affective style

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  • 8/13/2019 Affective Style


    Affective Style and Affective Disorders:

    Perspectives from Affective Neuroscience

    RichardJ. Davidson

    U niversity of W isconsin M adison, U SA

    Individual differences in emotional reactivity or affective style can be

    fruitfully decomposed into more elementary constituents. Several separable

    features of affective style are identied such as the threshold for reactivity,the peak amplitude of response, the rise time to peakand the rec overy time.

    The latter two characteristics constitute components of affective chronome-

    try. The circuitry that underlies two fundamental forms of motivation andemotionapproach and wi thdraw al-rel ate d processe s is desc ribed. Data on

    individual differences in functional activity in certain components of thesecircuits are next reviewed, with an emphasis on the nomological network of

    associations surrounding individual differences in asymme tric prefrontal

    activation. The relevance of such difference s for understanding the nature

    of the affective dysfunction in affective disorders is then considered. Thearticle ends by considering what the prefrontal cortex ``does in certain

    components of affective style and highlights some of the important ques-tions for future research.


    Among the most striking feature s of human emotion is the variability that

    is apparent across individuals in the quality and inte nsity of disposition al

    mood and emotional reactions to similar incentive s and challe nge s. The

    broad ranges of differences in these varied affective phenomena has been

    COGNITION AND EMOTION, 1998, 12 (3), 307330

    Requests for reprints should be sent to Richard J. Davidson, Laboratory for Affective

    Neuroscience, Department of Psychology, University of WisconsinMadison, 1202 West

    Johnson Street, Madison, WI 53706, USA; e-mail: [email protected].

    This research was supported by NIMH grants MH43454, MH40747, Research Scientist

    Award K05-MH00875, and P50-MH52354 to the Wisconsin Center for Affective Scie nce(R.J. Davidson, Director), by a NARSAD Established Inve stigator Award, and by a grant

    from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. I thank the many individuals in

    my laboratories who have contributed importantly to this research over the years, including

    Andy Tomarken, Steve Sutton, Wil Irwin, Heather Abercrombie, Jeff Henriques, Chris

    Larson, Stacey Schaefer, Terry Ward, Darren Dottl, Isa Dolski, as well as the many

    collaborators outside my lab too numerous to name.

    1998 Psychology Press Ltd

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    referred to as ``affective style (Davidson, 1992 ). Differences among

    people in affective style appe ar to be associated with temperament

    (Kagan, Rez nick & Snidm an, 1988), personality (Gross, Sutton, & Kete-

    laar, in press) and vulne rability to psyc hopathology (Meehl, 19 75). More-

    over, s uch diffe rence s are not a unique hum an attribute , but appe ar to be

    pres ent in a number of different specie s (e.g. Davidson, Kalin, & Shelton,

    1993; Kalin, 1993).

    In the next section of this article , conc eptual distinc tions among the

    various components of affective style will be introduced and methodologi-

    cal challenges to their study will be highlighte d. The third section will

    pres ent a brief ove rview of the anatom y of tw o basic motivational/ emo-

    tional system sthe approac h and withdraw al systems. Se ction four w ill

    consider individual differences in these basic systems and indic ate howsuch diffe rence s m ight be studied. The fth sec tion wi ll addre ss the relation

    between such individual differences and psychopathology. It is our intuition

    that some of the individual differences in basic processes of affective style

    are central to determining either resilience or vulnerability. Such differences

    can be conceptualised as diatheses which affect an individual s response to a

    stressful life event. Finally, the last section will conside r some of the

    implic ations of this perspective for assessm ent, treatment and plasticity.


    Many phenom ena are subsumed under the rubric of affective style. A

    conc ept featured in many disc ussions of affec tive de velopment, affec tive

    disorde rs and personality is `` emotion regulation (Thompson, 1994).

    Emotion regulation refers to a broad constellation of processes that serve

    to eithe r amplify , attenuate , or maintain the strength of emotional reac-

    tions. Include d among these proc esses are certain features of attentionwhich regulate the extent to which an organism can be distracted from a

    potentially aversive stimulus (Derryberry & Reed, 1996) and the capacity

    for self-generated imagery to replace emotions that are unw anted, with

    more desirable imagery scripts. Emotion regulation can be both automatic

    and controlled. Automatic emotion regulation may result from the progres-

    sive automisation of processes that initially were voluntary and controlled

    and have evolved to bec ome more autom atic w ith practice. We hold the

    view that regulatory processes are an intrinsic part of emotional behaviourand rarely does an emotion get generated in the absence of recruiting

    associated regulatory proc esses . For this reason, it is often conc eptually

    difcult to distinguish sharply between where an emotion ends and regula-

    tion begins. Even more proble matic is the methodologic al challenge of

    operationalis ing these different compone nts in the stream of affective


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    Whe n considering the ques tion of individual differences in affective

    behaviour, one must specify the particular response systems in which the

    individual differences are being explored. It is not necessarily the case that

    the same pattern of individual differences would be found across response

    sys tem s. Thus, for example , an individual may have a low thres hold f or the

    elicitation of the subjective experience (as ree cted in self-reports) of a

    particular emotion but a relativ ely high threshold for the elicitation of a

    partic ular phy siologic al change . It is important not to assum e that indiv idual

    differences in any parameter of affective responding will necessarily gen-

    eralise across response systems, within the same emotion. Equally impor-

    tant is the question of whether individual differences associated with the

    generation of a partic ular specic emotion will neces sarily generalise to

    other e motions. For example , are those individuals who are behaviourallyexpressive in response to a fear challenge also likely to show comparably

    high levels of expressiv ity in response to positive ince ntives? Although

    systematic research on this question is still required, initial evidence sug-

    gests that at least certain aspects of affective style may be emotion-specic,

    or at least valence-specic (e.g. Wheeler, Davidson, & Tomarken, 1993).

    In addition to emotion regulation, there are probably intrinsic differ-

    ences in certain components of emotional responding. There are likely

    individual differences in the threshold for eliciting compone nts of aparticular emotion, given a stimulus of a certain intensity. Thus, some

    individuals are likely to produc e facial s igns of disgust on pres entation of

    a partic ular inte nsity of noxious stimulus, whe reas other individuals may

    require a more intense stimulus for the elicitation of the same response at

    a comparable intensity . This sugg estion implie s that dose -response func -

    tions may reliably differ across individuals . Unfortunate ly, systematic

    studies of this kind have not been performed, in part because of the

    difculty of creating stimuli that are grade d in intensity and designedto elicit the same emotion. In the olfactory and gustatory modalitie s,

    there are possibilities of creating stimuli that differ systematically in

    the c onc entration of a disgust-produc ing component and then obtaining

    psychophys ical threshold functions that would reveal such indiv idual

    diffe rences . How eve r, the produc tion of such inte nsity-g raded stimuli in

    other modalities will likely be more complicated, although with the devel-

    opme nt of large, normatively rated complex stimulus sets, this may be

    possible. An example is the International Affective Picture System (Lang,Bradley, & Cuthbert, 1995) developed by Peter Lang and his colleagues.

    This set includes a large number of visual stimuli that have been rated on

    valence and arousal dimensions and that comprise locations throughout this

    two-dime nsional space . The density of stimulus exemplars at all lev els

    within this space allow for the possibility of selecting stimuli that are

    graded in intensity for the sort of dose-response studies described above.


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    There are also likely to be individual differences in the peakor ampli-

    tude of the response. On presentation of a series of graded stimuli that

    differ in intensity, the maximum amplitude in a certain system (e.g.

    intensity of a facial contrac tion, change in heart rate, etc.) is likely to

    diffe r systematically across subje cts. Some individuals will respond wi th

    a larger amplitude peak compared with others. Again, such individual

    differences may we ll be quite speci c to particular systems and will not

    necessarily generalise across systems, even within the same emotion. Thus,

    the indiv idual who is in the tail of the distribution in his/he r heart rate

    response to a fearful stimulus will not nece ssarily be in the tail of the

    distribution in his/her facial response.

    Anothe r parame ter that is like ly to differ systematically across indivi-

    duals is the rise time to peak. Some individuals will rise quickly in a certainresponse system, whereas others will rise more slowly. There may be an

    association between the peak of the response and the rise time to the peak

    within certain systems for particular emotions. Thus, it may be the case that

    for ange r-related emotion, those individuals with higher peak vocal

    responses also show a faster rise time, but to the best of my knowledge,

    there are no systematic data related to such differences.

    Finally, another component of i ntrinsic difference s across individuals is

    the recove ry time . Following perturbation in a particular system, someindividuals rec over quickly and othe rs recover slowly. For ex ample, fol-

    low ing a fear-provoking encounte r, s ome individuals show a persisting

    heart rate elevation that might last for minutes, whereas other individuals

    show a comparable peak and rise time, but recover much more quickly. Of

    course, as with other parameters, there are likely to be differences in

    recovery time across different respons e systems. Some individuals may

    recover rapidly in their expressive behaviour, while recovering slowly in

    certain autonomic channels. The pote ntial sig nic anc e of such dissocia-tions has not been systematically examined.

    The specic parameters of indiv idual differences that are delineated

    abov e desc ribe a ffective chronometry the temporal dy nami c s of affec-

    tive responding. Ve ry little is known about the factors that gove rn these

    individual differences and the extent to which such differences are

    specic to particular emotion response systems or generalise across

    emotions (e.g. is the heart rate recovery follow ing fear similar to that

    follow ing disgus t? ). Moreover, the general issue of the extent to whichthese diffe rent parameters that have been identied are orthogonal or

    correlate d features of emotional responding is an empirical que stion

    that has yet to be answered. For reasons that I hope to make clear

    later, affec tive chronome try is a partic ularly important feature of affec -

    tive style and is like ly to play a key role in determining vulne rability to

    psychopatholog y. It is also a feature of affective style that is methodo-

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    represe ntations of behavioural-re inforceme nt continge ncie s in working

    memory (Thorpe, Rolls, & Maddison, 1983). In addition, output from the

    me dial pref rontal cortex to nuc le us acc umbe ns ( NA) neurone s m odulate s

    the transfe r of motivationally relevant i nformation through the NA (Kali-

    vas, Churchill, & Klitenick, 1993). The basal ganglia are hypothesised to

    be involved in the expression of the abstract goal in action plans and in the

    anticipation of reward (Schultz, Apicella, Romo, & Scarnati, 1995a;

    Schultz et al., 1995b). The NA, particularly the caudomedial shell region

    of the NA, is a major convergence zone for motivationally relevant

    information from a myriad of limbic structures. Cells in this region of

    the NA increase their ring rate during reward expectation (see Schultz et

    al., 1995a). There are probably other structures inv olved in this circuit

    which depe nd on a number of factors including the nature of the stimulisignalli ng appe titive information, the extent to w hich the behavioural-

    reinforcement contingency is novel or overlearned, and the nature of the

    antic ipated behavioural response .

    It should be noted that the activation of this approac h system is

    hy pothe sised to be associated with one partic ular form of positiv e affec t

    and not all forms of such emotion. It is specically predicted to be

    associated with pre-goal attainment positive affect, that form of positiv e

    affect that is elicited as an organism moves close r tow ard an appe titivegoal. Post-goal attainment positive affect represents another form of

    positive em otion that is not expected to be associate d with activation of

    this circuit (see Davids on, 1994 for a more extended discussion of this

    distinction). This latter type of positive affect may be phenomenologically

    experienced as contentment and is expected to occur when the prefrontal

    cortex goes off-line after a desired goal has been achieved. Cells in the NA

    have also been shown to de crease their ring rate during post-goal con-

    summatory behaviour (e.g. Henriksen & Giacchino, 1993).Law ful individual difference s c an enter into many different stages of the

    approac h s ystem. Such individual differences and thei r role in m odulating

    vulnerabil ity to ps yc hopathology w ill be cons ide red in detail late r. For the

    moment, it is important to unde rscore two issues. One is that there are

    individual differences in the tonic level of activation of the approac h

    system w hich alte rs an individual s prope nsity to experience approach-

    related positive affect. Second, there are likely to be individual differences

    in the capac ity to shift betwe en pre- and post-goal attainme nt positiveaffect and in the ratio between these two forms of positive affect. On

    reaching a desired g oal, some individuals will immediate ly replac e the

    just-ac hie ved goal w ith a new desired goal, and so w ill hav e little oppor-

    tunity to e xperience pos t-goal attainment positive affe ct, or conte ntme nt.

    There may be an optimal balance between these two forms of positive

    affect, although this issue has not received systematic study.

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    There appears to be a second system concerned with the neural imple-

    mentation of withdraw al. This system facilitates the withdraw al of an

    individual from sources of aversive stimulation and generates certain

    forms of negative affect that are withdrawal-related. Both fear and disgust

    are associated with increasing the distance betwe en the organism and a

    source of aversive stimulation. From invasive animal studie s and human

    neuroimaging studies, it appears that the amygdala is critically involved in

    this system (e.g. LeDoux, 1987). Using functional magnetic resonanc e

    imaging (fMRI) we have rece ntly demonstrated for the rst time activa-

    tion in the hum an amyg dala i n response to av ersive pic tures compared w ith

    neutral control pictures (Irwin et al., 1996). In addition, the temporal polar

    region also appears to be activated during withdrawal-related emotion (e.g.

    Reiman, Fusselman, Fox, & Raichle, 1989; but see Drevets, Videen,MacLeod, Haller, & Raichle, 1992a). These effects, at least in humans,

    appear to be more pronounced on the right side of the brain (see Davidson,

    1992 , 1993 for rev iew s). In human ele ctrophysiologi cal studies, the right

    frontal region is also activated during withdrawal-related negative affective

    states (e.g. Davidson, Ekman, Saron, Senulis, & Friesen, 1990 a). At

    present, it is not entirely clear whether this EEG change reects activation

    at a frontal site or w hether the activity rec orde d from the frontal scalp

    region is volume-conducted from other cortical loci. The resolution of thisunc ertainty must aw ait additional studies using positron emiss ion tomo-

    graphy (PET) or fMRI, which hav e sufc ient spatial resolution to diff er-

    entiate among different anterior cortical regions. In addition to the

    temporal polar region, the amygdala and possibly the prefrontal cortex, it

    is als o likel y that the bas al ganglia and hypothalamus are involv ed in the

    motor and autonom ic compone nts, respectively, of w ithdraw al-relate d

    negative affect (see Smith, DeVito, & Astley, 1990).

    The nature of the relation betwee n these two hypothe sised affect sys-tems also remains to be delineated. The emotion literature is replete with

    different proposals regarding the inte rrelations among different f orms of

    positive and negative affect. Some theorists have proposed a single biva-

    lent dimension that rang es from unpleasant to pleasant affect, with a

    second dimension that reects arousal (e.g. Russell, 1980). Other theorists

    have suggested that affect spac e is best described by two orthogonal

    positive and neg ative dimensions (e.g. Watson & Tellege n, 1 985). Still

    other workers have sug gested that the degree of orthogonality betwee npositive and neg ative affec t depends upon the temporal frame of analysis

    (Diener & Emmons, 1984). This formulation holds that when assessed in

    the moment, positive and negative affect are reciprocally related, but when

    examine d over a longe r time-frame (e.g. dispositional affect), they are

    orthogonal. It must be emphasised that these analyse s of the relation

    betwee n positive and negativ e affect are all base d exc lusive ly on me asures


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    of self-report and therefore their generalisability to other measures of affect

    are unc ertain. Howe ve r, based on new data to be des cribed late r, we believ e

    that a grow ing corpus of data doe s inde ed indicate that one func tion of

    positive affect is to inhibit concurrent negative affect.




    This section will present a brief overview of recent work from my labora-

    tory des igned to e xamine individual difference s in m easures of pref rontal

    activ ation and thei r relation to diffe rent aspec ts of e motion, aff ective style,

    and related biologica l c ons tructs. These ndings w ill be use d to addre ss thequestion of what underlying constituents of affective style such individual

    differences in prefrontal activation actually reect.

    In both infants (Davidson & Fox, 1989 ) and adults (Davids on &

    Tomarke n, 19 89) we notic ed that there w ere large individual differences

    in baseline electrophysiological measures of prefrontal activation and that

    such individual variation was associated with differences in aspe cts of

    affective reactivity. In infants , Davidson and Fox (1989) reported that

    10 -month-old infants who cried in respons e to maternal se paration we remore like ly to have less left and greate r right-sided prefrontal activation

    during a preceding resting base line compared wi th those infants w ho did

    not cry in response to this challenge. In adults, we rst noted that the phasic

    in uence of positive and neg ative emotion elicitors (e.g. lm clips) on

    measures of prefrontal activation asymmetry appeared to be superimposed

    on more tonic individual dif ferences in the direc tion and absolute magni-

    tude of asymmetry (Davidson & Tomarken, 1989).

    During our initial explorations of this phenomenon, we needed todetermine if baseline ele ctrophysiolog ical m easure s of prefrontal asy mme -

    try were reliable and stable over time and thus could be used as a trait-like

    measure. Tomarken, Davidson, Wheeler, and Doss (1992) recorded base-

    line brain electrical activity from 90 normal subje cts on two occasions

    separate ly by approximate ly three we eks. At each testing session, brain

    activity was recorded during eight 1-minute trials, four eyes open and four

    eyes close d, presented in counte rbalanc ed order. The data were scored

    visually to remove artefac t, and then Fourier-transforme d. Our focus wason power in the apha band (813Hz), although we extracted power in all

    freque ncy bands (se e Davids on, C hapm an, Chapman, & Henrique s, 1990

    for a discussion of power in different frequency bands and their relation to

    activation). We computed coefcient alpha as a measure of internal con-

    sistency reliability from the data for each ses sion. The coefc ient alphas

    were quite high, with all values exceeding .85, indicating that the electro-

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    physiological measures of asymmetric activation indeed showed excellent

    internal consistency reliability. The test-retest reliability was adequate with

    intraclass correlations rang ing from .65 to .75, depending on the spec ic

    sites and methods of analysis. The major nding of import from this study

    was the demonstration that measures of activation asymmetry based on

    power in the alpha band from anterior scalp electrodes showed both high

    internal cons istency reliability and acc eptable test-retest reliability to be

    considered a trait-like index.

    The large sample size in the reliability study discussed above enabled us

    to sele ct a small group of e xtrem e le ft and extreme rig ht-frontally activate d

    subjects for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans to determine if there

    existed any gross morphome tric differences in anatom ical structure

    betwee n these subgroups. None of our measure s of regional volumetricasymmetry revealed any difference between the groups (unpublishe d

    observations). These ndings suggest that whatever differences exist

    between subjects with extreme left versus right prefrontal activation, those

    differences are likely functional and not structural.

    On the basis of our prior data and theory, we reasoned that extreme left

    and extreme right frontally activate d subjec ts would show systematic

    differences in dispositional positive and negative affect. We administered

    the trait version of the Positive and Negative Affect Scales (PANAS;Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988) to examine this question and found

    that the left-frontally activated subjec ts reported more positive and less

    negativ e affe ct than their right-frontally activate d counterparts (Tomarke n

    et al., 1992; see Fig. 1, overleaf). More recently with Sutton (Sutton &

    Davidson, 1997) we showed that scores on a self-report measure designed

    to ope rationalise Gray s conc epts of B ehavioral Inhibition and B ehav ioral

    Activation (the BIS/BAS scales; Carver & White, 1994) were even more

    strongly predic ted by e le ctrophysiolog ical m easure s of pref rontal asym me-try than were scores on the PANAS scales (see Fig. 2, situated on p. 337 of

    the Colour Plate Section). Subjects with greater left-sided prefrontal acti-

    vation reported more relative BAS to BIS activity compared with subjects

    ex hibiting more right-side d prefrontal activation.

    We also hypothe sised that our measures of prefrontal asymmetry

    would predict reactivity to experimental elic itors of emotion. The model

    that we have developed over the past several years (see Davidson, 1992,

    1994 , 19 95 for bac kground) features individual diffe rences in prefrontalactivation asymmetry as a reection of a diathe sis which modulate s

    reactivity to emotionally signi cant events. According to this model,

    individuals who differ in prefrontal asymmetry should respond differ-

    ently to an elicitor of positive or negative emotion, even when base line

    mood is partiale d out. We (Wheeler et al., 1993) performed an experi-

    ment to examine this question. We presented short lm clips designed to


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    elicit positive or negative emotion. Brain elec trical activity was rec orde d

    prior to the presentation of the lm clips. Just after the clips were presented,

    subjec ts w ere asked to rate their e motional expe rience during the prece ding

    lm cli p. In addition, subje cts completed sc ale s that we re desig ned to reec t

    the ir m ood at baseline . W e found that individual difference s in pref rontal

    asymmetry predicted the emotional response to the lms even after thevarianc e contribute d by base line mood was statistic ally removed. Those

    individuals with m ore le ft-sided prefrontal activation at base line reporte d

    more positive affect to the positive lm clips and those with more right-

    side d prefrontal activation reported more negative affe ct to the neg ative lm

    clips. These ndings support the idea that individual differences in electro-

    physiolog ical measures of prefrontal activation asymmetry mark some

    aspect of vulnerability to positive and negative emotion elicitors. The fact

    that such relations were obtained following the statistical removal of base-line mood indic ates that any difference betwee n left and right frontally

    activated in baseline mood cannot account for the prediction of lm-

    elicited emotion effects that were observed.

    In a very recent study, we (Davidson, Dolski, Laron, & Sutton, in prep.)

    examined relations between individual differences in prefrontal activation

    asymmetry and the emotion-modulated startle. In this study, we presented

    316 DAVIDSON

    FIG. 1. Dispositional positive and negative affe ct (from s cores on the PANAS-General Positive

    and Negative Affect Scale) in subjects who were classied as extreme and stable left-frontally

    active (N = 14) and extreme and stable right-frontally active (N = 13) on the basis of electro-

    physiologic al measures of base line activation asymmetries on two occasions separated by three

    weeks. From Tomarken et al. (1992).

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    pictures from the International Affective Picture System (Lang et al., 1995)

    while acoustic startle probes were presented and the EMG-measured blink

    response from the orbicularis oculi muscle region was recorded (see

    Sutton, Davids on, Donzella, Irwin, & Dottl, 1997 for basic methods).

    Startle probes were presented both during the 6-second slide exposure as

    well as 500 milliseconds following the offset of the pictures, on separate


    We interpreted startle magnitude during picture exposure as provid-

    ing an inde x related to the peak of emotional respons e, whereas startle

    magnitude following the offset of the pictures was taken to reect the

    recovery from emotional challenge. Used in this way, startle probe meth-

    ods can potentially provide new inform ation on the time course of emo-

    tional responding. We expected that individual diffe rence s during actual

    picture presentation would be less pronounced than individual differencesfollowing pic ture pre sentation as an acute emotional stimulus is like ly to

    pull for a normative response across subje cts, y et individuals are likely to

    differ dram atically in the time to recover. Similarly, we predicted that

    individual differences in prefrontal asymm etry would acc ount for more

    varianc e in predic ting magnitude of recove ry (i.e . s tartle magnitude post-

    stimulus) than in predicting startle magnitude during the stimulus. Our

    ndings we re consistent w ith our predictions and indic ated that subje cts

    with greater right-sided prefrontal activation show a larger blink magnitudefollow ing the offset of the negative stimuli, after the variance in blink

    magnitude during the neg ative stimulus was partiale d out. Measure s of

    prefrontal asymme try did not reliably predict startle magnitude during

    picture pres entation. The ndings from this study are cons istent w ith our

    hypothesis and indicate that individual differences in prefrontal asymmetry

    are associated with the time course of affective responding, particularly the

    recovery following emotional challenge.

    In addition to the studies just desc ribed using self-report and psycho-physiolog ical measures of emotion, we have also examined relations


    1In this initial study on the recovery function assessed with startle probe measures, we had

    only a single post-stimulus probe at 500ms following the offset of the picture. Readers may

    be surprised that the interval be tween the offset of the picture and the prese ntation of the

    probe was so short. However, it should be noted that these emotional pictures are not

    particularly intense and so the lingering effects of emotion follow ing the presentation ofsuch pictures is likely not to last ve ry long in most individuals. Future studies will probe

    further out following the offset of the picture. Because, at most, only a single probe can be

    prese nted for each picture so that habituation effec ts are minimise d, e ach new probe position

    requires a substantial increase in the overall number of pictures presented. There is a nite

    limit to the number of pictures contained in the IAPS. Even more importantly, we have found

    that it is critical to keep the picture viewing period to well under one hour to minimise

    fatigue and boredom.

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    between individual differences in electrophysiolog ical measures of pre-

    frontal asymme try and othe r biolog ical indic es which in turn have been

    related to differential reactivity to stressful eve nts. Two rece nt e xamples

    from our laboratory include measures of immune function and cortisol. In

    the case of the former, we examined differences between left- and right-

    prefrontally activated subjects in natural kille r cell activity, because

    declines in NK activity have been reported in response to stressful,

    negative eve nts (Kiecolt-Glase r & Glaser, 1991 ). We predicted that sub-

    jects w ith right pre frontal activation w ould exhibit low er NK activity

    compared w ith their left-activate d c ounterparts bec ause the former type

    of subje ct has been found to report more dispositional negative affec t, to

    show higher relative B IS activity and to respond more inte nsely to neg ativ e

    em otional stimuli. We found that rig ht-frontally activate d subjec ts indeedhad lower levels of NK activity compared to their left-frontally activated

    counterparts (Kang et al., 1991).

    Recently, in collaboration with Kalin, our laboratory has been studying

    similar individual differences in scalp-re corded measures of prefrontal

    activation asymme try in rhesus monke ys (Dav idson, Kalin, & Shelton,

    1992, 1993). Recently, we (Kalin, Larson, Shelton, & Davidson, in press)

    acquired measures of brain electrical activity from a large sample of

    rhesus monkeys (N = 50). EEG measures we re obtaine d during periodsof manual restraint. A subsample of 15 of these monke ys we re tested on

    two occasions four months apart. We found that the test-retest correlation

    for measures of prefrontal asymmetry was .62, suggesting similar stability

    of this metric in m onke y and man. In the group of 50 animals, we also

    obtaine d measures of plasma cortisol during the early morning. We

    hy pothe sised that if individual diffe rences in prefrontal asym metry we re

    associated with dispositional affective style, such differences should be

    correlated with cortisol, because individual differences in baseline cortisolhave been related to various aspects of trait-related stressful behaviour and

    psyc hopatholog y (see e.g. Gold, Goodw in, & Chrousos, 1988). We found

    that animals with right-sided prefrontal activation had highe r levels of

    bas eline cortisol than the ir l ef t-frontally activate d counte rparts (se e Fig.

    3). Moreover, when blood samples were collected two years following our

    initial testing, animals classied as showing extreme right-sided prefrontal

    activation at age 1 year had signic antly highe r baseline cortisol levels

    w hen they w ere 3 ye ars of age c ompared with animals w ho we re classi ed atage 1 year as displaying extreme left-sided prefrontal activation. These

    ndings indicate that indiv idual difference s in prefrontal asymmetry are

    present in nonhuman primates and that such differences predict biological

    measures that are related to affective style.

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    Virtually all forms of psyc hopatholog y i nvolve some abnormality in e mo-

    tional proc esse s, although the nature of these abnormalitie s is likely to

    differ among different disorders. The study of precisely what is abnormal

    in the emotion-proc essing systems of individuals w ith diffe rent forms of

    psyc hopathology is very much at the earlie st stage s of investigation. We

    have used our nding s in normal subjec ts as a foundation to probe theunderlying neural substrates of affective and anxiety disorders with a major

    goal of unde rstanding more precisely the nature of the abnorm ality in

    emotional-proc essi ng in affec tiv e disorde rs.

    One of the important sources of data on relations between brain function

    and emotion has come from studies of the affective styles of patients with

    localised brain lesions (see Robinson & Downhill, 1995 for a review).

    Robinson and his colleagues have reported that damage to the left frontal

    region is more likely to be associated with depression than damage to anyother cortical region. Moreover, among patients with left hemisphere

    damag e, more severe depressive symptomatology is present in those

    patie nts whos e damage is closer to the frontal pole (Robinson, Kubos,

    Starr, Rao, & Price, 1984). Studies of regional brain function with neuroi-

    maging of patie nts with psyc hiatric depressions have fairly consistently

    revealed a pattern of decreased blood ow or metabolism in left prefrontal


    FIG. 3. Basal morning plasma cortisol from 1-ye ar-old rhesus monkeys cl assi ed as lef t (N= 1 2) ,

    middle (N = 16), or right (N= 11) frontally activated based upon electrophysiological measure-

    ments. From Kalin et al. (in press).

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    regions at rest (Baxter et al., 1989; Bench et al., 1992; 1993; Martinot et al.,

    1990; see George, Ketter, & Post, 1994 for a review; see also Drevets et al.,

    1992b for a more complex pattern associated with pure familial depression).

    We have conducted several studies examining regional brain electrical

    activity in depression. We hypothesised that most depression is fundamen-

    tally ass ociate d with a dec it in the approac h/appe titive motivation sys tem

    and should therefore be specically accompanied by decreased activation

    in the left prefrontal region as measured by scalp electrophysiol ogy.

    Henrique s and Davidson (1991) obtaine d support for this hypothe sis.

    Moreover, in another study, these authors demonstrated that the decrease

    in left prefrontal activation found among depressive s was also prese nt in

    recovered depressives who were currently euthymic, compared with never

    depres sed c ontrols who w ere sc re ened f or lifetime history of psychopathol-ogy in both themselves as well as their rst degree relatives (Henriques &

    Davidson, 1990 ). Tog ether the ndings from patie nts with localised uni-

    lateral brain dam ag e, as w ell neuroimaging and e le ctrophysiology studie s

    in psyc hiatric patie nts w ithout frank les ions, conve rge on the notion that

    depression is associated with a decit in at least the prefrontal component

    of the approach system. We view this pattern of left prefrontal hypoactiva-

    tion as a neural reection of the dec reased capac ity for pleasure, loss of

    interest, and generalised decline in goal-related motivation and behaviour.Consistent with this notion are the data from another recent behavioural

    study from my laboratory where w e dem onstrated using signal detection

    methods that depressed subjects were specically hyporeactive to reward

    ince ntives (Henriques , Glow acki, & Davidson, 1994). In this study, we

    adm inistered a ve rbal me mory task under rew ard, punis hment, and neutral

    incentive conditions. The rewards and punishments were monetary. Signal

    detection measure s of sensitivity and response bias we re c ompute d. Non-

    depressed control subjec ts exhibite d a more liberal response bias unde rboth reward and punishment incentives. In other words, they were more

    likely to consider a stimulus as a signal if they were rewarded for correct

    hits or punishe d for misses. Depressed subjects show ed a pattern quite

    sim ilar to the controls in response to the punishme nt conting ency. How -

    ever, they failed to modify their response bias during the reward condition.

    In other words, the depressed subjec ts we re less respons ive to rewards

    compared with controls, however, the groups showed no signicant differ-

    ences in response to punishment.Based on the evidence reviewed earlier, we hypothesised that in contrast

    to depressi on, anxie ty disorde rs would be associate d with an increase in

    right-sided rather than a decrease in left-sided prefrontal activation, parti-

    cularly during an acute episode of anxie ty. To test this hypothe sis, we

    (Davidson, Marshall, Tomarken, & Henriques , 1997 ) exposed social

    phobic s who we re particularly fearful of making public speec hes to the

    320 DAVIDSON

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    volume). However, from what is known from both the animal and human

    studies, it appears that the amyg dala plays an im portant role in assigning

    affective signicance, particularly of negative valence, to both sensory as

    we ll as cognitive input (see LeDoux , 1992 for a review ). Using positron

    emission tomography (PET) to measure regional blood ow, several groups

    have reported increased blood ow in the amygdala in response to both

    behavioural (e.g. Schneider et al., 1995) and pharmacological (e.g. Ketter

    et al., 1996) elicitors of negative affect. We have recently reported activa-

    tion in the human amygdala using functional magnetic resonance imaging

    (fMRI) in response to aversive pictures (Irwin et al., 1996). These studies

    suggest that activation in the human amygdala occurs in respons e to a

    broad range of elicitors of negative affect.

    B oth fMRI and


    O PET are ill-suited, for different reasons, for exam-ining individual differences in resting or baseline levels of activation in the

    amygdala. As it is currently used, fMRI requires that at least two conditions

    be compared. What is measured is a relative difference in MR signal

    intensity between two or more conditions. Currently, fMRI is not cali-

    brated in real physiological units. Although 15

    O PET can be calibrated in

    real units, it reec ts activity ove r a very short period of time (approxi-

    mately one minute) and thus, for psychometric reasons, is poorly suited to

    capture trait-like diffe rence s. (It w ould be the equivale nt of deve loping asing le-item self-report instrument for assessing individual differences.)

    PET used with uorodeoxyglucose (FDG) as a tracer, on the other hand,

    is we ll-suite d to capture trait-like effects because the period of active

    uptake of tracer in the brain is approximately 30 minutes. Thus, it is

    inhe rently more reliable as the data re ect activity aggre gated ov er this

    30-minute period. We have used resting FDG-PET to examine individual

    diffe rences in glucose metabolic rate in the amygdala and its relation to

    dispositional neg ative affect in depressed subjec ts (Abercrombie et al.,submitted). We acquired a resting FDG-PET scan as well as a structural

    MR scan for each subject. The structural MR scans are used for anatomical

    localisation by coregistering the two image sets. Thus, for each subject, we

    used an automated algorithm to t the MR scan to the PET image. Regions

    of interest (ROIs) were then drawn on each subjects MR scan to outline

    the amygdala in each he misphere. These ROIs we re drawn on coronal

    sections of subjec ts MR images and the ROIs were then autom atically

    transferred to the coregistered PET images. Glucose metabolism in the leftand right amygdala ROIs were then extracted. The inter-rater reliability for

    the e xtrac ted gluc ose metabolic rate is highly signicant with intrac lass

    correlations betwee n tw o inde pendent raters .97. Figure 4 (situated on

    p. 338 of the Colour Plate Section) illustrates ROIs drawn around the amyg-

    dala on MR sc ans of three subje cts and the associated coregistered PET

    image s f rom the same subje cts. We found that subje cts wi th greate r gluc ose

    322 DAVIDSON

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    metabolism in both the right and left amygdala report greater dispositional

    negativ e affec t on the PANAS s cale (se e Fig. 5). These ndings indicate that

    individual differences in resting glucose metabolism in the amyg dala are

    pres ent and that the y predict dis positional negative affec t among depres sed

    subjec ts. Most nonde pressed controls score so low on the PANAS trait

    negativ e scale that it is not possible to e xamine the same relation in this

    group because of the severe truncation of range for the PANAS scores.

    The ndings reviewed in this section indic ate that the framework

    adopte d for the study of individual diffe rence s in fundame ntal approac h

    and withdraw al-re lated proce sses can be usefully applie d in the study of

    psyc hopathology. A de cit i n the approac h s ystem is vie we d as a unique

    attribute of depressive disorders that is reected in decreased left prefrontal

    activation. The acute symptoms of anxiety, as was described in our studywith social phobic s, was associated with a pronounc ed increase in both

    right-sided prefrontal and parietal activation. From research conducted in

    our laboratory as we ll as rece nt nding s in the literature, it appears that


    FIG. 5. Scatter plot of correlations between dispositional negative affect assessed with the

    PANAS-General Negative Affect Scale and PET MRI-coregi stration-deriv ed regi onal glucose

    metabolism in the left and right amygdalae for all subjects (N = 17). Subjects were tested on

    two different PET cameras. Those tested in a Siemens CTI 933/04 PET camera are displayed by

    closed squares and those tested in the GE A dvance are depicted by the open squares. From

    Abercrombie et al. (submitted).

  • 8/13/2019 Affective Style


    amygdala activation may be a generic component of negative affect that is

    pres ent in both anx iety and depression. Thus, difference s betwee n these

    disorders may be more pronounced for cortical systems that are critically

    involve d in affect regulation and affect-cognition interaction, whereas

    subc ortic al contribution (in partic ular, the amygdala) may be common to

    both types of disorde rs and may in part be responsible for the substantial

    comorbidity between these disorders (Watson et al., 1995).


    Earlier in this article, the constituents of affective style were described. We

    cons idered individual differences in threshold, peak amplitude , rise time to

    peak, and recovery time. Together, these constitute parameters of affectivechronometry and dictate important features of the time course of affective

    responding. Following a description of the functional neuroanatomy of the

    approac h and withdraw al systems, individual differences in prefrontal

    activation asymmetry we re discussed and their relation to affec tive style

    and psyc hopatholog y desc ribed. In the light of this information, we now

    return to the question posed in the title of Section IV: What do individual

    differences in prefrontal asymmetry reect?

    On the basis of ndings from several new studies in my laboratory, Isuggest that at least one important compone nt of what prefrontal cortex

    ``doe s in affec tive responding is modulate the time course of emotional

    responding, particularly recovery time. There are se veral facts critical to

    making this claim. First, there are extensive reciprocal connec tions

    between amygdala and the prefrontal cortex (PFC), particularly the medial

    and orbital zones of the PFC (Amaral, Price, Pitkane n, & Carmichael,

    1992). The glutamate rgic efferents from the PFC likely synapse on

    GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) neurone s (Amaral et al., 1992) andthus provide an important inhibitory input to the amygdala. Sec ond,

    LeDoux and his colleague s (Morgan, Romanski, & LeDoux, 1993; but

    see Gewirtz, Falls, & Davis, 1997) dem onstrate d in rats that lesions of

    medial prefrontal cortex dramatically prolong the maintenance of a condi-

    tione d ave rsive response. In other words, animals with medial prefrontal

    le sions retain ave rsiv e assoc iations for a much longe r duration of time than

    normal animals. These nding s imply that the medial PFC normally

    inhibits the amygdala as an active component of extinction. In the absenceof this normal inhibitory input, the amygdala remains unchecked and

    continue s to maintain the learned aversive respons e. Third, are the data

    from my laboratory cited i n Se ction IV, indic ating that individual differ-

    ences in prefrontal activation asy mmetry signi cantly predict the magni-

    tude of the post-stimulus startle follow ing removal of the varianc e

    attributable to startle magnitude during the presentation of the emotional

    324 DAVIDSON

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    pic ture. In partic ular, left prefrontal activation appe ars to facilitate tw o

    proces ses sim ultaneously: (1) it maintains representations of behav ioural-

    reinforc ement continge ncie s in w orking mem ory (Thorpe et al., 1983 ); (2)

    it inhibits the amygdala. In this way, the time course of negative affect is

    shortened whereas the time course of positive affect is accentuated. Finally,

    fourth, new ndings using PET from my laboratory indicate that in normal

    subjects, glucose metabolism in left medial and lateral prefrontal cortex is

    strongly associate d reciprocally with gluc ose metabolic rate in the amyg-

    dala (Abercrombie et al., 1996). Thus, subjects with greater left-sided

    prefrontal metabolis m hav e low er metabolic activity in their amygdala.

    These ndings are consistent with the lesion study of LeDoux and collea-

    gues and imply that prefrontal cortex plays an important role in modulating

    activity in the amygdala. At the same time, the left prefrontal cortex is alsolikely to play a role in the mainte nance of reinforc ement-relate d beha-

    vioural approach. Perhaps the dam ping of negative affec t and shorte ning

    of its time course facilitates the maintenance of approach-related positive


    The que stions that are feature d in this article are more tractable now

    than ever before. With the advent of echoplanar methods for rapid func-

    tional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), sufcient data can be collected

    within individuals to examine functional connec tions among regionshypothes ise d to constitute important ele ments of the approac h and w ith-

    drawal circuits discussed earlier. Individual differences in different aspects

    of these systems can then be studied with greater precision. Functional

    magnetic resonanc e imaging (fMRI) methods also lend themselves to

    address questions related to affective chronometry. In particular, we can

    calculate that the slope of MRI signal inte nsity decline s follow ing the

    offset of an aversive stimulus to provide an index of the rapidity of

    recovery from activation in select brain regions. Positron emission tomo-graphy (PET) methods using new radioligands that permit quantication of

    receptor density for specic neurotransmitters in different brain regions is

    yie lding ne w insights directly relevant to que stions about affective style

    (see e.g. Farde, Gustav sson, & Jonsson, 19 97). Trait-like diffe rences in

    affective style are likely reected in relatively stable differences in char-

    acteristics of the underlying neurochemic al s ystems. Using PET to ex amine

    such individual differences promises to provide important syntheses

    betwe en neuroc hemical and neuroanatomic al approac hes to unde rstandingthe biological bases of affective style.

    Affective neuroscience seeks to unde rstand the unde rlying prox imal

    neural subs trates of ele mentary cons titue nts of emotional proce ssing. In

    this article , I have provide d a mode l of the functional neuroanatom y of

    approac h and withdraw al m otivational/e motional sys tems and illustrate d

    the many varieties of individual differences that might occur in these


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    systems. Research on prefrontal asymmetries associate d with affective

    style and psyc hopathology was used to illustrate the pote ntial promise of

    some initial approaches to the study of these questions. Modern neuroima-

    ging methods used in conjunction with theoretically sophis tic ated mode ls

    of emotion and psychopathology offer great promise in advanc ing our

    unde rstanding of the basic mec hanism s giving rise to affective style and

    affective and anxiety disorders.

    Manuscript received 17 June 1997


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