agile awareness

Agile Awareness - Agenda 1.Agile History - Practices Timeline 2.Working Definition of Agile – from first principle 3.Simulation Game – glimpse of Agile project 4.2 Key Strategic Practices 5.Q n A

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Working definition of Agile


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Agile Awareness - AgendaAgile History - Practices TimelineWorking Definition of Agile from first principleSimulation Game glimpse of Agile project2 Key Strategic Practices Q n A Scrum-1995Agile Coined -2001 Daily Build and Smoke Test - 1996 make tool for Unix -1977Evo - Incremental alternative to the waterfall 1984XP -1996Structured design -1974 SUnit 1994Software Practices TimelineThe Mythical Man-Month - 1975Psychology of Computer programming 1971No Silver Bullet1986event-driven GUI s 1988-90Refactoring - 1984 Timebox - 1988continuous integration - 1993The future is already here it's just not evenly distributed - William Gibson

to trigger the beginning of a new field of study: computer programming as a human activity2Agile - 2001

Post 2001Agile Manifesto -2001Kanban-2004Story Mapping-2005BDD Jbehave 2004Specification By example -2009Continuous Deployment -2006DevOps -2009Business Impact Mapping -2012 Agile and Lean TPS 2001 Cruise Control -2001User Story 2001Alan Cooper Agile + User Interaction Design -2008Lean Start-up 2011Beyond BudgetingCynefin- Complexity Framework for decision makingDesign Thinking + AgileIf Agile is the solution, then what is the PROBLEM?First Principles ThinkingBoil things down to the most fundamental truths and then reason up from there.

Fundamental Truth[With analogy] we are doing this because it's like something else that was done, or it is like what other people are doing.

6Business CycleBusiness Cycles A learning loop, each time a firm- defines, develops, introduces a product/feature and measures the impact of the feature usage,it completes the entire business cycle/Learning cycle.

Agile provides - Practices to provide nested-feedback loop to gradually reduce the release time/Cycle time (annually to daily)Practices to build common language to negotiate requirement with business based on business goal

Working Definition of Agile Simulation GamePractices to build common language to negotiate requirement with business based on business goal

IT Business CollaborationPractice to build common language to negotiate requirement with business based on business goal

Delivering Business Goals not just features

Mapping Business Goal to Features

Can help the goalTake an economic view. Good goals translate to money (Save, Earn or protect money)eg- Increase online conversions by 15% in the next quarter Attract 20% more customers in the next financial yearDesired trigger to change behavior Deliverable supporting impact Prioritized(Most important actor first) Prioritized(Relative value) Prioritized for impact(Order list )12Learning Cycle

Build-Measure-Learn cycle

Dance among 4 mental states: Divergent and convergent thinking and analysis and synthesis.In the divergent phase, team generate options to explore. In convergent phase, they decide which of those options are worth pursuing further.In the analysis phase they collect information to gain insights into the chosen options, but, as Tim brown says (facts never speak for themselves). In synthesis phase teams extract meaningful patterns from the information to gain confidence and learn.13

Consequences on project planningMore than 60% of the feature build are never used are rarely used. - Standish ReportBusiness goal Driven Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion Parkinson's law14EngineeringPractices to gradually reduce the release time/Cycle time (annually to daily)

Deployment PipelinePracticesShared Version Control for all production artifactsAutomated Code Quality Check automated build automated DeploymentAutomated Unit Test SuitModular Architecture Automated Integration SuitAutomated End to End TestContinuous Integration ServerCommitting to Trunk/MainAutomated InfrastructureContinuous deploymentDesign to optimize MTRS.Collaboration between Dev and IT Ops

Increase throughput without impacting stabilityMonitor sys healthMonitoring of application health

16Anti Fragile

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