afsu sanskriti 2015 prelims

JUdgement, the General Quiz of AFSU Sanskriti 2015

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JUdgement, the General Quiz of AFSU Sanskriti 2015

• 26 questions in the A-Z format

• The letters S, A, N, K, R, I, T are starred questions and will be used to break ties

• If a tie persist, the quizmasters damn the tying teams to hell and use the first wrong answer format

• The quizmasters are invariably and indubitably right for the duration of the quiz

• Feed the quizmasters at any point in the quiz

• No tech support to be used at any point. We’re not a nation of call centres. Oh, wait…


In 1900, when the club was founded, the emblem of A was just a picture of a player. The crest was slightly altered following the club's promotion to the top division in 1911 to match the club's new outfits.

In 1928, the club logo was introduced with the head of the Greek hero ____ with whom the club shares its

name. The logo was once again changed in 1990 into an abstract version of the previous one. The new logo still sports the portrait of ____, but drawn with just 11

lines, symbolizing the 11 players of a football team.Which club’s logo?


“Unification or Death” unofficially known as the B was a secret military society formed on 6 September , 1901.Inspired by the unification of Italy in 1859-70 and that of Germany in 1871, its main objective was to liberate Serbs under Austro-Hungarian occupation and unite all the territories with a South Slavic majority not ruled by

either Serbia or Montenegro. A little more than a decade after its formation it would be involved to an event that would change the world.What was the unofficial (and more popular name) of

this organisation?


C (Latin for "Songs from Beuern“) is the name given to a manuscript of 254 poems and dramatic texts mostly from

the 11th – 13th century. Generally, the works can be arranged into four groups

according to theme:• 55 songs of morals and mockery • 131 love songs• 40 drinking and gaming songs• 2 longer spiritual theater pieces

Twenty-four poems were set to music in 1936 and became extremely popular.

What is C?

DSuccessful marketing campaigns of the De Beers group

include the 'eternity ring' (as a symbol of continuing affection and appreciation), the 'trilogy ring'

(representing the past, present and future of a relationship) and the 'right hand ring' (bought and

worn by women as a symbol of independence).However, the most famous is the ‘__ _______ __

______’. The phrase was coined by a young copywriter working for N. W. Ayer & Son, Frances Gerety in 1947. In 2000, Advertising Age magazine named it the best

advertising slogan of the 20th century.(The second word of the phrase starts with “D”, the

first word is an article)


“Well, I think it definitely involved a lot, my engagement into what’s happening in Latin America and the rest of

the world, in a way. It really had a big impact, and it reaffirmed many things. It surprised me in many ways that I never thought it was gonna surprise me. What was amazing was the experience of having traveled

there…. I had to live that journey to understand what was happening and be able to portray it.”

--- actor Gael García Bernal on portraying an iconic 20th century figure. Incidentally he portrayed the figure

on-screen twice in his career. Who?


When X was tripped inside the penalty box, referee Jack Taylor immediately pointed to the spot. Never before

had a penalty been given in such an event.F, the captain of the defending team walked up to him

and confronting him angrily said, “Taylor, you’re an Englishman!”

Later in the match when he awarded another penalty now to the other side, X suggested that Taylor was

merely balancing out his earlier decision. X was booked for dissent.

Who are F and X?What event was taking place?

(Half points for any of the two parts)


In 1903, X signed a treaty that leased G to the United States for $ 2000 per month.

Initially a coaling station, it is now a full-fledged naval base. G also houses the only McDonald’s

outlet in the country.Presently, the United States pays $ 4085 a

month in rent for the lease but X has cashed only one cheque since 1959.

What is G?


ID the person who makes a cameo in the film.


Since antiquity, I has been identified as the home of the mythological hero ______.

Homer describes I as: “…dwell in shining I. There is a mountain there,high Neriton, covered in forests. Many islands

lie around it, very close to each other,Doulichion, Same, and wooded Zacynthos–

but low-lying I is farthest out to sea,towards the sunset, and the others are apart, towards the

dawn and sun.It is rough, but it raises good men.“

What is I? Fill in the blank.

J The picture is a meme from a

Facebookpage “Marxist

Memes”. Fill in with a phrase that was in the

news in January of this year.


K is an ancient prayer in Aramaic. The literal translation of this word may be Holy/Holy

Praise /Divine Praise. This prayer is chanted even today in the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church and the Syriac Orthodox Church.The song K, by band X, is in Aramaic-East

Syriac which is used in the liturgy of the St. Thomas Christians of Kerala.

What is K? ID X.


L was a significant event in the “sexual revolution” in the United States. In 1965, Tom Lehrer recorded a satirical

song, “Smut” in which he sings: "Who needs a hobby like tennis or philately?/I've got a

hobby: rereading ____ _____.”British poet Philip Larkin’s poem, “Annus Mirabilis”

begins with:“Sexual intercourse began

In nineteen sixty-three(which was rather late for me) –

Between the end of the ‘______’ banAnd The Beatles' first LP.”

What is L?


M’s are used metaphorically, as a design paradigm, known as the “M principle”.

It denotes a recognizable relationship of "object-within-similar-object" that appears in the design

of many other natural and crafted objects. Examples of this use include the M brain and the

M media-container format.The onion metaphor is of similar character. If the outer layer is peeled off an onion, a similar onion

exists within. What are M’s?


The N is an Islamic religious movement founded in Detroit, Michigan, by Wallace D. Fard Muhammad

on July 4, 1930. Critics have labeled the organization as being racially supremacist and

anti-Semitic.The main belief of the N and its followers is that there is no other God but Allah. They teach that

their founder, Master Fard Muhammad was both the Messiah of Judaism and the Mahdi of Islam.

What is N?


Sufferers of O, are characterized by intense and often delusional distrust of their partners.

This syndrome is also called morbid jealousy and is often associated with alcoholism and

sexual dysfunction. It can also be found in the context of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

What is O?

PX had adopted the idea of a person abducted into a lost city from

Gaston Leroux's 1912 novel, The Bride of the Sun, in which the idea of a solar eclipse also appeared. In turn, the idea of European

explorers discovering a lost city had been found in both H. Rider Haggard's She: A History of Adventure (1887) and Edgar Rice

Burroughs' Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar (1916). His use of the eclipse may also have been influenced by accounts

claiming that Christopher Columbus subdued a revolt of indigenous groups in Jamaica in 1503 using knowledge of a solar

eclipse that had been predicted by Giovanni Muller's 1474 calendar.

X's principal source of information about the Andes was Charles Wiener's 1880 book Pérou et Bolivie ("Peru and Bolivia"), which

contained 1,100 engravings from which X could base his own illustrations.Which work?


Q’s are classified by content into the following categories: Hamd – praises Allah

Naat – praises Prophet MuhammadManqabat – praises Imam Ali or Sufi saints

Marsia – laments over the death of Imam Hussain’s family in the Battle of Karbala

Ghazal – expresses soul’s longing for union with the divineKafi – dialogue between the Soul (disciple) and the Creator

(master)Munadjaat – a night-time conversation with Allah or a prayer

What are Q’s?


In 1906, Hakim Abdul Majeed, a physician of Unani herbal medicine, founded his clinic in Old Delhi, the following year,

he launched R from an establishment at Lal Kuan in Old Delhi.In 2010, chef Nita Mehta was roped in by Hamdard

Laboratories to create new mocktail and dessert recipes for R, their all-season summer drink, which was used in a new

marketing campaign.R is often made in preparation, part of Iftar, the evening

meals for breaking the fast , during Ramadan. Besides cold milk and ice, the concentrate can also be mixed with water, which is a common preparation in the hot Indian summer.

What is R?


S played with the Phoenix Jazzmen, Newcastle Big Band, and Last Exit. He gained his

nickname after his habit of wearing a black and yellow sweater with hooped stripes with

the Phoenix Jazzmen. Bandleader Gordon Solomon thought he looked like a bee, which

prompted the name "S“.Who is S?


Posted in Lintong District, Xi’an, Shaanxi province, T’s purpose is to protect the

emperor for all eternity.T comprised of more than 8000 soldiers, 130

chariats with 520 horses and 150 cavalry horses. Other non-military figures are officials,

acrobats, strongmen and musicians.Give the generic name for T.


The name U comes from the Irish Cúige Uladhmeaning "fifth of the Ulaidh". The Ulaidh were a

group of tribes who dwelt in the region, while "fifth" refers to the five regions into which

ancient Ireland was divided. In English, the first part of the name refers to the Ulaidh. The latter part of the name comes either

from the Irish “tír” or the Old Norse “staðr”, both of which mean “land” or “territory”.

What name?


The ancient Greeks called this gastromancy. The noises produced by the stomach were thought to

be the voices of the unliving, who took up residence in the stomach of the V. The V would

then interpret the sounds, as they were thought to be able to speak to the dead, as well as foretell

the future. One of the earliest recorded group of prophets to

utilise this technique was the Pythia, the priestess at the temple of Apollo in Delphi, who

acted as the conduit for the Delphic Oracle.Who/what is V?


A W is an application, typically a web application, which allows collaborative modification, extension, or

deletion of its content and structure. In a typical W, text is written using a simplified markup language

(known as “W markup") or a rich-text editor.While a W is a type of content management system, it differs from a blog or most other such systems in that the content is created without any defined owner or

leader, and they have little implicit structure, allowing structure to emerge according to the needs of the

users.What is a W?


Black Hat Guy – wears a black hat and refers to himself as “Classhole” (portmanteau of “classy” and “asshole”)

Megan – has short, dark hairBeret Guy – existentialist eccentric who displays a

charming, childlike optimismEve – a psychotic female with a tendency towards

excessive violenceFictionalised versions of well-known real-life figures from

the scientific community like Richard Stallman, Cory Doctorow and Richard Feynman

Firefly characters and/or cast membersConnect.


Y in the Hindu epic Mahabharata was a son of Dhritrashtra with a Vaishya woman named Sughada.

Y played a major role as an informant among the Kauravas. He assisted the Pandavas by providing critical information about Kauravas' preparation and planning.

He also saved the life of Bhima by informing the Pandavas about Duryodhana's cunning schemes, which

included poisoning water.He was the only son of Dhritarashtra who survived the Kurukshetra war. After the war, he took charge as the

King of Indraprastha.Who was Y?


The first products were created in 1618 by Avedis Z, an Armenian alchemist who was looking for a way to turn base metal into gold; he created an alloy combining tin, copper,

and silver into a sheet of metal that could make a noise without shattering. These sheets were used by the Ottomans

to frighten enemy armies. Avedis founded his company Z in Constantinople in 1623, the

details of whose main product remained secret for generations. It became family tradition that only the

company's heirs would know the manufacturing process.The company is presently based in Norwell, Massachusetts.

Which company?




In 1900, when the club was founded, the emblem of A was just a picture of a player. The crest was slightly altered following the club's promotion to the top division in 1911 to match the club's new outfits.

In 1928, the club logo was introduced with the head of the Greek hero ____ with whom the club shares its

name. The logo was once again changed in 1990 into an abstract version of the previous one. The new logo still sports the portrait of ____, but drawn with just 11

lines, symbolizing the 11 players of a football team.Which club’s logo?


“Unification or Death” unofficially known as the B was a secret military society formed on 6 September , 1901.Inspired by the unification of Italy in 1859-70 and that of Germany in 1871, its main objective was to liberate Serbs under Austro-Hungarian occupation and unite all the territories with a South Slavic majority not ruled by

either Serbia or Montenegro. A little more than a decade after its formation it would be involved to an event that would change the world.What was the unofficial (and more popular name) of

this organisation?


C (Latin for "Songs from Beuern“) is the name given to a manuscript of 254 poems and dramatic texts mostly from

the 11th – 13th century. Generally, the works can be arranged into four groups

according to theme:• 55 songs of morals and mockery • 131 love songs• 40 drinking and gaming songs• 2 longer spiritual theater pieces

Twenty-four poems were set to music in 1936 and became extremely popular.

What is C?

DSuccessful marketing campaigns of the De Beers group

include the 'eternity ring' (as a symbol of continuing affection and appreciation), the 'trilogy ring'

(representing the past, present and future of a relationship) and the 'right hand ring' (bought and

worn by women as a symbol of independence).However, the most famous is the ‘__ _______ __

______’. The phrase was coined by a young copywriter working for N. W. Ayer & Son, Frances Gerety in 1947. In 2000, Advertising Age magazine named it the best

advertising slogan of the 20th century.(The second word of the phrase starts with “D”, the

first word is an article)


“Well, I think it definitely involved a lot, my engagement into what’s happening in Latin America and the rest of

the world, in a way. It really had a big impact, and it reaffirmed many things. It surprised me in many ways that I never thought it was gonna surprise me. What was amazing was the experience of having traveled

there…. I had to live that journey to understand what was happening and be able to portray it.”

--- actor Gael García Bernal on portraying an iconic 20th century figure. Incidentally he portrayed the figure

on-screen twice in his career. Who?


When X was tripped inside the penalty box, referee Jack Taylor immediately pointed to the spot. Never before

had a penalty been given in such an event.F, the captain of the defending team walked up to him

and confronting him angrily said, “Taylor, you’re an Englishman!”

Later in the match when he awarded another penalty now to the other side, X suggested that Taylor was

merely balancing out his earlier decision. X was booked for dissent.

Who are F and X?What event was taking place?(Half points for any two parts)


In 1903, X signed a treaty that leased G to the United States for $ 2000 per month.

Initially a coaling station, it is now a full-fledged naval base. G also houses the only McDonald’s

outlet in the country.Presently, the United States pays $ 4085 a

month in rent for the lease but X has cashed only one cheque since 1959.

What is G?


ID the person who makes a cameo in the film.


Since antiquity, I has been identified as the home of the mythological hero ______.

Homer describes I as: “…dwell in shining I. There is a mountain there,high Neriton, covered in forests. Many islands

lie around it, very close to each other,Doulichion, Same, and wooded Zacynthos–

but low-lying I is farthest out to sea,towards the sunset, and the others are apart, towards the

dawn and sun.It is rough, but it raises good men.“

What is I? Fill in the blank.

J The picture is a meme from a

Facebookpage “Marxist

Memes”. Fill in with a phrase that was in the

news in January of this year.


K is an ancient prayer in Aramaic. The literal translation of this word may be Holy/Holy

Praise /Divine Praise. This prayer is chanted even today in the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church and the Syriac Orthodox Church.The song K, by band X, is in Aramaic-East

Syriac which is used in the liturgy of the St. Thomas Christians of Kerala.

What is K? ID X.


L was a significant event in the “sexual revolution” in the United States. In 1965, Tom Lehrer recorded a satirical

song, “Smut” in which he sings: "Who needs a hobby like tennis or philately?/I've got a

hobby: rereading ____ _____.”British poet Philip Larkin’s poem, “Annus Mirabilis”

begins with:“Sexual intercourse began

In nineteen sixty-three(which was rather late for me) –

Between the end of the ‘______’ banAnd The Beatles' first LP.”

What is L?


M’s are used metaphorically, as a design paradigm, known as the “M principle”.

It denotes a recognizable relationship of "object-within-similar-object" that appears in the design

of many other natural and crafted objects. Examples of this use include the M brain and the

M media-container format.The onion metaphor is of similar character. If the outer layer is peeled off an onion, a similar onion

exists within. What are M’s?


The N is an Islamic religious movement founded in Detroit, Michigan, by Wallace D. Fard Muhammad

on July 4, 1930. Critics have labeled the organization as being racially supremacist and

anti-Semitic.The main belief of the N and its followers is that there is no other God but Allah. They teach that

their founder, Master Fard Muhammad was both the Messiah of Judaism and the Mahdi of Islam.

What is N?


Sufferers of O, are characterized by intense and often delusional distrust of their partners.

This syndrome is also called morbid jealousy and is often associated with alcoholism and

sexual dysfunction. It can also be found in the context of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

What is O?

PX had adopted the idea of a person abducted into a lost city from

Gaston Leroux's 1912 novel, The Bride of the Sun, in which the idea of a solar eclipse also appeared. In turn, the idea of European

explorers discovering a lost city had been found in both H. Rider Haggard's She: A History of Adventure (1887) and Edgar Rice

Burroughs' Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar (1916). His use of the eclipse may also have been influenced by accounts

claiming that Christopher Columbus subdued a revolt of indigenous groups in Jamaica in 1503 using knowledge of a solar

eclipse that had been predicted by Giovanni Muller's 1474 calendar.

X's principal source of information about the Andes was Charles Wiener's 1880 book Pérou et Bolivie ("Peru and Bolivia"), which

contained 1,100 engravings from which X could base his own illustrations.Which work?


Q’s are classified by content into the following categories: Hamd – praises Allah

Naat – praises Prophet MuhammadManqabat – praises Imam Ali or Sufi saints

Marsia – laments over the death of Imam Hussain’s family in the Battle of Karbala

Ghazal – expresses soul’s longing for union with the divineKafi – dialogue between the Soul (disciple) and the Creator

(master)Munadjaat – a night-time conversation with Allah or a prayer

What are Q’s?


In 1906, Hakim Abdul Majeed, a physician of Unani herbal medicine, founded his clinic in Old Delhi, the following year,

he launched R from an establishment at Lal Kuan in Old Delhi.In 2010, chef Nita Mehta was roped in by Hamdard

Laboratories to create new mocktail and dessert recipes for R, their all-season summer drink, which was used in a new

marketing campaign.R is often made in preparation, part of Iftar, the evening

meals for breaking the fast , during Ramadan. Besides cold milk and ice, the concentrate can also be mixed with water, which is a common preparation in the hot Indian summer.

What is R?


S played with the Phoenix Jazzmen, Newcastle Big Band, and Last Exit. He gained his

nickname after his habit of wearing a black and yellow sweater with hooped stripes with

the Phoenix Jazzmen. Bandleader Gordon Solomon thought he looked like a bee, which

prompted the name "S“.Who is S?


Posted in Lintong District, Xi’an, Shaanxi province, T’s purpose is to protect the

emperor for all eternity.T comprised of more than 8000 soldiers, 130

chariats with 520 horses and 150 cavalry horses. Other non-military figures are officials,

acrobats, strongmen and musicians.Give the generic name for T.

The Terracotta Army


The name U comes from the Irish Cúige Uladhmeaning "fifth of the Ulaidh". The Ulaidh were a

group of tribes who dwelt in the region, while "fifth" refers to the five regions into which

ancient Ireland was divided. In English, the first part of the name refers to the Ulaidh. The latter part of the name comes either

from the Irish “tír” or the Old Norse “staðr”, both of which mean “land” or “territory”.

What name?


The ancient Greeks called this gastromancy. The noises produced by the stomach were thought to

be the voices of the unliving, who took up residence in the stomach of the V. The V would

then interpret the sounds, as they were thought to be able to speak to the dead, as well as foretell

the future. One of the earliest recorded group of prophets to

utilise this technique was the Pythia, the priestess at the temple of Apollo in Delphi, who

acted as the conduit for the Delphic Oracle.Who/what is V?


A W is an application, typically a web application, which allows collaborative modification, extension, or

deletion of its content and structure. In a typical W, text is written using a simplified markup language

(known as “W markup") or a rich-text editor.While a W is a type of content management system, it differs from a blog or most other such systems in that the content is created without any defined owner or

leader, and they have little implicit structure, allowing structure to emerge according to the needs of the

users.What is a W?


Black Hat Guy – wears a black hat and refers to himself as “Classhole” (portmanteau of “classy” and “asshole”)

Megan – has short, dark hairBeret Guy – existentialist eccentric who displays a

charming, childlike optimismEve – a psychotic female with a tendency towards

excessive violenceFictionalised versions of well-known real-life figures from

the scientific community like Richard Stallman, Cory Doctorow and Richard Feynman

Firefly characters and/or cast membersConnect.

Recurring characters on


Y in the Hindu epic Mahabharata was a son of Dhritrashtra with a Vaishya woman named Sughada.

Y played a major role as an informant among the Kauravas. He assisted the Pandavas by providing critical information about Kauravas' preparation and planning.

He also saved the life of Bhima by informing the Pandavas about Duryodhana's cunning schemes, which

included poisoning water.He was the only son of Dhritarashtra who survived the Kurukshetra war. After the war, he took charge as the

King of Indraprastha.Who was Y?


The first products were created in 1618 by Avedis Z, an Armenian alchemist who was looking for a way to turn base metal into gold; he created an alloy combining tin, copper,

and silver into a sheet of metal that could make a noise without shattering. These sheets were used by the Ottomans

to frighten enemy armies. Avedis founded his company Z in Constantinople in 1623, the

details of whose main product remained secret for generations. It became family tradition that only the

company's heirs would know the manufacturing process.The company is presently based in Norwell, Massachusetts.

Which company?