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Agenda Item # Page # TO: CHAIR AND MEMBERS - PLANNING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That, on the recommendationof the General Manager of Planning and Development the proposed “Great Near-Campus Neighbourhoods Strategy” attached hereto as Appendix “1” BE ADOPTED; the proposed Implementation Plan attached hereto as Appendix “2 to implement the 10 strategic initiatives identified in the Great Near-Campus’ Neighbourhoods Strategy BE ADOPTED: Staff BE DIRECTED to take the necessary steps to initiate the strategies listed in the attached Implementation Plan; Planning Staff BE DIRECTED to prepare an annual progress report to monitor the progress of the Implementation Plan - this report will be presented to the Town and Gown Committee annually; the Administration and Student Councils of Fanshawe College and the University of Western Ontario BE REQUESTED to initiate the strategies assigned to their respective institutions as identified in the attached Implementation Plan; the London Transit Commission, London Police Services, and London Fire Services BE REQUESTED to initiate the strategies assigned to their respective organizations as identified in the attached Implementation Plan: and, By-law Enforcement resources requested to effectively implement this Implementation Plan BE REFERRED to the 2009 Budget Review Process. ~ ~~ ~ ~_____ PREVIOUS REPORTS PERTINENT TO THIS MATTER December 2007 Report to Town and Gown Committee - Town and Gown Initiatives - This report identified efforts that have already been made in London by the University, Colleges, Students Council, Neighbourhood Groups, London Police, London Fire, By-law Enforcement, and Planning and Developmentto address Town and Gown issues. Februarv 2008 Report to Plannina Committee - Closinq the Gap: New Partnerships for Great Neiahbourhoods Sdrroundincl our Universitv and Colleaes - This report to Planning Committee proposed 10 strategic initiatives designed to collectively achieve the common vision for the near campus neighbourhoods. BACKGROUND I) On March 3, 2008, Council resolved that the report entitled “Closing the Gap: New Partnerships for Great Neignbourhoods Surrounding our University and Cokges” (herein after referred to as the “Great Near-Campus Neighbourhoods Strategy”) be received and be circulated to various stakeholders and interested parties for review. Following the circulation of the report, Staff from the Department of Planning and Development held public information sessions for students, neighbours, landlords, school administration and others to present the 10 strategies identified in 1

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That, on the recommendation of the General Manager of Planning and Development

the proposed “Great Near-Campus Neighbourhoods Strategy” attached hereto as Appendix “1” BE ADOPTED;

the proposed Implementation Plan attached hereto as Appendix “ 2 to implement the 10 strategic initiatives identified in the Great Near-Campus’ Neighbourhoods Strategy BE ADOPTED:

Staff BE DIRECTED to take the necessary steps to initiate the strategies listed in the attached Implementation Plan;

Planning Staff BE DIRECTED to prepare an annual progress report to monitor the progress of the Implementation Plan - this report will be presented to the Town and Gown Committee annually;

the Administration and Student Councils of Fanshawe College and the University of Western Ontario BE REQUESTED to initiate the strategies assigned to their respective institutions as identified in the attached Implementation Plan;

the London Transit Commission, London Police Services, and London Fire Services BE REQUESTED to initiate the strategies assigned to their respective organizations as identified in the attached Implementation Plan: and,

By-law Enforcement resources requested to effectively implement this Implementation Plan BE REFERRED to the 2009 Budget Review Process.

~ ~~ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _


December 2007 Report to Town and Gown Committee - Town and Gown Initiatives - This report identified efforts that have already been made in London by the University, Colleges, Students Council, Neighbourhood Groups, London Police, London Fire, By-law Enforcement, and Planning and Development to address Town and Gown issues.

Februarv 2008 Report to Plannina Committee - Closinq the Gap: New Partnerships for Great Neiahbourhoods Sdrroundincl our Universitv and Colleaes - This report to Planning Committee proposed 10 strategic initiatives designed to collectively achieve the common vision for the near campus neighbourhoods.

BACKGROUND I) On March 3, 2008, Council resolved that the report entitled “Closing the Gap: New Partnerships for Great Neignbourhoods Surrounding our University and Cokges” (herein after referred to as the “Great Near-Campus Neighbourhoods Strategy”) be received and be circulated to various stakeholders and interested parties for review. Following the circulation of the report, Staff from the Department of Planning and Development held public information sessions for students, neighbours, landlords, school administration and others to present the 10 strategies identified in


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M. Tomazincic the “Great Near-Campus Neighbourhoods Strategy” to inform these various interested parties and to solicit their feedback.

The 10 strategies are designed to cumulatively create great near-campus neighbourhood by closing the gap between the collective vision for our near campus neighbourhoods and the current state of affairs in these neighbourhoods. In order to achieve the collective vision, the 10 strategies require a coordinated response from: City Staff, London Police, London Fire, the University of Western Ontario administration, Fanshawe College administration, Student Governments, neighbourhood associations, and others. The 10 strategies are:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Welcome students as a vital part of our community Provide for safe housing Offer a higher level of public service to the community Align expectations Protect residential amenity Provide alternatives to balance the mix Create great places and spaces in our neighbourhoods Invest in infrastructure Level the Dlavina field for landlords

10. Provide for a?fo;dable housing

These strategies have been further broken down into numerous proposed initiatives. The full list of 10 strategies and associated initiatives is attached as Appendix 1 of this report.

The public information sessions were held at Fanshawe College, the University of Western Ontario (Main Campus), King’s College, and City Hall in an effort to reach as many interested stakeholders as possible. The information sessions included a Staff presentation followed by an open discussion where the audience was invited to make comments, ask questions, and provide feedback. The sessions then closed with the attendees being asked to rank the proposed strategies according to their feelings of priority through a method referred to as ”dot democracy”. This method involves the organizer displaying large charts around a room which list the 10 strategies and their underlying proposed initiatives. The participants are then given 5 adhesive dots which they place on the charts next to the strategy that they feel is a priority. Participants may place more than one dot beside any given strategy to stress its importance. The intent of this process is to provide for an understanding of the priorities that different groups place on the 10 strategies and the initiatives that have been proposed. This is not used as a voting mechanism, but rather as an analytical technique.

II SUMMARY OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION II In order to evaluate whether the proposed initiatives are relevant and comprehensive, the audience was invited to discuss: a) whether all their concerns have been identified in the list of strategic initiatives, and/or b) whether one or more of their concerns remains absent form the list of strategic initiatives. In others words, Staff asked, “have we hit the right notes?” and ”have we missed anything?”.

The general feedback received from the Public Information Sessions indicated that, for the most part, the 10 strategic initiatives introduced in the Great Near-Campus Neighbourhoods Strategy have encompassed a majority of the concerns of those in attendance. No strategy or list of initiatives could hope to cover everyone’s concerns or everyone’s ideas for how their concerns should be addressed. However, there was a broad base of support for the 10 strategies in general and varying levels of support for each of the proposed initiatives.

Despite this broad support, there were some proposed initiatives introduced by those in attendance which were not explicitly identified in the report. These proposed initiatives are listed below,


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Prouosed Initiatives

Provision of affordable housing for students

Provision of universally accessible housing for students

The provision of overnight, on- street parking

Establishing separation distances between student rental housing or concentration caps on student housing

Banning rental signage from being displayed year-round on any one property and preventing rental signs from being posted on high profile sites for accommodation in other parts of the City Better engagement of students in civic affairs and more unique community building activities


The issue of affordability was addressed in Strategy 1 and Strategy 10 (explore housing co- op). Furthermore, there is an opportunity to influence affordability through the supply side of the economic equation - namely Strategy 6 recommends that Staff, “Identify opportunities for medium and high density development at strategic locations.” Universal accessibility can be promoted through financial incentives. Strategy 10 explores the idea of a Community Improvement Plan. This issue has previously been addressed by Council. While there is merit to considering overnight on-street parking in the City as a whole, there is a concern that providing for this in the near- campus neighbourhoods could exacerbate the problem of over- intensification by allowing for more development on existing lots and also allowing for more overcrowding of students on under-serviced lots. This proposed tool would require a definition of student housing which does not appear to be possible at this time. If separation distances or quotas are used, they would need to be applied to rental housing in certain structure types which would create a hierarchy of tenure, preferring ownership to rental. This would not be appropriate, nor sound planning. It may also have the effect of reducing the supply of rental housing and thereby undermine affordability. This would not be consistent with the strategic initiative of welcoming students as a vital part of our community. Many rental signs are posted on sites along major arterials due to their high visibility location. However, often the sign is placed there to advertise a rental accommodation in another part of the Citv. Strategy 1 includes “Engaging students in the dialogue and solution buildino”.

._.. Tomazincic

Suaaested Chanaes to the Strateqy

\lo change recommended

Consider financial incentives for access;ble housing when ixploring CIP

No change recommended

No change recommended

Ensure that existing mechanisms in the Sign By-law are utilized and enforced

No change recommended


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M. Tomazincic

PlODOSed Initiatives

garbage cycle, enhanced service during move-in and move-out periods

Include traffic calming measures in near campus neighbourhoods

Add late night buses as part of improving infrastructure

Remove the strategies which seek to create additional opportunities for on-campus housing at Western and opportunities for campus relocation (Western)

Change the property tax rates to recognize student rental housinf as a business use

Amend the initiative that require: the development of an accredited housing list to add, "this effort may be duplicative once the Rental Residential Business Licensing By-law is in place" Amend the initiatives that requirt the exploration of a Rental Housing Licensing By-law to require that this By-law be implemented


4 5-day garbage cycle would be ied to a much larger garbage :ollection; recycling; and green bin nitiative, being undertaken by EESD. It is expected that a eport on this larger initiative will )e forwarded to Planning >ommittee in 2008. EESD Staff are aware of the concerns that are ieing expressed in near campus ieiahbourhoods. There is a traffic study currently Jeing conducted in North London Nhich aims to reduce the volume ,f traffic and slow the speed of traffic as part of a separate nitiative. Strategy 8 includes a review of the nours and regularity of transit service on key student corridors. It also includes a proposal to add LTC to consider late night bussing. In recognition of the principles and policies contained within the University of Western Ontario's Campus Masterplan, all of Western's lands have been master planned to meet future academic priorities.

This suggestion has the potential to increase the cost of accommodation and could undermine the affordability of a broad spectrum of rental housing. There also significant issues with legally defining this use as a separate tax class The addition of this statement to the existing phrasing is reasonable.

At present, the potential of this B y law is being explored. There have been two public consultation sessions with widely held opinions expressed on both sides of the issue. The research, analysis, and consultation required for this proposed By-law must be allowed to proceed so that a conclusion, which takes into account the

Suaaested Chanqes to the Strateny

No change recommended

No change recommended

No change recommended

Remove reference to campus relocation for Western. Alter the strategy from providing an opportunity for additional on- campus housing at UWO to provide an opportunity to seek more student housing and possible partnerships for their development No change recommended

Amend strategy 1, initiative 2; amend strategy 2, initiative 3; and, amend strategy 3, initiative 2 to add the following phrase: "this initiative may not be necessary if a Rental Housing Licensing By-law is established No change recommended


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Proposed Initiatives Analysis Suaaested Chanaes to the Strateqy


Prioritv Strateqy Consolidate By-law Enforcement with Parking Enforcement Revise Noise By-law to include higher fines and escalating fines for repeat offenders

Regulate number of bedrooms per structure Introduce Rental Housing Licensing By-law

Collective Priority Rankinq



3 A

Establish a new Nuisance By-law

The above rankings were in the context of 50 initiatives that participants were asked to assess for priority. The full results of “dot democracy” are attached as Appendix “ 3 of this report.



Table to identify partners and stratenies It is important to understand that the implementation of the Great Near-Campus Neighbourhoods Strategy requires action by multiple parties - referred to herein as “partners”.

Given the input received from the public consultation session, the intent was to assign a timeline and establish a stakeholder/partner to spearhead each strategy to create a measure of accountability. As a result, a table was created which identifies the partner organizations (eg the City, the University of Western Ontario, Fanshawe College) and the strategies that each partner organization will manage. At the top of the table is a timeline which identifies the expected period of time required to initiate each strategy. This table has been referred to as the “Implementation Plan”.

Creation of Timelines Throughout the course of public consultation the underlying message received by Staff from those in attendance was that regardless of which strategies were given priority, all the strategies were important and should be initiated in the near-term future. The longest timeline on the Implementation Table has been set at 1-3 years. The strategies in this column are those that require additional time for consuitation and/or research and the allocation of required resources. A shorter-term timeline to initiate various strategies has been set at Next Year. This column includes those strategies that can be initiated in the short-term future after the priority items have been completed. And an immediate timeline to initiate priority strategies has been set at 6-months. This column lists the strategies that have been identified as the highest priority during the public consultation session.

Two other timelines were added as well to recognize the past efforts of the partner organizations and to identify the strategies that have already been initiated. These columns are entitled “Previous 3 years” and “Recently Completed/Underway” respectively. This look at recent initiatives is intended to give a “big picture” view of what is being done to address student housing.


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It is important to understand that the timelines listed in these tables are contingent on available resources and other projects and priorities that are underway or introduced by Council in the future.

Reauired Resources As previously stated, several of the top strategic priorities focused on upgrading the resources and abilities of the Citv's Bv-law Enforcement Division. Resources reauired to imolement these strategies are to be asse&ed by Staff and are to come forward for' deliberation through the 2009 budget review process.


One concern that has been raised is that the timeline for the Implementation Pian exceeas the term of the current Council. Therefore, there is a desire to include a monitoring initiative to ensure the continuity of the Implementation Plan from year-to-year.

Council has established a Town and Gown Committee and this groLp could help to retain continuity from Council between terms. The Annual Progress Report will provide the Town and Gown Committee and Council witn a report that identifies:

the initiatives that have been implemented; the initiatives that are awaiting completion; the parties responsible for completing the initiatives; and, the expected timeline to complete the remaining initiatives.


- - = -

Providing this progress report will instil accountability and also help to provide continuity and ongoing press to progress the Great Near-Campus Neighbourhoods Strategy.


Given the input received from the public consultation session an "Implementation Pian" has been created to assign and manage the multitude of strategies within the next three years. By coordinating the efforts of the University of Western Ontario, Fanshawe College, and the City of London and its boards and commissions with input from the student bodies and the residents of near campus neighbourhoods, we can all move closer to the collective vision for great near- campus neighbourhoods.



October 29,2008 MTImt Y:/shared/lMPLEMENTlStudent HousingIRepofflClosing the Gap - implementation Plan Repolt


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M.Toma2 IC Appendix "I"



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M. Tomazincic Appendix "1"

Great Near-Campus Neinhbourhoods Strateqv

1. Welcome Students As a Vital Part of Our Community

I, Build on the many strengths of Housing Mediation Services and continue to develop new methods for engaging students as important citizens in the community

2. Continue to develop an accredited list of housing - build on system being instituted by Fanshawe College. This initiative may not be required if a Rental Housing Licensing By-law is established

3. Host a housing fair at UWOlFanshawe - housing providers, consumer protection information, info on being a Londoner

4. Explore neighbourhood food co-op - run by students and neighbourhood

5. Explore housing co-op - run by students, acquire housing already under rental and operate; brings student into ownership perspective

6. Engage students in the dialogue and solution building

2. Provide for Safe Housing

1. Potential rental housing licensing by-law (City-wide) is a possible tool to assist with this strategic direction

2. Run training sessions for landlords

3. Prepare and distribute accredited housing list. This initiative may not be required if a Rental Housing Licensing By-law is established

4. Deliver fire prevention messages using new techniques (e.g. fire demonstration video via Youtube)

3. Offer a Hinher Level of Public Service to the Community

1. Consolidate by-law enforcement a. Consistent direction and coordination b. One person to write tickets for variety of infractions

i. ii.

E.g. parking on right-of-way OR parking on front yard E.g. write parking ticket as well as clearing of land ticket

2. Targeted, proactive enforcement a. Budget resources to allow for proactive enforcement b. Expand beats and be more proactive in addressing infractions c. Include new areas (west of University)

3. Add after-hours enforcement a. Partner with police to address nuisance issues while police deal with alleged

criminal activity (budget for resources)

4. 1 contact enforcement line

5. Establish New Nuisance Gathering By-law a. Dealing with nuisance gatherings b. Where large gatherings undermine residential amenity


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M. Tornazincic Appendix "1"

c. Bowling Green, Ohio provides an example

6. Establish New Nuisance By-law a. Urination and minor damage to property b. Is now in place and now being enforced

7. Explore 5-day garbage cycle

8. Provide large garbage bins on targeted streets for moving in and moving out periods

4. Align Expectations

1. Continue to explore new methods for conveying key information on rights and responsibilities to student citizens

2. Establish 2 new nuisance by-laws as identified above

3. Amend Unauthorized Parking By-law - deal with parking in rear of lot and also prohibit access to parking through front yard

4. Policing a. Continue to educate students on significance of criminal charges b. Continue to build on Project LEARN c. Continue Liquor License Act investigations by COR Unit d. Continue Liquor Symposium for licensed establishment owners e. Continue presentations to Fanshawe College and expand to UWO f. Continue proactive letter campaign to targeted addresses advising of noise

legislation g. Continue presentations to residents of targeted addresses h. Continue patrols of targeted areas i. Ensure that budget allocation is adequate for strong COR Unit program

5. Review Official Policies to clarify that the existence of illegal units or bedrooms within units does not constitute a basis of support for variance or zoning amendment applications.

5. Protect Residential Amenity

1. Establish new policies for infill development a. Require that all development (including singles, duplexes, conversations, etc.) go

through site plan approval process b. Require character statements and design briefs for all infill projects

2. Modify zoning by-law a. Regulate number of bedrooms by structure type

b. Establish regulations to ensure that parking is not accessed via front yard & parking on narrow driveways must be tandem

c. Require rear-yard amenity area - cannot use for parking d. Include driveway in the parking area maximum calculation e. Reduce maximum height in all R1 through R3 zones f. Apply FAR to all zones and include OP policies that provide clearer guidance for the

evaluation of variances g. Review culmination of regulations to establish appropriate combination h. Review where R2 and R3 zones are applied and assess whether changes are

required i. Revise Noise By-law

i. Higher fines ii. Escalating fines iii. Explore opportunity for By-law Enforcement to enforce this by-law when it is safe

and appropriate


i. Possibly 5-single detached; 4-duplex; 3-triplex and above

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M. Tomazincic Appendix “1”

6. Provide Alternatives to Balance the Mix

1. Continue to research and better understand student demand for housing

2. Identify opportunities for medium and high density development at strategic locations a. May be close to UWO/Colleges or at locations which are well connected to campus b. Master-plan and establish policy to allow for design-oriented bonus zoning in these

areas to encourage high quality design, mix of unit types and costs (including affordability), residential amenities, etc.

3. Facilitate collaboration and joint-venture partnerships between academic institutions, the development community and the City

a. Possibly academic institution operates facility, or portion thereof b. Academic institution may contribute to cost or simply market the development

through recruitment initiatives c. City may provide for density bonusing if certain criteria are met and may offer

residential amenities as required d. Explore opportunities for developing in strategic areas to revitalizdregenerate areas

4. Seek out opportunities for more on-campus housing -either built and operated by academic institution, or built andlor operated by a private sector partner

5. Explore opportunities for campus relocation (strategic locations in need of revitalization, such as Downtown, should be considered)

7. Create Great Places and Spaces in Our Neiahbourhoods

1. Undertake a review of our near-campus neighbourhoods and determine whether a master plan would be appropriate and useful as a framework for change over time.

a. Should there be over-all guidance for the development of infill projects in the neighbourhood?

b. Are there public amenities that should be introduced into the neighbourhood? c. Are there commercial and/or recreational spaces that should be improved,

enhanced, expanded, etc. to benefit the neighbourhood? d. What is missing from the neighbourhood that could be added create a truly great


2. Explore opportunities for “blurring the line” between campus and the community. a. Create special spaces on campus that are for the joint use of the neighbourhood and

students b. Introduce programming on campus for neighbourhood patrons c. Establish strong pedestrian connectivity between campus and the neighbourhood d. Explore commercial, cultural and entertainment uses that fit well within the fringe of

the campus and neighbourhood and might bring students and long term residents together using a public space

3. Explore innovative green design options for development within the neighbourhood and on the campus

4. Explore development projects which can enhance the Creative Cities initiative - creating vibrant, dynamic spaces that attract long term residents and students alike

5. Explore the introduction of a heritage conservation district in Old North, recognizing the importance of this area and its streetscapes to the identity and character of the City

6. Establish new policies in the Official Plan which describe the vision for each near campus neighbourhood, providing a context for infill development, conversions, site plan applications, variances, etc.


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M. Tomazincic Appendix “1”

8. Investins in Our Infrastructure

1. Establish improved transit linkages between target areas and campuses

2. Review hours and regularity of transit service on key student utilized corridors. a. Example - Brock Bullet

3. Explore potential improvements to the amenities offered by transit on these routes.

4. Explore the possibility of remote parking opportunities, linked to transit to campus

5. Explore the possibility of providing bus service after bar closings in Downtown London.

6. Consider allowing University staff and faculty to purchase bus passes at student rates

9. Levelina the Plavina Field

1. Conduct housing fair at various campuses each year

2. Continue to develop an accredited housing provider list. This initiative may not be required if a Rental Housing Licensing By-law is established

3. Develop a model lease

4. Deliver landlord training sessions - lease writing, insurance, risk management, licensing

10. Providing Affordable Housina for Students. Renters and Homeowners

1. Establish a Targeted Home Ownership Program a. Long term loans in return for deed restriction for home ownership only; also enter

into a maintenance agreement b. Loans help with inflated cost of housing in targeted area c. Loans repayable over long term, or upon sale of property, or upon breach of

maintenance agreement

2. Another option is to establish a Community Improvement Plan to provide interest free loans to convert housing back from rental to home ownership

3. Student Housing Co-op (as described above)

4. Walk to Work Program - UWO and Fanshawe a. Financial assistance to staff for purchasing property close to UWO (within targeted

area) b. Will reduce air emissions, energy consumption and help regain balance in

neighbourhood c. Deed restriction requiring how owner occupancy


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By-law Enforcement

PI ann i n g

Appendix " 2

Implementation Plan

Previous 3 years

Initiated roactive nforcement

Proactive nforcement rpanded to 'anshawe area

Clearing of .and By-law - 1 varning practice

5-bedroom limit )er dwelling unit. Amendment Jpheld at the 3MB)

St. George/ 3osvenor Area Study

Task Force on Student Housing Zinai Report

.Establish new 3P policies and Zoning Regulations for Richmond Sorridor. North London, and Sentral London

.New Parking standards and FAR regulations

.Establish Noodfield and

Recently Completedl Underway

Higher fines for bise By-laws more than ioubled)

Proactive mforcement bxpanded

Inspection By-law o consolidate nspection powers

Fees By-law for epeated site visits

Partner with 'roject LEARN

Establish Juisance By-law re: Urination in ublic)

.Establish new OP iolicies for infill ievelopment

.Great Near- 3ampus Ueighbourhoods Strategy 'ormulation and :onsultation

.Numerous site- specific Planning Applications and OMB hearings in

policies and Zoning By-law

support of OP

Next 6 Months

.Bring Rental Housing Licensing By-law Report to Planning Committee

-Explore omortunitv to e&ce Rooming and Lodging House Regulations in 2.- 1 as per Oshawa decision

-Training session for landlords (Fanshawe)

-Training sessions for Street Captains

-Consolidate By- law Enforcement with Parking Enforcement

- Noise By-law review including escalating fines

-Targeted, proactive enforcement

-Add after-hours enforcement

- 1 contact enforcement line

-Amend Unauthorized Parking By-law

- Modify Zoning By-law to regulate number of bedrooms by structure type

-Establish regulations to ensure that parking is not accessed via front yard and parking on narrow driveways must be tandem

-Explore requirement for rear yard amenity area

-Establish policy framework for revised Zoning Regulations

- Revise Zoning Regulations to include driveway

M. Tomazincic

Next Year

identify ipportunities for ned. & high lensity develop at itrategic locations

Next 1-3 Years

.Amend Official Plan policies to clarify that the existence of illegal units or bedrooms does not constitute a basis


- Establish new policies in the OP which describe the vision for each near campus neighbourhood & providing a context for planning applications

- Facilitate collaboration 8 joint-venture partnerships between academic inst.. development

O f support to


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M. Tomazincic

'revious 3 years

ishop Heiimuth onservation istricts

Zoning egulations for oise on utdoor Patios

Residential tensification in ie Essex Street 'ea

Completedl Underway

. Continue to 3ducate students i n significance of ximinal charges

.Continue to build I n project LEARN

.Continue Liquor License Act investigations

.Continue Liquor Symposium

.Continue presentations to Fanshawe Collegi and expand to uwo -Continue proactive letter campaign to targeted addresse

-Continue presentations to residents of targeted addresse

-Continue to patri targeted areas

-Ensure that budget allocation adequate for stror COR program

- Joint welcome packages

- Partner with By- law Enforcement

- Partner in Town Gown Committee

-Partner in Town 6 Gown Committee

Next 6 Months

surface in parking area calculation

- Reduce max. height in ail R1 through R3 zones

- Review culmination of regulations to establish appropriate combination

- Expiore FAR for all zones. include OP policies that provide clearer guidance for evaluation of M.V.

-lobby Provincial Government to additional toois for repetitive nuisance violations (eg. Provincial Nuisance Act)

-lobby Provincial Government for stronger fine collection mechanisms for municipalities (eg. license plate denial)

- Deliver fire prevention messages

Next Year

-Expiore development projects in near campus neighbourhoods which can enhance the Creative City initiative

- Undertake review of near- campus neighbourhoods a determine whether a master plan would be appropriate

-Explore opportunity for "blurring the line" between campus and community amenities (work with UWO and Fanshawe)

Next 1-3 Years

-Explore the introduction of a HCD in Old North

- Review where RZ a R3 zones are applied and asseschanges

-Expiore a possible CiP to provide incentives for targeted Home Ownership program and accessible housing


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ondon Transit :ommission &


Building Division




Student Council

M. Tomazincic

Previous 3 years

London Hall :onstruded

Recently Completedl Underway

London Transit lass provided to ull-time students

-Community information meetings for near campus neighbourhoods

~ Joint welcome packages

~ Establish Town a Gown Committee

~ Provide large garbage bins on targeted streets for moving in and moving out periods

~ Joint welcome packages

partner in Town 8. Gown Committee

~ Create orientation video

~ Non-alcoholic on- campus activities

~ Off-campus advisors to be made available

- Re-opening Bayfieid Hail

-Community meeting in Castlegrove and Sarnia Roads area

- Partner in Town 8 Gown Committee

- Non-alcoholic on- campus activities

- London Transit

Months Continue to

levelop new nethods for tngaging students

. Bring forward report to Planning Committee regarding 5-day garbage collection cycle

.Continue to develop new methods for engaging student

-Continue to develop new methods for engaging student!

-Continue to explore methods for conveying info on rights and responsibilities to students

-Continue to research and better understand student demand for housing

-Conduct housin! fair on campus each year

-Develop a mode lease for landlord'

- Deliver landlord training sessions

Explore nproved transit nkages for ,tudents

Review hours ind regularity of ransit sewices

Explore iossibility of iroviding bus ifter bar cioslngs

Ensure that txisting nechanisms in he sign by-law Ire utilized and tnforced

.Seek 2pportunities for wore student housing and Dossible partnerships for their development

.Explore opportunity for 'blurring the line" between campus and community amenities (work with City of London Planning Division)

. Explore "Walk to Work" program

- Prepare accredited housing list. This initiative may not be required if a Rental Housing Licensing By-law is established.

- Explore neighbourhood co-op

~ Explore housing co-op

Next 1-3 Years

Explore nprovements to menities offered y transit on Jutes

Explore Nossibility of emote parking nked to transit


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Student Council


Student Council

Previous 3 years

Recently Completedl Underway

pass provided to full-time students

- Shuttle buses provided

-Joint welcome packages

- Partner in Town & Gown Committee

-Create orientation video

- Non-alcoholic on- campus activities

-E-mail campaign

- Code of Conduct review

-Conduct meetings with local landlords

-New residence under construction

-“Hire-ons” for community clean- UP

- Blue-box initiative

- Hire community advisor to create relationship between off- campus housing residents and administration

~ Several off- campus information articles in first edition of lnterrobang

- Code of Conduct officer to be hired

-Working with landlord to develop intramural sports with Gatewalk residents

~ Partner in Town & Gown Committee

- Non-alcoholic on- campus activities

- London Transit pass provided to full-time students

-Blue box initiative (Student gov’t to deliver 210 bins, garbage bags, and info related to behaviour)


Continue to levelop new nethods for !waging student!

Host housing fai

Continue to leveiop accredited lousing list

Continue to ixplore methods or conveying info in rights and ‘esponsibiiities to students

Continue to esearch and ,etter understand student demand ‘or housing

.Conduct housin! ‘air on campus ?ach year

. Develop a mode lease for landlord

. Deliver landlord :raining sessions

M. Tomazincic

Engage students I the dialogue nd solution uliding

Seek ‘pportunities for lore student ousing and ‘ossible iartnerships for ieir development

Explore tpportunity for blurring the line” ietween campus ind community imenities (work vith Citv of .ondoiPlanning Xvision)

Explore Walk to vork program

Prepare lccredited lousing list. This nitiative may not )e required if a iental Housing .icensing By-law s established.

Explore ieighbourhood :o-op

Explore housing :o-op

Engage students n the dialogue and solution iuiiding


Explore pportunities for ampus functions ,locating (such s downtown)


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M. Tomazincic

information articles


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Appendix "3"

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Appendix "3"



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Appendix "3"

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Appendix "3"

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Agenda Item # Page iY

Appendix “3” M. Tomazincic


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