aentucey wtth. g 1 · as-e withthe recently adopted krag-jorzen-marie the-mahnery aeceary for the...

TM PmU Ai son 1 . CI sooea.. enmepam submet, a Lepeet, Whists I. Wee temelmusve. CM mO pan, ehaf .f the bureau Of b b mghitted to the Secretary Of Me Nvy, with hi .--ests therm. the re- 1S"41 the n.a I.-d which esmaneted the sese tsts o te p-eme guns of the ral- mer Ymbvies of Part Reyal, S. C. The report b Ies 3m,, bt IN met at all -ael-ve., ad dether appeeves mer sendesmasthe gun. eneept 'by tlare. It appears froma the report that ftebied boee. ant with certain Md ader ertain mdim, impossihe to es- Me n dMe of war, the Toivins, with hr, lawd plomm"e gums weal be meful. Whie to ieery ot the system ingmerafy aeeepie, Ita never bees fomd to week Msa metory, alnd bamamre ; .pointo -tIn hi. eat.- nA that the reest est shoed so advanme ewer teh . TIM with the Oyatem back is U. The thfAdI visible at that tme wee mo es pe, mu at the latest tri. and in the Intarvem- IM pated of equipme meiha had bees done to increase the ofeesey of the pmeummatio aye- tom The fault new, s then, is with the Vales aimest entirely. These a' meartty to operaties that may prese disastrous b timn e of aeflem. Cemamudore soymp.o ay. the mW' em be relied wpon e Are the maximum mugs, but te MUMMlty is I mdfying the dio- ummee. One day the Vaives tied for certain re- oult. wi ma a e quite diferent from the uest day'. Aung, whm the smae cendltioso are so gewers. ...oo-e ampse reeommended that the Navy Departoent await the results of the ap- peachim teat at dandy Book of the pneumatie erdered for the Comst defense ystemS. 11T uWil be em eight and two ifteen-inch gam. operated on the Fame principal as those of the Veeravim. There will be Itprovements whieh. the owners of the system claim, pice w gum pn a thoroughlyemfeient basi. The valve hare been altered to give the gmes a cer- sity of Are which a met now posae-d by the gum. of the Veenvins. There is an arraugoe- mini. too. for elevating and depressing and rimagote gm, e.s to r.move the obee- Mon urrounding the fied weapons of the warships. Some of the ordnance eperta do net beleve that this device for elevatng and depressing the pneumatic gun can be applied to the system. and in any event its sgecesful applieatiom is of minr coeqtuenee compared e the neamty of rendering the valves more prem8 and Certain. Becresary Herbert ha praetiemly adopted CommonAne sampon's suggestiom. Therefore upo the reftlia of the tests at Sandy Hook depend the eesti-naaee in the matal service t the pneumatie system of ordnance. TO WAKE T"R NEW 3IFLE. Week see s go nast Aetvely at Se Sptrig- QoM Armery. Pupersti-om re being made t the ordnane departmemt for the spedy equipment of the as- e with the recently adopted Krag-Jorzen- ma rie The -mahnery aeceary for the prodem t ofthi arm was ordered during the recemt eompetition, and the armory at Spring- laid. HMas., will be fully equipped for its mann- faeteure by the lot proime. Arrangements have ase been made for the manufacture of: ammunitiae for the guns at the Frankford rsemL. The ammunitie hat to be specially made. am the eliber of the new gun i much smlar than that of the present service rifle. It is id ma the ordnance emers at Spring- gold wi estinue the maareb for a better wea- pa thm the Erag-Jorgesen gun. No board will be deaiod. but Cape. Mouns, the recorder of the two reesnt beards which examimed maga- EWe guas. will aseept for preliminary tet Much mew devt s mar be submitted. When eaough of merit have been secured. he will ash aeerd to ofauet as examtation on the lisee and under the .eeditions of the trials recently held NDICAL FEaSION OADS. TOe Itis. Wbte% Will Goem Appoet- snow"e th te Future. Secretary Bke Smith intends to retoganise Se 1,Se bearda of pension examing sur- geons. arnd he has anmemdeed that it I his par- pee to appoint om thee boards only men who tand in the very frost rank of the profeasion be ther respective loamitim and men who keep well abreast of the IMes In medical eienee.j Another intexible eudlitias to appointment Will be that of unquestimed integrity. The politlie of applicants wil met it is smid be made of Irat importance, although, all other thing* betug equal. enLoerni. andenbtedly will e astven ihe preference. An ometal, in speaking of the matter today. said that recommenda- Sms by man of known character in the medical rofeon would be ore elcacieus in secur- am appointmaset on Deion boards than If made by poliicimaS. T active work of reor- genbeaten- will soon he begun. Dr. MeelymMan 1His Way to iteme. The New York Adverimr says: Dr. Edward NeOlynn will probably be in Rome Saturday or Sanday. He goes to the eternal city in obe- dience to the order of the papal ablegate, Mgr. latoll. who reinstated him in his priestly ofee. The departure of Dr. McGlynn was seret, none but his intimate friemda being aware of it. Bow he wont or wnder what name no cue will tIl It is known. however. that he sailed eight days ago. The fact that Dr. MeGlyna had game created ezeitement In Romsan Catholic cir- elee in this city thia evening, for the aeoct had juat leaked out. An intimate friend of the ex- pastor of hit. tehe'. said: -D~r. McGlyna goes to Rome.,H imply obey, the order of tepope's represtative. Ho will emne back. eAriybelieve. finily and absolutely vindi- cated im hia eoas ao far as the land quastion and pohitics are concerned." hT er. carta.iA's sCsOO.. Ceosest Day Eseates Atteneded by Nmy Friends ot the atttoem. The cloeing cxercisee of Saint Cecilia's Acad- esy, corner of Eat Capitol and 6th street, will be heki on Thursday of next week at Metzerott Muaie Rail. The eaercisea thin year are to be me attractive then assml. and eutenaive preparation, are new in progrees for the event. The concert day exereie of the academy were held at the academy bell thia morning at 10 e'eleek. a large ambe of invited guests being preent. The program was as followa: Trio. "Conquer- log Hero," Cierney. Mimse. N. Con, L. Burke, L.Townshend, A.Rurtt, A. Jenkins andC. c- Cubbin; "Pleasure. ot Teaching the Young," juniore and interamediae. charactera-Mise Stanley (teachert, Namste Foeter: Mirs. Won- droea and Zenobia. S. Perry. A. Marehal: Mr. ScrapeaBl and daughters, N. Torrena. A. Re- 1 rti. a Rupole: Mrs. Suprlial and Arabella. . elding, Mt. Blaine; Mrs. Qunteaeuce and Palmyra. L Bnrch. L. Torrens: Mrs. Haughty, and daughter. R. Brooks. F. Tuohy: Mrs.. Old School and daughtae. C. Semith, IL~Harbin. II.1 Quigley; Mrs,. Wilder and daughters. A. Jen- him., V. Anderson. T. Loughran; Mrs Kindly1 and daughter.. A. McCullengh. A. Walbb. N. Cocke; Mra. Lonely and daughters, H. Mc- Eenna. HI. Donohoe. A. Brady. M1. McCormick. E. Merklng: portrciss, A. Brady: vocal soo, Hism V. Lockwood: duet. pearl waltz, Mackin. Nisse IL Fitzgerald, J. Rtaaeter: chorus, "*iammser Famcies." vocal celm;s Ronda, stree- horg,. Misse Ittlife. Madigan,Brooks. Dugn, i. Pery. L Heil; Bosebud. schottish. Becht, Nassee Anderson. Ofensin. U'ter, Roggess, u Bodbgee: vocal asoo waltz aong. Miss Hel;8a Gifts of the Fairy Queen. minima; recitation, betermediatte: duet, Uallop. Idlting. MIases L Darling. A. 0. Conner, F. McCormic'k. A.' Miller: chorus. amintims: Redowa. Mack, Mimse. 4 N. McCormick. Pope. Roggers and MI. Ibres theras, "Smeet Chiming Bael," vocal clas, a OCheap Trlpa to theo FaIr. An arrangelsent was perfected yesterday in ChIicago by the representatives of the Pennsyl- vania. Big Four, Cincinnati, Hamilton and IEaytom and Monon rutea provlinmg for cheap escursIons to Chicago and the world. inir fro Cincinnati, Dayton, Louisville and other pointa. Theme excursious will be run alter-, atelv from the territory mentioned every Fri- day n'ight. the round-trip rate from Cincinnati @7. from Dayton 97 and from Louisvidle S7. Thiesmragement will be tihe means of satisfy- bag the deuvaand for such excursions from the teruitory mpentioned. Kaigtat or Homer. National Lodge. No. 642. KnIghts of Honor, ha eseted oficers as followe: Dictator. F. (. 3artafan: vice dictator. Hi. R Fry'er: aewistant tantor, D). H. (lark; gnadec. I). C. Mlorrison: eplain, Max Mah all; reporter. Benjamin 1i White; Inancial reporter. L. H. Hopkins: tearier. J. V. Wnrdemnan: guardian. Benja- min HendrickMon: senltineL. W. H. D~eckma.n: trustees. D. C. Morrison. J. T. Nedly and IBnja- gaeilcHndrickmoni: representative to Grand ,oge J. B. Gould, and alternate to Grand jnas Nan Marshal. A NEW WAr or age IT. New the Passe Neet-set ea WM Me Pat Tanns--. The esperimat seem to be tried at to Wash- Ingica navy yard of e me.amltn-g of the frst niche-stee go, under a now poe, I s at- otentg soadej Interest In ordnanee cir- <en. The new Ir n o emplate the Jacket- feg of the gas n a orizontal postilos Instead of in the usual perpendieular manner. The jaket or outer mews of the gan is paced in a farnaen containing an intene st, and is kept in the farmnce under te intseae of the beat whBe the tube, or inar sWe, is pahed Into Pbbft Daring the operaotin a stream of water is runm through he thbe. eeping the iempe- atre. of the tube lower than that of the jaWkst, and "eoving it as far as possibl, rom the e- panding Infene of the heat. By this process, it is thought, it will be posel-. his to control the jacketing to a great=e euteat than by the present method, which requires the jacet to be heated in a furnace and them taken out and placed on the tube. Thie process erves to communieate the heat in the jacket to the tee, which is also expanded whil the jacket cools, the result being to prevent the jacket sticking before it racheste proper poation ever the tabe. cLOSIs TOM FAIER sUNDAV. gme c the Reoans Gives by Jades Joe- hsm and Orsecup. Judge Jenkins, in his decision on the Sunday closing of the fair yesterday, after reviewing the history of the ' umbian exposition and the relations existing boweeu the United State. gov- ernmentand the exposition corporation, and the relations of both to the enterprise, ad: "It was found that the scheme had outgrown the Anan- eial ability of the local orooration. Congress was asked for aid. Congress passed a law giv- ing @2,500.000 to the exposition. Section 4 of that act declares that this appropriation is made on condition that the fair shall be closed an Bunday and that if the gift should be accepted the acceptance should be considered as an agree- mnt to the conditions. It Is aid that this legislation by Congress was without the power of Congress in that It seeks to estab- lish a religious test. I cannot eenur in that suggestion. The legislature with resect to the lEst day of the week has nothing to do with the matter of a religious test or the compulsion of the observance of a particular religions belist er service: the day of rest is needful for ha- manity to recover from the strain of six days' labor. This is founded on humanity, and is jes- tiled outside of any question of ereed or of re- 1 Ugion. The laws of te state bearing on this I point provide for rest and for non-interruption I of religious services. It is not compulsory en o any one to go to church. but it provides peae I for those who wish to go to chureb. 'Any pRn has a right toannex to a gft any coditiou that is not illegal or Immoral. The appropriation by Congre of mosey to the exposi:ion can be rightfully construed as iharitable bequests, and it is clear that to such uests there ca be attached onditions which the courts must enforce. Tha local cor- poration accepted the money and passed a rule losiug the fair on Sunday. It has received a large sum of money as a conditional gift. and I the conditions must be observed by the donse, md a court of chancery, on proper presents- ion, must ae to it that the conditions laid Iown are enforced. In retaining the 0500,000 )r more out of the $2.500,000 the United States I id no more than it bad 'a right to do, bemuse I the national honor is involved. *he resolution to open the fair on Sunday was not legally passed. The corporation can- not change rules once adopted by the coams- 1 *min as soon as the commission's back is turned. ? , to the state court which has passed on this nase I will sy that the United States was not a party in that court. 1 think that there can be Do question but that the United States has a I right to use colrs of its own jurisdiction to I d dicate matuem pertaining to governmental i re. In my opiniem the injunction asked for should issue. '3M 3IrsuMTrwo oPirioN. Judge Grosecup delivered the dissating opinlom. He concurred. he said. an the opinion of Judges Jenkins and Woods that the power to modify rules of the local corporation was given to the conseled to protect the national honor. He doncurred in the opinion that the exposition was national in its character. But it is a characteristic of American thought that such things should be done by the people with the aid of the Wovernment. If the power to dose the grounds is assumed for the govern- ment it must be found in with partnershi or contract. Congress had voted SMO00 to the fair and made it a condition of the gift that the fair should be closed on Sunday. It is immaterial whether this was a contract or a donation. The corporation accepted the gift and the conditions and pssed a rule closing the fair on Sundays. Then the government withheld 1.140.000 of the 5000,010 coins it had I agreed to give the corporation. Who knows , that the corporation would have aeted the gift and surrendered its views on Suay cloo- ing if it had known that part of the appropris- tion was to be withheld? "This law was passed by Congress after the acceptance of the former conditional gift. It was a new condition imposed without the con- sent of the other party. The construction placed on this act by the law officers of the gov- eronent attributes to Congress a purility of purpose. The national commission was in- trusted with the task of providing jurors of award, and this was as clearly a portion of its duties as anything else that it bad doneand the expense should be horne by the commissin, as was the cost of classifying the ethibite. This expense should not be eaddled on the local cot- poration by Congrees. Congress ha. no power to create Indebtedness for the local corporatio and the act of March 3. 1895, was unjustihable. "The government hem broken faith with the c ration, and no court of equity could insist an corporation observing the hard condi- lions imposed by the governumeut. The gov- emrnment has no more rights than a private indi- vidual, and whether as contractor or donor, It hould be compelled to bye up to its tProms.. I When Congress withheld the 1 140,00 souvenir i rosas the situation changed. lheprevious act I was as if It were not. 'Ihe Sunday closin loiestion is of no more Importance to theloa .orporatlon than to the people of the United ttates. I amn of the opinion that the injunctions hould not Issue." ma Amnar. Edwin Walker. counsel for the world's Shir tirectory, addresed the court and prayed an eppeal to the appellate court, which, he maid, s in session. The matter could be definitely teedded In a few date. He asked also that the ~ourt lx a bond which would act as a enper- edea. He maid the gravity of the situation was in-a resed by the decision of the state court on his same question being opposd to the Ieeision of the federal court. There was anger of an unpie--mnt conflict of authority etween the courts.] He suggested that It could be arraged to ave the case from the state court taken to the tate appellate courts and that both appellate ourts might by their action definitely settle ho maatter. District Attorney 3llehrist maid be would ask] bat the order ef Injunction prayed for by ther overnment be isaued. Judge Wood. finally said the court would an- ounce its decision on the subject of the appeal. nd supersede.. at 9:30 today. Tie Assignament .t Naval Cadets. Of the seven naval cadets reported physically elcient by the academic board and granted a s-examination by the Navy Department board Ul but two will be honorably dtischarged with year's pay. The two cadets who passed the econd examination successfully are L. I. Ernai of Illinois andt E. A. Elder of Mass- huet ts. The names of those who failed have Iready been published in Tins 8-rAn. With bese fie rejections the question of appointing ne cadets to the surplus vacancee Is not so hnperatire as it was before. Secretary Her- ert is quoted a's laying that he has not settled a his mind whether any except the seven adets of the engineer divislon at Annapolis ould be appointed to the twenty vacanclee mong the asisitant engineers. With the cases before the retiring boards and xamining boards there will probably be five dditional vacancies in the line July 1. There re now fifteen vacancies in the line and six ni the mearine corps, and the problema of pro- -idinig places for the entire graduating class is ot now so serious as it at first appeared. The Welsh coal people are disappointed to Indl that the 4Ci~ampaia, on her late brilliant Tip. u~ed V'irginia coal, not Welsh, They hink that with Welsh coal she could make a re-days' passage. The total immigraition to the United States iring the ten months ended April 30, 1895, rae 33-,45. a decline of 119,133 from the ina- aigration of the corresponding ten months of he previous year. Cramuoa' ehipyard will be open to the public rior to the launch of the Massachusetts at 10 clo~ck tomorrow morninag.( Use Platt'e Chloridles to Disinteet rhe house alrnina wat.. cl..l, stales . Tsm PRENC3 3EW WLL. We a Nadsud Tem Fuama uer s wet to the apeasti- to .3w nor. The Infants of 8paia male her rat vist to BIe werM' fair yesterday moring. The paadour of the ghemsting white palaces, 1mpls of art and seience. stored with wendrs if huma ingenuity, and the wondrous olse at those beautifulstructee interested her. From The time the fair geest entered until she arrived at the admnaistration building hir face wore the hxpWesioM of one lost In amaZement. With a beautifal day the white city never looked more attractive, and the buildings never appeared to better advantage for dieplaying the artistic beaty of their construetlon. Long befere the hour of the arrival of the princess and her entourage the roadway over which she was to paM wa NAsd on each aide by thomsands upon thousands of people eagerly Waiting to catch a gbpe of her, and the rand plaa around the adinstratio building was packed with humanity. At 11 o'clock the board of administration istimated that there were 100,00 p e on the Pounds when the princess arrive. The oar- riages bearing the infants and party arrived at the west entrance of the Midway Plaisanoe ihortly before 11 o'lo8k. A mounted platoon o park police preceded the Carringes and the engo Hussars acted as Neort, As the procession entered the plaisanoe a mighty sheer went up from the tens of thou- nd of human threats that fairly made the bUIiWn iftable, while the bands in the vari- us pav with one accord began to play. As the royal party and escort entered the pelsance they were met by the joint committee Mn Oeremonies. The procession thea started Iown Midway Plalsance, the cadets of the Michigan Military Aeademy closing up the rear. There were strange sights seen along the midway. The savages of the Dahomeyan village, the barbarians from the Chinese theater and the atreeto in Cairo and the other quaint and auer resorts were all out to see the princess, ad all were attired in the fantastic costumes if their native lands. As the party moved along each of the dif- srent nationalities represented did homage 10 the princess after the 'manner of their iountry. On reaching the administration building the auests were escorted to President Palmer's re- tos room. The entire company then re- to the breakfast room, in pavilion "C." lwal of the breakfast room were eliborately learated with banksof Gowan and the Spanish bnd American colors intertwined. When the royal party entered little dower tire preceded the princess and paved her way At T luion the royal party left the ad- ministration building and wore escorted to Mrs. Palmer's reieption room, in the woman's ruilding, where they were received by the ommittee on cermonies of the board of lady managers. At the conelusion of the visit at the woman's iuilding the party took carriages and were triven to the Palmer House. LATE NEWS FROM SAMOA. Nat'etI and Matuafa Again Approachiag a Collision. A letter from Apia, Samoa, dated May 24, via In Francisco, says: It may be safely predicted that Samoan af- airs are approaching a climax. Indeed, before his reaches you Malietoa and Mateafa may have Tied conclusions and the all important ques- Ion as to which is the strongest party may ve been forever decided. Lately several important events have taken place, and it now seems as if active hoe. itites were on the very point of being eom- nenced. A fortnight ago Matamfa addressed a etter to King Mallts o. in which he made peaceful overtures, reminded his majesty of lygone occurrences and suggested that a huge Ond general meeting of gamoans should be hold a choose a monarch. He suggested various rillages as snitable places to hold the proposed meeting. and repeatedly appealed to the king 'not to be angry" with him. Opinions differ as to the chances of the op- osingfpartiee,and under existing circumstancee t is simply Impossible to obtain reliable infor- nation as to their relative numbers and com- arative strength. Feeling already runs pretty igb. There have been fighta and asaults and il sorts of doings. AN ARCHBaSoP MOBBED. Pelish ktadesta Attack a Prelate of the Greek Church. Archbishop Sembratowie: was mobbed by orty Polish students in Lembnrg, in view of lis visit to the pope, which the Poles regard as reason to the Greek Catholic Church, of which 1e is a prelate. The archbishop was driving to he railway station from his hons when the tudents attacked him. They threw rotten ggs at the arehbidhop and his coachman itopped the horses and tried to climb into the Swies. Five men reached over the daors and beat he archbishop with their canes, while others Ossed dirt, eggs and vegetables over the back. Mbe archbishop was caught twice by the collar, 'ad was half dragged from the carriage, but Mch time tore himself loose. The police ttacked the students, but were driven back. teinforeements were summoned. and, after a lot skirmish, nineteen of the students were ar- ested. The others ded. Bishop Kaljowski of 8ttanislan, who had come apon the mob in the worst of the fight and had ittempitd to defend the archbishop, was everely out and bruised on the face and the isek. The archbishop's face was bleeding and a was covered with filth. Both he and the lishop were accompanied home by the pollee. The Commiattee Trip Peetponed. The Pacific coast trip which the Senate com- aittee ominmnigration and naturalisation ex- 'sosed to take this week, In furtherance of the investIgation recently begun by it in New York, las been poetponed until the first week in Lugust. The committee on terrttoriea, also harged with the duty of making an investiga- morn during the recese pf Congress, will accoms- may the committee elm immaigration when It less west, in the interestas of economy, and It was owing to the Inability of Senators Hill of few York and Platt of Connecticut to make the rip at this time that the postponement was sade. Mr. Hill, chairman of the committee in Immigration, says he will cell the commit- me together in New York next week. At that lie Senator Chandler of New Hampshire, who mes been op in Maine fishing, with Senator Prye Is expected to be in attendance, but Sen- ior Voorhees will he at home in Indiana. A Neow Chief Appointed. Secetery Carlisle has appointed Worthington 'ord of Brooklyn. N4. Y., chief of the bureau I statistics, Trasury Department. Mr. Ford a about forty years of age, and during the last ~leveland administration served as chief of the urean of statiatics, Department of State. Mr. ~ord is appointed to his present position ont the seommendation of Edward Atkinsonand David WelsHe is said to be worth nearly 51,000.- ,inhted recently from his father's estate. FORl ADVERTIsJING IN flce tening Stua: BED/'A cSB IT IS TIIE FAMILY PAE OF THE CITY, BEING 0 TAKEN AND READ IN EVERtY HOME, BY PRETTY MUCli EVERYBODY, AND ESPECIALLY B Y THOSE HAVING MONEY TO BKrA USE IT IS PUBLISHED AT AN HOURi OF THlE DAY WHEN ITS READEltS HAVE THE TIME AND ICLINATION ITS __ SAVE TS8N COLUMNS, AS l RATES ARE MCHI LOWER, IN DPROPORTION TO EITENT AND QUALITY OF CIRCULA TION THNTHOSE OF ANY OTHERt, PAPER IN WABHINGTON, AND AMOG THE VElRY LOWEST IN THE UNITED STATUt SUME RESORTs. ATANTIC CITY, N. a. H- *n n t nA vmm; m H OrO: Tot 1RAM. ASSrLAkD Hcean and o Teeasee awea my31.Ik Mr. 3. 0. NA-.oLiL . AENTUCeY AVE. DIRECTLY ON TUE SEAC. Pamnger eevater and all s saedra temoremets whik eentstute a trat-lm hoetL NUN PARTR Over the board wi.eb mmmeted Ibseowmmm with the hotel. my8-m J. WRITX.Owner and Mamser. T"L*"'1 .C, .. flu1S AL. U. OPPENRIMUR. H PIMROKE. ATLANTIC CITY. e thogot Open all yer. mhiS-dm I. AKE OTR REWNR ITUCK W werk. Homnelike house. rvm-i WC M' mhl-hn Atlantic Ct. N. HO"'AO ATLANTIC CITY. X. . mhb2-4e W. W. GREEN & CO. EILWORT IN wnflonyifiletee. IapTtul Mirs. ANIRM8I4 B M E ViIewN A E.MAX% sonable. Send fill booet. C. & AJR) m124.m T3E CEALPOtTE. ATLANTIO CITY. ON THE REACE. Salt wae bath. In the o.e.. levtr, .r .em.M op:ete; u, padem to" for Illustrated booklet. .t?-5Wm Addresm TE CVALPONTE. r R #LIPTON. r. Atlantic and Come tout ave.: h faint ~ ~ ~ ad yhu~ .N tane S n I per re. E S1-2 EDENNI3. M THE Dxm"LAtlan Oean end b aST. T'"v. ever e "0".-7e I .. m. 1. WIL. 'iKE GOULD.-NOW OUN. 141 OCEANA A e - tenei; coasy; r Ny1 ED. L, GOULD. SIRVINTON TLATIC ITY N. mah20-3 . CEAUNIRS & MOOPES. TU LELANDE. j.l-i*the AU.' IW2BOX. r EE MANSION A. ALATI CITY. N.J. Aerommodatee 500 hacs n eot all tralm and cam ueeta to and Duim the beech. Oreheetra Jun. to Seplomber. Ste, reasonable. Spei for JO laS-Rat CRAIILESIULAim MARYLAND. Tz Now Yorkare. Certob Aldlr 11-Wenee J se L myS 8F. S 0 . Propriter. fEU NEW ENGLAND, ATLANTIC CITY. aend south Ca Rot Aa a I.A I THE ROM&OATLANTic7 CITY. Op114-10 F Every Ot vo mhid- armdy ofthe''oi e. MOt RENT-A NICELY PIRNISHED 1OTEL OW twetyie vtated on the beach at A tic City with licaue.. ty prirate% houpee with Puita rounerted. Apety teE. VC LOTY. Atlantic City. N.J. AMNURI PARK. N. J. AODURY PA RK ooLicam Now open. oea front Oth eTe.: al deae W. MArVEY JONt. Propitor. jel-Se A SBURY PARK. N.J. As~uzy --THE FENIMORE. J4m 1 ocks from the oea. Capecim NowLE AlBURY PARE. N.J. New "e eitt~~iea ba htel. Capacit. MO0. Muelodaily. emd fat Pemoblet. jel-lan WRIGHT & PROST. Oft the be~b~Ach, ry . jeS-'hn - LAPPLEGATE. Proprietor. OTDT L NDURT. ID AVE., ABNUMV PARK. N.. This new hone Lmt opened; two equare 150. Nr.2A&B. OLDNOR OR. ny7-1m AE41 POI'TAN HOTEL. A18RY PARK. I J. ..lf hotel opens June9S. Aoa. ci the o) Gleanc. Mt. Auburn Cladnil, Chin. A:&. -re unil June o& THELO. bv ka. 1P. jei- OROO HALL" rho a MY20-2m M. L MeCRA TXE LEADLEY. ARBURY PARK. N. J. TR ave. near the beach; 12th seaon; accommoda. tio: for 100- botl Ivlion and i"Ol.eanftars? con itioma perlet. 0 aT LIDLE . ops. am2-Sm *EA.1DE-JERINTYC OAST. ENGL.ID. RAC. R W J __y1-117 _______ B eah ven. II. . ANItTIC HOUSE AND COTTAGES. LATEST RAhIT VMPROYEMENTS. mi25-lu G. C. A UMTIN. Relmar. N. J. H*"'**'OUMRIA. BELMAR. N. J. otlwithi 150 feet et the surf;i oechestrathroah- my27-lm P. E. FOSTER. NEPTUNHOUiUSE ~ WISN iO-tm BE. C. C.WLO. CAPE MA OTEL LAPAYETTE"bec.A Op luneme oate. lil ne bealach. ll te. JOIam IlACaa (NGRS B C3 MAY. N.. Under the earns liberal mamagemeet. my1-Sim L. P. CAKE. cAEMAY~ N. J. nm32m THtO a btL~ rpig HE WINDSOR. CAPE MAY. N.J5. DIRE LON HE REACH. Jel-aSit W. . GREEN. HOTEL BRIGHTON. Open JUNE31. 7th and Ocean ave. Piret-efana aappoemsenta a or ircular, my m R. R. bOOY. Prop. O CPAN HOUSE. OCEAN GROVE. N. 3. -HOTEL thoronably renovate.d : anitary arrangenteper. tin fr150. orxa 'f PRE T I&Crp.ei Rl1I AlASKA." Ocen Grove. .J. Pitjnsavl Terme reaeonable. N I IMN Jet .B IMR Proprietor. HECARROLLTON.Goe.NJ Fret-cason..O the St avene. Ner the BTREMONT SEA GIRT. N . 1.58. EN8 rp Snr2-2m Late of Carleton Spring Itae. Hf "'^T "ah LAXKE. . my1 s June 17. DIreclyn O. - HP KIN" SPINGLAKE. N. 3..* NEAR ouahoese. upe JUN3 1. One of the moms mnylirim MAddre. TIlE RUSKIN. SPRING LAKE BEACN. N. 3. PALMEI: MOUSE. 30-=Now open. beve EVR WA ILBUBTON-BY-THIE-SEA. Opnfrom Jues Ito Octobe jet -24m 1t. K. LETCHWORTE. SEA-NIDE--NEW ENGLAND. OEn JleACADIAN. CASTINE ME. Ornme2. Iocation unsurpeece on the n'orth- ineng eSce len oportunt e fr oatigadSh iu"ia"teln."ledto u' e"n"AtIrtE*R Mannarer my10-ewnthW.a. 3 H~E NANEPASHEMETMA. Po net oca cnry oAth Maua u O e oe C'"T"E MONA COTTAGES. STRA WS POINT. RYE. N. RI. Theee cottagee can now be rentedentireor Ianat. The ane, ofa a pe he wthont the troubl summr. Picar attento paid to the e lain. - 8 1UMMER RESORTS. 53A.613-43MW RNELANb. "T E "ATJ I ", a. L ~~I~mwatr haths; sOmnstddt na =ANTUCKRT. TO LET- FI i-room to .6 com. mple for pla;Ten e";at =9190ag _bb-atto chburches, stores, .3.-ORG ****.?o.TeZ.1.1 SEA.13D-nsLLANqEUm. AY RIDGE HOTEL. DAY RIDGE. MD.. OPERI ju" 10. For teros and ther iafo n akb 1U()TzL ~ ~ ~ . NLSIWCHPL M... tneet ' is bione forthe seasrp;eap byity P W. Ofanuy .u il.Ma1. a7 ~~IM111 IOWA"0114 LOO THE POTOMAC" NOW OPENED NEwaices. MTH E RESE0A J, WILL OPN T R N . SOeasn Or M . Will oo gn waer thahnout. -Comands nest . e nuas rabbte by elee- tey;i aley.nlt r room., dancing. &c. * Ec Iomao swAR t Jue 7 istn. at AGE Mcok anfrtePit Senate e. until T 1 .&s. ENY POINT tOTfl 014 THE POTOMAC RIVER. WEAK TEE CREBAPEAKE Bay, WILL OPEN BATURD A. JUNE 17. 1IN. city thr aftL W ILAM.Popit Good Salt water bathinorSe r bbostlwHm. tewpin allery binardt rS danciont. r.y. Jll ns . at Acok D .Aforthe. r. eek ndr h entirese now fee ro dates. Churbe s. ltt. r m full Adr tien by cal tr nbWA.C aerO 8 aLI WAk8.i diney Poat.St. Mrtrnd. OTEII NILSN. M RE 0OT RBEACH. DELAWARE. myS$1m-esudemfa.. une. W.*D RIMEN SPRINGS. 8T. 1 ARY's COUTY "D- To our many Washingrton friends: Instea of io- ftair. bat end fruit fre8rt S ble and dour Mail. Jm-1m* R. P. BLAaIqTONE & SON. RPRUINM AND PATEG. HCANDALE BR A AOTE HWILL OPEN OPOEJ N.E wiiai for s of uset J n im "aon .i- Esfu as ad rated virtu D.65 esaphists t Sr caIr BEDFORD. PA. "*TE CARLSBAD OF AMERICA." KoTmL OPEN JUNS :2&. mY18-8m L.K DOTW, Manamer. T f& LYRPNS HOTEL WILL SE T MD o guests, jobs L. A =010%20~ k"1. fapre the Man i . $. new ad...eler a sa usZ- is f tand tea L C. sprina. W. Va. myi6 wae adPrmritr ST. C01(0 HOTEL ILL UNA VISTA HPRING HOTEL Bue, u nty. eie Marylandl R. R. Tb=:mest hotel s bees xmday enlarged d P last by enabli e to er tee to season guest . Ptweek IMsaer a d- r . After June o BUf' VIST A S IG Co., d. tW'Mr. Rest will be at WU- "1 V Saturday during May and June I ~ m V., .t 0 C'AON PRING0 AND BATES. TH tS C- hotls q~d rettae. opens Jun. 1.,ainr 0 s Wt VIr . Ofer to the oeopl e I a biaandels superior mieal waters. Bth eofr temperature. A lovel, summe beg" in a beau mountain region. Se retreat aholera, teemsable. Waud for psplead DClaMllen or seats forXo To MWshington ent, room 10. No.ol 1ht. a. W. ' ar24lm TE MOUNtA ik ROUE, A CRESSON. PA. On top oftg lerhen un i maline lean. OPENS JUNE IS. A delieetfl it to break the Journey between Chicao te east. Write for dreulars. -my1-l WE. IL DUNHAM. Spt. E'T'*MKA GWRAM COUNTY. VA. This famous resort opow JUNE 21 under the man- sgement oft 41 010'. F. ADAMS of the at ae and Albion otels. Raltimore. The hotel buildinoe new with All Moi ro t-asteambet. elcrcbells, pubi and private baths sanitary closets. e.. e. Water from th. celebrated Elkton Litbs SpriaS Bowin mram liad a half dasily. ip Marniflcaut scenery. spendid boatu. bathhot and Bh Cuisn ertlsa ONLY SP1RIN"4 TIC VIRGINIA WITH A FIRST-CLASS MODKItN HOTEL. Re~ot01 per weak andI upward. 090. F. ADAMS.Prop. A I June 20 St.James Hoel Walmere 09= ZVto Elkton. Va. ____nrg1m FUQUEIs WHITE SULPHUE hPINGB. VA. O. L ALER. Manager. drn brick hotega. eetric bts, bowin alley ta- maades.qaagiry. fato and cold sulpu aha. T UQUr RauTmE oA JUN 1N ~a Ud. _____myi-holao* IORDAN WHItE SULPHuR SPitINGS. FRED- botet oeni alIs daetn ligte wth ; sntry arragenent prfect; capacity. 20; Write for pamph ets. . c. JORIDAN, mUyb t Uomjt theBlu Rds Mountains, Pa. 1.401 feet aboy sea level. Pure water, tmure sir perfeo heatomalaria. no osqufts. Write o ci-culars an rates. M. A. and IL5 MO. L rpieos ___e__r at Str me. ___ay12-San EfJNEi BrIINGS AND BATES. SHENANDUA Co..a. ; open June to October. Accommodates 1.000; elevation, 2.300 ft. ; mineral waters and athe unaurpassad; superb amusic. Send for catalogue. nunll-1m* W. C. JONES. Washington. D. C. WTINDIOR SULPHURaPRINOIoJEN FIER T'ANu'1.015 PennsylvanIa ae, or adreA.K JELLY._New Windsor. Nd. ___my27-T u ROiK ENON SPRINGs AND MINERAL BATHS alte houre from H tahington. in the grest North mn a near WIceatr V. Juneo1 ofrs ratioal amusemeint odeat ncharge, ofe ad at the otjee of A.8. Pratt & 8on Sun my24-110w ProprietOr. HUEUTI HOUSE. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. V. First- eless family hotel. Open from May 15 to No- vember 1. Eend far illustrated pamphlsta to znSO6 30t W. P. IUESTIS Proprietor yIliGINIA ROT SPRIINGS. ew oel cotna n an .the moat complete bathing- gat Wam npi allr.Vrgiumia oan a heaae and OhIo railway. Magni eat mountatasurud Ever bth from lb 8 owin Ho Springsl otvprt ir ho.t spout (the moa curative beaf Eteht hours frfm Washington. Vhicato special lav 2mr. *14d t saIfm tulaesII:10 pm. zzeersion tickets andt full Information at Chesa- oaddres r. F.cW.1 hatnd. ea detr or, P.Caunlin. manaerot Spit. ahcunty a IN THE MOUNTAINS. EE VLE N. V. ASonnetes if3;ht and cold wate on etery sanitary system; table rt-elass good 8.tngan Send eo ciftlrn. my16-1m SOLOMON EELLET. Proprietor. A'""A JS AUaA W. VA. where theco trse bow t fh Aleale co.ectA. For Rcircular and tnltion apuly to *BAFFERR. Proper. Aurora. W. a. mtt-3m ORT WILLIAM HENRY HOTEL. LANE GEORGE. N. Y.. "Jalon June argee: be.t apo'te" PURE WATER, PURE AIR, PERFECT HEALTH. For ts awl utive ,sra, apl Hotel Grenoble. myg.26t WILLIAM 'NOBLE, =79-284Owner andi Proprietor. RAND VIEW HOUSE. H ARPER's FERRY. W. "V. *has been opnduder entirely ne mnge tomile from station on nigh elevation. Daily SUMMER RESORTS, IN THE MOUTNAINI. summer sod autuxm remort ; iate for EE'RIP MOUNTAIN NOUSE. LOCATED O 1.. . W. GREEN. Proprter. TILTOP StM1 REStET 51J. OP n ..M. 8d prbmnearvr . . 04 f6 ,0009d fL mabe ee atae ende r H. .UFEON MOUNTAI E LAK IE CPOCTA DOU, Frdoated oawd 18-1am* P.00. PAt. : ned i Mse a. w. IREE. 1roprietor. Terounbpnr week.erk. Nd MOI~kL TO P WIV29F P ToE que .. - - aira' W sa nasee1. Se rnde 7ea D I Wi e eO1. LETT. Pr. jar-sm* ODLE11 LAEI TUCAA~YDU e On - be we. iart-~ ch Met. Lrg airy rU-L 1 d01e p - rgenad and AIbeeo hadt atmlar- asene ort-clss i evey dtainL ke s imiaan- for r.e.i drrueen enrm.aresJn HLL- D a0.O. Prpr A. iAN-t a .We'.T'a|Ele".n'"..t"v.'' n.": e wfi t reletio outfua e- til vember1.n Faor tsadpa i of J.-F. A.U. 2 LPutRUn SOv. *rpttt ApINTO PUBOAT O., "-ROOMTED." e aku aOuA . ' a. EYth aln aD T_ at allme . 1somiles fm eand ad beeainu a ap WI ND w. o0 tte Nr & Id FRD OMOI OIATRDBAtL W"'S'':NsT"..' EO ..Oe.."L'MI''* jes-I G b aET aRatR RArDLm ea Tkndow pefoa the adl.tun. rf T adaGe claRsA eand SUA. (Se iryche-deido plwStaerodV.sA d aweminc of Mhe. DASu-n eyri. ary a lac m new Alxan. Tra Coalal eaent alsl owe ver lande. reuinge leaes RDAY'o etORatIN . phas 126AT.DA F. A.1E badrn. leevrea~nsa.Wshmi . AO. RFLE. he 0 n Goerfu vley P alaMsefram. ueateea eada stodaiy at 7auim. fand t a7 sa wh. ae at. Fortrms aarema .e OfJF ____W15Luiin ove.RA A"HND WUTASNTO -LIMIOTED. " ORTRES MON anr THRSDewSesd powerful. lies Peleo Sec Le5--ave AhYSn l at 3:3 mm. fo m foo of dores:ilalowrw r Too NORTH BOUND. [ vviNrol el at 61pmudtem Warti-mDA WWI. eat a1RN10p. An ATVRAY4 at .-V ens. a m-t day.ola' t Tschaeon esae 51:.. 619. 1't-s IIan 141 Peanari- v leave.. ands Elaata. . . Wr e ftor tboheta via the new line. Q WM. CALA. ap4D-tt . 1 e0 . la.C t s. DENTISTRY. W OLETE RCION OF TEEMN . NO P A. NO CELOORO. EK 0F i OR GAd. We have wate centrl of a =reparaton fat nes in 3zl t.d c awihwe APPLIED TO TWE GUMS.] RENDERS EXTRACTION PAINLERIK n aepplied directly to the A.m. 'o. e can he eres tr4 re.Aly paiatee.. aowallu .1oiao the gam afer n aetan alae...e.. whilehavlat h,. No dnge. Frtiuleiyadapta toperanwas cAeYtK = N.. loc appMONROE and we guarantee voa will a.. TUE EVANS DENTAL. PARLOV. apE-am- Ia Pea.. .te.n.w. D."-*AM7TM NWOO1T Beuyeeprejeton retored byr artilk-lal d..nituree a dae Improved upon wherehe haa not dnae her Ex~rn~nsq~.: with gas. 50s. Nme7-Lptn. ailver at agm t. atom. crowne day. Ptaa rwe Tey beet fl a5ete of teeth. 1 V m UITED 1TATEt DFNTAL ASSOCIATION. 401 Amenc.with o*'eta th prnie tie. Fo pa- ticulare and prceee page .m -t I AL INFIBMART-.NATIONA UNIVERE e Ag. N nd * aea .e ata matatma*eriala (g.rlmr LADIEs' GOODS. 'OULD'S WONDEE STORE. 4El OTE ST. 0 b ca be e xr; i tr ed atsrn paer toys. hc. ' myl6.m* Pa P e at Ie whIte dae a leave and rolac ltaim l ia s"wil algim a OkMme a a d etand. 713 ladW at. n w. aVt 2s A"TN A"DNCA""LDE LEH W 0W 12th . and 1T0I-1P0u a e t. . w. ARTISTIC DYEING. CLEANING AND) RSTOR- af st. he w n t etu ral n a sen aetcratnia. Out rom eztene (kRMRL A? 1206r N. .AL .maW IDD EEE A NN NNN N QCTICE In all its branshee. aod sented. f a g 00 Ge. and deivere. f~m11 314 Pe. avae'se. MEDICAL. &c. Dlit. BiOTHERS' INVIGORATING CORDIAL IS .Lajoertul Nerve Latimulant end Teate. Of alt the- Eanstlon. Peslea an t class Wpenwh ateusk.mierble, ethargrte. elee,. lacaqaihi, E ON. The well-known epedialet. Ones bowrs. 10 te m . m328-12t* D"U "ImOT1IER THE *OST RIELIABLE AND .Plonges.eetablihed specia let in thia city. with 10 ulitn freeand esku eo 6entta w' a-tm f07 12th et. nw. Over twenty-Swe reae' experleaea. SURGEON SPFCIALIST TO GENTLEMEN ONLY. 2 Graduated landon, England. 181's; New York. 1873. adKidne Alnt.Acute or Chraa nation. Nervous liabibity'. EKATi EN GUAIANTEE . HOURS: 9 toii:30p. m. ; 8 to 9 p.m. Sunday-4 to myil-3a CONSULTaTION FEE. MPORTANT NOTICE.-CHiANGr; OF OFFICE ytlente andote tht duringth amoanthe o Jun. 1 toMdAuuhi 'die hours will a frog9m e.m. to p.m only. 0. 1. CARLETON. M.D. jeiI-6i S~TRANGEiW. T'&KNOJTICE-DRtS. BItOTHERIS Onl ee bil.dnwrtasn ;','can a= hi =. EDTCATIONAT. AN WAsIsENUT41N. P NCE L WN; RSTEMOP or UN . WASHING'ON COSEaTATUOY OF MUI . I=510th w. w Tweosd OOEs CMMEo"L =lL AM 00E AN" pt M X LR . $belig. WjYK M And mot Sea. pemmeirs'e Edatot. mo etmde Ineei thetbhiad and Trvewwttinw: e Aeaches %0" .adwena emo Caller wilts 1 feegling. '-""--'"WOOM -& i'L Pr,.|| - A UNVRIYGAdT TIN.WT A eMperienc is tachtat. will vivo tetrsat to a T STON st COLUMBIA CON8ERVATORT OP 0At et. w.-Plame. vielia, veftn. El)W I at e4r e Now Cmaa em rw biele in 723 14th go. w. w. BOdur cg es of Ameres and Rurse. Open an yer, da e e ing. Ae fmErSW Co111mg at Asbury Ftoh. M. .41-th.s.tu__-___ SRNN's GREAT afO1i METHOD O(F OOK- keepie tatkt In:.* useseng at The emt tof et faie eny otherleethol. Call or wite for eirm- A- W. L.. SHIN.N. 1415P et. a. w. ill-I* JOE NS HOPKINS GRODUATE 1TVDEWT 16 A..aYears, .15prgpac, In colleg. ernr Iredr w.1 one int tito in classind - during samer. Callonw o addrweu 3e'ba M.F. DLEN.Ph. D.. 322 COe. .W. rEAV-ING AND PAINTING AT NATINwAL BA*,idsg% of Flue Altt B4 IT at a. w. peat, cheep- et lac leara1. Call sad a. t[1 et the wonderful proareee <f etndeta. myls. ne* PIANO TEER.-V YEAI' ae*11s. bestaar or advanced; new anad id hn fo~r ouags' spil; htrefn Mrs .. LMMHot~fiice1. neor 20th and P a. w. * IVY INTIT17, I. W. R corner 'h mad Z at-. a. '.-Busines comre. fr. a ear for day or nit session. Typewrittag. ahort. mmmd. dti _omassd .ttons f ad -.'* T. VERNON MUSIC ,NT'Dl.. ISMt 1 tMY. n.w. votes enture. **Lahtache% amethod ;"rapi evelopmnt of voice rnaranteei deep b"rathlia n'ere ng throea troublis; no charwe for eratointar rowe- ___ mvl2-lai* [)LtMitIA C0OLLAW IF tOMWMeRME mmla ve. h.hnd 7th e. a. C.. RNER. A. .C.E.r. Emera to usw the phemtwthph and typewriter: the Iuk-bekt reperAt for anom eiteatlea. Complete ' e" .. botha ' .ka b.'ts +e mnwa awdtw lb.tiimerephi. uduvidma. atyi-tiern iy vxvggriecmd reporters. Thigorgtete-in be Farlita btMian and civil serview fmre.s. Il- led rm for munmmeir aonthi. Mmnd for estalerne. EDi CATION FOP I.A1 LIFE. Tug XPEWCERUIAN BSIT MN COLLUEI. NaM. beak of the R iLt.. 7th and D m. w. Spiie and SuMner Neetms-are6 I to Sly . prvIem of radtesa lway Amd esmad:e s rate. but vo comnpetition with cheap schools. 9pem every bueges da Tel fe27 Principal and Pmprtee. INN BitIrA's CIVIL snidRic INUTITCTE and Bluinee-Colleoe. eqi7 1(th at n.w. Pupils wetvared auere-oaully for civil service. depraetal ad canon uexaminatione. tearrahr taiuvt. oVt-tr OUT foF WAwINGTO1N. T. AGNFS SCROOL FOR G*IRL% ALBAWY. W.Y. Under the direction of Bi4hep 6eaae. ("helme our cutr.w of otody for eraduatio. SpecIal etulee uay te taken or tLbs farvard -ou- for womuen. er tabne address Mi.. F. W. Boyd.Prin- spel.apl-tma AVAL EXPEDITION FOR BOV To TAE WOltLIPO FAIR By At John's Militarr Rerhel. Mankie. K. T.. vIa he Great Lakes. Orraggeuet e cadeta of a ship-ef- rar. L'tateduumber mayjs. June*7 to Juley it-pIy fo- tero. t-lawtan PROFESSIONAIL It. S. D. RRO'K. CLAIRTOTANT AND ME. dim. 7=21thet. a.w. (eehour. 1%a- - 1l** PROF. FANTLEItOY AND PROF. Wi.LIAMS Sell all I lie events of life; coinp love: emu sih-- gre; brine back the eparated came egeeld mr- tam., &c. 1Il1 mel. ave., tot. M and % a.w. ltinsa. :o-. and i. M.mrs. 10 ta . ..rml--:t. MOW. - laI I-. Ta. 'LDKT tAThISE1,1N advereslm clairveo sat.atrologer and medium ia h=s it ggirul Bora with wosderfut prophette raft of mneud etem-. elle all the events if your life fDom cra-lIe to gres, eveals hidden m -sterie-. recover lost property or tolet soeMi. s= eout your euemiel from rowe riemaA. braesta -parated tereeher. oen es upeedy us,- lagvs. with happy results. tells whether the ne ran Dv If true or fals. lute-oret. 4-arsn. rives atCos*s a bestasm. remove- family trohtist. e"I isteeoes. Itranmero from oth-r eit"es and al i tronble wi esta Ar ad uiney 1sy couur ei rirht am. a eg. a he e "ei9d wh1t.9, m t- 'ave fat..e1.Caeviu Most skeptical. tvetle-. --ly what h u-a de. A1 "ameaeondentiaL. Mittmr. 0.W. netwe. * tot Elpen Mundays. Reaidenae. Oft H 9t.. bet. 414 *a it:.ta. southwe)t. QSTOKCABIN FT VAPOR TuA1rmi-w pw Fie FACOOTT. 5,%j lth it. m. w. Open Sunda. UK liAFL, CL41IIVOrANTANDATUIOL. .onfid been~i- with a can'. &.Ivig mimes &aid lu-atr *04i_"Iwto reta~nb,bend or Wover. (11nusult or on love. hminesa or Jeailt. the won't dupe yes bobatun Wig Fa. s. w..NomSw lA 12 to 5 p. ma. ME. BMK. TELL' tLI, rg EVEr tor life. All busines uer.kde:ttal. Laie. and reite- e..e each. itha. 10a. U. to e p.m . NS Now &rk ave. _. w.. ner & at.y- [F. DItEAMERt. THE ENG.11 1 ANWD . magamoleeterigt. wifl leve for the seamboree mue 3: *8I. Otike 9i=r=. Se. m. to e' ..; OTTE FOWLER. THE WFLL-KNOWX MPIBIT- Lano buslines and trance t-.1 medium: alse n=Ae roatmatm. Hours. 2 -.l1 I piu. Indorsed in Flar- me" Marryst's book In No Death. For a short time aiy at I In, F at aw. ahl3.a FF RRD FlIXCTRIC MEDICATIED apor bath, unexcell d a. a luxury and se a Iwo- rutive to diseage. Agso .ciasl etea.Imt im a. see "1 VT at a.w my1.-im PIANOS AD ORGANs. I PRIRT PIANO. NAME Al NEW; HIGHEST Lnratle; beautitul carved ea.; st-eti t~n; a'e lansand ring and ewinee; must saIl. Address VP- LIGHT PIANO. Star ee..- R RAKAUt rlt" PI ANIM DO NOT RFOUIRK 02- Xbaac words of jersim. nor do tispe beir the es of expensie advertast he)- my univeima' l et. Eot. 1'77- , a T SPEAKS ITS IOiRTi Ia eve-y tome It spud, forth--the fmous DECKE.R PIANO. Malye poiefernmer .ome a larse part of hie ememem to this PIANO. .have --Dreker.-.all style. .f e...- pla end famey-eag wuod yes priceryos like. ANDERS A MIAI6 N A. In4 F ST. N.W. je7 Pme5 eleenou.. RAVP 1M.'3IMP RIA ISWHAT 00~ erwaia. # hy not atetntrampainr ad call at S oath'. 'batt We. hooun. ard see that slightly mdmlb san. wlhch hasp been redeed feean 3: tod4213 Itl sash anid @10 per anoath. Onej Mtesmee oeI, 1..5 (e per anonth. hUGO WOR & 0Ct auhid-Iy 9S 7that. .w. IN AA BBCl U NB A A Pt MO -. PIANOS NOR RENT. 3ECOIE ANID PIANOS. UNIG NDREPAIRINSGGEOBGE ,LK sine maetwaar and espeiter 221 .w. : warkahop mn the resr; et~eme md re- 'tRtltCR flU*ANI FOR SALE- JA A two-manual pieoruan of 25 teps. O.1s rnaly . bett elt at a very ir Igene, a'tRE mytt-1m 10'! Pa. aee. a. w. WII.7L~iAC.FaIa8ELL. GtE ST. S. W. sanl. Lowest priase. Advie ves prha en fchayge-. mit- A thzeew td : p17-r PEIFFR &00.'IFF 41T11het. a 'TINWAT FA OAIILER. BRIGGO PANOS. Thatyo mm=e buy Furnitese, Mat1ing. Remiseen era. Chia. Glama. Baby Carrie, Rne.. asl.. Sem an---et Srms as yes esa Dorn each essa Tom d... you den't beliseR ..d emeyboys ae om ca't do it. aka chea.e otm., and de you bliak mer-ceats put out ell this monu e a ew a 1e doa't want any credit budems io oin, we mes rerythig at lowest cash price end Rse'ewybe~l like. If you emi buy am lamalliments o eama g as ou please and we will hold the gees US ypga g the til end save you big mnossy. A weed lSwin .me.e 52.95. Best Grauds Cerpet Kome. 54.8 lood Mattinr, l2%e. l5c.. &e-. Extra Msey Da sk. 27ite. Very Flue (lotta Warp se. ap to cy a of them at mne pulse. Re~mateamg M5 a 6|35. We beep the Laeomed. and w~ehe yeu bo oro meet or t. don't take aaytingt 6M e aat lahy C'oaches from 54.954 sp. B: Ce.em det hiars. 65. Badsomse(X er gTablo. eta iset5. -piece Oak Smite. 61.50. Mach better ema. 635. c. Opsen Stock Diumer ad Tea Ware, myr pic. you .nt. ay quantity. at lowest pribe. 8Si Orysta 'emblere,I5e. Toet, t. 6 pises, SI.R Ie Geenm .eers. 2et.. SL-;i3 t., 6L.G;4 t., *l9.03 mnything you want for the house. Ilo't be leeS of y pricea advertIsed orn few low-prired goods. A very empletsep oftea omtches the mae* beds. Wedesa esh bumem, ad we do it right. Amrthing you buy at ntisfectory return it and get pour money., Ca om Ad ay better terus anywiere? Eemd thbmed ad thik it over. Send your friend. to GRANTY. TE: PrUHER. For Furitre, Mattinmg. Refrigeratore. (Meingu China. Glass, hc. Chomp ftr ca. Double stores. Ill a 112 7Ith behta I ma o w. se S RAILOAMs. R U . . DlIv 0g.3m L RROW*,.OgmgumI *m4L. asEMPEAK .s m mlw ol! IT 7~ too 0 tlqi I' wtth. Mt .b g m u a u ML. *GNw- #or Sa& Pam. I vmmm NN=-wom Ir f.t w. %i aM Rl..ql Pu~Ima'%ugdPL IL hlr m t 24!Wfs.u "I . 1.w WBIg e t~Wq-k . ;"-, mo,.IswI..~ bam. i = Va. fwS-zj OW 0. aw lft o tt,..? Pufa f 1.g~~ mad m TII HERAT ("KICK am &DD FwPp bw Jd tbg ,uum ~aIL So &~. aj~w lmh'S w .mfj F45pm a....saua w~T ar mg~ meS. a.S For uinpe . 41 bl1~mm ftS. 3nitw.3 a3Tr ~tWit. L-HL ,,.7 -I~s v. - d 1No 1STEAm 1,4* CARP; ILEIN

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Post on 11-May-2020




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Page 1: AENTUCeY wtth. g 1 · as-e withthe recently adopted Krag-Jorzen-marie The-mahnery aeceary for the prodemt ofthi armwasordered duringthe recemteompetition,andthearmoryat Spring-laid

TM PmU Ai son 1 .

CI sooea.. enmepam submet, a Lepeet,Whists I. Wee temelmusve.

CMmO pan, ehaf .f the bureau Ofb bmghitted to the Secretary Of

Me Nvy, with hi .--ests therm. the re-1S"41 the n.a I.-d which esmaneted thesese tsts o te p-eme guns of the ral-mer Ymbvies of Part Reyal, S. C. The reportb Ies3m,, bt IN met at all -ael-ve., addether appeeves mer sendesmasthe gun. eneept

'by tlare. It appears froma the report thatftebied boee. ant with certain Ce..geMd ader ertain mdim, impossihe to es-Me n dMe of war, the Toivins, with hr,

lawd plomm"e gums weal be meful. Whieto ieery ot the system ingmerafy aeeepie,Ita never bees fomd to week Msa metory,alnd bamamre ; .pointo -tIn hi. eat.-nA that the reest est shoed so advanmeewer teh .TIM with the Oyatem back is U.The thfAdI visible at that tme wee mo es pe,

mu at the latest tri. and in the Intarvem-IM pated of equipme meiha had bees doneto increase the ofeesey of the pmeummatio aye-tom The fault new, s then, is with theVales aimest entirely. Thesea'mearttyto operaties that may prese disastrous btimn eof aeflem. Cemamudore soymp.oay. themW' em be relied wpon e Are the maximummugs, but te MUMMlty is I mdfying the dio-ummee. One day the Vaives tied for certain re-oult. wi ma a e quite diferent from theuest day'. Aung, whm the smae cendltioso are

so gewers....oo-e ampse reeommended that theNavy Departoent await the results of the ap-peachim teat at dandy Book of the pneumatieerdered for the Comst defense ystemS.11T uWil be em eight and two ifteen-inchgam. operated on the Fame principal as thoseof the Veeravim. There will be Itprovementswhieh. the owners of the system claim, picew gum pn a thoroughlyemfeient basi. The

valve hare been altered to give the gmes a cer-sity of Are which a met now posae-d by the

gum. of the Veenvins. There is an arraugoe-mini. too. for elevating and depressing andrimagotegm, e.s to r.move the obee-Mon urrounding the fied weapons of thewarships. Some of the ordnance eperta donet beleve that this device for elevatng anddepressing the pneumatic gun can be appliedto the system. and in any event its sgecesfulapplieatiom is of minr coeqtuenee comparede the neamty of rendering the valves moreprem8 and Certain.

Becresary Herbert ha praetiemly adoptedCommonAne sampon's suggestiom. Thereforeupo the reftlia of the tests at Sandy Hook

depend the eesti-naaee in the matal servicet the pneumatie system of ordnance.


Week see s go nast Aetvely at Se Sptrig-QoM Armery.

Pupersti-om re being made t the ordnanedepartmemt for the spedy equipment of theas- e with the recently adopted Krag-Jorzen-ma rie The -mahnery aeceary for theprodem t ofthi arm was ordered during therecemt eompetition, and the armory at Spring-laid. HMas., will be fullyequipped for its mann-faeteure by the lot proime. Arrangementshave ase been made for the manufacture of:ammunitiae for the guns at the FrankfordrsemL. The ammunitie hat to be speciallymade. am the eliber of the new gun i muchsmlar than that of the present service rifle.It is idma the ordnance emers at Spring-gold wi estinue the maareb for a better wea-pa thm the Erag-Jorgesen gun. No boardwill be deaiod. but Cape. Mouns, the recorderof the two reesnt beards which examimed maga-EWe guas. will aseept for preliminary tet Muchmew devt s mar be submitted. Wheneaough of merit have been secured. he

will ash aeerd to ofauet as examtationon the lisee and under the .eeditions of thetrials recently held


TOe Itis. Wbte% Will Goem Appoet-snow"e thte Future.

Secretary Bke Smith intends toretoganiseSe 1,Se bearda of pension examing sur-geons. arnd he has anmemdeed that it I his par-pee to appoint om thee boards only men whotand in the very frost rank of the profeasion

be ther respective loamitim and men who keepwell abreast of the IMes In medical eienee.jAnother intexible eudlitias to appointmentWill be that of unquestimed integrity. Thepolitlie of applicants wil met it is smid be madeof Irat importance, although, all other thing*betug equal. enLoerni. andenbtedly will eastven ihe preference. An ometal, in speakingof the matter today. said that recommenda-Sms by man of known character in the medical

rofeon would be ore elcacieus in secur-am appointmaset on Deion boards than If

made by poliicimaS. T active work of reor-genbeaten- will soon he begun.

Dr. MeelymMan 1His Way to iteme.The New York Adverimr says: Dr. Edward

NeOlynn will probably be in Rome Saturday or

Sanday. He goes to the eternal city in obe-dience to the order of the papal ablegate, Mgr.latoll. who reinstated him in his priestly ofee.The departure of Dr. McGlynn was seret, nonebut his intimate friemda being aware of it.Bow he wont or wnder what name no cue willtIl It is known. however. that he sailedeight days ago. The fact that Dr. MeGlyna hadgame created ezeitement In Romsan Catholic cir-elee in this city thia evening, for the aeoct hadjuat leaked out. An intimate friend of the ex-pastor of hit. tehe'. said: -D~r. McGlynagoes to Rome.,H imply obey, the order oftepope's represtative. Ho will emne back.

eAriybelieve. finily and absolutely vindi-cated im hia eoas ao far as the land quastionand pohitics are concerned."

hT er. carta.iA's sCsOO..Ceosest Day Eseates Atteneded by Nmy

Friends ot the atttoem.The cloeing cxercisee of Saint Cecilia's Acad-

esy, corner of Eat Capitol and 6th street, willbe hekion Thursday of next week at MetzerottMuaie Rail. The eaercisea thin year are to beme attractive then assml. and eutenaivepreparation, are new in progrees for the event.The concert day exereie of the academy wereheld at the academy bell thia morning at 10e'eleek. a large ambe of invited guests beingpreent.The program was as followa: Trio. "Conquer-

log Hero," Cierney. Mimse. N. Con, L. Burke,L.Townshend, A.Rurtt,A. JenkinsandC. c-Cubbin; "Pleasure. ot Teaching the Young,"juniore and interamediae. charactera-MiseStanley (teachert, Namste Foeter: Mirs. Won-droea and Zenobia. S. Perry. A. Marehal: Mr.ScrapeaBl and daughters, N. Torrena. A. Re- 1rti. a Rupole: Mrs. Suprlial and Arabella.

. elding, Mt. Blaine; Mrs. Qunteaeuce andPalmyra. L Bnrch. L. Torrens: Mrs. Haughty,and daughter. R. Brooks. F. Tuohy: Mrs.. OldSchool and daughtae. C. Semith, IL~Harbin. II.1Quigley; Mrs,. Wilder and daughters. A. Jen-him., V. Anderson. T. Loughran; Mrs Kindly1and daughter.. A. McCullengh. A. Walbb. N.Cocke; Mra. Lonely and daughters, H. Mc-Eenna. HI. Donohoe. A. Brady. M1. McCormick.E. Merklng: portrciss, A. Brady: vocal soo,Hism V. Lockwood: duet. pearl waltz, Mackin.Nisse IL Fitzgerald, J. Rtaaeter: chorus,"*iammser Famcies." vocal celm;s Ronda, stree-horg,. Misse Ittlife. Madigan,Brooks. Dugn,i. Pery. L Heil; Bosebud. schottish. Becht,Nassee Anderson. Ofensin. U'ter, Roggess, uBodbgee: vocal asoo waltz aong. Miss Hel;8aGifts of the Fairy Queen. minima; recitation,betermediatte: duet, Uallop. Idlting. MIases LDarling. A. 0. Conner, F. McCormic'k. A.'Miller: chorus. amintims: Redowa. Mack, Mimse. 4N. McCormick. Pope. Roggers and MI. Ibrestheras, "Smeet Chiming Bael," vocal clas, a

OCheap Trlpa to theo FaIr.An arrangelsent was perfected yesterday in

ChIicago by the representatives of the Pennsyl-vania. Big Four, Cincinnati, Hamilton andIEaytom and Monon rutea provlinmg for cheapescursIons to Chicago and the world. inirfro Cincinnati, Dayton, Louisville and otherpointa. Theme excursious will be run alter-,atelv from the territory mentioned every Fri-day n'ight. the round-trip rate from Cincinnati@7. from Dayton 97 and from Louisvidle S7.Thiesmragement will be tihe means of satisfy-bag the deuvaand for such excursions from theteruitory mpentioned.

Kaigtat or Homer.

National Lodge. No. 642. KnIghts of Honor,

ha eseted oficers as followe: Dictator. F. (.

3artafan: vice dictator. Hi. R Fry'er: aewistanttantor, D). H. (lark; gnadec. I). C. Mlorrison:

eplain, Max Mah all; reporter. Benjamin 1iWhite; Inancial reporter. L. H. Hopkins:tearier. J. V. Wnrdemnan: guardian. Benja-min HendrickMon: senltineL. W. H. D~eckma.n:trustees. D. C. Morrison. J. T. Nedly and IBnja-gaeilcHndrickmoni: representative to Grand

,oge J. B. Gould, and alternate to Grandjnas Nan Marshal.

A NEW WAr or age IT.New the Passe Neet-setea WM MePat

Tanns--.The esperimat seem to be tried at to Wash-

Ingica navy yard of eme.amltn-g of the frstniche-stee go, under a now poe,I sat-otentg soadej Interest In ordnanee cir-

<en. The new Ir no emplate the Jacket-feg of the gasn a orizontal postilos Insteadof in the usual perpendieular manner. Thejaket or outer mews of the gan is paced in afarnaen containing an intene st, and is keptin the farmnce under te intseae of the beatwhBe the tube, or inar sWe, is pahed IntoPbbft Daring the operaotin a stream of wateris runm through he thbe. eeping theiempe-atre. of the tube lower than that of the jaWkst,and "eoving it as far as possibl, rom the e-panding Infene of the heat.By this process, it is thought, it will be posel-.

his to control the jacketing to a great=e euteatthan by the present method, which requires thejacet to be heated in a furnace and them takenout and placed on the tube. Thie process ervesto communieate the heat in the jacket to thetee, which is also expanded whil the jacketcools, the result being to prevent the jacketsticking before it racheste proper poationever the tabe.


gme c the Reoans Gives by Jades Joe-hsm and Orsecup.

Judge Jenkins, in his decision on the Sundayclosing of the fair yesterday, after reviewingthe history of the ' umbian exposition and therelations existingboweeu the UnitedState. gov-ernmentand the exposition corporation, and therelations of both to the enterprise, ad: "It wasfound that the scheme had outgrown the Anan-eial ability of the local orooration. Congresswas asked for aid. Congress passed a law giv-ing @2,500.000 to the exposition. Section 4 ofthat act declares that this appropriation is madeon condition that the fair shall be closed anBunday and that if the gift should be acceptedthe acceptance should be considered as an agree-mnt to the conditions. It Is aid that thislegislation by Congress was without the powerof Congress in that It seeks to estab-lish a religious test. I cannot eenur in thatsuggestion. The legislature with resect to thelEst day of the week has nothing to do with thematter of a religious test or the compulsion ofthe observance of a particular religions belister service: the day of rest is needful for ha-manity to recover from the strain of six days'labor. This isfounded on humanity, and is jes-tiled outside of any question of ereed or of re- 1Ugion. The laws of te state bearing on this Ipoint provide for rest and for non-interruption Iof religious services. It is not compulsory en oany one to go to church. but it provides peae Ifor those who wish to go to chureb.

'Any pRn has a right toannex to a gftany coditiou that is not illegal or Immoral.The appropriation by Congre of mosey totheexposi:ioncan be rightfully construed as

iharitablebequests, and it is clear that to suchuests there ca be attached onditions

which the courts must enforce. Tha local cor-poration accepted the money and passed a rulelosiug the fair on Sunday. It has received alarge sum of money as a conditional gift. and Ithe conditions must be observed by the donse,md a court of chancery, on proper presents-ion, must ae to it that the conditions laidIown are enforced. In retaining the 0500,000)r more out of the $2.500,000 the United States Iid no more than it bad 'a right to do, bemuse Ithe national honor is involved.*he resolution to open the fair on Sundaywasnot legally passed. The corporation can-notchange rules once adopted by the coams- 1

*min as soon as the commission'sback is turned.? , to the state court which has passed on thisnase I will sy that the United States was not aparty in that court. 1 think that there can beDo question but that the United States has a Iright to use colrs of its own jurisdiction to I

ddicate matuem pertaining to governmental ire. In my opiniem the injunction asked

for should issue.'3M 3IrsuMTrwo oPirioN.

Judge Grosecup delivered the dissatingopinlom. He concurred. he said. an the opinionof Judges Jenkins and Woods that the power tomodify rules of the local corporation was givento the conseled to protect the nationalhonor. He doncurred in the opinion that theexposition was national in its character. Butit is a characteristic of American thought thatsuch things should be done by the people withthe aid of the Wovernment. If the power todose the grounds is assumed for the govern-ment it must be found in with partnershi orcontract. Congress had voted SMO00 tothe fair and made it a condition of the giftthat the fair should be closed on Sunday. It isimmaterial whether this was a contract or adonation. The corporation accepted the giftand the conditions and pssed a rule closingthe fair on Sundays. Then the governmentwithheld 1.140.000 of the 5000,010 coins it had Iagreed to give the corporation. Who knows ,that the corporation would have aeted thegift and surrendered its views on Suay cloo-ing if it had known that part of the appropris-tion was to be withheld?

"This law was passed by Congress after theacceptance of the former conditional gift. Itwas a new condition imposed without the con-sent of the other party. The constructionplaced on this act by the law officers of the gov-eronent attributes to Congress a purility ofpurpose. The national commission was in-trusted with the task of providing jurors ofaward, and this was as clearly a portion of itsduties as anything else that it bad doneand theexpense should be horne by the commissin, aswas the cost of classifying the ethibite. Thisexpense should not be eaddled on the local cot-poration by Congrees. Congress ha. no powerto create Indebtedness for the local corporatioand the act of March 3. 1895, was unjustihable."The government hem broken faith with thec ration, and no court of equity could insist

an corporation observing the hard condi-

lions imposed by the governumeut. The gov-emrnment has no more rights than a private indi-

vidual, and whether as contractor or donor, Ithould be compelled to bye up to its tProms.. IWhen Congress withheld the 1 140,00 souvenir irosas the situation changed. lheprevious act Iwas as if It were not. 'Ihe Sunday closinloiestion is of no more Importance to theloa.orporatlon than to the people of the Unitedttates. I amn of the opinion that the injunctionshould not Issue."

ma Amnar.Edwin Walker. counsel for the world's Shir

tirectory, addresed the court and prayed an

eppeal to the appellate court, which, he maid,s in session. The matter could be definitelyteedded In a few date. He asked also that the~ourt lx a bond which would act asa enper-edea.He maid the gravity of the situation was in-aresed by the decision of the state court on

his same question being opposd to theIeeision of the federal court. There was

anger of an unpie--mnt conflict of authorityetween the courts.]He suggested that It could be arraged toave the case from the state court taken to thetate appellate courts and that both appellate

ourts might by their action definitely settleho maatter.

District Attorney 3llehrist maid be would ask]bat the order ef Injunction prayed for by therovernment be isaued.Judge Wood. finally said the court would an-ounce its decision on the subject of the appeal.

nd supersede.. at 9:30 today.

Tie Assignament .t Naval Cadets.Of the seven naval cadets reported physically

elcient by the academic board and granted a

s-examination by the Navy Department board

Ul but two will be honorably dtischarged with

year's pay. The two cadets who passed theecond examination successfully are L. I.Ernai of Illinois andt E. A. Elder of Mass-

huetts. The names of those who failed have

Iready been published in Tins 8-rAn. With

bese fie rejections the question of appointing

ne cadets to the surplus vacancee Is not sohnperatire as it was before. Secretary Her-

ert is quoted a's laying that he has not settleda his mind whether any except the seven

adets of the engineer divislon at Annapolis

ould be appointed to the twenty vacancleemong the asisitant engineers.With the cases before the retiring boards andxamining boards there will probably be fivedditional vacancies in the line July 1. Therere now fifteen vacancies in the line and sixni the mearine corps, and the problema of pro-

-idinig places for the entire graduating class is

ot now so serious as it at first appeared.The Welsh coal people are disappointed to

Indl that the 4Ci~ampaia, on her late brilliantTip. u~ed V'irginia coal, not Welsh, Theyhink that with Welsh coal she could make are-days' passage.The total immigraition to the United Statesiring the ten months ended April 30, 1895,

rae 33-,45. a decline of 119,133 from the ina-

aigration of the corresponding ten months of

he previous year.Cramuoa' ehipyard will be open to the publicrior to the launch of the Massachusetts at 10clo~ck tomorrow morninag.(

Use Platt'e Chloridles to Disinteetrhe house alrnina wat.. cl..l, stales .

Tsm PRENC3 3EW WLL.We a Nadsud TemFuamauer s wet

to the apeasti- to.3w nor.The Infants of 8paia male her rat vist to

BIe werM' fair yesterday moring. Thepaadour of the ghemsting white palaces,1mpls of art and seience. stored with wendrsif huma ingenuity, and the wondrous olse atthose beautifulstructee interested her. FromThe time the fair geest entered until she arrivedat the admnaistration building hir face wore thehxpWesioM of one lost In amaZement. With abeautifal day the white city never looked moreattractive, and the buildings never appeared tobetter advantage for dieplaying the artisticbeaty of their construetlon.Long befere the hour of the arrival of the

princess and her entourage the roadway overwhich she was to paM wa NAsd on each aideby thomsands upon thousands of people eagerlyWaiting to catch a gbpe of her, and therand plaa around the adinstratio buildingwas packed with humanity.At 11 o'clock the board of administrationistimated that there were 100,00 p e on thePounds when the princess arrive. The oar-riages bearing the infants and party arrived atthe west entrance of the Midway Plaisanoeihortly before 11 o'lo8k.A mounted platoon o park police precededthe Carringes and the engo Hussars acted asNeort, As the procession entered the plaisanoea mighty sheer went up from the tens of thou-nd of human threats that fairly made thebUIiWn iftable, while the bands in the vari-

uspav with one accord began to play.As the royal party and escort entered thepelsance they were met by the joint committeeMn Oeremonies. The procession thea startedIown Midway Plalsance, the cadets of theMichigan Military Aeademy closing up the rear.There were strange sights seen along themidway. The savages of the Dahomeyan village,the barbarians from the Chinese theater andthe atreeto in Cairo and the other quaint andauer resorts were all out to see the princess,ad all were attired in the fantastic costumesif their native lands.As the party moved along each of the dif-srent nationalities represented did homage10 the princess after the 'manner of theiriountry.

On reaching the administration building theauests were escorted to President Palmer's re-tos room. The entire company then re-

to the breakfast room, in pavilion "C."lwal of the breakfast room were eliboratelylearated with banksof Gowan and the Spanishbnd American colors intertwined.When the royal party entered little dowertire preceded the princess and paved her wayAt T luion the royal party left the ad-ministration building and wore escorted to Mrs.Palmer's reieption room, in the woman's

ruilding, where they were received by theommittee on cermonies of the board of ladymanagers.At the conelusion of the visit at the woman's

iuilding the party took carriages and weretriven to the Palmer House.


Nat'etI and Matuafa Again Approachiag aCollision.

A letter from Apia, Samoa, dated May 24, viaIn Francisco, says:It may be safely predicted that Samoan af-

airs are approaching a climax. Indeed, beforehis reaches you Malietoa and Mateafamay haveTied conclusions and the all important ques-Ion as to which is the strongest party mayve been forever decided.Lately several important events have takenplace, and it now seems as if active hoe.itites were on the very point of being eom-nenced. A fortnight ago Matamfa addressed aetter to King Malltso. in which he madepeaceful overtures, reminded his majesty oflygone occurrences and suggested that a hugeOnd general meeting of gamoans should be holda choose a monarch. He suggested variousrillages as snitable places to hold the proposedmeeting. and repeatedly appealed to the king'not to be angry" with him.Opinions differ as to the chances of the op-osingfpartiee,and under existing circumstancee

t is simply Impossible to obtain reliable infor-nation as to their relative numbers and com-arative strength. Feeling already runs prettyigb. There have been fighta and asaults andil sorts of doings.

AN ARCHBaSoP MOBBED.Pelish ktadesta Attack a Prelate of the

Greek Church.Archbishop Sembratowie: was mobbed by

orty Polish students in Lembnrg, in view oflis visit to the pope, which the Poles regard asreason to the Greek Catholic Church, of which1e isa prelate. The archbishop was driving tohe railway station from his hons when thetudents attacked him. They threw rottenggs at the arehbidhop and his coachmanitopped the horses and tried to climb into theSwies.Five men reached over the daors and beathe archbishop with their canes, while others

Ossed dirt, eggs and vegetables over the back.Mbe archbishop was caught twice by the collar,'ad was half dragged from the carriage, butMch time tore himself loose. The policettacked the students, but were driven back.teinforeements were summoned. and, after alot skirmish, nineteen of the students were ar-ested. The others ded.Bishop Kaljowski of 8ttanislan, who had come

apon the mob in the worst of the fight and hadittempitd to defend the archbishop, waseverely out and bruised on the face and theisek. The archbishop's face was bleeding anda was covered with filth. Both he and thelishop were accompanied home by the pollee.

The Commiattee Trip Peetponed.The Pacific coast trip which the Senate com-

aittee ominmnigration and naturalisation ex-'sosed to take this week, In furtherance of the

investIgation recently begun by it in New York,las been poetponed until the first week inLugust. The committee on terrttoriea, alsoharged with the duty of making an investiga-morn during the recese pf Congress, will accoms-

may the committee elm immaigration when Itless west, in the interestas of economy, and It

was owing to the Inability of Senators Hill offew York and Platt of Connecticut to make the

rip at this time that the postponement wassade. Mr. Hill, chairman of the committeein Immigration, says he will cell the commit-

me together in New York next week. At thatlie Senator Chandler of New Hampshire, whomes been op in Maine fishing, with Senator

Prye Is expected to be in attendance, but Sen-ior Voorhees will heat home in Indiana.

A Neow Chief Appointed.Secetery Carlisle has appointed Worthington

'ord of Brooklyn. N4. Y., chief of the bureau

I statistics, Trasury Department. Mr. Ford

a about forty years of age, and during the last~leveland administration served as chief of theurean of statiatics, Department of State. Mr.~ord is appointed to his present position ont the

seommendationof Edward Atkinsonand David

WelsHe is said to be worth nearly 51,000.-

,inhted recently from his father's estate.









H- *n n t nA vmm; mH OrO: Tot1RAM. ASSrLAkD

Hcean and o Teeasee aweamy31.Ik Mr. 3. 0. NA-.oLiL .


DIRECTLY ON TUE SEAC.Pamnger eevater and all s saedra temoremets

whik eentstute a trat-lm hoetLNUN PARTR

Over the board wi.eb mmmeted Ibseowmmmwith the hotel.

my8-m J. WRITX.Owner andMamser.T"L*"'1 .C, ..

flu1S AL. U. OPPENRIMUR.H PIMROKE. ATLANTIC CITY.e thogot Open all yer.mhiS-dm I. AKE

OTR REWNR ITUCK Wwerk. Homnelike house. rvm-i WC M'mhl-hn Atlantic Ct. N.



wnflonyifiletee. IapTtul Mirs.ANIRM8I4B M E ViIewN AE.MAX%

sonable. Send fill booet. C. & AJR)m124.mT3E CEALPOtTE. ATLANTIO CITY.

ON THE REACE.Salt wae bath. In the o.e..levtr, .r .em.M

op:ete; u, pademto" for Illustrated booklet.

.t?-5Wm AddresmTE CVALPONTE.r R #LIPTON.

r. Atlantic and Come tout ave.: hfaint ~ ~ ~ ad yhu~ .N tane S nI

per re. ES1-2EDENNI3. M

THE Dxm"LAtlanOean end b aST.

T'"v. ever e"0".-7eI ..


Ae -tenei; coasy; r



j.l-i*the AU.' IW2BOX.

r EE MANSIONA. ALATI CITY. N.J.Aerommodatee500 hacs neot all tralm and

cam ueeta to and Duim the beech.Oreheetra Jun. to Seplomber.Ste, reasonable. Spei for JOlaS-Rat CRAIILESIULAimMARYLAND.

Tz Now Yorkare. CertobAldlr 11-Wenee J se L


aend south Ca Rot Aa a I.A I


Op114-10 F Every Ot vomhid- armdy ofthe''oi e.

MOt RENT-A NICELY PIRNISHED 1OTEL OWtwetyie vtated on the beach at A

tic City with licaue.. ty prirate%houpee with Puita rounerted. Apety teE. VCLOTY. Atlantic City. N.J.


AODURY PARK ooLicamNow open. oea front Oth eTe.: aldeae W. MArVEY JONt. Propitor. jel-Se

A SBURY PARK. N.J.As~uzy --THE FENIMORE.J4m1 ocks from the oea. Capecim NowLE


New "e eitt~~iea ba htel. Capacit.MO0. Muelodaily. emd fat Pemoblet.jel-lan WRIGHT & PROST.

Oft the be~b~Ach, ry .jeS-'hn - LAPPLEGATE. Proprietor.OTDT L NDURT. ID AVE.,ABNUMV PARK.N.. This new hone Lmt opened; two equare

150. Nr.2A&B. OLDNOR OR. ny7-1mAE41 POI'TAN HOTEL.A18RY PARK. I J.

..lf hotel opens June9S. Aoa. ci theo) Gleanc. Mt. Auburn Cladnil, Chin. A:&.-re unil June o& THELO. bv ka. 1P. jei-

OROO HALL" rho a

MY20-2m M. L MeCRATXE LEADLEY. ARBURY PARK. N. J. TRave. near the beach; 12th seaon; accommoda.tio: for 100- botl Ivlion and i"Ol.eanftars?

con itioma perlet. 0 aT LIDLE . ops.am2-Sm


__y1-117 _______ B eah ven. II. .



otlwithi 150 feet et the surf;i oechestrathroah-

my27-lm P. E. FOSTER.

NEPTUNHOUiUSE ~ WISNiO-tm BE. C. C.WLO.CAPE MA OTEL LAPAYETTE"bec.AOp luneme oate. lil ne bealach. ll

te. JOIam IlACaa(NGRS B C3 MAY. N..

Under the earns liberal mamagemeet.my1-Sim L. P. CAKE.

cAEMAY~ N. J.nm32m THtO a btL~ rpigHE WINDSOR.


Jel-aSit W. . GREEN.

HOTEL BRIGHTON.Open JUNE31. 7th and Ocean ave. Piret-efanaaappoemsenta a or ircular,

my m R. R. bOOY. Prop.OCPAN HOUSE. OCEAN GROVE. N. 3. -HOTELthoronably renovate.d : anitary arrangenteper.

tin fr150. orxa 'f PRE T I&Crp.eiRl1I AlASKA." Ocen Grove. .J. Pitjnsavl

Terme reaeonable. N I IMNJet .B IMR Proprietor.

HECARROLLTON.Goe.NJFret-cason..O the St avene. Ner the


1.58. EN8 rp

Snr2-2m Late of Carleton Spring Itae.Hf "'^T "ah LAXKE. .

my1 s June 17. DIreclyn O.

- HP KIN" SPINGLAKE. N. 3..* NEARouahoese. upe JUN3 1. One of the moms


PALMEI: MOUSE.30-=Now open. beve EVR


Opnfrom Jues Ito Octobejet -24m 1t. K. LETCHWORTE.


OEn JleACADIAN. CASTINE ME.Ornme2. Iocation unsurpeece on the n'orth-ineng eSce len oportunt e fr oatigadShiu"ia"teln."ledto u' e"n"AtIrtE*RMannarer my10-ewnthW.a.3


Po net oca cnry oAth Maua u O e oe

C'"T"E MONA COTTAGES.STRAWS POINT. RYE. N. RI.Theee cottagee can now be rentedentireor Ianat.

The ane, ofa a pe he wthont the troublsummr. Picar attento paid to the e lain. -


"T E "ATJ I ", a . L

~~I~mwatr haths; sOmnstddt na

=ANTUCKRT. TO LET-FI i-room to .6 com. mple for

pla;Ten e";at =9190ag_bb-atto chburches, stores,

.3.-ORG ****.?o.TeZ.1.1

SEA.13D-nsLLANqEUm.AY RIDGE HOTEL. DAY RIDGE. MD..OPERIju" 10. For teros and ther iafo n akb

1U()TzL ~ ~ ~ . NLSIWCHPL M...

tneet ' is bione forthe seasrp;eap byity

P W. Ofanuy.u il.Ma1. a7



WILL OPN T R N .SOeasn Or M .

Will oo gn waer thahnout. -Comandsnest . e nuas rabbte by elee-

tey;i aley.nlt r room., dancing. &c. *EcIomaoswAR t

Jue 7 istn. at AGE Mcok anfrtePit

Senate e. until T 1 .&s.ENY POINTtOTfl



city thraftLW ILAM.Popit

Good Salt water bathinorSe r bbostlwHm.tewpin allery binardt rS danciont.r.y.

Jll ns . at Acok D .Aforthe.r.

eek ndrh entiresenow fee ro dates. Churbe s. ltt. rm full Adr tien by cal tr nbWA.C

aerO8 aLI WAk8.idiney Poat.St. Mrtrnd.


myS$1m-esudemfa.. une.W.*DRIMEN SPRINGS.8T. 1ARY's COUTY "D-To our many Washingrton friends: Instea of io-

ftair. bat end fruit fre8rtS ble and dour Mail.

Jm-1m* R. P. BLAaIqTONE &SON.


im "aon .i- Esfu as ad rated virtu

D.65esaphists t Sr caIr


KoTmL OPEN JUNS :2&.mY18-8m L.K DOTW, Manamer.

T f& LYRPNS HOTEL WILL SET MD o guests, jobs L. A

=010%20~ k"1. fapre the Man

i . $. new ad...eler a sa usZ-is f tand tea

L C. sprina. W. Va.

myi6 wae adPrmritr


UNA VISTA HPRING HOTELBue, u nty. eie Marylandl R. R.

Tb=:mest hotel s bees xmday enlarged d Plast by enabli e to ertee to season guest . Ptweek

IMsaer a d- r. After June o BUf' VIST A S IG

Co., d. tW'Mr. Rest will be at WU-"1 V Saturday during May and JuneI~ m V., .t 0

C'AON PRING0 AND BATES. TH tSC- hotls q~d rettae. opens Jun. 1.,ainr0 s Wt VIr . Ofer to the oeopl e I

a biaandels superior mieal waters.Bth eofr temperature. A lovel, summe beg"in a beau mountain region. Se retreataholera, teemsable. Waud for psplead

DClaMllen or seats

forXoTo MWshington ent, room 10. No.ol1ht. a. W. ' ar24lmTE MOUNtAik ROUE,A CRESSON. PA.On top oftg lerhen un i maline lean.

OPENS JUNE IS.A delieetfl it to break the Journey between

Chicao te east. Write for dreulars.-my1-l WE. IL DUNHAM. Spt.

E'T'*MKA GWRAM COUNTY. VA.This famous resort opow JUNE 21 under the man-sgement oft 41 010'. F. ADAMS of the at ae

and Albion otels. Raltimore. The hotel buildinoenew with All Moi ro t-asteambet.elcrcbells, pubi and private baths sanitaryclosets. e.. e.

Water from th. celebrated Elkton Litbs SpriaSBowin mram liad a half dasily. ipMarniflcaut scenery. spendid boatu. bathhot andBh Cuisn ertlsa


A I June 20 St.James Hoel Walmere09= ZVto Elkton. Va. ____nrg1mFUQUEIs WHITE SULPHUE hPINGB. VA.

O. L ALER. Manager.

drn brick hotega. eetric bts, bowin alley ta-maades.qaagiry. fato and cold sulpu aha.

T UQUrRauTmEoA JUN 1N~aUd. _____myi-holao*

IORDAN WHItE SULPHuR SPitINGS. FRED-botet oeni alIs daetn ligte wth; sntry arragenent prfect; capacity. 20;Write for pamph ets. . c. JORIDAN, mUyb

t Uomjt theBlu Rds Mountains, Pa.1.401 feet aboy sea level. Pure water, tmure sirperfeo heatomalaria. no osqufts.

Write o ci-culars an rates.M. A. and IL5 MO. L rpieos

___e__r at Str me. ___ay12-SanEfJNEi BrIINGS AND BATES. SHENANDUA

Co..a. ; open June to October.Accommodates 1.000; elevation, 2.300 ft. ; mineral

waters and athe unaurpassad; superb amusic.Send for catalogue.nunll-1m* W. C. JONES. Washington. D. C.WTINDIOR SULPHURaPRINOIoJEN FIER

T'ANu'1.015 PennsylvanIa ae, or adreA.KJELLY._New Windsor. Nd. ___my27-T uROiK ENON SPRINGs AND MINERAL BATHSalte houre from H tahington. in the grest Northmn a near WIceatr V. Juneo1ofrs ratioal amusemeint odeat ncharge,

ofe ad at the otjee of A.8. Pratt & 8on Sun

my24-110w ProprietOr.


First- eless family hotel. Open from May15 to No-vember 1. Eend far illustrated pamphlsta toznSO6 30t W. P. IUESTIS ProprietoryIliGINIA ROT SPRIINGS.ew oel cotna n an .the moat complete bathing-

gat Wam npi allr.Vrgiumia oan a heaaeand OhIo railway. Magni eat mountatasurud

Ever bth from lb 8 owin Ho Springslotvprt ir ho.t spout (the moa curative beafEteht hours frfm Washington. Vhicato speciallav 2mr. *14d t saIfm tulaesII:10 pm.

zzeersion tickets andt full Information at Chesa-oaddres r. F.cW.1 hatnd. ea detror,P.Caunlin. manaerot Spit. ahcunty a


EE VLE N. V.ASonnetes if3;ht and cold wate on etery

sanitary system; table rt-elass good 8.tnganSend eo ciftlrn.my16-1m SOLOMON EELLET. Proprietor.A'""A JS AUaA W. VA.where theco trse bow t fh Aleale

co.ectA. For Rcircular and tnltion apuly to

*BAFFERR. Proper. Aurora. W. a. mtt-3mORT WILLIAM HENRY HOTEL.

LANE GEORGE. N. Y.."Jalon argee: be.t apo'te"

PURE WATER, PURE AIR, PERFECT HEALTH.For ts awl utive ,sra, apl Hotel Grenoble.

myg.26t WILLIAM'NOBLE,=79-284Owner andi Proprietor.RAND VIEW HOUSE. H ARPER's FERRY. W."V. *has been opnduder entirely ne mngetomile from station on nigh elevation. Daily


summer sod autuxm remort ; iate for


1.. . W. GREEN. Proprter.TILTOP StM1 REStET 51J. OPm.=:ur.a-.ern ..M. 8dprbmnearvr . . 04

f6 ,0009d fL mabe ee atae ende



Frdoated oawd 18-1am* P.00. PAt.: ned i Mse a. w. IREE. 1roprietor.

Terounbpnrweek.erk. Nd

MOI~kL TO P WIV29F P ToEque .. - - aira' W sanasee1. Se rnde 7ea D I

Wi e eO1. Pr. jar-sm*ODLE11 LAEI TUCAA~YDUe On- be we. iart-~

ch Met. Lrg airyrU-L1 d01ep - rgenad andAIbeeo hadtatmlar-asene ort-clss i evey dtainL ke s imiaan- for

r.e.idrrueen enrm.aresJn

HLL- D a0.O. Prpr A. iAN-t

a .We'.T'a|Ele".n'"..t"v.'' n.":

e wfi t reletio outfua e-

til vember1.n Faor tsadpa iof J.-F. A.U. 2 LPutRUn SOv. *rpttt


e aku aOuA .'

a.EYthaln aD T_ at allme . 1somiles fmeand ad beeainu a apWIND w. o0 tte Nr &Id


W"'S'':NsT"..' EO ..Oe.."L'MI''*

jes-I Gb

aET aRatRRArDLmeaTkndow pefoa the adl.tun. rf T adaGe

claRsA eand SUA. (Se iryche-deidoplwStaerodV.sA d aweminc of Mhe. DASu-n

eyri. ary a lac m new Alxan. Tra Coalaleaent alsl owe ver lande. reuinge leaes

RDAY'o etORatIN . phas 126AT.DA F. A.1E

badrn. leevrea~nsa.Wshmi

. AO.RFLE.he 0 n Goerfu vley P alaMsefram.

ueateea eada stodaiy at 7auim. fand t a7

sa wh. ae at. Fortrms aarema .e

OfJF ____W15Luiin ove.RA



THRSDewSesd powerful. lies Peleo Sec

Le5--ave AhYSn l at 3:3 mm. fo m foo of

dores:ilalowrw r Too


[ vviNrol el at 61pmudtem Warti-mDA

WWI. eat a1RN10p. An ATVRAY4 at .-V

ens. am-tday.ola' t

Tschaeon esae 51:.. 619. 1't-s IIan 141 Peanari-v leave..ands Elaata. . .Wr e ftor tboheta via the new line.


ap4D-tt . 1 e0 . la.C ts.



We have wate centrl of a =reparaton fatnes

in 3zlt.d cawihwe


n aepplied directly to the A.m.'o. e can he erestr4 re.Aly paiatee..

aowallu .1oiaothe gam afer

n aetan alae...e.. whilehavlat h,.No dnge. Frtiuleiyadapta toperanwascAeYtK = N..

loc appMONROE and we guarantee voa will a..

TUE EVANS DENTAL. PARLOV.apE-am- Ia Pea.. .te.n.w.


Beuyeeprejeton retored byr artilk-lal d..nituree adae Improved upon wherehe haa notdnae her

Ex~rn~nsq~.: with gas. 50s.

Nme7-Lptn. ailver at agm t.atom. crowne day. Ptaa rwe

Tey beet fl a5ete of teeth. 1 V m aj.ieUITED 1TATEt DFNTAL ASSOCIATION. 401

Amenc.with o*'eta th prnie tie. Fo pa-ticulare and prceee page .m -t

I AL INFIBMART-.NATIONA UNIVEREeAg. N nd * aea .eatamatatma*eriala (g.rlmr


0 b ca be e xr; i tr ed atsrn paer

toys. hc. ' myl6.m*

Pa P e at Ie whIte dae a

leave and rolac ltaim l ia s"wil algim

a OkMme aa d etand. 713 ladW at. n w.aVt 2s

A"TN A"DNCA""LDE LEHW 0W 12th . and 1T0I-1P0u a e t. . w.

ARTISTIC DYEING. CLEANING AND) RSTOR-af st. he w n t etu ral n a

sen aetcratnia. Out rom eztene(kRMRL A? 1206r N. .AL .maW



QCTICE In all its branshee.

aod sented. f a g 00 Ge.and deivere. f~m11 314 Pe. avae'se.


.Lajoertul Nerve Latimulant end Teate. Of alt the-Eanstlon. Pesleaan t class Wpenwhateusk.mierble, ethargrte. elee,. lacaqaihi,

E ON.The well-known epedialet.

Ones bowrs. 10 te m . m328-12t*D"U "ImOT1IER THE *OST RIELIABLE AND.Plonges.eetablihed specia let in thia city. with 10ulitn freeand esku eo 6entta w' a-tm

f07 12th et. nw.Over twenty-Swe reae' experleaea.


Graduated landon, England. 181's; New York. 1873.adKidne Alnt.Acute or Chraanation. Nervous liabibity'.

EKATi EN GUAIANTEE .HOURS: 9 toii:30p.m. ; 8 to 9 p.m. Sunday-4 to


ytlente andote tht duringth amoanthe o Jun. 1toMdAuuhi 'die hours will a frog9m

e.m. to p.m only. 0. 1. CARLETON. M.D. jeiI-6iS~TRANGEiW. T'&KNOJTICE-DRtS. BItOTHERISOnl ee bil.dnwrtasn ;','can a= hi =.




OOEs CMMEo"L =lL AM 00EAN" pt M X LR . $belig. WjYKM And mot Sea. pemmeirs'eEdatot. mo etmde Ineei

thetbhiad and Trvewwttinw: e Aeaches%0" .adwena emo Caller wilts1 feegling.'-""--'"WOOM -& i'LPr,.|| -

A UNVRIYGAdT TIN.WTA eMperienc is tachtat. will vivo tetrsat to

a T STON stCOLUMBIA CON8ERVATORT OP 0Atet. w.-Plame. vielia, veftn. El)W I

at e4r e Now Cmaa em rw

biele in 723 14th go. w. w.BOdur cg es of Ameres and Rurse.Open an yer, da e e ing.

AefmErSW Co111mg at Asbury Ftoh. M..41-th.s.tu__-___SRNN's GREAT afO1i METHOD O(F OOK-keepie tatkt In:.* useseng at The emt tof et faie

eny otherleethol. Call or wite for eirm-A- W. L.. SHIN.N. 1415P et.a. w. ill-I*JOE NS HOPKINS GRODUATE 1TVDEWT 16A..aYears, .15prgpac, In colleg. ernrIredr w.1 one int tito in classind

- during samer. Callonw o addrweu3e'ba M.F. DLEN.Ph. D.. 322 COe. .W.

rEAV-ING AND PAINTING AT NATINwALBA*,idsg% of Flue Altt B4 IT at a. w. peat, cheep-et lac leara1. Call sad a. t[1et the wonderful proareee <f etndeta. myls. ne*PIANO TEER.-V YEAI'ae*11s. bestaar or advanced; new anad idhn fo~r ouags' spil; htrefn Mrs ..LMMHot~fiice1. neor 20th and P a. w. *

IVY INTIT17, I.W.R corner 'h mad Z at-. a. '.-Busines comre. fr. aear for day or nit session. Typewrittag.ahort.mmmd. dti_omassd .ttons f ad -.'*

T. VERNON MUSIC ,NT'Dl.. ISMt 1 tMY.n.w. votes enture. **Lahtache% amethod ;"rapievelopmnt of voice rnaranteei deep b"rathlian'ere ng throea troublis; no charwe for eratointar

rowe- ___ mvl2-lai*

[)LtMitIA C0OLLAW IF tOMWMeRMEmmla ve. h.hnd 7th e.a.

C.. RNER. A. .C.E.r.Emera to usw the phemtwthph and typewriter: theIuk-bekt reperAt for anom eiteatlea. Complete' e" . . botha ' .ka b.'ts +e mnwa

awdtw lb.tiimerephi. uduvidma. atyi-tierniy vxvggriecmd reporters. Thigorgtete-inbe Farlita btMian and civil serview fmre.s. Il-

led rm for munmmeiraonthi. Mmnd for estalerne.

EDi CATION FOP I.A1 LIFE.Tug XPEWCERUIAN BSIT MN COLLUEI.NaM. beak of the R iLt.. 7th and D m. w.

Spiie and SuMnerNeetms-are6 I to Sly .prvIem of radtesa lway Amd esmad:e s

rate. but vo comnpetition with cheap schools.9pem every bueges da Telfe27 Principal and Pmprtee.

INN BitIrA's CIVIL snidRic INUTITCTEand Bluinee-Colleoe. eqi7 1(th at n.w. Pupilswetvared auere-oaully for civil service. depraetalad canon uexaminatione. tearrahr taiuvt. oVt-tr

OUT foF WAwINGTO1N.T. AGNFS SCROOL FOR G*IRL% ALBAWY. W.Y.Under the direction of Bi4hep 6eaae. ("helme

our cutr.w of otody for eraduatio. SpecIal etuleeuay te taken or tLbs farvard -ou- for womuen. er

tabne address Mi.. F. W. Boyd.Prin- spel.apl-tmaAVAL EXPEDITION FOR BOV To TAEWOltLIPO FAIRBy At John's Militarr Rerhel. Mankie. K. T.. vIa

he Great Lakes. Orraggeuet e cadeta of a ship-ef-rar. L'tateduumber mayjs. June*7 to Juleyit-pIy fo- tero. t-lawtan

PROFESSIONAILIt. S. D. RRO'K. CLAIRTOTANT AND ME.dim. 7=21thet.a.w. (eehour.


Sell all I lie events of life; coinp love: emu sih--gre; brine back the eparated came egeeld mr-tam., &c. 1Il1 mel. ave., tot. M and % a.w.

ltinsa. :o-. and i. M.mrs. 10 ta . ..rml--:t.MOW. - laI I-. Ta. 'LDKT tAThISE1,1Nadvereslm clairveo sat.atrologer and medium iah=s it ggirulBora with wosderfut prophette raft of mneud etem-.elle all the events if your life fDom cra-lIe to gres,eveals hidden m -sterie-. recover lost property ortolet soeMi. s= eout your euemiel from roweriemaA. braesta -parated tereeher.oen es upeedy us,-lagvs. with happy results. tells whether the ne ranDv If true or fals. lute-oret. 4-arsn. rives atCos*s

a bestasm. remove- family trohtist.e"I isteeoes.Itranmero from oth-r eit"es and al i tronblewi esta

Ar ad uiney 1sy couur ei rirhtam. a eg.a he e "ei9d wh1t.9, m t- 'ave fat..e1.CaeviuMost skeptical. tvetle-. --ly what h u-a de. A1"ameaeondentiaL. Mittmr. 0.W. netwe.* totElpen Mundays. Reaidenae. Oft H 9t.. bet. 414 *a

it:.ta. southwe)t.QSTOKCABIN FT VAPOR TuA1rmi-w pw Fie

FACOOTT. 5,%j lth it. m. w. Open Sunda.

UK liAFL,CL41IIVOrANTANDATUIOL..onfid been~i- with a can'. &.Ivig mimes &aid lu-atr*04i_"Iwto reta~nb,bend or Wover. (11nusult

or on love. hminesa or Jeailt. the won't dupe yesbobatun Wig Fa. s. w..NomSw lA 12 to 5 p. ma.

ME. BMK. TELL' tLI, rg EVEr torlife. All busines uer.kde:ttal. Laie. and reite-

e..e each. itha. 10a. U. to e p.m . NS Now&rk ave. _. w.. ner & at.y-

[F. DItEAMERt. THE ENG.11 1 ANWD.magamoleeterigt. wifl leve for the seamboree mue

3: *8I. Otike 9i=r=. Se. e' ..;

OTTE FOWLER. THE WFLL-KNOWX MPIBIT-Lano buslines and trance t-.1medium: alse n=Aeroatmatm. Hours. 2 -.l1 I piu. Indorsed in Flar-me" Marryst's book In No Death. For a short timeaiy at I In, F at aw. ahl3.a

FF RRD FlIXCTRIC MEDICATIEDapor bath, unexcell d a. a luxury and se a Iwo-rutive to diseage. Agso .ciasl etea.Imt im a.see "1 VT at a.w my1.-im

PIANOS AD ORGANs.I PRIRT PIANO. NAME Al NEW; HIGHESTLnratle; beautitul carved ea.; st-eti t~n; a'elansand ring and ewinee; must saIl. Address VP-LIGHT PIANO. Star ee..-R RAKAUt rlt" PI ANIM DO NOT RFOUIRK 02-

Xbaac words of jersim. nor do tispe beir thees of expensie advertast he)- my univeima'

l et. Eot. 1'77- , a

T SPEAKS ITS IOiRTiIa eve-y tome It spud, forth--the fmousDECKE.R PIANO. Malye poiefernmer .omea larse part of hie ememem to this PIANO.

.have --Dreker.-.all style. .f e...-pla end famey-eag wuod yes lhe.manpriceryos like.

ANDERS A MIAI6 N A. In4 F ST. N.W.je7 Pme5 eleenou..RAVP 1M.'3IMP RIA ISWHAT 00~

erwaia. # hy not atetntrampainr ad call at S oath'.'batt We. hooun. ard see that slightly mdmlbsan. wlhch hasp been redeed feean 3: tod4213Itl sash anid @10 per anoath. Onej Mtesmee oeI,1..5 (e per anonth. hUGO WOR & 0Ctauhid-Iy 9S 7that. .w.




UNIG NDREPAIRINSGGEOBGE ,LKsine maetwaar and espeiter 221.w. : warkahop mn the resr; et~eme md re-'tRtltCR flU*ANI FOR SALE-

JA A two-manual pieoruan of 25 teps. O.1s

rnaly . bett elt at a very ir Igene,Impair.sta'tREmytt-1m 10'! Pa. aee. a. w.

WII.7L~iAC.FaIa8ELL. GtE ST. S. W.

sanl. Lowest priase. Advie ves prha enfchayge-. mit-

A thzeewtd :

p17-r PEIFFR &00.'IFF 41T11het. a


Thatyo mm=e buy Furnitese, Mat1ing. Remiseen

era. Chia. Glama. Baby Carrie, Rne.. asl.. Sem

an---et Srms as yes esa Dorn each essaTom d... you den't beliseR ..d emeyboys ae

om ca't do it. aka chea.e otm., and de you

bliak mer-ceats put out ell this monu e a ew a

1e doa't want any credit budems io oin, we mes

rerythig at lowest cash price end Rse'ewybe~llike. If you emi buy am lamalliments o eama g as

ou please and we will hold the gees US ypga g thetil end save you big mnossy. A weed lSwin

.me.e 52.95. Best Grauds Cerpet Kome. 54.8

lood Mattinr, l2%e. l5c.. &e-. Extra Msey Da

sk. 27ite. Very Flue (lotta Warp se. ap to

cy a of them at mne pulse. Re~mateamg M5

a 6|35. We beep the Laeomed. and w~ehe yeu bo

oro meet or t. don't take aaytingt6M e aat

lahy C'oaches from 54.954 sp. B: Ce.em det

hiars. 65. Badsomse(X er gTablo.eta iset5.

-piece Oak Smite. 61.50. Mach better ema. 635.

c. Opsen Stock Diumer ad Tea Ware,myr pic. you

.nt. ay quantity. at lowest pribe. 8Si Orysta'emblere,I5e. Toet, t. 6 pises, SI.R Ie Geenm

.eers. 2et.. SL-;i3 t., 6L.G;4 t., *l9.03

mnything you want for the house. Ilo't be leeS ofy pricea advertIsed orn few low-prired goods. A veryempletsep oftea omtches the mae* beds. Wedesa

esh bumem, ad we do it right. Amrthing you buy

at ntisfectory return it and get pour money., Ca

om Ad ay better terus anywiere? Eemd thbmed

ad thik it over. Send your

GRANTY. TE: PrUHER.For Furitre, Mattinmg. Refrigeratore. (Meingu

China. Glass, hc. Chomp ftr ca.Double stores.

Ill a 112 7Ith behta I ma o w. se


R U . . DlIv 0g.3m

L RROW*,.OgmgumI *m4L.asEMPEAK .s m mlw

ol! IT 7~

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