agoria energy and environmental installations

2008 - 09 Energy and Environmental Installations

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Gids ter promotie van Belgsiche bedrijven actief in energie- en milieu-oplossingen


Page 1: Agoria Energy and Environmental installations

2008 - 09Energy and Environmental Installations

repert Milieu cover 09.indd 1 08-10-2008 08:49:57

Page 2: Agoria Energy and Environmental installations

pioniers in grondreiniging

technieken• Biologische grondreiniging

• Fysico-chemische grondreiniging

• Thermische grondreiniging

• Immobilisatie

soorten afvalstoffen• Grond

• Puin

• Bagger- en ruimingsspecie

• Straalgrit

• Veegvuil en rioolkolkenslib

Maatschappelijke zetelGRC NV

Haven 1025Scheldedijk 30B-2070 Zwijndrecht

GRC Brugge Kaai 420Jozef Verschaveweg 110B-8380 Zeebruggetel.: +32 50 500 930fax: +32 50 790 [email protected]

GRC Kallo Haven 1562St. Jansweg 10B-9130 Kallotel.: +32 3 570 90 30fax: +32 3 570 90 [email protected]

3 sites tot uw dienstGrond Recyclage Centrum NV is

pionier en Belgisch marktleider in


GRC NV beschikt over drie sites:

GRC Kallo, GRC Brugge en

GRC Zolder.

GRC Zolder Westlaan 262B-3550 Heusden-Zoldertel.: +32 477 58 80 37fax: +32 3 570 90 [email protected]

ontw_grc_Agoria.indd 1 08-07-2008 08:54:13

Page 3: Agoria Energy and Environmental installations

3Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


energy and environmental installations

environment challenges

Water, earth, air and fire: Early cultures were already trying to achieve

the necessary balance between the basic elements in order to create a

harmonious living environment.

It is clear that each of these four areas deserve much attention from

policymakers and technology developers, especially when we see the crucial

role they play as well as the pressure that the worldwide, growing prosperity

model exerts on the economically easily usable natural resources of these


air and water move around the entire planet without consideration for

borders. Pollution which can not be avoided at the source of use or which is

not biodegradable, can pile up and require purification processes at other

places of use.

Groundwater levels of fresh water are dropping worldwide. Just like primary

energy sources, they are becoming increasingly scarcer. Creating alternative,

artificial sources, for example through desalinization also requires energy

sources that need to be weighed up against possibilities for lesser use or

alternatives such as purification processes with a focus on suitable re-use.

energy resources are trade products on a world market of which the supply

scarceness is clearly reflected in the price. Here as well, there is an urgent

need to sparingly use and recycle re-usable energy. In order to continue to

ensure supply, all existing options - without exception - must be considered

and efforts must be drastically increased to search for new ones.

The use of land for food supplies competing with its use for energy crops has

recently led to debates about a more selective promotion of biofuels. Rich

countries are prepared to pay more for biofuels than poor countries can

afford for food supplies.

The soil as part of the biosphere is no longer seen as a storage buffer

for contamination and is the subject of rehabilitation in order to avoid

contamination of groundwater or ground cultures, especially in places where

land is re-used.

Page 4: Agoria Energy and Environmental installations

Legal Insight. Business Instinct.

Mounting energy prices, soil pollution, waste management: companies are increasingly confronted with new challenges. Thanks to its expert team in real estate, environmental and energy law, the Brussels-based business law firm Lydian is the ideal partner to help you in meeting these challenges.

What new challenges, you wonder?In the Flemish Region, a new Decree on soil pollution came into force on 1 June 2008. Soil pollution is or can become an issue for every industrial company: it often represents a deal breaker in a sale and acquisition process and/or a key issue in an investment decision about an industrial site.Furthermore, the various Belgian Regions have developed different kinds of support mechanisms to promote sustainable energy production, providing companies with new opportunities. Also, Agoria members will have a lot to gain if they can bundle their energy purchases through specific consortia.At European level, the Waste Framework Directive is being revised, setting new recycling targets to be met by 2020, including recycling rates of 70% for construction and demolition waste. And then there is the broad range of legislation on the national and regional levels to be complied with.

To the point advice from Lydian’s Real Estate, Environment and Regulatory Department Lydian’s Real Estate, Environment & Regulatory Department analyses but also assists and advises you in all these domains, in order to help you to meet legal requirements. We assess opportunities, elaborate appropriate management and cost-limiting policies and, when required, overcome legal obstacles to successful business. Our department, composed of 18 lawyers, can boast strong experience in the most complicated files and works for an increasing number of high value clients. Whatever issues you are confronted with, our lawyers, all experts in their field, are here to work out the most effective solution for you.

Lydianis one of the leading independent full service Belgian law firms, driven by 50 motivated and highly competent lawyers. ‘Lydian’ is a term used in jazz music and means ‘note system’ or ‘touchstone’, the backbone on which jazz musicians rely in jam sessions. In the same way our lawyers seek to be the backbone of their clients’ business ventures.

“Straight to the point advice is the hallmark of Lydian” (Legal 500).“The real estate team impresses clients with their excellent service and ability to deliver an immediate answer.” (Chambers)

For any further information, please contact:Wouter NevenPartnerT: +32 2 787 90 82E: [email protected]

“Lydian can advise you on the use of sustainable energy”

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Page 5: Agoria Energy and Environmental installations

5Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Using less, recycling and encouraging synergyOne thing is clear: important investments and innovation efforts will be made

in the future on the development of environmental and energy processes

which reduce the burden on natural resources of the elements “water”, “fire”

(energy fuels) and “earth” (soil and material ore).

Reducing use

The use of energy, water, etc., can be improved through proper

management of the processes and an installation design that is well-adapted

to actual process needs (no unnecessary cooling or heating, no use of

machines for longer or at higher power than necessary, reducing heat losses,

selective use of air and water, etc.).


A variation in the optimisation of the use of natural resources is recycling,

for example via closed cycles (i.e. re-use of water in closed circuits, with

local cooling or water treatment instead of “once through” use, recovery of

residual heat for other needs in the process, etc.), with the goal of reducing

costs for the external supply of energy, water and related taxes.


Finally, one can also make use of the specific synergy between processes

where a combined production is better for the environment or economically

more interesting than the sum of separate productions, and where generating

fresh water, electricity, etc. is not for one’s own needs, but destined for the


For example, it regards process combinations for:

- electricity and fresh water or hydrogen production

- process heat (e.g. residues incineration) and electricity

- CO2 capture and fuel for the transport sector

- water purification and fertilizer production, etc.

interaction between the four elementsBesides proactive use of interesting synergies between the four elements, it is

important when dealing with one of the four process areas, that the impact or

consequences on each of the three other areas is also being examined.

e.g. In the area of waste treatment, a shift took place from dumping

(polluting the earth) to incineration as the reference treatment. This required

an important focus on emission management (polluting the air).

However, incinerating also requires energy and cooling water, a

disadvantage that is countered by recovering residual heat for the

production of steam and electricity.

Page 6: Agoria Energy and Environmental installations

Waterleau nv, Radioweg 18B-3020 Herent (Leuven), BelgiumT: + 32 (0) 16 650 657 - F: +32 (0) 16 650 [email protected] -

One stop shop for customersanywhere in the world.

Waterleau is one of the few global players with a complete portfolio of

water, air and waste treatment including energy recovery applications. The

company employs today over 225 environmental engineers and specialists,

a turnover well beyond € 50 million (2007) and an order-portfolio of

more than € 100 million. Working from the heart of Europe, with offices

near Brussels and Paris, it has developed an extensive network of local

companies and representative offices, from Beijing to Riyadh, from Mumbai

to Dubai, and compiled an enviable track record.

Page 7: Agoria Energy and Environmental installations

13Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Maar verbranding vergt ook energie en koelwater, een nadeel dat op

zijn beurt wordt opgevangen door de recuperatie van restwarmte voor de

productie van stoom en elektriciteit.

Na recyclage van grondstoffen, wordt verbranding met energierecuperatie

–waste to energy- nu algemeen aanvaard als een milieuvriendelijke methode

voor de valorisatie van restfracties.

Repertorium van de Agoria-groep “Milieu- en Energie-installaties” De lidbedrijven die in dit repertorium worden gebundeld, zijn actief in één of

meer van de vier domeinen:

- bodemsanering (S van soil),

- waterzuivering (W van water),

- lucht- en rookgasbehandeling (A van air)

- thermische processen voor energieopwekking (T van thermal)

- Combinaties van deze domeinen

Een eerste groep van bedrijven is gespecialiseerd in het ontwerp en/of de

bouw van totaaloplossingen in deze vier domeinen: industriële installaties

voor filtering en rookgasreiniging, energierecuperatie en -opwekking,

waterzuivering en bodemsanering.

Een tweede groep betreft leveranciers of ateliers voor fabricage van

specifieke componenten, al of niet op maat gemaakt, en die in milieu- en

energie-installaties worden gebruikt:

opslagsilo’s, warmtewisselaars, filterelementen, ketels, drukvaten etc.

Wij wensen U een interessante lectuur toe!


Bijkomende informatie:Christian DierickTel. +32 2 706 79 55, fax +32 2 706 79 [email protected]

Bijkomende gratis exemplaren van dit repertorium: Marleen PoelmansTel. +32 2 706 79 78, fax +32 2 706 79 [email protected]

Agoria Mechanical & Mechatronical EngineeringDiamant Building, Bd. A. Reyers Ln 80, B-1030 Brussels

Page 8: Agoria Energy and Environmental installations

‘Milieuvriendelijker door een merkbaar lagere uitstoot van roet en koolstofdioxide’

‘Préserve l’environnement grâce à la diminution sensible des émissions de suies et de CO2’ -

Page 9: Agoria Energy and Environmental installations

19Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Utiliser moins, recycler, exploiter les synergiesUne chose est certaine: à l’avenir, des investissements et efforts en

innovation importants seront consacrés au développement de processus

environnementaux et énergétiques qui réduisent le recours aux stocks naturels

des éléments “eau”, “feu” (carburants énergétiques) et “terre” (minerais).

Réduction de l’utilisation

On peut déjà nettement améliorer l’utilisation de l’énergie, de l’eau …

par une bonne maîtrise des processus et une conception des installations

qui répond précisément aux besoins réels des processus (ne pas refroidir

ou chauffer plus que nécessaire, ne pas faire fonctionner les machines

plus longtemps ou plus fort que besoin est et les utiliser à leur point de

fonctionnement optimal, limiter les déperditions de chaleur, utiliser l’air ou

l’eau de façon sélective, etc.).


Le recyclage constitue une variante dans l’optimisation de l’utilisation des

sources naturelles, p. ex. par le biais de circuits fermés (ex. réutilisation de

l’eau en circuits fermés, avec refroidissement ou traitement local de l’eau

au lieu d’une utilisation unique, récupération de la chaleur résiduelle pour

d’autres besoins dans le processus, etc.) dans le but de réduire les coûts de

l’approvisionnement extérieur en énergie et en eau et la taxation y relative.


Enfin, on peut aussi exploiter les synergies spécifiques entre les processus,

là où une production combinée est moins polluante ou économiquement

plus intéressante que la somme des productions séparées et là où on vise la

production d’eau douce, d’électricité, etc. destinée non pas aux besoins

propres mais au marché.

Il s’agit p. ex. de combinaisons de processus pour:

- l’électricité et l’eau douce ou la production d’hydrogène;

- la chaleur de proces (e. a. combustion des résidus) et l’électricité;

- la captation du CO2 et le carburant pour le secteur du transport

- l’épuration des eaux et la production d’engrais…

Interaction entre les quatre élémentsOutre l’utilisation proactive des synergies intéressantes entre les quatre

éléments, il convient toujours d’effectuer, lors du traitement d’un des quatre

domaines de processus, une analyse de l’impact ou des conséquences sur

chacun des trois autres domaines.

P. ex. dans le domaine du traitement des déchets, lorsqu’on est passé de la

mise en décharge (pollution de la terre) vers la combustion comme méthode

de référence pour le traitement des fractions résiduelles, la maîtrise des émissions (pollution de l’air) a fait l’objet d’une attention particulière.

Page 10: Agoria Energy and Environmental installations


Uw verpakkingen - uw verantwoordelijkheid

Kunstlaan 10-11 - 1210 Brussel • Tel.: +32 (0)2 209 03 60 • Fax: +32 (0)2 209 03 98 [email protected] •

De IVC keurt de algemene preventieplannen goed, controleert de terugnameplicht van de verpakkingsverantwoordelijken en de

goede werking van de erkende organismen.


Vos emballages vous en êtes responsable

La CIE approuve les plans généraux de prévention, contrôle l’obligation de reprise des responsables d’emballages et le bon

fonctionnement des organismes agréés.

10-11 Avenue des Arts - 1210 Bruxelles • Tél.: +32 (0)2 209 03 60 • Fax: +32 (0)2 209 03 98 [email protected] •

Page 11: Agoria Energy and Environmental installations

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry24

AGECO Environmental Consulting sprl

AGECO Environmental consulting s.p.r.l., created in 1999, is a company that combines the skills of more than twenty experts who have been working as consultants in the environment, energy and safety sectors for over a decade, both in the private sector and in the public sector.

Rue la Réunion 2B – 7000 Mons

ContactYannick MasquelierT: +32 (0)65 59 07 70F: +32 (0)65 59 07 77

[email protected]

Activity matrix ‘ECO-SWAT’


E ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓



➜ General Company DescriptionAGECO Environmental Consulting can provide a full and effective consultancy service for all subjects regarding environment, energy and safety aspects of installations in Europe, Asia and Africa:- Building and environmental permits- Environmental Impact Assessments- Environmental, security and energy audits- Soil investigation and remediation- Environmental & Safety Management Systems (ISO 14000,

EMAS, OHSAS, etc.)- Statutory monitoring- Greenhouse gases emissions assessment (ISO 14064) &

verification- Environmental & Sustainable Development communication

(GRI Index)- REACH consultancy- Sustainable Development- Environment, energy & security training sessions- Safety & accident prevention services- Environmental, energy and mobility management

➜ Special AssetsIn Belgium and France, AGECO Environmental Consulting’s competences are recognized and certified:- EIA-expert for all types of projects in the Walloon and

Brussels-Capital regions - SIR-expert n the Flemish, Walloon and Brussels-Capital regions- Environmental coordinator in the Flemish region- Lead Assessor for auditing- Greenhouse gases emissions verificator in the Walloon and

Brussels-Capital regions- Energy audit expert in the Walloon region- Greenhouse gases emissions assessor in France

➜ References AGECO Environmental Consulting’s industry references range from the food industry (Mydibel, Lutosa, Godiva, etc.) and the automotive industry (AW Europe, Smart, Volvo, Citroën, etc.) to the maintenance and equipment sector (Doosan Infracore, Dalkia, Fabricom GTI, etc.) and the metal industry (SAPA RC Profiles, FN Herstal, Joris IDE, Hogänäs, etc.).

Page 12: Agoria Energy and Environmental installations

Iemants NV is one of the leading companies as far as steel engineering, fabrication and installation are concerned. Iemants NV is an operating company of the Smulders Groep B.V. This group unites the forces of twenty individual steel related companies of which fourteen are located in the Netherlands, three in Belgium, two in Poland and one in Portugal. Each company has its own specialism in the field of steel processing and construction. With more than 1.300 co-workers across various European locations the Smulders Groep realises tremendous and extremely complex steel constructions. We refer to the website for further information.

The production facilities at Arendonk (Belgium) are equipped with the most modern machinery. They consist of a covered workshop area of 50.000m² and include a paint shop and facilities for the application of corrosion-resistant coatings. Iemants attaches great importance to the quality of all its products and services. Our working methods are based on a precise and carefully designed system in accordance with ISO9001 standards, which constitutes a guarantee for quality-from the design right through to the finished product.

MarketsHeavy constructions, High-rise buildings, Bridges, On-shore modules, Off-shore projects, Architectural projects, Industrial installations, Renovation Projects

Current major projects of Iemants NV are- Total Refinery, Gonfreville: 1100 tons- BP Chembel Geel, PTA 2/3 expansion project: 1700 tons- Keppel Verolme, Flush Tanks: 2200 tons- Ras Laffan LNG trains, Qatar: 2500 tons- Sita Northumberland: 650 tons- Hitachi, BFG Project: 3000 tons

A world leader in materials technology,

innovation & recycling.

Core materials for electronics, photonics,

energy storage, transport, batteries, solar cells

& fuel cells

A world leader in materials technology,

innovation & recycling.

Core materials for electronics, photonics,

energy storage, transport, batteries, solar cells

& fuel cellsUmicoreBroekstraat 31 rue du Marais B-1000 Brussels - BelgiumPhone: +32 (0)2 227 71 11

UmicoreBroekstraat 31 rue du Marais B-1000 Brussels - BelgiumPhone: +32 (0)2 227 71 11

Page 13: Agoria Energy and Environmental installations

41Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Hydrogenics Europe nv

Hydrogenics Corporation is a leading global developer of clean energy solutions, based on hydrogen and fuel cell products.

Nijverheidsstraat 48C

B - 2260 Westerlo-Oevel

ContactRoel De Maeyer

T: +32 (0)14 46 21 10

F: +32 (0)14 46 21 11


Activity matrix ‘ECO-SWAT’


E ✓

C ✓


➜ Company DescriptionWe have a product portfolio of fuel cell power modules and

hydrogen generation systems. Our Hydrogen Stations (HySTAT)

are engineered and manufactured by Hydrogenics OnSite

Generation division at our Belgium based facility in Oevel

(Westerlo). Via our global representation, including Canada,

USA (California-based), Germany, Belgium, Asia Pacific

(Japan-based), India and Russia, we can serve our customers

efficiently and rapidly.

With our turnkey hydrogen generation systems, we can deliver

a solution for a full range of hydrogen applications providing

as main advantages:

- On-site and on demand hydrogen production

- High purity

- 10 or 25 barg pressure without a compressor

- Automated operation

- Reliable

- Low maintenance cost

- Most efficient

➜ Special AssetsHydrogenics offers 60 years of experience, bringing over

1.000 reference sites worldwide. We are ISO 9001 certified

from design to delivery and we comply with international

standards such as CE, UL, ASME and Rostechnadzor. Safety is

a top priority for Hydrogenics Europe NV. Used by customers

worldwide including major industrial gas companies, power

plants, metallurgical plants, nuclear plants, float glass plants,

etc.. Our products have an excellent record of safe operation

under the most different circumstances.

➜ ReferencesOur HySTATs are worldwide deployed in different industries:

Power plants (a.o. Varna, Bulgaria), Metallurgical Plants

(a.o. Bekaert), Float glass plants (a.o. Glaverbel),

Electronics (a.o. Air Liquide South Africa)

Page 14: Agoria Energy and Environmental installations

59Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Carrier Europe sca

Rue de L’industrie 20, B – 1400 Nivelles

Contact: Enrico Mariotti

T: +32 (0)67 88 37 53 - F: +32 (0)67 88 37 59

[email protected] -

CARRIER Europe manufactures Vibrating equipment such as, conveyors,

feeders, dryers and coolers fluid bed. Our equipment is installed at key places

in production lines where there is no compromise to reliability. Nowadays, we are

also capable to serve the new industries which are using the Biomass technology.

Our wide experience in drying, cooling bulk material puts us ahead and makes

us to be the Pioneer in this field. Robust and rigid, versatile and multifunctional,

these vibrating equipments require low maintenance to save production time. We

have available in our laboratory, all necessary equipment to run tests to define

what would be the best choice of equipment to fulfill the customers needs.


Interleuvenlaan 1, B - 3001 Leuven

Contact: Linda Rombouts

T: +32(0)16 38 37 74 - F: +32(0)16 40 03 33

[email protected] -

Donaldson Company, Inc (est. 1915) headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota

(USA) is a leading, technology driven provider of air and liquid filtration systems

and replacement parts for diesel engine equipment and industrial filtration

solutions, with 13,000 employees and more than 100 sales, manufacturing, and

distribution locations around the world. Donaldson Europe was established in

Belgium in 1966 and serves today, with approximately 3000 employees in Europe,

its customers through an extensive network of legal entities, sales offices, distribution

centers and manufacturing facilities located in more than 18 countries.


Page 15: Agoria Energy and Environmental installations

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry60

Gebroeders Timmerman nv

Slachthuisstraat 14, B – 9900 Eeklo

Contact: Rudy De Wispelaere - Michel Timmerman

T: +32 (0)9 377 26 10 - 376 77 91 - F: +32 (0)9 377 99 79

[email protected] -

Design and manufacturing of heat exchangers and batteriesSkid builder - Piping contractor (in Belgium only) - References, amongst others:

Fluxys, ArcelorMittal Steel, UOP, Indaver, Monsanto, Taminco,… - Design and

fabrication according to following construction codes: ASME, AD Merkblatt,

Stoomwezen, NBN - Pressure vessels are built according to PED.

Geldof Metaalconstructie nv

Broelstraat 20, B – 8530 Harelbeke

Contact: Pieter Van Acker

T: +32 (0)56 73 21 21 - F: +32 (0)56 73 40 40

[email protected] -

Activities: Engineering and fabrication of components and turnkey projects for the storage, handling and processing of gasses, liquids and bulk solids: STORAGE TANKS: shop built or site erected - PRESSURE VESSELS: reactors, columns, drums, gas storage bullets and spheres, etc. - BULK SOLIDS STORAGE & HANDLING solutions: silo's, conveyers, (un)loading systems, etc. and other custom-designed realisations. Customers: Geldof serves a.o. the global oil & gas, chemical, petro- and biochemical industries and (electric) power producers. Our customer base includes both major end users and engineering contractors. Some environmental applications: GREEN ENERGY: processing and storage of biofuels, handling of biomass, etc. - CLEAN AIR: industrial flue gas treatment, DeSOx, DeNOx, etc., - a HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT: integrated waste treatment projects, etc.

Page 16: Agoria Energy and Environmental installations

Philippe Henri HeymansArchitect, Technical Director Delhaize

“We opt for environmentally-friendly energy and we’re proud of it.”

At Delhaize we opt for AlpEnergie from Electrabel, as we can be sure that it comes 100% from renewable sources. Help to assure a sustainable future. Speak to your Account Manager about it.

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