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Affordable- Accessible Housing for Perth Presentation to AITPM – Affordable Housing and Transport Seminar Emma de Jager, Executive Officer WA and NT

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Page 1: Affordable-Accessible Housing for Perth Presentation to AITPM – Affordable Housing and Transport Seminar Emma de Jager, Executive Officer WA and NT

Affordable-Accessible Housing for Perth

Presentation to AITPM – Affordable Housing and Transport SeminarEmma de Jager, Executive Officer WA and NT

Page 2: Affordable-Accessible Housing for Perth Presentation to AITPM – Affordable Housing and Transport Seminar Emma de Jager, Executive Officer WA and NT

Housing is not really affordable if located in isolated areas with high transportation costs

Image: Sydney Morning Herald, Photo: Jason South

Page 3: Affordable-Accessible Housing for Perth Presentation to AITPM – Affordable Housing and Transport Seminar Emma de Jager, Executive Officer WA and NT

Affordable – Accessible housing allows households with diverse incomes, abilities and needs to live together in attractive, diverse and dynamic neighbourhoods

Page 4: Affordable-Accessible Housing for Perth Presentation to AITPM – Affordable Housing and Transport Seminar Emma de Jager, Executive Officer WA and NT

Affordable Housing

o Housing is considered affordable if it costs less than 30% of a household budget. Transportation is the second largest expense for families, but few often consider these costs when choosing a place to live.

o A more complete measure of affordability is that combined housing and transportation costs take up no more than 45% of a household budget.


Source: The Housing and Transportation Affordability Index

Page 5: Affordable-Accessible Housing for Perth Presentation to AITPM – Affordable Housing and Transport Seminar Emma de Jager, Executive Officer WA and NT

It’s Complicated

Source: Planning Provisions for Affordable Housing Discussion Paper October 2013 – Department of Planning

Page 6: Affordable-Accessible Housing for Perth Presentation to AITPM – Affordable Housing and Transport Seminar Emma de Jager, Executive Officer WA and NT
Page 7: Affordable-Accessible Housing for Perth Presentation to AITPM – Affordable Housing and Transport Seminar Emma de Jager, Executive Officer WA and NT
Page 8: Affordable-Accessible Housing for Perth Presentation to AITPM – Affordable Housing and Transport Seminar Emma de Jager, Executive Officer WA and NT

Key Findings (THWC)o Attributes of location matter most to households.

Specifically safety and security; easy access to work and schools; and being located near family and friends and public transport.

o People were happier to have smaller properties if it meant that they could live in their preferred location.

o There was a strong preference to live in the inner and coastal regions. However, only half of respondents were able to choose these locations when constrained by household budget.

Page 9: Affordable-Accessible Housing for Perth Presentation to AITPM – Affordable Housing and Transport Seminar Emma de Jager, Executive Officer WA and NT

Moving Australia 2030-A Transport Plan for a Productive and Active Australia sets out pathways for the establishment of a transport, land use management, planning and funding framework, including how we move people, today and in the future, to maintain the living standards we currently enjoy in Australia.

Page 10: Affordable-Accessible Housing for Perth Presentation to AITPM – Affordable Housing and Transport Seminar Emma de Jager, Executive Officer WA and NT

OBSERVATIONSo Housing Diversity doesn’t always equal affordabilityo 1 Bedroom Apartments of limited demand (THWC)o Inclusionary Zoning – Mandatory Provisions already in

place but have had limited affecto Ensure contributions are affordable in perpetuity o Parking Requirement Adjustment Factors (not fully


Planning and the Provision of Affordable Housing

Page 11: Affordable-Accessible Housing for Perth Presentation to AITPM – Affordable Housing and Transport Seminar Emma de Jager, Executive Officer WA and NT

Interstate Experiences

Page 12: Affordable-Accessible Housing for Perth Presentation to AITPM – Affordable Housing and Transport Seminar Emma de Jager, Executive Officer WA and NT

Closer to Home Initiatives

Page 13: Affordable-Accessible Housing for Perth Presentation to AITPM – Affordable Housing and Transport Seminar Emma de Jager, Executive Officer WA and NT

A demonstration project

Page 14: Affordable-Accessible Housing for Perth Presentation to AITPM – Affordable Housing and Transport Seminar Emma de Jager, Executive Officer WA and NT

Background To Selandra Rise

o Located 52km from CBD in Melbourne’s South East

o Launched in 2008 to demonstrate how objectives for affordable, healthy and liveable communities can be achieved ‘on the ground’

o Collaborative Partnership between Industry, Government & the Private Sector

o Project Objectives:

o Improving housing diversityo Promoting local employmento Creating a healthy and engaged community

Page 15: Affordable-Accessible Housing for Perth Presentation to AITPM – Affordable Housing and Transport Seminar Emma de Jager, Executive Officer WA and NT

Key Project Initiatives – Alternate Transport Options

Page 16: Affordable-Accessible Housing for Perth Presentation to AITPM – Affordable Housing and Transport Seminar Emma de Jager, Executive Officer WA and NT

Key Project Initiatives Connected Community

Page 17: Affordable-Accessible Housing for Perth Presentation to AITPM – Affordable Housing and Transport Seminar Emma de Jager, Executive Officer WA and NT

o Recognise transportation affordability as a planning goal of equal or greater importance than congestion reduction.

o Evaluate ways that common planning decisions (roadway expansion, parking requirements in zoning, the location of public facilities such as schools) affect transport and housing affordability.

o Support affordable modes (walking, cycling and public transit)

o Support carsharing, which reduces the need to own a vehicle for occasional use.

How can we improve affordable living?

Page 18: Affordable-Accessible Housing for Perth Presentation to AITPM – Affordable Housing and Transport Seminar Emma de Jager, Executive Officer WA and NT

o Support compact, mixed, multi-modal development and transit-oriented development which reduce the distances that people must travel to reach services and activities, and improves their travel options.

o Reduce or eliminate parking requirements, and encourage parking unbundling (parking is rented separately from building space), particularly for lower-priced housing, so residents are not forced to pay for parking they do not need.

o Minimum Service Levels – Public Transport in outlying areas

How can we improve affordable living?

Page 19: Affordable-Accessible Housing for Perth Presentation to AITPM – Affordable Housing and Transport Seminar Emma de Jager, Executive Officer WA and NT

Thank You