adwords exam notes

lContents Fundamentals.................. ........................................................................................... 2  T arget your ads........ ................................................................................................ 2 QS vs Ad Rank:.................... .................................................................................... 2 How the components of Qualty Score a!ect Ad Rank.........................................2 How ad "ualty a!ects you................................ ................................................... # $mprove your ad "ualty................... ....................................................................... # %hoosng the campagn that&s rght for you ' https:((*+,-#...........................................)  T argetng................................................................................................................. * $nterest vs T opc Targetng....................................................................................... + eywor d /atch T yes................................................................................................ 0 1splay etwork targetng....................................................................................... 0 Tr y a dva nc ed t ar ge t i ng co m bi na t i on s b ase d on you r go al s ............................................3 1rect sales campagns.......... ................................................................................. 3 4rand campagns....................................................................................................3  T ypes of Ads.... ...................................................................................................... 55 Ad 6ords 4ddng....................... ........................................................................... 5# 7e89le 9d strateges Apart from %;%< %;/ = %;A >............................................. 5# %onverson ?ptm@er........... ................................................................................. 5- /o9le Ads............ .................................................................................................... 5) nderstand and account for all mo9le conversons.................................. ............ 5)  T arget consumers near your locato ns...................................................................5) 1rve them to your 9usness wth the rght ad......................................................5) App vs /o9le Ste................................................................................................. 5) Some uses for app remarketng nclude:............................................................... 5) /o9le Ad T ypes..................................................................................................... 5* %ampagn Types.................................................................................................... 5*  T rue Bew............................................................................................................... 5+  T rue Bew $n'Stream Ads........................................................................................ 53 Reservaton $n stream' Ads...................................................................................2, http:((' onlne(onlne2,5)C(vdeo(222*tD0+*d+,,3'++f9'-a*+'0*9c'+,-+) fddf00e

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 Target your ads........................................................................................................2

QS vs Ad Rank:........................................................................................................ 2

How the components of Qualty Score a!ect Ad Rank.........................................2

How ad "ualty a!ects you...................................................................................#

$mprove your ad "ualty.......................................................................................... #

%hoosng the campagn that&s rght for you '


 Targetng................................................................................................................. *

$nterest vs Topc Targetng....................................................................................... +

eyword /atch Tyes................................................................................................ 0

1splay etwork targetng.......................................................................................0

Try advanced targeting combinations based on your goals............................................3

1rect sales campagns........................................................................................... 3

4rand campagns....................................................................................................3

 Types of Ads.......................................................................................................... 55

Ad 6ords 4ddng.................................................................................................. 5#

7e89le 9d strateges Apart from %;%< %;/ = %;A>.............................................5#%onverson ?ptm@er............................................................................................ 5-

/o9le Ads................................................................................................................ 5)

nderstand and account for all mo9le conversons..............................................5)

 Target consumers near your locatons...................................................................5)

1rve them to your 9usness wth the rght ad......................................................5)

App vs /o9le Ste.................................................................................................5)

Some uses for app remarketng nclude:...............................................................5)

/o9le Ad Types.....................................................................................................5*

%ampagn Types.................................................................................................... 5*

 True Bew...............................................................................................................5+

 True Bew $n'Stream Ads........................................................................................53

Reservaton $n stream' Ads...................................................................................2,


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-.  )our ad.searc& relevance: How relevant your ad te8t s to what a person searches for

). /eogra'&ic 'erformance: How successful your account has 9een n the regons youGre


*.  )our targeted devices: How well your ads have 9een performng on d!erent types of

devces< lke desktops(laptops< mo9le devces< and ta9lets

%ow ad quality a(ects you

The quality components of Ad Rank are used in several different ways and can affect the following things

in your account:

5. Ad auction eligi0ility: Havng 9etter "ualty components typcally makes t easer

and cheaper for your ads to enter an aucton. ?ur measures of ad "ualty also help

determne whether your ad s "ualed to appear at all.

2.  )our actual cost1'er1clic 2C"C3: Hgher "ualty ads can often lead to lower %;%s.

 That means you pay less per clck when your ads are hgher "ualty.

#.  )our eyword*s 4rst 'age 0id estimate: Hgher "ualty ads are typcally

assocated wth lower rst page 9d estmates. That means tGs easer for your ads to

show on the rst page of search results when they have hgh "ualty components

e8pected %TR< ad relevance< and landng page e8perence>.

-.  )our eyword*s to' of 'age 0id estimate: Hgher "ualty ads are typcally

assocated wth lower top of page 9d estmates. That means tGs easer for your ad to

show towards the top of the page when your ads are hgher "ualty.

). Ad 'osition: Hgher "ualty ads lead to hgher ad postons< meanng they can show

up hgher on the page.

*. 5ligi0ility for ad e+tensions and other ad formats: Some ad formats re"ure a

mnmum ad "ualty threshold to show. $n addton< your Ad Rank determnes whether

or not your ad s elg9le to 9e dsplayed wth ad e8tensons and other ad formats<

such as stelnks

6m'rove your ad quality

78 Create very s'eci4c ad grou's

Each ad group within your campaign should focus on a single product or service so that your adsappear more relevant to customers. Your cookie-loving customer is more likely to click an ad

about cookies than a generic ad about food. Relevance tends to lead to higher quality ads, and

being specific is one way to become more relevant.



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If your baked goods shop sells dierent types of cookie packages, think about

creating ad groups for each of those dierent cookie packages, like one ad group

for your holiday cookie package, and another ad group for your birthday cookie


98 C&oose your eywords carefully

Include specific keywords that directly relate to the specific theme of your ad group and landing

page. It's often more effective touse keywords that are two or three words long instead of

just single words.


If you're selling cookie packages, some keywords you might consider are "cookie

gift package" or "cookie gift basket." Generic keywords like "cookie" or "gift"

 probably aren't eective because they're way too general.

Need help thinking of more keywords? Try using Keyword lanner  to help you think of additional

keywords that you might want to add to your list.

8 6nclude eywords in your ad te+t

Include your keywords in your ad text (especially in your ad's headline) to show people that your

ad is directly relevant to their search. When people see their search terms in your ad text, it showsthem that your ad is probably relevant to what they're searching for.


If you're trying to sell a cookie gift package, and you have a keyword that says

"cookie gift package," your ad tet should also say "cookie gift package."

;8 Create sim'le, enticing ads

What makes your product or service stand out from the competition? Highlight these importantdifferences in your ad. Do you offer free shipping? Do you have certain items on sale? Be sure to

describe any unique features or promotions that you offer.

<8 se a strong call1to1action


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Your ad text should have a strong call-to-action. A call-to-action encourages users to click on your

ad and helps them understand what they can do once they reach your landing page. Here are

some sample call-to-action words:4uy< Sell< ?rder< 4rowse< Fnd< Sgn up< Try< Jet a


=8 Test out multi'le ads

Experiment with different offers and call-to-action phrases to see what's most effective for your

advertising goals. Our system automaticallyrotates ads within an ad group and shows the

better-performing ad more often. Over time, you might see that certain ads will perform better

than others, showing you which ad text is more effective.

>8 Regularly review your cam'aign 'erformance

Test and tweak your campaigns to get the results you want. Review your ad performance to help

figure out the best ways to achieve your goals. As you watch your ads over time, you might notice

changes to yourclict&roug& rate or conversion rate. For example, if you find that

customers aren't responding to a particular call-to-action in your ad text, remove that ad and try

something else. It's all about experimenting!

%ow Quality Score wors wit& new eywords

New keywords automatically get a Quality Score of 6 and a value of “average” for their expected

clickthrough rate (CTR), ad relevance, and landing page experience. That’s because when ou add a new

keword, the sste! that calculates its "#"$ %ualit &core doesn’t have an infor!ation about that

keword’s past perfor!ance. 'nd %ualit &core is based on a keword’s historical perfor!ance. t usuall

takes about one da for the %ualit &core sste! to have enough perfor!ance data to begin setting a

different %ualit &core and value for expected CTR, ad relevance, and landing page experience.

C&oosing t&e cam'aign t&at?s rig&t for you 1


Call only ads

These adsdon't send customers to your website landing page

 — clicks on the ads should usuallyinitiate a call to your business. When you enter your

verification URL, which can be the landing page address for your business, that's only for AdWords to


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verify your ad and phone number. To create ads that allow both clicks to call and clicks to your website, try

usingcall e8tensons.

ote: Call-only campaigns are available for campaigns targeting the Search Network.


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.eyword Topc






%ustom AA

$n /arket





Hocaton languagtargetn


4road4road /atch





6nterest vs To'ic Targeting

So< you&re lookng to e8pand your 1splay etwork reach and don&t know where to 9egn

wth all these new trends appearng. Two of the hot tems at the moment are Ltopc

targetngM and Lnterest categores.M et me start wth a 9ref e8planaton of each:


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 Topc Targetng: $mplemented through the LtopcsM ta9< ths feature allows you to place

your ads drectly on 'ages to whch your product(servce s relevant. $n layman&s terms<

t&s an automatc ste targetng tool whch nds relevant stes for you nstead of sftng

through the Lplacement tool.M

$nterest %ategores: Found wthn the LaudenceM ta9 or through your shared l9rary< thsfeature allows you to target users who are interested n we9stes relevant to your

product(servce and then follows these users around the $nternet no matter what

we9ste they go to.

 The 4$J d!erence: Topics target relevant sites w&ile interests target relevant


ow< you&re askng< L6hch one s 9etterNM 6ell that all depends on what your ultmate

goal s. 4oth can greatly 9roaden your dsplay span 9ut you&ll need to dg deeper n your

wallet f you don&t watch them closely. $nterest categores work well for 9randng e!orts

9ecause you can get your name out to a lot of d!erent people and then keep followng

them< ngranng your mage nto ther 9rans. Topcs generally wll 9e a 9t 9etter for

conversons 9ecause people are already lookng for somethng related to your


A 9etter way to use topcs s to add keywords. Ths allows you to stll nd a relevant 9ut

wde range of we9stes whle stll honng n on specc themes< so you can really nd

the most pertnent ste and "uery to ncrease your converson rates.

A great way to enhance nterests s to feed users more specc ads dependng on what

s mportant to them. Say you&re a travel agency< and you are targetng people wthn

the Otravel& category. Eou can set up d!erent ad groups wth specc ads targeted to

someone who s n the O9us = ral& vs. Oar travel.& Ths may mean more work creatng

multple ad versons< 9ut you&ll 9e puttng out hghly relevant nformaton to the e8act

user you want.

4ascally< 9oth methods can help e8pand a campagn to more "ualty targets. There are

many ways you can com9ne topcs and nterests as well and e8cludeP> that can slowly

open up your reach< 9ut that wll have to 9e saved for another postP


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Keyword Batc& Tyes






eyword Ads may s&ow on searc&es t&at







none womenGs


nclude msspellngs< synonyms< related searches<

and other relevant varatons












contan the moded term or close varatons<

9ut not synonyms>< n any order

• http:((,5,(5,(


• http:(('draw9acks'


hats f









are a phrase< and close varatons of that phrase buy


s hats







are an e8act term and close varatons of that

e8act term


s hats






'women are searches wthout the term baseb

l hats

Dis'lay etwor targeting

• AKnty U long term Bew of an nterest(lkng eg Soccer aconados< etc>. Sth

lke TB ads$n'/arket U temporary nterest people who are currently n the market

lookng for searchng for cars. 5s' relevant from conversion 'ers'ective

Remareting 1

• ow goog*le know our interests+

o  ' specific user !a not have searched for our productservice but the !a

have a natural liking or attraction to an 'ffinit categor as exhibited b their

online patterns, or the !a have a close rese!blance or connection to

so!eone who would be interested in a product.


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o Think about our browsing behavior. -hat do ou often read+ -hat are our

!ost co!!on ueries+ Can ou see the!es and patterns in our behavior+

o /abe ou subscribe to blogs on &candinavian design, shop around at cool

online shops looking for new pieces for our place, and check out websites for

our favorite re!odeling T0 shows. This would probabl drop ou into the 1o!e

23cor 4nthusiasts1 'ffinit 'udience available in 5oogle 'd-ords

Jood lnks: &tt':..searc&enginewatc&



%ustom AKnty: http:((9log.adstage.o(2,5-(5,(5+(why'googles'new'custom'aKnty'


Try advanced targeting combinations based on your goals

Direct sales cam'aigns

If your goal is to sell products and reach a specific type of audience, you might want to add a few targeting

methods to your ad group that are set to “Target and bid.” Then your ads can show only when the specific

targeting methods you've selected match. Here are some sample combinations:



Target and 0idG

2default setting3


onlyG H&en ads can s&ow








eywords A1 placements 9oth

re"ured for ads to show.



Audences age ot



Audences A1 age 9oth re"ured

for ads to show.



eywords topcs ot



eywords A1 topcs 9oth

re"ured for ads to show.


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Remarketng A1 gender 9oth

re"ured for ads to show.



 Topcs audences ot



 Topcs A1 n'market audences

9oth re"ured for ads to show.

#rand cam'aigns

If your goal is to reach as many people as possible, you might not want to add too many targeting

methods to your ad group. You may still choose, however, to add multiple targeting methods so you can

set bids on a particular one without significantly limiting your reach. Here are some sample combinations:




and 0idG




onlyG H&at it means

Age gender









Age A1 gender A1 aKnty audences all

re"ured for ads to show.



and ageV



Age AKnty audences re"ured for ads to show.

$f aKnty audences and age overlap< you&ll

see reportng for 9oth. The 9d used wll

depend on your 9ddng selecton.



eywords ;laceme


eywords re"ured for ads to show. $f

keywords and placements overlap< you&ll

see reportng for 9oth. The 9d used wll

depend on your 9ddng selecton.


gender V

eywords Jender eywords re"ured for ads to show. $f

keywords and gender overlap< you&ll see

reportng for 9oth. The 9d used wll

depend on your 9ddng selecton.





;laceme Topcs A1 aKnty audences 9oth

re"ured for ads to show. $f topcs< aKnty


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Ad Types

 Te8t $mage

Bdeo Ad I8tesnon

;roduct HstngAds :;HA>VVV

%all ?nly

6A; /o9leVV App ;romotonV



audences nts audences< and placements overlap< you&ll

see reportng for all. The 9d used wll

depend on your 9ddng selecton.

Ty'es of Ads

VAds wll appear only on devces compat9le wth your content.


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VV%onnect wth customers on'the'go< targetng your ads 9ased on ther locaton



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Ad I8tenson Types


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I8tenson Types

/anual :%ARS%H>

App %all

Hocaton Revew

Stelnk %allout

Automated:SS; %>

%onsumerRatngs ;revous BstsSocal

I8tensons Seller Ratngs


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Ad Hords #idding


Ad6ords system wll am to show your ads as much as poss9le untl your daly

9udget s met. 4ecause customer traKc 7uctuates from day to day< AdHords can allow u'

to 9@I more clics in a day t&an your 0udget s'eci4es8 However< our system makes

sure that n a gven 9llng perod< you*re never c&arged more t&an t&e mont&ly

c&arging limit J @8; multi'lied 0y your average daily 0udget amount8

• H&en your average daily 0udget is reac&ed, your ads will ty'ically sto'

s&owing for t&at day. EouGll want to consder your campagnGs ad delivery met&od, 

whch determnes how "uckly your ads are shown and how long your 9udget lasts durng a

gven day< when settng your daly 9udget. The Accelerated delvery method s lke Wet

fuel X t uses your 9udget more "ucklyY the Standard delvery method s more lke a

slow'9urnng candle X t spreads your 9udget throughout the day.

e+i0le 0id strategies 2A'art from C"C, C"B C"A3

To use CPA bidding, you'll need to eitherset up conversion tracking, cross-account conversion

tracking, or be importing data from Google Analytics. You'll also need to turn onConversion

Optimizer. Conversion Optimizer uses historical information about your campaign, and automatically finds

the optimal equivalent CPC bid for your ad each time it's eligible to appear.

Ba+imiLe clics automatcally sets 9ds

to help you get the most clcks wthn a

target spend amount that you choose.

#leible version of automatic bidding

6hen ste vsts are

your prmary goal

6hen you want to

ma+imiLe traEc on

long tail terms whle

keepng wthn a

certan spend

%ampagns< ad



Target searc& 'age

location automatcally adWusts 9ds to

help you get your ads to the top of the

page or the rst page of search results.

$ew bid strategy 

6hen you want more

vs9lty on the rst

page of Joogle search

results or n the top



ad groups<


Target outraning s&are automatcally

sets 9ds to help you outrank another

doman&s ads n search results.

6hen you want more

vs9lty than other

domans n search


ad groups<


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$ew bid strategy 

results keywords

Target cost1'er1acquisition

2C"A3 automatcally sets 9ds to help youget as many conversions as poss9le

whle reachng your average cost'per'

ac"uston goal.

#leible version of Conversion


6hen you want to get

the most conversonswth your target %;A


ad groups

5n&anced cost1'er1clic

25C"C3 automatcally adWusts your

manual 9d up or down 9ased on eachclck&s lkelhood to result n a converson.

#leible version of Enhanced CPC

6hen conversons are

the man o9Wectve<

but you also wantcontrol over your

keyword bids


ad groups

Target return on ad s'end

2RMAS3 automatcally sets your 9ds to

ma8m@e your converson value< whle

tryng to reach an average return on ad


$ew bid strategy 

6hen you value

conversons d!erently<

and want to meet a

target R?AS


ad groups<


Conversion M'timiLer

An AdWords feature that predicts which clicks are likely to be valuable, then changes your bids to help

you get as many profitable clicks as possible.

•$f your man advertsng goal s gettng conversons lke sales< sgnups< or mo9le app

downloads>< then %onverson ?ptm@er can help automatcally get the most poss9le

conversons for your 9udget. $t can also help you get more sales whle payng less for the

clcks that lead to those purchases.


%onverson ?ptm@er uses your Conversion Tracing data to avoid

un'ro4ta0le clics and get more conversons at a lower cost. #ased on your

cam'aign*s &istory of conversions< %onverson ?ptm@er automatically 4nds t&e


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o'timal cost1'er1clic 2C"C3 0id for your ad eac& time it*s eligi0le to a''ear8 6t

sets &ig&er C"C 0ids for more valua0le clics and lower C"C 0ids for less valua0le


• 6th %onverson ?ptm@er< you can set one of two types of cost1'er1acquisition

2C"A3 9d '' a target C"A 0id the average amount youGd lke to pay for a converson> or a

ma+imum C"A 0id the most youGre wllng to pay for each converson>. For campagns that

promote mo9le app downloads< you can only set a target %;A. The Target %;A smulator can

help you estmate how changng your target %;A mght a!ect your converson volume.

• A smlar feature s 5n&anced C"C I%;%> whch can also help you get more sales or

other conversons. The man d!erence s that 5C"C wors wit& t&e ma+imum C"C 0id

t&at you set, w&ile Conversion M'timiLer doesn*t. Another d!erence s that

Conversion M'timiLer modi4es 7@@I of traEc, w&ile 5C"C modi4es <@I initially<

and then moves that percentage up or down 9ased on how t s performng. Eou can set 9oth

%onverson ?ptm@er and I%;% to focus on ether conversons or converted clcks 9y

choosng a converson 9d metrc on the Settngs ta9 of all your conversons.


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Bo0ile Ads

nderstand and account for all mo0ile conversions In addition to conversions that start and end on your mobile site, you should be counting conversions

fromcross-device sessions, calls sourced from click-to-call actions, in-store visits and purchases

that were facilitated by store locator searches from smartphones and finally conversions happening

from your mobile app.

Target consumers near your locations

Use location bid adjustments to reach nearby customers.

If a mobile user is actually near your store,location bid adjustments raise your bids by apercentage you pre-set. This results in your ad getting a higher ranking and more visibility when

customers are close by.

Drive t&em to your 0usiness wit& t&e rig&t ad8

• ;romote your store on Joogle /aps

• Add local nfo to your te8t ads ' Location extensions

• Help near9y shoppers nd products n your store 1 Local inventory ads

A'' vs Bo0ile Site

  An app is essentiallya bookmark for loyal users who’ve invested the energy to download your

app to more easily interact with your brand.

• A mobile site is for everyone else.

Some uses for a'' remareting include:

• Showng app engagement ads announcng a new feature to current users of your


• Remndng users who had downloaded your app< 9ut havenGt 9een usng t recently.

• Incouragng users to upgrade to the latest verson of your app.


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Bo0ile Ad Ty'es

H&ere mo0ile ads can a''ear Ad ty'es

?n mo9le devces wth full


such as smartphones or ta9lets

•  Te8t ads

• $mage ads

• App promoton ads

• HT/ ) ads 9ult wth Joogle 6e9


6thn apps on smartphones or

ta9lets•  Te8t ads

• $mage ads

• App promoton ads


6mage a'' 'romotion ads

• Nideo a'' 'romotion ads

?nly on devces that can make calls   • %all'only ads

Cam'aign Ty'es 1 6m'ortant

Bo0ile a'' installsG


Bo0ile a'' engagementG


Ads in mo0ile a'



g goal

$ncrease app downloads

wth ads sendng people

drectly to app stores to

download your app.earn


Re'engage people who use

your app wth ads that deep

lnk to specc screens wthn

your mo9le app.earn more

Show ads for your

we9ste e8clusvel

n mo9le

apps.earn more


type• Search etwork


• 1splay etwork


• Ad6ords for Bdeo


• Search etwork


• 1splay etwork


• 1splay

etwork campagn

' only dsplay adsshow up n Apps

Avala9le • App nstall ads

• $mage app nstall

• App engagement ads   •  Te8t ads

• $mage ads


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ad formats ads

• Bdeo app nstall ads

• App nstall



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True NiewTrueNiew

;ay only when someone chooses to watch your vdeo< so your ad9udget s always well'spent. 

Where viewers choose you

6ou pa onl when a viewer actuall chooses to watch our video. 6our budgets will go farther and be

!ore efficientl spent.

Pay only when viewers choose to watch

-ith True0iew ads, ou don7t pa for rando! i!pressions or !abe#the#saw#its. The viewer has to

choose to watch our video or there7s no charge.

t7s a win#win8 viewers see videos the7re curious about, and ou get !ore views fro! an audience ou

know is interested. 'nd since ou choose what ou want to pa for a view, ou get the right audience at

the right price.

6ou can also run videos longer than 9$ seconds, so ou have !ore freedo! to experi!ent with different

creative for!ats. 6ou can tr longer product de!os, custo!er testi!onials, or a how#to video

de!onstrating our product in action.

2 types of Trueiew!

Trueiew in"stream


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n#strea! ads pla like a T0#stle ad before or during another video fro! a 6ouTube partner. 0iewers see

five seconds of our video and then can keep watching or skip it.

 #ou pay if they watch for at least $% seconds or to the end of the video &whichever is less'(

Trueiew in"display

n#displa ads appear alongside other 6ouTube videos, in 6ouTube search pages or on websites on the

5oogle 2ispla Network that !atch our target audience.

 #ou pay only when a viewer chooses to watch your video )y clicking on the ad(


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True Niew 6n1Stream Ads

What is it*

• True0iew n#&trea! ads enable ou to reach users while the engage with videos. 6ou onl pa

when a user chooses not to skip our ad.

Why you+d use it

• True0iew lets ou focus our !obile video ad spend on actual video views.

• :or advertisers seeking to i!prove returns fro! T0 ad spend, True0iew lets ou !arket to our

target audience online across a !ore extended window of ti!e.

• f ou7re considering several creative directions for a T0 ca!paign, but have a li!ited budget, ou

can test the! out online and !onitor video views and other engage!ent !etrics, growing our

budget based upon conversions.


• 0ideo ads appear in 6ouTube watch pages or within videos on hand#picked sites within the

5oogle 2ispla Network.

•  'dvertiser has ; seconds to engage the viewer, then the viewer is allowed to skip.

• -dvertiser is charged at $% seconds or when the ad finishes, whichever co!es first.


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Reservation 6n stream1 Ads

Reservation-booked skippable (In-Stream Select) & non-skippable (Standard In-Stream) pre-rolls & mid-


A'' "romotion Cam'aigns on Di(erent etwors


L/o9le app nstallsM campagns on the 1splay etwork let you s&ow ads to 'eo'le w&ile

t&ey?re already using a''s similar to yours. 4ecause these campagns nclude default

targetng, you?ll need to s'ecify t&e devices, device models, and o'erating system  

verson for the apps where your ad can appear.


L/o9le app nstallsM campagns on the Search etwork help people on mo9le devces< w&o

are already looing for a''s or 0usinesses lie yours< dscover the app you&re

promotng. These ads can appear on /oogle8com, /oogle "lay, and our searc& 'artner

sites. $f your app s only for ta9lets< Ad6ords e8cludes mo9le phones automatcally

• “TrueView for mobile app promotion” campaigns

allow you touse videos to describe your app. These campaigns help you reach people on YouTube who

are watching or have watched content relevant to your app or who have interests related to your app.

Based on the operating system of your app, AdWords will automatically show ads on compatible

devices only. Your adswill only run on YouTube mobile and tablet apps; they won’t appear on

desktop computers

When to use an App Extension vs an App Promotion Ad

• For any keywords that you de4nitely want to use to drive a''

downloads< you should use A'' "romotion Ads.

• For keywords that you want to ee' directing to t&e mo0ile

we0site< 9ut want to gve users the o'tion to download the app< use app e8tensons.

A'' 5ngagement

Dis'lay etwor

#idding and targeting for a'' engagement

/o9le app engagement campagns use cost'per'clck %;%> 9ds to start out. 6hen you

rst create your campagn< your 9d strategy wll 9e set 9y default to LFocus on clicsM.


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ater< once your campagn has receved a num9er of conversons< you can change your 9d

strategy to Focus on conversons to let Joogle automatcally adWust your cost per clck to

reach a target cost per acton.

$n addton to regular targetng for the 1splay etwork< there are some more rened

targetng optons for app engagement ads to help you show the most compellng ads Wust to

the people usng your app. 6e&ll custom@e your targetng settngs to help you show ads to

the rght people 9ased on the app you select

Searc& etwor 

#idding and targeting for a'' engagement

App engagement campagns use cost'per'clck %;%> 9ds to start out< so your 9d strategy

wll 9e set 9y default to L/a8m@e clcksM. $f you&ve already set up converson trackng< and

your campagn has reported conversons< you can change your 9d strategy to Focus on

conversons. Ths 9d strategy lets Joogle automatcally adWust your cost per clck to reacha target cost'per'ac"uston.

Ty'es of dee' lins

Custom Deep Link

• A custom deep lnk gves your app users the a9lty to open your app drectly from

ot&er a''s 9y clckng a lnk.

• A custom deep lnk takes you drectly to the EouTu9e app download page n Joogle


• ote: a user must have your app nstalled already for ths lnk to work.


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Website Deep Link

• A we9ste deep lnk gves your app users the a9lty to open your app drectly from

we0sites 9y clckng a lnk.

•  Ths lnk lets the user choose to open the EouTu9e app download page n ether

Joogle ;lay or wth ther mo9le 9rowser.

App Indexing

• App $nde8ng s a deep lnk specally desgned for /oogle Searc&8 4oth custom and

we9ste deeplnks can 9e converted nto App $nde8ng deep lnks.

For Google Display ads (aka AdMob) only custom deep links are allowed.