agenda city of lindstrom eda meeting tuesday, april 12 ... · storage. vacancies remain at the ig...

EDA Agenda April 12, 2016 Page 1 of 18 AGENDA CITY OF LINDSTROM EDA MEETING Tuesday, April 12, 2016 7:30 A.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 13292 Sylvan Ave., Lindstrom, MN CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE: CALL OF ROLL: CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA: Additions: Deletions: CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES 1. January 12, 2016 (pgs. 2-3) BUSINESS ITEMS: 1. Chad Hansen Fascia Loan Application (pgs. 4-8) 2. Strengthening the Core (pg. 9) 3. Blandin Broadband (pg. 10) 4. Lodging Tax (pg. 11) 5. Panel 1 update (pg. 12) 6. Industrial Sign (pg. 13-17) 7. 2016 Budget Update (18) CORRESPONDENCE: ADJOURNMENT:

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EDA Agenda – April 12, 2016

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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

7:30 A.M.


13292 Sylvan Ave., Lindstrom, MN







1. January 12, 2016 (pgs. 2-3)


1. Chad Hansen – Fascia Loan Application (pgs. 4-8)

2. Strengthening the Core (pg. 9)

3. Blandin Broadband (pg. 10)

4. Lodging Tax (pg. 11)

5. Panel 1 update (pg. 12)

6. Industrial Sign (pg. 13-17)

7. 2016 Budget Update (18)



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EDA Meeting January 12, 2016 7:30 a.m. Members present: AnnMarie Brink, Keith Carlson, Randy Diers, Sheryl Campbell, Greg Shaleen, Jim McCarville Members absent: Rob Doherty Others present: Administrator John Olinger, Deputy Clerk Kathy George, Chisago County HRA/EDA Director Nancy Hoffman, Gary Gerke Call to Order/Pledge: Chair Diers called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. Consideration of Agenda: Appointment of Officers and Long Range Planning were given as additions to the Agenda. Shaleen moved to approve the Agenda with the additions, Brink seconded. Motion carried 6-0. Consideration of Minutes: Brink moved to approve the minutes of the December 8, 2015 meeting as written, Carlson seconded. Motion carried 6-0. Business Items:

1. Strengthening the Core: Olinger reported no new applications for Fascia Loans. The City engineer will be submitting the electrical underground project for quotes within a month. The marketing brochure needs some updating before it is ready for printing. When ready, the brochure should be placed on the City’s website as well. Available properties were discussed. Perhaps more information about the properties could be placed on the City’s website, with links added.

It was reported that the Orange Door building is listed for sale, even though the owners have gone through the process to receive an Interim Use Permit for open and outdoor storage. Vacancies remain at the Big Scott’s strip mall on St. Croix Avenue. Two buildings downtown are available – Vince Mariers Quonset hut and the brick building between Many Voices and Gordy’s. A Pizza Pub is opening in Center City at the former Porterhouse property. The City is moving ahead with rezoning the Smith Metals building on Olinda and First Avenue.

2. Blandin Broadband Communities Update: Hoffman reported that a proposal to install

video conferencing at the Lindstrom Community Center and also at the County HRA/EDA location in North Branch have been submitted. The cost is $12,732.50. A 25% local match is required. Brink reported that the Cable Commission approved $1,600. Hoffman stated that the County HRA/EDA will also contribute $1,600. A meeting will take place tomorrow to see if the project will move forward. Hoffman stated that some of the uses for the equipment include college courses, Small Business Administration information, connections with Sister Cities, training sessions for Police, Fire and Public Works employees. Motion by McCarville, second by Shaleen, to recommend the City

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Council approve the installation of a video conferencing center in the Lindstrom Community Center, if approved by Blandin. Motion carried 6-0.

3. Panel One Building Update: Olinger informed the EDA that the City engineer has completed the Phase 1 Environmental study. He does not have a copy of the report yet. Hoffman noted that if contamination is found, then perhaps DEED funds could be used to clean up the site and demolish the buildings.

4. Business Breakfast: EDA Members expressed interest in holding the annual Business

Breakfast. Topics of discussion include Fascia Program update, New Businesses, Underground Projects, Downtown Plantings, Video Conferencing Equipment, Blandin Broadband Communities, America’s Best Communities, Comprehensive Plan update. EDA Members would like to see the focus more on getting input from attendees than just on providing updates. After discussion, the date was set for Wednesday, March 9th, at 7:00 a.m.

Discussion turned to modes of communication between the City and business owners. Olinger has been e-mailing out “Friday Updates”, which have been very much appreciated. Olinger stated that Receptionist Roggenkamp is working on the City’s Facebook page as well. Perhaps a notice can be put on the next water bills that go out, asking people to “like” our Facebook page. Hoffman has access to the “Sales Force” program, which may be helpful as well.

5. Appointment of Officers: Motion by Carlson, second by Shaleen, to reappoint Diers as Chair. Motion carried 6-0. Motion by Diers, second by Carlson, to appoint Shaleen as Vice-Chair. Motion carried 6-0.

6. Long Range Planning: McCarville shared information with the EDA regarding his ideas

for short and long range EDA planning. He noted that the emphasis should not just be on downtown and that there is a real need to create jobs. He would like the EDA to be involved in the Planning Commission’s process to update the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Olinger reported that the Planning Commission has been working to change the mission of the City, getting away from the emphasis of being a “regional center”. He shared “Policy 7: Lindstrom’s Downtown is Robust and Dynamic Where Businesses and People Want to Be”. He stated that the draft created by the Planning Commission will come to the EDA for input. This item will be placed on the EDA Agenda for continued discussion at future meetings.

Shaleen then talked about the Audrey Lease property, located on Olinda Trail and Glader Boulevard. He asked if perhaps the City should consider purchasing the property, making it available for development. Olinger stated that the EDA has the authority to set priorities and also to levy funds.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Kathy George, Deputy Clerk / Admin Assistant

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MEETING DATE: April 12, 2016

SUBMITTED BY: Administrator Olinger ITEM: Chad Hansen – Fascia Loan Application

Chad Hansen recently purchased the A-Pro Pool & Spa property. He also went through the City’s zoning and CUP process to gain approval to operate

his plumbing service business at this location as well. Hansen is applying for a Fascia Loan to install a new twin pole pylon sign at a cost of $12,000. He is

asking for a $5,000 loan, to be paid back over the next 10 years. To date, $21,730.42 has been loaned out. Approximately $8,000 is currently

available from the original $30,000; however, about $7,100 has been paid back, bringing the total amount available to $15,100.


(1) Loan Application (2) Two Estimates – Taurus Sign & Quality Sign Solutions


APPROVE or NOT APPROVE the Fascia Loan Application of Chad Hansen.

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MEETING DATE: April 12, 2016 SUBMITTED BY: Administrator Olinger

ITEM: Strengthening the Core - Update

The EDA has agreed on the four elements that make a downtown successful; Infrastructure, Marketing, Variety of Goods and Services and Customer

Service. Here is a summary of what we are doing. Infrastructure;

Fascia Loan Program – Council approved a $5,000 loan to Carol Hamlin,

the Oven Mitt since the EDA did not meet in March and Ms. Hamlin plans to be open later this month. One application is on the Agenda for today’s meeting. About $8,000 is available from the original $30,000; however,

there is about $7,100 that has been paid back, bringing the total available to $15,100.

Electrical Undergrounding-1st Avenue – The contractor is working on this project now.


Available Lindstrom Properties - The property list has been revised and is on the website.

Lindstrom Business Brochure - Complete

Locate in Lindstrom Challenge – The subcommittee met on February 24th. An update will be provided.

Customer Service: The City is not really involved in developing customer service.

Variety of Goods and Services-The city developed a marketing brochure to attract desired businesses to Lindstrom. Copies available at the meeting.

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MEETING DATE: April 12, 2016

SUBMITTED BY: Nancy Hoffman / John Olinger

ITEM: Blandin Broadband Communities Update The ABC Committee reviewed the first practice presentation Friday, April 08, 2016. Amy

Frishman from Wild Mountain did an excellent job conveying our Redevelopment Plan. The

presenters will meet with the Greater MSP on Monday. Greater MSP assisted the State to get

the Super Bowl.

The presentation is April 25 and 26 in Raleigh/Durham North Carolina. I will be attending as

one of the three community people who are allowed to attend.

ACTION: No action required

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MEETING DATE: April 12, 2016

SUBMITTED BY: Administrator Olinger

ITEM: Lodging Tax


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MEETING DATE: April 12, 2016

SUBMITTED BY: Administrator Olinger ITEM: Panel 1 update

The City has finalized the purchase of the Panel One Building. Our next step is to apply for DEED assistance to complete a Phase II

Environmental Review. With that we can check for asbestos. We also are working with the City Engineer’s Surveyor to clean up the deed.

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MEETING DATE: April 12, 2016 SUBMITTED BY: Administrator Olinger

ITEM: Industrial Park Sign

The City used to have a sign at Highway 8 and Akerson for the City Hall and Industrial Park. The sign was removed by MnDot and not replaced. I tried

finding it or having MnDot pay to replace it but they refused.

The EDA budgeted $5,000 for a sign on Highway 8 and possibly interior signage for the park itself. A proposal was received from Image360.

I reached out to the Industrial Park occupants for comments and received one back. Thank you for the update John and promise to put together a sign for the Industrial Park, fantastic! You mentioned the one off of Hwy 8 would only read Industrial Park. I would like to suggest that it be more informative to include Police Station, City Hall, Plastic Products, Anderson Chassis, Recycled Wardrobes, Anvil and Co., Peterson Construction, & the Bus Garage, plus, whatever ends up going into that vacant building the city is buying. It simply informs people, other wise they have no way of knowing as they are traveling through. I have attached a great example of what Center City has done for their businesses. I sent it to you before and am not sure you got it. The sign is simple, informative, readable sized (not monstrous), and good looking. Something like that, on Hwy 8, just a bit more dressy would be very nice. I'll bet they could let you know where they got it and how much it cost. It looks pretty affordable. As for a sign on Sylvan & Akerson, I'm not certain what you are suggesting, but to down size my sign would not be a good option. To keep the doors of a small business open, people need direction and logo recognition. Are you thinking of putting another on the City Hall side of the street? Personally, I am pleased and thankful for the signage I have there by the goodness of Plastic Products. Getting a Hwy 8 is most imperative. The EDA must be paying for the sign? It shouldn't be too hard or expensive. A rather small thing in fact compared to other projects being taken on by the city. Directing traffic to small business off the beaten path would definitely be worth the time and effort to all. Thanks so much for following up and seeing to it that it gets done now in a timely manor. Do you think it could get up in April so we can have the advantage of summer travelers? Let my know what you think of the Center City

signage. Spring blessings John and Thank you again!

Be Clothed, Deann

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Recycled Wardrobes

Here is the sign Deann is suggesting. I suggest we go a little nicer and thus the Image360 sign is better. But, as Deann suggested maybe we only go with

the sign at Highway 8 and leave the businesses to sign internally. There are Four Municipal; Police, City Hall, Lion’s Park and the Public Works Garage.

Then Plastic Products, Anderson Chassis, Recycled Wardrobes, RE. Peterson, Anvil Truck, Bus Garage and the possibility of three to four more at the Panel One site. Maybe a total of 13-15. I think we need the larger sign.

Businesses pay for their own slats. The City installs the sign.

We also need MnDot to permit the sign. ATTACHMENTS:

(1) Proposal from Image360


ACCEPT or NOT ACCEPT the proposal from Image 360 for a large sign at


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MEETING DATE: April 12, 2016

SUBMITTED BY: John Olinger

ITEM: Budget Update

2016 Revenues estimated at $67,950

Operating $5,540 Advertising $1,000 Locate in Lindstrom $25,000

Maple Street property upkeep $325 Maple Street house, taxes $3,575

Oak and Highway 8 Lot $325 Holmquist Building $5,000, (year 3 of 26) Maple Street Lot $22,283 (2017 final payment)

Industrial Park Sign $5,000 Total expenditures $68,048

Cash Balance $2,280 (carry over from other years)

2017 – What projects should we undertake? Maple Street final payment - $22,282.89

Holmquist lot $5,000 Operating $5,600

Advertising $1,000 Maple lot $5,900