afts'wef i/.tf class---€¦ · name afts'wef i/.tf reviewfor six week test class--- 2nd six weeks...

Name Afts'Wef I/.tf Review for Six Week Test Class --- 2 nd Six Weeks Graph the figure with the given vertices. Then graph the image of the figure after a reflection over the given axis and write the coordinates of its vertices. if 0 x I 'Z. triangle DEF with vertices D( -1, 2), E( -3, D, and F( -4,5); y-axis t I \) Y \..! I J- y 0 )( t. triangle ABC .•• vith vertices Af l, 4), B( 4~I), and C(2 1 5); x-axis l/ ~ triangle XYZ with ~. triangle EFG with vertices X(1, -2), Y(3, -5), vertices E{1,4), FC-1, 1), and Z(4, 1)translated and G(2, -1) translated 5 units left and 3 units 3 units left and 1 unit up (f -6' /"i -r~) down &- -'3 / Y- t) AI (110') y '/(~/) 11' i \ f-+-+-+-!-If-+-4-+-l---1. \( I/_ '1 -J.) (;;(tJ,,31 ;\ ••.. ): a x ~ I-t--f-+-t---+-+-t-+---t--i"-,( -! . (f \ I-t--f-+-t---+-+-t-+---t--i~' ) '/ Graph the figure with the given vertices. Then graph the image of the figure after the indicated translation and write the coordinates of its vertices. 3. triangle ABC with vertices A( "':"3, -1), B( -4, -4). and C(-l, -2) translated 4 units right and 1 unit up y 0 X \ IY' 0 x I / '\ G (-I 0) -, ) , Draw the image of the figure after the dilation with the given cerrter- and scale factor. ~. center: C, scale factor: 2': \ u.. r-, "- !'--, ...•. /~ •.. , t-..: ~ tll v 1/ C '!f . center: N, scale factor: 1. 2 L .;- "' Ip '/ .1:- "- . \ < /' I , '/ ",1/ 1\ } f , , -, 1 0 I N I Q)

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  • Name Afts'Wef I/.tfReview for Six Week Test

    Class---2nd Six Weeks

    Graph the figure with the given vertices. Then graph the image of thefigure after a reflection over the given axis and write the coordinatesof its vertices.


    0 x


    'Z. triangle DEF with vertices D( -1, 2),E( -3, D, and F( -4,5); y-axis

    t I \)Y \..! I J-y

    0 )(

    t. triangle ABC .••vith vertices Af l, 4),B(4~I), and C(21 5); x-axis

    l/ ~ triangle XYZ with ~. triangle EFG withvertices X(1, -2), Y(3, -5), vertices E{1,4), FC-1, 1),and Z(4, 1)translated and G(2, -1) translated5 units left and 3 units 3 units left and 1 unitup (f -6' /"i -r~) down &- -'3 / Y - t)

    AI (110') y '/(~/)11' i \ f-+-+-+-!-If-+-4-+-l---1. \( I/_ '1 -J.)(;;(tJ,,31 ;\ ••..):

    a x ~I-t--f-+-t---+-+-t-+---t--i"-,( -! . (f \I-t--f-+-t---+-+-t-+---t--i~' ) '/

    Graph the figure with the given vertices. Then graph the image of thefigure after the indicated translation and write the coordinates of itsvertices.3 . triangle ABC with

    vertices A( "':"3,-1),B( -4, -4). and C(-l, -2)translated 4 units rightand 1 unit up


    0 X



    0 xI / '\G (-I 0)-, ) ,

    Draw the image of the figure after the dilation with the given cerrter-and scale factor.

    ~. center: C, scale factor: 2':\u..



    ...•. /~ •.. ,t-..: ~ tllv


    '!f . center: N, scale factor: 1.2

    L.;-"'Ip '/ .1:-


    \ < /' I, '/ ",1/1\ } f ,, -, 10 I N



  • •••

    Find the coordinates of the ver-tice s of polygon F'G 'H J afterpolygon FGHJ is dilated using the given scale factor. Then graphpolygon FGHJ and polygon F'G'H'J'.


    Ci F~-2 9)" Gi') ~ 'P' ,; .:>: T -,~ -4)--,. \ ,. -', T •••• ~ -:r: .• ..I,.~ '_'. ~.:.J'""1:} ,

    scale factor 2

    g- " F( -2,2), G(2, 3),Hi3, -2j. J( -1, -3);3scale factor A.

    1 ! i CI-+-+-+-I-J---+-+-i--+, -;, .:J ..-J ~x'I x!I--+-I--+-+-l-l-+-+-+, -t, >

    I ,·8 . 0


    ! I 1 i,

    In the exercises bel ow, figure R'S'T' is a dilation of figure RST andfigure W'XT'Z' is a dilation of figure WXYZ. Find the scale factor ofeach dilation and classify it as an enlargement or as a reduction,

    /0. ,,," y .'1""-


    r-,R r-, S.~~

    ~ i-"" ......r-:iT' T 0 x

    ~Vi Yr-..

    Ii It" " ...•. XII o I x / x

    II . Y' I

    7 Y

    -' \- -. (. If o~;,-!.J\"':::; \ c',)). -'--.' ' .

    Determine whether each ordered pair is asolution of the given eq~"'i-es _

    13· (27,0); Y = 81 - 3x ~. (4,5); Y = 5x ~ NO !&) 'f. \-;f-/V, (:""3, 7);y = 2x + 13 m. (2,4); Y = 3x - ,..JO 7~\

    ~ '!(S "2- i~/'-t Ie;Use the values to make a table of solutions. q rq-iz..",'- 3 c Is,11-\f,j" ~. y = x + 2 lor x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ," 7I,· Y= aX + 5 for x = 0, 2, 4, 6~f) *" ~ !io '.

    , -'1,·\0,:'1'1' Y= 2.2x - 1.7for x = -4,.-3, -2, -1 -3 -s.'S, -z -(p, \

    -( -7,1Z, ' Which oven had not been preheated? 22" If there are 5 s between floors, which

    Explain. person rode an elevator? Explain.

    :'~~~l~~lj0\::~~~f~-';~il~{/~;xtFt~r~ ~~~,i1,ijJ~~;~~_d4'~F~:~:~t'f~~~~~;'~j::'o 4500 700 OV'e)f! (: 0 0 01 4350 2200 5 5 10

    2 4450 4400 10 10 20

    3 4500 4400 15 15 30

    1'2. 1'. GLASS BLOWING The diameter of a vase is now 4 centimeters. If the diameter increasesby a factor of 2, what will be the diameter then? 4· ::r-:::. ~ -;: 9-~Cfii .

    3.. . 3 ' :3 . -i~ ~ \.z. Use each table to make a graph and to

    i\~ write an equation.3 \0t.t I!-\ Iff, lX' 1 2 3 4 5I;.~,; 2.3 4.6 6.9 9.2 11.5

    I~; 1 2 3 4 51 1 1.1.. 2 2.1..2 2 2

    IIx 1 2 3 4 5.Y:'f' 1 2 3·t

    I4 5

    " "

  • IState whether each sequence is arithmetic. 'Write yes or no, If it is, state thecommon difference and write the next three terms.

    2'1 14 92 30· 38 46 SA &,Z- 10 If. 5,25,125,625,3,125 nO~~ , ~Z/.z~' ...) I V,,-/ '---./"'I £'7 ~'r'ls"t"b tJ -: 3,5~

    "-- L-----

    '\ '35') Cof'AIYI!')S1{OrJ -=- frv, H _ lJt f

    i--+s,ooO [.Od,¢; +- tC1:1(OOOC{j4~~::: "--!'}£-1-5-+-- ~;'l55'-=--i 1&,'6-3D (Find each percent increase or decrease to the nearest percent ..

    '3l ' .ftgm.40 to 55 ~. ffom 75 to isn..; '3