afrinic stakeholder satisfaction survey 2012

©TNS 2012 ©TNS 2012 AFRINIC Stakeholders Satisfaction Survey Report 23rd November 2012

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The aim of the study was to gauge the perception of AFRINIC members with regards to its level of services as well as identifying the needs and expectation of its customers. A web questionnaire was designed and published online by the TNS Analysis team. Thereafter, AFRINIC sent invitation to its highly valued members to fill in the questionnaires online. 117 members responded to the survey from 7th October to 19th November.


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AFRINIC Stakeholders Satisfaction SurveyReport 23rd November 2012


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1Proposal & Methodology 03

2Executive summary 04

3Way forward 06

4Overall customer satisfaction 08

5Net promoter Score & Customer Typology 11

6A- General member’s feedback 15

7B- General African stakeholders’ section 21

8C. AFRINIC Public information services 36

9Appendix 41

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Proposal & Methodology


This is what you have asked

us to investigate

The aim of the study was to gauge the perception of AFRINIC members with regards to its level of services as well as identifying the needs and expectation of its customers.

Our key methodology


A web questionnaire was designed and published online by the TNS Analysis team. Thereafter, AFRINIC sent invitation to its highly valued members to fill in the questionnaires online.117 members responded to the survey from 7th October to 19th November.

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Executive summary



Overall Performance of AFRINIC

The Customer Satisfaction Index of AFRINIC is 71 points. The shares of satisfied and very satisfied customers are 55% and 16% respectively, while 5% mentioned that they are not satisfied with the service provided by AFRINIC. When analyzed across different touch points, the Public Information Services of AFRINIC is seen to be the most appreciated section with 69 points followed by the General African stakeholders section with 65 points. However, General Member’s Feedback section obtained the lowest score of 63 points.


Section A- General member’s feedback

This section regrouped 3 categories namely: Member’s feedback with a score of 68 points, Registration and Administration services 61 points and Corporate Governance 59 points. Members shared a medium consensus on overall and would like AFRINIC to pay particular attention to the following services which are rated as most important such as: ‘ Internet number statistics’, ‘Training services ’, ‘Root server deployment in the region’ , ‘DNSSEC’ , ‘DNS service support for ccTLD’ and ‘Internet community support’.As far as the Registration and Administration services are concerned, mixed opinions were shared with relatively lower scores attributed to Membership administration (56 points), Resource Management (59 points) and Billing system (58 points).Similarly Corporate governance was averagely favored by the respondents. The voting structure of AFRINIC scored the minimum with 54 points. However, members seemed to be disappointed with the rules of AFRINIC since the following attributes obtained quite low scores with 61 points each: 'AFRINIC and its Board of Directors represent my organization's interest' and 'AFRINIC's organisational structure as per its bylaws'

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Executive summary



Section B- General African stakeholders section

Average performance was recorded for the General African stakeholders section with 65 points. IPV6 Deployment was the only attribute to achieve a green score with 85 points. Yellow scores are registered for Support for Public Internet Infrastructure development with 67 points and AFRINIC communication with 61 points. However, the training and e-learning section recorded both red scores of 53 points and 58 points respectively. Training Services was seen to be the major weakness of AFRINIC. Except for the content of training to develop efficient Internet Operations skills, all remaining metrics of this section remained within the red light. Paying a fee to have more training session achieved the lowest score of 41 points. With regards to the importance that AFRINIC should place on the training services: ‘Sharing training materials openly’ and ‘Providing practical & technical training other than LIRs’ are highly valued by the respondents.


Section C- AFRINIC Public information servicesCompared to the previous sections, AFRINIC Public information services can be considered to be the main strength of AFRINIC with 69 points. AFRINIC’s level of engagement with various governments and authorities were highly valued by respondents. However, medium consensus was noted for the engagement of AFRINIC with governments in its service region.As far as the involvement of AFRINIC is concerned respondents shared the same consensus upon the need of more involvement on the level of deregulation on Internet service. When it comes to suggestion, ‘share best practice info’ was top rated with 69% on how AFRINIC should engage more with government followed by ‘Government participation at AFRINIC’s meeting with 57%.

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Way forward



Standardize services across all countries

The study reveals that respondents coming from different countries do not share the same opinion regarding the services offered by AFRINIC. Some complained about the administration system, Internet services (slow access), Billing services (accounting problems), corporate governance (remote voting structure) among others.Since AFRINIC is the sole Regional Registry for Internet Number Resources serving the African Internet Community, maintaining a good service across the regions will consolidate the trust of members. AFRINIC members cooperation and involvement are essential for the future growth of AFRINIC.


Provide training- IPV6

The training section recorded the lowest score. Therefore, AFRINIC should focus more on this segment as members mentioned that most of them are unfamiliar with some techniques. AFRINIC should continue sharing training materials openly as this method remains the most suitable for and accessible to all countries. Maybe AFRINIC should provide an online customer service where an agent responds instantly to all problems encountered by members.Moreover, since IPV6 is quite new to most members, AFRINIC should organise several workshops to ensure the smooth transition and train members about different migration scenarios. As mentioned in the study, the budget for the IPV6 transition seemed to be problematic for some African countries and NGO's. AFRINIC could help them by organising fundraising activities during conferences and other regional meetings.

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Computation of Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI)


To have an overall picture of the appreciation of the customers, a score was calculated following the procedure mentioned below:

Step 1

Weighting each criteriaLikert scales were used through out the whole questionnaires. 3 different types of scaling were used namely; Strongly disagree to Totally agree, Not important at all to very important and Too much involvement to Need more involvement.

Scale 1:Strongly disagree =0Disagree =25Neutral =50Agree =75Totally agree =100

Scale 2:Not important at all=0Not important =25Neutral =50Important =75Very important =100

Scale 3:Too much involvement =100Fair involvement =75Neutral =50Need involvement =25Need more involvement =0

Step 2

Traffic light

To enable a clearer perspective of all the different aspects measured, a Traffic Light signal concept was used and applied on the Customer Satisfaction Indices (CSI), where Green was defined as a Strength on CSI > 75 points, Yellow as Average Performance on CSI lying between 60 and 74, while Red was rated as an area of weakness on CSI < 60.

Scores = > 75

Scores between 60-74

Scores below 60

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Overall customer satisfaction

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Overall customer satisfaction


The customer satisfaction index of AFRINIC stands at 71 points, where 55% of the respondents are satisfied with the overall performance of AFRINIC followed by 23% who are indifferent and 16% who are very satisfied. However, we also find that 4% of the respondents are not satisfied at all with the overall performance of AFRINIC.




1% 4%

Very satisfied(9,10)



Not satisfied(3,4)

Not satisfied at all(1,2)

Base: 92respondents

How would you rate the overall performance of AFRINIC?

Customer satisfaction index


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Dashboard of results


Globally, the performance of AFRINIC is quite satisfactory with average scores across all touch points tested. IPV6 deployment score the maximum with 85 points, followed by Internet Governance and Public Affairs with 75 points. However, AFRINIC should pay more attention to the Corporate Governance section , training section and the E-learning website services since scores are below the standard with 59, 53 and 58 points respectively.

Section A- General member’s feedback Member's feedback 68 Registration and Administration services 61 Corporate Governance 59Overall score of section A 63

Section B- General African stakeholders section AFRINIC Training 53 AFRINIC E-learning website 58 AFRINIC communication 61 IPV6 Deployment 85 Support for Public internet Infrastructure development 67Overall score of Section B 65

Section C- AFRINIC Public information services AFRINIC public information services 62 Internet Governance and Public Affairs 75Overall score of section C 69Overall score of AFRINIC 65

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Net promoter Score&

Customer typology

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Net Promoter Score (NPS)


The new approach to NPS is based on the fundamental perspective that every company's customers can be divided into three categories, given below, by asking them one question : How likely is it that you would recommend [AFRINIC] to a friend or colleague? • Promoters : Customers who give a score of score 9-10 and are therefore loyal enthusiasts who will keep buying and refer others, fueling growth• Passives : Customers who give a score of score of 7-8 and are defined as satisfied but unenthusiastic customers who are vulnerable to competitive offerings.• Detractors : Customers who give a score of 0 to 6 and are thus unhappy customers who can damage your brand and impede growth through negative word-of-mouth. Net Promoter Score (NPS) is the % of customers who are Promoters minus % who are Detractors


NPS = 41%-24%= 17%

Base: 92respondents

The net promoter score for AFRINIC stands at 17%. The share of promoters is quite high with 41% v.s 24% of Detractors.

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Customer typology- explanatory note


The NPS is an indicator of growth. To better analyse customer potential, we propose a typology of customers which takes into account the satisfaction level, recommendation potential and future purchase intention. The Typology describes the business situation of a company by identifying four types of customer relationships – the Ambassador, Uninvolved, Disillusioned and Critics relationships – based on the two major Index components Satisfaction and Loyalty.

This typology is based on 4 questions (i) first two questions, representing ‘Satisfaction’ and (ii) last two questions representing ‘Loyalty’

   1. How would you rate the overall performance of AFRINIC?   2. How likely are you to recommend AFRINIC?   3. How likely is it that you will continue working with AFRINIC in the future?   4. How would you rate the technical advantage of working with AFRINIC?

AmbassadorHighly satisfied with your performance and loyal in that they will give your organisation full support

DisillusionedDissatisfied with your performance and disloyal; will resist initiatives and challenge your efforts; major source of negative word-of-mouth

UninvolvedSatisfied with your performance but not particularly loyal; their level of support is weak

CriticsCritical of your performance at present, but still willing to give you support possibly





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Customer typology


57% of the members are seen to be loyal and satisfied with the service delivered by AFRINIC, while 14% are disillusioned. Despite being satisfied with AFRINIC services, 4% will go towards another operator if they are offered better deals while the rest 25% have no choice than to continue using the services of AFRINIC although they are not satisfied with the service.

Base: 92respondents






h s





w s




Low Loyalty High Loyalty


Disillusioned Critics

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A. General member’s Feedback


Member's feedback 68

Registration and Administration services


Corporate Governance 59

Section A 63

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Stake holder type



43% YesNo

Are you or your Organisation an AFRINIC member?

Yes No



Does your Organisation Operate in any of the 55 economies served by AFRINIC?

South AfricaNigeriaGhana

CameroonBurkina Faso





Democratic Republic of CongoCôte d'Ivoire





Countries of those who are not served by AFRINIC

Country Number of respondents


Switzerland 1

Finland 1

Respondent Location

Base N: Total respondents = 117Base S: Forms part of AFRINIC = 110Base Z: Do not form part of AFRINIC = 7

57% of the organisations surveyed said they were an AFRINIC member. 94% of the interviewed sample forms part of the 55 economies served by AFRINIC. When it comes to respondents location, most respondents are from South AFRICA (13%) and Nigeria with 9%. Among the other countries, 5 respondents came from USA.

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Member’s feedback


71% of respondents are holders of a MyAFRINIC account compared to 21% who are not. The overall services provided by AFRINIC is perceived as quite average with 71 points. Moreover the attribute ‘value members get from AFRINIC justifies the cost’ obtained a medium consensus with 65 points. ‘Internet number statistics’, ‘Training services ’, ‘Root server deployment in the region’ and ‘DNSSEC’ are among the services mostly valued by the respondents (green score). However, there is ground for improvement when it comes to ‘Membership statistics’ & ‘Outreach activities’, which are averagely valued by the respondents.




Are you a MyAFRINIC account holder?

Base: 69 respondents

How would you rate the performance of AFRINIC in general?

Overall, the services provided by AFRINIC are satisfactory


The value members get from AFRINIC justifies the cost


Total 68

In future planning for AFRINIC, what importance would you place on the following activities?

Resource certification services (RKPI)


Internet number statistics 79

Membership statistics 66

Training services 86

Meeting coordination/management 71Root server deployment in the region



DNS service support for ccTLD 81

Outreach activities 70

Internet community support 79

Total 78

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Registration and Administration services


The Registration and Administration services record red and yellow scores, which leads us to say that respondents share low consensus are these attributes. Overall, we find that ‘AFRINIC Policy Development’, ‘Facility to obtain Internet number resources’, ‘Resource Registration Services’, ‘Members Helpdesks’, ‘Ability to solve queries’ and ‘AFRINIC fee’ among the services obtaining a higher score while ‘features to support membership administration’ score the lowest score.

How would you rate the following statements about AFRINIC services?The AFRINIC Policy Development Process is an effective way of developing Internet Number Resource Management policy


The procedure for obtaining Internet number resources (IPv4, IPv6 and ASNs) from AFRINIC is clear and straightforward.


AFRINIC Resource Registration Services are satisfactory and timely


AFRINIC member liaison (Members Helpdesk) provides appropriate response to technical and services enquiries


AFRINIC provides timely and appropriate responses for billing and administration inquiries


AFRINIC fee structure is fair 61MyAFRINIC features to support membership administration are adequate


MyAFRINIC features to support request and resource management are satisfactory


MyAFRINIC features to support billing and payments are adequate


Total 61

Base: 60 respondents

Further comments about Registration services/Number of respondents

Perhaps have an online walk through (Wizard) to register ASN and IP numbers. Current process is too technical. 1Seem to be a bit slow at the moment 1It was not very easy for NIRA to get its IP address allocation from AfFRINIC. It took very long time to even confirm the money NIRA paid for the service. 1

Further comments about Administration services/Number of respondents

Slow to respond 1The need to harmonize processes is critical in the administrative services 1

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Billing services


95% of respondents agreed upon the current payment methods provided by AFRINIC while 5% preferred to use other payment method( 2 respondents quoted PayPal). However, there are 4 respondents who mention the difficulties that they faced with the Billing services provided by AFRINIC.

Base: 56 respondents



Current pay-ment methods

Other method

AFRINIC currently offers two methods to pay bills (wire transfer and credit card). Are there other payment options you would liketo see provided?

Other payment methods/ Number of respondents

Paypal 2

Having country liaisons who would receive the cash and pay to AFRINIC


Further comments about the Billing services/Number of respondents

Afrinic to send Bills via traceable courier services (UPS, DHL,....etc) and it is better to be sent in November or December in order ISPs can take advantage of discount of payment on time


Accounts don't seem to be updated, discounts for prompt payments are never reflected - we tend to have to query everything.


The billing services should be seamless with the membership service.


We have had problems regarding billing. 1

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Corporate Governance


The overall score for corporate governance is quite low with 59 points. With regards to the services provided, most of them are averagely favored by the respondents. However, there is evidence for improvement when it comes to AFRINIC current voting structure which obtains the lowest score with 54 points.

How would you rate the following statements about AFRINIC services?

AFRINIC and its Board of Directors represent my organization's interest to my satisfaction


The value members get from AFRINIC justifies the cost


I am satisfied with the current AFRINIC voting structure


Are you satisfy with AFRINIC's organisation structure as per its bylaws?


Total 59

Base: 60 respondents

Further comments about the corporate governance services/Number of respondents

"GOOD LUCK , DO YOUR BEST" (especially to our president as member in the Board of Directors in AFRINIC's organisation)


The member who signs a membership agreement with us may vote at AFRINIC Public Policy Meetings. I thought there are no final votes,is mailing list final? I thought also non-members have equal rights in public policy meetings?


I have no idea about the current voting structure, Afrinic's Corporate Governance or Organisation Structure


I Jjust want to encourage you 1I think that Afrinic's members aren't really aware of all that goes on the in background and what needs voting etc.


It needs to be update 1Remote voting should be fast tracked. 1The knowledge we have about AFRINIC is very limited and most of the questionnaire is very new to us. This could be clarified if and only if one of AFRINIC official visit us and explain to us about AFRINIC. Sending written document is not enough.


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B. General African stakeholders section


AFRINIC Training 53

AFRINIC E-learning website 58

AFRINIC communication 61

IPV6 Deployment 85Support for Public internet Infrastructure development


Section B 65

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AFRINIC training section(1)


Training Services is seen to be the weakness of AFRINIC where nearly all metrics are within the red light. ‘Training content to develop efficient Internet Operations skills ’ obtained the highest score. The respondents do not favor (red score) when it comes to ‘Pay a fee for more training session’. With regard to importance that AFRINIC should place on the training services ; ‘Sharing training materials openly’ and ‘Providing practical & technical training other than LIRs’ are highly valued by the respondents. The other services are averagely preferred by the respondents except for ‘training materials with non-commercial training partner ’ which scores the poorest score yet remains in the average zone.

Base: 55 respondents

How would you rate AFRINIC training services?

AFRINIC Training content meets my organisation's need in developing the necessary Internet Operations skills.


AFRINIC provides unique training material not available in other training courses in my area.


I am able to find the nearest AFRINIC Training event that I can attend or send my staff to.


AFRINIC should charge a fee for its trainings in order to provide more training sessions.


Total 53

What importance should AFRINIC place on the following Training services?AFRINIC should provide a certificate of competence. Even if it requires the participants to pass a test to asses the knowledge acquired by the participants.


AFRINIC should train other organizations to provide training in relevant fields.


AFRINIC should continue to share training materials openly


AFRINIC should share training materials with non- commercial training partners only.


AFRINIC should continue to provide practical and technical training other than LIR's


Total 71

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Other courses that AFRINIC should offer


Amongst those who suggested about additional courses that AFRINIC should offer, 7 respondents quoted the DNSSEC, while 3 respondents put forward the prevention against Cyber criminality and other electronics attacks.

Further comments about the other courses than AFRINIC should offer- Number of respondents.

DNSSEC 7AFRINIC can offers training in Network security domains in order to protect citizens against cybercriminality and others electronics attacks. 3

IPV6 transition techniques - migration scenarios/techniques from IPV4 to IPV6 2Possibility of having training in French 2DNS Handson Trainning, 2Interconnection and Peering 2Best Practices for LIRs / ISPs etc 1Career development 1Network training 1Configuration training 1RKPI 1Internet Governance 1Network Planning / Practical examples / Network Management 1Registering process and all procedures that follows 1Total respondents 26

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AFRINIC e-learning website


When it comes to AFRINIC e-learning website, respondents share a higher consensus about AFRINIC offering online training openly to the community rather than to its members only with scores of 69 and 48 points respectively.

Amongst the online services that were mostly quoted, IPV6 training top the list, followed by Afnog training and Network and security training.

AFRINIC is planning to develop its e-learning website. Please rate the following from being Strongly disagree to Totally agree.

AFRINIC should offer Online training only to its members 48

AFRINIC should offer online training openly to the community


Total 58

Suggestion for online training coursesNumber of

respondentsAfrinic could offer IPv6 training 5All Afnog training program can be made availble online 4

Network and security training 3

DNS training 2IPV6 transition techniques - migration scenarios/techniques from IPV4 to IPV6 1BCP38, peering, 1BLOG for queries 1DNSSEC 1MPLS / BGP 1Network designing vs optimal internet resource usage. 1Network security domains 1Configuration training 1Routing/ Switching 1Techniques hosting websites, email, networks: cisco .... 1

Base: 55 respondents

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Comments about the training services


On the first place we find 4 respondents who strongly agree that the existing training provided by AFRINIC is very good . However, two respondents mentioned that there must be more frequent training session and that they should be aware in advance about training. Moreover, the language barrier has also been quoted by 2 respondents where AFRINIC needs to provide training in both language English and French.

Further comments about training services/Number of respondents

Existing training is very satisfactory 4

It has to be more frequent and to be announced before 2Use both languages/ French and English 2

All the expenses must be covered by AFRINIC, it must be put in the annual fee charge. 1

Big up for separating the training to Technical and non-technical people. 1

It'll be great if AFRINIC can announce the trainings time schedule for the whole year in January to make it easy for trainees to choose the nearest country during the year for different courses 1It is not famous in Cameroon. 1

Uganda needs to host more trainings as well as AFRINIC engaging its local community a lot more 1

Total respondents 12

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AFRINIC outreach


Generally, we find that most of the respondents become aware of AFRINIC through: Websites (61%),, Conferences (56%) and Internet search (38%).

In addition, 6 respondents respectively claimed that they became aware of AFRINIC via mailing lists and Friends and colleagues.

Series 3


Internet search


Media publications

Social media







How did you become aware of AFRINIC? Other means Number of respondents

Mailing Lists 6Friends/colleques 6While looking for requiremenst of Internet resources 1Friends 1While surfing 1ICANN meeting in Dakar 1interest, maybe arin meeting in Dar ... 1Only place that offers IPs for Africa 1RIPE 1RIR 1When we had to apply for ASN 1While Training 1Total respondents 24

Base: 110 respondents

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AFRINIC communications


Respondents rate AFRINIC’s way of communication to be average. However, there is ground for improvement when it comes to AFRINIC’s social media platform for information which records the lowest score of 55 points while ‘information provided by AFRINIC’ obtains the highest score of 65 points.

How would you rate AFRINIC's way of communicating and engaging you in its activities?

AFRINIC communicates in a way that fits my needs and interests. 62

I am adequately informed about AFRINIC's activities and developments. 61

The remote participation options (audio streams, chat rooms and archived media) at AFRINIC Meetings are useful to me.


The information distributed by AFRINIC (for example Announce, AFRINIC Annual Report) provides me with useful information.


AFRINIC's Social media platform (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) provide useful information


Total 61

Base: 95respondents

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AFRINIC events


46 % of the respondents acknowledge that they had an opportunity to interact with AFRINIC at ‘AFRINIC Training’ followed closely by 45% at ‘AFRINIC Conference’. However, other places where the respondents had an opportunity to interact with AFRINIC are as follows ; AFNOG meeting (27%), ICANN meeting (24%), Regional IGF (20%), Local IGF (17%) and others (12%).

Series 3

AFRINIC Conference

African Network Operator Group (AfNOG) meeting

ICANN Meeting

Regional IGF

Local IGF









At which events have you had an opportunity to interact with AFRINIC (Choose as many as appropriate)

Other events Number of respondents

AFPIP 2012 2AfTld 2

CITMC 1ITU 1IXP workshop 1MyAfrinic 1Total respondents 8

Base: 110 respondents

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Other methods to communicate with AFRINIC


With regards to other ICT conferences 3 respondents claimed that they used to attend ; Afpif & AfricaCom respectively.

Other ICT conferences respondents used to attend

Number of respondents

Afpif 3AfricaCom 3EMC World 1Google events - local ICT events (Barcamp, etc) 1Googldays-Accra: 2010 1INET-Cotonon en Septembre 2011 1barCamp-TOGO: 2010 & 2011 1barCamp-Abidjan: 2011 1AfTLD 1Conferences related to Computer Security and other interesting IT subjects 1Cybersecutity Workshops ITU Meetings Comesa Meetings Internet Governance Forum 1Euro Africa for ICT Research 1Global INET, CODIST 1CYBER VILLAGE 1i-week (South African ISPA meeting) 1IDLELO 1Internet Governance Forums 1Local Internet society events 1Mobile Africa 1Strathmore annual conference 1WestafricaCom 1Total 21

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Further comments about the AFRINIC conferences and communication


Further commentsNumber of respondents

Identify a local group by the means of which AFRINIC can have a better outreach to the national internet community. It can be members, IT groups, academia, etc. - design specific programme to help this kind of countries: supporting IT events, offering trainings etc. 1AFRINIC can more enhance the IPv6 Deployment in African's countries. The idea is to help such Country NOG to deploy its IPv6 Network and train the local folks in real v6 environment 1

African Folk need more Knowledge and AFRINIC with AfNOG can not serves all them... AFRINIC Need to have a physical presence in African countries, for instance a partner who can locally be sustained by AFRINIC's Resources. Such partner can be a non For Prof it organization as the country NOG 1All AFRINIC Conferences and Communications are welcome. 1I have not had a chance to participate in its conference but I follow on mailing lists. One mailing list though the African needs moderation to stop it being a platform to settle personal scores among grown men who behave like small boys. 1I suppose AFRINIC can do with more customer service training to its events staff. In some AFRINIC events, my experience at registration desks has not been that pleasant as some AFRINIC staff proved unfriendly, if not uninterested. 1Improve your English 1In Africa, there are countries that are less involved than other in Internet issues at the continental level. Special attention must be directed to them. Some ideas: - make hosting proposal for AFRINIC meeting to these countries (even if they didn't applied) 1Increase more awareness and presence about participation 1Is it possible for small business to have followship that can help them to participate at the AFRINIC Conferences and Communication? 1More IPV6 trainings should be scheduled in all countries 1Not agree with the selection or the allocation of scholarships to attend conferences. 1Send mails 2Reach local (in-country) news and media for communications on conferences 1So far so good awareness and publicity has been great. 1There are no effective communications 1We are not aware that there is AFRINIC conference. The communication we have is very limited. 1

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IPV6 Deployment


Base: 92 respondents

How would you rate AFRINIC's involvement in IPv6 deployment in Africa?

AFRINIC should increase efforts to raise awareness among stakeholders about IPv6.


AFRINIC need to carry out more coordination and collaboration with local Internet communities to help facilitate IPv6 uptake.


AFRINIC should provide practical hands-on training to help with the uptake of IPv6 where needed.


AFRINIC should share best practice information with stakeholders to help with IPv6 take-up.


AFRINIC should provide IPv6 deployment advice/consulting to its members


Total 85

IPV6 Deployment can be considered as one of the strength of AFRINIC with green scores across all metrics where AFRINIC’s involvement in IPv6 deployment in Africa are mostly valued by respondents. ‘Provide practical hands-on training’ and ‘Share best practical information’ are among the top options proposed.

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Future planning of organizations


On overall, 61% of the respondents/organisations have not planned for any activities based on IPV6. The budget for the transition of IPV6 seems to be problematic, since 78% have not planned for this in the coming year.

Training of employees regarding IPv6 & financial constraints for innovation are the main concerns for most organization in order to take decision for future planning.

A formal plan for IPv6 deployment

An IPv6 transition budget

Staff trained for IPv6 deployment

IPv6 address allocated/assigned













Does your organization have….. for 2013?

Further information needed to make decision for future planning

Number of respondents

Training of employees regarding IPV6 16Do not have the budget for implementing new system 7We need more support from AFRINIC 4Our management need to have clear vision about the progress of IPv6 deployments from commercial POV as we know that a lot of protocols used by customers still not supported such as (VOIP software, Peer-to-Peer,.......etc) 4Complementary information to be informed about benefits and for allocation of budget 4As part of global organisation, the decision has to be made with all the other sites involvement 2Financing the purchase of IT Equipments that are IPv6 compatible 2A regulatory framework 1Need ISP ready for using IPV6 1

Base: 92 respondents

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Further comments regarding IPV6 deployment


Further comments about IPV6 deployment

Number of respondents

AFRINIC should share more information about IPV6 6

AFRINIC should advise on the transition phase to IPV6 5

AFRINIC should provide training on IPV6 4

We need the support of AFRINIC since we can not afford such changes 3

Should provide materials for the uptake of IPV6 1

CPP should be improved for IPv6 as its only IPv4 at the moment 1

Given the rate at which the IPv4 addresses are getting depleted, I think Africa is moving too slow in its adoption efforts 1

Outreach needs to be stepped up, a more localized approach should be adopted. 1

Suggestion about how AFRINIC could help with the uptake of IPV6

Number of respondents

AFRINIC should provide training and workshops on IPV6 18Collaborating with our members 5Conduct a Webinar dedicated for organisations' security teams in the region to discuss their concerns about deploying IPv6 4Help us in the transition phase 4We need regular updates regarding IPV6 deployments world wide and market readiness to go with IPV6 commercially without receiving huge complains from customers 3Provide adequate materials 2AFRINIC can help member states and organisations on how to source for funding. 2Encourage ISP to make the transition to ipv6 2AFRINIC can enhance more the IPv6 Deployment in African's countries and in Cameroon 1Organized a training session in Comoros 1Provide Industry certification like CCNP for IPv6. 1Need AFRINIC support and budget for NGO's training 1

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C. AFRINIC Public information services


AFRINIC public information services


Internet Governance and Public Affairs


Section C69

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Support for Public internet Infrastructure development


With regards to the support for public internet infrastructure development, respondents are averagely satisfied with these services. However, there are grounds for improvement when it comes to providing sufficient info on AFRINIC website on how to benefits these programs where the score is quite low.

When it comes to charge a fee for these services , only 31% of the respondents agree to pay the fee compared to 69% who do not favor this idea.

Base: 88 respondents

How would you rate AFRINIC's involvement with these services.

I'm aware of the existence of these services.


There is sufficient information available for me on AFRINIC web site on how to benefit these programs.


AFRINIC should focus more on supporting Core Internet Infrastructure development in Africa.


AFRINIC should partner with other organizations to scale its support in these areas.


Total 67



Yes No

Do you think that AFRINIC should charges for these services

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Further comments regarding Public internet Infrastructure development


How AFRINIC can help improve Core Internet Infrastructure in your region/country?

Number of respondents

AFRINIC should have more active involvement in local communities 7 AFRINIC could organize some training 7AFRINIC can collaborate with public and private sector to if they have projects relating to that. 4In need of capacity building and DNS awareness 2More communication exercises to create awareness about the activities of AFRINIC in this domain. 2IXP and ccTLD management 2AFRINIC should share more information about the Core internet infrastructure 2By making many contracts with operators in telecommunications domains ,ISP , banks even the Government relative in the use of IPV6 address. 1By providing expert advice 1If Core Internet Infrastructure means fiber cables and transmission networks in country/region, so I suggest that AFRINIC can coordinate for such projects with African Union and other African committees that focus on developing infrastructure into Africa ... AFRINIC may have the vision and statistics of Internet resources usage in addition to LIRs contacts and the needed IT projects in all countries in Africa which AU may have not. 1Promote establishment and implementation of community DNS 1Support for NGO's involved in ICT within regions and regional which will help Afrnic act as an Advocacy tool for their great work they do. 1

Further suggestionsNumber of respondents

AFRINIC can provide small internet business and leaders to be familiar with the infrastructure. 2AFRINIC needs to imporve on overall 2More communication towards the stakeholders for what they should do and what help they can get from AfriNic to implement ( e.g IPV6) 2AFRINIC must decentralize its power 1Stronger Collaboration with local and International Partners such as the Internet Society Chapters. 1There should be a policy on National Internet Registry (NIR) for any country in Africa that wants to establish such and Afrinic should provide the necessary support to such country. 1

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Appraisal on the AFRINIC public information services


Respondents are averagely satisfied with AFRINIC’s public information services with 62 points.

How would you rate the following statements?

AFRINIC provides public information in the way that meets my needs.


AFRINIC's Whois Database service operates at a high level of quality, usability and reliability


AFRINIC's reverse DNS service operates at a high level of quality, usability and reliability


I can easily find information I need on the AFRINIC website


Overall, the services provided by AFRINIC are satisfactory


Total 62

Further comments Number of respondents

Some links are not working: 1

The whois service seems to be down right now. It would be good to announce this, e.g. on the front page of the website, and provide a time frame for repairs. 1

Base: 95 respondents

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Areas of interest within the public information services


Respondents are mostly interested in areas such as IPv6 (67%) followed by Internet security (66%), Internet governance (57%) and Critical Internet (56%) .

Series 3Internet Security

Internet GovernanceCritical Internet Infrastructure protection

ISP OperationInternet privacy

Public Policy on Internet matters



Which of the following areas are of interest to you?

Base: 117 respondents

Further information that AFRINIC needs to consider for the WHOIS Database

Number of respondents

I like to see the real contact information for networks instead of this generic e-mail address "[email protected]" 2Updated information 1Supporting NGO's 1ASK ISP to give an exact location of an IP address 1

Information and statistics that AFRINIC could provide that will be useful and relevant to organizations

Number of respondents

Cyber Security risks and reports in Africa 3Internet usages in member countries 3

Points of Afrinic human resources in regions 1Categories of data associated with ISP, fixed and mobile network operators 1More implication of AFRINIC in creation of National CERTs. 1Extent of IPv6 penetration in Africa (measuring by addresses allocated, dual stackability, etc) 1Internet connectivity 1IPv6 usage in Africa, DNSSEC support on african ccTLD, statistics on ccTLD 1The most important information is the contact and abuse addresses for all African IP numbers, so that incidents of abuse can be reported quickly, easily to the providers. 1Make sure that all ISPs keep their ABUSE POCs up to date. 1Videos training on the web site. 1

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Internet Governance and Public Affairs


In general, AFRINIC’s level of engagement with various governments and authorities are highly valued by respondents. However, medium consensus is noted for the engagement of AFRINIC with governments in its service region.

How would you rate AFRINIC's level of engagement with various governments and authorities?AFRINIC should engage more with governments in its service region


AFRINIC should work with regulators, law enforcement agencies and other intergovernmental organizations.


AFRINIC should communicate the African region's interests and positions in global Internet Governance forums


AFRINIC should continue providing support to its Government Working Group?


Total 75

Comments about Internet Governance and public affairs

Number of respondents

According to this survey AFRINIC will have the opinions of LIRs towards their governments, It'll be useful if AFRINIC can pass these info to each government in order to fill the gap and enhance the operation of Internet in Africa.. 2

AFRINIC by working with governments must maintain a "multistakeholder" approach. All different players within the Internet environment must be associated to these exchanges. 1Be flexible with the private sector. 1Foster Collaboration amongs various stakeholders in Africa 1

The participation of Africans in this area is determined by the capacity and budget. 1

Mauritius is too far from anywhere in Africa. Will be good to have think liaison offices in the regions 1

Base: 95 respondents

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Level of deregulation of Internet service


Overall, majority of respondents share the same consensus upon the need on more involvement on the level of deregulation on Internet service. When it comes to suggestion , ‘share best practice info’ is top rated with 69% on how AFRINIC should engage more with government followed by ‘Government participation at AFRINIC’s meeting with 57%.

Need more involvement Need involvement Neutral

Fair involvement Too much involvement

Thinking about your government, and the level of deregulation of Internet service provision in your economy, how do you feel about your government's involvement in the following area?

Share best practice information.

Encourage more government participation at AFRINIC's Meetings

Inform government officials on matters that concern Internet Number Resource Management

AFRINIC Roundtable Meetings for governments and related bodies





The following are suggestions about how AFRINIC should engage more with governments. What should AFRINIC allocate resources to?

Base: 95 respondents Base: 117respondents

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Profile of respondents


82% of the interviewed sample are male vs 18% for female. 62% of the respondents have personally participated in the survey vs 32% who answered on the behalf of their organizations.





Gender - % of respondents

Me as an Individual My Organisation



Source of feedback

Base: 117 respondents

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Sector of activity


Internet Service ProviderOtherscc TLD

UniversitiesConsulting & Advisory

NGOsTelecommunication Regulators

Network Service ProviderMobile Operators

IXPSecurity Service Provider

Adv & MediaMinistry

Internet Hosting ProviderTraining

Government AgencyFixed Line Operators

Logistics & Supply Chain ManagementBanking& Finance

Research Institut/Center







The main sector of activity for majority of respondents are ; 17% for ‘Internet service provider’, 10% for others (given in the table below)and 7% each for cc TLD, ‘Universities’, ‘Consulting & Advisory’, ‘NGOs’, ‘Telecommunications’ and ‘Network Service Provider’ .

Sector of activities Number of respondents

Oil and gas 2Aeronotic 1ICT related activities 1Internet registry 1Internet Services 1Reporting spam, particularly 419s 1Services 1Web 1

Base: 117 respondents

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