after action report 752nd tank battalion


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-:::".'. ,1 \: .' /' " , J .... :AFTER ACTION REPORT ~ 5 2 D TANK BATTALION IIlAAY 44- 28 AUG 44, OCT 44 and DEC 44, JAN thru :3 ~ . ~ Y 45 f:HIS DOCUMENT IS THZ PROf ERTY OF, AND SHOULD BE Rl:-nSi .. 0.'....,10 , ..............1' po&1.t1.on endoont.1.nllltbe .tt..*. CoII.PaJQ" 1. ... _taa tiI_ Dl"fl,..... ..._"e. Compa1Q' If,. A14 t. tIlllate SID ... _ eff1........ lJt .... ... one 7,. tank Pl JAL'_t. of _t1on 'V. . .,'0........ .' bit 16. bt.. a70QB, CompeJJ1' "A" .u._ Cailparq' "I" .,.tIltloa at IV ma, ... fJlAr rtD&1ned unt11 :9am _ 1I11dl tbt.e th., n""'-1 to D1T1alon lte-we. . At "5QOB .,..;, 5'-'7 0 ... ora...,. to p." thro\1&tl CompIll1 .,' ... ... ROCCJGO...... . __ -wert.ed .., _ of the 804 If_.,...t1'07er Battel10a .......... 1II.tIaout rea.tanee at :.lS082)B. ttuv oooapled JtOCCJGOIllA -1&1 ea"B at ti* u.. til., "" ordered to Ntea to the IattaUon .hI-'l7'" 1D the T1C11.At.q. .r PtaVElIlO, arr.lV1DI 2t'2J'J. Dur.lD& their oocupat1Olk., til., .......ye4 1."1tezm:1.ttct art.Ul 1"1" but .uttered no ....u... . thus by 2122.))B the nattaUon .a" rea..... Sa Tlcd.nlt.1 or '11'-. sere 1t remained untU 3l.2LOOB 1Ihc it ........ 1M Ylal.Jd.t7 of 1081&. ..ther thl. operatt.. ... CL...... tz:r. Yle1bU1t7 ... eu.&'1-to. J. jII'IIA _41 OI.f.U'.DIIlO. .', OlaJ4'B .1_.. t.he -'\4Jilt.. ....." .... to .. JIlnt Bpee&.1Irt:l....... 3o.lDe4 ... Ja __0 at OZ6J)a. 'a._".1_ 1.. ea._ ., .....=to the 15 _"M.t- I,""" to ill. )I "._,- fJ-----8 ....M........ oamoa a. .......MIS of th 1egi1lCt, first Sp.GI._ -.m.. ro-.. ?Sal tlJlk Ba\I.u- ,-.-. one oct!IpllJlY), Company I. 19th Ing1DMJ' r.ltat ...,...t, .........,. ..1.:_r.... .. De.troyer !at ta1lon, "POrtee! lIT th. 46Jrd r arachllte fteW j'l"Ul ... 1a't.aUoa, eJ1d pn0t4ed b7 -a', 117th ReOODllal ....... Sqaadron," out. of ARTDA Oft 1O.s to OCI.LIPIDO w1th lbe of ae1s11ta .. toe _ the high INUIlpGrt the )49. Infantry durin, th..,.of 6 1\118, encountering only artlllal7' and aflvanotd .. . by OtSmB. At dark, c-p.., it,,_ withdrew to poalt.laD. btbtJld the ifttantJ:7 lines. 2he-t.rrain ... btcoa1ng lIuch liON dUfiOl4t tor '-k,operation in th.t &fe.. c ... 4 00IIp.,- -a NU._ 00IIp1JlY -,- in IUpport of tAt 3IS Int_'" Sa .. Yt.otn1V 6lXJ7 at G7l900B. CcMIp.-q -,It retumed to Din............. t 6li935. . Company" l'Bathed a po81t1G1l at 6)/fJlT at._ ., *ldl tiM ZO Infantry Was reU-4Id .. th. :m Intfl1t.:r. 1M m lntaat17 ,.... ill podtion during 8 I,.. atU dam at 1Ib1tb tl_ tNT to a ,.tttIoa _lltll ot YImUIUiIJ,O. oapllV "B- aOOOllpeu!e4 thea _ r.alDe4 111 pelllt.teD .... '. ncmA1UI,LO. untu .t lOlJX>B at 1Iblcl1 u.. til.,. "3oJ.a- ktta\;I., at 661.935. '. Cornp.o- -0:. at,..ed in aupportot the 3/S Int""tr.r at 6loooa ._ ' relieved at maD. . At lllaJOB. Battalion .. rt\l.l...ed trem attactuRct to lJ tor,. . " and 88th Infantry Dtftiton tIJld at,.oh_ to IT Oorp. and lIOTed to 11ft ueeblT poat tJ.on in Ticini tJ 01 T.All(IIDIA at lll(oQU. ' ,", .q.1!UeJ, ti on Il1'! Wp, tA. Qg.rationa !'h'du ,>. ....1'! I 1- 1 d ...... (Ulel!. More tn. l:Oo T81lk, .... ., t I l\b\lftdedt Vnknowft eP Gun. -' 1 P naoneret ')SOTruckc & m1 acell aJ'l eons I J.A Oma 1:2 "&lUI. ""'Ted Pltr1ng . thl Qatrdtita' Tank., Med.1_. 114 I 4 ',ram" I lUled - II. 7 O'f 1 .W1dtl! - ..' 14 2 Pr180fttr - ... - .- '.". ,_ 'DIAD. 1GU1b of Boa. the tvra1n Was terr&1.D. 1IOlB'l\a1.llOua, .;at b,r p1l1 and dry tra.aes atJd th--bt. -.-sna to_a ro.s-bcnm4 the V 01111....... lrorth of Rome to an 1111. 1' thl'Ouab lOBMJtLA (;Cee), the "a. reDoing wlth slop .uc.i w.e, therefore, muoh more ttll'Orabl. tor tank operattoD. North of :ro--.LA tteep bUla, lUlU.. and 4ry -..b were age1.n , U I aD. ,: + \ ''"f..,I .., " Dumg the cU. p.riod of the operati0Jl8 the "..ther Waa 4tt 1tM. 7. CCDa..USICt:a. ,.'i' '., .. 'lb. gre.teat, titt1C'Ul ties enCC!tUntered during this operat.1oa 1I'8l'e .... Wi tb the oparat1on end maintenance ot both tr.. and Ylbe.1.a ............. Spar. parts -'ten dU'tlou1.t to obta:ln, 1t tbet fIOUl.d be .lItttn44 at all. Time 7 not to glYe tanka neOHlaJ7 ...., 0I')Di. ' ....t.11 they lost speed aDd power as houn and mUe. were .adell to ttl... M. Bat.talion never did operate 1ts tuU rto IIJl4 I allow.ce at one t1m.. 'liaint.w:l.. checks a1ld snall ...-.10&1 taUurell kept at lea.t 10 per eent .., aU __ad tran8Partat1on deadllned at .u time.. In vi or the lcraa un.. 1Ih1ch to be llaintaiDed. th. l.cta' ot IIJ1' truck tor __ 1I'lort, of U:1e CaUsed great ooneel'l1. ' , b. tCommunication. betWEll 1ntant17 _ alpP01"'t'.tll6 tanke 1. net -.t1at'eotol'T. Several mean. ot conmrunicaUon ware lI11p1'O'f'1_. 1 , ac41ng 1/4 tal 111th SCR 510 re410 to the iDtant17 commend poet, borrowJ...Dc an 00It XlO r,.. the !ntantry, end using ,1"UImer. end liaiEOn officers. aoae or til... methOd. were eat1af'aotor:r some of the time, but 'there w.e ntrer t!!IrI Stend&1"d Operet1q; Procedure met.",od th.t ao\1l.d be cotmted upon to tunction etf1c1ently. c.Co.'1\l'II.Ul'11oetlons between tank. _ aupport1!li artillery 1. y.,,poor, except mal tank. _Dc 1f1th Armored .arttUery. At ROCCNlOlDA. onet.-w ,,1ID7 aoBllllander did ..Uefactor1l.7 41,.. the tire at the ):Ii. ArtiUe1'1 Battalion. 1h1e, hO......I", Wa. Ule W7 t.1_ durin& the that it tel t that artUler.Y CO\lld be near the pl... _4 tlae 1t w,,$ wentee:!. . .. d. The Table. ot OIS_cation and tor a tank battaUon do DOt ,.uo. tor the n'Wllber .t 11&1.-= cf'ts.... th. battalion 1. "'l'I1N1*. the T/o end I pl'O'lU.. tor one 11-.1_ .,11"1". l'h1. Batta'l.14la h,abltMa1l1 had a l1a1acm etftcer Colpa,'; .. D1v1elon _ OIle or .. wi. th IIUpJ)OrW,/......t.. Otfioen 1IU8t be t .. trom other job., 1..., 6_ :1. ..a, ...a........., lIelat--ce, aDd to ft.l.L the 4__ fer lltll- otti..... it 1..., the batta1.1on abort ot ott1CJen.1n ... .. ...u. til. are take troll .. .. e. A sttad..zd Operatiag Prooedure ut.bod by 1Ihldl ctJl d.... .-lop\1b11. 1ns1de hiJI tea*. 1he iDtllJltJ'YllaJl ottc1 plckl lip tal'letathe tanker can_t _e. I.t be 0IIJ1 lot his intomaUon to the tlJlker quieklyt the tank ean &1.... effective eq>port. t. The taJdl-W..t17 te_ muet .,rk together tl'Oll to MI'Ien.ty... t., hour_ at a rd.DiJNI betore thq CJaJl hope to eperate 1IlIOOthl7. It time to 1eam bow the other UIl1t doe. th1D8- and 8JtPeete you to do th_. "en the tank-intant17 oompany COJIIIa,ftdiDg offlcers ... fl'tatta, know each othu, 'til. Cell woJk together much more ettlc1entJ.y ttl..,. . __ as atrengere. g. '!he t..-..",r te_ nruat kQow eam 01h... o.pald..Ut1 end At tlIel the burden of oarry1n, the attaat 1Il\l8t, .au. ot the terrain .nd at\1lai4cm, taU 011 the 1nt'antr.r. At other till, it 1. t-*s that are beet qOal1tted to bear the bruDt of the attaak. Ibtb 1N. t. IftUst know thi. end 1.- to the situations in 1Ib1d1 on. ol"the 0_.uni t must lead. h. 'lb. lIere pre88l'l08 of t8Jlka IIIOl1i infantry, thotagh th-V .... not needed OJ" cannot ... lIIplo7eQ ettlatentlr. 18 8)1Ietim.s des1.rable 'becau.. ot the 11ft given to the Wentl'l'IlCl'. morale. H. _IS 001 7Sal. ta.ll'1. eo.andtna ... 7 :"tP:r "0- r_t6Ded 111 Battalion :a...rv. in v1c::1D1V of IAIC?,'100B. At 1915001.: ...tooo of Co,.....,. "C 1ile1led ICftI aJOOO .... . '. .,.rtiMl'. reported t:t..ttr ..' t_ hmac!rt!d ...... _41.1'.. pal14..._ '.' .. .....;ort.d all but ten .,. dd1.n hid be_ 'aoatter.d b7 the . 1b-11bC. . , " . ., 111. Assl!lUl t Gwl'a.toGil wa. .ttacbe4 to the 9)1'd iJIIoN4 jfto.. ." . lS0900B. . ;. At 190000B, Comp_,.. ltD" aNppOrte4 oIth. letD.ttal_,l4l W-t l7, on PMlmCO, ..... Yi.traU, ....."'r.a1llatn ntiI.,I,.,. "Bit tanks file.Ued '_.Ill. .. _-.zs..t. 19 3._ ,.:ad ..... .. .....u'-prope1led 1\Il" ..., ale n .... ... -- ,....1H gm ne.t. roai ............. 7al"lta *__ .1 ,...... CCl ....,. "B" t .. a 1'", BI.,.,.., ,tid...... .. III .-Nd pi..... .au .t 19UOOB. ftt'tft"lDa ........... At19aoo, OMptlQ''''' . ........ ""1117 ,\IIt th01lI11P' 7eN..... "'MUJdCO. CulpIfl7."",,' --- '...."tali_ 1".",- at tJJIJ72J .... Ol........ of proteeUft& thelatt4... r.lght n-.;; '. . :. . CoIIp.ny "C- ....'" thtta. of l_t. BatW,101l, 1. JBI.,.t17'. - the t.o"el .t 'lhey took' up 4.,.. elYa petd.t1oa. in the .... . lilt BattaUoD ., 1.Q. Wlht!7 d.... Id 3) 1...e.:,1 At 3:)lSOOB, Coaptfly ....... d...... '-.Ole t .. I'oneDed$4t ...... OImp_1 "B" We" .tt.d1ed to .. ,_ J".roe..... ........ _,. ___ ..... .. .apport. the .tteok of 3Jod Ba,.... '., 1.Q. W_tr... hS.ll '.'3IJ.. ...,..t11" oeeupled the objeotive w1thcntft..a.8ta1lce. _pta....., 0......,. -,. Jfm... sa po.tt1Ol1 with the It.s "t".'" .,el'l'l1;h\' ... ...... of o.,lIIi' -,."n.. to r.n .-.bly an. " ....1M'I91 .t Z2a308., ..... 1500 7ard_ 80dl ., ,."ICO teder tiN t_ ......d3)01. . ,.roo ".-' .. .... : .. :. ....t. 2l.OJ)OB, QomptJq -C" ..... attached to the at. Bat-tallon, 141 Intllltl'1, ......._ '1J1 8Upport of their .tt.c:k to Mi 1.1 '700896 at 2l0500B. .alB 1I1e ......kepi ott Dl&1.n 1'OtId much .. po_bl.e .w. reac:becl hlab Ground CJ9'.... l_ldac the objeot1ve .t m'J)B. 1IheN teroe eata'bUlhed. det'.siv. ,poillUca. Light .rtUl.,. tift .... noelya4 th.1ut two .... 7 _ _ Ill_ to the obj ectiv. _ lihUe 1a the 4et.ull.... pN1. ti_. CDIIpIl1Y A" .,......t.2L09OQB to ....Ft the 18\ Batta11011, 14 Ia in d.renaiv8 P"1u.t PMlANlCO. TIley Wft rel1wc at a1800B .retU1!le4 to peld. Uon v1aWtr "tln1. At 2S>SOOB, He.-5quartere _ CoIlp_7 "'" lIOVed t:rom poe.\UaD net.n1ty 7'6791 to 706&62. 00lIp4tIY ......... rel1evtllt trea taalr 10""_ Dod1e .t 221900B _d to the ..... " " \\ ..... \ ". At 2221D01. Gap., "A" .,.., .ttadltld to ;n,t B.u..uOl1. 1,Q. Jat__, ..,,0. attacked in. "". 'of. that Bat.ta11en at 0)5))8 to the' "iir.". . .. ;lOCCA8T1UJ).L l'her ........... on the obj ....,.. .tIlUOOB wi tlicR1t _.. .' . '. " retdetenoe. Atl1tl....... h..,.u,. ...... boo.t...."..s .;{.;t ":. ".-.poaltion was IMltb of Blaht pnamere wre tek_. '.,h\ OolIpA1l7 tIC..... $1..... tna Bat.w,1aI1, 14 W_'17,_'. ; l,i\ 700896 at 2ll900I. .. th..,. ..e4 to ......bly aJ'e& .'7''''1 .';"wi. t.h the B.ttalla ......" .t.. Company ..' ... N1ift'ed troa Battalion, 141 and retumed to ill. 1ltW-1Grl .....b1;r are. at 24U/JB. ,ft.I'". ' , \, , All Co"P"'" ....ed in main.... elk, dlang1ns 1'OfI .w. _, ;l. rubber tracks and -_ ..p.... J'ourtec ttnk qia...... , )':' 1n8tellAd 4ur1ng thl. pedod *1dll.", boa 24th to 21th lme. the .6ttt Ozdn8l'1ce compl.eW -aU a1'IIa -...,uon, repat1'!na tho.'''' .'to __ detective. 1be 5251h 0J0dD... s.a..... _d "Paired iaatr-.lta. . ' At 1905008, the latta11G11 .,.ect,hea 'I'" tID I 431.925 ...........-' 25JCI91'. as: 1dlout.n .,,,111 ot "ABa&. . Ca8Ueltie. _ ...,.. Vclol Glma 2 ,a.ut Cal". -1 ..fIt.1ae...'''''a - 17 .. -4 " r." ....Typical It"I." terr.4n was _oountered thle operatiOll. ottea t..uca were c.l" ", eteep hUll, IJDd (11111... ,. 'BAm'" hOJI18 J,..:._ 26 JUDe h...., rain teU 1ntemlttIDtl7 ..... t...u. .Ill" onsa aountry opaaU_ 1II1Htl lION cU..ttlaul t. ' . , . .: . Vlalb111ty ... fel,l'. 6. CQi CLusxar,. , \ , "', ' ro o. Tanke 11War1a'bl7 ttm oy W_t17 wiN .. !latter how ha1"1 tbqtl7 to crold it. It our intlfltl7 win w liTtil a Hight color 1t would be .......r to see eJ'ld the aumbttr of Uu. Wltltr.r wlre 1. cut wuld be lowae4 oonl1derebly. H. BWSS Lt. Col., 7Sa! T.nk lb. Command1na 6i. (, _ -.w T U.,,"'dDIi"3D t .. lI.ft.&I. 110 "" V. J... 1, 187 1944 - hour. - !b. BattaUon ....s.ved an order to report to II 1. S. AJ:a" Cozpa .t 'ond! .t ITALY tIl_t 1Jl II laDdi. 24 L7 1944 - 04)) hour... lU.let1ni cleared Iboli IIlIOUt. to ,anti.081' hour St.,tt ParV cal.aand Ibcil1 IIlMute to ron41. 0900 hoUl'" Vtb1c1e ool18l QLqred Doli -lO\lte 10 Icm"i. 10)) hour TIPk oolUIID cleared m.u IIlro.te to J'cm4J. la'Xl hour'... Blllet.1Dc party arriyed .t btYoua. ana_at of raaa .t 45S016 If",I 8leet II rODdl. 1./00 hour. - Staft part,. .rrJ,.." .t he-. .. neecl or 0Ill.,,- al'dved .t. "'..... j are.. a5 1.,.1944 .. om hov.. TaU of tank GQlu. an:t-at........ ana. 0,)) ho\ln. Uee.d ot TthiCLe ___ aft'iye4 ana. 04.X> h...... feU oE vCdca.e 1Ol.,. arrlTed at aNa. -(J 1OJ) houh .. BatW10a 0I4..1" ..... to lJ)0.,. 88th _ .......... elde to haTe one "Lt.e '''''-7 "!L'IO.. :" .\ t.,uc B.ttaUoa, at 1'&' ..en ;l7J U ,.. te .st.bUm a -14 b1o* ., 509OI)1f&1 , U'.di IIJ1d to Jtep aU lWi.. 4d.Yll1 tJ'lll ......north. / > 13lO hoUl"ll .. latt.J..lon atta... to 88th Int.tZ'T 1.Q.' h01lJl'll .. _.a ..eel troll Ba't....1oa blftUajl .... 'ra1.1.... 001llp1P7 ac, 7Eoth B.t+..11_. l500 h.... - CoIIpIP:r "I- aniTed in pos1UGD end 1"tIl1_ed ac, ?lOth r_ Batta:J.t.. Iflatt pl.te......t _ a .Id lA at .,., 1'&'1 IbMt I" 11,.uti. hlal-4. et Ba"Q.1ea ".' "....,s... 1D ..... 01l_t1oD. .t_.... hM Wemo. 26 laY 1944 ... 0800 hour... 0 . _din, 11.., or ..\tal-I.e 1...a .Id.... to '""" to ."e at lIlDO ....... _ older. tl'08 ... Dl'Yil1cm. 1000 hour Departure of latWSeJa 4 .".. beotP.. of aaDI"W oonditiClll of 1'0.... '-_U1'e1la1'dl ordv 1..... 1n4i0at.i.q 13)) he1In .. u.. tor departure. 1)X) hour. - Hour of departure ..... '- 17J) hour 16:J) hour. - 80'&11' of dtpartun ........ '" hours, 'Zl 118)Y 1944 lMioa'Is.. at aonttn... ......,n1on of ro.-l 2350 hoUl"ll - 01\1......'Ye4 traal81b M.s..... to lIIO't'e out at oa --.. S M.., 1944. nOWNGRADED TO: CLASSIFICATiON REMOVED AUTHOBl'lT or ua.....Eao .s .. "': --'" -:f" 1\ I. ',: .... all he... - CoIIptll7 ItC......,.. 1M '- ., (I':.t "'32 It:! t 1" In 1.",000. 22)() hoVII. to.p_y .,tt ..s.1Jldrew t'nta "'223 IT&% aeet 1" UI 1"0,000. -Batt.u.n remain" !n D1T1&d.atl Be"l"'f'e at "5m2 It&t Sleet 1" m the entire daY. tsnk crews WN .et to lint AmGred D1vit4on. Bat\ll1ae ... raU_ed troa attached II Co!p. __ '88th Dl'dal_ .-1 .ttacbed IV Corp.. 1.,.1944 Batt.uOll 111 area ooeap1ed dudDg deY or l) ;c': .>.i tfD1t Qtt10er retumed to . . Ba"alioa wi til 10' mU.1Ited a. t .. Anol"lll Tl'Idnbtc ., , Scbool under .uthor.l.tT of VICD, lU'tb "DDT. S.,.t an!ped to ...;dq ywt .,,;;", ' .. ..;;...' .... ' . .. " , .,: ," ..".' r " ' .. ,; 'ri'J4':.:l'\f,"h!t, _" ' . (QUIlt,. _'f "II. '.'m&l. " . , 'i . " ':\' ~ . '.' , '. ", " .. . . ,, .,' :''l!o 1. , . ',;' " ',',I' , ~ , ',',"," .' .', . ,,' .. ' , . . ~ .-'! ,( .' "", '., ',I_t 1944 a JllI'le 1944 -9 June 1944 -10 June -11 .11.1'1t 1944 12 .Tunt 1944 3f' emco'I.Illto.... e' .. ,', ,:)r: i 1.111 t:;,' ',i/t:1S'S. l-t (It..: c,..) A ,;OV,,.-!nt, !It Cf41c 3O.A t t ,...t-,;.A) U'c1.r [N 945245 to ' :r'.1".rL:il\, in rod ttc>:"i 1m::.11 ,,/;b3CA t,.l '_. "; ,,:'J' t,;.C ;d';:lt. One :7gi' F!L OL4t by ene-'.i..i..JlCf.: .. J -: :,t V:L :'1ml .; 1'1 l'!(.;tiO":1 1;.1 .':::' 1';41., 4 t9nc: ,Ji . 'I.. .. , 'f; l'e> i .. :;, !{.) .:;..... t \ .. .." f.Ll"2 .:. dtlli(.ic"-,,.,:, i.;; r.cLion u:' :O:;t,I;t" L'1::t."'J. 111') "'ftt.!lion .l'ost ''\lOved tft).'ll t:; r. L z: ,)1 Y:C t. to 5271. ",'j , (lua 1 i'l ...d,CtOfl, ,; ::::tN iC"t' Llptt.eliiJn attaeled) al'l'iVC) ',,-.1.,3 sl.\J...ort \). r]:, :;.t..: J.l.:' v') ')f"iy d in t:,:..:, ., .here held durin.; tile, cor",,te!' .;,,-:,t ,}' t.: I.lf';j vd..l1 inett.lle-i on the l'Qute Gt 1i':V .. ,1t t ()' I; ,? Coll.. Eln.,' 1'19,3 ,scv.nca,: to 9002)7, .mere :f..'or t ",' t. Un 4 Jcto'l;cr l'j44, C o'l\JllOrt("(l the 2d Dflttellon, J}}i.)) vicinitJ' at O.4i,JCCA, tJ t . . l:i" .q ;\ill()C 1'10 "6Vf,r. L-1"j ZllpiJo-::-ted th. lnf...ntl":i' 1,)J."'::ct :ire .i.,,,;). \..: 1u'{(;\; .:ro;.JS:..:Jl?) to (;47a.?' f'!t C,:,/f'OA, VIe] to 1st. ))'}th Intant!"; c.1"c, t he .. tiH'Y ... no t. c[,lleci \.:por: to C1) so. Orl 5 1" on!:! :eection ot t,,!,!CS, iJlua one pl ..f:AJ,)n of "d, 'oor trails ao."1.d Jirect tire 1"ronl CUD7 sel.i'-[lropl'Uled from vicinity CBOCE'l'TA(C)17JC2) and to the north. 'lbe Compan.y.,dtil one platoon 01" tank destroyers, 805th 'lank Dastroyer Battalion .ttadled, ft r0(l tll1"'(1),..;hout days of 14 and 15 October 1944, at CROen'fA (917.302) end tile'!. vlcir-i ty. On 16 October 1944, Company B reverted to Battalion reaerve and ss;.;a-lblou vicLl.t ty of 919250, "Ilere the; rana1ned until 18 October 1944. 'lb. ilattEJl10,-, Fast closed at 12l.100A at 911267 from 9082'Z7 than at 131825' Clf' :JeLt811011 GCH'land Post moved to 918u.o from 911267. On 10 1944, Co':lfJ811J' A ''les still in support or the .337th Infantry firil'-L missions i:j.. ro'Ubhout the daY on e."1.sny travelled road On 11 October 1944, one section of tanks and one section ot &)5th Tank lJeEtroyer 1)sttallo.u attached, moved to Hill :)14 (944252), renainine (;u.dnc; tJle daY VltLilo rGCo:l'ia;isS&llCEt \faS made for roads forward. At 120930.1, tilt:l arrived at liil.!. then went to iall 494 (9462{fj) thEmC0 to Hill 310 ('JJ.;1712). CoillPsny A lal1 572 (Division Ob.; ecUve 9 ('J4jZ77 et IJ1030.A. to Hill 57,; (,)4G2;:A)) ahere tiley rS'llBineJ. 13 Oc..toLe.r 1944, t:.c Co2()fl,c.Y had one tan!t knockad out by our own Jive also two enlisted men Ne:::' ,fQ1J,L1UtJ i: v.;;Uon, one by mortar 11a and oue, 'LJ a rains. the Ii'ne;ineer8 con;::tr1JcteJ. on 14. October 1944 for CoJilP81lY A &1'10. .t 150COOA the Compauy plus a platoon or the b05th 'rank Destroyer Battalion att.ched reached lUll 554 (95.OA c10eed at 926268, having moved from 907222, preparing to relieve Company- B 1n eupport at J38th Infantry Regiment on 16 October 1944. At 1&'4)OA, Compaft7C JIOved one platoon of tan.1.ts and one section tank deatroyera, 005tb 'lank Deatro7er Battalion, to C. then proceedod to B.ACCM:JLLO 1I1e ai Platoon, ComPaI'1Y C, W1tJl one section tmi: JC:'ltroyers attached; moved to lIWInQ (9JlA96) end retained there during tile day. On 17 October 1944, CoIlpetl7 C returned to BACCAJlUO (9J3A97), arriving tAere at OmA hour. and continued on to OS'l'i:RIA (9)2303) at 171000', goiDg on t1"ODl there th.,. arrived .t C. alCCA (9)8)8) at 1714OOA. Pwidng on, the Infantry received -aU IN_ tiN troa C. 3IPiTT1U. (9343l2) and aut-propelled tire W.8 reoeived b,. the taU.. The Compan7 Co ."der' a t.nk Wa. hit twloe by armor p1eroiDi tire, c.__ . JJI& the elfJV'at1ng lIecmald_ to be daneged. Jh81lY' casual ties were .stimated. b.eaTy. '!bEl Company aJ,.., d1rected several firing missions for the ' aUl t. 0_ rl.toon. At dark the CoIap.ny drew to BACCANELLO to reaupply. Before ct.,.. break on 18 October 1944,. OoSllpany C returned to C. ROCCA -and knocked out tw MeJk IY tank., located three other. in vicinity 921326. The Compal17 also dt1"OrecJ t. --7 I1achine gun ne$t.. OonlpaTlY C reae:1ned in pold. t10n vioin1ty C. aocc, (t_ \8Dk.) with rendnder of Coap."y .t bACCAlfILLO 1n o th. 338th IntaDt17 lei1aent until :n Ootober 1944. the 00lllpan7 tired DlDeroWi a110n. al-. I"1dce hoa 938.330 to 942318 and the norlli, causing heavy U .. 01'1 the .-7. 'Bealdea their 0& pieoea, they &lao directed the ' aul t GUll Pl.... _ missions. .At 1710.30A, U.e Battalion CommaDd Po.t JIOYed fJlOll to 923%76 lIbere they re!le1ned UIltU 1914OO.A, me it eloNd .t 9.30283, 1I1ere it r.a1aed untU the close of the period. On 13 October 1944, Company B moved into indirect t1re po811:1o.. vio. in! ty VILLA DI CASSAllO (9)2266) and Wa. attaobe4 to the )29th 11_4 AriUlef7 ' B.ttalion for operatioD. cml7. Company B rtIIl8iDed in thi. pomtion, tirlq h...... 1J'li misaions until 2S October 1944, can til.,. -.Ted to 9422JO, cloa1Jlg .t 2:51500.A, ..ilere they went into indirect tire podtions mtil :s Ootober 1944. GIll ;e October 1944, the second and third pl.tooa. ot Company B (perlOnne1. 0Dl.7) NIt 11ed t"M) pl.toon. of Company A, lilo 111 tum tnok over Company D firing lI'ltU the close or the pariod :n. Ootober 1944. On 2l Ootober 1944, Company A moved t1ltl tanks to 94J2J9, and on. ,_ to to overwetch o.pan7 C and fire on --7 positions vio1n1t7 942349 dur.l.Di the d.,.. DuriDg D1Ib.t 'Z1/22 Ootober 1944, Company, MYeQ tour taMe to 975311, supporting the as Battalion, )39th Infantry Re.Jiment, in their .-. tack on Hill 522 (9 ($)323). 1.hne addi t.1on&l tank. and four tank"..8 re.ched 975111 durinS 22 Octob.. 1944, r_dniDg in that position. OIl 2.1 Ootobel' 1944, Company 1. contillue4 to sl.\">port the Jth Infant17 Reg1a.t. 111. platooo at 968);(1, and al,.., 8IppOrted the )nth Wantry Reg1aent 111 pl..tooll at Lia1.......a1nta1ned tilth both the J'7th end th. )". Infantry On 24 1Iober 1944, the CoIlpa1l7 JIOved two tanka tD 981119 1Il ot the 3J9th Int..." R8i1II.' _ '- to 98532> 1.rl 81WOn ...... of the J37t; InfatltrJ Reiiment. lhe br-tlfo.11Ce of the Company on 25 October 1944 moved from r.; 47Zl2 to v1o.1ni ty ';vi til )(;.; ;';'V.3 tlluks rospeotive Intentr;,:.r .s on ;?-4. October 194.4. ;[:w stLIluhc6 were looated .t p1atoous were rel1mred by Company B (pereonna1. only), Compsuy A. tc.J;in;; over CompC').lY D ten.i2.3PEC1A11 , .. , .', " """.:,: '\ " ., .. , .-,. -. the t8FraiD. .. Ye"l'1 rough with JlOT deep plJ.1ee and narrow, rough .:roa4.. Freezing !aproved the .tendiq on road S. 1. The coutant, chauge and lo.s or personnel due rotation, actlon_eUatea thet a unit D., wlt::Jrem :rcn \he >lilles, porlodte.Ur,tor r.orJ&nuaUoD and, 1 it 18 t) , to function er:1c1_ut. It 18 luggeated that thlB be aCCOllpl1thed. b1 r.U.... 1D& the unit dt,b U. .... treqwmcy tout the d,"v1alOll the unit 1. attached. to 18 reli.Ye4. tbll .1t. baa cOlilpIeted ao,oe than l14S track aile. sirace' 24 aq . 1944.,lp..,ro.x.11na"lIfov'days ..... allot.. for h...". ..1Dtena4c. in J1ll7 .... approximately two: .... the latter part or, AUguit and ear11 part fIl ' Sept..rlber. The ruaW... or th.tilIe the unit wu ,Cleral11 tully b1 the units it a ttaehed to. The tlil1e glTen 18 not, con.lde-red .t.t,loi.' ,',to __tile reor;:;8nisat.1oa, proper tretninj anC n$o1"1 beaT,1 uuteeP... 2. Com.nun!ca'''' between t .nka, WantX7, tank de.tP07W and -nilla,; btan remarkably bex'1 c..peny C..ander'.aDk .ow' slnoe "up'"., baa . rles rUlo" l. iach cospanT haa an ut.ll1H')' obse"_ rrClli...... . pOri", _tIllery un1". He usual1,1't.4e. in the slatant drlTe' ...., dtll a 6\IJ .erl.a radio .". the .oattal1oD Olficer baa lIedt_ obeerv_r lD 'bis a radio. All coapaniel are now in d1J"ect radi. ..., tact. the 'fallk lleatr01v CoJI9U.T. It. is t.l_ \hat .....t_ al\uatlOllu1eted ___ the 85th !ntU-i7 1)171110n and the1r .ttacbed aita ' and tills or.anbatla 1a rep1c1 b\lt dittlcultllcwlq .ituatlon, (44 1111...... lIent "e1" .ounwln. aDd 1'ouih terrain ,*,tb ot Il-..nce). The underslgud \leU.. .... ...., the dUl.'lcultl.. bay. "*' eat.1 .. e17 overCClle, that, the tank ht\al.lon has aecOiDpUahe4 in t.Ct,Mba .W.try' tal'1U. 'l11I ' barom.t.r of bis beb& ....; the lrlfentry '1"1...te _looaN ad pral.e. the ' presence and er'!orts ot ___ 111 spite of the btt Uat th., "1 draw enem7 (ire 1lt hb ar9a. Ihu ,....-red. ifhen the, Iiafftt17 cOIlplaiBs or laok flit CIOoptntloa by tank." th' _1 be traced 41ree\q to leek of colt'Gm11-' and Wlderstand1nt betlreen the two QO;lbat .1...t.. 1. Pur1n,; operetiona with the 85th 11,,18lon, cont!'ol o! de-air" ..nill.:..! tire. by tanke.... obta1ne4" raplc1,ly .. requested. :i'o>re.l'dd, t.he lat"r part (jf the lao.....\ ..-th the division lOued the batte.lion en '"i. ':....1._ " . ,,''':' ,I" . .. 'L\: -:: ,.., : .. ) "'-, ...:$ "'. . i . . ", '\,. , I' :- .. \., . owa.: ",. . ,'" \' ";, ,1.Uat.ed ... 1 " ...... Pua!ied. .' .1 (1'."""111ar.1)',\ :/ '" .'. iDeIt1'J,'; .. " . " ',' '[ \ tt"'lIiaU,1 u' " ' , ..' . ' : . . : I ....,. '" .. .1._. .'o-lt., 11M "at ID ,:' I"', .... . ,.... ,. , '.'. i ..'. . '":;/ ' , . t. f ." . , . .... " ........... '"'11''' , "'. ,"i' " ",-":, '::, ' , . . : '\ ',,51:11'"" . '. : \ :'HEADQU ARTcltS 752D T.A1at BTTALJON JPO 464, u. s. ARulY In The field 11 li'ebrua!"t 1945 ..3,AnV :PEiUOD s 1 J'anuary 1945 - 31 1945 Italy, 1'50,000, Shr;ets 87 II, 83 111,93 1,99 IV. 1. GEN:ii;..'Ul,. At the opening of the 752d '.J.'ank Battalion, with the -:'C5th lank Destroyer Battalion attached, was in inQirect ane defensive positions between Highway 6531 and C. C,A.STUN'i:;,,;C,;HIO (96.31) to 82th Infantry uivision. 'l'he rtocket :Platoon, 752d Tank vattalion, was detached 91st Infantr,f ision and joined the Battalion, 11 Januar;y 1'Stil Tart: DC3tro:'3r Eat clos2L c'.L. S4(; J83tro:-c:r 010.:..3 ..... ;-.:;t 3C: c:o.i:l--::'.:.Y.,-,' _Cjt.,L. ..__;rJ-: . :t 3c.. 1-).LC to'__ !1, :0 ,: .. 1:,. u , i.n 1/ v 'II , _ t!.l:" J:,Ctb i __ . ... .:.......... .1.0 i .. !e..:tf;3 .:;cc-CO:.:'t ,:;(:: _... ,1 11 to sU;'rort of 35:,tll .L i :r: t. l}:; t__ .. :r ._ t C,:J;;:1.::.:::eu 0;.: the 351st :,;"ctor anC ':';0;:'28n", ,f J.. I' , tll .. L:attaliOYJ, !'8O".. t.:": tc of ",l: L. ... u-1.,..el'J 1';45, of II';}I, ::'C5th TE..nk D:;stroyer Battalion.vere :na.nn 'nJ ti1ree (3) British Tank Destr0yers in 337th Infantry :1e.;iment I s se..;te>r, 8; :1"" &2.:3 J att.::c:w':' t,,':;Stll Iffiu:tY.'J ij:bision in pie.ce. 2d platoon, . 'I r',," .' tt l' . - . t (1 ) "-- -- , , ' :;O"._i'_';, 1)..:.,1 '..':;-11:-: ..-8. '0 lon, llreu (:8n 0 rounas, 1)".. ,1, .:-c ..... , J",' ., :-,:.arch 1945 to 14 i,:arch 1945 all three Companies ("A", "B", "C"), 752d Tank Battalion contimled to fire direct fire missions for the infantry. Ammunition expellditure (exclusive of ni[)1t of 8 - 9 March 1945' for these eleven (ll) days wasS 58d rounds, 7Emm HE, 172 rounds, l05mm (direct fire) HE. On night of 8 - 9 Aiarch 1945, this Battalion with 805th Tank Destroyer Battalion attached, > supported three (3) raids by the 363d Infantry Regiment. Firing included heavy concentrated time fire on HIlJ., 363 and direct fire on (9,32333) by tanks and fire on AR,j',iATO church steeple and machine gun positions, vicinity 93583322 by tank destroyers. On 13 March 1945, ltD" Co:npany, 752d Tank Battalion was relieved from attach;Jent 85t..1. Infantry Division and attached to parent unit and 9lst Infantry Division, l32l55A and were placed in Division reserve. ?rom 14 Marc.1. 1945 to 31 1945, the Battalion continued to support operations 0-;: 91.::t Infantry Division by direct fire on enemy positions. "B" a.r.d "G" COtlpany, 752d Tank Battalion, did most of this firing. T-JPical tar::;at.c 'l1e":-e: ene>ny Sf'S, suspected Sf locations, OP's, bunkers, pi:1t.o: (940335), HJl.L 363 (935334', CA ...!:;k.L.A (911328), C. Del FIUb'iE (9423,32), MONTE A,R;.:ATO (9534), PERDINI (944332), POGGIO (952333) and unnamed houses at (946.329) and (942.329). On 16 1945, two (2) tanks from "DII Company, 752d Tank Battalion were attached to "B" Compa.IV, 752d Tank Battalion, and irumediatel3' went into direct firini; position in vicinity 9l93CJ7. On 17 1:.arcn 1945, three (3) tanks fran liD" Company, 752d Tank Battalion, were sent to driving school area located in rear of "A" Canpany, 752d Tank Battnlion rear COIilll;a.nd Post (944253). This driving school continued through end of the perioe. and much valuable instruction was obtained. Instruction in both light and medium tank driving was given. On 19 L:arch 1945, 68th Regiment, Legnano Group commenced relief of 362d Infantry Ref,iment, completin::; same 212400A. "A" Company, 752d Tank Battalion, contirrued in support of relieving Rebiment. On 20 March 1945, Company "D", 752d Tank Battalion, still in Division reserve was detached from parent unit and 9lst Infantr,r Division and attached in place to 85th Ini'antr,r Division for training at 201200A. Company assembled at 90,3215 and moved to join 85th Infantry Division vicinity GAGLIANO, at 220600A, arrivino there 220850A. On 22 !,;arch 1945, Speciale Regiment, Legnano Group, began relief of - 3 , "' ,.. I 1 f." f' 36)d Infantry RegiD:lent, completing relief' 23 March 1945. "Cd Company, 752, at. *iab ... _ .., _ ......... h -..... 111 peel\.1al .....1......... \'0) ...... til eelt-pa.,.ll.... ,1ft l'Gt 41aNc..... 1\ anti ....1Mct 111 , t1rt.q ts.. t. W ..,. p.vel aea' ... GOa.' 'lda f'SN ....led .en fill "'- .....1 ...... tIlI'IJ. &IK: ket>\ t.ll. ..... _ u. ...... e \he pa\Nl ...w.-ta ill calMa Dtil daI't .......__ "'* edaIl\te.l W ....... ouru. u.. 110\1_ .............,. , ...... Nee!".. .. _., as ...... . c1lfto\ 11.. ,..tu., ...... ('.)111) .aft.. u. _ ,t,La ... ... Utfl\q - .rtlo.... 194" C.. 11 ... .75241. taak _ H_........... Ja .. -' ...... t.J.... t- .ad. ."k lia\talic:m!fit.. "1..ort.e.: .lntt-:!'tU7' (;Mt_.l,,'6f.ortl and i41th \.t.e 752.() 'Jfk.nk innk lJeatro,...- i_t.Wio. lr. u.. mov. poet. to w;..Ull. In. OMPf;n!.ea eet a peruet.1" tG t.he :iorth fit 1.Olot1l8. $1\ 2712CD& "A" J ,'524 l,.uk?;at.t&l1en nth CGafJAft7 "C", IBM:,..,l"O,...'l, wa .n. t.o ... Q()nt.rol of p.,..r,t ..\It 1Dtt in Hol.o .. __ at O4OG1a nmll:.. . On 22 At-r1l 1945. ta. B41tt..,llon rlth OC?th i*ttaJ,J,on .t,t.q}-.. IJU t%"fA at.taohwtt.:t. to J4t.n .l.nfiilllVy lln:: .tt.ched to lA. IDt&t.", at. 2':!UCO;:.l The .aett.eli..orl Ifltb .. tt.ech1:Kl 'tank (,.:-;1 !iIOftd to ... t'q 8I'Q ,,1.c1n1"" CalpallJ" t.", 7'20 7611k &I....., ... wit.h c.r...., C, 7817 r..ttt N1Vtf" btt,\all_ attact1E'to, TIMWt:l'l!rNa ...hq ANI. to Jo1n th. 34f'1th l:U."ttnlry ",: c;1"..\ a,;;: ntHey",! a:ftC tank;ren . !'! 'ilU\k a.rod th8 fnM ."'t'9J" Battelt-. ;,ttllet"$ 22l6)(,)& hQun and __ If.''', i ..... t.allM, Mfttt..J on to '7t8". ('Am,?,n,"", batt.lioD, .1th at raJU! ..... \11 35.1et Inte.nt17 ,' ..,Uent 8lJ&. I"f!l.t.: fit t""nl'!a t,..,,* j ... t"'1"l!"IJ tJ'GI the 157t.t..l t-attal1Oo1l an..:('j Tllnk :...... flalWl-. ''teller COI'IIFlated C-r'al'q lIIith at.taebed ..,. 4"1"0,.... Uk thot! .._t'.llr.a'Z It.,t..t tr, Ntt It 'AllJPa.V , IlM \ 1; 'Iav ",i ..1. ,dlc ut i4t)c;: ,, tr":rtt ..... ,tP,t&d. entire OJOr:'fqa. '.Ft.r\ (8(X;1 i' -:' 1"-0 1'if-#!"1!J._ ;" lb.. ':';,b. t;;.e tOliOpa .;;.r 'lIOV. ort.b tv t."';\(lno ti.,. lll'f\nt.rr .0"",,; ... lnl: #.":. on ,.o:rt.n.-ia po1nt.r .... 0\18"'" \lOll" t;). tttnk. ttre. trw ('!neiY '\1V." N,j'i' l.r deo..... d.nw !J..:a!I(t;"P,liB .,1 thl)t, t. II t:;' t. 'ih. CNt.a.:Clrta1 ot \.1"4mda ... ao. t.'.e IlAON fan.tiCill .n.-IJ' o,f( ".-.1 ;,itb..... 11*1 op: . ..o:-: it1on. I t It.l'rNf' ,'l::"i'\i ... ... e.n,l.101.,,,, .J'e i'lle_ ttt'" (10) .,. ... ,9'. ,) at.... c ..,. (1, "\1; oel,DDn ....... ',,.,\.,,1 aut ., ...... ' !"ft, (:;'.1. ,"l"il,,,,-.. )ir.'1"'-" k"" ...n I':,t" .. nYIM"'" :,:1;1.0. 11M,,: o !'0l. 1.,/'\;\.11 ... t, ... tou-. .,,!,\' tb.. al1!.lrn':\ect_ tl .. ..,n4lJhJ f-(l!l'H,.i.Oi,4S. ('\. I. J.' lnl:, 1" trio- ttl ... o. t.w.r:.....-th. ,.riflOna?'S ot ".r', (li Ollt, d.a ..I14)L:[I. .: IV' ..... t'!" ie4 I'!"; 'ra;aN'''"W'' . .-:.:tf',h,.... ;:;c.'10 t.:ltIt "'IIl"''1. Hl4 t.f. r1... \lila tl,., t ... . ,.et. ron. "c rth c)i,..e8la Wnw. lack .. j ., ..*::,.t ",..,)'!"O t" ttn .. cn\i:4:':"n"" eat t ... .ria ")4doe NtfIbt..;t\08 WI iir 't' .... i';:-.;" a;.,t:C.)" t:-..., ";'\llV', ,;. i.t\ t-f'nh: otlht1.nt:tee R. V '.(Ir-f.:,) ' 0 c,f . ... ; .... ... tWl Of! t.1." :l.4et ta,,,,, to t 1:; Wl"i _tr, \,..,r,(Jarwd UIopen't.1V11 JVtt ill . ! l-.j I 0 1t', Co"''' ...,.. ItA tat 1"t!I.t,L";: t.llil...recS (,::.; "r: fl.N te:iCli'fl at. I 1": ..... "."7 u",l" Int11(.''-d on . &." . ..,. .M (1; ...! ::>en ".' 1.1 :ctfba. ,"; -; t!:f 1','':':;, "j., ,tWt,.t,tft.l.l(u ..1,,:; .t1... tank'l.. 1,lr. .. an.,.. MfiaLU, ..uft , 'f", ;; :iIn" out .t Of.:t(;(;:', ",, t:,, lat r.,.t.t..l\on, ; :'1/, en 'h. 'HllIor. t-:.jj',-..:r ' .. v', iOt: ur,,,t!Oe tt ,.J"'t,eQ ()21..1:) t.n.A .. ;-..... (?.'('J.60) &14: Oli t,.: .!/Ol."it, t'.(i! ;Y!"Lt,;(t :d beal'! hloc. the tnree (') e,n.......y .. ,hIn... .,.,.,av. -" .no (Ill t, t..n (11) Jll"teoren ot' ar t,e":Gra .!-n k1..1...4.o. tent'", 0,.......'ow, i,W1ac....". t..e ttl r-oa.:& t t ..,., rl dll:fj.t'f of aM, """ I'\ip.,. >0 .t 'Ul... t.o .-....s,ano _,1:; I 'y!:l..e l"l'h.h1......'" &DC a1per t1.. ..... Cf,Wnte.-.d. frtAr. 2t' 11,..h\. .. ('IS) .J>1'ftana ala (6) Hdlu.a ,t._ (2) ....1Ie'J an..! or tb.. t: nlfJli ",. 'IO: . .fbl' nc. t;:.e '.0'" _ I .' J 'l"' .... t.:. . ,..,. "''-'i;!,r.,/ , .fS!; ,'( t.talwr... ,,t \.:.. 11}L.,.,t"L , .. ;' '.r..' ':.. 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J.tcjt"",t 1)[' ,...., "III?>"''' thle t. W'at t .. " t,:-.L 8vt'1'7'\:; (.... ft,.U l'" 1 'Ii,,I: 1. j ,lOIt .... 10\4' (4) ,.oiu.t w;";'f! ,ttWee to t irf &,pa... t.. l;,,,, ,,.,... n"'1K .1.."..,: (11; Q! de t'1!'!!1t. a..... ",nt.Hlri (n) d8.1'Z' in !fit( r.',C\ilu.ler, 4tY' il'.a... " .e.... t.1.o i,,,t 0,.1 "..ill 71' H!ll '>4J hill and t:. ,1_ tY("l"'J. t.J. "'1';.1,. .,..> _rll' .... .,ll or!y .. ice C!'Mtt?' .".. wt vt'. ,,1" .;: 'II IN.' 'f. \llet tIe N": ... t.err'lH4I. -. io'tlll ot 15tf1 . ....,.. f .. $ nr,li)(),: If)(' " 'L1..nha. any comm:'nder and liaison corporal: to .. bring supplies, gas, 011, water, rations A-488/cs a 9092- 1 -CONFIDEhTIAL QQ,m'IDENTIAL - 2 tion up to forward elements at night. This arrangement was tried once by borrowing these additional vehicles from the 85th Infantry Division last fall and proved very successful and extremely helpful in maintaining good communications and an even, steady ~ d rapid flow of supplies to the forward elements. It is recommended that each line company (A,B,C,D) have their T/o and E increased to include four (4) one-quarter (i) ton trucks, with one-quarter (i) ton trailer to be equipped with SCR 508 or SCR 506 radios with the necessaryincrease in personnel. '" '"'" '" I , CONFIDil'JTIAL " ,', ---", .., " ..", . . . QOlTFIDENTIAL Report of Action, 14 April to 2 May 1945 -?52d Tank ~ a t t a l i o n MTO 17-IV 6-IV 18 May 1945 Extract: * * * * c. Lessons Learned and Observations. 11. Rocket Tanks: Four (4) rocket tanks 4.5" were issued to this organization as special equipment. These tanks ",rere fired eleven (11) out of the first seventeen (1?) days in April 1.",i th excellent results. Targets fired on "rere Poggio dei Mori (918338), Hill 376 (922342), Hill 363 (935335), Hill 356 (915344) 2.nd C. Pino (901346), All target areas were exce.-dingly Nell covered. Casualties created were unknown but OP, air opts, and prisoners reported that the effect "ras terrific. A total of 1597 rounds were fired wi th 8 random rounds and 35 miss-fires. During one firing the shell exploded before leaving the tube and destroyed 10 tubes. The remaining 40 tubes were undamaged and continued to fire. The break through and advance WEl.S so rapid that the un,rleldly weapons could not be used due to the time required to put them into operation. * * * A-488/ cs 2 9092 - 1 CONFIDENTIAL , -\, - . .. ' COHFIDElifTIAL Report of Action. 14 MTO 18 Ma.y 1945 April to 2 May 1945 -752d Tank Battalion 7-IV 17-IV Extra.ct: c. Lessons Learned and Observations. 2. When lack of cooperation is claimed by the infantry. the trouble is generally attributed to poor communications and lack of understanding between the two combat elements. It is felt that communication difficulties have been greatly improved but the present campaign has demonstrated the need for further advancement. During the past opera.tion. the SCR 300 radio was mounted in the company commander's and platoon leader's tank and also in the battalion commander's and executive officer's tank. This tended toward the maintenance of closer communications between the two units but at times was found to be at the most inadequate and slowed the advance. To remedy this the infantry company commander rode with the tank officer directly concerned and in other cases, the tank officer maintained personal liaison with the infantry unit being supported. From the jump-off on 16 April. the advance ".ras very rapid and the si tuation constantly changing or unknown. This necessitated the changing of orders several times in one period by higher headquarters. Difficulties were encountered in delivering these nevr instructions to the advancing elements. Ordinarily, such as the above would not transpire but to insure against future recurrence, it is recommended that each line company be authorized two (2) SCR 506 radios, on'e (1) mounted in the company commander's tank and one (1) mounted in his liaison vehicle. To operate with tank forces, the infantry should be with SCR 506 radios. The SCR 300 used by the infantry and mounted in the tanks does not furnish a high performa.nce because of the jarring received from the tank in action. ... ... A-48B/ cs - 1 -2 9092 CONFIDENTIAL . - DIVISION G-2 Section GROUlr.D FORCES Army War College 25, D. C. SUBJECT: Ixtracts from Overseas Reports. 1. Attached extracts are from an overseas report: Report at" Aotion of 7511\ Tank Bat.t.lion Dur1n& Po V.u. ot.lrUll... - AGF B08I'cS 07 Col. T. ". DnMlclaOll, Jr. 2. These extracts are for your information, a.ny appropriate action and retention. 3. Where the subject represents the consensus of opinion or is controversial, extracts are so marked. 4. Distribution of extracts from this report has been made as indicated by "Ex" below. Copies of full renorts have been distributed as indicated by .. Pt>,;;> n1 numera s. ..' n.1'r- e. \(7-k ,t?/L, 13- '5 Pili '7 L-l- r :Dis Div: CG C S G-l G-2 G-3 G-4 Rqts Plans AGF 1 Ix Ix Ix Ex:Gen Stf .: 1 Stat :Chem: Engr Med Ord QM Sig AG :OTI: Hist:AAA LOAGF Sp Stf Sa OPD G-l: lwlID G-3 G-4 AAF ASF lIDD W. D. PAC :I-B: USFET :MIDPAC: MTO China :So Pac BC:Alaska:Caribbean : Theaters: : Comds AA Armd; TD ;AjB E&SC RD #1 RD #2 ED #3 ED #4 & III:Centers CA FA . Inf Ce,v Prcht BEl>lA...'9.KS Schools: k CA FA: AjB: Inf : Ca.v : Rckt: LVService: Boards :.x:. : ONI NDRC: LO Abn ATCPF . . : Ix :. . Misc :2d 4th Army: I Extra.ets distributed: 28 J1IlI' 1945. 2 84'72 1 ' ... . . SECRET Report of Action of tho 751st 16 June 1945 Tonk Battalion duri:1g Po V3.lley Offensive - AGF Board Report by Col T. 1. Don91dson, Jr. 7-Dl 17-1 17-Dl LcO-III-B Extract: * * * Source: Lt Col C. J. Com,;18l1dcr, 751st T::1.l1k J3.tt8lion. P,cport of Action - 14 April - Le ;',JY 1"\45 It is rccoID"lcndod thDt the T/) E os ch':J.nscd so th3t t\'!O of the l'.1Gditun -t2ni:F' Ll 'xltteliol1 could h:; cxcDsn,r.rcd for 1)20 3rmorcd cr;rs. Jcc::msc of the '.':ickly d:sporscd loc:.:tions of th0 comb:Jt clements, this chon