production of vehicles, tractors and diesel engines. A strong brand, built with dedication, audacity and much work, Agrale is part of the Francisco Stedile Group, that, in addition to Agrale and its subsidiaries (Agrale Montadora, Agrale Argentina, Agrale Comercial and Lintec), comprises also Agritech Lavrale, Germani Alimentos, Germani Cereais, Fundituba and Fazenda Três Rios. 

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story    |    Certifications    |    Markets    |    Social & Environment actions    |    Sustainable Growth    |    Industrial Units



Agrale is a company providing the market with products of technology to the point. With over 40 years of tradition and solidity, it is the only company 100% Brazilian capital acting in the production of vehicles, tractors and diesel engines. A strong brand, built with dedication, audacity and much work, Agrale is part of the Francisco Stedile Group, that, in addition to Agrale and its subsidiaries (Agrale Montadora, Agrale Argentina, Agrale Comercial and Lintec), comprises also Agritech Lavrale, Germani Alimentos, Germani Cereais, Fundituba and Fazenda Três Rios.

1962AGRALE is founded with the initial denomination of Indústria Gaúcha deImplementos Agrícolas S.A. - AGRISA,



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with the purpose of manufacturing two-wheeled microtractors.

1965AGRALE’s history starts effectively on October 14th, when Francisco Stédile Group acquires AGRISA shareholder control, and it is soon transferred to Caxias do Sul and its denomination is altered to AGRALE.

1968From the initial production of AGRISA-BUNGARTZ microtractors and AGRISAHATZ diesel engines, AGRALE, through its own technical means, develops a 4-wheeled microtractor, a sales stand out even nowadays. It aggregates the production of two new models of diesel motors as well, of one and two cillinders, both with HATZ technology.

1975Extension of production capacity with the opening of important own plant, known today as Plant 1.

1982Development of AGRALE TX1100 truck, precursor of the current AGRALE truck range.

1983After acquiring Alpina S.A. mopeds production line, AGRALE enters into technical and commercial cooperation agreement with the Italian CAGIVA and starts the production of motorcycles and mopeds, transferring it later to Manaus.

1985New amplification of the productive capacity, with the opening of the unit named as Plant 2 in Caxias do Sul.

1988Agreement with German company KLOCKNER HUMBOLDT DEUTZ, starting the heavy tractors manufacturing in Brazil and of AGRALE trucks in Argentina, in advance to the Mercosur concept.

1990Opening of Plant 3, for manufacturing



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cabins and diverse components.

1997Agreements entered into with ZETOR, European manufacturer of tractors and diesel motors, aiming to producing a medium tractors range, and with NAVISTAR, for the assembly of International trucks to Brazil and Abroad.

1998Agreement with Marcopolo S.A. to supply chassis for the assembly of Volare microbus. Start-up of International trucks assembly.

2002Start of operations in the plant unit of Colombia, aimed to the production of chassis for microbuses. Releasing of FURGOVAN cargo van.

2003Agreement entered with Lombardini, one of the greatest world’s manufacturers of diesel engines, starting to distribute its products and services in Brazil.

2004Release of the innovative MIDBUS chassis range, pioneer in the 12-tone sector. Presentation to the market of the military vehicle AGRALE MARRUÁ 4x4.

2005Installation of the own Distribution Center of AGRALE products to the Argentine market, in Buenos Aires.

2006AGRALE sells its motorcycle division produced in Manaus, terminating the commercial agreement with the Italian group MV Augusta, manufacturer of Cagiva, Husqvarma and MV Augusta motorcycles.

2007In addition to several innovations to the tractors and compact cars ranges, the release of the 13.000 truck, stressing the entrance in the field of medium trucks, and the extension of the MIDBUS range, with the new 15- tone chassis stand out.


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Opening of AGRALE assembling unit in Argentina. Celebration of the production of the 25,000 units of VOLARE chassis and 12,500 INTERNATIONAL trucks.

Awards / Certificates 


ISO 9002 Certificate

Industry Distinction Award 2001FIERGS


Autodata 2001Bus Vehicle AwardMicrobus Chassis

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  Social Responsibility AwardRS Legislative Assembly



Agrale is synonym of Brazilian competence abroad, with products in many countries. The company has a strong presence in the Latin America, Africa and the Middle East, always incorporating new technologies and solutions, aiming at enlarging its world acting area. Agrale counts on a extensive distribution network and, by acting with strategic view and committed to innovation, it offers the world technology at the point to each market.

Among the countries in which Agrale is present, the following stand out: South Africa, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Kuwait, Nigeria, araguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.


All Agrale products reach the most distant places in the country and the world, through a broad distributors network, with well-trained technicians and spare parts in order to offer an efficient technical support to all of its products range.

By ensuring the quality of its products and 24 hours support, Agrale has been improving year by year the profile of its products and services.

With a Distribution Center from which more than 160,000 items are issued every month, Agrale has developed an agile system of remittances, ensuring that its dealers network keeps its inventories always updated according to monthly schedule. Thus it is possible to be efficient and fast in case of eventual or emergence orders.


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Sustainable Growth 


Agrale adopts a rigorous and efficient Environmental Management System that seeks to promote process improvement, optimizing the consumption of natural resources as well as the use of products that may impact the environment.

The GGA - Grupo de Gestão Ambiental, or Environmental Management Group, is an inter-departamental and multi-disciplinary group responsible for the control and destination of the generated waste, for compliance with the environmental legislation, for the promotion of the importance of environmental preservation among company collaborators, for the proposal of alternatives to minimize the generation of waste based on the correct use of resources, as well as for the development of internal procedures as a way to standardize and document Agrale’s environmental management plan.

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Based on the use of the 3 R’s – Reuse, Recycle and Reduce – the company recycled the following materials during 2004: 13,600 liters of solvents, 698 drum units, 15,000 liters of oil, 110.63 tons of paper, 30.15 tons of plastic, 1,306.32 tons of iron scrap, 97.60 tons of paint sludge. Additionally, with the implementation of preventive and corrective measures during the year, the company also achieved significant reductions in the generation of waste.

Industrial units 


Locality: Caxias do Sul - RS Total area: 102.000 m2 Constructed area: 34.500 m2

Tractors assembling unit as well as engines and parts manufacturing

Administrative center and manufacturing unit for parts and components for the production of automotive vehicles, stationary engines, automotive parts and agriculture machines. Development center for new products. Assembling unit of tractors range, stationary motors and distribution center of spare parts.

Locality: Caxias do Sul - RS Total area: 200.000 m2 Constructed area: 27.960 m2

Vehicles assembling unit

Light and medium size trucks assembly lines, chassis for micro and midbus and 4x4 Agrale Marruá compact cars. International trucks assembly line..

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Locality: Caxias do Sul - RS Total area: 90.000 m2 Constructed area: 12.667 m2

Automotive components unit

Components plant for vehicles and tractors. Training center.

Locality: Mercedes, Buenos Aires - ArgentinaTotal area: 200.000 m2 Constructed area: 9.098 m2Under construction: 2.272 m2

Argentina unit

Agrale vehicles assembling unit.

Social & Environment actions 

Research and Development

AGRALE has an engineering team exclusively dedicated to the research and continuous development of products. Their main concern is to get the best cost-benefit ratio, with differentiated products, adequate to the market demands and necessities. The technological updating is also

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performed through partnerships with world leaders, as this is what characterizes the AGRALE brand: innovative solutions and products made with refined technology.

Training Center

In its Training Center, AGRALE prepares its own team of internal and field technicians with the purpose of improving the distributors’ service, besides developing and distributing technical manuals to the Dealers Network and training final users in products’ basic maintenance, operation and application. Over 300 specialist technicians are trained every year by Agrale.

Technical Support

AGRALE Technical Support is offered in all authorized distributors, by mechanics trained directly in the company, with the whole specific tools necessary to the products maintenance.

Social Responsibility

AGRALE understands that exercising Social Responsibility is associated to the sustainability idea, which, in turn, aims at conciliating the economic, environmental and social spheres to generate a setting compatible to the company activities continuity. AGRALE believes that adding value to people and actions turned to citizenship and environment preservation are essential to construct a fairer and more sustainable society.


The preoccupation with quality at AGRALE extends to the end of the production process, comprising also the environment quality. Therefore, the washing, ungreasing, phosphatization and painting processes wastes are treated in proper plants for that purpose.


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 A Presidente da República Dilma Rousseff participou da cerimônia de abertura da Festa da Uva 2012, em Caxias do Sul, e visitou o estande da Agrale. Acompanhada pelo diretor presidente, Hugo Zattera, conheceu de perto e mostrou muita curiosidade pelos  dois primeiros modelos de tratores produzidos pela empresa - microtrator de duas rodas T 213, de 1962, e trator T 415 de quatro rodas, de 1968 – produtos que permitiram o inicio da mecanização da pequena propriedade  famíliar brasileira e  o primeiro

caminhão, o TX 1100, de 1982, especialmente restaurados, além do utilitário militar Agrale Marruá AM1 desenvolvido para uso das Forças Armadas.

Na edição deste ano da Festa da Uva, a Agrale apresenta em seu estande as linhas atuais de produtos, como o trator BX 6180 com cabine, modelo de maior potência da fabricante, com 168 cv; trator 5075.4 da Linha 5000; trator 4100.4 (pintado exclusivamente na cor verde para destacar a utilização do Biodiesel B25 e réplica do 1º  trator brasileiro liberado para uso de biodiesel apresentado ao presidente Lula já na Festa da Uva 2006); o novo caminhão 8700 da linha 2012, com motorização Proconve P7 (Euro 5); utilitário Marruá Militar AM1, e três motores diesel da família Agrale Lintec.

Para celebrar os seus 50 anos de fundação, a empresa produziu paineis fotográficos que resgatam alguns dos principais momentos da companhia ao longo deste meio século. Outro destaque é a exposição virtual com mais de 200 imagens que contam a história da Agrale, do seu fundador, Francisco Stedile, e da sua trajetória nos cenários brasileiro e mundial. 

 Crédito da imagem: Luiz Chaves

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Agrale Microbus ChassisAgrale has been the leader in the light chassis segment for more than 10 years, offering one of the most complete lines in the market. The vehicles were designed specifically for the transportation of people, incorporating marked differences such as forward placed engines and front axles, which allow a greater useable area for the coachwork, providing comfort and safety for both driver and passengers.

Agrale Midibus ChassisAn innovative line of chassis for medium sized buses between 12 and 15 tons, including various models that offer front or rear engine options, semi ‘low entry’ or ‘low entry’ chassis, as well as the option of a manual or automatic gearbox, and air suspension. Items that provide increased comfort for passengers, reduced operator stress, as well as greater productivity for the fleet owner. Indicated for urban, intermunicipal operations or rental, the models satisfy the existing market demand for more economic and compact vehicles, less costly that traditional buses. The main differentials of the Agrale Midibus family are the low operating and acquisition costs, enhanced accessibility for passengers and the large number of available configurations.



Agrale Microbus ChassisAgrale has been the leader in the light chassis segment for more than 10 years, offering one of the most complete lines in the market. The vehicles were designed specifically for the transportation of people, incorporating marked differences such as forward placed engines and front axles, which allow a greater useable area for the coachwork, providing comfort and safety for both driver and passengers.


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Agrale Midibus ChassisAn innovative line of chassis for medium sized buses between 12 and 15 tons, including various models that offer front or rear engine options, semi ‘low entry’ or ‘low entry’ chassis, as well as the option of a manual or automatic gearbox, and air suspension. Items that provide increased comfort for passengers, reduced operator stress, as well as greater productivity for the fleet owner. Indicated for urban, intermunicipal operations or rental, the models satisfy the existing market demand for more economic and compact vehicles, less costly that traditional buses. The main differentials of the Agrale Midibus family are the low operating and acquisition costs, enhanced accessibility for passengers and the large number of available configurations.


AGRALE produces a wide range of tractors, offering various models that present versatile solutions to meet the needs of the agricultural market (the Agrale tractor operation is the pioneer in the Brazilian market and has one basic characteristic: the best cost-benefit ratio).

With low maintenance cost and great performance, Agrale tractors guaranty high productivity in agriculture.



With their main design concept based on the adequate application of technology to satisfy the client’s needs, Agrale trucks are recognized for their economy, strength


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and durability, presenting low maintenance costs.The line of light trucks is the only one to incorporate an extended cabin, providing comfort in various usage situations. The medium-sized trucks, with GVWs between 13000 kg and 20700 kg, are available both in 4x2 and 6x2 versions, and are equipped with a factory certified third axle.The Agrale vans, Furgovan 6000 and 8000, built on reinforced chassis, are ideal for cargo distribution within urban perimeters.

MARRUÁ AGRALEAgrale Marruá LineMeeting the versatility that the military market requires, Agrale Marruá presents different versions allowing installation of several equipment items. The large number of versions and configurations of these vehicles from its inital design,


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reflects Agrale´s concern to fully attend the military market expectations. All Agrale Marruá Line vehicles have a unified base aimed at obtaining maximum component rationalization, focusing stock and logistics cost reduction both of the manufacturer and customer.