af'i · krieg's express. 1220 ii stieet n w. bto r c. e. i ' vi kisc: as'd...

FOUR LEGS FATAL TO THIS CHICKEN Pointed In Opposite Direction?, the Bird Pulls Itself to Pieces, They Sny. NKW HAVEN. Conn., March 23Tlic town of CIipfIiIio lins developed n chicken which ought to have been born t In Wlnstcdi bo thnl lis prulsca could Wi properly c.xiri'HHcd by Hio Wlnuted ttlssiifu". Joneph Wheeler, u iiioinlnrnt poultry l miser, found imionir n recently hatched "itbodo Island ltnl brood u I'blekcn per- fectly formed cNuept thnt It bad four leRB. All went well for nearly n week. Thqn It whs discovered tUut Ibo two ects of lcjii were urnumod for locomo- tion In opposlto directions. The result wiin that the chicle pulled Itself mmrt. People from till over the countryside catnc to see It, nnd In death It baa been turned over to 11 taxidermist., DANCING ARCADE DANCE AUDITOItlUM 1 f tli Street nnd I'nrU Itonit Iinrgcat IJnnrc Orelicnlrn South of Nnv York, TOMUHTi TrUe IMIIovr FIrM. rntUAVi Klddlcn NIkIiC (Souvenir A tOxlilbltlon Untieing) Umiclllir LcSNnnN C nrlrnl In. tructbrn. Cln. Sprrlnl Hilri. 'I'd. C. :iTor. JVISON'S, .V !Ir.t noiv 11120 M sr ncopated waltz . nil dance cor- rectly tauRlit ttuar'td. In few lessons; prl. aic any hour.. Class TueB cv'i, I'll. N. K4. MISS CHAPPELEAR, 1312 Q ot. . Phone North 6$U. WYNDHAM BROS.' STUDIO Sf. 0003. Modern Unnclnc. 17la ii nir. rnt?JYJD';sDMAM. MM;:. ynUSAY & MISS MiLlvlin. prhatn len.ons. all dhnres: les- - ' l laS!" Thursday, 7:30. SJS i:ih nm. Ml. Jfaln 6679. ' MIASMS CIIA.Mnnill.AI.V F and lltli eta., Berry & Wliltmorn Hide, Hall for rent: davce Frl . 8:30 p. in. Main K4. MISS MABEL FAIRFAX, 1210 O.St. N TV. MAIN MM. 813 22nd ST. N. W.. I'll. W. 11.'3 in. lessonn ativ ttnnr Rftf i.i.i..i,bii. ... Vfp' B"?ln. Tnnco, llealtatlon. etc. rUtm Ik iuc, iniiranai. ee , wc. udlea free, '. tuna's DANCING KC1IOOU 100 Kv, '"i.,v- - "anco every Monday ove.. 8:30, i Hone M. 2842. rnfVATB O.M.Y'. MILlIiER'S K1CI.KCT AI.I FIAI.T.noOM DANCES. .r:r.AFco TUEATnu phone m r.s23-- EDUCATIONAL RLSTZ 1 ANISH etc., . etc. I'lie Best Method. t)ny and Evtn'B Ses- sions. At School or nesidenco. Clusses SCHOOL and Trlv. Lessons II Hth St. X. XV. Plume Main 3317, Xew Classes Constantly Foiminir. HALL-NOYE- S SCHOOL Dav. night Coursei to graduation; certir. nnnuts to colleges; missed cradca mado up: sdlilts specialized CatnloRUrs. 21 K fit. X. M. Phone 31. :iSTr. L. A. CALLAN. 1 VSTRUC'TION, DAMJO. MANDOLIN. C3G tth N. E. PHONE I.I.NU 1S1C, Washington Business and fv II Servlfe Scliool. 1317 N, Y ae lnv Main 4304. V f. rOTKIH1. Prltielnal' Steward's Business College 12th AND F STS N. IV. Washington a Leadlne lluslnes Collec. SIXGINO, HMH'liTIOX, Mns. KM1I.Y FIllCII niBxM. kits lltl, St. X. K. ir:i2 MOVING, PACKING. STORAGE. SAFETY FIRST! Absloutely Fireproof Storage UNITED STATES STORAGE GO. 118-1- S0 10 St. X.W. Phone M. ttUO Prlvnte Itooms, 82 Per Mo. unci up Moving Packing Shipping EXPERT PIANO MOVERS. Piano. $2,110; furniture, J2.H0: 'auto delivery, ?honc N. MS. Intimate cheerlullv given Uro'HE YOl'It FUftNLTUItU. pianos, etc.. at WESCH LEU'S. 9J0 l'a. ae. N. V. Uates reasonable, estimates cheerfully nhcn. I'hono 12S2. Washington, Baltimore and Sub urban m ov i n g. Northeast Express PR Company, 1003 H St. N. E. Ph. Line. 3970. .MONEY! MONEY! MONEY " ScUanccil on storaRe II nunled I vitph SlUANSFEU AND hTOUAOE CO. nrii...; t,n F st N. W. Phone M. 6300. Ustlin.iiM ,,. I'acklni; and Shipping FRKU HAULING To htoiage durlns ?'"'. April, and Mil). Expert P ac I, o r s. Esti- - IllHIfS. ALVOUD & CO. Hraneh Offlre.4CS Pu uc Ph W 737. tEI'Ar.ATK fctcruue rooms or ktorage bv the ioua. wuvms, MavnuiK tiuu Miippui);. rhoi Dowiipg M Co.. 61.' i: t. N. V I'll M fd3. TOuAGE 81 mo.; hauled' in freo, all wc hsIi conipaia our prices io others; estimate! clicertully Given; centrnl loiutlon, dry, clean Horace rooms, open fur inspictloii vt anv lima. II llauin & Hon. '.'12 1'n ae. M 1 5 Jd(.obj Transfer Co.. North 319J. 115 Fla. AJe. N. E. Arm ivrj "'aookj'.vans Phone M. 2018 .fp KRIEG'S EXPRESS. 1220 II Stieet N W. BTO R C. E. I ' VI KISC: AS'D SIUPPINC. Fireproof ypVAfcJ' Hi jptw 1 Storage AT Lstlmaics 1 urnitlied. Merchants' Transfer & Storage Cq, :o-9:- 'I !: Street N. w. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1TMIN UEhTAI RANT Onh on.. In cilv well estal). . tuirilice, hailnq ci l.'l I'm ave . I 1KL MOME i:SY MUMH bv iiitrnd nine to our trii'ini wiiu Is koImk to bui d i idutt, lU.Vl'ilACToIi. LUX 16.. ll.aoa . - I flee I pito.ViiM. im -- . I i in . i . i. tar ia m i ' '!- - vi a-- an ' LOST AND FOUND n?.?9?ilu.hf.t.."h"P0' PW nn'! dlamoml a'MiSUV " " rclurncJ o Apt, f,, IMS. Columhi ' '. - - - I,?.VM ?.I,!V.B.U. VANITY CASE wltli chain ' '"""V" a. u. li. Howard ir (o A. O. IS., tlio Alabama, opart. 301, t 1JLACK HANI) nfl uvi...i ... ,,. I "!, roail. between Hlli nntl Iteward If returned to SMS Wlsctin- - 1,!?AOIiM "OUND-Yot- ins black and vvhllo; . long gam. Reward, SIM et. I T'APV'1 WiAU .KK,N NISi'lC PIECE. Hun-i- f .. ?yi n'sl1' " "trecl car or street. Reward rimiini Hiirr in apart. 23. lPOO H ft. 1 l'n.riKM UAU conlalnlne lads's wulsf: on till M. or at or near Herbert's Confeetlon-cn- . Iave at above store. 1 COLLIE DOG Male, solrien hmun wllli ". and V.""" ''""kings; oh nor' ij panio ?'.&. N"w.nrJ " "iturn"1 t0 ln IIOSARV-Pca- rl. between St. Stephen's .J."Jch "."''. ,3,h "' n x Reward It to 1304 j,, wt. HELP WANTED-M- ALE " "Ol'ltSIl NOW-T- hla Hd will .entllle sou to 11 special rale: ei in lodav V iir,,,..for a i portion. AUTO rOM.KQB. Pth and O niv. UPSDin, till and C Hk. N. AV. d, at once. Apply 912 V at. N. 1 CATIIO .If M13N. experienced, to solicit .lUbserlplloiiD for luairailnn In WashliiKion V'h.W,1- - t,,l0P' 5". 9.-- Cliestnut Bt. 1 ''JffiW'''' A?,Dh'. WKF'RRN 1IIOH sis. N. W. 1 iiiiiMbu-nc- ii 10 icani barber trade: only few weeks required; waces after Oral '.'".Mll.. "te"1'' poxltlon; uitaluauo Monori'H luiinmt tviiLiean. Kpt. n-?- o 'ery. New Yorl, rity. I AVIIITH nAnilKU for Saturday Apply S03 North Capital. 1 ' wllmf" ." layliiB brlflc by the Call after 6 p. m.. 6J3 fr HELP WANTED-FEM- ALE ALTERATION HANDS-- 10 for coats and skirts. Apply at once. WHITE.'S, 423 7th st. N. W. COAT "AND-Kiperlen- ced; permanent po" it " Pa' linJii- - P N W "IZ.,K 1 COAT AND SKIRT HANDS-Ex-perie- nced; permanent positions. Apply immediately. M. PHILIPS-BOR- N & CO., 610 11th st. N. W. '''iS'uV'ith'sV nN',n.c,,,, nt 0IKf- - '1UOM Fl N'I on nj7io"tn inmn- - . sXr&yz N "v STt,N i CO.. .23 13th fct. MANflt ''ANH-BPeilenc- wl. 1 .AU.NPUV CO.. 2117 14ih i N IV ELITE SALESWOMEN Experienced, in our gown department. Erlc-bachc- r, 1210 F St. N. W. HEWEUS ON WOMEN'S COATS "TjhlhTT wImi are thormiRhly experlcnr.d n," eg"0 " '" "'''" "Alt WH"oH?.1Asn"S".x,.'"v't "l0"- - "IZIK WAISr HELPEn- - MI 21t st. N w. WAIST AND SKIUT IAPEU8-Frs.cla- i", at once. Hie N st. N. W. . WA!B1TNIIw'iIlrt llani5,: Perlcnced. 1S33 WA,?T ,ANO 'In'' HANDS; experienced. l.',C6 9th stt. N. W. WA IHT AND SKIUT HANDS: eipcrlen-e- j and helpers, lfiftl 19th si. N W. WOMAN terred with . KOOil i. . reffi-ence- , . . white . pre- - '" ,'m nun lousn work In unawt- - nirnt; state nme. eolor. reldeno and ref crenee. Hoy ;. Times offlie. ! SITUATIONS WANTED Male. I IIAl I 1 fc.1 ll-i- ur, Pra' experlencs. do repairing;, with diploma 21.-- Newpoit n N. H HOI tjEMAN. iorter or Janitor reliable iol-ore- d man: reference. El'rtEKA. 1011 New j ork ave PERSONAL J DR. REEDsWtS.I X The Most mportant Advice X X that I can offer to any man orT .j. woman who la sunerinff from any J. J. acute chronic or special disease la X Y i" iuc imineuiaio steps to .;. T et Well. 006. Bacteria Vaccines, Tnnd all the new serums and antl- - J toxins administered. Hlood tests v V made. Laboratory stockod with V .j. cverythltiK.the best In medicines. V .j. Over 30 years' nractlco jn treating T V r,?,tarril'. In'Msestlon, Conadpntlon, X T les: Throut- - ""K- - Hraln, Heart. X y Hlood. and Skin Diseases, Ttheu- - J. Y matlsin, all stnfres of Hlood Poison- - '! t ln:r. Nervous "and General Debility." J. Clmrfics Low. Medicines Furnished J. Oirice Hours 10 to 1; 3 to 0. Sun-1- " .. days, 10 Io I'.'. V Dr. Wni. T. Baldus, Specialist. Brain, nervous and stomach diseases- - Dr'a erlce, and n.edlolne. 82; sc. cor. 6th nw Hours 10 a m. to 9 p. m. Ph M "nf MISS JAMUHON. manicurist and chiropody hoars. 10 a. m. to 6 tf, ni l.u n. y -- av-y W 2nd floor ' ,. MISS 'WELLS iJSm 8ca,p Hours. 9 to 4 S33 G st uw Apartment 2. Third lloor. I DO ALL ICINDS OF MILL1NEUY WOItK reasunabb. FEATHERS made, cleaned turled ded 916 Eyn st NW M 3'70..1 Jins. OR.V FIELD Magnetic massage, face and scalp treatment 815 H ST. N W 2d FLOOR THE VACUUM TREATMENT KEblultES the CIRCULATION of the HLOOD and 1SENTIALS of NERVE NUTRITION to tn! DISEASED PART and ELIMINATED DISEASE. UOOKLET AN'D CONSULTATION FREE. Hours a. m. to 8 p. m. PROF. II. N D PARKER, ", Hind RulldlnR. LHli;.S 'IOO bTOUT FOR FASUION'.i latest Jecice. si ould tal.e up the scientific "Irene Svalfin" of reduction Introduced by M'tii. LANE, ."ul Iroquois ... M1CJC QTIIRN . , MANKXniNQ. .WW f w... 1 SI 'A LP THE ATM 716 11th St. y W.. third floor. MlhS CAIN, Manicuring and Scalp Treat- ment 716 7th st. N. W., Apt I. Evc-nlng- b upiiulntment. Phone Main 7425. ! L.QI'I3ITE' "M A.ND C" CLEANsTnU CREAM. At depaitment and diue stores. Pe mre to ask for It. Dn. II. A. "DENNETT, physician and'eur ceon; special treatment for druz hahli; treatment at home or sanitarium EOX 3J. Rlverdsle. Md. Phone Hyatts. 35-- p ' TYPEWRITERS MONARi-II-Wl- ll sacrldLe my Monarch tjpe. vritei for .10 If sold at once eo'hI as iifw fall Aiiartineiit 75. Thu Hrunswick, ujj Ejo st N W. UElIulLT TYPEWRITER CO. 717 12lh VUible machines rented, i- - 50 per month and sold at from U to ',: .Mfu. REIU'ILDINO AN'D REI'AIHINO UNDERWOOD TYI'EWItnERS of tils lijRh-e- jt srade. $55, machines with latoit two-col- ribbon Hnd baok-spac- er HO adilllloiul. Lulled Tpovritcr Co., 121 Rlees Mar I POULTRY SUPPLIES RHODE ISLAND KEDS liliried Rol.s. J hlte Hock roosters 31."j Jllli si N E ! mitRLD I ! mouth Rock ess tar eettlnt. pure stralu. 15 II, 111. S. Uak. avs. n. tv. O40. THE WASHINGTON TIMES; THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1015. FOR RENTROOMS Furnished. AVE .. fro,,,, rates t . t.uv. clerks:, hot water always; im cm InrP. Opl, HHIClBll. 12th ST. N. W., udy April 1st, rcn.oj-clc- d dingle, double, roomy; plenty r, plionn. 11 in. I,. rriiMiimliln, , 12th ST. N. v iulv April 1ft. renioj-elr- single, ilonblo rooms; pluily Fiot,J . leasonablc, (I HT, N. V i07IrK front lmy.ndow rnoiiii I li. I(.j nlso oilier roouii; leumm-abl- VKIIMONT AVU. N. V 16a-Nlr- elv ruM nlHlied 100m, millublo for 2 Bcntleiiien; board i Q Kl N. W 15M- -2 neail fur. roumi; prl- - ,; inou. apt j married cuuple preferred Apply J.lnltor, or N. S523. L sT. y. w.. fiont loom: clean, roiivriilrnt, quiet liome, t7 month. MT. VEIINON PLACE N. W ont and back; clean; southern exposure; summer rates: all conveniences; Kcntlemen. G22 N. J. AVE. N. "W. near Union Station: nicely furnished toonis and bath: transients arcomniodated. 1'lion 1) HT. y. W. rurnlsheil 2nd flo"r irum nmni n urwirrn, ; HUH .' .0 ier w eelc. 6tli HI'. S. J.. ,r.'7- - 2 loiiimiinlratliitf looms, second floor, Iiinilehed complete for house- - kesplnit: llik In one. lieat; H ! NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE., apnrlmeiit. lltted for housekeeping to ldulls. fall after 8 p. in j. O ST. N. W.. cely mi niched lartw rooms, well licaled: every home convenl- - IRVINO Ml',, near 14lh! tMrcn finnl mmn with alcove. 3rd floor: prlvnto baths electric lights. Kood board In same block: refcience. ( ol. 1072. II ST N. K.. 416-T- blight cheerful second floor rooms: furnished for 1. h. t.. rent reasonable, . O ST y W.. rooms jn 2nd floor, well heated: every convenience. I. h.k. IDEAL APT. CO. 1SW PH nve. N. W. April 1st, large ft room, first fl.. 2001 Ejo at,; 2 or .1 rm. apis., inodirn. on ave.. slnsle roomr. up Phone M. 7177. EUCLID ST. 1361- -2 or SI newly furnished rooms, well kept home, small private fain. Ilv; elcctrlcltv ; At location; southern oxp ; adults Col. C07S. Mt,HT ,N' Y" 13::) an'' THOMAS CIRI-LE- -- ilest location, flno largo rroms, nil front, southern, cool for summer, bath, reasonable Wanted. MNOLL MAN desires lurge fiiriiirhrd loom near bath, would share room wllli c party Answering give full partleu-lars- . etc liQX lsi. Tinier office Unfurnished. MAYWOOD. Vs.. 3 unfurnished rooms close .V. ar!'' "0: Privileges. WALTER WEN- - ft'b u','.rr!1,,le; Vl or ro"" 3K. Union Station. Wash . D C ROOMS AND BOARD Sth ST. N W. mid board V, p- -r week, fi ci'clotj. brenkfast, tabic board, J.1 .'.0. U ST. N, W 1113 M'no double room. :'nd floor; .e plume, piano, om el board .N Mil 17th ST N. W. 1021 Vers denlrablo iwms soiitliern cxMiKiire. olio muiire to ur. summer rales. th ST. N. .. well funlrhed room, suitable for two, meals In lai" 7 o'clock breakfast i KEI.LNEUS KOSIIP.R boarding and rwmung Iimirc, fill 6lh st. nw , looniH with excell-n- t board Meals to order Evn home tninforl 8th ST. N W. 1108- - Nicely furnished loons r( client iioarn; Home g; very reas1 ii- - able Phono North S.0S7 TABLE BOARD :rd ST N W wo or three griitlemen boarders, prlvnie fninllv . huine conking. L ST N. W . 90 Erellint tuble board, home cooking. $3 week. AUT0M0BIL.ES AUTOMOBILE TIRES Ijirge lot Just recelvei' best nukes Io be sold ss "SECONDS" st exlri-i-e- l low prices These arc not (.heap Junk iars nia.lo up to scH for Seconds but high grHdn tires. We consider tl.rso the best bargains wo have had for vcurs. Retler come early an some sizes aro limited In number and will not last lone Jones Kessler Rubber Tire Co., Phone M 10II-I0I- 2 2 E ST N W. 1914 FORD ROADSTER, fully equipped. hlgii tensloned llosth uugnei.,, ti,o U12 OVERLAND, 40-- p, fore-do- . ono-nia- u top; new tires; slip i overs. A-- l con- dition, will Bacrllico. SMITH-TRE- MOTOR COMPANY S23 14tll St. N. W. Phone Main 4307. 1 STEELE GARAGE. Storlni;, Washing, Vulcanizing and Aci sorles. Sth st. n. Phone Main dH Ford touring cm in excellent condition: alto other second-han- d cars at sacrifice prptn. BO'.'TII CAPITAL tiUlAUE 01 South Capitol st. Phone Line. 756 For Hire. ALTO HIRE COMPANY. fi and 7 parsenger nutos. $2 or 53 per hour Cars heated. New Kurd, II 50 per hour I. V6J PRIVATE PARTY Has liili touting car and will hire at reasonable rale. M 177 J2.50; 13.50 par hour. Powhatan Hotel. ISth and Pa. M s;07. FIVE and cars lor hire by hour, day. week or month. Careful drivois Phone Line. 756 or Main 3C2. MOTORCYCLES NEW 151. THOR, MERKEL & EMBLEM Motorcvclei and blcvcles o.i immuciiii. Tew sllhtlv nsU niulor( vcIcm st bartalns HARRY F. SEAMARK, S. 11 Corner 6Hi and O sis y w CLEARINO SALE of all second-han- d regardless of prices, to make' room for load of 1S13 Gool mo- torcycles for 535.00 up. HAVERKORD CYCLE CO , 52J 10th st. N W . near F. HARLEY-DAVIDSO- new tire and belt, Jti-- " Indian twit, like new; bargain. Repairing,' ItndileS, enameling. J. S RERUYMAN. 1013 Sth st YALE MOTORCYCLE-Perft- 'tt condiiioa very reasoimbln Apply to illt. ELOIN'' fdl Sth st N W. ! HARLEY DAVISON and Exctislor motor- - Odes at bargain prices. ZIMMY. The Motoicvclo Man. S12 Mb at. N W. HORSES AND VEHICLES TWO UOOD KARM .MARES. .' Kood larm hoises, 2 d llvirv hnrees m Mb nw FOR SALE-O- ne pair black malts, 10 .llier hoises. work, drive and saddle. 321 Ee st. N, E j. TWO HOUSES for sale cheap HOME ICE CO . l.'th and V sts N W SEVEN HORSITS. one big maru in tail I'.eur 483 Pa. ave N W ,nurth side. TWO SINGLE TEAMS for biro with driveV, 12.50 or will sell wagons ceparate, 3... St i' at. rv. v "ttjn n viiitiit tijx;.ii pitctn, U(jt J EUY CO . INC . rear Pa. ave. M 1197. PLUMBING, TINNING, HEATING PLLMlllNfireimlrsei onouil allv ncrn - piuhej FREDERICK C. STELZER, J124 11th N. W. Itec Plumber. I'll Col. 5SS0. 1 call FRed M. BOOTH. rp Ue;l8tcred plumber. 1020 ISth. M. 447J TINNINO. repairing painting my siieclsltv; work guaranteed, prices mod Canltal Metal Works nth and F n Lin A (ll'ARANTETSD JOIi of ioof rerr. Ins painting, or see GEO' )l nOYM. 1013 II at ne Phone Line. 919. REFRIGERATORS & ICE BOXES UcCRAY REPRIGBUATOU" COMPANrT" Refrigerators ibai are 611 F ST W Va Build Repair Rsfriisnture. DENTISTRY . JT ...... ..... MUWAKU JJfcNTAL PARLORS. COLORED DENTISTS OF JO YEARS' EXPERIENCE No Pain. No High Prices. Easy Payments. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone North 2009 Comer 7th and T N." W. Open Until 10 o'clock :H,H--H-4-r-H-SH-i-H-?- BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS WOnKINOMEN-Tl- te per cent of lost trade ,JS Jf'y..''",.II w"11 "" I" 'act wo know of ."l1 " t ' 'J "0 eustoinets. thv buy and send their friends, keeps us mighty bulv. but where ean you nnd such slightly used suits, ?.r7aJ.'Jal,, "uli ono "'Ice. STAND. 610 P. 1 Upholstering. Ji'.. II. SCHEIN. upholsterltiB In parlor suites. mi,, inauresseg and ull k lids of cushions. 12.M glli st. N. W. l MATTRESSES. Pillows, new nH r..n,.. metal bedss box sprgs. repalredj upholstsry.' TUOHEY BROS. 1209 th at. N. TV. Phene. N. S130. VPIECE PAItIX)n SUITK UPJIOU4TERED. ,tt!5f,f.t,on- - ACME UPHOLSTER. 7th st. nw.S M. 8217. Carpet Cleaning. CARPETS fjt'KANED pnorEnLY At your houso or at our rteSnin r: M' ""' Compressed air Carpet Co , ;q2 c it. Window Cleaning. Hdon8.EiViV:nS,- - Th" k. ordlHary win-140- 0 H St. PiSrllw C'',,8J. ach. ELLIOTT. Postal. PH. N. 3WI. 1 Soda Fountains and Supplies. . ftlETMJt - " nev in soda water: w h.V ",l,a,ntln ln lock. new. and icoiid w wll sell on liberal AenerV'nr"i,o5,f '" t"PPM required hy'dB. In w'r. BURCII & XLEPS. inc. La. ave. N. w. Plinn. Main 2S19. Piano Tuning. $1 PR,?IIT pianos' TUNED-- ST n.M..i?""r" rrtlri; lowest prices. SI lKfa- - U LAH8EN, 644 Sou. Car. ave. 3. n. Duplicate Letters. BUSINESS BUILDERS r v. OP.EEN. Mrr.. Ms-r- o M.,n..,. Bulldlnt MattrcsscH and Box Springs. . atVei;,1:0,". TI!,S MONTH Hair and lelt S , r"""1;,""1 renovated eoual to new. Jl this coupon and get a re. Presented KAOI.R HI.IJDI.M. 71 h. Ph N r,?io. RENOVATED SOa and up. CAP REpniNO CO.. 1241 7th st. North B.'B Window Shades. WE ALSO SHAL'E THE PRICB. Opaque shades fitted. 15c : oil opaqu or holland shades. JOc: duplex, cam brio shades. 76r. KLEERITT'S. Uth & II N E. Awnings. WHY WAIT AND PAY Order your awnings now nnd get the reduced prlca. lndow Shades and Screens. It. C. U. BUIl. TOVAPoy. Ml E st Mechanical Engineering. GUSTAV E. HAAR, Mechanical Engineer, designing, drarilng. pattern making, genera! mi-riV- " l?r: Trtir Piomptly attended to. 1235 Rood Hope road. Anao.s'.la, I.tnc 3jo3 CLAIRVOYANTS MiMK. CARLETTA, I'oniiilting I'LMIIVOVANT, PSYCHIC PALMIST. LIKE AND CARD READER HER MARVKIjOPS POWERS and WON-IJERFl'- L K,rcCEKS nr well known by thousands as regards TRUTH. HONESTY and RELIAIIILFTY. HAS WONDERFt I. EXPERIENCE AS AN ADVISER on all WITHOUT ASICINd A QUESTION TKLL3 YOU OIUECT OF YOUR CALL YOIR NME AND NAMES OF FRIENDS ENEMIES ADVICE ON BUSINESS. LOVE COURTSHIP. MARRIAOE. DIVORCE. Dallv- - nuiiniir 705 8th St. N. W. IO A. M 5 P. M 1 PROF. D. B. BRUCE, THE GREAT AUSTRALIAN. Palmist and Clairvoyant He Is acknowledged by the European and American press to be the greatest 'womler of the Science of Mysteries. He is In his lino or business. The world has neve? seen his equal.. Can be consulted en all affairs. 1253A Walter place S. E Hours a. in. to 10 p ni. Sunday from 2 to 7 n' m. Phone Line. j061-- N. B.-- No , tiers will receive any attention Cut this adv out: It will not appear daily. Take Lincoln Park var and get off at Thirteenth 3 E Olti.e between II and C sts. ' ' MADAM FIELD W,1en you consult her lou consult the best Reunite! the separated. 1226 7th st. N. W THE OLD RELIABLE DK IONO DE LONCJ. DE LONG DD LONG THE ORIGINAL MADAM DE LONG For tvventv vcars Washington's favorite consulting tlatrvoant. specialist, life reodsr and adviser You will bo glad to know that the original Madam De Long has returned and will give u limited number of readings dallj. Hours ! to 9. 728 Eighth St. N. W. WANDA, 1,almiaader. CARD 122S 7th St. N. W. . MME. VERNER, NOTED PALMIST AND CLAIRVOYANT, Has removed her office to 600 U it. y. w. MMF fil r!A READINGS 2c; Reunites Providence Hospital. 176 N. Carolina av. S E. FITZGERALD Noted Palmist and Double Seeing powers. Future, courtship, mar- riage and business; guaranteed. 814 1 st. nw. 1' PALMISTRY AND CARD READINGS. Mrs. R. LUSBY, Latest Fate Cards and Charts Used. Cloud Sundays. 93S N Y. ave. nn. For ladles only. ESS! nlJUL2tXl clalrvoant, eard iead"r. test reading. 10 cent' palmistry. 35 cents, 111 e reading. 50 cents, vard loading 50 cents, U a. m. to 9 p. in. 13 7th st. nw 7ENrTA Card Reader: ?1c.s namfs. moved from lvr Uth st to 1231 7th st. N. W. p Mme. Catherine, 508 5th N. W. SPIRITUALISM MRS. JAS. O'BRIEN, 414 Scvvard Square, between 4th and 5lh sis,, near Pa ave S E Readings dallv j MRS. MAMIE STEVES, Medium! Readings dallv; seances Tues. & Thurs. even-- I ngs Ph. Line. 2018 315 N. J. ave S. B. MRS. WHITE. 715 22nd ST N. W -- Seance Wedncsda and Friday evenings; private readlngsdally. Phone West 930-- J . MRS G ROTfII!nAD,N(i daily. Tues. aad Thurs. sve. ; Anacostla car. 7C0 Cth n. S, K. MADAME CORNISH Noted spiritual medi- um, leads vour Ufa correctl) : gives named, facts, leadings dall) 537 3d st N. E. (Oi. F. near Union Station. ladeionly MRSJ."k MaLTRv! "iCenols Bldg lllh and Q N. XV. Room 101. Meetings Wed. and Krl 7 20 p in message to each Daily tcaomi;.. a in lo ,:u v. m Ph. M. ll. ,,".,n. I P'lndst and Card Reader. Gives reliable iiinv-riTnT.- "!:.f,irr'.a.'i!!!L .'"? 're on huslness and lovs affairs SJ7 roor and FOR heating and MORE? HOURS FOR SAUE-MISCELLA- NEOUS PIANO EXCHANGE 1237 G N. W. PIANOS BOUGHT & SOLD. rial-gai- In Hllfthtly lined Planoo. ItiUHV Ini'tiiM ril' Piiviiwiiii Shoningcr .; $125 Xsc : . $75 Knabc , $150 ZI" ,3lw $600 Cccilianp Player Piano. $150 . SPECIAL SALE ON REFRIGERATORS TOU SEE TJlK otlTSIDi: Mu OIMRANTEE TUU INSIDE Everyone Gets A Square Deal AMvlvJIIS. INVEST PRICES nEST VALUES THE GLOBE FURNITURE COM- PANY, INC., 1023 Hia'PMTti ot! ... " - 01. r. v. lurnlliire. Stoves, and I Ions.,,. Lo.i;on,.V:u,l:''';v..:!u.t.kiii.ngnoo; Phone Main 5431 ii t" .V. '"':. e"ynere. ' " " vr . v 400 Pn Pnrnli "TU-J"- M ' With Arms. Very Comfortable. To Be Sacrificed At 7Cc Each. Wsrili o r.n 622 E St. N. W. Phone. Main 2483. r'liiilfn?0 oak .J''lPlY Tables; no i.J. '. "?" ar&Biia"2K!?r - "'" ivi. FOR SALE-One-h- air cost price, fW?11:.10' n.v'r ?"' taken off t"i" where It was d. Apply 1020 Munsey Uulldlng DON'T LET THE 11AI1V CRY Wo put on baby cnrrlaco tires. HUNTER'S in ve. Phone M. f.458. Im est price. '. ''i'sVu nKOw':,iv WAUON for kaU' -- w BUILDING MATERIAL ' ..?hlc!' JolM"' "hMililns-- . flooring, frames mantles, firewood, fl.50 per load ani'lPii, NNwBB!r FPTt Wrecker, lltl, Inss doivn ten build- - WANTED MISCELLANifOUS" .l" I'KlrBW,!-- !! for feather beds fur" i'UH.MTt lib CO. 501 Eve nn. Ph. m llti3' ul,r:fJS-L'rE"M.- . m doin: S25S : -- - .tT AnjK,ii-iruriil- tiir for cash. Sell goods to the limn ,ur gives the inn.t mwieyKee noi'WOOP. ith annr K APARTMENTS TO LET Unfurnished. Swartzell, Rhccm & Hcnscy Co.j 727 15th St. N. W. X THE KENDRICK-1V- 0I IC ,, A' ""1 ''th M and THE t UMIJERIvND-Thon.- as Circle T and Mill si Tv nnd nsnns aiidT '"'" J.:. yd .wT THE EARLlNGTON-lO- lh st and ( 0- - X iimbla road n . .1. I. nxim,. ami Y ,,n'li 12150 U'. on. JIOOOY THE nOCIIESTER-HI- S Meridian nw V 3 ami t r iuiiis and balh l.'o.jti . m V THE IAINSDALE 213), allfornla st X UK., 3 and 9 rooms and 2 baths, I 126 ro. lv . Ul t HWHhHr-K-IH:--H-5--I-HK- --. ALOiNZO O. BLISS PROPERTIES 9 Telephone Lincoln 1860. 35 B Street Northwest. FALKSTONi; COURTS, lllh and Fulimiml sts nw 3, , 5, 0 looms and baib, 1, 550. w. J65 IH.ENHEIM COl UT lstn Callfoinui st n. w . 4. 5. 6 ruuniK and bath. t, 37 50 and $4,. 50 VICTORIA. Uth and Clifton sts n. w 4. a. 0 rooms and balh. $3j. $10. JI2 50. HARVARD ST N. Vv . 1332. 1331. i336 rooms and lih. 135. DfysMERE. 2'.23 Uth et. n w. 1. 2. 3 roomi and bath 15. J22.50. 127 0 LA GRANDE. 107 4th st. n vv. 5 rooms and bath, J3."., VENTOSA. 1st and II sis. n. vv. 2 rooms, balh and kitchenette. 125 and 126 50 ASTORIA, 3rd and G sts n. vv. 1 and 2 rooms. FREE GAS, 111 J.'l PENHURST. IS 11 st. n ... 4 ami 5 ruomn and balh, 122 50 RAYMOND. Sll 22nJ st. n vv. 3 rooms, bath nnd kitchenette J .0 DORCHESTER. 12th and Man land nve. s w. 2, 3 and 4 rooms. 110, JI5, Jl?. P16 ISth si n. vv , 1 rooms and 2 ball-s.1'- 09 2j.'0 ISth st. n. vv . ID rooms and balh . 145.00 1621 Newton st n. vv.. 10 rooms nnd; f.O TWO IX3LR ROOX1S and bath apartments, a. m. I. 737 11th si. N W. IXIR ItENT Seven-roo- apartment, well adapted for doctor's or dentist's oillce or dressmaker, all modern conveniences hot-wat- heated: In besj location on Capitol lull, within easy access to all car lines In- quire at store. 233 Pa. ave. S E. M. 3362. SIX ROOMS and bath, front, 133.50, 5 rooms and bath, front, 132.60; 4 rms., bath, J22.50; electric elevator, telephone each apartment. The Fairmont, 315 New York ave N W. 3. W COCKRELL S02 F t N. W. .'10 13th S. V.. 3 rooms and bath .. $.2 00. 725 7th S. W . 1 rooms and bath . ..116 09 1443 E. Capitol st 5 rooms and balh.. .$21 30 709 II st. S. W.. 5 rooms and bath .. ;17.50 PHILLIPS CO.. 330 John Marshall place FINE APARTMENT 6 large, outside, sunny looms, splendid out-loo- Phone N 6050. The Ahvvn, 1SV2 Col. id Furnished. THE MENDOTA APART rooms, bath, corner apart . nicely furnished rent from April 1. North 1205-- rUK RENT HOUShS Unfurnished. FOR RENT Two very deirable s mtiKast houses In Al condition, cannot be beat at the rent 1603 C st. se . 6r b. key at 1313 C se. .517 50 1503 C st se , or. b.. kev at 1615 (' se. Io 00 CLIFFORD A. BORDEN CO. Phone M. 2242 601 51 h st. N W COLORED. For rent to flryt-cla- colored tenant. 0S 15tit st. S.E., 5 r and li . In excellent condi- tion. Key at 1515 C st. se.. rent S14 50 CLIFFORD A. BORDEN CO. Phone M. 2212. 004 5th st N W 1220 N ST. N. W. A in active double houro of 11 looms and bath, best room. renting section, all large, bright rooms. In s.ood order. $51 THE F. H. SMITH COAiPANY SIS 15th st N W 2031 Portlier pi. nw 6r b h vv h $.3 .io 2uih Portner pi. hu. Cr b . heat anil ll w from The Portlier noiver nlalil in cluded . . ...VJ0 50 CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION CO . Office. The Portner 15th and I sts. nw Good Houses For Colored Tenants. Near War Department. Six rooms and bath $21 50, 6 looms and bath, $22 50, 6 rooms and water $17. Near 17th and U streets. Six Rooms and Water, $16.50 List of cheaper liuu.-e- s at nffl. e. JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD, 723 20th street N W FOR RENT 100S Rhode Island ave N W. 11 rooms and 2 baths, nil modern desirable location. Rent $10.50 Maurice Fitzgerald. 512 4 st w. Ph M. 716 1. 912 R ST, N. W -- 7 rooms and balh: large cellar and rear yard; In kood (.oudltion $23.60. PHILLIPS CO.. 230 John Marshall pluce. l WANTED LOTS LOT IN IIROOKLAMl nt least 5(lflti lie r ouable full luxlculais verms 1IOX Ul. Times office DEATHS I'ARRBLI-O- n Monday. March 22, at 11:30 "in.. MARY J., beloved wlfo of the late J.,.!',?8 J' Farrell, and mother of James, . Wllllaiu. nireil Edward. (Jeorgo and Uernard Funeral front her late residence. 610 Sec- ond street northeast, on f'rlday incrnlng. Jlarch 26. mis. at s:30 a. in. Solemn high requiem niansi at St. Aloqslus' Church at D ?,' "!', '"terment at Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Relatives Invited to attend, 1 UUOIIES-- On Wednesday, Marrh 21, 1915, nt 3 P. in., after a short Illness at George, town University Hospital, MARY HUGHES, of Clarendon, Va.. 1J5nialn "t the residence of her son, Wll-ila- H. MeCos'. .1131 V street northwest. . Funeral notice later. IN MEM0RIAM i!' 4iiiAA.7.,?xrad remembrance of THOMAS SJ,E,,SUAN, blved husband of Mary .;i..55"'hiV wli dl,(I fro" Injuries re- - n tar ueo t0- - ,,f.lla!.0.n', ,rolM hi" dear ones, Ills children, his wife. Whom he willingly tolled for And loved as his life. Oh. OodI How mysterious and how Htrangc are Thy ways. To take from us this loved one In the beat of his das. -- By Ills Wife. Anniversary mass at Holy tomrorlec Church, i (Notices for this column are accepted at 50 cents flit, eltner prope or poetry. In case no- tice dots not oxceed ten lines. Add 10 cents for each line In excess of ten.) Vital Records Births. i John P W. and Mllllo Vorkoeper. bo. Carl E. and Julie F Tolson. girl. John II. and Louise Snyder, boy. Charles (1. and Lucia M. Slinking hrr. clrl James J. and Frances V. Sheeliy. Ijov. Horace D. and Dorothy II. Rouzer. boy. Samuel F. and Ellen I. McCuliy. boy. Henry O. and Pauline IS. Mcciuarrv, bov. Nicola and Antonetta Meoia, oov. William U, and Eunice Mandsle boy. llarry M. and Iena F. Kaiser, girl. MVvnurd F and Lillian J llninma, Imv. William U and Uoslo A. Gschcldln. Rlrl. Albert II and Mary 12. Edmonstou, boy. John J. nnd Eleanor O. Connors, boy James II. and Reha. M. Collins, gp-- l . George F. nnd Mary T. lllnnc. boy. 1 Grav ami Mary M. Andrews, bov Silencer and Cuesln Roane, bov. Allan and Mantle Plnkert. boy. Prank nnd Isabel Murphy, bov John and Ida Gray. boy. James nnd Adelaldn Brown, girl. Deaths. Gcoige E Johnson, SO jcars. 43S Kentucky avenue southeast. ' Olevla Truinbn. 74 Sears. 3351 Mt. Pleasant street nortlivvesi. Mary A. Williams. 67 sears. 4314 Ninth street northwest Jfsepli Hall. 05 years. 7 Fifteenth street southeast Mary K, hplcer. OS carr. Washington Home for Incurables George II. WliHleu, 65 cars, United States soldiers" Hoini) Hospital. Andrew J Cuinmlskcq. 70 vcars. 1312 V street northwf et Sarah It. Ulerker. S7 vears. 1739 Columbia road northwest. OilUrt Iluywnrd. 3 months. Chlldien's Hos. pltil. Ignatius Burrows, 1 sear, 2300 K street northwcsl. Lillian M Lee. 17 dass. 321 Mclean street southwest Inrant ion of Jennie nnd Clarence J. Cun- ningham. 2 hours, Sibley llo.plial Thomas Russell. 47 sears. 4 Alex court Ethel B. Johson, 1 S'ears, 1328 II street north- east Vincent Mcrrlwealher. I jear. 1906 It treft northwest Edward Washington, 4.7 vcars. 409 Firth street southeast. Genrudo Schrelbtjs. 9 years. Children's Eos- - Pita). John w. Pasnc, 73 years, 1520 Twelfth slrcet northwest. FLORAL DESIGNS FUNERAL DESIGNS of every description moderate prices. GUDE. 1211 F STREET. UNDERTAKERS THOMAS F MURRAY Au SON Funersl Directors and Embalmers, 401 East Capitol st phone Line 4271. 2007-1- 1 Nichols ave s 12 Phone Line. 126. J. WILLIAM LEE, UNDERTAKER Sz LIVERY. 332 Pa. ave. N. W. Telephone M. 1315 WASHINGTON. I). C. SUBURBAN PROPERTY For Sale. IN HYATTSVILLE. bungalow bath, ull modern Improve, ineiils SV4 acres, shade ines. chicken h.. use. ,,UCB $2,650. BA8V TKIlM8- - Clear of Trust, ct Uulcklv If Interested VINCENT & SAULS, 71., lllh st I'll M. 2360 1 1 ; ;;; j. AT PENNING HEIGHTS. . L 6 rooms nnd cellar: furnace heat, cor- - . J.ncr lot at Penning Heights- - fine loca- - X tlon, white neighborhood, house newly ,C painted and repaired In order to sell f I this $1,300 house at once owner will take f SI. OOO On Hnsv TVrms X GOLDENBERG-MORA- N CO., INC., CM 1 It U St V w ron SALE-A- T HERWVN HEIGHTS. MD ; beautiful eight-roo- residence, outbuilding, fruit and shade, large grounds, close to elec- tric and steam ralluass, caellj worth il.ttw. will sacrifice for $2, COO. Photo at office JOHN .1 KLEINER .t CO. 520 6th st N, W. ONLY $1,430 for 7r. house, 't acre corner lot, bearing fruit trees and grape vines, cccl-len- t waler. one fare Por best bargains see J. M EARNEST. Mt. Rainier. Md FOR SALE Suburban acreage. acre lots, 11 per week, ' acre tracts 15 per mo ith, 2 acre tracts 510 per month Price 15o up according to location. Close to city, neai station, beautiful location. Phone .Main 21.0. Orftce open at night Johnson's American Real Estate Exchange. 926 Pennsylvania Avenue FOR SALE to whitu or colored, a bunga- low villa Takoma Park, sit rooms. I.irgs pantrv, all modern Improvements, lot 50x150, also a cottage with about 4 acre ground: both will be sold cheap for iulc!i sale. Apply to owner. MRS. D. L. DAW. KINS. 23U Spruce ave.. Takoma Md. FOR COLORED PEOPLE. Large lots on electric line, high and healthy, store, school and murch roo.u for garden, fruit nnd chickens, UK to $90: $2 50 ino.. without Interest. MILLER CO. nw, cor 12th and Pa ave.. opp Raleigh I FOR SALE Arlington Va il rooms, .bath, furnace, clectrlo lights, fruit, hen house, half acre, porches, 2 city blocks to cars, make good boarding house; reasonable: cash payment; 130 monthly. CUAS. II. MUNSON. IS26 New York nve. HOW TO HE YOUR OWN LANDLORD on 1100 cash and 115 month, at CHEVY CHAbE. lor full particulars dro postal, telephone, or call on WM, H, RITCHIE, 317 Colorado bldg. Tel. M. 5231. For Sale or Rent. CHEVY CHASE, 373S Kanawha st -- Modern home, llr 2b. Cars hair square. Treasury 30 minutes, rent reasonable. Onlv $1,300 to buy Inquire on premises or phone M v;y) Waterfront Property. FOR SALE Bungalow with cellar; 150 feet of chicken house, one barn, stable and cornhoaBe, milt trees. Edgevvater, Md. 4 miles from Annapolis on South river, 2 miles from W II, A A. U. It. station: 2'4 acres of ground; 237 feet on the water and 161 feet on the Annapolis State road. J. T. HARRISON. 1H26 Nichols ave. S. E. Phone Line. 1625, MONEY WANTED & TO LOAN 1ILILDING LOAyS AN"D SECOND TRUST. Money to loan at t per cenL on District Real Estate, ny amount from $200 to .5,0t0 on first or second trust, In straight' nolo or monthly paments. Takes only three dan to make them. PAUL ' V. MITCHELL & CO., 1413 G ST N W. MONEY 'IO 1.0AN on real estate, lowest rates; prior pavment Privilege!; isrgt iinoulits TVLEI' Ai KU TH ERFORD. 723 15th MONEY TO LOAN 1250 to $500,000 on D. C real estate, several trust funds, 4U o I per c:nt All transactions coudut.i,i ll economics! consideration lor borrowers. WM II SAl NUE118 i- - CO. Southern Lulldlng 197 JCtb st, N W 15 Spqcaaj Notices SHADES ! ,'0,,,l FRIL'N IvBRT for 8u-- ,, ..P'1?' Workmanship and qua. i .'J1.1'"1.1. wl.Ul h'Pl. Opaqis nh.ideJ 300; fiuallty 50c. Utm It. hi. E.vL. 11.1, T'lOllOUOHLY AND CARK-.JJi.- tla,""''i ruga woven from old carpets, tll?f,,!"l,.n.?Y,,,.'", Katlnmiea lurnlslnd. m! 203J. & CO., 352 U It. bw. ""af'i"" VdVesnndolh;rnuc7; riliVv " 1'akl"s7 or lawns and gardens u nf.mV.I"cl.,.l"0.'l,.t,"lat,, u, beautllylnc jour I'orm.r" .ft. '.." "UDMAN, lamdscaplat and si, y. n. lhon Line lssi THE NC1IIVI.-AI- I nr t . ......'.' "V.n ii.i T.t i, .hi.u..hi fws ii., uif j. PlluilVI-KSSKJIK7,A.NT- rt AND AUDITORS. ! 1tHs?,T.I'i.',A'1 111 N ' A Hl'KtiltWr lv'at.lK AUDITING CO.. Bldg. ph. M. iS2. 1 COAL? t.. I,.L?Sr tJUALITY-2-T- ON LOTS. bubject to weather ; and destination. CM.. EDWARDS WALL PAPER FREEL laPr.r" S."1 UP. to KM Per roll. Investlgats . v nuim nt .vo,-- . ll.. AL.iAT. A 8AVING lrjR CASH, 2,240 Ivirv" ". l?,li5Tft.,"ualr "hd rVrompt de- - AUCTION SALES "ordedT. ifi.R """I" deed of trust, duly sec r ih.'"i J'1?. &" "t folio 533. et I.'u,ul ''cords of llho securcd'Vei'fhv"1 .V'0 rrqS"' of lh ""'" wll" P',ii'.'la """"signed Trusteei Thonfni f at the offices of Owen A. Son. 1331 tl Street N riaV of tJ?rSh0I,,"P' V"..0'1 lfrUy- - tho 2th ooiork i i br m Washington. District . six fi'J1' ;. '". ? u!f'! .flV" ."'l iiioa n,V ..inVV:. ..' ""Trp" tnirty-tnre- e hun-?n"- 1 ,irr,ft "'! ". of i?", H5Sr-- r pagfi u. "'"""-- ' " coiunioia in Hook 42. lnMrnmi.n.!r"Tlhlri' ''''la,' balce I" 0.u.l '".irp'eVTn $?i T'ayal,?; ii uat on. mo property sold. .1 Senoi . l"r'" L ?n. tuh.r?r. option. . A iif .i ii! requireij at the time T... "iiie-neni- and record ng kJ'L .""!. Purchaser's cost Terms to heiriiVir .. wunin ten days, othenvlta ..-- . .v.u .vi, uic riKiii io reseii at tno risk nnd (mi of the detaultlng purchaser. ' '"' ' .iiouun.u i rusis.s. ON bATURDAI. March 27. 1915. at 10 o'clock A. M , In front of United Stales Storage Company s warehouse, 4.20 10th st. N. V . Public Auction, to enforce Hens for storage charges, etc.. due and unpaid, all flivola. I urniture. Hous'-hol- and Personal Effects ?h.lV'ra?i? ,,,,,!"17,." r Mr3- - Minnie Ehrman. T, Hlltabldle. Mrs. A "UU;HAMH "" AuctlSnceri. STORAGE COMPANr ilnc.J 'Y S.ATl,"lVAY A"r" " ,D15- - a 1 "'dock front of the United States Stor- age I ompany s warehouse. 0 10th t. ,N V., 1oshlngtun. D. C. there will be sold ar Public Auction, to enforce Mens for storag charges, etc. due and unpaid, all Goadi I urniture. Household and Personal Edeets on storage with tho United States Stoiage ronipany line t In names of James Bright G W Hann. M. M. HoIIIday. Miss L. Hill man WALTER II. WILLIAMS & CO.. Auc Vin'cT" STATEd STOI1AUK ON SATURDAY. April 10. 1915,-- at 10 ..'.lock A. M , In front of the United Slntri Sior-ag- e ( umpany's warcbousc. 0 l"th treei N. ,w ..Washlnglon, D C, there will be sold at Public Auction, to Inforce liens for rt TaSM. i barges etc. due anil unpaid, ull Good 1 urniture. Household and Personal Effects , stoiagp with tlie United States Sturigi Coin-pan- s line.) In names of George Cartel, Mrs Martha Monro", Mrs. Geneva Robinson. A F. rennllle. WALTER II. WILLIAMS & ro A0IPNY' ,'v'N,T1:U 'STATKS STOI1AUE LEGAL NOTICE JOHN U. GARDINER, Attorney. IN THE SUPUE.MircOURT OF THE DIS- TRICT OP COLUMBIA. Munsey Trust Conipauv. a corporation, plalntln". vs. George E. Hamilton trustee, ct nl , delend.iuls. No S3261, Kiilt The objeet or this suit Is to substitute trustees In the place or George 17 Hamilton and Michael J. Colbert, trustees under tho deed of trust from A. Robert dated Mas 17. 1911, and record, d In Liber .1430 Folio 176 et seq. or the land records or the Dltrlct of Columbia, cnnveslirg a tract of land In said District known us "J'art o' clilllum Castle Mnoor." reference being made to said trust for a more complete descrip- tion or said land On mutton or the plain- tiff. It Is this 10th day of March. 1915. ordered tlrnt the delcndants Leonora N. Pennlmai and Mabel Ray cause their appearance to be entered herein on or liefore the lortletli dav, exclusive of Sundas.i and legal hnlttUss occurring after tile das or the first publica- tion or this order: otherwise the cause will be proceeded vvlih as In case ot ilela'ilt Provided, a copv of this order be published once a week lor three successlvo weeks In the Washington Retainer, and 'lha Washington Times before said day P L S1DDONS. Justice. ISeal) A true cou Test I It. YOUNG. Clerk. By F. E. N1NGHAM. Asst Clerk. PROPOSALS SEALED I'ROPOSALS In triplicate will be received by the Quartermaster General of the Anns'. Washington. D. C . until 2 o'clock P. m , Eastern time. April 22, 1916. for fur- nishing toilet articles, shaving brushes, raz- ors, handkerchiefs, towels, blueing, bora metal polish, laundrs and toilet soap. etc.. for delivery during the fiscal year 1916 at depots of tile Quurtermaster Corps listed In schedule. Schedules furnished upon appll'-a-tion- . to Quartermaster General. U. S. Annv Washington, D. C . or bv Drpot Quartermas-ter- . USA. Washington. D C. I OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS OP THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Wash-ingto- March 4, 1915. Sealed proposals will be received at this office. Room 5W, District building, until two,o'clock, p. m.. Tucsdas April ti, 1915. for furnishing and delivering during the fiscal ear beginning July 1, 1915. and ending June SO. 1916. tor use or the vari- ous branches of the Government of the Dis- trict or Columbia, supplies, as follows: bta tlonei.v, printing; school books; furnltura and house furnishings; tinware and hard- ware, rubber stamps; plumbing supplies, groceries and provisions; boots and shoes, drugs and chemicals paints and brushes, lumber, meats, fish and poultry; dry goods; Ice. electrical supplies, saddlery and whee1 wrlght supplies, kindergarten supplies; laun- dry work, automobile supplies, oils and lubricants photossravlilc supplies; flags; ath- letic goods and for the purchase of old ma- terials, during the period named Farm or proposal, specifications and neceuarv Infoi mation ma be obtained from the Purchas- ing Officer D C. Room 320. District UullJ Ing. In upplslng specify the ilass of i ap- plies for which tonus are desired. OLIVER P. NEWMAN. laOUIS IIROWNLOW. CHARLES W KUTZ. Commissioners. D. C FOR SALE HOUSES j FOR SALE-INVESTM- ENT ? T A REAL BARGAIN. j. Two Stors Dwelling Willi an Ecel-.'- . J, lent Lot ... '5vlll In v" WM. - "...J ill. ! .1. .!. TERMS TO SUIT. t i FRANCIS S. DUNIGAN,:c 615 Uth st N W Phono M. Ml ' :j WvWH-H"- -' FOR SALE cheap, 2 bricks. 11.50 each or $2.9C0 lor both. Owner, 1211 4'a si S. W l' FOR SALE IN DELIGHTPl L SECTION OP NORTH- WEST. At a saving of actually $IC0. Owner deslies lo sell because ho needs a larger home. The home Is in tho best condition and contains 6 rooms, bath, electricity and gas, and er heat Wide frontage. t!eei lot to alley Cost $4,25u Will sell for 3.S50. Before sou bus, see this home 1 N L. SANSUURY C O.. 721 13th St. N W. Phone M. 5J01 1 :j: YOU CAN OWN ONE :': OF THESE HOMES ,j. On 10th St. between C & n Sts. S.E. X - Hy nayliiK' only fltftl rn vtr J. - month (which In 5A.JU eludes ! inteiet unci nriuclnal.) ! :: price, $2,3o :: A. H r.n.T. !., .1.... -- . .. I u 'muc inc until util IUI, porCB k Y Hcns9 entire liont liiautlfutly locatvl ' - GO Ol T TODAY .i t y i I'M icr ins'H i 4 . i i i n t 4 : .i a T.'."."'."1..".". ."."..,"..,,-,,.,- -. I

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Post on 24-May-2020




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Page 1: af'i · KRIEG'S EXPRESS. 1220 II Stieet N W. BTO R C. E. I ' VI KISC: AS'D SIUPPINC. Fireproof ypVAfcJ' Hi jptw 1 Storage AT Lstlmaics 1 urnitlied. Merchants' Transfer & Storage Cq,:o-9:-'I!:


Pointed In Opposite Direction?, theBird Pulls Itself to

Pieces, They Sny.

NKW HAVEN. Conn., March 23Tlictown of CIipfIiIio lins developed nchicken which ought to have been born

t In Wlnstcdi bo thnl lis prulsca could Wi

properly c.xiri'HHcd by Hio Wlnutedttlssiifu".

Joneph Wheeler, u iiioinlnrnt poultryl miser, found imionir n recently hatched"itbodo Island ltnl brood u I'blekcn per-

fectly formed cNuept thnt It bad fourleRB. All went well for nearly n week.Thqn It whs discovered tUut Ibo twoects of lcjii were urnumod for locomo-tion In opposlto directions. The resultwiin that the chicle pulled Itself mmrt.

People from till over the countrysidecatnc to see It, nnd In death It baa beenturned over to 11 taxidermist.,



1 f tli Street nnd I'nrU ItonitIinrgcat IJnnrc Orelicnlrn South of

Nnv York,TOMUHTi TrUe IMIIovr FIrM.

rntUAVi Klddlcn NIkIiC(Souvenir A tOxlilbltlon Untieing)Umiclllir LcSNnnN C nrlrnl In.tructbrn. Cln. Sprrlnl Hilri.

'I'd. C. :iTor.

JVISON'S, .V !Ir.t noiv 11120 Msr ncopated waltz . nil dance cor-

rectly tauRlit ttuar'td. In few lessons; prl.aic any hour.. Class TueB cv'i, I'll. N. K4.


. Phone North 6$U.

WYNDHAM BROS.' STUDIOSf. 0003. Modern Unnclnc. 17la ii nir.rnt?JYJD';sDMAM. MM;:. ynUSAY & MISS

MiLlvlin. prhatn len.ons. all dhnres: les- -' l laS!" Thursday, 7:30. SJS i:ih nm.Ml. Jfaln 6679. '

MIASMS CIIA.Mnnill.AI.VF and lltli eta., Berry & Wliltmorn Hide,Hall for rent: davce Frl . 8:30 p. in. Main K4.


813 22nd ST. N. W.. I'll. W. 11.'3in. lessonn ativ ttnnr Rftf i.i.i..i,bii. ...Vfp' B"?ln. Tnnco, llealtatlon. etc. rUtm Ik

iuc, iniiranai. ee , wc. udlea free,

'. tuna's DANCING KC1IOOU 100 Kv,'"i.,v- - "anco every Monday ove.. 8:30,i Hone M. 2842.


AI.I FIAI.T.noOM DANCES..r:r.AFco TUEATnu phone m r.s23--




etc.I'lie Best Method.

t)ny and Evtn'B Ses-sions. At School ornesidenco. Clusses SCHOOLand Trlv. LessonsII Hth St. X. XV. Plume Main 3317,

Xew Classes Constantly Foiminir.HALL-NOYE- S SCHOOL

Dav. night Coursei to graduation; certir.nnnuts to colleges; missed cradca mado up:sdlilts specialized CatnloRUrs.21 K fit. X. M. Phone 31. :iSTr.


C3G tth N. E. PHONE I.I.NU 1S1C,

Washington Businessand fv II Servlfe Scliool. 1317 N, Y aelnv Main 4304. V f. rOTKIH1. Prltielnal'

Steward's Business College12th AND F STS N. IV.Washington a Leadlne lluslnes Collec.

SIXGINO, HMH'liTIOX,Mns. KM1I.Y FIllCII niBxM.kits lltl, St. X. K. ir:i2



118-1- S0 10 St. X.W. Phone M. ttUOPrlvnte Itooms, 82 Per Mo. unci upMoving Packing Shipping

EXPERT PIANO MOVERS.Piano. $2,110; furniture, J2.H0: 'auto delivery,

?honc N. MS. Intimate cheerlullv givenUro'HE YOl'It FUftNLTUItU. pianos, etc..

at WESCH LEU'S. 9J0 l'a. ae. N. V.Uates reasonable, estimates cheerfully nhcn.I'hono 12S2.

Washington, Baltimore and Suburban m o v i n g.Northeast ExpressPR Company,

1003 H St. N. E. Ph. Line. 3970..MONEY! MONEY! MONEY "

ScUanccil on storaRe II nunled I vitphSlUANSFEU AND hTOUAOE CO. nrii...; t,nF st N. W. Phone M. 6300. Ustlin.iiM ,,.I'acklni; and Shipping

FRKU HAULINGTo htoiage durlns?'"'. April, andMil). ExpertP a c I, o r s. Esti- -IllHIfS.

ALVOUD & CO.Hraneh Offlre.4CS Pu uc Ph W 737.

tEI'Ar.ATK fctcruue rooms or ktorage bv theioua. wuvms, MavnuiK tiuu Miippui);. rhoiDowiipg M Co.. 61.' i: t. N. V I'll M fd3.

TOuAGE 81 mo.; hauled' in freo, all wc hsIiconipaia our prices io others; estimate!clicertully Given; centrnl loiutlon, dry, clean

Horace rooms, open fur inspictloii vt anvlima. II llauin & Hon. '.'12 1'n ae. M 1 5


Co..North 319J.

115 Fla.AJe. N. E.

Arm ivrj "'aookj'.vansPhone M. 2018 .fp



FireproofypVAfcJ' Hi jptw 1 Storage

ATLstlmaics 1 urnitlied.

Merchants' Transfer &Storage Cq,

:o-9:- 'I !: Street N. w.


1TMIN UEhTAI RANT Onh on.. In cilvwell estal). . tuirilice, hailnq ci l.'l

I'm ave .

I 1KL MOME i:SY MUMH bv iiitrnd nineto our trii'ini wiiu Is koImk to bui d i

idutt, lU.Vl'ilACToIi. LUX 16.. ll.aoa . - I

flee I

pito.ViiM. im -- . I i in . i . i.tar ia m i ' '!- - vi a-- an '


n?.?9?ilu.hf.t.."h"P0' PW nn'! dlamomla'MiSUV " " rclurncJo Apt, f,, IMS. Columhi

''. - - -I,?.VM ?.I,!V.B.U. VANITY CASE wltli chain

' '"""V" a. u. li. Howard ir(o A. O. IS., tlio Alabama, opart. 301,

t1JLACK HANI) nfl uvi...i ... ,,.

I "!, roail. between Hlli nntlIteward If returned to SMS Wlsctin- -

1,!?AOIiM "OUND-Yot- ins black and vvhllo;. long gam. Reward, SIM et. I

T'APV'1 WiAU .KK,N NISi'lC PIECE. Hun-i- f

.. ?yi n'sl1' " "trecl car or street. Rewardrimiini Hiirr in apart. 23. lPOO H ft. 1

l'n.riKM UAU conlalnlne lads's wulsf: on tillM. or at or near Herbert's Confeetlon-cn- .Iave at above store. 1

COLLIE DOG Male, solrien hmun wllli". and V.""" ''""kings; oh nor' ij panio

?'.&. N"w.nrJ " "iturn"1 t0 lnIIOSARV-Pca- rl. between St. Stephen's.J."Jch "."''. ,3,h "' n x Reward Itto 1304 j,, wt.


" "Ol'ltSIl NOW-T- hla Hd will.entllle sou to 11 special rale: ei in lodavV iir,,,..for a i portion.

AUTO rOM.KQB. Pth and O niv.

UPSDin, till and C Hk. N. AV.

d, at once. Apply 912 V at. N.1

CATIIO .If M13N. experienced, to solicit.lUbserlplloiiD for luairailnn In WashliiKionV'h.W,1- - t,,l0P' 5". 9.-- Cliestnut Bt.


''JffiW'''' A?,Dh'. WKF'RRN 1IIOHsis. N. W. 1

iiiiiMbu-nc- ii 10 icani barber trade: onlyfew weeks required; waces after Oral'.'".Mll.. "te"1'' poxltlon; uitaluauoMonori'H luiinmt tviiLiean. Kpt. n-?- o'ery. New Yorl, rity. IAVIIITH nAnilKU for Saturday Apply S03North Capital. 1

' wllmf" ." layliiB brlflcby the Call after 6 p. m.. 6J3


ALTERATION HANDS--10 forcoats and skirts. Apply at once.WHITE.'S, 423 7th st. N. W.

COAT "AND-Kiperlen- ced; permanent po"

it " Pa' linJii- -P N W "IZ.,K 1

COAT AND SKIRT HANDS-Ex-perie- nced;

permanent positions.Apply immediately. M. PHILIPS-BOR- N

& CO., 610 11th st. N. W.

'''iS'uV'ith'sV nN',n.c,,,, nt 0IKf- - '1UOM

Fl N 'I on nj7io"tn inmn- -

. sXr&yzN "v STt,N i CO.. .23 13th fct.

MANflt ''ANH-BPeilenc- wl.1 .AU.NPUV CO.. 2117 14ih i N IV


SALESWOMEN Experienced, inour gown department. Erlc-bachc- r,


wImi are thormiRhly experlcnr.d n,"eg"0 " '" "'''" "Alt

WH"oH?.1Asn"S".x,.'"v't "l0"- - "IZIK

WAISr HELPEn- -MI 21t st. N w.

WAIST AND SKIUT IAPEU8-Frs.cla- i",at once. Hie N st. N. W. .WA!B1TNIIw'iIlrt llani5,: Perlcnced. 1S33

WA,?T ,ANO 'In'' HANDS; experienced.l.',C6 9th stt. N. W.

WA IHT AND SKIUT HANDS: eipcrlen-e- jand helpers, lfiftl 19th si. N W.WOMAN

terredwith. KOOil

i. .reffi-ence- ,

. .white. pre- -

'" ,'m nun lousn work In unawt- -nirnt; state nme. eolor. reldeno and refcrenee. Hoy ;. Times offlie. !


I IIAl I 1 fc.1 ll-i- ur, Pra' experlencs. dorepairing;, with diploma 21.-- Newpoit nN. HHOI tjEMAN. iorter or Janitor reliable iol-ore- d

man: reference. El'rtEKA. 1011 Newj ork ave


J DR. REEDsWtS.IX The Most mportant Advice XX that I can offer to any man orT.j. woman who la sunerinff from any J.J. acute chronic or special disease la XY i" iuc imineuiaio steps to .;.T et Well. 006. Bacteria Vaccines,Tnnd all the new serums and antl- -J toxins administered. Hlood tests v

V made. Laboratory stockod with V.j. cverythltiK.the best In medicines. V.j. Over 30 years' nractlco jn treating TV r,?,tarril'. In'Msestlon, Conadpntlon, XT les: Throut- - ""K- - Hraln, Heart. Xy Hlood. and Skin Diseases, Ttheu- - J.Y matlsin, all stnfres of Hlood Poison- - '!t ln:r. Nervous "and General Debility."

J. Clmrfics Low. Medicines FurnishedJ. Oirice Hours 10 to 1; 3 to 0. Sun-1- ".. days, 10 Io I'.'. V

Dr. Wni. T. Baldus, Specialist.Brain, nervous and stomach diseases- - Dr'aerlce, and n.edlolne. 82; sc. cor. 6thnw Hours 10 a m. to 9 p. m. Ph M "nf

MISS JAMUHON. manicurist and chiropodyhoars. 10 a. m. to 6 tf, ni l.u n. y --


W 2nd floor ' ,.MISS 'WELLS iJSm 8ca,p

Hours. 9to 4 S33 G st uw Apartment 2. Third lloor.


turled ded 916 Eyn st NW M 3'70..1

Jins. OR.V FIELDMagnetic massage, face and scalp treatment



Hours a. m. to 8 p. m.PROF. II. N D PARKER,

", Hind RulldlnR.LHli;.S 'IOO bTOUT FOR FASUION'.i

latest Jecice. si ould tal.e up the scientific"Irene Svalfin" of reduction Introduced byM'tii. LANE, ."ul Iroquois


716 11th St. y W.. third floor.MlhS CAIN, Manicuring and Scalp Treat-

ment 716 7th st. N. W., Apt I. Evc-nlng-

b upiiulntment. Phone Main 7425. !

L.QI'I3ITE' "M A.ND C" CLEANsTnUCREAM. At depaitment and diue stores.

Pe mre to ask for It.Dn. II. A. "DENNETT, physician and'eur

ceon; special treatment for druz hahli;treatment at home or sanitarium EOX 3J.Rlverdsle. Md. Phone Hyatts. 35-- p


MONARi-II-Wl- ll sacrldLe my Monarch tjpe.vritei for .10 If sold at once eo'hI as iifwfall Aiiartineiit 75. Thu Hrunswick, ujj

Ejo st N W.UElIulLT TYPEWRITER CO. 717 12lh

VUible machines rented, i-- 50 per monthand sold at from U to ',: .Mfu.


srade. $55, machines with latoittwo-col- ribbon Hnd baok-spac- er

HO adilllloiul. Lulled Tpovritcr Co., 121Rlees Mar I


hlte Hock roosters 31."j Jllli si N E !

mitRLD I ! mouth Rock ess tar eettlnt.pure stralu. 15 II, 111. S. Uak. avs. O40.



AVE .. fro,,,, rates t. t.uv. clerks:, hot water always; im cmInrP. Opl, HHIClBll.12th ST. N. W., udy April 1st, rcn.oj-clc- d

dingle, double, roomy; plenty r,

plionn. 11 in. I,. rriiMiimliln, ,

12th ST. N. v iulv April 1ft. renioj-elr-single, ilonblo rooms; pluily Fiot,J . leasonablc,(I HT, N. V i07IrK front lmy.ndow

rnoiiii I li. I(.j nlso oilier roouii; leumm-abl-

VKIIMONT AVU. N. V 16a-Nlr- elv ruMnlHlied 100m, millublo for 2 Bcntleiiien;

board i

Q Kl N. W 15M- -2 neail fur. roumi; prl- -,; inou. apt j married cuuple preferredApply J.lnltor, or N. S523.

L sT. y. w.. fiont loom:clean, roiivriilrnt, quiet liome, t7 month.MT. VEIINON PLACE N. W ont andback; clean; southern exposure; summerrates: all conveniences; Kcntlemen.

G22 N. J. AVE. N. "W.near Union Station: nicely furnished toonisand bath: transients arcomniodated. 1'lion1) HT. y. W. rurnlsheil 2nd flo"r

irum nmni n urwirrn, ; HUH .' .0 ier w eelc.6tli HI'. S. J.. ,r.'7- - 2 loiiimiinlratliitf looms,

second floor, Iiinilehed complete for house- -kesplnit: llik In one. lieat; H !

NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE.,apnrlmeiit. lltted for housekeeping to ldulls.fall after 8 p. in j.

O ST. N. W.. cely mi niched lartwrooms, well licaled: every home convenl- -

IRVINO Ml',, near 14lh! tMrcn finnl mmnwith alcove. 3rd floor: prlvnto baths electriclights. Kood board In same block: refcience.( ol. 1072.

II ST N. K.. 416-T- blight cheerful secondfloor rooms: furnished for 1. h. t.. rentreasonable, .

O ST y W.. rooms jn 2ndfloor, well heated: every convenience. I. h.k.

IDEAL APT. CO. 1SW PH nve. N. W. April1st, large ft room, first fl.. 2001 Ejo at,;

2 or .1 rm. apis., inodirn. on ave.. slnsleroomr. up Phone M. 7177.

EUCLID ST. 1361- -2 or SI newly furnishedrooms, well kept home, small private fain.Ilv; elcctrlcltv ; At location; southern oxp ;adults Col. C07S.

Mt,HT ,N' Y" 13::) an'' THOMAS CIRI-LE---

ilest location, flno largo rroms, nil front,southern, cool for summer, bath, reasonable

Wanted.MNOLL MAN desires lurge fiiriiirhrd loomnear bath, would share room wllli cparty Answering give full partleu-lars- .

etc liQX lsi. Tinier office

Unfurnished.MAYWOOD. Vs.. 3 unfurnished rooms close

.V. ar!'' "0: Privileges. WALTER WEN- -ft'b u','.rr!1,,le; Vl or ro"" 3K. UnionStation. Wash . D C

ROOMS AND BOARDSth ST. N W. mid board V, p- -r

week, fi ci'clotj. brenkfast, tabic board, J.1 .'.0.

U ST. N, W 1113 M'no double room. :'ndfloor; .e plume, piano, om el board .N Mil17th ST N. W. 1021 Vers denlrablo iwmssoiitliern cxMiKiire. olio muiire to ur.summer ST. N. .. well funlrhedroom, suitable for two, meals In lai" 7

o'clock breakfast i

KEI.LNEUS KOSIIP.R boarding and rwmungIimirc, fill 6lh st. nw , looniH with excell-n- t

board Meals to order Evn home tninforl8th ST. N W. 1108- - Nicely furnished loonsr( client iioarn; Home g; very reas1 ii- -

able Phono North S.0S7


:rd ST N W wo or three griitlemenboarders, prlvnie fninllv . huine conking.

L ST N. W . 90 Erellint tuble board,home cooking. $3 week.


AUTOMOBILE TIRESIjirge lot Just recelvei' best nukes Io be

sold ss "SECONDS" st exlri-i-e- l low pricesThese arc not (.heap Junk iars nia.lo up toscH for Seconds but high grHdn tires.

We consider tl.rso the best bargains wohave had for vcurs.

Retler come early an some sizes aro limitedIn number and will not last lone

Jones Kessler Rubber Tire Co.,Phone M 10II-I0I- 2 2 E ST N W.1914 FORD ROADSTER, fully equipped.

hlgii tensloned llosth uugnei.,, ti,oU12 OVERLAND, 40-- p, fore-do- . ono-nia- u

top; new tires; slip i overs. A-- l con-dition, will Bacrllico.

SMITH-TRE- MOTOR COMPANYS23 14tll St. N. W. Phone Main 4307.


STEELE GARAGE.Storlni;, Washing, Vulcanizing and Acisorles. Sth st. n. Phone Main dH

Ford touring cm in excellentcondition: alto other second-han- d cars at

sacrifice prptn. BO'.'TII CAPITAL tiUlAUE01 South Capitol st. Phone Line. 756

For Hire.ALTO HIRE and 7 parsenger nutos.

$2 or 53 per hour Cars heated.New Kurd, II 50 per hour I. V6J

PRIVATE PARTYHas liili touting car

and will hire at reasonable rale. M 177

J2.50; 13.50 parhour. Powhatan Hotel. ISth and Pa. M s;07.

FIVE and cars lor hire by hour,day. week or month. Careful drivoisPhone Line. 756 or Main 3C2.


NEW 151.THOR, MERKEL & EMBLEMMotorcvclei and blcvcles o.i immuciiii.

Tew sllhtlv nsU niulor( vcIcm st bartalnsHARRY F. SEAMARK,

S. 11 Corner 6Hi and O sis y wCLEARINO SALE of all second-han- d

regardless of prices, to make'room for load of 1S13 Gool mo-torcycles for 535.00 up. HAVERKORD CYCLECO , 52J 10th st. N W . near F.HARLEY-DAVIDSO- new tire and belt, Jti-- "

Indian twit, like new; bargain. Repairing,'ItndileS, enameling.

J. S RERUYMAN. 1013 Sth stYALE MOTORCYCLE-Perft- 'tt condiiioavery reasoimbln Apply to illt. ELOIN''fdl Sth st N W. !

HARLEY DAVISON and Exctislor motor- -Odes at bargain prices.

ZIMMY. The Motoicvclo Man.S12 Mb at. N W.


TWO UOOD KARM .MARES. .' Kood larmhoises, 2 d llvirv hnrees m Mb nw

FOR SALE-O- ne pair black malts, 10 .llierhoises. work, drive and saddle. 321 Eest. N, E j.

TWO HOUSES for sale cheap HOME ICECO . l.'th and V sts N W

SEVEN HORSITS. one big maru in tailI'.eur 483 Pa. ave N W ,nurth side.

TWO SINGLE TEAMS for biro with driveV,12.50 or will sell wagons ceparate, 3... St

i' at. rv. v

"ttjn n viiitiit tijx;.ii pitctn, U(jt J

EUY CO . INC . rear Pa. ave. M 1197.


PLLMlllNfireimlrsei onouil allv ncrn - piuhejFREDERICK C. STELZER,

J124 11th N. W. Itec Plumber. I'll Col. 5SS0.1

call FRed M. BOOTH. rp

Ue;l8tcred plumber. 1020 ISth. M. 447J

TINNINO. repairing painting mysiieclsltv; work guaranteed, prices mod

Canltal Metal Works nth and F n LinA (ll'ARANTETSD JOIi of ioof rerr.Ins painting, or see GEO' )l

nOYM. 1013 II at ne Phone Line. 919.


Refrigerators ibai are unequa.au611 F ST W

Va Build Repair Rsfriisnture.


JT ...... .....MUWAKU JJfcNTAL



No Pain. No High Prices.Easy Payments.

Satisfaction Guaranteed.Phone North 2009

Comer 7th and T N." W.

Open Until 10 o'clock:H,H--H-4-r-H-SH-i-H-?-

BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTSWOnKINOMEN-Tl- te per cent of lost trade,JSJf'y..''",.II w"11 "" I" 'act wo know of

."l1 " t ' 'J "0 eustoinets. thv buy and sendtheir friends, keeps us mighty bulv. butwhere ean you nnd such slightly used suits,?.r7aJ.'Jal,, "uli ono "'Ice.

STAND. 610 P. 1

Upholstering.Ji'.. II. SCHEIN. upholsterltiB In parlor suites.

mi,, inauresseg and ull k lids ofcushions. 12.M glli st. N. W. lMATTRESSES. Pillows, new nH r..n,..

metal bedss box sprgs. repalredj upholstsry.'TUOHEY BROS.

1209 th at. N. TV. Phene. N. S130.


7th st. nw.S M. 8217.

Carpet Cleaning.CARPETS fjt'KANED pnorEnLY

At your houso or at ourrteSnin r: M' ""' Compressed air Carpet

Co , ;q2 c it.Window Cleaning.

Hdon8.EiViV:nS,- - Th" k. ordlHary win-140- 0

H St. PiSrllw C'',,8J. ach. ELLIOTT.Postal. PH. N. 3WI. 1

Soda Fountains and Supplies..ftlETMJt -" nev in soda water: w

h.V ",l,a,ntln ln lock. new. and icoiidw wll sell on liberal

AenerV'nr"i,o5,f '" t"PPM required hy'dB.In w'r. BURCII & La. ave. N. w. Plinn. Main 2S19.

Piano Tuning.$1 PR,?IIT pianos' TUNED-- ST

n.M..i?""r" rrtlri; lowest prices. SIlKfa- - U LAH8EN, 644 Sou. Car. ave. 3. n.

Duplicate Letters.

BUSINESS BUILDERSr v. OP.EEN. Mrr.. Ms-r- o M.,n..,. BulldlntMattrcsscH and Box Springs.

. atVei;,1:0,". TI!,S MONTH Hair and leltS , r"""1;,""1 renovated eoual tonew. Jl this coupon and get a re.

Presented KAOI.RHI.IJDI.M. 71 h. Ph N r,?io.

RENOVATED SOa and up.CAP REpniNO CO.. 1241 7th st. North B.'B

Window Shades.WE ALSO SHAL'E THE PRICB.Opaque shades fitted. 15c : oil opaqu or

holland shades. JOc: duplex, cam brioshades. 76r. KLEERITT'S. Uth & II N E.

Awnings.WHY WAIT AND PAY Order yourawnings now nnd get the reduced prlca.

lndow Shades and Screens. It. C. U. BUIl.TOVAPoy. Ml E st

Mechanical Engineering.GUSTAV E. HAAR,

Mechanical Engineer, designing, drarilng.pattern making, genera! mi-riV- "

l?r: Trtir Piomptly attended to.1235 Rood Hope road. Anao.s'.la, I.tnc 3jo3





705 8th St. N. W. IOA. M 5 P. M



Palmist and ClairvoyantHe Is acknowledged by the European andAmerican press to be the greatest 'womler

of the Science of Mysteries. He isIn his lino or business. The world has neve?seen his equal.. Can be consulted en allaffairs. 1253A Walter place S. E Hoursa. in. to 10 p ni. Sunday from 2 to 7 n'm. Phone Line. j061-- N. B.-- No , tierswill receive any attention Cut this advout: It will not appear daily. Take LincolnPark var and get off at Thirteenth 3 EOlti.e between II and C sts. ' '

MADAM FIELD W,1en you consult herlou consult the bestReunite! the separated. 1226 7th st. N. W



For tvventv vcars Washington's favoriteconsulting tlatrvoant. specialist, life reodsrand adviser You will bo glad to know thatthe original Madam De Long has returnedand will give u limited number of readingsdallj. Hours ! to 9.

728 Eighth St. N. W.

WANDA, 1,almiaader. CARD

122S 7th St. N. W.

. MME. VERNER,NOTED PALMIST AND CLAIRVOYANT,Has removed her office to 600 U it. y. w.

MMF fil r!A READINGS 2c; Reunites

Providence Hospital. 176 N. Carolina av. S E.

FITZGERALD Noted Palmist and DoubleSeeing powers. Future, courtship, mar-

riage and business; guaranteed. 814 1 st. nw.1'


Latest Fate Cards and Charts Used. CloudSundays. 93S N Y. ave. nn. For ladles only.

ESS! nlJUL2tXl clalrvoant, eardiead"r. test reading. 10 cent' palmistry.

35 cents, 111 e reading. 50 cents, vard loading50 cents, U a. m. to 9 p. in. 13 7th st. nw

7ENrTA Card Reader:?1c.s namfs. moved from lvr

Uth st to 1231 7th st. N. W. pMme. Catherine, 508 5th N. W.


MRS. JAS. O'BRIEN,414 Scvvard Square, between 4th and 5lh sis,,near Pa ave S E Readings dallv j

MRS. MAMIE STEVES, Medium!Readings dallv; seances Tues. & Thurs. even-- Ings Ph. Line. 2018 315 N. J. ave S. B.MRS. WHITE. 715 22nd ST N. W --Seance

Wedncsda and Friday evenings; privatereadlngsdally. Phone West 930-- J .

MRS G ROTfII!nAD,N(i daily.Tues. aadThurs. sve. ; Anacostla car. 7C0 Cth n. S, K.

MADAME CORNISH Noted spiritual medi-um, leads vour Ufa correctl) : gives named,

facts, leadings dall) 537 3d st N. E. (Oi.F. near Union Station. ladeionlyMRSJ."k MaLTRv! "iCenols Bldg lllh and

Q N. XV. Room 101. Meetings Wed. andKrl 7 20 p in message to each Dailytcaomi;.. a in lo ,:u v. m Ph. M. ll.

,,".,n. I P'lndst and Card Reader. Gives reliableiiinv-riTnT.- "!:.f,irr'.a.'i!!!L .'"? 're on huslness and lovs affairsSJ7

roor and







PIANOS BOUGHT & SOLD.rial-gai- In Hllfthtly lined Planoo.ItiUHV Ini'tiiM ril' Piiviiwiiii

Shoningcr .; $125Xsc : . $75Knabc , $150ZI" ,3lw$600 Cccilianp Player Piano. $150




Everyone Gets A Square DealAMvlvJIIS. INVEST PRICES


PANY, INC.,1023 Hia'PMTti ot! ..." - 01. r. v.

lurnlliire. Stoves, and I Ions.,,.Lo.i;on,.V:u,l:''';v..:!u.t.kiii.ngnoo;Phone Main 5431 ii t" .V. '"':. e"ynere.' " " vr . v

400 Pn Pnrnli "TU-J"- M'

With Arms. Very Comfortable. ToBe Sacrificed At 7Cc Each.Wsrili o r.n622 E St. N. W. Phone. Main 2483.

r'liiilfn?0 oak .J''lPlY Tables; noi.J. '. "?"

ar&Biia"2K!?r- "'" ivi.

FOR SALE-One-h- air cost price,fW?11:.10' n.v'r ?"' taken off t"i"

where It was d.Apply 1020 Munsey Uulldlng

DON'T LET THE 11AI1V CRY Wo put onbaby cnrrlaco tires. HUNTER'S inve. Phone M. f.458. Im est price. '.''i'sVu nKOw':,iv WAUON for kaU' -- w


..?hlc!' JolM"' "hMililns-- . flooring, framesmantles, firewood, fl.50 per load

ani'lPii, NNwBB!r FPTt Wrecker, lltl,Inss doivn ten build- -


.l" I'KlrBW,!-- !! for feather beds fur"i'UH.MTt lib CO. 501 Eve nn. Ph. m llti3'ul,r:fJS-L'rE"M.- . m doin:

S25S : -- - .tTAnjK,ii-iruriil- tiir for cash. Sellgoods to the limn ,urgives the inn.tmwieyKee noi'WOOP. ith annr K


Swartzell, Rhccm & Hcnscy Co.j727 15th St. N. W. X

THE KENDRICK-1V- 0I IC ,, A'""1 ''th M and

THE t UMIJERIvND-Thon.- as Circle Tand Mill si Tv nnd nsnns aiidT'"'" J.:. yd .wTTHE EARLlNGTON-lO- lh st and ( 0- - X

iimbla road n . .1. I. nxim,. ami Y,,n'li 12150 U'. on. JIOOOY

THE nOCIIESTER-HI- S Meridian nw V3 ami t r iuiiis and balh l.'o.jti . m V

THE IAINSDALE 213), allfornla st XUK., 3 and 9 rooms and 2 baths, I

126 ro. lv . Ul t

HWHhHr-K-IH:--H-5--I-HK- --.


9Telephone Lincoln 1860.

35 B Street Northwest.FALKSTONi; COURTS, lllh and Fulimimlsts nw 3, , 5, 0 looms and baib, 1,550. w. J65IH.ENHEIM COl UT lstn Callfoinui st

n. w . 4. 5. 6 ruuniK and bath. t, 37 50and $4,. 50

VICTORIA. Uth and Clifton sts n. w4. a. 0 rooms and balh. $3j. $10. JI2 50.

HARVARD ST N. Vv . 1332. 1331. i336rooms and lih. 135.

DfysMERE. 2'.23 Uth et. n w.1. 2. 3 roomi and bath 15. J22.50. 127 0

LA GRANDE. 107 4th st. n vv.5 rooms and bath, J3.".,

VENTOSA. 1st and II sis. n. vv.2 rooms, balh and kitchenette. 125 and126 50

ASTORIA, 3rd and G sts n. vv.1 and 2 rooms. FREE GAS, 111 J.'l

PENHURST. IS 11 st. n ...4 ami 5 ruomn and balh, 122 50

RAYMOND. Sll 22nJ st. n vv.3 rooms, bath nnd kitchenette J .0

DORCHESTER. 12th and Man land nve. s w.2, 3 and 4 rooms. 110, JI5, Jl?.

P16 ISth si n. vv , 1 rooms and 2 ball-s.1'- 092j.'0 ISth st. n. vv . ID rooms and balh . 145.001621 Newton st n. vv.. 10 rooms nnd; f.O

TWO IX3LR ROOX1S and bath apartments,a. m. I. 737 11th si. N W.

IXIR ItENT Seven-roo- apartment, welladapted for doctor's or dentist's oillce ordressmaker, all modern conveniences hot-wat-

heated: In besj location on Capitollull, within easy access to all car lines In-quire at store. 233 Pa. ave. S E. M. 3362.

SIX ROOMS and bath, front, 133.50, 5 roomsand bath, front, 132.60; 4 rms., bath, J22.50;

electric elevator, telephone each apartment.The Fairmont, 315 New York ave N W.

3. W COCKRELL S02 F t N. W..'10 13th S. V.. 3 rooms and bath .. $.2 00.725 7th S. W . 1 rooms and bath . ..116 091443 E. Capitol st 5 rooms and balh.. .$21 30709 II st. S. W.. 5 rooms and bath .. ;17.50

PHILLIPS CO.. 330 John Marshall placeFINE APARTMENT

6 large, outside, sunny looms, splendid out-loo-

Phone N 6050. The Ahvvn, 1SV2 Col. idFurnished.

THE MENDOTA APART rooms,bath, corner apart . nicely furnished rentfrom April 1. North 1205--

rUK RENT HOUShSUnfurnished.

FOR RENT Two very deirable s mtiKasthouses In Al condition, cannot be beat atthe rent1603 C st. se . 6r b. key at 1313 C se. .517 501503 C st se , or. b.. kev at 1615 (' se. Io 00

CLIFFORD A. BORDEN CO.Phone M. 2242 601 51 h st. N W

COLORED.For rent to flryt-cla- colored tenant. 0S

15tit st. S.E., 5 r and li . In excellent condi-tion. Key at 1515 C st. se.. rent S14 50

CLIFFORD A. BORDEN CO.Phone M. 2212. 004 5th st N W

1220 N ST. N. W.A in active double houro of 11 looms andbath, best room. renting section, all large,

bright rooms. In s.ood order. $51


2031 Portlier pi. nw 6r b h vv h $.3 .io2uih Portner pi. hu. Cr b . heat anil

ll w from The Portlier noiver nlalil included . . ...VJ0 50

CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION CO .Office. The Portner 15th and I sts. nw

Good Houses For Colored Tenants.Near War Department.

Six rooms and bath $21 50, 6 looms andbath, $22 50, 6 rooms and water $17.Near 17th and U streets.

Six Rooms and Water, $16.50List of cheaper liuu.-e- s at nffl. e.


FOR RENT 100S Rhode Island ave N W.11 rooms and 2 baths, nil modern

desirable location. Rent $10.50Maurice Fitzgerald. 512 4 st w. Ph M. 716 1.

912 R ST, N. W --7 rooms and balh: largecellar and rear yard; In kood (.oudltion

$23.60. PHILLIPS CO.. 230 John Marshallpluce. l


lie r ouable full luxlculais verms1IOX Ul. Times office

DEATHSI'ARRBLI-O- n Monday. March 22, at 11:30"in.. MARY J., beloved wlfo of the lateJ.,.!',?8 J' Farrell, and mother of James,.Wllllaiu.

nireilEdward. (Jeorgo and Uernard

Funeral front her late residence. 610 Sec-ond street northeast, on f'rlday incrnlng.Jlarch 26. mis. at s:30 a. in. Solemn highrequiem niansi at St. Aloqslus' Church at D

?,' "!', '"terment at Mt. Olivet Cemetery.Relatives Invited to attend, 1

UUOIIES-- On Wednesday, Marrh 21, 1915, nt3 P. in., after a short Illness at George,town University Hospital, MARY HUGHES,of Clarendon, Va..

1J5nialn "t the residence of her son, Wll-ila-

H. MeCos'. .1131 V street northwest.. Funeral notice later.


i!' 4iiiAA.7.,?xrad remembrance of THOMASSJ,E,,SUAN, blved husband of Mary

.;i..55"'hiV wli dl,(I fro" Injuries re- -n tar ueo t0- -

,,f.lla!.0.n', ,rolM hi" dear ones,Ills children, his wife.Whom he willingly tolled forAnd loved as his life.Oh. OodI How mysterious and howHtrangc are Thy ways.To take from us this loved oneIn the beat of his das.

-- By Ills Wife.Anniversary mass at Holy tomrorlecChurch, i(Notices for this column are accepted at 50

cents flit, eltner prope or poetry. In case no-tice dots not oxceed ten lines. Add 10 centsfor each line In excess of ten.)

Vital RecordsBirths. i

John P W. and Mllllo Vorkoeper. bo.Carl E. and Julie F Tolson. girl.John II. and Louise Snyder, boy.Charles (1. and Lucia M. Slinking hrr. clrlJames J. and Frances V. Sheeliy. Ijov.Horace D. and Dorothy II. Rouzer. boy.Samuel F. and Ellen I. McCuliy. boy.Henry O. and Pauline IS. Mcciuarrv, bov.Nicola and Antonetta Meoia, oov.William U, and Eunice Mandsle boy.llarry M. and Iena F. Kaiser, girl.MVvnurd F and Lillian J llninma, Imv.William U and Uoslo A. Gschcldln. Rlrl.Albert II and Mary 12. Edmonstou, boy.John J. nnd Eleanor O. Connors, boyJames II. and Reha. M. Collins, gp--l .

George F. nnd Mary T. lllnnc. boy. 1Grav ami Mary M. Andrews, bovSilencer and Cuesln Roane, bov.Allan and Mantle Plnkert. boy.Prank nnd Isabel Murphy, bovJohn and Ida Gray. boy.James nnd Adelaldn Brown, girl.

Deaths.Gcoige E Johnson, SO jcars. 43S Kentucky

avenue southeast. 'Olevla Truinbn. 74 Sears. 3351 Mt. Pleasantstreet nortlivvesi.

Mary A. Williams. 67 sears. 4314 Ninth streetnorthwest

Jfsepli Hall. 05 years. 7 Fifteenth streetsoutheast

Mary K, hplcer. OS carr. Washington Homefor Incurables

George II. WliHleu, 65 cars, United Statessoldiers" Hoini) Hospital.

Andrew J Cuinmlskcq. 70 vcars. 1312 V streetnorthwf et

Sarah It. Ulerker. S7 vears. 1739 Columbiaroad northwest.

OilUrt Iluywnrd. 3 months. Chlldien's Hos.pltil.

Ignatius Burrows, 1 sear, 2300 K streetnorthwcsl.

Lillian M Lee. 17 dass. 321 Mclean streetsouthwest

Inrant ion of Jennie nnd Clarence J. Cun-ningham. 2 hours, Sibley llo.plial

Thomas Russell. 47 sears. 4 Alex courtEthel B. Johson, 1 S'ears, 1328 II street north-

eastVincent Mcrrlwealher. I jear. 1906 It treft

northwestEdward Washington, 4.7 vcars. 409 Firth street

southeast.Genrudo Schrelbtjs. 9 years. Children's Eos- -

Pita).John w. Pasnc, 73 years, 1520 Twelfth slrcet



FUNERAL DESIGNSof every description moderate prices.



THOMAS F MURRAY Au SONFunersl Directors and Embalmers,

401 East Capitol st phone Line 4271.2007-1- 1 Nichols ave s 12 Phone Line. 126.


332 Pa. ave. N. W.Telephone M. 1315 WASHINGTON. I). C.


IN HYATTSVILLE.bungalow bath, ull modern Improve,

ineiils SV4 acres, shade ines. chicken h.. use.,,UCB $2,650. BA8V TKIlM8- -

Clear of Trust,ct Uulcklv If Interested

VINCENT & SAULS,71., lllh st I'll M. 2360

1 1 ; ;;;j. AT PENNING HEIGHTS. .L 6 rooms nnd cellar: furnace heat, cor- - .

J.ncr lot at Penning Heights- - fine loca- - Xtlon, white neighborhood, house newly ,Cpainted and repaired In order to sell fI this $1,300 house at once owner will take f


CO., INC.,CM 1 It U St V w

ron SALE-A- T HERWVN HEIGHTS. MD ;beautiful eight-roo- residence, outbuilding,

fruit and shade, large grounds, close to elec-tric and steam ralluass, caellj worth il.ttw.will sacrifice for $2, COO. Photo at office

JOHN .1 KLEINER .t CO.520 6th st N, W.

ONLY $1,430 for 7r. house, 't acre corner lot,bearing fruit trees and grape vines, cccl-len- t

waler. one fare Por best bargains seeJ. M EARNEST. Mt. Rainier. MdFOR SALE Suburban acreage. acre lots,

11 per week, ' acre tracts 15 per mo ith,2 acre tracts 510 per month Price 15o upaccording to location. Close to city, neaistation, beautiful location. Phone .Main 21.0.Orftce open at nightJohnson's American Real Estate Exchange.

926 Pennsylvania AvenueFOR SALE to whitu or colored, a bunga-

low villa Takoma Park, sit rooms. I.irgspantrv, all modern Improvements, lot 50x150,also a cottage with about 4 acreground: both will be sold cheap for iulc!isale. Apply to owner. MRS. D. L. DAW.KINS. 23U Spruce ave.. Takoma Md.

FOR COLORED PEOPLE.Large lots on electric line, high and

healthy, store, school and murch roo.u forgarden, fruit nnd chickens, UK to $90: $2 50

ino.. without Interest. MILLER CO. nw, cor12th and Pa ave.. opp Raleigh I

FOR SALE Arlington Va il rooms, .bath,furnace, clectrlo lights, fruit, hen house,

half acre, porches, 2 city blocks to cars,make good boarding house; reasonable: cashpayment; 130 monthly. CUAS. II. MUNSON.IS26 New York nve.

HOW TO HE YOUR OWN LANDLORDon 1100 cash and 115 month, at

CHEVY CHAbE. lor full particulars dropostal, telephone, or call on WM, H,RITCHIE, 317 Colorado bldg. Tel. M. 5231.

For Sale or Rent.CHEVY CHASE, 373S Kanawha st -- Modern

home, llr 2b. Cars hair square. Treasury30 minutes, rent reasonable. Onlv $1,300 tobuy Inquire on premises or phone M v;y)

Waterfront Property.FOR SALE Bungalow with cellar;

150 feet of chicken house, one barn, stableand cornhoaBe, milt trees. Edgevvater, Md.4 miles from Annapolis on South river, 2

miles from W II, A A. U. It. station: 2'4acres of ground; 237 feet on the water and161 feet on the Annapolis State road. J. T.HARRISON. 1H26 Nichols ave. S. E. PhoneLine. 1625,


1ILILDING LOAyS AN"D SECOND TRUST.Money to loan at t per cenL on District

Real Estate, ny amount from $200 to .5,0t0on first or second trust, In straight' nolo ormonthly paments. Takes only three danto make them.


MONEY 'IO 1.0AN on real estate, lowestrates; prior pavment Privilege!; isrgtiinoulits TVLEI' Ai KU TH ERFORD. 723 15thMONEY TO LOAN 1250 to $500,000 on D. C

real estate, several trust funds, 4U o Iper c:nt All transactions coudut.i,i lleconomics! consideration lor borrowers.

WM II SAl NUE118 i-- CO.Southern Lulldlng 197 JCtb st, N W


Spqcaaj NoticesSHADES ! ,'0,,,l FRIL'N IvBRT for 8u-- ,,

..P'1?' Workmanship and qua.i .'J1.1'"1.1. wl.Ul h'Pl. Opaqis nh.ideJ300; fiuallty 50c. Utm It. hi. E.vL. 11.1, T'lOllOUOHLY AND CARK-.JJi.-

tla,""''i ruga woven from old carpets,tll?f,,!"l,.n.?Y,,,.'", Katlnmiea lurnlslnd.

m! 203J.& CO., 352 U It. bw.

""af'i"" VdVesnndolh;rnuc7;riliVv " 1'akl"s7 or lawns and gardens unf.mV.I"cl.,.l"0.'l,.t,"lat,, u, beautllylnc jourI'orm.r" .ft. '.." "UDMAN, lamdscaplat andsi, y. n. lhon Line lssiTHE NC1IIVI.-AI- I nr t . ......'.'"V.n ii.i T.t i, .hi.u..hi

fws ii., uif j.PlluilVI-KSSKJIK7,A.NT-

rt AND AUDITORS.! 1tHs?,T.I'i.',A'1 111 N ' A Hl'KtiltWrlv'at.lK AUDITING CO..Bldg. ph. M. iS2. 1


bubject to weather ; and destination.CM.. EDWARDS

WALL PAPER FREELlaPr.r" S."1 UP. to KM Per roll. Investlgats

.v nuim nt .vo,-- .

ll.. AL.iAT. A 8AVING lrjR CASH, 2,240Ivirv" ". l?,li5Tft.,"ualr "hd rVrompt de- -


"ordedT. ifi.R """I" deed of trust, dulysec r ih.'"i J'1?. &" "t folio 533. etI.'u,ul ''cords of llhosecurcd'Vei'fhv"1 .V'0 rrqS"' of lh ""'"wll" P',ii'.'la """"signed TrusteeiThonfni f at the offices ofOwen A. Son. 1331 tl Street NriaV of tJ?rSh0I,,"P' V"..0'1 lfrUy- - tho 2thooiork i i

br m Washington. District.six fi'J1' ;. '". ? u!f'! .flV" ."'liiioa n,V ..inVV:. ..' ""Trp" tnirty-tnre- e hun-?n"- 1

,irr,ft "'! ". of i?", H5Sr-- rpagfi u. "'"""-- ' " coiunioia in Hook 42.

lnMrnmi.n.!r"Tlhlri' ''''la,' balce I" 0.u.l'".irp'eVTn $?i T'ayal,?;

ii uat on. mo property sold..1Senoi . l"r'" L ?n. tuh.r?r. option. . Aiif .i ii! requireij at the time

T... "iiie-neni- and record ngkJ'L .""!. Purchaser's cost Terms toheiriiVir.. wunin ten days, othenvlta

..-- . .v.u .vi, uic riKiii io reseii at tnorisk nnd (mi of the detaultlng purchaser.' '"' ' .iiouun.u i rusis.s.ON bATURDAI. March 27. 1915. at 10 o'clockA. M , In front of United Stales StorageCompany s warehouse, 4.20 10th st. N. V .

Public Auction, to enforce Hens for storagecharges, etc.. due and unpaid, all flivola.I urniture. Hous'-hol- and Personal Effects?h.lV'ra?i? ,,,,,!"17,." r Mr3- - Minnie Ehrman.T, Hlltabldle. Mrs. A

"UU;HAMH "" AuctlSnceri.STORAGE COMPANrilnc.J

'Y S.ATl,"lVAY A"r" " ,D15- - a 1 "'dockfront of the United States Stor-age I ompany s warehouse. 0 10th t. ,NV., 1oshlngtun. D. C. there will be sold arPublic Auction, to enforce Mens for storagcharges, etc. due and unpaid, all GoadiI urniture. Household and Personal Edeetson storage with tho United States Stoiageronipany line t In names of James BrightG W Hann. M. M. HoIIIday. Miss L. Hillman WALTER II. WILLIAMS & CO.. Auc


ON SATURDAY. April 10. 1915,-- at 10 ..'.lockA. M , In front of the United Slntri Sior-ag- e( umpany's warcbousc. 0 l"th treei

N. ,w ..Washlnglon, D C, there will be soldat Public Auction, to Inforce liens for rt TaSM.i barges etc. due anil unpaid, ull Good1 urniture. Household and Personal Effects ,

stoiagp with tlie United States Sturigi Coin-pan- sline.) In names of George Cartel, Mrs

Martha Monro", Mrs. Geneva Robinson. A F.rennllle. WALTER II. WILLIAMS & roA0IPNY' ,'v'N,T1:U 'STATKS STOI1AUE



TRICT OP COLUMBIA. Munsey TrustConipauv. a corporation, plalntln". vs. GeorgeE. Hamilton trustee, ct nl , delend.iuls. NoS3261, Kiilt The objeet or this suit Is tosubstitute trustees In the place or George 17

Hamilton and Michael J. Colbert, trusteesunder tho deed of trust from A. Robert

dated Mas 17. 1911, and record, d InLiber .1430 Folio 176 et seq. or the land recordsor the Dltrlct of Columbia, cnnveslirg a tractof land In said District known us "J'art o'clilllum Castle Mnoor." reference being madeto said trust for a more complete descrip-tion or said land On mutton or the plain-tiff. It Is this 10th day of March. 1915. orderedtlrnt the delcndants Leonora N. Pennlmaiand Mabel Ray cause their appearance tobe entered herein on or liefore the lortletlidav, exclusive of Sundas.i and legal hnlttUssoccurring after tile das or the first publica-tion or this order: otherwise the cause willbe proceeded vvlih as In case ot ilela'iltProvided, a copv of this order be publishedonce a week lor three successlvo weeks Inthe Washington Retainer, and 'lhaWashington Times before said day P LS1DDONS. Justice. ISeal) A true couTest I It. YOUNG. Clerk. By F. E. CL.slN1NGHAM. Asst Clerk.

PROPOSALSSEALED I'ROPOSALS In triplicate will bereceived by the Quartermaster General ofthe Anns'. Washington. D. C . until 2 o'clockP. m , Eastern time. April 22, 1916. for fur-nishing toilet articles, shaving brushes, raz-ors, handkerchiefs, towels, blueing, borametal polish, laundrs and toilet soap. etc..for delivery during the fiscal year 1916 atdepots of tile Quurtermaster Corps listed Inschedule. Schedules furnished upon appll'-a-tion- .

to Quartermaster General. U. S. AnnvWashington, D. C . or bv Drpot Quartermas-ter- .USA. Washington. D C. I


March 4, 1915. Sealed proposals willbe received at this office. Room 5W, Districtbuilding, until two,o'clock, p. m.. TucsdasApril ti, 1915. for furnishing and deliveringduring the fiscal ear beginning July 1, 1915.and ending June SO. 1916. tor use or the vari-ous branches of the Government of the Dis-trict or Columbia, supplies, as follows: btatlonei.v, printing; school books; furnlturaand house furnishings; tinware and hard-ware, rubber stamps; plumbing supplies,groceries and provisions; boots and shoes,drugs and chemicals paints and brushes,lumber, meats, fish and poultry; dry goods;Ice. electrical supplies, saddlery and whee1wrlght supplies, kindergarten supplies; laun-dry work, automobile supplies, oils andlubricants photossravlilc supplies; flags; ath-letic goods and for the purchase of old ma-terials, during the period named Farm orproposal, specifications and neceuarv Infoimation ma be obtained from the Purchas-ing Officer D C. Room 320. District UullJIng. In upplslng specify the ilass of i ap-plies for which tonus are desired. OLIVERP. NEWMAN. laOUIS IIROWNLOW.CHARLES W KUTZ. Commissioners. D. C


j FOR SALE-INVESTM- ENT ?T A REAL BARGAIN.j. Two Stors Dwelling Willi an Ecel-.'- .J, lent Lot ...'5vlll Inv" WM.- "...Jill. !


615 Uth st N W Phono M. Ml ':jWvWH-H"- -'

FOR SALE cheap, 2 bricks. 11.50each or $2.9C0 lor both. Owner, 1211 4'a si


WEST. At a saving of actually $IC0. Ownerdeslies lo sell because ho needs a largerhome. The home Is in tho best conditionand contains 6 rooms, bath, electricity andgas, and er heat Wide frontage. t!eeilot to alley Cost $4,25u Will sell for 3.S50.Before sou bus, see this home1 N L. SANSUURY C O..721 13th St. N W. Phone M. 5J01


:j: YOU CAN OWN ONE:': OF THESE HOMES,j. On 10th St. between C & n Sts. S.E. X- Hy nayliiK' only fltftl rn vtr J.- month (which In 5A.JU eludes !

inteiet unci nriuclnal.) !

:: price, $2,3o ::A. H r.n.T. !., .1.... -- . .. Iu 'muc inc until util IUI, porCB k

Y Hcns9 entire liont liiautlfutly locatvl '- GO Ol T TODAY .ity i I'M icr ins'H i 4 . i i i n t 4: .i aT.'."."'."1..".". ."."..,"..,,-,,.,- -.