agate.docx gist

Agate: The stone is known to rebalance and harmonize the body, mind and spirit. It is also known to cleanse and stabilize the aura, banishing negativity. Agate is believed to stimulate and strengthen our analytical capabilities, encouraging us to think clearly and concentrate upon the task at hand. It’s also believed that the stone allows us to gain inspiration from spiritual worlds. Amazonite (Green) : The bright coloured stone is known to heal the throat chakra, encourage communication, and support the thyroid. It’s also known to help balance and regulate calcium deficiencies, while alleviating cramps and muscular spasms. It’s believed to offer benefits that sooth and harmonize the nervous system. It’s also believed to dispel worries, fears, anger and irritation, at the same time as balancing mood swings. Amazonite is often turned to for encouragement to take charge of one’s life and connect with one’s inner power. Amethyst: Wearing the stone is believed to provide one with stability, strength, inspiration, and a true sense of peace, along with increased spiritual power. In addition, the stone is believed to enhance the immune system, as well as purify blood. It’s also beneficial for the stomach and liver. Aquamarine: The stone flows as water and therefore may help with the flow of life. Aquamarine is believed to reduce feelings of embarrassment, strengthen optimism, and the ability to express oneself. It’s also known to help eliminate unnatural fears while sharpening mental purity. The stone is known to be very calming. It’s also said to affect and potentially heal the eyes, and throat area. Aventurine (Green): The stone is known to protect, activate, and clear the heart chakra. Those with heart problems often turn to the stone’s healing qualities of strength and stability. Green Aventurine not only encourages regeneration, but is also thought to be a stone of comfort and balance. Carnelian (Agate): It’s known to protect wearers from all kinds of negativity. It’s also known to help focus the mind, and aid in decision making. The stone is believed to have a cooling effect on the body. It’s also believed to increase stamina and self confidence. Chalcedony: The stone is believed to increase dreaming, amplify good will, and provide happiness and joy. It’s said to decrease negative attitude, and ease depression. The stone may also be used as a mental balancer.

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Post on 15-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Agate.docx Gist

Agate: The stone is known to rebalance and harmonize the body, mind and spirit. It is also known to

cleanse and stabilize the aura, banishing negativity. Agate is believed to stimulate and strengthen

our analytical capabilities, encouraging us to think clearly and concentrate upon the task at hand. It’s

also believed that the stone allows us to gain inspiration from spiritual worlds.

Amazonite (Green) : The bright coloured stone is known to heal the throat chakra, encourage

communication, and support the thyroid. It’s also known to help balance and regulate calcium

deficiencies, while alleviating cramps and muscular spasms. It’s believed to offer benefits that sooth

and harmonize the nervous system. It’s also believed to dispel worries, fears, anger and irritation, at

the same time as balancing mood swings. Amazonite is often turned to for encouragement to take

charge of one’s life and connect with one’s inner power.

Amethyst: Wearing the stone is believed to provide one with stability, strength, inspiration, and a

true sense of peace, along with increased spiritual power. In addition, the stone is believed to

enhance the immune system, as well as purify blood. It’s also beneficial for the stomach and liver.

Aquamarine: The stone flows as water and therefore may help with the flow of life. Aquamarine is

believed to reduce feelings of embarrassment, strengthen optimism, and the ability to express

oneself. It’s also known to help eliminate unnatural fears while sharpening mental purity. The stone

is known to be very calming. It’s also said to affect and potentially heal the eyes, and throat area.

Aventurine (Green): The stone is known to protect, activate, and clear the heart chakra. Those with

heart problems often turn to the stone’s healing qualities of strength and stability. Green Aventurine

not only encourages regeneration, but is also thought to be a stone of comfort and balance.

Carnelian (Agate): It’s known to protect wearers from all kinds of negativity. It’s also known to help

focus the mind, and aid in decision making. The stone is believed to have a cooling effect on the

body. It’s also believed to increase stamina and self confidence.

Chalcedony: The stone is believed to increase dreaming, amplify good will, and provide happiness

and joy. It’s said to decrease negative attitude, and ease depression. The stone may also be used

as a mental balancer.

Chrysocolla: The multi-coloured stone is known to balance the body and mind. It’s also known to

ease guilt and relieve emotional pain. Chrysocolla is believed to increase the ability to love and

understand others. In addition, it’s believed to help clean the liver, kidneys, and spleen, and balance

sugar levels in blood.

Citrine: The stone is believed to stimulate the brain and strengthen intellect, while promoting new

ideas and creativity. It’s also known as a stone of abundance and prosperity, and is thought to aid in

one acquiring wealth and keeping it. The stone is also believed to encourage joy and enthusiasm.

Citrine is ideal for those who often feel tired and drained, and is said to aid in providing an energy

boost. It is also said to benefit the kidneys, bladder, stomach, pancreas, and spleen.

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Garnet: Garnet promotes vigor and vitality, and is a sexual stimulant, also known to calm anger and

increase will power. Many believe it aids in stimulating circulation, especially in the lungs, skin, and

intestines. It’s also known to be good for finance.

Gold: Gold is believed to purify and provide energy for the physical body. It’s said to help in the

rehabilitation of the body. Many believe it strengthens the nervous system and balances the heart


Honey Opal: The stone is said to help express inner feelings of happiness and confidence, and is

often called the “good luck” stone. Honey Opal is believed to strengthen awareness of feelings and

institution. It’s also said to increase the ability to make money, and encourage good work


Iolite: The gemstone has a soft energy. It’s believed to influence the area of the throat and head.  It

has been associated with calming an active mind, and therefore may ease nightmares and sleeping

problems. It’s believed to be good for communication. And is said to bring inner harmony, leading to

a better relationship.

Jade: Jade is known as the dream stone, and is said to enable understanding of dreams. Jade is

believed to beam love, courage, chastity, and wisdom. At the same time, it’s said to reduce

negativity, and increase the ability to express oneself. It’s known to balance emotion, provide

comforting energy, endurance, and peace. In addition, Jade is believed to help the body heal itself,

increase flexibility, and strengthen the heart, eyes, kidneys, and immune system. The stone is also

associated in aiding with mental problems, purifying blood, encouraging a long life.

Green Jasper: It’s a stone of balance, known to harmonize the heart chakra. It’s also believed to

help boost the immune system and aid in the detoxification of the body’s system, and has been

linked to dispelling bloating.

Howlite: The white howlite stone is believed to help teach patience, and overcome self criticism. It is

also a very calming stone used to relieve stress of all kinds. It makes an excellent antidote to

insomnia due to an overactive mind.

Jasper Red: The gemstone is known for its balance, and ability to ground the base chakra,

bestowing courage and willpower to achieve ones goals. It’s believed to stimulate circulation and

increase energy. It’s also said to treat disorders of the intestines.

Jasper Picture: The stone is believed to provide harmony and increase creativity.

Lava: The stone was used by American Indians when entering battle for its qualities of strength and

clarity. It’s believed to provide strength (physical and mental) when facing difficult situations.

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Leopard Skin: The stone is known for its abilities to strengthen intuition and creativity. It’s also

known to ease situations of hopelessness, and help find solutions. Many believe the stone aids in

treating skin allergies.

Moon Stone: Moon Stone is believed to provide balance, and relieve the feeling of hopelessness. It

also serves as an emotional stabilizer. It’s believed to increase intuition and is good for harmonious

relationships. The stone is also associated with relieving asthma, cleaning the lymphs, and aiding

the pancreas and spleen.

Obsidian: It’s known for stabilizing and balancing the body. Obsidian is believed to purify a negative

atmosphere, and remove toxins from one’s body. It’s also believed to be an excellent stone for pain

relief of arthritis, muscular aches and spasms. Removing shock and trauma that arises after injury,

while improving circulation, are other qualities the stone is thought to provide.

Onyx: Onyx is associated with resistance and persistence — helping the wearer manage and

complete tasks with focus, will power, strength, confidence and discipline. Representing the Earth

element, it's also known for balancing male and female polarity and increasing hormonal balance.

The black stone is said to help with objectivity and making intelligent decisions. It's recommended

during times of pain and sorrow.  In addition, it’s believed to help strengthen one’s bones. 

Pearls: Pearls symbolize purity, and stimulate the mind in clarity and wisdom. They are believed to

enhance personal integrity and help focus one’s attention. It has been said that it increases fertility

and eases childbirth, at the same time as increasing physical vitality.

Prehnite: The green stone is known to increase energy and provide protection. Many associate the

stone with its qualities of inducing deep meditation, as it's said to enhance visualization and inner

knowledge. It can also help to bring you into harmony with nature and the elemental forces. Many

believe it helps in terms of understanding problems and situations. In addition, prehnite is linked to

being beneficial for the kidneys, bladder and the heart.

Pyrite: The stone is good when used with other stones. Pyrite is known to be good for memory, and

providing a positive view to life. It’s also believed to be good against depression. The stone is said to

assist in regulating the digestive system, strengthening oxygen and blood, and increasing the

functioning of the brain.

Quartz Crystal: The stone is believed to increase spiritual wisdom and insight, and promote clarity

of thought. It’s also believed to increase one’s intuition and amplify prayers. In addition, Quartz

Crystal is known to be good for treating headaches, dizziness and general pain relief, as well as

healing emotional wounds.

Rose Quartz: The pinkish stone is known for its many qualities, including its ability to open the

heart, enhance creativity, and heal emotional wounds and broken hearts. Considered the love stone,

it’s also believed to be beneficial to the circulatory system and aid in relieving anxiety.

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Smokey Quartz: It’s associated with the solar plexus chakra, and known as an excellent ground

stone. Many believe it aids in relieving stress and anxiety, while calming a hyperactive mind.

Smokey Quartz is also said to disperse fear and lift depression and negativity, while encouraging

positive thought and action. Others associate the stone with detoxifying the digestive system, and

protecting against radiation.

Silver: The element is believed to increase fluent speech during conversation, and stimulate self

observation. It’s also believed to encourage and ease the implementation of different tasks while

expanding perception and comprehension. In addition, some use it to help treat Jaundice.

Turquoise: The stone is known to strengthen the whole body, promote the absorption of nutrients,

tissue regeneration, and circulation. It’s also known to protect from harmful environmental pollutants

and poisons. It is believed to save the wearer from problems on a journey or adventure. It is also

believed to destroy hatred and increase love.

Unakite: The stone is known to balance the body’s emotions and the adjustment of high spiritual

powers. It’s believed to help find the real cause for diseases and problems. Unakite is also known to

help balance and strengthen the heart area.

Rudraksha: The beads, which are sustainably harvested on trees in South East Asia, are known to

increase clarity and general awareness, calm the central nervous system, help quiet the mind and

free negative thought. In addition, they are known to be cooling when worn against the skin, and

increase immunity, energy and stamina while providing rejuvenating qualities.

Rudrani: The small Rudrani beads have similar properties to Rudraksha, but are known for

representing the ability to manifest Shakti, the active and dynamic energy of the divine female

power. Wearing Rudrani and Rudraksha together helps to harmonize the energies of male/female

relationships, as well as the feminine and masculine within the individual.

Tulsi: Coming from the stem of the plant, Tulsi is said to be the most sacred wood for japa

meditation. It's also believed to increase the spiritual power of mantras — thus increasing devotion

and spiritual growth of an individual. Tulsi is also referred to as a manifestation of Lakshmi, the

goddess of wealth.

*These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The results are

the sole responsibility of the wearer*

Agate : For rebalancing and harmonizing body, mind and spirit. It also cleanses and

stabilizes the aura, banishing negativity. Stimulates and strengthens our analytical

capabilities, encouraging us to think clearly and concentrate upon the task at hand. Allows

us to gain inspiration from spiritual words.

Amazonite (green) : Heals the throat chakra, encouraging communication, and supports

the thyroid. Helps to balance and regulate calcium deficiencies, and alleviates cramps and

Page 5: Agate.docx Gist

muscular spasms. For soothing and harmonizing the nervous system, dispelling worries,

fears, anger and irritation, balancing mood swings, it encourages us to take charge of our

own lives and connect to our own inner power.

Amber : Pacifies the mind, protecting you from mental imbalance. Protects against black

magic or evil spirits. Good for any throat problem. Lifts ones heaviness of burdens allowing

happiness and strengthening of the heart.

Amethyst : Wearing it gives one stability strength, inspiration and a true sense of peace. It

enhances the immune system and is a blood purifier, good for stomach and liver.

Strengthens spiritual power.

Aventurine : It protects, activates and clears the heart chakra. For treating heart problems

on account of its ability to strengthen and stabilize the heart. Encourages regeneration. A

stone of comfort and balance.

Carnelian : Protects wearer from all kind of negativity. Helps to focus mind, aids in decision

making. Has a cooling effect on the body. Increases stamina and self confidence.

Chrysoprase : Opens, activates and energizes the heart chakra, enabling it to mend a

broken heart,  heal relationships and to transmute jealousy, envy, greed, selfishness and

grief into positive emotions.

Citrine : For stimulating the brain and strengthening the intellect, it promotes new ideas

and creativity. Also known as a stone for abundance and prosperity, it can help to acquire

wealth and keep it. It encourages joy and enthusiasm and is ideal for tired and drained

bodies, boosting your energy. It benefits kidneys, bladder, stomach, pancreas and spleen.

Garnet : Promotes vigor and vitality and is a sexual stimulant. Calms anger and increases

will power. Stimulates circulation, especially in lungs, skin and intestines. Also good for


Jasper Green: Stone of balance, harmonizes the heart chakra. Helps boost the immune

system and detoxifying the body’s system.

Jasper Red: Balances & grounds the base chakra, bestowing courage and willpower to

achieve ones goals. For stimulating circulation and increasing energy. Also to treat disorders

of the intestines.

Jasper Picture : Provides harmony and increases creativity.

Lapis Lazuli : Enhances self expression, creativity and insight. Valued by seekers of truth

for its ability to quiet and purify the mind. Protects against negative influences. Associated

with truthfulness, openness, love, purification and integrity in relationships. Helps with

urinary tract problems, nervous system, and inflammation.

Lava : Used by American Indians when entering battle for strength and clarity. Gives

strength (physical and mental) when facing difficult situations.

Obsidian : For stabilizing and balancing. Protects from physical and emotional psychic

attack. Purifies a negative atmosphere. Can remove toxins from body. An excellent stone for

pain relief of arthritis and alleviates muscular aches and spasms. Removes shock and

trauma that arises after injury. Improves circulation.

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Pearls : Symbolizes purity and stimulates the mind in clarity and wisdom. It enhances

personal integrity and helps to focus ones attention. It has been said that it increases

fertility and eases childbirth. Increases physical vitality.

Prehnite : Increases energy and provides protection. Helps to understand problems and

situations. Eases feelings of anger and strengthens heart. Good for kidneys and bladder.

Quartz : Increases spiritual wisdom, insight and clarity of thought. Useful to heal emotional

wounds. Increases intuition and amplifies prayers. Good for treating headaches, dizziness

and general pain relief.

Quartz Rose : Serves to open the heart, enhance creativity, and heal emotional wounds

and broken hearts. Considered the love stone, beneficial to the circulatory system and aids

in relieving anxiety.

Quartz Smoky : For the solar plexus chakra and an excellent ground stone. For relieving

stress and anxiety. Calms a hyperactive mind. Disperses fear & lifts depression and

negativity. Encourages positive thought and action. Good for the digestive system

and detoxifying your body. Protects against radiation.

Rhodochrosite : For the heart chakra. Regulates the heart beat. Stabilizes the pulse,

balances the blood pressure and stimulates the circulation. It opens up the heart, lifting

depression and encourages a positive and cheerful attitude to life. Prompt spontaneity, good

to express feelings. Stone of love & passion. Believed to have the power to attract one’s soul

mate. Stimulate the mind and encourages creativity and innovation. It can relieve migraines,

thyroid imbalance, as well as intestinal problems.

Tigers Eye : For the solar plexus chakra. Brings together energies of heaven & earth, to lift

our vibrations. Dispels fear and anxiety, counteracts feeling of hypochondria.

Turquoise : Strengthens whole body, promotes absorption of nutrients, tissue regeneration

and circulation. Protects from harmful environmental pollutants and poisons. Saves the

wearer from problems on a journey or adventure. Destroys hatred and increases love.