agenda introduction syntax how to use style specifications. styles css tutorial miftahul huda speech...

AGENDA •Introduction •Syntax •How to use style specifications. •Styles CSS Tutorial CSS Tutorial Miftahul Huda Speech Signal Processing Research Group Digital Signal Processing Laboratory EEPIS

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Page 1: AGENDA Introduction Syntax How to use style specifications. Styles CSS Tutorial Miftahul Huda Speech Signal Processing Research Group Digital Signal Processing


•Introduction•Syntax•How to use style specifications.•Styles

CSS TutorialCSS Tutorial

Miftahul HudaSpeech Signal Processing Research Group

Digital Signal Processing LaboratoryEEPIS

Page 2: AGENDA Introduction Syntax How to use style specifications. Styles CSS Tutorial Miftahul Huda Speech Signal Processing Research Group Digital Signal Processing

• IntroductionIntroduction

Applying multiple sheets to a single document

Page 3: AGENDA Introduction Syntax How to use style specifications. Styles CSS Tutorial Miftahul Huda Speech Signal Processing Research Group Digital Signal Processing

• IntroductionIntroduction

<HTML><HEAD><TITLE></TITLE><META name="description" content=""><META name="keywords" content=""><META name="generator" content="CuteHTML"></head><body><h1 >WARNING</h1><p >Don't go there!</p></body></html>

Page 4: AGENDA Introduction Syntax How to use style specifications. Styles CSS Tutorial Miftahul Huda Speech Signal Processing Research Group Digital Signal Processing

•IntroductionIntroduction<HTML><HEAD><TITLE></TITLE><META name="description" content=""><META name="keywords" content=""><META name="generator" content="CuteHTML"><style type="text/css"> .warning {color:#ff0000} h1.warning {text-decoration:underline} p.warning {font-weight:bold}</style></head><body><h1 class="warning">WARNING</h1><p class="warning">Don't go there!</p></body></html>

Page 5: AGENDA Introduction Syntax How to use style specifications. Styles CSS Tutorial Miftahul Huda Speech Signal Processing Research Group Digital Signal Processing

• SyntaxSyntax

selector {property: value}


body {color: black}p {font-family: "sans serif"}p {text-align:center;color:red}

Page 6: AGENDA Introduction Syntax How to use style specifications. Styles CSS Tutorial Miftahul Huda Speech Signal Processing Research Group Digital Signal Processing

How to ... - External Style SheetHow to ... - External Style SheetStyles are specified in an external file. This is the most common and useful way of using style specifications.

<head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css"></head>...


Page 7: AGENDA Introduction Syntax How to use style specifications. Styles CSS Tutorial Miftahul Huda Speech Signal Processing Research Group Digital Signal Processing

How to ... - Internal Style SheetHow to ... - Internal Style SheetStyles are specified inside the header of the HTML document.

<head><style type="text/css">

hr {color: sienna}p {margin-left: 20px}body {background-image: url("images/back40.gif")}


Page 8: AGENDA Introduction Syntax How to use style specifications. Styles CSS Tutorial Miftahul Huda Speech Signal Processing Research Group Digital Signal Processing

How to ... - Inline stylesHow to ... - Inline stylesA style is applied to only one occurrence of an element.

<p style="color: sienna; margin-left: 20px">This is a paragraph


Use this methodsparingly!

Page 9: AGENDA Introduction Syntax How to use style specifications. Styles CSS Tutorial Miftahul Huda Speech Signal Processing Research Group Digital Signal Processing

Follow a demonstration

Page 10: AGENDA Introduction Syntax How to use style specifications. Styles CSS Tutorial Miftahul Huda Speech Signal Processing Research Group Digital Signal Processing

Working with the Box Model

The box model is an element composed of four sections:

– Margin– Border– Padding– content

Page 11: AGENDA Introduction Syntax How to use style specifications. Styles CSS Tutorial Miftahul Huda Speech Signal Processing Research Group Digital Signal Processing
Page 12: AGENDA Introduction Syntax How to use style specifications. Styles CSS Tutorial Miftahul Huda Speech Signal Processing Research Group Digital Signal Processing

Rounded corners in CSS

Page 13: AGENDA Introduction Syntax How to use style specifications. Styles CSS Tutorial Miftahul Huda Speech Signal Processing Research Group Digital Signal Processing

<style type="text/css">.roundcont {

width: 250px;background-color: #f90;color: #fff;


.roundcont p {margin: 0 10px;


.roundtop { background: url(tr.gif) no-repeat top right;


.roundbottom {background: url(br.gif) no-repeat top right;


img.corner { width: 15px; height: 15px; border: none; display: block !important;}


Page 14: AGENDA Introduction Syntax How to use style specifications. Styles CSS Tutorial Miftahul Huda Speech Signal Processing Research Group Digital Signal Processing

<body><div class="roundcont"> <div class="roundtop">

<img src="tl.gif" alt="" width="15" height="15"

class="corner" style="display: none" />

</div> <p> Teks isi

</p> <div class="roundbottom">

<img src="bl.gif" alt="" width="15" height="15"

class="corner" style="display: none" />

