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GENERAL CONDITIO for the Supply ond Erec t lon o f

Plant and Machinery for Import and Export No.188A Prepared under the ausplces of t he


GE N EVA, M A RCH 1957

188A 1. PREAMBLE 1.1. generat cond.itiON-41hallappiJ, Nve aa u.ried by es-press as-reemcuL aecepted in writing by both putits.


1.1. Tbc Contraet tball be deemed to have bee.n ente..ed into whcn, upon Nceipt or an ord.t!.r, the Contnet.ot h,as sent.a.a •ecept.a.llto in writing within the time·limit (if a.ny) fixed bJ the Purchasu.

'1.2. 1( the Contractor, in dre~ up te.ndu, b.ufi.xcd a time-Hmit f'or a(;'Cept.anee, thoCoutn.ctshaU be deemed to h.aTe he.en enter-ed into when the Purchuc>r has .ent. an ae~pUI.neo in writiJ•g beforo the erpintion of such timo-lirnit. provided that lhere ahall be no Centnot unles1lhe ecotpW:1ce reache• the Comraet.o.r lhan one week a!ter the e.tpin.tiou o[ •uch ti•nc-limit.


3.1. Tho weighLI, d.imenrioos, cap.citiet, pri~t, Jl(".rl'ormfU'\ce :rati:ngs and olhn data includrcl in catal~etJ p101peC!1.wcs, cil'culan., •d.,ertisemcnt~, illwtnt.ed matter and prioe lists constitute an approximalcl guido. Tbtse data thalJ not bo bmding ta'f'e to the OXlC'ttl thllt they aro by rcfe.rence included in tb.e Contract.

3 .. 2. Any d.rawings or tc<:hD.i<:al doewntoll ioteDded for use in Lh.e CO!Ulrnction or crectlon of thC!' \Vorks1) or of put tht":reOf aodtubmitted to the Purob.uer priot ot subteq\lent to the fonnation of the Contra.ct TemaJn the ex.clush•e property of tbo Contra.etor. They may not, without tbo Contractor'• eooseot, be utifued by the Pu.rchuer or oopied, reproduced, traotmitted or commwllcat.ed to a. t.hird. part.y. 'Pl-cmded, boweTt'f, th•t tbe taid plans and documents shaU bc the pt"OpUtJ of thc Pu.tehuer:

(tJ) ifiti.C!'ZpruslJtOacned,or

(b) if they an referable to aseparate pnlimioa.ry den:lopmenl e«~tra.ct On whieh oo actual C<lo.rtruction wu tobe perfortned a.od in which the property of tho Contradar in the aaid plans a.nd docwnenu WAJ not re.e~d.

3.3. Any d.r&wings 4r technical docume'nta iote:aded tor use in the CONt:Juction GI' ereetioo of lhe Worh or of part l.hereof and tu.bmitted to the Contrac:tor by the Purchuer prlor or subseq:ueot to the Cormation of the C",ootnot Temain the exclush·e propertyof the Purch.aJe:r. They may not, withouthis eonse'lltl be utilit.ed by the Cont.taetor or copied, nproclu~d, tzantmitted or eommurucated to • third party.

3.+. The Contn.clOr •hall, if' requin:d by the Purc:ha.scr, furnish frce of cho.rgc to the Pu.tthuu at the eornm.tocement or the Gv.A.~'~:Pteo-Period, as defiued in Clauso 25, informatioo aod dn.wings other tha.n manWo.cturing clrawingt o( the WorU in sufficimt detalllo enable the Purchnu to earry out the opuation a.nd m.aint.enance {indu~ nmnine: Tepain:) or all parU of tht \Vork.s aocl (except whtre WJcltr the Contract the Contnetor itTetponsiblo for comminioning t.he Wor.kt) the commi.ssionio& t.hereoC. Such informat.ion 1.11d d.rawiogs thall be tho proputy of thc Purchuel' and the Teftrietiom on Lhtir use set. out in puagraph 2 he.reof shall not a.pply thueto. Provided th4t i( th.e Contraetorso stipult.tet, theythall rem&in confidential.


4.1. Unleu othcrwüe tpe<::ilied:

( o) prices thown in price lists cd catalogucs thall be deemed to llppty to unpaeked. Plant:

(b) prieot quoted in tendett &nd in the Contraet sha.U lnelude tha cost of pt.eking or prol.C'c:tiOD requ.i~d uodtr normal tra.nsport cond.itions to p:revent dam-«e to or dcteriontioo of the Pla.nt.bdOX11 it Tt.a.ahes h.t dMtination •••ta~d in th.e Contract.

(•) Tbete CcmditlODI ma1 be wed. •·t lbt opdoa of tli.e putlll'!t. • •a. alt.eroall•e to'tbc GC'Dcnl Cona.IUoOJ for the Supply a.M ~ o! Plaut azad Maehtoert I« lm-pon.lll'ld Export pnpved aL Gti»•a. lb .M.:rdl19S1 (No. 51+ A). Th• Eaafub. f'nmeb Ul.d !\uaiu k:Ztf .,. cquU.I;J •ut~nl.k. Tbe obM:rntloN of tbo ~~ru wbo dnw up lhc:M CkMral ConWtJon~~ ~tl'leT whb a ddcripdon ottbeprocedure foUn'ff'td.,U"e embodh!o.ln lhe "'COM­M.BNTAAX ON TU& GE.N2.1\M.. CONDITJONS FOR TUE SUPPLY Qp PLANT ANO MACUINBR Y POR EXPORT No. 188'' (Ooc'um~t 8/ECI!:/169), pu.bUthed. b)' lhe Eamomk Comml:alon fo.> Burope... Jt tu be obtaiM1S dintc:t. l.ior;n lh• S&Je~ ~ of tM BW'Opcan Otr~~ee oE tbe Un.Jted Nations, Geneva. Swlttvlud, or thtoqb United NatioN Sa* A.-ata.

I) In tbete General Cond.ltton. "'Plant .. mcülJ a.ll tnac:blrteT)', apf)ara.tu.s, ma.te-rlall•nd a.rtkltt t.o besupplkd bJ tho Cont.r-aor antlcr tbc Contnct a:nd ••u,• Worb" meant all Plant to be 1\lppUed a.11d work to be dobe b)' Conll'lldo.r wadu the C6ntnl;:!.


S.t. The Purchuer •hall, at the request of t.he Cootractor aad to the Mit o{ hit ability, ASsist tho Contractor to obtain the necesury information conceminc the locallawt aad ~suJallons applicable to th.e Wotkt and to we• and due~ connect~d therrwith.

S.ß. Jf, by ~uoo o( a.ny c.bange in tuch Ia~' and et«\Lnifll' the date of the U!ndu, the COlt of ~rt;ction iJ iocreued or recluced, tho amOWlt of •ueh i.nfolreuoe or ftduelioa tha-11 be added to or [rom tbe price~ At the oatJe ma.y be-.


6.1. The price th-.11 b~ on the undenundin« that thf' fotlowing eondlllont ue fu1ftlled, except tO tu u tho Purehuer hat in.formed the Co.ntnc:tor to tho conuary :

(a) the \Vorlu ahaU GO\. bc canied out an unheahhy Ot dat~.~eroustUI'I'Ounclangs;

(b) the Contnctor't employe!et sha.ll be a,ble to obtain tultable aad con"e.nient bovd and todpng m the oeighbourhood of the site and shall h.ue aece:ss to adequate rnedical StU"'f'i~;

(c) S\ICh equipme.ot, con•uma.blc s.toret1 water and power Al ue spedfied in the Contrac:l sbaJl be •"•ilablc to lhe Cootn.ctor 00 th6 rite in «:ood time, and~ unleH otherwise agrHd, [ree ot e-harr to the Contr•etor;

(d) \he Purchaser th.all p~ide thc Contradar (fn"e of Charge, unles" otherwise ~d) with c.loscd or cuardcd pn!miaet ODor neu the •ite u a pl"'t~ction opint:t the.ft a.nd deterioration o( the "Pltmt tobe en-ct.ed, o( thC!' toolt and eqwptnent reqWred thenfor, and or the clothi"( of the CouLra.ctor's e:mployee•i

(•) the Co.ntraetor 1hall not be to W' aay works: of c:otutruetion or dtmoliHon or to tak~ any o"thf'r untmtal m~aruret t.o th~ Plant tobe brought frorn the- point wh~re il hu bce11 uft.~Ot&ded to ehe poiat on the stte where it is to be erected, \lnleu: the Cootractor has agreed lO deliver th.e Ptant to the lut mention.ed poiot.

Any'\\U'e !rom the conditioot mentioned in tha• paragt"aph •h.allatlraelan.e:rtn charge.

6.2. If the ciroum•t.ulctt N:tUitin.f: !rom sueh dep.rtUJ"C' an •uch Lhat il woulC:. be unreuoMhle to requin the Cont:ractor to proceed with the Workl, \he Contnctor may, Wlthout preJudloe to hiJ n .. hts under the Cootnet, refusc to doao.


7 .1. \Vheo ercetion il euried out on • dme H.-it the toUowing ilt~msthaU bo separa~ly chargecl:






aU traYellill& expentet incurrod by the Contract.or in rn-pect of hit ernployees ead lhe tra.ruport or &heir equipmeotaod personal efl'eou (withio TeU01\Able Iimits) tn accorda.oce wilh the spocilitd melhod and dus of tn•t.l whent thes.e aro .-pc:-oificd in the Couanu:c;

the l~wiDI t-lptftH't, ioeluding any appropnaJ.e ..Uowtoott, o! the- Contractor'• employ~ for each day'• absence from their homet, induding Mh·workinr da.ys aod holid.•YJ i

lhe timt worked, which shall be oalculat9d by I"Cferenc:e lO th.e Dumber of houn certi6ed u worked in the lime-sheet.. •i1ned by the Pw-C'h•ser. Övertime and work oo Sundays, holidayt and at night will be charged at lhc tpccl!U ratcs me.tltioncd in the Con-tnet.. Sue •• otherwise p'rovided, the hou.rly ratet COYU the wear and tear a.nd depreciatioa:a o{ tho Contraetor'• toolt and Hsht equipment;

time oecetsarily spent on::

(i) propa.ratioa and fcmnalitiet iocidt:ntal to tbe outward and horneward joW""ney.;

(ii) the outwuw' a_od horneward journe)'•t

(iii) daiJy tra•t.l moming Md C\'e.ninc: betweeo lodgings and the tllt: Ü h. exceeds halC an hour and there are no lodginp closu to the s.ite;

(i•) waitlat when work i.s pre•ented by circunutancn for which the ContTactO'r U not rupcmsible. under thc Contraot;

my upenses iDCUrTed by thc Contn.etor in accOT'd.a.nee with tho Cont.ract, in. COI\DUion with tht pl'O'Iitioo of equipment b)' hi.m, ioeludinr whero appropriaU! • cha.rge fo:r the use of lhe Contractor'• own hea.ry equipment;

(/) any t.axe.t or duesle•ied oo lhe in~oioe and ~id by the Contractor io the eo-u.nt:ry whero erection t.a.k-es pJace.

7 .z. Wheo enctioo ls curied out for • lump •um1 the quoud price includtt •11 the itenu abo•e menuoncd. Pro•ided tbat ifthe erecuon ia prololl(ed for any C4lUU r&r whieh the Purcl1ater or auy o! hl$ contraeton other than the Contr1ctor isHtponsible and i[ as a muh the work of the Conmctor't employus lt sutpe.nded or •dded to, a cbarge will be made {or auy icl.le time, aa.1 ut.n work, any eJtiJ'• H•lng expenses of the Conlnctor't employea •.ad the COlt O( ILD)' ntta journcy.



8.1. If expTU~ly •greed lo th• Col'llnet, th~ Purcha.w.r shall bt' entitled to h••o the cruality oftbe matcnalt utc<l and the par-tt of the Plant, both during and when completedl iDJpected .nd checked. by hi• au.thori~d rep~nsentatives. Such irupectioo o.11d c.heckin,: shall be carriecl out at the place of manulaC'\ure du.ring normal workinr h.oun alter ~me.nt with the Contractor u to date udüme.

1.2. IC., a ret~uh of 1-uch intpecdon and chreki~ lh.e Pu.rchater •hall bo o( the opanioo tha.' &ny materialt or patt. aft defecti•e o:r no& ift aecordan~ with the Cootract, he thallttate in writiiL« hi.J obJectiom -.nd the-reuon thefttor.


11.1. The Coaa.tor •h&.U in cood time pnn-id. drawtDCI •howta, .lh• tn.U~Dtr illl_ whicll &he Pla.Dt it &o be &!fi.xltd. tocether with .U infot-~ autioo relauac. ~ othuwi. -cned. oo11 to_ahe Worb,~ ror pn-~ .Wtable founct.U-., ltW prond.•Df •~ for tlle Plant aDil uy ~ ~prnct to tN poaat OD th. litt ...,MJ't' tbe Pla.ot iJ tobe uected ud for mÜiDf 1ll ftll«<l&&)' cormes:iOßf to tbe Plant (•het.ha NClt. eoöonioal ate to h4! made bJ tM Corltrutof" 'IAAder tM Cootract or not)~

U .2. Tho f"pualOrJ wwk •hall bo .,.."...,. by tho ~h~Mr"' -~ will> lhe clnwinr aJ>d in!onNhon p,..,;.d..t by •h• Coa· rractor ud me.ntiooccl i.o p&R(nph 1 he-reof'. h •hall he compltc.d in rod time and. the !ow:wlatlON •hall he Hp!'hle ol takiftJ thc: Plant u tM propt.r Umot- \Vhtre the Purchawr is rnporo~ible!or t.l"aaUportu:tt t.he PI&DL, at t.halJ bc 00 tha tiU in pod tune.

f 1.5. Any ••~n.Mt ruultinc from &D. uror or om•,.ion ia the d:t.wi«'C• or in(ormatioa menliooed in JM.rapph 1 htno( whic:h appean ~fore Wmt onr •hall be bomo by ehe Coatractor. Anysueh t.rror or omi•aon whic.h appean &l\er talunc crrer thall M dHmed taulty dttip tor p...._, or Cl•-25.


tl.J. The Coatract.or t.nd Purc.haser thall C"aeh detiaoat~ ia wridnc• compete.nt rep~t.atit'olO M hi• chll.I)Ml or communication wilh tho othe:r puty OQ the day·to·day uecution or th• \"J'orll:. on lhe llte.

13.2. Neh repreeentati• p:rewoton orDoMrt.he 111.e du.rincworkiAt' houn..


14.1. ll 0.. Coatn.<t« oo""""" iD rod time 0.. l'w<"-r •holl...Ue anilable 10 •"• Coa_f_, ol <hur tu<h wu..t aJ>d w>· •kilk-d labour u a. pf'O'Iiilkd for iD tM Cootnct ud .u~h fW"thu ,..." amowd ol ~ ~ u may 1M (0\&Ad: ta be DeO!IU.f'1 .... jf oot pi"''t'ided. for Ia \ha CoDtraet.

tS. SAFETY REGULATIONS tS.t . Tho Pu.rthuer tlWI..alifJ the Coctn.cto1"in ruU of the t&fety h(Ulatiof..\S wbieh the Pu.rchber impotet on hit own employ«~ aDd. lhe

Col)tractor thall MC'UJ"e the obte:rnn" by h.U emplo)'ee• of tuch aa/ety rtplatiom:.

tS.,,, l( br .. chH o( thete nplationt corne to the notlc. of the PurchtH>r, he must infomt the Coal1'a(!to:r tn forthwith, and may forbid penON pUL)' or lUCh Dreaches entry lO the site.

t5.5. Tho Contract.or •hall ioform the Purchuu io fult or ADJ•pecial dansen wh.lch tho Ut®tiOD or t.h.e Wor'kt rnay utail.

t6. OVEII.TIME 16.1. ADJ Ot'ertime ud tbe (:CIID,CijtiCIDI theftOf th.all, with&n th.t hmi-. o( tbeta ...... ud. recuJat.ioat or , ... Cootre~tor. c:ountry and ol the

_..., .... .,.. ~ i• CUTiod out, be as arr-1 b<'""" tM pamoa.


17.1. TM: Purc.huu thall oot be u.tilled to UM the Cocnncto'r's emplo1ee oo UlJ wort. ~ witl\ the tubtect~mat~r of the Coatn~l •ithO\lt lh.e pre'fious C'ONU:l O( t.h• ~Cftctor. Ylhtre th• Contractor 10 toallrAta, he &hall aot be UDdu anylaa.bility iD l"ttpKl of tuch work. and. tbe ~r shaU be Htpotlliblo lor the Nftty or lhe Cootn~tor'• employees wh.i.l. employ.d oa tuc:h work.


tl..t. Uoül lhe WorU ue talcto oYef a.nd durirlJ any work ftlultiJ:lf from the opention of tho panntoe the Conttactor •haU ha'll! the richt • • uy limo dwiOf the houn ol work on the tite to in•pec:t the WorU al hu owo uptDM. In p)"'CHdJna to the sit.e, th.e inspecton •hall obMne &he replatioat u to mo•e.ment in foft'41! at the Purchu.r't prem.isos.


tt.t. to •ppropnate cues the Coot:nld. mar P""ido oa th• ~mu U-4 coadltiODI thtrein .. , -· lor U...t:NC't.IOD \0 1M fi"ID by t.b.e Coob'ac· UW to the PW"C.huu1s employea wbo will ND the Pt..ot.


10.1. U..a-oO.uwioe oc-<1 tho complotice f<riod oiWI ""' tnm lhe l&lftt oflhe !oDowiJ>c da._ (•) lho dale oflhe !omu.U. o( lM Cootnct U d<fioHID ca,_ 2;

P) tht date oo wh.ic:h. the Contnetor n-cei•• DObOt ol '-ue or • Y&lid importliwoce wftere such it DeCetiUJ (or the encutioa of lht Cootnc::tt

(c) tht dawofthere«:iptby tho Contn.ctorof tuch ptpn.eol io ad•aoceofmurulacturoaJ ilttipuM~d 10 the Conttact.


8.5. Tettl prorided fol' in tbe Contn.ct other tha.a takitlJ o•er tet~ will be c:arried out, unltu otherwis,c agreed, at the. Cootra.eto:r'• wo.r-ka a.nd dwiog Mrma\ ."·orking houn. tf the teehnieal Tt'Cf'llrtmenb o( the tettt Ut no·t. apecifieclin the Contnct, tbe tesu will be ca.rried out in accordance with the ~nenl practlu oblain.inf in the appropriate branch o( the mduslrJ if'l tbe country where the Plant it!ac­I:Un!d.

8.1-. Th$ Cootrt.ctor •hell fhe to the PuJ'OhaMr su.fficitnt nottc:o or the t.ettt to permat the Pl.ll'chAsert• rep-rese.ntatiT., to aue.ud. Jf thc Purebate.r iJ J)Ol represent.ed at tho tettt, the teft report ah.aU he oommunieated hy thf. Contr.ctor to the Purchuer a.od sMJI be a.ccepted •• accurate bJ the Pu:rchuet.

1 .5. 1I on any k1-t (othf'l' tba:n a takiot .. o..-e-r \.Mt., pro•id•d fol' in C1ause. Zl) the Plant thaU be fouod to he defecti•e or not in aecol"d.a.oce wilh the Cont:ract, the Contractor thall wilh all•peed mak.e good thl!' def~ or eruun thatlho Plant complie. with the Coutnct. There­aftcr, if the Purchuer •o the lest. shall be repeatcd.

1.6. Unlf!ß otbc.rwi.Jo ~cd, the Ccmtne.tol' 1hall bea:r aH th~ expeose~ o( tett.l canied out ln JUs worU. t.he pu~on.l expente~ of th& Pu.rchuel''• reprecentati•es.


9.1. Sue u pro?ided ia pa.n.pph 10.1, the tim~ at which the rit& th•H ~u lhall be ßxed in accardancc with the lntematioo.ll\ules for ehe Jnterpreution Temu (locotetmt) ofthe lntern.ational Ch.amber ofComme~ m force at the- dateofthe (ormation o( the Contract.

Where no indic:ation i' give.n in the Contn.ct or the tonn of aale. the Plant shaU be deemed tobe told Hex worb. '1

9.2. In the ~ of a We "ex worka", the Cont~otor must(ive notice la wriliß( t.o the Purch.uerohhe date 011 whioh the Purchuer mwt delinry of the Plant. Tho not-ice .of the Contra.ctor must be (i.,en in •ufficient time to aUow the Purchuer to tUe tneh mMt• u.rc1 a1 are nonnaUy octctll!)' for the purpose o( t.akinf delavery.


10.1. 1( the Purchuer falls to aceept de1i•ery ot tho Planton due- date he ,hall Pt"vertheless malu.- "'-Y f*_)'niUPt on detlv.,ry •• ihhe Plant had bc-cl'1 de_Ji.,ere.d. The Contractouh.all ....... ngt for tht UOT .. ,'t oft..he lhe risk and eost or the Purchuer. lf re.quir· ed by the Pu.rohNtr~ the ContnctoT •hall inwro tht Pl~ant at the COlt of the Purchuer. Pro•ided th&t if Lho delay in aeceptiog deli,.ery 11 due to ODe or the (lll'Cumttance. mtntio.ned in Cla~ 25 and the Contractor i.J m a potltion tO Store it in his premi.J~ without prejudice tO hi1 husinets, the COJt of1toring the-P!a.nt•hall not be bome hv tha Purchuer.

10.2. Unleu \hr: fa.ih~.te of the Putchuer i• due 10 any of tho c1reutn$tan«.J menuoned in Clauuo 25, the Contraetor Jn&)' n!'quire the Pur~ ehuer by notioe in wnUDJto ac:cept delivery within a rt.aJOnahl,. time.

Jf the Pure:huu Cail1 for any n.-MCm whate,.er to do sowtthm mah time, t.heContractonhaU bc ent11.led by notice in writiosto tbe Pur· chbt'r, -.nd withoutt't:quiring the consent of any C-ourt, to terminate- the Conlract in respect of 1uch portion o! the 'Pit.ot u i• by ret.JOn of tht fe.ilore of the Pu.reh~r J.\Ol delivcred and lhert"upon to reeofer from Lhe purchastor anylon tu!fe~d by reuon o( such tailttre up t.o an amount not exeeedi11f the 1'\ltn t:tarn~d in ~ph A or the Appendix or, it no sum be named. t.hat pa.n of the pri« payahle undtr the Contraet whieh is propuly att::ributablc tO sudt port_ion o( the Plant.


1f .l. Paymtnt.shall he madein the marmerand at the: tlmc Ol' timesacreed by the pa.n.LH

11 .2. AnJ •d•ance paymenu mado by the Purenuer aJ"e pa~rnenu on accou.ot and do not comutut.e • depostt.., the ~ndonmetol or whioh would entillt eilher party to Lerm1nate the Contracl

1f.5. U delivery hu btt.n m1de berore payP"t:llt o( the who1e rum payable uuder Contrw.crt. Plant deli.,e:n.-d shall. to the utettt -pe-TD'Iittt4 by the I.Jw of the country where the Plant i• JU.Qated after deli.,e.ry, remam the property o( the Contractor unul such paytnent hu betn c.ffulcd. IC lUCh l•w cloes no' permit tht Contnctor to l'ttain the p·ropeny in the Plant. the Cootn.ctor shall ~ entitJod to th.e beneßt ot IU.Ch othar n,hu in respeet thereor., such law pemuts h1m to retaiu. Tho Purchuer •haU ßiVO the Conlr&C-t.Or eve.ry .. it.tan~ in takinc any rneasurtt~rred to protectthe Contrutor"s nght.of-property ortuchoihttrightlu a(oresaid

11.4. A ~yment conditional on tht: fullilme:ar. of an obli,a.tlon by the Con.tractor shall l'loOt be due untit such obliptioo hu beeo fulliUed. unleu the Cailure o(the Contraeto-r is. d~ to an .. c~ or OO'IIttiOO of'the Purehuer.

ff .5. lf the Purchuer delayt in making any pa.ymcont. the Contracto-r may pos;tpone the fulfilment o( hit own obligations until •uch ~Y· ment ismade, unless the {ailun o(the Purehueris- du-e-to an aet oromitsion oftheContractor.

t f .6. Jf delay b' tho Pureha"er in meking a.ny p.ayment i.s due t.o one of the cireumstan~• mentioned in Clause 25, the. Contraet.or •h.J.l oot be e-nt-itlod tO any interett on the s:um due.

11 .7. Save as aCoresaid, if the Purchuer delays in making any payment1 the Contn.ctor shaU on Prinr to lhe Purch.aser whhin a reuon· able time notice in wnbng be entitled to the payment ol interett on the sum dlle at the raw fixed in paragraph B of the Appendix from the dat.e on which such sum due. If at the end o( the period fixed io p&.ra«raph C of the Appendi1:, the Purchuer •hall still hau raiJed to P•1 lhe sum duc, the Coatnctor •hall he entitled by ootioe in wrilÜ't.g to the Pure:h.uer, and wttbout requiriog the CODJent or a.ny Court, t.o tert~tinate the C".ontnol and thereupon to TeCOt'er {rom tho Purehaser th.o a.mount of hh lOb up to the •um mOI'Itioned iD JNITa• paph A of 1he ApJ"'ndix.

20.2. Should delay in completion be ceuted by any of the circumstance~ mentiooed ia Cl•ute 2S or by c or omiaioo of the Purcb.uer and wbethe:r tueh cause oceur before or after the time or e.xtended time fo'l complttion, the.n: shül be pnt.ed aubject t.o tbo proriJiOt&U o{ panpph. 5 hereof auch e:ttt01ion of the completion period u i• reUOD&ble hninc rep.rd to all the cin:umstanen of th.e eue.

lO.!t. IC • fb.od time for eompletioo. it provided. for in th.e Contn.ot. aod the Contractor falls to complete the Worlu withio aunh time or ll.nJ ext.etUion lhereof (Tanled ~r PIU"'lJ'NPh 2 h.ereof, the Purchuer •hall bo cntitled,on. Jiri.Jll &o the Cooc.nctor within ._ rea.tonahlo tim.e notice in writin«, lO a reductioa of the price p•yable W\du the Conb'act, unlett it can be ftiUOnahly conclude.d (rom tbe clr· cumsta.neet ot the plll" case tha.t tbe ~h•ser hu •ulf'ered no lou. Such reductioo she.U equal tho percehtace named iu pa.npph D or the Appendixorthot put or the priee payahle under the Contnct which is propedy attributable to ouch peniOD or the Worb .. canoot in c:o~ncr of the aaid {a.iluro be put Lo the use intend~d for eac:h completo week. of dela1 eomrnebciog Oll th& due date of c:omplet.ion butthall not ex<'eed tho muimum peroentage nam~ in paragnphE of \he Append.ix. $ ftd~c:tion thaU ~ aUowed whw a payment ~come• due oo or a.her complerion. •• pro•idad in pvt~raph 5 het'eOf, tuc:h reductloo of priee- be to lhe erclusioc of any othü' h'rnedy of the Purch.ase.r in respcct of thc Coot:nctor'• to complet.e a.s aforesaici.

20.4. IC the timo for completion menrion~d in the Contract- it a.n Mimale only, eilher party may a.fter t}u~ espin.tioa of two thi-rd• of such estimaled time requ:ire the other part)' in' 1.0 ~ a fixed timt.

\Vht:re no time for compJ~t.ion iJ mentioned in the Contnu:t, thi• eourM shaU be open. to either p.arty &flcr the e-:tpiratioo of niae montht: from tbe fonnatioo o( tbe Contract.

lt in either tbe parties to ap-ee, either puty may bue recoune to ubitrati0:1\, ia aecord&ace with the pTOritions or Clause 28. to detc.rmine • J"aUUna.ble t.ime for compleLion and the time so d.etc:rmined thaU bc dee.rned lObe t.he fixed time for completion pro.-id· ed Cor in 'he Cootnct a.nd puagraph 5 be.reor •hallapp'Y

10.5. [f •ny poTtion of the \Vorks in Ynpt;et o! which 1.he Pureluser hu become entitled to tbc muimum nduction pn71'ided for by pua· pph 5 hereo!, or in"ct of which he "'·ould hue been so entiUed had he given the -n:-f~d t0 thereio, remains uooompleted, the Pwthasu may b)' ootice in writ.lng to th«ll Contnctor require him to complet.e aod by 1ueh Jut. mt.nti.onc.d notice fix a final time for complotion which .sbaU be reuonable t&kin( io\0 ac:counttue:h delay" h•s already occurred. ff for any cause other th.&n o~ fot' wh.iCh tho Pul"C.haser or 1ome otlter Coocnc\Or tmployed by him is Tetponsible, the Contractor falls \o co·mplete within lUCh time, the Purchuer 1hall be entitled by ootice in writi.n< to the Contraetor1 ancl without requiring th.c COOJIC'ht of •ny Court., to tennioate t.he Contn.ct io t'Hpect. o( such portionof the Works and thereupon to rcoOt'c.r [rom the Contraetol' any lon auffered ~ylhe Purchasel' b:fre&JOD of Üle ot thc Cont:ractor ä,. aforesaid up to a.n amount not exeeediug the turn in pengraph P of the Appendix, or:, if oo sum be oamed, that put ot thc price. pa.yllhle under the Contract which U pl'Operly attribut.t.bJc to s\lCll portion of the '\VorU as c0\11d not in c:o~~c. of thc Contractort• fa.ilure be put to thc UH irn.eodcd.


lt.1. Uolm oth.erwise ~ed1 taklng-o•er t6tJ shall b6 eurit:d out. Jf •uch tclts IU'C «> be ca.niod ou.t., l.ho Contnctor •haU notify thc Purchaser in writiO( when tbe Work.s will be l'tady,a.od s-uch a.otification shall bc in.tutficiont dme lO cna.ble th6 Pl.ltehuu to male a.ny necetSU)' arrangcmcntt.. Tht: t.tstt. •hall take place i.a. thc p-retenc:e o·rboth partier. The t.ecbnical requirements Jha.ll be u •peciliM i.D t.hc Contrat-l or, ii not so speo:ified, ih •e<:ordance with the genen.l practice exi•lillf in the app1'0priate branch of the indust:ry 1n thc cou.ntry where lhc PI.Aot is muu!acturecl.

lt .z. IC as a result of auch test.t the Worb foUDd tobe defoetivc or not in a.ceotd-.nce with th.e Contnet, thb Contn.ctot thall with all •peed end at bis own experue ma.k.e good t.ho dc.feet or tN'\ln: thatlhe Workt c:omply with the cootnct, a.od. t.hcrufte:r, if the Putth.uu •o ftl{Wru, thc shall M -repu~ at the toxpense or the Contra.ctor.

lt.5. Suhjec:t to the prorisions or pa.ragn.p-h Z hel'f:of the Purc:hue.r th.aJl frH of eharge proYide an7 power, lubric.anta:, wateT, luela.od materiala of allltindJ re:uonably rc:quired (or final adjustmentt and Cor taltins..-o'fer tfJttt. tle aba.ll also irutall free of cha.rge aoy apparatw nec~ Cor the a.bove me.ntione-d ope.ra.tiom.


12.1. .M .ooa.., tho Worb ba•e J>Hn eompleted_ in acc.orda.nce with the Contnct -.nd 'ha•e pa~d aU the lÜiOf•Ot'ü- t.est1 tobe made on completion o! erection1 the Purchuer •haU be deemed to ha:ve ta.ken OYU the \VOTkt and the Gulll"&ntee Penod ahall tt.rf. to ruo. Tho Purchue.r tbaU the:revpon iuuo to &he Contnetot a certü, e&llf'd a "Tak.ia,--.oYet' Cutific•te ", in whicb be shall eertif'y the da.Wt on which the \VorU ha•e bet:n complcted end h ... e pused tbe tests.

n.z. ll th.e Purchaser is unwilling to lhe tU1ng..over tala canied ou~ the Worb 1haU be dee:med &o ha.•e .beeD ta.kt.n o•e:r a.nd tbe GWll'mtee Period ahaU tt&rt. to J'W1 oa a written notice to that eff~i being gi-ren hy the Contractor.

21.5. U by reason of dlffieultiu encounte-red hy the P\lte:haser (whethel' or not co-rered by Oaute 25) it beeomea impossible to proceed to the taki:ng·cn"er test.J, these shall be por-tponed for • puiod oot exc.eediß3: aix months, or at.U~h other ptriod u the pvtie• ape, and the lollowins pi"'Tltiom ahall apply:

(•) Tbe Purchaser •hall make payments u if the ta,lcing o.-er had tü:en place. p.roYided that1 in the ease of a cliffieulty clue t.o an)' O( tho CU'C\lftUtAIJ.'tct$ falliDC whhiD pa.r&graph 25.1, the l\archuer 1h..U not unlt"U OÜU!rwi.e agreed. be r~d to p.yat the due time of taking o•er the eot\. of un.completed wor-k or, Wore the upiration of \ho Gua:nott:e Period lired inaccordance witb tub·J>I'l"Oil'lpb(d) ho,..or. ODJNm ret&inedby way of guarantee.

(1t) At the appropriate time, tho Purcbuer •haU gi•e notice in wtitiD( to tbe Contn.ctor SLatin« lhe earliert d.ato OD which the testa eua .be el.I'J'ied out aad nquest.U., him 10 ftx • new date for the tesla. Sueh uew date th.all be within tho puiod 1t.atcd in para­vapb C ot the A ppenclix alter the da.te mcn't.iooed in weh ootice.

(c) The Ccmt.netor may. 1t the COlt of the Pul', txamio& tho Wor-b before mU.iog thc tests and make (OOd any defeet or deterioration therein ihat may have df:'feloped, o:r 1011' thereof that rna1 ha.•e occu.ned, a!te::r the clate when the Worb w.r. 6m tcady for t.estinc in acc:o:rdaoc:e with the Ccmtn.ct,

(d) The Guuantee Period shal.l rv.o from the ule when tb.c pottpooed testo b.o•e beeo ouceoo.fully carried out.



lt the Purchuer to requires., the Contn.cto'T thall, aubJect to the pl'O"fllions or the Contnct in respect of the pusiDJ" or ritk, protec·t and presene the Workt until the test.t ue e..rtied OUI. or for cme month !J'Om the time whe.n th.e Workt were flnt ready for tettill( in a.ccordance whh the Contract, whicheTer iJ the ahorte.r period. The. Contnctor th&U b& entitled. to recover from the Purchuer the corb of a.ny me.a.W"ee actu& .b1 the Contnctor to protcct a.nd pnosel""e tM WoTks. Unlw othtrwise ag:reed, the liability of the Contnctor for pl"'t.ecting a.nd p-retot'f'iog the Works shall ceue on tho tltpiry ol such month. It by rewna of other commitmeot.t the Contractor it: unahle to leMe hi• employeH on the site, he thall giYe the Purchuer a:ny dh-ectioru requ·iJ"ed to cn.eble the .Purehue,. to m•:h .. titf•ctory a.JT8~menu for prot.ecting and preserriug the WorU.

I~ ~t the end of six months or such other period as the pndes may han agretd rhe ttsts han not taken plact thc pro· VlSIOOJ of puagnph 22.2 Jh.aU apply unJcss th~ provüioru of Clause 2.S an applic:ablc.


ll.1. Subject u herein a.f\er te.t out, the Co.ntractor unde,l"laJt" to r111medy a_ny dofect rHuhinc from faulty dMip, materiaJ.t, or workma.n.-•hip.

21.2.'lity it Hmitfld lO dcfeeb wh.ieh appear during the period (called "the t>eriod") tpeei.Ii.ed in paragnph K ol the AppendiT and comrneaeiaa on t.aldngo•t:r.

U.~. ID mpect. of such pa.rtt (whether of the CootraCl\oTls own manufacturt or not) of the \VorM u an expn"ly mentioned io the Con· u.c:t, the Guatu:~lft Period sh.U be s-uch o\hu period (if any) u is .spectfied in respect of e•ch of sueh partl.

:U.•. The daily use of lhe worU a.nd the amount hy which tbe Guarantee•U bc reduced if the \Vo:r-ka ue 1tSed more intensi.-e1y ue ttat.ed in pa.ragnph J of the A ppendia.

23.5. A fre:th Gu.anntee Periodequal tothat stated in panpaph. Hof the Appendix shaU apply, und er the same tto:rms a.od u those applic-able to the o;riginal WQl'U, lO paru •uppHed ln replaeemenl of lhe defecti•e putJ or to paN in pu:nuanee o! t.hiJ Clawe. Thit p.'I'O'ri•ioo thall DO~ apply t.o the putt: o! the Worll.t, lhe Guata.nt:ee Pc.rlod ol whioh ahalt be e::rt.endedonly by a pulod e<JUa1 lO the period d.uril'll whieh th~ 'Notks areout olaction u • result of a ddtet covenod by thi• Clau~.

U.6. In. ordar to be able to anil himldf or hU right. u.ndeT thit Claust~ the Purchuer shaU notify the Contractor in writingi without delay of a.ny delecta t.hat ha.-e appeu.d aod shaU give him e•c:ry opportu.n.ity of intpectios and remedying t,hem.

23.7. On receipt of such ootification. the Contn.ctor •hall n .medy the deted: fonhwith aad, sa.-e •• menrioae-4 in pv~tpph 8 hereof, at hiJ own ~~»e. Sa•e wherc tho u.ture of tl\e: defect ;, tu eh that it i• appropriat.e to effect repain ou site, the Pu.rc.h.Uer ahaUreturn to tbe Contractor any pa:rt in Wb ich • Wect covered by this dauae hat appured, for rrpair or rephlcement by &he Contraetor, and ia 1uch cue the deJi•ery to the Purchaser of .-ueh part properly repairtd or a put. in replacement thereof shall he deemed to \)C) a. fullilmt."nt hy the Contnet.or of hit obligatiOllJ undu this para,nph in respett of such defectlve parl.

23.8. UnJ~u. otherwite agned, the PurchaJ("r_ •hall bea.r t'he cost and J'itk of tno•port of dd~ctivc pa.rt.s ud o( npaircd puu or rnru .-upplied in replac."emmt of a" defeetiTt paN betwe-en lhe plaC'f! wh~re thc Worb are tltuatt-d and ono ot tho foUowing pou:ltJ:

(i) \ho Contraetor's works if the Contraet ls He:t worh" or F'. 0. R. i

(ii) the polt fl'Oln which the ContraclOl" d1spatched tho Plant jf the Contraet as F. 0 . 8., P. A. S., C. f. P., or C. & F.;

(üi) in aU olher caset the frontier or th$ COu.nliJ' from which the Contractor di1patched t.he Plant.

13.9. \Vhue, in punuance ot parapph 7 hereoJ, ue required to be efl'tcl.ed on site, the mcido.nce of any tnnelling or livmg upen.sea o( tht ContHctor'• empJoyee1 and &he C0ls ancl rbk.s of traMportins any necusary mat.erial or equipment •ball be seuled, ln de.tault of agnemenl betwee_n the parties, in such manne.r u the a1'bitntor ihall dt:tC'.rmine to he tau and reuomble.

23.10. Oefeet:i"Y• p6ttf repla~ io accord&nee with thit be pla.ced at tbe dbpotaJ of the Contnctor,

23.11. I! the Coutra.ctor rtf-uset: to fulfil bis obligations under thU Ct.~.a~e or fatla to proceed w1th due diJlgence a~t' being rtquired 10 to do, 1he Purchuer may proeeed to do the necessa.ry work at the Contractor-a titk and to:xpt-nse, provided that he dbet 10 in a reasonablt manner.

23.12. The Contrac:t.ol"'sliability doet not appJy to dofocts arJ-Sing out of material• pro'9id.ed, or out or • dcsip tt.ipWated. by the- Purchaser.

23.15. Tbo Contrt.ator 'a liability tha.ll apply only to defecll that appear tabder Lhe condiliom: of opention providecl (ar by the Cont.tflot and under properute. lt dott not co.-n deJcctt-due to cawe1 aritin& alter t&.ldng o•er. ln particular it 4oet not eo•~t:r defecu aMns &om the Purcbuer't faulty mainteo.a.uee or frorn al~ratioru ea.rried out. witbout the Con.traetur'1 eom:ent in writi:og, or from repain ea.rried out improperly by the Purc.huer, nol' does it «''ftr norrtull de~rioration.

23.1+. A!t:er tU1ng o• er and ... e .. in thi• CII.U:te upreaaed, the Co,ntnctor shall be u.nder no liahility C't'Oß io f'ftJM:Ct or ddec~ due \.0 ea:uae. exiat.iog before taking over. lt it ~d lhat Purehase ahall ha•e oo claim in retpect of pe'l'tonat injury or of dam_,e to pJ'Operty not the aubject of the Contraet llrising taking o•n nor for Jou of profit uoless it is tbown from t.he circumsLances of the cue thac the Contractor h*' been ,Wh.y of ßl'OS't m.i1conduct..

23.15. "Gl"'St miteonduetu does oot «'tnpriteanyancle•e.ry lack ofproper eare or skiH, but m~&nt an act ororni111ionon the partofcho Con-tractor implying ehhtr • fe.iltue to pay due re.gard to seriout eonsequencet which a eorucientioo• Contractor wouJd norrnally foretee ., liblJ to etUue1 or • deUberate disrt.prd- of UI.Y coo.tequences of 1uch act or omilsjon.


:M.l. lD the eYen\ of penonal iniUl)' or dam"'e to prope.ny oecurring before all the WorU ha'f6 bee.o take.n 01'er1 the liabilit.ies thaU be a.pportioaed •• followt:

(d) (i) Tbe Contnctor •hall at. hi• OWD eapense cood auy los• or damasc to the Plantor \Vorkt oecutring be!OJ't'l: the riak therein h.a, pAJ~ed and aritio, &om any cause wha~•u other tban an act. or omu.tion or the Punhaaer;

(ii) the Contra,ccorsha.llat his OW'ft upense make good atlJ t* orda.m_,c to ehe Plantor Worb oocW"Jinc ...r~r t.he riak therein pUHd, if tu.oh ION or darnage it eause.d a.ct or omiuion of the Contractor;



(iii) if any portion or the Plantor Works islon or d.amaged from a caus~ for whic:h the Cotatraeto.r ilnot. respo.Giihle b7•irtu.e of •u.b·p~opht (a) {i) or (o) (ii) htl'eOf. the lost or damage thaU, if H'q'Uired by thc ~haur, be mado pod. hy the Conttactor at the expe.rue or the Purchuer.

Jn tdpe<t o( darnage to the Puxh.uer"• property othcr than the Workt1 the Contn.c:l.Qr thall indemn.i(y the Purchatü" lo the extent lhat auch damage was cauted by the Cootractor, or by the failurt! o( cquipment or tools proTided by the Contractor far the pu.rpote of tl1e erection. if tho ci~unuWlc~ thow that the Cootnc:tor f.ailc:d to ute proper akiU and C&.ft.

(i) Jn rtipect of p«"nonAl inju:ry. thc: rnpecU:~e liabUhies of lht Pa.rchuer and of the Contraetor towuds the iajured pertOD thall be goveroed by the law of th~ cou.otry when the inju.ry oc:auTed;

( ii) if the in1ur~ penon bringt ~ ~m againtt thc Purehattr, the Co:n-:actor !h"ll indemn.ify the Purchuer apiott auch daim t.o the extent that th«! m1ury was due to ony o( the cautet menboned an tuh~pa:nrraph (b) hel"f::f;

(iii) i( tho penon bringt .a elaim 8fainst the Contnctor, the Purehilftor thaU, to the e.xte.nt pennltt.ed by the law o! the country where tht injury OCCUJ'f'ed, indemwfy the Contn.ctor -«:.unst suchclt.un M•e to the exte.nt that, by the o~tion of tub·pan.g:taph c~) (iil hereof, the ContraQtOr would haYe betn liGble to indcm.oily th.e Pure-.huu bad the clatm been brought aga~nst the'r

(J ) In rc1peet o( dam•«.e to pTOpnty of third pa.ttau, fhe ptOf'iciont of tub·~ph (c) henof shallapply mutatit mutandit.

(•) The provitions of this p•nKnph shall app1J' to the act• or omi•icns of the ret~ti•e .crvanu of the putiet u thC)' apply to thc oc·tt or omluion• orthe parties thcmtcl~es. Prowjded alway• that uret~et.t tctJ or omaulons of th.e additionAllabour provJdcd by thc Purchaser in accordance with po.ntr4ph 14. 1. the Contnctor thaU be Jiable for t.hc COOt<eqUC!:DCH or auch oroert &ad inst:roetion.s u have betP inc:oneedy giTtn,,nadequntely txpl"e$ted or &~ve.n to a personnot pu.rponiPg to poslds the necet.UlJ quDlifications.

1A.2. Jn order toev•il h_imse-1( ofhi~ l'ights undertub~pa.ragraphs (e) a.nd (J) of puagraph 2A. I the party t«•intt whorn a i~ mad.o mwt notify thc ochtor ot such claim and mus:t permit the other, ti the other 10 withet, «J cond.uct aU ne&OtiatiOllJ tot tho .ett.lement of such claim and to act io his ttC'•d or, to the utent ptrmitttd by the law of the country where th6 actian it broucht, to join in Jueh Htiption.

24.5. Any Jimit.tion or the indemn.itict paya.bTe hy (lither pa:rt)' by virtue of thit clawe •hall he •• Stilted in P*-'llPPh I of the Appe.ndiz.

24.+-. The pTO•isionJ of this Clause thall •pply equa11y while tht Cont:rac:tor ls on the Jite in fulfilme-nt of an Obligation under CltUJe Z3.


15.1. The foUowing shall be conside~d •• cuc:s or relief it chey interrenealte-r the rorn1ation or tlto Cootnct aocl impede its perform&Dee: indUJtrial dispulel and any oth~r C! (e.,. rU"e, mobilhoa.tlon, n:quiJitron, em~rgo, curre.nq MttrictiOOI, i.nJtuTection, thOrt..«e ot tnnsport, gcnual thort.t.go of mat~rialt a.nd rettric&ions in the ute of power) wht!:n auch othu ciret.lrnttaoe.t ue beyond th.e oontrol or the pa.rtie•.

lJ .. z. The puty withing to clailn.. ri!li~f by re.uon of a.ny of th«'- cl.rcumtt:an<:n •h•ll notify th~ pa.rty in writing- wi.tbout de.laJ on the iote"tntion and on the cesaat100 lha.reof.

15.3. The «'-lfecll of the toid circ:urnstaru::es, ao fu u they atfect the timely perform.ance o( their obligations by the parties, a,re de..fincd itt Clauses 10, ll, 20 -.nd 22. Save u prorided in paraJn~ph.s 10. 2, 11. 7 and 20. S, if. by reason o( any of the said c:.ircumJ\alltet, the performanee oC the Contnet witltin a l't!atotMblc time bccomH imponible, eitht!r party 1h..U be e.ntided to te.rminat.o the Contract Dy notiee '" writing to the oth~r parC.)' \Vhhout rtquirtf'lg lhe con.ent or any Court.

15..... TC the tef'n'\inated ln accordance with pa.ragraph 5 ht-reo(, the divi .. ion of Lhe expens~ ineurred. in retpect of the Contract thall be dttermi.ned by a.gTtement. be-tweeo thc paruct.

15.5. In detault of apeemel'lt it thaU be determined by the AJ'hitntor which party hu becn pre•entcd rrom perfonni111 hit obUgat.iom •nd tlut party •hDll refund to the othtT the amount of the taid expenaet mcurnd by the otht:r Jeu a.tay amount to be credited in aeeor· d•nee with p.o.ragraph. 7 h~.reo(, or, wherc the amouRt to he ao Cftdited exe»eds the amown of •uch upentH, shall be enUtled to n:cower the exc~n.

lf thl! arbiuator det4rmin~• thalbolh parti~• ha•e ~ prevent.ed Crom ~rCormi111 tl-teir ob1~ations1 he shalJ apportion tho hid e:xpenj(!l betwt'f'n the parti" in Juc:h mannecr u to hun teemt a.nd reuooable, having reprd. to all the cil'C!Umstanc:e:s oC Lhe c ... e.

'25.6. For the purpotes or this Cleute 11C:X~met" m~ • 0\ll•Of .. poeket e.xpeöMt rcuooa.bly iöcWTed both putie-t thall h .. e mitigtted th~ir losSK •• iar u potsiblc. Provided that •• re•pects Plant delh·e~d to the tho Cootractor'• expemes thall be dHmcd to be that put of tho price payable undcr the Contract whieh is properly attributable thereto, d.ue aeeount bciOJ ta.keo o( a»y work. donein the e.rec-tioo of tueh PlanL

15~7. There 1hall be credlted to the Purehuer against the Contraetor's upensea alJ rum• paJd or payable under tho Cobt.ract by the PurehaRr 10 the ContractoT.

Thtn shall be crediled to the Contn.ttor apimt lhe fW'chater"a expeniet that pa.rt of the price payabJe under thc Contract whic:h i.t p-ropc.l'ly attribu1able to Plant dell1cred. to tho Purcho.ser or, in the c&ae of an incomplet.e u..nit, the walue ofsuch PlAnt h&'Ving rtgucl to ils ancompltte ~tale. In tithtr ease- due account thall be taken o( any worlc. done in the •rection of 1ueb


26.1. Whe-re <eithcr p.,-tyisliable in d•map to the other, thu.e shaU not excHd the. d1.ma1e which the part:y in ddault could rusona.hly haf"O forescen at the time of the (ormation O( tht Contnc:t.

l6.Z. The puty who scu: up • breac:h or Contract ahall be uode:r a duty to all oeceJsary mt .. tuft to miti1at.e the IOta which hu oeeurred proYided that he c:oo do so \.,.ithout ~nrw::uoWle inconw$ or <»tt. Should ho fail to do ao, tbo puty (Uihy o( the breach rnay claim a t"eductioo in the datna,es.


21.1. Terminauoo of the Cont:raet1 Crom wha~vn et~wo a.rbi»g, dWl be without. pNjudice lO the rigbtt of the parlies acc.rued under the Contract up to lhe time of tenniuatio.o.

l8. ARBITRATION AND LAW APPLICABLE :21.1. An1 ditpute a:rü out of the Ccmtnct •hall be .6nally .Httled, in aceordt.nee with the Rulet o( Conciliatioo Arbitratio.n of tbe

Intematlonal Chambe.r of Comme:rce, by cme or more arbi&ratcm defipat.ed iD conf'or.mity with thOH Rule..

21.Z. Unlns otberwise aped. the Coatract thall, to rar as it penninible the law of t.ho eountry where the Worb cae ca.rried out. .be pcme:d by t.bc Jaw of the Cootnctor'r country.

18.5. If the parties expl'nlly tO a.greo, but not othcrwiae, the ubitnton thaiJ, in gi~ their ru.liDg, aet u uniabie-s composit.enn.


(Tobe comploled by porllu to lho Conlrad)

A. Maximum amowa.t re<:OYe.nhle on tuminatioo by Contn.ctor for ü.ilure to tako deliYOJ'Y or müe payment. • . . • . . . . . .

B. Ras.e ofintctrett oa OYerdue paymentl • • • • • • . • . •

0. Period o! d.elay iD pa.ym~nt au.thori'ling tamination by ContractoJ'

D. p...,...'"«" to he dedueted for eaeh we<>k's delay . . . • . • .

E. Maximum pucentage which the deductioasllbon may oot exceed .

P. amowu. reccn"«rable tOT DOD•completion • • • . . .

G. Muimum pottpcmemuto! takiJ:I€'0•fl!' *'-' hy Contn:ctor • . •

H. G\l.&l"Q)\ee Poriocl for origioal Work.t aQ.4 p.aru replaced or renewed

l. Maximum ioftmuitin for penooa.l iojury or dama«o. . .

1. {1) Daily wo of Plont • • • • • • • • • • • . • • •

(2) l\ed~OD o( Gu.o.ra.ntee Perioc:l for moN inteNivo use.

Best•II·Nt v( 118623


IO.Z. & II. 7.

11. 7.




20. s. 22. 5.

23.Z. & 23.5.

24. 5.

23 .•• 23 ••.

(U. the oped ~ru·y)

pn eeot per annum


% % (U. the oped •WTODCJ)

w .. u


(in the agn:ed eum,.•ty)

ounf dat

Apnl 2001 enal




Pa - 6oal price for iu.oici.D«

P, - P, (a + I>~ +~) 100 Mo s.

P, - Initial prioe ot pdo, u otipulated iD the eootn.ct ond u prt•alli., ot lhe date ot --------------- (I)

M1 - moe.n {~) o( the prica {or price i.ndica) !or (type of mate.riall ccmoerned) -------------------

.. .,.,ht ponod-----------------------------------(5) M, - pri- (or pnC4 incti ... ) for the- mattriw atlht dot4 llipulated .U.O... !0< P,.

s. - m ..... (2) or lht woc• (inchJdinc tO<:i&l<h.arc .. > or ........... inctic:ot <•> ia .... ptct o( ______________ _

(optelfyco..,..._ orw-.r and -w ......,_> .. ., .a. ponod __________________ (5)

s, - ...... (iDdu<li"f -w chuceo) or nlc ... t Iod.- (4) io '"ptct or the ..", ... ..,..._ at tht dal4 oupulated a1>oo. !or Po,

(• + b + • - 100)

a - fi.rtd pl'Opor'UOO ------------------------b - pt:rctotace proportion of matuiab

o - poroe•t4C• proportiOll o.f w- (includJ., ooclolchorg .. ) •

W' l:lltOIMUJ, b (&Dcl ita.eed be-, c) ca.n be broku down anto u ma.ny partial puceuYfes (b1, b1 , b, ____ ) •• the:re an .,u;,.bt•

taba iDIO aC<OW>I (b1 + + bD - b).

DOCUIIEI'ITATIOI'I For tbe ....,_ o( dc,.rmi.oiDc lht ... _ of mattrialo and ..., ... the parti•.,... to -lh• toUowonc documcota

utoarOMorm~ :

I. Mattrialo: pnC41 (or pricoladi.,..)---------------------------------------{tJpt ot .,.ttriaJo)

pui>Uohed bJ--------------""""' tba heodillp'------------i. Wac•: ...... (iadudil>s reloted oocialcwc•> (or ...... .,., iodi ... )

pW>Ilobad bJ--------------'W>dcr lhe beadu>r-----------(5)

8 .... r.,. ~ lbe 0..... [D the o.ue o!pu11al doli•erin which..,.. in•oieed..-pante11, lhe f'i.nal price 1hall be ealoul.l.ted wpa.n.tely

rcn- eaob •uoh doUnry.

P...W .t c"Ueeeloo •I the Qa-. The r8T'l.ioo daute 1laU co•t.r the do.h"'ry pcriocl (u:ed io tbe oontn.ct, C.O,.ther with a.oy ext.em.ion

t.hereof p.ntad u.nder Clau.e 20. 2. but 1h.all in ao c:a. applJ a.fier the date on which the wol"k i.t eompleted.

'f.a. er• PrieM •haU oo\ be re..ued ulM the apphcaticm oC th• formula producu • pl.w: or mi:nut 'ft!'\&tioa of _ ___ _ (6)

........ a.- Jtlha ptnlto wioh tba nrioioa forMula 14 bt •dJ.,.I4dor nploccd b7• mor• • ...,..,. ""'hod ofcalculauoo w~ tho pl"'

or DUDUI •uution ~•eetdf. a certal.D ~ tlleJ thaU ~ly 10 ect'"·

(1) Jl tlf I ...... U..1lt * ,.,.U..IIDoaU.- fu- .....,......,, - U..latöal..,..... ~ P" •1 tbe i.aS.., * .. lt"tltl ... Mt al U ..-tiw ...... n.. ........ tiM~ pr1ce- CIDII&., prt(".baa. t:ra.atpWt .... ....._....,..

<•> .ut~ .. -b .... (S) S,..a17 UM 4at.o• ,...W. ..t:.ic:h 1C1o<1 be ~ • ..,.._ or tiM wbool. fll lM .eli'fef1' pcrio4. (4) u locü ...w ..................... tiM IoM&, ......... - ... ..... _,., ...... (s) ~ ,...ttn, ...,.'k*'b" eo tiM~_..~ ln(IMC:IiM .OOW4 be U...S •h.r • ,._.bla. (4) StM UM ,.....:u.tarp phv or mla.UJ ~ wbJdt. fll\llt be ......., be:tore 0.. tormula 111 •pplie4. eaat

• LM\\' ISS A

ANNEX auached to tht ECE Genen! CondlllonJ for lhe Suppl) and Erff tlon

of Plant a nd Machlntr) for Import and E<port b) tbe German Capflal Goods lndustry *)

The proV~sions hereinaller enumerated contam tbe data provided form the -Appendix" oftbe General Condl· toons for Supply and Erecuon as "eil as other supple­menlal)' stipulations b<:t,.cen tht Pa"'es 10 tbe Con-11'1\tt.

ln the C8>C of d!verg1ng mtcrpretat10ns of 1he German ond the Eng!Jsh lextS. 1he Ocrman tc•t shall prevail.

I. Ad Art. I .-\II supulations of tbe Panoe> 10 lht Contract must be made in "nting in ordertobe valid

2. Ad Art. 3 The cLlta referred 10 in an. 3 pam I 'hall not be binding cxccpt where il is ••pressly so shpulated in the Con­tmct.

4. Ad Art. 9 lf tht Contractor. 1n tbe case of a salc Mex \\1lrlcs", and upon rtqutst by tbe Pun:ha..~. undenalt"" to send tbe Plant to 11> destinauon. the n,Jo. 'hall p3$$ 10 tbe Pur­cha....:r upon delivery to the fir;t camer. provoded !hat thos date •• pnor 10 the da1e 1nd1ea1ed on an. 9 para 2.

ff the Purchaser, in 1he casc of a safe "ex works", fails to take dehvery of the Plant on thc ground of one of lhc corcums1ances refcrred 10 111 nn. 25, the risk shall pn;s to the Purch•scr not later thnn at the date thos corcwnstance appears.

4 . .\d Art. 10 rhe maxomum amount of dam31)C> pronded for under art I 0 para 2. Append" para A. shall be 25% of the pricc payablc under the Controct. wb1ch os properly nnributable 10 the particulor portoon of the Plant. Thc Purchll!>Cr shall be entitled 10 provc that fewer dam3gc has occurred to the Contmctor

5. Ad Art. II The Contractor shall bc cnlltled 10 n:fu.;e performance ol; .tue 10 a circurnstance that originated aller the for­rnatiOn of thc Conuact. he has rca.son 10 fear tbat he may not reccive the pcrformanoe of the Purcbaser completcly and in time (an. I I Jlllr.l S}.

The rate of intere.t (an. II para 7. Appendi• para B) 'hall be 8 pen:entage potnl> abovc tbe rate of tbe matn n:financiog facilny of tbe Eunapean Ceoll'l\1 Bank on fon:c on tbe due date of paym<.>nt. Tht add1tiooal penod 'hall be fixed at one month (an. II para 7, Appendix para C); tbe ma.•unum amount of damages (an. II para 7. Appendox para A) shall bc 25'/• of tbe price payabfe undcr the Contract. whoch " propcrly anributable 10 the panocular portion of thc Plant Tht Purchoser shall be cntitled to prove that fewcr darnage has occurred 10 the Contractor.

6. Ad Art. 20 1t 'hall be a funher pn:requi>Ote of tbe begoM1ng of tbe penod of completion (art 20 para I) that agJ'UtllCnt mu.'t be rcacbed wuh respe<:t 10 oll tecbnical qucsuons which at thc time the Contract was entered into the Pnr· lies bad decided 10 senle by subscquent negotiations. nnd that any offieial authorilllllon whicb may be re­qu1red for the fulfilment of the obligntions of the Con­tractor must have been issued

Tht price reduction (art. 20 para 3. Appendix paras 0 and E) sball amountto 0.5% for each complete "eel but 'hall not exceed a toul of 5'~

ln the case of an. 20 pam 5 (Appcndi.• para F) thc Par· ttcs should come to an amocoble ngreement. Tbc amount of damagcs sball corre.>pond w1th the circumslllnces of the particular casc: it shall keep \\1thm the Iimits of 5 and 25% of the price payablc under the Conuact, which " properly atm'bu13ble to the portion of the Works whoch for delay of c:ompletton could not b<: properly used; any funher darnage will onlr be compensated on the case of intent. grO>s negligence or negligent breach of a condnion that goc:• 10 thc rool of tbe Conii'I\Ct ("We'>Cntliche Vertrag<pfl~<ht") accordong to Clause 13 of th1~ Annex.

7. Ad Art. 21 Takmg-over testS (an 21 para I) ~hall not be camed out exeept where it IS expre, so Sllpulated m the Contract

8. Ad Art. U Thc ume for postpon<mcnt 10 be agn:ed 10 by the Parti<, on accordaoce with art 22 para 3 sc:ntence 1. shall not cxcccd 3 months.

The tune a. pro\ldcd in an .. ll para 3b (Appcn.l.­para GI 'hall not exc.~ 3 wttlc. and shall leep W1lh1n thc hm•h of lhc pmod of 3 momhs a:. sllpulated 10 the pr«;cdmg panlgl'llph

The 11m< fhed by lhe Purcbascr from wh1ch l<lkmg· over tcsts can be camed out must be cho>en m '""h a w•y as 10 perm11 lhe Contraclor 10 comply w llh thc above tenn~.

9. Ad Art. 23 The Purchaser shall mfonn the Con1rnc1or what pro· tcctivc tle\·Jcts he requires against dangeN origamH1ng trom thc u..e of the Plant or the Worh. They shall be dch•cred at the l'un;haser's own e'pcn.<c if bo1h Par· ucs ha1.c agrecd on the kind and the s.:opc ot lhe pro­'"'""" dc"""' 10 be deh'~ FOJiurc 10 deh\er other protcct"e dcvice> shatl not be deeroed 10 be a dcfo.-.:1 (811. 23 para 1 ),

The Guaralllee Period (an. 23 para 2. Appcndl\ pan1 II) 'hall be 12 month<o, provided !hat no othcr Guaran· tcc Period has been expressly agreed upon in lhc Con· tracl

1 hc dnily usc of tllc Works (kn. 23 parn 4. Appc:nd1~ parn Jl •hall bc lixcd at 8 hours: if the Worb nrc used morc mtcnsively thc Gunrnntce Period shall bc rc· dU<Cd OC<Ordingly,

Tbc frcsh GuarJntce Pcnod (an. 23 pam 5. ,\ppendl\ para Ii I'' tixcd at 0 monlh> .

:-;c:uhcr shall1be Conuactor be hablc ""h rcspcct IO manuf.,.1urcd good> supphed by lhc Purchascr (an 23 para I 2).

Unk.- otherw•se agrced, all ela•ms of the Purclu"er based on defcch shall e'p1re 12 monlhs aller asseM1on of thc defcctiVcncss, except wbere they havc bccn rccuwutcd b) the Contntctor or wbcre thc Purch<1scr has bmught an uction or msututed arburnhon procccd· lOHS JltiOr lo thc exp1ry of the umc-lunu (art. 23 paro 13)

For all olhcr co>es. Clause 13 of this Annex ~hall op· ply a<eordmgl) (an. 23, No. 14).

10. \d An. 24 The rnaxunwn damagcs for dan .. ge to propeny shall not e'cccd 15°> of 1he total pnce of deh\cl)' payablc Wider 1he Comrac1 (an. 24 para 3, ,.\ppend" para ll. 03mages tor propcny shall in tota.l not e'cccd the amount of Euro I 00.000. For all other cascs. Clausc: I J of thi> Atme\ •hall apply accordmgly.

II. concerniog Art. 26 Dcletc an. 26 para I

12. Ad Ar1. 28 Thc Contrac1 shall bc govcmed by German Ia" (an. 28 para 2)

13. Ex<lusion or otber cla irm lodgcd b) the 13. Purebasu All further claims lodgcd by 1hc Purcha;;er, abovc all clauns to make good any los' or damagc from "hatever cause arising. including damage not occurring 10 the Plant or Works them.sclvcs. shall be excluded. whAtever legal ground may be underl}'lng su•h chum.s.

The said cxclusion of liabihty sholl not apply m case of in1en1 or gros> negligcn~c on thc pnrt of owner or his cxccullves. m lhe casc of negllgcncc cuusmg damage to hfc, body or heahh. nor 10 casc' of negligcnl brench of a condnion wbicb goes 10 thc root of the Con1roct ("We­!i<mthcbe Venragspfl1chlen")

ln l"""" ofnegligenl breach (I{ a condn•on \\hldt goes 10 the roo1 of the Contract 1"\\ csenthchc VenragspflJch· tcn") the Conuac1or sball be hublc <>nly cxcep1 1n

cases of 1010111 or gross neght:cncc on lhe pan of the owner or h1< exccuu,cs - for rcasonably fore:.eeable damage wilJch is mlrins•c to thc Controct

1-;or docs the sa1d cxclus•on •pply 10 eMcs of stncl Ji. ob•lny. under thc Product l.inb1llly Act (Produkt· haflungsgcsetZ). for delects of lhc l'roduct cnusing dealh or personal IDJUry. or dnmagc 10 ncm• ol propcny thnt nrc used privatcly. Funhcrmorc, thc '"'d exclusion of linb11ity shall not apply 1n thc casc of domngc duo to froudulent concealnren1 or dcspne spo.-.:1fic I.'Uarantecs.

• ) April 2002