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Soul (spirit) - Avicenna and Ibn al-Nafis

1 Following Aristotle, the Muslim philosophers Avicenna (Ibn Sina) and

Ibn al-Nafis, further elaborated on the Aristotelianism|Aristotelian understanding of the soul and

developed their own theories on the soul

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Soul (spirit) - Avicenna and Ibn al-Nafis

1 While he was imprisoned, Avicenna wrote his famous Floating Man

thought experiment to demonstrate human self-awareness and the

substantiality of the soul

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Soul (spirit) - Avicenna and Ibn al-Nafis

1 Ibn al-Nafis concluded that the soul is related primarily neither to the spirit nor to any organ, but rather to the

entire matter whose temperament is prepared to receive that soul, and he

defined the soul as nothing other than what a human indicates by saying I (pronoun)|'I'.Nahyan A

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1 The zebrafish is also an important vertebrate model organism in scientific research

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Zebrafish - Taxonomy

1 The zebrafish is a derived trait|derived member of the genus Danio, of the family Cyprinidae. It has a cladistics|sister-group relationship with Danio kyathit. Zebrafish

are also closely related to the genus Devario, as demonstrated by a phylogenetic

tree of close species. The zebrafish was referred to in scientific literature as

Brachydanio rerio for many years until its reassignment to the genus Danio.

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Zebrafish - Distribution

1 Zebrafish have been introduced species|introduced to parts of the

United States, presumably by deliberate release or by escape from

fish farms.

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Zebrafish - Description

1 The zebrafish can grow to in length, although it seldom grows larger than in captivity

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Zebrafish - Reproduction

1 The approximate generation time for Danio rerio is three to four months. A male must be present for ovulation and spawn (biology)|spawning to

occur. Females are able to spawn at intervals of two to three days, laying hundreds of eggs in

each clutch (eggs)|clutch. Upon release, embryonic development begins; absent sperm, growth stops after the first few cell divisions. Fertilized eggs almost immediately become

transparent, a characteristic that makes D. rerio a convenient research model species.

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Zebrafish - Reproduction

1 The zebrafish embryo develops rapidly – precursors to all major organs appear within 36 hours of fertilization, and hatching takes place 12–36 hours later, depending on the

embryo's internal conditions and the external temperature, which is ideally . Swimming and feeding behavior begin

about 36 hours later. The sex of juveniles cannot be distinguished except by

dissection, and sex determinants are not clearly understood.

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Zebrafish - Reproduction

1 Male zebrafish are furthermore known to respond to more

pronounced markings on females, i.e., good stripes, but in a group, males will mate with whichever

females they can find

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Zebrafish - Feeding

1 Zebrafish are omnivorous, primarily eating zooplankton, insects, insect

larvae, and phytoplankton, although they can eat a variety of other foods,

such as worms and small crustaceans, if their preferred food sources are not readily available.

Most zebrafish accept common food flakes and tubifex worms in the


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Zebrafish - Aquarium care

1 Zebrafish are hardy fish and considered good for

beginner aquarists

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Zebrafish - Strains

1 In late 2003, transgenic zebrafish that express green fluorescent protein|green, red, and yellow fluorescent proteins became

commercially available in the United States. The fluorescent strains are

tradenamed GloFish; other cultivated varieties include 'golden', 'sandy',

'longfin' and 'leopard'.

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Zebrafish - Strains

1 The leopard danio, previously known as Danio frankei, is a spotted colour

morph (zoology)|morph of the zebrafish which arose due to a

pigment mutation. Xanthochromism|Xanthistic forms of both the zebra

and leopard pattern, along with long-finned subspecies, have been

obtained via selective breeding programs for the aquarium trade.

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Zebrafish - Wild-type strains

1 The Zebra Fish Information Network (ZFIN) provides up-to-date

information about current known wild-type (WT) strains of D. rerio, some of which are listed below.

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Zebrafish - Wild-type strains

1 *Tupfel long fin nacre (TLN)

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Zebrafish - Hybrids

1 Hybrids between different Danio species may be fertile: for example,

between D. rerio and D. nigrofasciatus.

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Zebrafish - In scientific research

1 The fish has a dedicated online database of genetic, genomic, and

developmental information, the Zebrafish Information Network (ZFIN)

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Zebrafish - In scientific research

1 Research with D. rerio has yielded advances in the fields of

developmental biology, oncology, toxicology, reproductive studies,

teratology, genetics, neurobiology, environmental sciences, stem cell

research and regenerative medicine, and evolutionary theory.

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Zebrafish - Model characteristics

1 As a model biological system, the zebrafish possesses numerous advantages for scientists.

Its genome has been whole genome sequencing|fully sequenced, and it has well-understood, easily observable and testable

developmental behaviors. Its embryogenesis|embryonic development is very rapid, and its

embryos are relatively large, robust, and transparent, and able to develop outside their

mother. Furthermore, well-characterized mutant strains are readily available.

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Zebrafish - Model characteristics

1 Other advantages include the species' nearly constant size during early

development, which enables simple staining techniques to be used, and the fact that its

two-celled embryo can be fused into a single cell to create a homozygous embryo. The zebrafish is also demonstrably similar

to mammalian models and humans in toxicity testing, and exhibits a diurnal sleep cycle with similarities to mammalian sleep


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Zebrafish - Regeneration

1 Zebrafish have the ability to Regeneration (biology)|regenerate their fins, skin, heart

and, in larval stages, brain. Zebrafish heart muscle regeneration does not make use of

stem cells; instead, mature heart muscle cells regress to a stem cell-like state and

redifferentiate. In 2011, the British Heart Foundation ran an advertising campaign publicising their intention to study the

applicability of this ability to humans, by raising £50 million in research funding.

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Zebrafish - Regeneration

1 In 2012, Australian scientists published a study revealing that

zebrafish use a specialised protein, known as fibroblast growth factor, to ensure their spinal cords heal without

glial scarring after injury.

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Zebrafish - Regeneration

1 Researchers have also studied the zebrafish to gain new insights into

the complexities of human musculoskeletal diseases, such as

muscular dystrophy.

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Zebrafish - Gene expression

1 Due to their short lifecycles and relatively large clutch sizes, zebrafish

are a useful model for genetic studies

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Zebrafish - Gene expression

1 Despite the complications of the zebrafish genome, a number of commercially available global

platforms exist for analysis of both gene expression by expression

profiling|microarrays and promoter regulation using ChIP-on-chip.

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Zebrafish - Genome sequencing

1 The zebrafish reference genome sequence is annotated as part of the

Ensembl [ project], and is maintained

by the Genome Reference Consortium.

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Zebrafish - Genome sequencing

1 in 2013.[

1.html The zebrafish reference genome sequence and its

relationship to the human genome]

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Zebrafish - Mitochondrial DNA

1 In October 2001, researchers from the University of

Oklahoma published D

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Zebrafish - Pigmentation genes

1 In December 2005, a study of the golden strain identified the gene responsible for its

unusual pigmentation as SLC24A5, a Solution|solute carrier that appeared to be

required for melanin production, and confirmed its function with a Morpholino knockdown. The Orthologue|orthologous

gene was then characterized in humans and a one base pair difference was found to

strongly segregate fair-skinned Europeans and dark-skinned Africans.

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Zebrafish - Transgenesis

1 Transgenesis is a popular approach to study the function of genes in

zebrafish. Construction of transgenic zebrafish is rather easy by a method

using the Tol2 transposon system.

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Zebrafish - Transparent adult bodies

1 In January 2013, Japanese scientists genetically modified a transparent zebrafish specimen to produce a

visible glow during periods of intense brain activity, allowing the fish's

thoughts to be recorded as specific regions of its brain lit up in response

to external stimuli.

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Zebrafish - Use in environmental monitoring

1 In January 2007, Chinese researchers at Fudan University genetically

modified zebrafish to detect oestrogen pollution in lakes and rivers, which is linked to male

infertility.Song Houyan and Zhong Tao, professors at Fudan's molecular

medicine lab, spent three years cloning estrogen-sensitive genes and injecting them into the fertile eggs of


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Zebrafish - Cancer

1 Zebrafish have been used to make several transgenic models of cancer,

including melanoma, leukemia, pancreatic cancer and hepatocellular


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Zebrafish - Melanoma

1 One gene, SETDB1, markedly accelerated tumor formation in the zebrafish system, demonstrating its

importance as a new melanoma oncogene

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Zebrafish - Cardiovascular disease

1 In cardiovascular research, the zebrafish has been used to model

Coagulation|blood clotting, Angiogenesis|blood vessel

development, heart failure, and congenital heart defect|congenital

heart and kidney disease.

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Zebrafish - Immune system

1 In programmes of research into acute inflammation, a major underpinning

process in many diseases, researchers have established a

zebrafish model of inflammation, and its resolution. This approach allows

detailed study of the genetic controls of inflammation and the possibility of

identifying potential new drugs.

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Zebrafish - Repairing retinal damage

1 Zebrafish, in addition to certain other teleost fish, are particularly noted for having extreme precision of cone cell


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Zebrafish - Repairing retinal damage

1 In 2007, researchers at University College London grew a type of

zebrafish adult stem cell found in the eyes of fish and mammals that

develops into neurons in the retina

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Zebrafish - Drug discovery

1 As demonstrated through ongoing research programmes, the zebrafish model enables researchers not only to identify genes that might underlie human disease, but also to develop

novel therapeutic agents in drug discovery programmes. Zebrafish

embryos have proven to be a rapid, cost-efficient, and reliable Teratogen|

teratology assay model.

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Genetically modified fish - Zebrafish

1 Zebrafish can mature up to 6.4 centimeters in the wild, but usually it is rare for them to mature beyond 4”

in captivity.

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A Perfect Day for Bananafish

1 'A Perfect Day for Bananafish' is a short

story by J

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A Perfect Day for Bananafish

1 When twenty-eight-year-old Salinger submitted the manuscript to The New Yorker

in January 1947, titled The Bananafish,Slawenski, 2010, p. 158 its

arresting dialog and precise styleSlawenski, 2010, p. 158-159 was read with interest by fiction editor William Keepers Maxwell, Jr.|William Maxwell and his staff, though the point of the story, in this original version, was deemed incomprehensible.Slawenski,

2010, p. 159

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A Perfect Day for Bananafish

1 124 The New Yorker published the final version as “A Perfect Day for

Bananafish” one year after Salinger had first submitted the

manuscript.Slawenski, 2010, p

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A Perfect Day for Bananafish

1 The effort was met with immediate acclaim, and according to Salinger biographer Paul

Alexander, it was the story that would permanently change his standing in the

literary community.”Alexander, 1999, p. 124 Salinger’s decision to collaborate with Maxwell and The New Yorker staff in

developing the story marked a major advance in his careerSlawenski, 2010, p. 159, p. 168 and led to his entry into that echelon of elite writers at the journal.Slawenski, 2010, p. 168

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A Perfect Day for Bananafish - Plot summary

1 The story opens in an upscale seaside hotel room in Florida. A young woman, Muriel

Glass, is preening herself while waiting for the hotel switchboard operator to put a long-distance phone call through to her

mother. Self-absorbed and complacent, she is “a girl who for the ringing of a phone

dropped exactly nothing. She looked as if her phone had been ringing continually

since she reached puberty.

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A Perfect Day for Bananafish - Plot summary

1 Speaking with her mother, the central topic is Muriel’s young

husband, Seymour, a World War II combat veteran recently discharged from an Army hospital, where he was presumably evaluated for psychiatric

disorders.Salinger, 1948, p

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A Perfect Day for Bananafish - Plot summary

1 The scene switches to the beachfront area reserved for

hotel clientele

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A Perfect Day for Bananafish - Plot summary

1 There, the two engage in an intriguing conversation, while Seymour prepares to go for a swim.Slawenski, 2010. Sybil selfishly

reproaches Seymour for permitting another little girl, the “three and a half” year old

Sharon Lipschutz Salinger, 1948, p. 14 to sit with him while he entertained guests

performing on the lounge piano previous nights.Salinger, 1948, p. 7 Seymour, with

mock-seriousness, attempts to placate the spoiled child, but to no avail.Salinger, 1948.

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A Perfect Day for Bananafish - Plot summary

1 16 The child, unfazed by the story, claims that she sees a bananafish – “six” bananas in its mouth.Salinger,

1948, p

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A Perfect Day for Bananafish - Plot summary

1 Seymour returns to the hotel, where his wife is taking a nap. He retrieves a pistol from his luggage and takes his own life.Salinger, 1948, p. 18

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A Perfect Day for Bananafish - Analysis

1 Like the eldest son of the Glass family, Salinger was deeply affected by his

experiences as a combat soldier in WWII, and these informed his writing.Bailey, 2011 Kenneth Slawenski reports that Salinger, in his Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An

Introduction|Seymour – An Introduction (1959), confesses that the young man in Bananafish “was not Seymour at all but..

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A Perfect Day for Bananafish - Analysis

1 Children figure prominently in Salinger’s works.Slawenski, 2010, p. 172 Seymour’s sympathetic and affectionate interaction

with children is contrasted with the detached and phony behavior of

adults.Slawenski, 2010, p. 161 In the aftermath of his interlude with Sybil,

Seymour “has drawn his own conclusions regarding the makeup of human beings and

the world around him” and commits suicide.Slawenski, 2010, p. 161

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A Perfect Day for Bananafish - T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land and Bananafish

1 Salinger quotes a verse from the poem The Waste Land by poet T. S.

Eliot in the following exchange between Seymour and Sybil,

regarding the little girl’s young rival, Sharon Lipschutz:

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A Perfect Day for Bananafish - T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land and Bananafish

1 “Ah, Sharon Lipschutz”, said the young man. “How that name comes up. Mixing memory and desire.” He

suddenly got to his feet. He looked at the ocean. “Sybil,” he said, “I’ll tell

you what we’ll do. We’ll see if we can catch a bananafish.”

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A Perfect Day for Bananafish - T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land and Bananafish

1 The stanza that contains the verse is from Section I of The Waste Land – “The Burial of

the Dead”:

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A Perfect Day for Bananafish - T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land and Bananafish

1 The Burial of the Dead begins with an excerpt from Petronius Arbiter’s

Satyricon, which reads: “For once I saw with my own eyes the Cumean Sibyl hanging in a jar, and when the boys asked her, ‘Sibyl, what do you

want?’ she answered, ‘I want to die.’”

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A Perfect Day for Bananafish - T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land and Bananafish

1 Slawenski argues that Salinger’s choice of the name Cumaean Sibyl|Sybil for the little girl establishes an “unmistakable” correlation between

Eliot’s depiction of the Cumaean Sybil of Greek myth and Seymour’s story of the bananafish.Slawenski, 2010, p. 161 The bananafish are

“doomed by greed” and thus share the fate of Eliot’s Sybil, “cursed by relentless existence.” Slawenski,

2010, p. 161

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Salafi movement - Contemporary Salafism

1 Salafism is attractive to its adherents because it underscores Islam's universality.Daniel

Benjamin and Steven Simon, The Next Attack, page 55. ISBN 0-8050-7941-6. It insists on

affirmation of the literal truth as understood by its apparent meaning of Qur'anic scripture and

Hadeeth, yet may challenge secularism by appropriating secularism's traditional role of defending the socially and politically weak against the powerful.Hassan Hanafi, Brief

History of Islam, pp.258–259. ISBN 1-4051-0900-9.

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Salafi movement - Contemporary Salafism

1 There have been several Salafi movements attempting to challenge the stereotypes

widely adopted by societies that often lead to profiling and discriminating against those who embrace the Salafi belief and lifestyle.

Costa Salafis founded in 2011 by Mohammad Tolba is one of the groups that

aim at bridging gaps with others from different backgrounds and beliefs and is

increasingly becoming a media favorite in Egypt.

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Salafi movement - Trends sometimes associated with Salafism

1 DeLong-Bas, in Wahhabi Islam: From Revival and Reform to Global Jihad, Salafism can be divided

into three trends, one focusing on education and missionary work to solidify the tawhid prior to any

political movement (sometimes called Madkhalism); another focusing on re-establishing a caliphate through the means of evolution, but

not violence (sometimes called Salafist activism); and a third sharing similar political goals as the

second group, but engaging in violent Jihad (sometimes called Salafi jihadism and/or


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Salafi movement - Salafist activism

1 Due to numerical superiority, the movement has been referred to the

mainstream of the Salafist movement at times

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Salafi movement - Salafist jihadism

1 However, those who take their actions beyond the limits of the

shari'ah (such as terrorist attacks against civilians) are seen as deviant

and not true Salafis.

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Salafi movement - Salafist jihadism

1 Hafez distinguished them from apolitical and conservative Salafi scholars (such as Muhammad

Nasiruddin al-Albani, Muhammad ibn al Uthaymeen, Abd al-Aziz ibn Abd Allah ibn Baaz and Abdul-Azeez

ibn Abdullaah Aal ash-Shaikh), but also from the sahwa movement associated with Salman al-Ouda or Safar Al-Hawali.[


esnum=4ct=result Suicide Bombers in Iraq By Mohammed M

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Salafi movement - Salafist jihadism

1 An analysis of the Caucasus Emirate, a Salafi jihadist group was made in 2014 by Darion Rhodes.Darion Rhodes, [

Takfiri%20Jihadism%20the%20Ideology%20of%20the%20Caucasus%20Emirate Salafist-Takfiri Jihadism: the Ideology of the Caucasus Emirate],

International Institute for Counter-terrorism, March 2014 It analyzes the group's strict observance of

tawhid and its rejection of Shirk (Islam)|shirk, taqlid, ijtihad, and bid'ah, while believing that jihad is the

only way to advance the cause of Allah on the earth.

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Salafi movement - Salafism in China

1 After the Communist Party of China|Communists took power, Salafis were

allowed to worship openly again.

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Salafi movement - German government's statement on Salafism

1 The statements by German government officials criticizing Salafism were televised by Deutsche

Welle during April 2012.[,,15935366,0

0.html Deutsche Welle article of May 8, 2012 regarding Salafism and its adherents' activities in

Germany (English)] [

kat=10artikel=110085213red=1ausgabe= Online Pipeline German news agency article from July 17,

2012 on the German government's view of Salafist extremism]

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Former Salafist states in Afghanistan

1 Various 'Salafist states' appeared during Afghanistan's Soviet-Afghan

War|war with the Soviets and following War in Afghanistan (1978–

present)|period of civil war. The Salafist ideology was disseminated in Afghanistan by Saudi supporters of the Afghan resistance, who required

ideological conformity from the Afghans in exchange for aid.Victory

Point, pg 69

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Former Salafist states in Afghanistan

1 Salafists in Afghanistan's northeast were greatly influenced by the Saudi-

financed madrassas in Pakistan, particularly the Panjpiri madrassas based around the town of Panjpir, Swabi District in Pakistan.Victory

Point, pg 70

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Former Salafist states in Afghanistan - Salafist mini-states

1 Several prominent men among the Salafist converts returned to

Afghanistan and formed small localised states with fellow Afghan

Salafists, often again with the aid of foreign backers.

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Former Salafist states in Afghanistan - Salafist mini-states

1 *In Nuristan province, Mawlawi Afzal formed the Islamic Revolutionary State of Afghanistan

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Former Salafist states in Afghanistan - Salafist mini-states

1 *In Konar province, Jamil al-Rahman, a former Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin member, broke from his party and

formed a mini-state around his new organisation Jama'at-e Da'wa

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Former Salafist states in Afghanistan - Salafist mini-states

1 The failure of political Islam, pg

119 (mention of all three states)

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Former Salafist states in Afghanistan - Sources

1 * Ed Darack. Victory Point: Operations Red Wings and Whalers - The Marine Corps' Battle for Freedom in Afghanistan. Penguin Group, 2009.

ISBN 0-425-22619-0, ISBN 978-0-425-22619-3.[




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Former Salafist states in Afghanistan - Sources

1 * Olivier Roy, Carol Volk. The failure of political Islam. Harvard University

Press, 1996. ISBN 0-674-29141-7, ISBN




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Stavros Sarafis

1 'Stavros Sarafis' (born November 23, 1950) is a retired football player, who List of one-club men|spent his entire career in PAOK FC of Thessaloniki,

playing as a forward. He is one of the club's most famous players and also the all-time top scorer. His nickname

was Kaisaras (Caesar).

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Stavros Sarafis

1 Sarafis was born in Epanomi, in the outskirts of Thessaloniki in 1950

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Stavros Sarafis

1 Sarafis played 32 games for the Greek national side between 1969

and 1977, scoring 7 goals.[ List of Greek


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Stavros Sarafis - Honours

1 *'Super League Greece|Greek Championship'

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Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb - As Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat

1 The Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC) was founded by Hassan Hattab, a former Armed

Islamic Group (GIA) regional commander who broke with the GIA in 1998 in protest over the List of Algerian massacres of the 1990s|

GIA's slaughter of civilians

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Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb - As Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat

1 In September 2003, it was reported that Hattab had been deposed as

national emir of the GSPC and replaced by Nabil Sahraoui (Sheikh Abou Ibrahim Mustapha), a 39 year-old former GIA commander who was

subsequently reported to have pledged GSPC's allegiance to al-

Qaeda,[ Algerian group backs al-Qaeda], BBC News, 23

October 2003 a step which Hattab had


section=3id=2212 Interview with the Former Leader of the Salafist Group

for Call and Combat], Asharq Al-Awsat|Ash-Sharq al-Awsat, 17

October 2005 Following the death of Sahraoui in June 2004, Abu Musab

Abdel Wadoud became the leader of the

GSPC.[ Interview

with Abu Musab Abdel Wadoud, commander of the GSPC], 26

September 2005 ( website) (pdf) Abdelmadjid Dichou is also reported

to have headed the group.[ Salafist Group for

Preaching and Combat (GSPC)], Terrorist Organizations, World


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Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb - As Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat

1 A splinter or separate branch of Hattab's group, the 'Free Salafist

Group' (GSL), headed by Amari Saifi|El Para, was linked to the kidnapping of 32 European tourists in Algeria in

early 2003

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Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb - As Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat

1 By March 2005, it was reported that the GSPC may be prepared to give up

the armed struggle in Algeria and accept the government's

reconciliation initiative.Georges Rassi, End of Insurgency, al-

Mustaqbal, as reported in MidEast Mirror, 24 March 2005

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Segmentation (biology) - Chordates: Zebrafish

1 Although perhaps not as well studied as Drosophila, segmentation in

zebrafish is actively studied. The process is similar in zebrafish and

other chordates, such as the chicken and the mouse. Segmentation in chordates is characterized as the formation of a pair of somites on either side of the midline. This is

often referred to as somitogenesis.

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Segmentation (biology) - Chordates: Zebrafish

1 In the zebrafish, segmentation is coordinated by the “clock and

wavefront.” The “clock” refers to the periodic oscillation of specific genes,

such as Her1, a hairy/Enhancer of split- gene

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TBR1 - Zebrafish

1 Studies in the zebrafish Danio rerio show that TBR1 is highly conserved across

species. TBR1 cDNA clones from zebrafish were acquired by screening a zebrafish

embryo using a phosphorus labeled probe. The TBR1 found in zebrafish (zf-TBR1) has 83-97% amino acid identity to orthologs in

humans (hu-TBR1), xenopus (x-EOMES), and mice (mu-TBR1). The zebrafish TBR1 is only

expressed in the forebrain, not in other regions of the zebrafish embryo.

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Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism - Appendix III: Salafism in Major Sunni Muslim Majority Countries

1 Salafism is defined as the belief that society should be organized

according to the Quran and Sunna only (269)

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1 'Madasafish' is an Internet Service Provider (ISP) based in Sheffield and a wholly owned subsidiary of the BT


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Madasafish - History

1 The company was created as part of the Brightview Group in April 2001

and bought by BT in July 2007.[

ews/bt/bt-buys-madasafish-operator_18203395.html BT buys Madasafish operator] Broadband

Finder. 6 July 2007

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Madasafish - History

1 Totalise (of Totalise plc v Motley Fool Ltd) became part of Madasafish in


Totalise Broadband] via, accessed

2010 5 31

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Souls - Avicenna and Ibn al-Nafis

1 Following Aristotle, the Persian Muslim philosophers Avicenna (Ibn

Sina) and Ibn al-Nafis, further elaborated on the Aristotelianism|

Aristotelian understanding of the soul and developed their own theories on

the soul

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PolyGram - Philips Phonografische Industrie (PPI), 1950-1962

1 In the 1940s, the record business was spread out within Philips:

research in the Eindhoven labs, development elsewhere in

Eindhoven, recording in Hilversum, manufacturing in Doetinchem,

distribution from Amsterdam and exports from Eindhoven. During the

late 1940s, Philips combined its various music businesses into 'Philips

Phonografische Industrie' ('PPI'), a wholly owned subsidiary.

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PolyGram - Philips Phonografische Industrie (PPI), 1950-1962

1 PPI's early growth was based on alliances. A merger was first

proposed with Decca of London in late 1945, but was rejected by

Edward Lewis (Decca)|Edward Lewis, Decca's owner. (PolyGram finally

acquired Decca in 1979.)

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PolyGram - Philips Phonografische Industrie (PPI), 1950-1962

1 In the early 1950s, Philips set itself the goal of making PPI the largest record company in


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PolyGram - Philips Phonografische Industrie (PPI), 1950-1962

1 PPI's second attempt at a merger was with Deutsche Grammophon

Gesellschaft (DGG). DGG, owned by Siemens AG and well known for its classical repertoire, had been the German licensee for Decca from 1935. DGG also owned Polydor


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PolyGram - Philips Phonografische Industrie (PPI), 1950-1962

1 Shortly after PPI was founded it had made a formal alliance with DGG to manufacture each other's records,

coordinate releases and not to poach each other's artists or bid against each other for new talent. PPI and

DGG finally merged in 1962.

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PolyGram - Philips Phonografische Industrie (PPI), 1950-1962

1 The alliance with DGG still left PPI without

repertoire in Britain or the US

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PolyGram - Philips Phonografische Industrie (PPI), 1950-1962

1 PPI built or bought factories in smaller countries. In 1962, PPI had a large factory in Baarn and factories

in France, Britain, Denmark, Norway, Spain, Italy, Egypt, Nigeria and


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PolyGram - Philips Phonografische Industrie (PPI), 1950-1962

1 PPI played an important role in the introduction of the long-playing vinyl

record to Europe. Columbia introduced their gramophone record|

LP record in 1948 and Philips presented its first LP at a record

retailers' convention in 1949. Philips' commitment to LP technology was an

important factor in its 1951-1961 deal with Columbia.

Page 101: AFIS

Ibn al-Nafis

1 'Ala-al-din abu Al-Hassan Ali ibn Abi-Hazm al-Qarshi al-Dimashqi' (Arabic:

حزم أبي بن dعلي الحسن أبو الدين عالءالدمشقي -known as 'Ibn al ,( القرشي

Nafis' (Arabic: النفيس was an ,( ابنArab physician who is mostly famous

for being the first to describe the pulmonary circulation of the blood.

Page 102: AFIS

Ibn al-Nafis

1 He was born in 1213 in Damascus. He attended the Medical College Hospital (Bimaristan Al-Noori) in

Damascus. Apart from medicine, Ibn al-Nafis learned jurisprudence,

literature and theology. He became an expert on the Shafi'i school of

jurisprudence and an expert physician.[



Page 103: AFIS

Ibn al-Nafis

1 In 1236, Al-Nafis moved to Egypt. He worked at the Al-Nassri Hospital, and

subsequently at the Al-Mansouri Hospital, where he became chief of

physicians and the Sultan’s personal physician. When he died in 1288, he donated his house, library and clinic

to the Mansuriya Hospital.

Page 104: AFIS

Ibn al-Nafis - Writings

1 The most voluminous of his books is Al-Shamil fi al-Tibb, which was planned to be an encyclopedia

comprising 300 volumes, but was not completed as a result of his death.

The manuscript is available in Damascus.

Page 105: AFIS

Ibn al-Nafis - Writings

1 His book on ophthalmology is largely an original contribution. His most

famous book is The Summary of Law (Mujaz al-Qanun). Another famous

book, embodying his original contribution, was on the effects of diet on health, entitled Kitab al-

Mukhtar fi al-Aghdhiya.

Page 106: AFIS

Ibn al-Nafis - Writings

1 His Al-Risalah al-Kamiliyyah fil Siera al-Nabawiyyah, translated in the West under the title Theologus

Autodidactus, has been argued to be both the first Philosophical novel|

theological novel and the first science fiction novel.

Page 107: AFIS

Ibn al-Nafis - Writings

1 He also wrote a number of commentaries on the topics of law and medicine. His commentaries include one on Hippocrates' book, and several volumes on Avicenna's

The Canon of Medicine. Additionally, he wrote a commentary on Hunayn

Ibn Ishaq's book.

Page 108: AFIS

Ibn al-Nafis - Discovery of pulmonary circulation

1 In 1924, an Egyptian physician, Muhyo Al-Deen Altawi, discovered a

script titled, Commentary on Anatomy in Avicenna's Canon in the Prussian State Library in Berlin while studying the history of Arab Medicine

at the medical faculty of Albert Ludwig’s University in Germany

Page 109: AFIS

Ibn al-Nafis - Discovery of pulmonary circulation

1 The most commonly accepted theory of heart performance prior to Al-Nafis was that of Galen. Galen taught that the blood reaching the right side of

the heart went through invisible pores in the cardiac septum, to the

left side of the heart, where it mixed with air to create spirit, and was then distributed to the body. According to

Galen's views, the venous system was quite separate from the arterial system, except when they came in contact through the unseen pores.

Page 110: AFIS

Ibn al-Nafis - Discovery of pulmonary circulation

1 the blood from the right chamber of the heart must arrive at the left chamber but there is no direct

pathway between them

Page 111: AFIS

Ibn al-Nafis - Discovery of pulmonary circulation

1 The heart has only two ventricle (heart)|ventricles ...and between these two there is absolutely no

opening. Also dissection gives this lie to what they said, as the septum

between these two cavities is much thicker than elsewhere. The benefit

of this blood (that is in the right cavity) is to go up to the lungs, mix with what is in the lungs of air, then pass through the arteria venosa to the left cavity of the two cavities of

the heart and of that mixture is created the animal spirit.

Page 112: AFIS

Ibn al-Nafis - Discovery of pulmonary circulation

1 In describing the anatomy of the lungs, Al-Nafis said:

Page 113: AFIS

Ibn al-Nafis - Discovery of pulmonary circulation

1 The lungs are composed of parts, one of which is the bronchi; the

second, the branches of the arteria venosa; and the third, the branches

of the vena arteriosa, all of them connected by loose porous flesh.

Page 114: AFIS

Ibn al-Nafis - Discovery of pulmonary circulation

1 the need of the lungs for the vena arteriosa is to transport to it the blood that has been thinned and

warmed in the heart, so that what seeps through the pores of the branches of this vessel into the

alveoli of the lungs may mix with what there is of air therein and combine with it, the resultant

composite becoming fit to be spirit, when this mixing takes place in the

left cavity of the heart

Page 115: AFIS

Ibn al-Nafis - Discovery of pulmonary circulation

1 Al-Nafis also postulated that nutrients for heart are extracted from the coronary


Page 116: AFIS

Ibn al-Nafis - Discovery of pulmonary circulation

1 again his (Avicenna's) statement that the blood that is in the right side is to nourish the heart is not true at all, for the nourishment to the heart is from

the blood that goes through the vessels that permeate the body of

the heart.

Page 117: AFIS

Islam in Africa - Salafism

1 Academic scholarships to study in Islamic universities in the Middle East are also offered to further Salafism.

Page 118: AFIS


1 'Fotografiska' (The Swedish Museum of Photography) is a centre for

contemporary photography located in Stockholm, Sweden that opened

on 21 May 2010.

Page 119: AFIS

Fotografiska - Details

1 Fotografiska has 5500 m2 of exhibition spaces, an academy,

bistro, café, bar, conference rooms, museum shop, gallery, and event


Page 120: AFIS

Fotografiska - Details

1 Fotografiska is housed at Stadsgården, in a former industrial Art Nouveau style

building dating from 1906. Designed by Ferdinand Boberg, the building was used as a customs house, and is listed as a building

of cultural interest. The original brick facade of is intact, while the interiors have been renovated to house the museum. The

city of Stockholm has funded the 250 million Swedish crowns restoration costs.

Page 121: AFIS

Fotografiska - Exhibitions

1 *Joel-Peter Witkin, Bodies, May 21 - August 22, 2010.

Page 122: AFIS

Fotografiska - Exhibitions

1 *Vee Speers, The Birthday Party, May 21 - September 5,


Birthday-Party], Fotografiska.

Page 123: AFIS

Fotografiska - Exhibitions

1 *Sandy Skoglund, The Artificial Mirror, September 10 -

November 6, 2010.

Page 124: AFIS

Fotografiska - Exhibitions

1 *Pieter ten Hoopen, Stockholm, September 10 - November 28, 2010.[

e-utstaellningar/Stockholm], Fotografiska.

Page 125: AFIS

Fotografiska - Exhibitions

1 *Fashion!, September 24, 2010 - January 9,


], Fotografiska.

Page 126: AFIS

Fotografiska - Exhibitions

1 *Hanna Ljung, How to Civilize a War, November 9 - December

7, 2010.

Page 127: AFIS

Fotografiska - Exhibitions

1 *Gus Van Sant, One Step Big Shot, November 9 - December

5, 2010.

Page 128: AFIS

Fotografiska - Exhibitions

1 *Nils Olof Hedenskog Joakim Brolin, Creeping in Circles, January 14 - March 3, 2011.

Page 129: AFIS

Fotografiska - Exhibitions

1 *Jean-Marie Simon, Guatemala. Eternal Spring - Eternal Tyranny, February 10 - March 6,


Page 130: AFIS

Fotografiska - Exhibitions

1 *Sarah Moon, 12345, January 14 - April 17,



Page 131: AFIS

Fotografiska - Exhibitions

1 *Jonathan Torgovnik, Intended Consequences, March 8 - May 1, 2011.

Page 132: AFIS

Fotografiska - Exhibitions

1 *Albert Watson (photographer)|Albert Watson, Retrospective, March 25 - June 12, 2011.

Page 133: AFIS

Fotografiska - Exhibitions

1 *Burtynksy, Burtynsky/Oil, April 22 - June 26,


ky-OIL Edward], Fotografiska.

Page 134: AFIS

Fotografiska - Exhibitions

1 *Eleanor Coppola, Circle of Memory, June 18 -

August 21, 2011

Page 135: AFIS

Fotografiska - Exhibitions

1 *Jacob Felländer, I Want To Live Close

To You, May 6 - August 28, 2011

Page 136: AFIS

Fotografiska - Exhibitions

1 *Jacqueline Hellmann, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, May 31 - August 21, 2011

Page 137: AFIS

Fotografiska - Exhibitions

1 *Liu Bolin, The Invisible Man, July 2 - September

18, 2011

Page 138: AFIS

Fotografiska - Exhibitions

1 *Peter Farago Ingela Klemetz-Farago, Northern Women in CHANEL, July 1 -

September 18, 2011

Page 139: AFIS

Fotografiska - Exhibitions

1 *Robert Mapplethorpe, Retrospective, June 17 -

October 3, 2011

Page 140: AFIS

Fotografiska - Exhibitions

1 *Aichi Hirano, ROLLS Tohoku March 31 – April

3, July 8 - October 9, 2011

Page 141: AFIS

Fotografiska - Exhibitions

1 *Northern Future Forum gathering of UK, Nordic, Baltic prime ministers, February 8-9,


Page 142: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat

1 'Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb'

('AQIM';Watson, Bob

Page 143: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat

1 The group has declared its intention to attack European (including

Spanish and French) and American targets. It has been designated as a U.S. State Department list of Foreign

Terrorist Organizations|Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United

States Department of State|U.S. Department of State, and similarly

classed as a terrorist organization by the European Union.

Page 144: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat

1 Membership is mostly drawn from the Algerian and local Saharan

communities (such as the Tuaregs and Berabiche tribal clans of


2011/12/Al_Qaida_Body_LOWRES2.pdf as well

as Moroccans from city suburbs of the North African


newsbrief-01 Morocco dismantles AQIM cell] Magharebia, 26 December 2012[

features/2012/11/27/feature-01 Morocco dismantles terror

recruitment cell] Magharebia, 27 November


members-of-AQIM-cell/UPI-65581294251807/ Morocco nabs members of AQIM cell], 5 January 2011 The outfit has also

been suspected of having links with the Horn of Africa-based militant

group Al-Shabaab (militant group)|Al-Shabaab.

Page 145: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat

1 AQIM has focused on kidnap for ransom as a means of raising funds

and is estimated to have raised more than $50 million in the last decade.

Page 146: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - Name

1 The groups official name is 'Organization of al-Qa’ida in the Land of the Islamic Maghreb' (Qaedat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Maghrib al-Islami), often shortened to Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb ('AQIM'). Prior to January 2007 it was known as the Salafist Group for Preaching and

Combat ( ) and the French acronym GSPC (Groupe Salafiste pour la

Prédication et le Combat).

Page 147: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - International links

1 Algerian officials and authorities from neighbouring countries have

speculated that the GSPC may be active outside Algeria

Page 148: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - International links

1 Some observers, including Jeremy Keenan, have voiced doubts

regarding the GSPC's capacity to carry out large-scale attacks, such as

the one attributed to it in northeastern Mauritania during the

Flintlock 2005 military exercise.[ US targets Sahara 'terrorist

haven'], BBC News, 8 August 2005 They suspect the involvement of

Algeria's Department of Intelligence and Security is an effort to improve Algeria's international standing as a

credible partner in the War on Terrorism, and to lure the United

States into the region.

Page 149: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - International links

1 As followers of a Qutbism|Qutbist strand of Salafist jihadism, the

members of the GSPC are thought to share al-Qaeda's general ideological


Page 150: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - International links

1 Similar claims of links between the GSPC and Abu Musab Al Zarqawi in

Iraq[ 'The Al-Qaeda Organization in the

Islamic Maghreb': The Evolving Terrorist Presence in North Africa], Inquiry and Analysis, Middle East Media Research Institute, 7 March


Page 151: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - International links

1 In 2005, after years of absence, the United States showed renewed

military interest in the region[

0404150758.html General Sees Expanding Strategic Role for U.S

Page 152: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - International links

1 Observers say that the region's governments have much to gain

from associating[ Un Marocain

arrêté en Mauritanie pour terrorisme], La Libération

(Casablanca), 8 June 2006 local armed movements and long-

established smuggling operations with al-Qaeda and the global War on


Page 153: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - International links

1 In November 2007 Nigerian authorities arrested five men for

alleged possession of seven sticks of dynamite and other explosives.

Nigerian prosecutors alleged that three of the accused had trained for

two years with the then Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat in Algeria. In January 2008 the 2008

Dakar Rally|Dakar Rally was cancelled due to threats made by associated terrorist organizations.

Page 154: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - International links

1 In late 2011, the splinter group Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa was founded in order to spread jihadi activities further into West Africa. Their military leader is Omar Ould Hamaha, a former AQIM


Page 155: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - International links

1 According to U.S

Page 156: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - International links

1 In an Al Jazeera interview, AQIM commander Abderrahmane, alias

Abu Talha al Mauritanie|Talha claims from Timbuktu that his movement

went to Niger, Algeria, Burkina Faso and Nigeria, to organize cells of AQIM. He explains their strategy: There are many people who have

nothing, and you can reach them by the word of God, or by helping them.

Page 157: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - Statements

1 According to London-based risk analysis firm Stirling Assynt, AQIM issued a call for vengeance against

Beijing for mistreatment of its Muslim minority following the July 2009

Ürümqi riots.

Page 158: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - Statements

1 AQIM voiced support for 2010–2011 Tunisian protests|demonstrations against the Tunisian and Algerian

Governments in a video released on 13 January 2011

Page 159: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - Statements

1 AQIM has also endorsed efforts in Libya to 2011 Libyan civil war|topple

the regime of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, though it remains unclear

how many fighters in Libya are loyal to al-Qaeda. Gaddafi seized on the expression of support and help for the rebel movement to blame al-Qaeda for fomenting the uprising.

Page 160: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - Timeline of attacks

1 * 23 November 2002: A group of Algerian soldiers are ambushed. Nine died and twelve

were wounded.

Page 161: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - Timeline of attacks

1 * February 2003: 32 European tourists are kidnapped. One died of

heat stroke, seventeen hostages were rescued by Algerian troops on

13 May 2003, and the remainder were released in August


Page 162: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - Timeline of attacks

1 * 12 February 2004: Near Tighremt, Islamic extremists ambush a police patrol, killing seven police officers and wounding three others. The

assailants also seized firearms and three

vehicles.[ View


Page 163: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - Timeline of attacks

1 * 7 April 2005: In Tablat, Blida Province, armed assailants fire on five vehicles at a fake road block, killing 13 civilians, wounding one other and burning five vehicles.

[ View Incident]

Page 164: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - Timeline of attacks

1 * 15 October 2006: In Sidi Medjahed, Ain Defla, assailants attack and kill

eight private security guards by unknown

means.[ View


Page 165: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - Timeline of attacks

1 * 11 April 2007: Two car bombs were detonated by the group. One was

close to the Prime Minister’s office in Algiers and the blast killed more than 30 people and wounded more than


Page 166: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - Timeline of attacks

1 * February 2008: Two Austrians were captured in Tunisia and taken via

Algeria to Mali and freed later that year, the kidnappings were

attributed to Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Page 167: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - Timeline of attacks

1 * December 2008: Two Canadian diplomats were taken hostage along

with their driver in south-western Niger while on official UN mission to

resolve a crisis in northern Niger. The driver was freed in Mali in March

2009. The diplomats were freed in Mali in April 2009. The kidnappings were attributed to Al-Qaeda in the

Islamic Maghreb

Page 168: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - Timeline of attacks

1 * 22 January 2009: Four Westerners were kidnapped while visiting the Anderamboukane festival in Niger near the border with Mali. AQIM

demanded the British government release Abu Qatada, and on 31 May

2009 a statement was released claiming Edwyn Dyer had been

executed, which was confirmed by the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown on 3 June 2009. All of the other tourists were eventually


Page 169: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - Timeline of attacks

1 * 30 July 2009: At least 11 Algerian soldiers are killed in an ambush while escorting a military convoy outside the coastal town of Damous, near


Yahoo! Search – Web Search]

Page 170: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - Timeline of attacks

1 * March 2010: an Italian national, Sergio Cicala, and his wife are held

hostage. They were released on April 16,


Page 171: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - Timeline of attacks

1 * 21 March 2010: Three militants are killed by security forces near El Ma Labiod, from


Page 172: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - Timeline of attacks

1 * 26 March 2010: Three militants are killed and another captured by

security forces in Ait Yahia Moussa, from Tizi Ouzou.

Page 173: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - Timeline of attacks

1 * 14 April 2010: According to Algerian officials, at least ten

militants are killed during a counter-terrorist operation in Bordj Bou

Arréridj Province|Bordj Bou Arreridj wilaya.

Page 174: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - Timeline of attacks

1 * 16 September 2010: seven employees from Areva and Vinci

(construction)|Vinci are kidnapped in Arlit, Niger (five French, one Togolan and one Malagasy). The capture was claimed on 21 September by AQIM in

a communiqué published in Al Jazeera. Three of the hostages were released on February 24, 2011. The other four were released on October

28, 2013.



Page 175: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - Timeline of attacks

1 * 25 November 2011: Three Western tourists were abducted in Timbuktu,

including Sjaak Rijke from the Netherlands, Jorgen Gustafsson from Sweden and Stephen Malcolm from

the United Kingdom. A fourth tourist, from Germany, was killed when he

refused to cooperate with the perpetrators.

Page 176: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - Timeline of attacks

1 * 9 December 2011: AQIM published two photos, showing five kidnapped persons of European descent. One of

the hostages was killed in March 2013. His body was found in July

2013.Agence Nouakchott d'Information (ANI) 9 December



Page 177: AFIS

Groupe Salafiste pour la Prédication et le Combat - Timeline of attacks

1 * 30 September 2013: AQIM claimed responsibility for a suicide car

bombing in Timbuktu that killed at least two



Page 178: AFIS

Salafist jihadism

1 They are sometimes described as a variety of Salafi, and sometimes as separate from good Salafis whose movement is a precursor of Salafi


Page 179: AFIS

Salafist jihadism - Jihad

1 The beginnings of Jihad are traced back to the words and actions of

Muhammad and the Quran.Rudolph Peters, Jihād (The Oxford

Encyclopedia of the Islamic World); [

/MainSearch.html Oxfordislamicstudies.]

Page 180: AFIS

Salafist jihadism - History and definition

1 Author and academic Gilles Kepel writes that the Salafis whom he

encountered in Europe in the 1980s were totally apolitical. But by the mid-1990s he met some who felt jihad in the form of violence and

terrorism was justified to realize their political objectives. The combination of Salafi movement|Salafi alienation

from all things non-Muslim—including mainstream European society—and

violent jihad created a volatile mixture.

Page 181: AFIS

Salafist jihadism - History and definition

1 When you're in the state of such alienation you become easy prey to

the jihadi guys who will feed you more savory propaganda than the

old propaganda of the Salafists who tell you to pray, fast and who are not

taking action.

Page 182: AFIS

Salafist jihadism - History and definition

1 According to Kepel, Salafist jihadism combined respect for the sacred texts in their most literal form, ... with an absolute commitment to

jihad, whose number-one target had to be America, perceived as the

greatest enemy of the faith.

Page 183: AFIS

Salafist jihadism - History and definition

1 Iyad El-Baghdadi describes Salafism as deeply divided into mainstream (government-approved, or Islahi)

Salafism, and Jihadi Salafism.

Page 184: AFIS

Salafist jihadism - History and definition

1 According to Mohammed M. Hafez, contemporary jihadi Salafism is characterized

by five features:

Page 185: AFIS

Salafist jihadism - History and definition

1 * immense emphasis on the concept of tawhid

(unity of God);

Page 186: AFIS

Salafist jihadism - History and definition

1 * God's sovereignty (hakimiyyat Allah), which defines right and

wrong, good and evil, and which supersedes human reasoning is

applicable in all places on earth and at all times, and makes unnecessary and un-Islamic other ideologies such

as liberalism or humanism;

Page 187: AFIS

Salafist jihadism - History and definition

1 * the permissibility and necessity of takfir (the declaring of a Muslim to be outside the creed, so that they may

face execution);

Page 188: AFIS

Salafist jihadism - History and definition

1 According to Michael Horowitz, Salafi jihad is an ideology that identifies the

alleged source of the Muslims’ conundrum in the persistent attacks and humiliation of Muslims on the part of an anti-Islamic alliance of

what it terms ‘Crusaders,’ ‘Zionists,’ and ‘apostates.’

Page 189: AFIS

Salafist jihadism - History and definition

1 Al Jazeera journalist Jamal Al Sharif describes Salafi Jihadism as

combining the doctrinal content and approach of Salafism and

organisational models from Muslim Brotherhood organisations. Their motto emerged as ‘Salafism in

doctrine, modernity in confrontation’.

Page 190: AFIS

Salafist jihadism - History and definition

1 Antecedents of Salafism jihadism include Islamist author Sayyid Qutb,

who developed the intellectual underpinnings of the ideology. Qutb argued that the world had reached a crisis point and that the Islamic world

has been replaced by pagan ignorance of Jahiliyyah.

Page 191: AFIS

Salafist jihadism - History and definition

1 The group Takfir wal-Hijra, who kidnapped and murdered an

Egyptian ex-government minister in 1978, inspired some of the tactics and methods used by Al Qaeda.

Page 192: AFIS

Salafist jihadism - Leaders, groups and activities

1 Its leaders included Afghan jihad veterans such as the Palestinian Abu

Qatada, the Syrian Mustafa Setmariam Nasar, the Egyptian Mustapha Kamel, known as Abu

Hamza al-Masri and later Osama bin Laden. The dissident Saudi preachers Salman al-Ouda and Safar Al-Hawali,

were held in high esteem by this school.

Page 193: AFIS

Salafist jihadism - Leaders, groups and activities

1 According to Bruce Livesey Salafist jihadists are currently a burgeoning

presence in Europe, having attempted more than 30 terrorist

attacks among E.U

Page 194: AFIS

Salafist jihadism - Leaders, groups and activities

1 According to Mohammed M. Hafez, in Iraq jihadi salafi are pursuing a

system-collapse strategy whose goal is to install an Islamic emirate based on Sunni dominance, similar to the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. In addition to occupation/coalition

personnel they target mainly Iraqi security forces and Shia civilians, but

also foreign journalists, translators and transport drivers and the

economic and physical infrastructure of Iraq.

Page 195: AFIS

Salafist jihadism - Leaders, groups and activities

1 In 2011, Salafi jihadists were actively involved with protests against King

Abdullah II of Jordan, and the kidnapping followed by a swift murder of Italian peace activist

Vittorio Arrigoni in Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

Page 196: AFIS

Salafist jihadism - Groups

1 Terrorism Focus Volume: 4 Issue: 40, December 7, 2007, By: Anar Valiyev Jund Ansar Allah is, or was, an armed

Salafist jihadist organization in the Gaza Strip

Page 197: AFIS

Salafist jihadism - Groups

1 They also believe in the complete separation between the Muslim and the non-Muslim, by

propagating Al Wala' Wal Bara' and declaring takfir against any Muslim who is a mushrik (polytheist)

and does not return to the observance of tawhid and the strict literal interpretation of the Quran and the Sunnah as followed by the Prophet Muhammad and

his companions (Sahaba).Darion Rhodes, [

%20Jihadism%20the%20Ideology%20of%20the%20Caucasus%20Emirate Salafist-Takfiri Jihadism:

the Ideology of the Caucasus Emirate], International Institute for Counter-Terrorism, March 2014

Page 198: AFIS

Salafist jihadism - Groups

1 In Syria, the group Jabhat al-Nusra has been described as possessing a hard-line Salafi-Jihadist ideology and

being one of the most effective groups fighting the regime

Page 199: AFIS

Salafist jihadism - Further reading

1 *Oliver, Haneef James. [http://www.masjidtawheedchicago.or

g/books/thewahabimyth.pdf The Wahabi Myth], Trafford, 2003, ISBN

1553953975, ISBN 978-1553953975 ([

us-make-sacred-freedom-a-free-download-on-ibooks-and-kindle Free])

Page 200: AFIS

Salafist jihadism - Further reading

1 *[

+Oliversearch-alias=bookstext=H.+J.+Oliversort=relevancerank Oliver],

Haneef James

Page 201: AFIS

Animal cloning - Zebrafish

1 In 2009, Siripattarapravat et al. published, in the Nature Methods journal, a method for somatic cell

nuclear transfer in zebrafish.

Page 202: AFIS

Wahhabi movement - Naming controversy: Wahhabis, Muwahhidun, and Salafis

1 According to Robert Lacey the Wahhabis have always disliked the

name customarily given to them and preferred to be called The People of

Monotheism|Muwahhidun (Unitarians). Another preferred term was simply Muslims since their creed

is pure Islam. However critics complain these terms imply non-Wahhabis are not monotheists or


Page 203: AFIS

Wahhabi movement - Naming controversy: Wahhabis, Muwahhidun, and Salafis

1 and the English translation of that term causes confusion with the

Christian denomination (Unitarian Universalism).

Page 204: AFIS

Wahhabi movement - Naming controversy: Wahhabis, Muwahhidun, and Salafis

1 Other terms Wahhabis have been said to use and/or prefer include

People of hadith|ahl al-hadith (people of hadith), Salafi Da'wa or al-da'wa

ila al-tawhid

Page 205: AFIS

Wahhabi movement - Naming controversy: Wahhabis, Muwahhidun, and Salafis

1 (Salafi preaching or preaching of monotheism, for the school rather

than the adherents) or Ahl ul-Sunna wal Jama'a (people of the tradition of Muhammad and the consensus of the


Page 206: AFIS

Wahhabi movement - Naming controversy: Wahhabis, Muwahhidun, and Salafis

1 Ahl al-Sunnah (People of the Sunna), or the reform or Salafi movement of

the Sheikh (the sheikh being ibn Abdul-Wahhab).According to author Abdul Aziz Qassim (source: ) Early

Salafis referred to themselves simply as Muslims, believing the

neighboring Ottoman Caliphate was al-dawlah al-kufriyya (a heretical

nation) and its self-professed Muslim inhabitants actually non-Muslim.

Page 207: AFIS

Wahhabi movement - Naming controversy: Wahhabis, Muwahhidun, and Salafis

1 Many, such as writer Quinton Wiktorowicz, urge use of the term

Salafi, maintaining that one would be hard pressed to find individuals who refer to themselves as Wahhabis or organizations that use 'Wahhabi' in

their title, or refer to their ideology in this manner (unless they are

speaking to a Western audience that is unfamiliar with Islamic

terminology, and even then usage is limited and often appears as


Page 208: AFIS

Wahhabi movement - Naming controversy: Wahhabis, Muwahhidun, and Salafis

1 But authors at Global Security and Library of Congress state the term is now commonplace and used even by

Wahhabi scholars in the Najd, a region often called the heartland of Wahhabism. Journalist Karen House calls Salafi, a more politically correct

term for Wahhabi.

Page 209: AFIS

Wahhabi movement - Naming controversy: Wahhabis, Muwahhidun, and Salafis

1 In any case, according to Lacey, none of the other terms have caught on, and so like the Christian Quakers, Wahhabis have remained known by the name first assigned to them by

their detractors.

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Wahhabi movement - Wahhabis and Salafis

1 Many scholars and critics distinguish between Wahhabi

and Salafi

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Wahhabi movement - Wahhabis and Salafis

1 Others call Wahhabism a more strict, Saudi form

of Salafi.

Page 212: AFIS

Wahhabi movement - Wahhabis and Salafis

1 Wahhabism is the Saudi version of Salafism, according to Mark Durie, who states Saudi leaders are active and diligent using their considerable

financial resources in funding and promoting Salafism all around the world. Ahmad Moussalli tends to agree Wahhabism is a subset of

Salafism, saying As a rule, all Wahhabis are salafists, but not all

salafists are Wahhabis.

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Wahhabi movement - Wahhabis and Salafis

1 According to the Columbia World Dictionary of Islamism,

Page 214: AFIS

Wahhabi movement - Wahhabis and Salafis

1 the principal distinction between the two (at least originally) was that Wahhabism accepted a ruler that

imposed Sharia law, while Salafism desired the return of the caliphate,

with a single ruler for the entire Muslim world.

Page 215: AFIS

Wahhabi movement - Wahhabis and Salafis

1 #above all disdain for all developments subsequent to al-Salaf

al-Salih (the first two or three generations of Islam),

Page 216: AFIS

Wahhabi movement - Wahhabis and Salafis

1 #the rejection of Sufism, and

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Wahhabi movement - Wahhabis and Salafis

1 #the abandonment of consistent adherence to one of the four Sunni Madhhabs (schools of


Page 218: AFIS

Wahhabi movement - Wahhabis and Salafis

1 And two important and interrelated features that distinguished Salafis from the Wahhabis:

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Wahhabi movement - Wahhabis and Salafis

1 #a reliance on attempts at persuasion rather than coercion in order to rally other Muslims to their

cause; and

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Wahhabi movement - Wahhabis and Salafis

1 #an informed awareness of the political and socio-economic crises confronting the Muslim


Page 221: AFIS

Wahhabi movement - Wahhabis and Salafis

1 Hamid Algar and another critic, Khaled Abou El Fadl, argue Saudi oil-export funding co-opted the symbolism and

language of Salafism, during the 1960s and 70s, making them practically

indistinguishable by the 1970s, and now the two ideologies have melded. Abou El Fadl believes Wahhabism rebranded itself as Salafism knowing it could not spread in the modern Muslim world as Wahhabism.

Page 222: AFIS

Biografisch Portaal

1 The 'Biografisch Portaal' (Biography Portal) is an initiative

based at the Huygens Institute for Dutch History in The Hague, with the aim of making biographical texts of the Netherlands more accessible.

Page 223: AFIS

Biografisch Portaal

1 The project was started in February 2010 with material for 40,000

digitized biographies, with the goal to grant digital access to all reliable

information about (deceased) people of the Netherlands from the earliest beginnings of history up to modern


vickk0yn4tz3?ctx=vh511aqp95x8 article] on government website of the

Dutch constitution

Page 224: AFIS

Biografisch Portaal

1 The Netherlands as a geographic term includes former colonies, and

the term people refers both to people born in the Netherlands and its

former colonies, and also to people born elsewhere but active in the

Netherlands and its former colonies. As of 2011, only biographical

information about deceased people is included. The system used is based

on the standards of the Text Encoding Initiative. Access to the

Biografisch Portaal is available free through a web-based interface.

Page 225: AFIS

Biografisch Portaal

1 The project is a cooperative undertaking by ten scientific and cultural bodies in the Netherlands with the Huygens Institute as main

contact. The other bodies are:

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Biografisch Portaal

1 *The Biografie Instituut

Page 227: AFIS

Biografisch Portaal

1 *The Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie (CBG)

Page 228: AFIS

Biografisch Portaal

1 *The Digital Library for Dutch Literature (DBNL)

Page 229: AFIS

Biografisch Portaal

1 *The International Institute of Social History


Page 230: AFIS

Biografisch Portaal

1 *The Parlementair Documentatie Centrum


Page 231: AFIS

Biografisch Portaal

1 *The Netherlands Institute for Art History (RKD)

Page 232: AFIS

Biografisch Portaal

1 Besides ongoing digital projects, Dutch biographical dictionaries

originally published in book form that have been digitized and incorporated

into the indexes of the Biografisch Portaal

are:[ List of collections] on

the Biografisch Portaal website

Page 233: AFIS

Biografisch Portaal

1 * The work of Abraham van der Aa, which was the first Dutch biographical dictionary

Page 234: AFIS

Biografisch Portaal

1 * The NNBW, or Nieuw Nederlandsch

Biografisch Woordenboek

Page 235: AFIS

Biografisch Portaal

1 * The work of Barend Glasius known as Godgeleerd


Page 236: AFIS

Biografisch Portaal

1 * The work of Roeland van Eynden and Adriaan van der Willigen, known as Geschiedenis der vaderlandsche


Page 237: AFIS

Biografisch Portaal

1 * The work of Jan van Gool known as Nieuwe Schouburg

Page 238: AFIS

Biografisch Portaal

1 * The work of Jacob Campo Weyerman known as The Lives of

Dutch painters and paintressesThis is the only indexed dictionary that

cannot be accessed from IP addresses outside of Dutch university


Page 239: AFIS

Biografisch Portaal

1 In February 2012, a new project was started called BiographyNed to build an analytical

tool for use with the Biografisch Portaal that will link biographies to events in time and

space. The main

goal of the three-year project is to formulate ‘the boundaries of the



Page 240: AFIS

Azar Nafisi

1 115[ BBC 2004 Interview with Nafisi] is an Iranian

writer and professor of English literature

Page 241: AFIS

Azar Nafisi

1 Azar Nafisi is best known for her 2003 book Reading Lolita in Tehran|

Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books, which remained on the New

York Times Bestseller list for 117 weeks, and has won several literary

awards, including the 2004 Non-fiction Book of the Year Award from

Booksense.[ The Stephen

Barclay Agency][

icle.aspx?id=2309 Yale University Office of Public Affairs]

Page 242: AFIS

Azar Nafisi

1 Since Reading Lolita in Tehran, Nafisi has written Things I've Been Silent

About: Memories of a Prodigal Daughter and The Republic of

Imagination: America in Three Books.

Page 243: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Early life and education

1 Azar Nafisi is the daughter of Nezhat and Ahmad Nafisi, a former mayor of

Tehran (1961–1963) who was the youngest man ever appointed to the

post up to that time.

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Azar Nafisi - Early life and education

1 She was educated in Switzerland and received her Ph.D. from the University of


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Azar Nafisi - Life in post-revolution Iran

1 Nafisi returned to Iran in 1979 where for a time she taught English

literature at the University of Tehran.

Page 246: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Life in post-revolution Iran

1 In the aftermath of the Iranian Revolution of 1979 and the

subsequent rise to power of Ruhollah Khomeini|Ayatollah Khomeini and the

Islamic Republican Party in 1980, Nafisi soon became restless with the stringent rules imposed upon women

by the new government.

Page 247: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Life in post-revolution Iran

1 In 1995, she states that she was no longer able to teach English

literature properly without attracting the scrutiny of the faculty

authorities, so she quit teaching at the university, and instead invited seven of her female students to attend regular meetings at her house, every Thursday morning

Page 248: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Work

1 Nafisi left Iran on June 24, 1997 and moved to the United States, where she wrote Reading Lolita in Tehran|

Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books, a book where she describes

her experiences as a secular woman living and working in the Islamic Republic of Iran. In the book, she

declares I left Iran, but Iran did not leave me.

Page 249: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Work

1 Nafisi has held the post of a visiting fellow and lecturer at the Foreign Policy Institute of Johns Hopkins

University’s Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies|School of Advanced International

Studies (SAIS) in Washington, DC and has served on the Board of Trustees of Freedom House, a United States

nongovernmental organization (NGO) which conducts research and

advocacy on democracy.[http://www.freedomhous Freedom

House: Board of Trustees]

Page 250: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Work


Page 251: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Work

1 [http://Jane%20Smiley Jane Smiley] wrote in The Washington Post that

Nafisi finds the essence of the American experience, filtered through narratives not about

exceptionalism or fabulous success, but alienation, solitude and



11e4-babe-e91da079cb8a_story.html Laura Miller of Salon (website)|Salon wrote that No one writes better or

more stirringly about the way books shape a reader’s identity, and about the way that talking books with good friends becomes integral to how we understand the books, our friends

and ourselves.


Page 252: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Work

1 She appeared on Late Night with Seth Meyers


nd PBS NewsHour

-nafisi-views-american-society-literature-republic-imagination/ to

promote the book.

Page 253: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Criticism

1 In 2004, Christopher Hitchens wrote that Nafisi had dedicated Reading

Lolita in Tehran to Paul Wolfowitz, the United States Deputy Secretary of

Defense under George W. Bush and a principal architect of the Bush

Doctrine. Hitchens had stated that Nafisi was good friends with

Wolfowitz and several other key figures in the Bush administration. Nafisi later responded to Hitchen's comments, neither confirming nor

denying the claim.

Page 254: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Criticism

1 In a 2003 article for The Guardian, Brian Whitaker criticized Nafisi for

working for the public relations firm Benador Associates which he argues promoted the neo-conservative ideas of creative destruction and total war.[

3/feb/24/worlddispatch.usa The Guardian: Conflict and catchphrases]

Page 255: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Criticism

1 soldier convicted of Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse|

mistreating prisoners at Abu Ghraib: To me there is no difference between

Lynndie England and Azar Nafisi.[

aef9-49aa-b04d-8c73c804862e Reading Lolita at Columbia]Boston

Globe , Women and Islam, by Cathy Young, The Boston Globe , October

23, 2006 [


Finally, Dabashi stated that book's cover image (which appears to be two veiled teenage women reading

Lolita in Tehran) is in fact, in a reference to the September 11 attacks, Orientalised pedophilia designed to appeal to the most deranged Oriental fantasies of a

nation already petrified out of its wits by a ferocious war waged against the

phantasmagoric Arab/Muslim male potency that has just castrated the

two totem poles of U.S

Page 256: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Criticism

1 Nafisi, who opposed the U.S

Page 257: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Criticism

1 He also points out that she has produced gross misrepresentations of

Iranian society and Islam and that she uses quotes and references

which are inaccurate, misleading, or even wholly


006/00000002/art00006 IngentaConnect: Reading Azar Nafisi

in Tehran]

Page 258: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Responses

1 In an interview, Nafisi stated that she's never argued for an attack on Iran and that democracy, when it

comes, should come from the Iranian people (and not from US military or

political intervention)

Page 259: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Responses

1 Nafisi was also defended by a number of sources.

Page 260: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Responses

1 *[ Ali

Banuazizi], the codirector of Boston College’s Middle East studies

program, stated that Dabashi's article was very ‘‘intemperate’’ and

that it was ‘‘not worth the attention’’ it had received.

Page 261: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Responses

1 *Christopher Shea of the Boston Globe argued that while Dabashi

spent several thousand words...eviscerating the book, his

main point was not about the specific text but rather the book’s black-and-

white portrayal of Iran.[

lubbed/?page=2 Book clubbed] by Christopher Shea, The Boston Globe,

October 29, 2006 (retrieved on October 21, 2009).

Page 262: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Responses

1 *Writing in The New Republic, Marty Peretz sharply criticized Dabashi, and rhetorically asked ‘‘Over what kind of

faculty does [Columbia University president] Lee Bollinger preside?

Page 263: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Responses

1 *In an article posted on, author Gideon Lewis-Kraus described

Dabashi's article as a less-than-coherent pastiche of stock anti-war

sentiment, strategic misreading, and childish calumny and that Dabashi

insists on seeing [the book] as political perfidy which allows him to preserve his fantasy that criticizing

Nafisi makes him a usefully engaged intellectual.[ Pawn of the Neocons?] by

Gideon Lewis-Kraus,, November 30, 2006 (retrieved on

October 21, 2009).

Page 264: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Responses

1 *Robert Fulford (journalist)|Robert Fulford sharply criticized Dabashi's

comments in the National Post, arguing that Dabashi's frame of

reference veers from Joseph Stalin to Edward Said

Page 265: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Responses

1 Papan Matin also argued that Dabashi’s attack is that whether Nafisi is a collaborator with the

[United States] was not relevant to the legitimate questions set forth in

her book.[

vlet/Satellite?c=Article_Ccid=1190886485566pagename=Zone-English-Muslim_Affairs%2FMAELayout Reading Misreading

Lolita in Tehran] by Dr

Page 266: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Works

1 * Nafisi, Azar. Images of Women in Classical Persian Literature and the

Contemporary Iranian Novel. The Eye of the Storm: Women in Post-

Revolutionary Iran. Ed. Mahnaz Afkhami and Erika Friedl. New York:

Syracuse University Press, 1994. 115-30.

Page 267: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Works

1 * Anti-Terra: A Critical Study of Vladimir Nabokov’s Novels


Page 268: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Works

1 * Nafisi, Azar. Imagination as Subversion: Narrative as a Tool of

Civic Awareness. Muslim Women and the Politics of Participation. Ed.

Mahnaz Afkhami and Erika Friedl. New York: Syracuse University Press,

1997. 58-71.

Page 269: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Works

1 * Tales of Subversion: Women Challenging Fundamentalism in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Religious Fundamentalisms and the Human

Rights of Women (1999).

Page 270: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Works

1 * Things I've Been Silent About (2008).

Page 271: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Works

1 * The Republic of Imagination (2014).

Page 272: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Works

1 * Foreword, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Penguin

Classics, 2014)

Page 273: AFIS

Azar Nafisi - Bibliography

1 * Nafisi, Azar. 2010 (2008). Things I've been silent about. Random

House Trade Paperbacks. (Originally published 2008)