age of triumph - illumination ·...

Age of Triumph End of Term Exams Page 1

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Page 1: Age of Triumph - Illumination · 2014-06-08 · 1. Describe the teaching of Jesus in John 6, when he declared Himself

Age of TriumphEnd of Term Exams Page 1

Page 2: Age of Triumph - Illumination · 2014-06-08 · 1. Describe the teaching of Jesus in John 6, when he declared Himself

Age of TriumphEnd of Term Exams Page 2

Page 3: Age of Triumph - Illumination · 2014-06-08 · 1. Describe the teaching of Jesus in John 6, when he declared Himself

Level A {Term 1}


1.Tell the story of St. Brigid and the miracle of her cloak.

2.Tell the story of the hymn that saved Constantinople from an earthquake. Can you sing the Trisagion Hymn?


1. Tell me everything you remember about Leif Erikson and his voyage to North America.


1. Describe how the boy Arthur became king.

2. Tell how Beowulf defeated the monster Grendel.


1. Tell all that you remember about the life of Moses and how he freed the Israelites from Egypt.

2. What happened on the first Passover?

3. Recite from memory Matthew 13:44.

Age of TriumphEnd of Term Exams Page 3

Page 4: Age of Triumph - Illumination · 2014-06-08 · 1. Describe the teaching of Jesus in John 6, when he declared Himself

Level B {Term 1}


1. Tell me everything you remember about St. Brendan’s voyage to North America.

2. Tell me everything you remember about the Icon of Christ Not-Made-by-Hands.


1. Tell me everything you remember about the death of Charlemagne’s nephew, Roland.

2. Describe a medieval castle.


1. Label a blank map of Europe.


1. Describe how the Valkyries chose warriors as Odin’s heroes. Describe the afterlife of a warrior in Valhalla.

2. How did King Arthur acquire his sword Excalibur?


1. Tell me the story of the Transfiguration.

2. Tell the story of Jesus’ baptism and his 40 days in the wilderness.

3. Recite from memory Matthew 22:37-39

Age of TriumphEnd of Term Exams Page 4

Page 5: Age of Triumph - Illumination · 2014-06-08 · 1. Describe the teaching of Jesus in John 6, when he declared Himself

Level C {Term 1}


1. Describe in detail St. Brendan’s travel route.

2. Who is St. Justinian and what did he contribute toward the architecture and worship of the Orthodox Church?


1. Describe how Charlemagne became “Holy Roman Emperor.” How do you think this affected the relationship between the West and the Eastern Roman Empire?

2. Describe the model of society known as feudalism.


1. Label a blank map of Europe.


1. Tell the story of Sir Gawain and his adventure with the Green Knight.

2. Describe the tragedy of the brothers, Balyn and Balan.


1. What is a parable? Retell the Parable of the Sower and its spiritual meaning.

2. Describe the Baptism of Jesus. How does this event reveal the Trinity?

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Page 6: Age of Triumph - Illumination · 2014-06-08 · 1. Describe the teaching of Jesus in John 6, when he declared Himself

Level A {Term 2}


3.Tell the story of St. Kevin and how he spent 40 days learning a great spiritual lesson from a nest of blackbirds.

4.Tell the story of how St. Cuthbert dealt with the unruly raven.


1. Tell me about William Tell and the apple. What does an apple have to do with William Tell’s struggle with the governor, Gessler?


1. Who was Rumpelstiltskin and how did the queen outsmart him?

2. How did Dimitri use a cauldron of boiling water to defeat Tsar Ivan?


1. Tell the story of the boy David and how he defeated the giant Goliath.

2. Tell how the three youths escaped the fiery furnace.

3. Recite from memory Luke 9:48.

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Page 7: Age of Triumph - Illumination · 2014-06-08 · 1. Describe the teaching of Jesus in John 6, when he declared Himself

Level B {Term 2}


1. Tell me everything you remember about St. Andrew of Crete. What hymns did he write? What council did he attend?

2. Tell me about the historical event that we commemorate on the Sunday of Orthodoxy.


1. Tell me everything you remember about the Battling of Hastings and William the Conquerer. Can you remember the name of the tapestry that narrates the event?

2. What were the Crusades and what was the goal of a crusader?


1. Label a blank map of Asia.


1. Describe how Beowulf defeated the monster Grendel.

2. Why did Robin Hood disguise himself as a butcher and how did he end up at the dinner table with the Sheriff of Nottingham?


1. Tell me the parable of the Good Samaritan.

2. Tell the story of the meeting between Jesus and Saints Simeon and Anna, 40 days after His birth.

3. Recite from memory Luke 2:29-32.

Age of TriumphEnd of Term Exams Page 7

Page 8: Age of Triumph - Illumination · 2014-06-08 · 1. Describe the teaching of Jesus in John 6, when he declared Himself

Level C {Term 2}


1. Describe in detail what you can recall about the translation of the relics of St. Cuthbert.

2. Who is St. John of Damascus and how is he connected to a major triumph of Orthodoxy? What other contributions did he make to the worship of the Orthodox Church?


1. Describe how Elfrida murdered St. Edward.

2. Who was El Cid? How did he lead his warriors to victory after his own death?


1. Label a blank map of Asia.


1. Tell the story of how Beowulf slew the mother of Grendel.

2. Describe in detail how Robin Hood made possible the wedding of the minstrel Allin-a-Dale.


1. Tell the story Jesus told when the lawyer asked him the question, “And who is my neighbor?”

2. Describe the announcement of the birth of St. John the Baptist to Zacharias. How did his reaction differ from the response of the Theotokos at the Annunciation?

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Page 9: Age of Triumph - Illumination · 2014-06-08 · 1. Describe the teaching of Jesus in John 6, when he declared Himself

Level A {Term 3}


3.Tell the story of St. Euphrosynos and the golden apples.

4.Tell the story of how St. Sergius learned to read as a young boy.


1. Tell me everything you remember about Marco Polo. Where did he travel and what was he looking for?


1. Tell me everything you remember about Puss-in-Boots.

2. How did Chanticleer escape the fox?


1. Tell the story of the Prodigal Son.

2. Tell the story of St. Lazarus and how God raised him from the dead.

3. Recite from memory John 10:11.

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Page 10: Age of Triumph - Illumination · 2014-06-08 · 1. Describe the teaching of Jesus in John 6, when he declared Himself

Level B {Term 3}


1. Tell me everything you remember about St. Sava of Serbia. How did he become the first Archbishop of Serbia?

2. What are the Kiev Caves? How are St. Anthony and St. Theodosius connected to them?


1. Tell me the story of William Tell and the apple and the arrow.

2. Tell me everything you remember about Joan of Arc. How did she serve her country, France?


1. Label a blank map of Africa.


1. Describe in detail Baba Yaga.

2. Tell me everything you remember about Aladdin and his lamp.


1. Tell me everything you remember about the raising of Lazarus.

2. Describe the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Who was in the upper room? Who preached to the people after receiving the Holy Spirit?

3. Recite from memory John 17:20-21.

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Page 11: Age of Triumph - Illumination · 2014-06-08 · 1. Describe the teaching of Jesus in John 6, when he declared Himself

Level C {Term 3}


1. In life and in death, describe in detail the relationship between St. Sava and his father, Simeon.

2. Who is St. Gregory Palamas? What is hesychasm and how is his defense of it a triumph of Orthodoxy?


1. Describe the Hundred Years’ War and how it began.

2. What was the War of the Roses? How did it begin?


1. Label a blank map of Africa.


1. Describe in detail the death of Robin Hood.

2. Retell your favorite Canterbury Tale.


1. Describe the teaching of Jesus in John 6, when he declared Himself the Bread of Life. What does it mean for His Flesh and Blood to be true Food and Drink? How do we partake of it?

2. Describe the conflict discussed at the Council of Jerusalem. What resolution did the Church come to?

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