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  • 8/6/2019 AFS RATIO


    Financial Management Made Easy

    Financial Analysis

    A banker advances to many clients including individuals, traders, firms and

    corporate. Before a loan is granted the banker needs to do an evaluation of

    the firms/companys financial position by applying different parameters. One important parameter is to do a financial analysis.

    The advantages of financial analysis are:

    To understand the financial position of the firm/company


    To assess the repayment capacity of the firms (the loan amount +

    interest + other fees)

    To evaluate the managerial skills of the management team, with

    special reference to the financial management.

    The Tools used in financial Analysis:

    Balance Sheet (BS)-

    A BS is statement indicates the financial position as on a particular date

    (ex: as on 31st March,2010)

    A BS has two sides Assets & Liabilities

    Assets- What the firm Owns and its Receivable


    Balance SheetProfit & Loss

    AccountsFlow Statements

    Cash Flow Funds Flow

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    Liabilities What the firm Owes and its Payables

    Shows Sources of Funds and Uses of funds

    To have a fair idea/view about the financial position of a firm/company, the

    interested persons /Institutions (investors,analysts,bankers,credit ratingagencies) need to analyse the financials for a period of three to five years.

    The study/analysis helps to understand the trend about the various aspects.

    The analysis need to cover the entire period of 12 months. The study

    should be based on different set of figures to arrive at a meaningful decision.

    Ratio Analysis: (RA) is used by the analysts to compare and understand

    the financial position of a firm/company. Ratios are used as tools for this type

    of analysis. Ratio analysis is a process of establishing a significant

    relationship between the items of financial statements to provide a

    meaningful understanding of the performance and financial position of afirm.

    Classification of ratios I-(Expression/Degree of


    Types of


    Mode of


    Degree of



    Percentage Rate




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    Classification of ratios II-Users






    Rating Cos




    Long term




    Short tem





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    Classification of ratios III Important Parameters









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    Classification of ratios IV Financial Statements:

    Briefly we try to understand the following:

    Traditional Classification: On the basis of financials. They are classified as











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    P&L a/c ratios: i.e., ratios calculated on the basis of p/l a/c only

    Balance sheet ratio: ratios on the basis of figures of balance sheet only

    Composite or inter statement ratios: on the basis of the figures of P&L as well

    as Balance sheet

    ratios can be classified into:

    Financial or Solvency Ratio

    Turnover or Activity Ratio

    Profitability or Income Ratio

    Financial Ratios may be classified into

    Short term solvency ratios: This discloses the financial position or solvency of

    the firm in the short term. This is also called as Liquidity Ratio

    Long term solvency ratios : This discloses the financial position or solvency

    of the firm in the long term. This is also called as Solvency Ratios

    Advantages of Ratios as a tool for financial analysis:

    It simplifies the reading of the financial statements

    Helps in Inter firm comparison

    Highlights the factors associated with successful/unsuccessful firms.

    Reveals different positions of the firm/s such as

    strong/weak/overvalued and undervalued

    Helps in Planning and forecasting


    Ratios can assist the user (lender, management) in the basic functions

    of forecasting, planning, coordination, control and communication.

    Limitations of Ratios:

    + Comparative study required

    + Non financial changes, an important factor is not covered

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    + Different accounting policies in the same industry may distort the results

    + Ratios alone are not adequate: Ratios are only indicators. Other things are

    also needed for taking decision.

    Example: (i) a high current ratio does not necessarily mean that the concernhas a good liquidity position ( in case the current assets consists of outdated

    stocks) (ii) debtors beyond a reasonable period if not excluded from the

    current assets would not reveal the correct position

    Ratios tells the analyst/user to stop, look and decide

    Window dressing:

    } Window dressing is manipulation of accounts, i.e., concealment of facts

    and figures

    } Does not reveal the factual position, but reflects a better position that what

    actually is,

    Example : A high stock turnover ratio is generally considered as an

    indication to operational efficiency. This may be achieved by unwarranted

    price reduction or failure to maintain proper stock of goods This might result

    in a favorable ratio/s.

    Changes in Price levels: Two firms depreciate the machinery based on their

    date of purchase then the deprecation would be lower for the older

    company than the new company. Hence mere comparative study does not

    convey purposeful meaning.

    A) Profitability Ratios:

    1)Overall Profitability Ratio:

    Known as Return on Investment It indicates the % of return on the total

    capital employed in the business. Formula : Operating Profit/Capital

    employed x 100

    Capital employed: (i) Sum Total of all assets (fixed+current) (ii)Sum total of

    fixed assets

    (iii) Sum total of long term funds employed in business.,

    Share Capital + Reserves and surplus + Long Term loans (Non-business

    assets + fictitious assets)

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    Operating Profit is the profit before interest and tax. Interest means Interest

    on long term borrowings. Interest on short term borrowings is deducted for

    computing operating profit.

    Non trading income such as interest on GOI Sec or non trading losses or

    expenses such as loss on a/c of fire will be excluded

    2) Return on Investment(ROI): The ROI is a concept which is also stated

    as YOC (Yield on Capital). ROI indicates the efficiencies/deficiencies of the

    firms performance. The profit being the net result of all operations, the

    return on Capital is an important indicator to measure the performance of a


    Suppose a firm borrow funds @ 8% and the ROI is 7 %, it is better not to

    borrow (unless absolutely necessary). Further, it shows that the firm has not

    been employing the funds efficiently

    3) Earning per Share (EPS): This indicates the overall profitability of a

    firm. ROI comparison would be effective only when two firms are of the

    same age, same size. To avoid this mismatch, evaluation based on EPS is a

    better option.

    EPS tells the earning per equity share. EPS= Net Profit after tax and pre

    dividend/Number of equity share.EPS helps in determining the market price

    of the equity share of the company. A comparison of EPs of two firms shows,

    whether the equity share capital is being effectively used or not.

    4) Price Earning (P/E) Ratio:

    The number of times the EPS is covered by the market price. P/E

    ratio=Market Price per equity share/EPS. P/E ratio helps investor/s to decide

    to buy or not to buy the shares of a company

    5)Gross Profit Ratio: Gross Profit/Net Sales x100. This ratio indicate the

    degree to which the selling price of goods per unit may decline without

    resulting in losses from operations.

    6) Net Profit Ratio: This indicates the net margin earned on a sale of

    Rs.100.Net Operating Profit/Net Sales x100

    This shows the efficiency of the firm. An increase in the ratio over the

    previous period shows improvement in the operational efficiency of the

    business provided the gross profit ratio is constant. An effective measure to

    check profitability of business

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    B) Solvency Ratios:

    A firm is said to be solvent or financially sound, if it is in a position to carry

    on its business smoothly and meet all its obligations, both long and short

    term without strain/any issue.

    1) Long term Solvency Ratios:

    (a) Fixed assets Ratio: Fixed assets/long term funds. This ratio should not

    be more than 1. {Fixed assets include net fixed assets (original cost

    depreciation to date) and trade investments including shares in subsidiaries.

    Long term funds include share capital reserves, and long term loans}If it is

    less than 1, it shows that a part of the working capital has been financed

    through the long term funds. This is possible to some extent because, a part

    of the working capital termed as core working capital is more or less of a

    fixed nature. The ideal ratio =0.67

    (b) Debt Equity Ratio: This is calculated to find out the soundness of the

    long term financial policies of the firm/company. It is also known as

    External-Internal equity ratio. Debt equity ratio- External equities/Internal


    External equities : Total outside liabilities and Internal equities : Share holder

    funds or the tangible net worth. If the ratio is 1 :ie., outsiders funds are

    equal to share holders funds it is considered quite satisfactory

    Debt equity ratio can also be calculated as: (i) Debt equity ratio- Total longterm debt/Total long term funds

    (ii) Debt equity ratio- Total long term debt/Shareholders funds, method,

    which more popular

    (ii) includes the proportion of the long term debt to the share holders

    funds(i.e., tangible net worth) the ideal ratio is 1.

    This ratio indicates the proportion of owners stake in the business. The ratio

    indicates the extent to which the firm depends upon outsiders for its

    existence. The ratio tells its owners the extent to which they can borrow to

    increase the profits with limited investment.

    2) Short term Solvency Ratios:

    (i) Current Ratio: The firms commitment to meet its short term liabilities.

    Current assets/Current liabilities. It includes cash and other assets

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    convertible or meant to be converted into cash during the operating cycle of

    business (which is not more than a year) Current liabilities mean liabilities

    payable within a years time either out of existing current assets or by

    creation of new current assets. Book debts outstanding for more than 6

    months and loose tools should not be included in the current assets. Prepaid

    expenses should be included in the current assets.

    An ideal ratio is 2:1. A very high current ratio is also not desirable, since it

    means less efficient use of funds. Current ratio is an index of a firms

    financial stability. A higher current ratio indicates inadequate employment of

    funds, while a poor current ratio indicates that the business is trading

    beyond its resources (capacity).

    (ii) Liquidity Ratio: Known as quick ratio or Acid Test Ratio. This ratio

    is worked out by comparing the liquid assets (ie., assets which are

    immediately convertible into cash). Prepaid expenses and stocks are nottaken as liquid assets. Liquid assets/Current liabilities and the ideal ratio is

    1. This is also an indicator of short term Solvency of the firm.

    A comparison of current ratio to quick ratio indicate the inventory


    Ex:If two concerns have the same current ratio but a different liquidity ratio,

    it indicates over stocking by the concern having low liquidity ratio as

    compared to the concern which has a higher liquidity ratio

    C) Turn Over Ratios:

    1) Stock Turnover Ratio: The ratio indicates whether the investments in

    inventories is efficiently used or not. This is arrived at by using the cost of

    goods sold and average inventory

    Cost of goods sold during the year/Average inventory .Average inventory is

    calculated by taking stock levels of raw materials, work in progress, finished

    goods at the end of each month adding them up an dividing by 12.

    The inventory turn over ratio signifies the liquidity of inventory management.

    A high inventory ratio shows good sales. A low inventory turn over ratio

    results in the blocking of funds in inventory, which might result in losses due

    to inventory becoming obsolete or decreasing in quality

    This ratio is calculated as : inventory x 365/cost of goods sold

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    2) Debtors Turnover Ratio: Debtors are important components of current

    assets, therefore the quality of debtors determines a firms good liquidity

    management. The Two important ratios are (i) Debtors turnover ratio and (ii)

    Debt collection period ratio

    (i)Debtors turnover ratio = Credit sales/Average account receivables.The term Account Receivable includes Trade Debtors and Bills Receivable.

    Credit Sales to Account Receivable Ratio indicates the firms efficiency in

    collection of receivables.. The higher the ratio , it is better, as it indicates

    that debts are being collected more promptly.

    (ii) Debt collection Period Ratio: This ratio indicates the extent to which

    the debts have been collected in time. It gives an average debt collection

    period. The ratio is very helpful to the lenders because it explains to them

    whether their borrowers are collecting money within a reasonable time. An

    increase in the period will result in greater blockage of funds in debtors. Theratio can be calculated by any of the following methods

    (a) Months (or days) in a year/Debtors turnover

    (b) {Average account receivables(months or days) in a year}/Credit sales for

    the year

    (c) Account receivables/Average monthly or daily credit sales

    For example, if sales during the year is Rs.365,000 or Rs.1,000 per day, and

    if the outstanding or amount receivable is Rs.100,000, the debt collection

    period is 100 days i.e., Rs 100,000/1000. Assuming if the firm has allowed a

    credit term of 60 days, this ratio indicates that the credit collection needs to

    be geared up.

    Debtors collection period measures the quality of debtors. It measures the

    turnover time i.e., quick or slow turnaround in respect of collection of money.

    A short collection period means prompt payment by the debtors, and shows

    the efficiency of fund collection. Whereas, a longer collection periodindicates an inefficient credit collection performance by the firm. The

    management should have a flexible policy to have a better result. A

    restrictive policy may result in slower sales and would result in low profits. A

    too liberal policy could result in delay in collection of dues and affect the

    liquidity management.

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    Let us try to understand by some examples:

    A firms current ratio is 2. If so, identify in which of the following cases the

    current ratio will Improve/decline or will have no change.

    (i) purchase of fixed assets

    (ii) cash collected from Customers

    (iii) payment of a current liability

    (iv) Bill receivable dishonored

    Answers: If the current ratio is 2:1, then our assumption is current assets =

    Rs1,00,000 and current liabilities = Rs.50,000

    (i) Purchase of fixed assets: On purchase of fixed assets in cash, current

    assets will decrease without any change in current liabilities. Hence he

    transaction will result in decline of current ratio from 2:1

    (ii) Cash collected from customers: Collection of debtors (receivables) would

    result in the conversion of one current asset., viz., debtors into another

    current asset viz., debtors to cash. Hence amount of current assets and

    current liabilities remain unchanged the current ratio will therefore remain


    (iii) Payment of a current liability: On payment of a current liability out of

    current assets Working capital will remain unchanged. However current ratiowill improve. For example, if out of above current liabilities Rs20,000 is paid

    resultant current assets will be Rs.120,,000 and current liabilities Rs30,000,

    this will give the current ratio 3:1

    (iv) Bill receivable dishonored: When a bill receivable is dishonored, if the

    customer is solvent, then the amount of bills receivable will get deducted

    and the amount due from debtors will increase, There will be no change in

    the amount of current liabilities Hence on this assumption the current ratio

    will remain 2:1

    Fund Flow Analysis

    Another method of financial analysis is fund flow analysis. The fund flow

    analysis indicates the inflow and outflow of cash. This statement is also

    known as sources and application of funds

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    Sources of funds:

    (a) Cash inflow from operations (b) Income from investments (c) sale of

    investments (d) sale of fixed assets (e) decrease in working capital (f)

    increase in liabilities (g) short and long term loans

    Application of funds:

    (a) Operating expenses (b) Repayment of loans/debentures(c)Payment of

    dividend (d)acquisition of fixed assets (e) increase in working capital (f)

    Securities bought for investments

    A review of the balance sheet from the funds flow angle is an important

    factor in financial analysis.

    Fund flow analysis Advantages:

    : Cash inflow from operations is better a tool to measure whether cash is

    generated from the business or otherwise.

    : Since funds flow statements are prepared based on estimates, these

    estimated figures help in planning and can also be used to monitor the


    : It helps in comparison of the pervious years budgeted estimates against

    the actual to find out whether and to what extent the resources of the firm

    were used as per the plan.

    : From the point of view of the lending banker, the comparison of 3 to 5

    years statements indicate the diversion of funds from working capital to long

    term application viz., purchase of fixed assets.

    Contingent Liabilities or Off Balance Sheet Items: These items appear

    outside the balance sheet as a foot note, hence called as off balance sheet

    items. While on the date of the balance sheet these figures may not have

    any impact, by default there are risks associated with these items. If,on the

    date of crystallization,(due date) these non fund based liabilities can be

    converted into the funds based items, there by can affect the currentliabilities. In view of this, due importance and weight age needs to be given

    for these off balance sheet items

    Some examples are (a) Tax liability on account of cases pending with

    tribunals (b) Bankers letter of credit issued (c) Bankers guarantees issued

    (d) Derivatives of banks

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    Working Capital Finance:

    Features: (a) Short term finance (maximum for a period of one year) (b)

    Called as circulating capital.(c) Ganted against inventories and/or receivables(d)

    A bank which grants a working capital finance should ensure that the finance

    is granted to a borrower, should be, on a time bound basis based on the

    concept of operating cycle method..

    For a manufacturing company, the term working capital means, the

    requirement of funds for its day to day operations viz.,ensure that sufficientcash is available to meet day to day cash flow needs.

    Cash is needed for

    (a) purchase of raw materials, spares (b) payment of wages to employees (c)

    payment of administrative expenses including expenses towards water, fuel

    energy consumption, payment of statutory dues like taxes, transportation

    expenses etc.,(d)all other expenses on account of production, sales,marketing, recoveries etc.,

    What is an operating cycle: A bank gives working capital finance in the form

    of fund based finance against inventories and or receivables. Depending

    upon the industry the finance can be granted for a period of 120 days to 180

    Working Capital Finance

    Inventory finance Receivables finance

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    days. This means, the finance availed by the client needs to be repaid at the

    end of the period. This can be shown in a diagram. This is also called as the

    working capital cycle

    Each component of working capital has two dimensions TIME and


    As shown above the main feature of working capital is the cash getting

    converted into cash after different stages of the production of goods.

    Hence the entire process is reflected in the form of a cycle, which is

    called as operating cycle or working capital cycle.














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    The shorter the period of operating cycle, the larger will be the

    turnover of the funds invested in various purposes.

    The working capital management needs to address the following aspects,

    before taking a decision:

    (i) How much inventory is to be held (ii) How much cash and bank balance is

    to be maintained (iii) How much the company should provide credit to its

    clients, also what should be the credit terms? (iv) Similarly to what extent

    the company can enjoy or avail of the credit facilities and the credit terms

    thereof (v) What should be the composition of current assets and liabilities.

    What is working capital?

    A working capital is the excess of current assets over current liabilities. Cash

    which is one of the important component of the current assets, plays a

    significant role in working capital management. As far as possible the

    company should maintain adequate working capital as much as requited by

    the company. It should neither be excessive nor inadequate.

    Working Capital - Definition

    1.According to Guttmann & Dougall -

    Excess of current assets over current liabilities.

    2. According to Park & Gladson -

    The excess of current assets of a business over current items owned to

    employees and others.

    Types of Working Capital:

    One of the important role of a finance manager is to ensure proper flow of

    funds. In this connection arrangement of cash flow through proper working

    capital management is very important. Depending upon the business

    models the working capital can be classified into different types, as shown in

    the diagram:


    requirement of minimum cash/funds required to run the firm, company. This

    is also called as hard core Working Capital. If this quantity of Working capital

    is not maintained, it would affect the business.

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    production activities a firm may need more funds on a temporary basis to

    meet the short term requirements. The fund requirement may be over and

    above the overall fixed working capital limits. The lender (banker) should

    based on the merits of the case, may grant the temporary working capital.


    need for the funds vary from a company to another and/or from industry to

    industry. Sometimes, there may be situations where the firms may need

    additional working capital on certain special seasons. As already indicated

    any additional or temporary requirements for funds needs to decided based

    on the merit of the case/s.




    Flexible /





    t, Fixed

    or Regular

    Types ofWorking


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    NEGATIVE WORKING CAPITAL : Negative Working Capital is when current

    liabilities exceed current assets

    BALANCE SHEET WORKING CAPITAL: It is that Working Capital which iscalculated from the items appearing in the balance sheet of a firm.

    Working Capital Classification based on concepts:




    Gross Working Capital

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    Working Capital means the funds available for day to day operation of an

    enterprise. There are two concepts of Working Capital viz., (a) Gross Working

    Capital and (b) Net Working Capital

    (a) Gross Working Capital:

    Gross concept of Working Capital is quantitative in nature. It represents the

    total of all current assets. It is also known as circulating capital or current

    capital. The word current assets means, those assets which can be converted

    into cash within an accounting period or operating cycle like;

    Inventory Trade debtors Bills


    Loans and advances Investments

    Cash and Bank Balance Marketable securities

    The gross concept of Working Capital is a going concern concept, because

    current assets are necessary for the proper utilization of fixed assets.

    (b) Net Working Capital: Net Working Capital represents the excess ofcurrent assets over current liabilities or the portion of current assets which is

    financed by long term funds..It is known as net working capital.

    Current liabilities are those usually repaid within an accounting year like;

    Account Payable / sundry creditors Bills Payable

    Trade Advances Outstanding Expenses

    Short Term Bonus Bank Overdraft

    The net concept of Working Capital shows the financial soundness and

    liquidity of a firm. This concept creates the confidence to the creditors about

    the security of their funds.

    Net Working Capital = Current Assets Current Liabilities

    How to calculate the working capital requirements:

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    For this purpose the length of cash to cash cycle is measured:

    The duration of the working capital cycle can be mentioned as follows:

    O = R+W+F+D-C

    O = Duration of operating cycle

    R = Raw materials storage period

    W= Work in progress period

    F = Finished goods storage period

    D= Debtors collection period

    C=Creditors collection period

    Gross operating cycle = inventory Conversion period + Debtors

    conversion Period

    Determinants of Working Capital

    WC is determined on the basis of certain factors, like :

    (i) Nature of Industry (ii) Size of Business (iii) Manufacturing Cycle (iv)Firms Production Policy (v) Terms of purchase & Sales (vi) Volume of Sales

    (vii) Capital base of the firm (viii)Business Cycle (ix)Management of

    Inventory an d receivables (x) changes in economy inflation (xi)

    Government policies (xii) Profit margin

    Importance or Advantages of Adequate Working Capital (WC):

    Adequate WC helps to

    (a) maintain solvency of business (b) create & maintaining goodwill (c)

    arrange loans from banks & others on easy and favorable terms (d) avail

    cash discount/s and hence reduction in cost of production (e) get regular

    supply of raw materials (f) adhere to payment schedules for salary & wages

    and other dues taxes (g) negotiate the terms more comfortably (i) manage

    the liquidity

    Position of excess WC:

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    Excessive WC - disadvantages

    Disadvantages of redundant or excessive WC;

    (i) Excessive WC means idle funds which earn no income for the business (ii)

    Since funds are not invested business cannot earn a proper rate of return(iii)Improper inventory management leads to a situation of redundant WC

    and increases the cost of inventory management (iv) Similarly excessive

    debtors & defective receivable management policy may create higher

    levels of bad-debts.

    Thus the factors can reflect the inefficiency of the firm and it does not speak

    well of the role of the financial manager

    Sources of Working Capital:

    Sources of Funds

    Long Term Funds Short Term Funds

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    Issue of Shares: This is popularly known as Equity Financing. The

    main source of long term funds is raised through the issuance of

    different types of equity shares. The share holders are part owners of

    the companies depending upon the type of shares.

    Debentures: This is called as Debt Financing. The investors in the

    debentures are creditors of the company. They are entitled for the

    dividend as return and also charge over the assets of the company.

    Hybrid Financing: The combination of equity and debt is called hybrid

    financing. The Finance manager needs to decide the proportion of the

    equity and debt funds.

    Retained Earning: One of the important component of the long term

    funds is the profits retained in business. It creates no charge on the

    future of the firm

















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    Long Term Borrowings: Acceptance of public deposits, debts from

    financial institutions and banks, etc., Other sources are security

    deposits accepted from the customers (depending on the business


    Short Term Financing: The short term financing mainly arranged through

    the working capital finance, also consist of other sources.

    Working Capital Ratios;

    Working Capital Ratios;

    Short Term


    Working Capital

    FinancePublic Deposits Other Credits


    Cash Credit

    Six Months

    Three Years Commercial


    Trade CreditsSecurity


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    Working Capital Ratios;

    Liquidity Ratios:

    Current Ratio = Current Assets/ Current Liability

    Quick Ratio = Current Assets Inventory/ Current Liability Bank Overdraft

    Efficiency Ratios:

    Working Capital to sales ratios= Sales/Working Capital

    Inventory Turnover ratio = Sales/Inventory

    Current assets turnover ratio: Sales/Current Assets

    Other Ratios:

    Debtors Turnover Ratio = Credit Sales/Debtors

    Bad debts to sales ratio = Bad Debts/Sales

    Debtor Collection period = Debtors x 365/credit sales

    Creditor Payment Period= Creditorsx365/credit purchase







    y Ratios










    Quick Ratio














    Bad debts

    to sales


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    Working Capital Turnover Ratio:

    Meaning: This ratio establishes a relationship between net sales and

    working capital.

    Objective: The objective of computing this ratio is to determine the

    efficiency with which the working capital is utilized.

    Components: There are two components of this ratio which are as under:

    Net Sales which mean gross sales minus sales returns

    Working Capital which means current assets minus current liabilities.

    Computation: This ratio is computed by dividing the net sales by the

    working capital. This ratio is usually expressed as x number of times.

    Working Capital Turnover Ratio = Net Sales/ Working Capital

    Interpretation: It indicates the firms ability to generate sales per rupee of

    working capital. In general, higher the ratio, the more efficient the

    management and utilization of working capital and vice versa.