aeon mike guide transparent ssl filtering (1)


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AEONMike Guide – SQUID 3.3 SSLBUMP under


#Michael Cabalin

Pinoy Linux :

#Install Debian OS

#apt-get install build-essential gcc make


#tar xvf squid-

#cd squid-

./configure –enable-icap-client –enable-ssl


make install

Generate Self Sign

• self-signed certificate (pem format) generation :

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:1024 -days 3650 -nodes -x509 -keyout -out

• if needed, you can generate the certificate to import on browsers (to avoid the warnings about

the security breach) :

openssl x509 -in -outform DER -out

Onto the actual SQUID configuration. Edit the

/etc/squid.conf file to show the following:

always_direct allow all

ssl_bump allow all

http_port transparent

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#the below should be placed on a single line

https_port transparent ssl-bump cert=/etc/squid/ssl_cert/ key=/etc/squid/ssl_cert/private/

Note you may need to change the “cert=” and the “key=” to point to the correct file in your

environment. Also of course you will need to change the IP address

The first directive (always_direct) is due to SslBump. By default ssl_bump is set to accelerator

mode. In debug logs cache.log you’d see “failed to select source for”. In accelerator mode, the

proxy does not know which backend server to use to retrieve the file from, so this directive

instructs the proxy to ignore the accelerator mode. More details on this here:

The first directive (always_direct) is due to SslBump. By default ssl_bump is set to accelerator

mode. In debug logs cache.log you’d see “failed to select source for”. In accelerator mode, the

proxy does not know which backend server to use to retrieve the file from, so this directive

instructs the proxy to ignore the accelerator mode. More details on this here:

The second directive (ssl_bump) instructs the proxy to allow all SSL connections, but this can be

modified to restirct access. You can also use the “sslproxy_cert_error” to deny access to sites

with invalid certificates. More details on this here:

Start squid and check for any errors. If no errors are reported, run:

netstat -nap | grep 3129

to make sure the proxy is up and running. Next, configure iptables to perform destination NAT,

basically to redirect the traffic to the proxy:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp –dport 80 -j DNAT –to-destination

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp –dport 443 -j DNAT –to-destination

Last thing to be done was to either place the proxy physically in line with the traffic or to redirect

the traffic to the proxy using a router. Keep in mind that the proxy will change the source IP

address of the requests to it’s own IP. In other words, by default it does not reflect the client IP.

That was it in my case. I did try to implement something similar to the above but using explicit

mode. This was my squid.conf file, note only one port is needed for both HTTP and HTTPS

since HTTPS is tunneled over HTTP using the CONNECT method:

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always_direct allow all

ssl_bump allow all

#the below should be placed on a single line

http_port 8080 ssl-bump cert=/etc/squid/ssl_cert/proxy.testdomain.deCert.pem


SSL Filtering example SQUID.Conf

• Squid configuration (squid.conf) :

I post here only important parts.

acl …

acl …

# you must have CONNECT acl


acl metrobank dstdomain

acl securitybank dstdomain

# maybe not in the future, but we need this :

always_direct allow all

# permissions sections (allow / deny)

http_access allow…

http_access allow…

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http_access allow…

http_access deny …

http_access deny …

http_access deny …

# some sites need this :

sslproxy_cert_error allow metrobank

#sslproxy_flags DONT_VERIFY_PEER

# ssl_bump means that you want to intercept (MITM) this SSL connection

ssl_bump allow metrobank

ssl_bump allow securitybank

# and we don’t want to intercept others SSL sites :

ssl_bump deny all

# now, you can tell Squid you want to forbid theses HTTPS url :

http_access allow localnet

http_access allow localhost

http_access deny all

# tell Squid you want to intercept SSL

# /!\ SSL interception is not compatible with transparent proxy

# so DON’T write here ‘intercept’ (new name for ‘transparent’)

http_port 3128 ssl-bump cert=/path/to/your/self-
