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African Societies & The Impact of Islam rica/features/storyofafrica/7generic 3.shtml Timeline from BBC Mosque in Timbuktu

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African Societies &The Impact of Islam from BBC

Mosque in Timbuktu

I. Africa before Islam 500-1000 AD – Map Links

A. Bantu Migrations (p. 302 in textbook) 500 BC – 1000 AD Bantu tribes migrate from West

Africa Organized into families/clans Patriarchal

B. Regional & Cultural Adaptations Continent makeup (see map 13.1) – regions make it

difficult to traverse Valleys of Nile & Niger prosper

The SaharaZanzibar

Safari Picture

C. Clans & Kingdoms

Location Makeup of Kingdom

Sub-Saharan Africa Large groups of villages under a regional ruler

South Africa Stateless – ruled by local chiefs & councils

East Africa City-states emerge with independent rulers

Central rain forest & eastern plans

Foraging societies – nomadic clans

D. African Traditional Religion

Polytheistic Animism (belief that spirits existed that could either

help or harm human beings) Priests & prophets performed rituals Sometimes King alone could contact gods Ancestor worship

Links to Websites on African Religions

II. Islamic Africa & Spain

A. Islamic North Africa (639-642) (PBS Video)

B. Umayyad Spain (711 AD) (PBS Video)

C. Fatimid Egypt (909-969 AD) Isma’ilis – Shi’ite Islam – Orthodox Moved capital from Alexandria to

new city – Cairo Defeated by Crusaders in 1099 Sourcebook – Fordham University through CPCC Library to Research Database – PBS Live – World HistoryEmpires – Islam Part 1 and 2 (Watch Part 2 for the expansion of Islam into North Africa &

Spain) Link for Africa & Islam (REQUIRED – LISTEN TO THE COMING OF ISLAM, approx. 28

minutes) of Umayyad Period

Town gate in Morocco

Berber style buildings of Morocco

III. Trade Across the Sahara

A. The Importance of Camels

Link to Trade and Spread of Islam in Africa (Art)

B. Islam’s Interaction with West Africa & Slave Trade on Arab African Slave Trade – East Africa and West Africa Link on Slavery (REQUIRED READING)***

IV. West African Kingdoms (p. 311 – 313 textbook)

A. Ghana – “land of gold” Actually gold & salt Militant form of Islam evolves – followers were called Almoravid of the Almoravid Period Gold Trade

B. Mali (1200-1450 AD) Mandinke People Successor to state of Ghana Upper Niger River - Good agriculture & lots of rainfall**Mansa Muli

Pilgrimage to Mecca 1324 AD Very rich & powerful – visits kings of other nations Timbuktu becomes center of learning & culture (p. 134)

Mosque in Djenne (Mali)

V. Ethiopia’s Christian Kingdom (p. 315-316 text)

320-340 AD - Ethiopian King Ezana made Christianity Official State Religion Christianity in Ethiopia

During the reign of Ethiopia's Emperor Lalibela (c. 1200-1250), the monks of the region built a remarkable series of churches hewn out of solid rock that remain unique to this day. The churches stand as a testament to the strength and fervor of the Ethiopian Christian Church. The church shown here, the Church of St. George, was carved out of red volcanic rock in the shape of a Greek cross. Workers first chipped away the stone until they reached a depth of 40 feet. Afterwards, they molded the exterior of the church and hollowed out its interior.

Photo credit: Georg Gerster/ Photo Researchers, Inc.

St. George’s – the Rock Church





Ruins at the Palace of the Queen of Sheba

St. Mary of Zion Church, Axum

Obelisks At Axum