advertising creative strategy final project

ADV 3101 Advertising Creative Strategy Fall 2015 Innovative Wheelhouse Josh Massaro Abigail Fesl Haidy Andrada Aaron Whitcher Jason Wojcik

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ADV 3101

Advertising Creative Strategy

Fall 2015

Innovative Wheelhouse

Josh Massaro

Abigail Fesl

Haidy Andrada

Aaron Whitcher

Jason Wojcik

Innovative Wheelhouse | 1

Table of Contents

CREATIVITY ............................................................................................................................. 2

BRANDING ................................................................................................................................ 3

UNCOVERING INSIGHTS .......................................................................................................... 5

Primary Research ................................................................................................................... 5

Secondary Research ................................................................................................................ 7

INDUSTRY ......................................................................................................................... 9

COMPANY ........................................................................................................................11

BRAND ..............................................................................................................................14

CONSUMER ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................16

COMPETITION .................................................................................................................21

DIVERSITY ...............................................................................................................................24

STRATEGY ...............................................................................................................................25

IDEAS .......................................................................................................................................27

Pics of 20 Creative Advertisements .........................................................................................27

Industry Professional Feedback ..............................................................................................33

WORDS ON PAPER ...................................................................................................................36

LAYOUTS .................................................................................................................................37

RADIO ......................................................................................................................................38

TELEVISION .............................................................................................................................39

DIRECT MARKETING ...............................................................................................................40

ALTERNATIVE ADVERTISING ................................................................................................41

CLIENT PITCHES ......................................................................................................................43

REFERENCES ...........................................................................................................................47

Innovative Wheelhouse | 2


Apple Inc’s campaigns have consistently promoted creativity. Until recently, Apple’s

campaigns were mostly focused on the creativity of the product. The most recent campaign

focused mostly on the user and his capability to create. The last iPhone 6 campaign was called

“Shot on iPhone 6.” The advertisements were from users who sent pictures of their favorite

scenes that were taken using an iPhone 6.

According to Drewniany and Jewler (2014), creative ads are defined as ads that “make a

relevant connection between the brand and its target audience and present a selling idea in an

unexpected way” (p.2). Apple’s campaign promotes and utilizes the user’s creativity. The

relevant connection between the brand and its target audience is that the pictures and videos are

taken by an iPhone 6 user. The consumer drives the campaign. The ads create a selling point in

an unexpected way because Apple does not attempt to impress the consumer with facts about the

phone, instead, Apple uses real examples of footage shot on an iPhone. This works in Apple’s

favor because the consumer sees that the current campaign utilizes the consumer in order to

differ itself from other campaigns.

The Windows 10 campaign by Microsoft is “The Future Starts Now.” This campaign

does not focus on the current user, but the future user. The commercial has short clips of children

all under the age of five with the voice over explaining how these children will grow up with

Windows 10 and the world for children today differs from the experience of any previous

generation. The advertisement does not show the product at all, but assumes the user is well

aware of the Microsoft the product. In comparison to Apple’s “Shots on an iPhone 6” campaign,

Innovative Wheelhouse | 3

the Microsoft campaign pushes the consumer to think about the next generation instead of the

current generation. The Apple campaign focuses mostly on the product, while the Microsoft

campaign focuses on the people that will use the product.


The Apple logo is a simplified bitten apple that comes in different styles, such as black

on white, white on black, chrome, or rainbow. The Apple color scheme is typically white and

grey. As a brand, Apple supports innovation and creativity. The bitten apple is a biblical allusion

to the ‘Fruit of Knowledge’ from the Book of Genesis. The tagline is “Think Different.”

Apple’s design is minimalistic; this is shown from the product design to the packaging.

The monochrome style of the hardware creates a simplistic backdrop that contrasts the vivid

retina displays and colorful iOS. Apple is known to present a sleek and simple design that can be

customizable through the stickers, keyboard skins, to various cases and other accessories for its

product lines. For the Mac brands, many users find creative ways to incorporate the Apple logo

on the back of the laptops. Apple uses multiple photos of nature, and out-of-this-world photos of

the galaxy. This showcases the vivid displays and minimalistic style. Apple has a partnership

The headquarters is a ring-shaped building located in Cupertino, California. This is

influenced by Apple’s love for nature. Apple values environmental responsibility, they “believe

true innovation must consider everything”, and Apple has a partnership with The Conservation

Fund to create beautiful products and care for the planet. They are building a solar farm in China,

Innovative Wheelhouse | 4

and a renewable micro-hydro project to power for the data center in Oregon. The Apple

headquarters integrates with the surrounding nature, and is mindful of the environment.

The Microsoft logo is a window with each pane being a different color. The color scheme

for Microsoft is red-orange, blue, yellow, and green, which are the colors in each of the window

panes. Its current tagline is “Be What’s Next.” The headquarters are located in Redmond,

Washington. Like Apple, the Microsoft headquarters is also engulfed in the nature. A modern


Innovative Wheelhouse | 5

Apple and Microsoft are similar in that both companies are powerhouses in the

technology industry, both incorporate the operating system to the hardware. Both logos are

simplistic and modern. They both take an ordinary object (like an apple or a window) and use it

to create their identity. And while Microsoft’s computers are cheaper and more familiar to the

general public, Apple is still able to bring in sales due to its prestige and high-quality computers.


Primary Research

The Innovative Wheelhouse implemented a survey regarding Apple products. Over 200

people completed it. There were 12 questions regarding the MacBook, customer satisfaction,

product features and branding.

How many Apple products do you own?

The choices for this question were 1-2, 3-4, and 5+. Out of the 200 responses, 45 percent

of users said he owned one or two Apple products, 43 percent said he owned three to four, and

only 13 percent own five or more products.

How many years have you been an Apple user?

The majority of respondents, at 66 percent said they have been Apple users for five or

more years, 28 percent said they have been users for three to four years, and only seven percent

have been users for one to two years.

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How satisfied are you with your Apple product(s)?

The majority of users said they were either satisfied or very satisfied with their product(s)

at 49 percent and 36 percent respectively. Very few were dissatisfied with Apple products.

Do you use a MacBook, MacBook Pro, or MacBook Air?

Sixty-four percent of users have a MacBook Pro, 22 percent on a MacBook Air, and only

14 percent own a MacBook.

How many hours per week do you use your Mac?

Half of all respondents said they use their Mac between 16-24 hours per week, 34 percent

use it between 9-15, and 16 percent use their Mac for one to eight hours a week.

For what purpose(s) do you use your Mac?

Ninety-one percent said they use their Macs for both personal and business purposes,

while a very small percentage use their Macs for only one or the other.

What do you look for in a Mac product?

The choices were Retina Display, Lightweight and Long Battery Life. Fifty-six percent

said they look for long battery life, 26 percent chose retina display, and 19 percent said they look

for if the product is lightweight.

How important is battery life for the Mac?

The majority of users ranked battery life “very important” and “important” at 54 percent

and 41 percent, respectively. Very few of them chose unimportant, very unimportant, or neither.

Have you benefited from Apple’s Education Services?

Twenty-eight percent of users said they have used Apple Education Services, while 18

percent said they have not. 54 percent of users said they have never heard of Apple’s Education


Innovative Wheelhouse | 7

How important is it to you that Apple has special discounts for students?

Seventy-one percent of users said it is very important. Twenty-three percent said it was

only somewhat important, while 7 percent said it was not important.

What was the most important factor when choosing Mac over other competitors?

The choices for this question were the brand’s image, the pricing, the quality of products

and lightweight. Eighty-four percent said the most important factor when choosing a Mac over

other competitors was the quality of the products. The brand’s image, the pricing, and

lightweight only came in at eight percent, four percent and four percent, respectively.

How often do you think about switching from Mac to another brand?

Fifty-nine percent of users said they never think about switching brands, 35 percent said

they sometimes think about it, and only six percent said they think about it often.


Through this survey, the Innovative Wheelhouse has found that quality and long battery

life are very important to consumers. The majority of people use their Macs for both business

and personal purposes. Additionally, most of the respondents have been Apple users for five

years or more and that they rarely think of switching brands, which shows that Apple consumers

tend to be loyal to the brand.

Secondary Research

What are the trends in the client’s industry?

Technology is always growing and improving, and Apple is usually the trendsetter. Apple

made the first personal computer, the first smartphone and the first smartwatch. However, Apple

did not stop at just the creation of the product. Apple continues to set the standards of the

technology industry by improving each product it has produced.

Innovative Wheelhouse | 8

How does the client compare to its competitors?

Apple’s biggest competition is Microsoft. The two powerhouses continuously innovate

making the field competitive. Apple is doing well against its competitor Microsoft. Matt

Weinberger from Business Insider says, “Apple stoked the flames with its famous ‘Get a Mac’

ads circa the late 2000s, in which actors John Hodgman and Justin Long played a PC and a Mac,

respectively, showing how the PC was old and stodgy but the Mac was young and hip. It was a

big part of Apple's turnaround story, as the iMac brought the company back from the brink of

disaster, paving the way for the massive success of the iPod, and then the iPhone, which turned

Apple into the most valuable company in the world.” But he says that these days, the Mac vs PC

wars are over now that both companies are starting to make their products compatible across

multiple platforms (Weinberger, 2015).

What do consumers think of the client and its competitors?

According to the survey, Apple consumers are loyal to the company. Once a person

purchases and uses an Apple product, they are more likely to purchase another Apple product.

Many Apple consumers tend to believe that Apple’s products are of higher quality compared to

PC. They also believe the PC is more prone to problems and viruses than Macintosh computers,

even if that may or may not be true.

What real or perceived differences make the client special?

Apple products are customizable and easy to use. They also have a stylish and

lightweight design compared to most Microsoft products. Also, due to the high price of Apple

products, consumers tend to perceive that to mean the products are of higher quality and


Innovative Wheelhouse | 9


Who is the brand leader?

According to Forbes Magazine, Apple is number one on the World’s Most Valuable

Brands list (Forbes, 2015). The brand leader of Apple, Inc. is the Macintosh desktop computers,

with its Macbook laptops not far behind. The Mac has gone through many transformations over

the years but has “always been known for its stylish design, high performance levels, and

competitive price.” The computer mainly targets education and business (Mallin and Finkle,


How long has it held that position?

The Mac has held its position as the brand leader since its creation in 1984 (Mallin and

Finkle, 2011). The Mac was unveiled in the famous “1984” Super Bowl commercial, which was

based on Orwell’s book 1984. (Steele, 2014), (Westover, 2014).

Does your brand set the trends or follow them?

Apple continues to set trends. It would not be the market leading company if it merely

followed other companies. Apple sets the path for innovation which pushes the company to

success. Today, Apple is a multibillion dollar company. Finkle and Mallin (2011) said, “The

Apple Computer Company is arguably one of the most innovative technology companies to

emerge in the last three decades.” If it were not for Apple, the advancement of smartphones may

not have taken place. Even the iPod paved the way for music streaming and handheld music

devices. Recently, Apple created the Apple iWatch. Samsung recently came out with its version

of the smartwatch. Therefore, Apple continuously sets the trends.

Are there any pending issues that may affect your brand’s future?

Currently, there are no major issues that may affect the future of Apple. However, the

technology industry is very cutthroat and changes at a rapid pace. According to Apple (2015),

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the company could potentially face some issues regarding its brand’s future. These problems

consist of the highly competitive and rapidly changing global market, the dependence on

performance of third parties, and finally, always being at risk.

How does the nation’s economic and diplomatic climate affect sales?

The nation’s current economic status has an influence on the sale of Apple products.

When the economy is down, people do not spend their money as much as they do during

a surplus. Typically, jobs are frequently lost during a recession. If a potential consumer

is unemployed, he or she is less likely to purchase new Apple products because of his

wants and not needs. The current state of our diplomatic climate could affect sales

because of trade regulations with other countries. If the United States is forbidden to

trade with a certain country, then Apple loses that market and the potential consumers

residing in that country.

Are there any emerging industries that may affect sales in the future?

Currently, certain Asian countries have launched new very-advanced cell phones

and other technological products.

“Samsung, fellow South Korean firm LG and his Chinese maker HTC

timed their smartphone launches to grab the attention on the eve of the

Mobile World Congress, the world’s biggest telecoms trade fair, in

Barcelona, Spain.” “In a head-on challenge to Apple’s popular iPhone 6,

which was released last year, Samsung came out fighting on Sunday with

the Galaxy S6, a smartphone with a touchscreen that curves around the

edges and has a wireless charger.” (Daily Mail, 2015).

As long as Apple can maintain its production of high-quality products, they will continue to

dominate the market share.

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How long has your company been in business?

Apple has been in business since 1977. Steve Jobs was an instrumental part in the

creation of the Apple company, as well as its growth. Kubilay (2015) states, “A few people were

instrumental in its initial success. In the technical context, the credit should go to Steve

Wozniak.” Wozniak was the mastermind behind a lot of Apple’s early innovations such as the

microprocessor, the motherboard and the interface. Steve Jobs, however, was also a key factor in

Apple’s beginnings, along with Mike Mirkkula.

What are the high and low points in your company’s industry?

The Apple company has both high and low points in its history. The high points include

the Apple computer, Macbook, iPhone, and the iPod. All of these devices have set the standards

for quality. All other companies are forced to constantly improve and innovate to be in

competition with Apple. A low point in Apple’s career would be the Apple Watch. Apple hyped

up the Apple Watch but the sales figures have not impressed. Many third party applications on

the watch failed to work. Many customers were not satisfied with the initial product. Also, the

iPad sales were down 40 percent from the previous year. On the other hand, the iPhones are

selling better than ever (Fitzpatrick, 2015).

What is the corporate philosophy?

According to Apple, the company lives by three principles: “empathy, focus, and

impute.” Empathy is its ability to see and understand the needs of its consumers. Apple tries to

create a personal connection to its customers through its products. Apple then tries to keep its

focus on its strengths, which is personal electronics. And finally, impute means that everything it

does should serve its purpose (Allen, 2011).

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Apple’s mission statement does not reveal its philosophy, it simply states the company’s

products. However, in the 1980s, Steve Jobs said, "Man is the creator of change in this world. As

such he should be above systems and structures, and not subordinate to them" (Farfan, n.d.). Jobs

meant that people should have control over their computers and other technology, not the other

way around. Apple products accomplish that with its user-friendly systems. According to Farfan,

Apple ends its press releases with this statement, "Apple is committed to bringing the best

personal computing experience to students, educators, creative professionals and consumers

around the world through its innovative hardware, software and Internet offerings." (Farfan,


How has the media covered your company?

According to research done by Pew Research Center, Apple is the most heavily covered

technology company, 42 percent of the stories described the company as innovative and superior,

and another 27 percent lauded its loyal fanbase. The most common such negative thread, that

Apple products do not live up to the hype, appeared in 17 percent of stories about Apple (Pew

Research Center, 2010).

How is the company involved in the community?

Apple is highly involved in the global community. The expansion of its company has

contributed to a number of jobs all over the world. Apple has a lot of versatility in its products,

and it has the ability to market to almost every type of consumer. The company has found ways

to get its products into classrooms and contribute to the education of future generations. Apple

has also donated millions of dollars to different charities. Apple recently joined up with

ConnetED by supporting schools and students with its products (Apple, 2015).

Innovative Wheelhouse | 13

Is your company known for its product innovations?

According to Mallin and Finkle (2015), “Apple Inc. stands for innovation in personal

computing and digital media distribution.” Apple has had its struggles just like any other big

company, however, it has continued to produce products which kept the consumer coming back.

The company has produced computers, iPhones, iPods, iWatches, and iPads. The iPod was

produced in 2001, and since then has taken over the industry. Today, 71 percent of the industry

sales are from Apple.

Who are the key personnel/managers?

Apple Inc. was founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, two college dropouts, in 1976.

Wozniak was known as the technical genius while Jobs was known as the visionary. The two

worked together to create different products; the first was the Apple I computer. In 1997, Jobs

became the CEO of Apple Inc. As an innovator, he created many different products for the

consumer. In 2010, he was named the “CEO of the Decade” by Fortune Magazine. Shortly after,

Jobs passed away (Mallin & Finkle, 2011). Tim Cook took over as the CEO in 2011 and still

holds the position today. Following the iconic CEO, Cook continued to enhance Apple as a

company. He has introduced the Apple iWatch, produced different generations of the iPhone,

and worked to create a better laptop. Apple will continue to be a power company as long as it

continues to have innovators as CEO (Lashinsky, 2015).

Which company employees have direct contact with customers?

The Apple store employees are the ones that have direct contact with the consumers.

They communicate information about products to the consumer and help them find the right

product(s) for them according to the consumer’s needs. The company differs from other

companies because it values the way an employee interacts with consumers. The employees must

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have a knowledge of their own products, as well as why the products are better than other similar


How many brands does your company offer?

Apple Inc. offers a total of ten brands which include: iPhone, iPad, Mac, iPod, iTunes,

App Store, iCloud, Final Cut Pro, Logic Studio and Logic Pro. Each brand has a subcategory of

products that go along with it (Reuters, 2015).

How important is your brand to your company?

The Mac brand is crucial to Apple’s success. This line sets Apple apart from the other

technological companies. Apple’s Mac brand runs on its signature iOS system. Compared to

Microsoft and other computer companies, Apple has a full line of personal computers, phones,

and tablets. It also comes with separate displays and hardware. The Mac brand is prevalent in the

academic setting. Students and researchers use Mac products to work together and sync with the

full line of Apple software. Apple puts itself in the forefront of education for all ages in all



What do current customers feel about your brand?

Over the last few years Apple has taken the world by storm and it shows no signs of

slowing down. Kubilay states, “Apple Corporation is one of the most profitable, and socially

influential companies that ever existed. Its products are in homes, businesses and entertainment

venues. It constantly brings out new high-tech tools to the consumer electronics market, the most

recent one being the Apple Watch.” (Kubilay, 2015). Apple is one of the most recognizable

companies. Its brands are some of the most respected in the world. With the MacBook, people

can have the power of a desktop on the go. The MacBook Air is a fast laptop that is extremely

Innovative Wheelhouse | 15

light. College students can easily carry to class with all of their books. “The 13-INCH MacBook

Air weighs only 3 pounds, and is 10 to 15 percent faster than earlier models” (Loyola, 2015).

These new models continue to fly off the shelves proving the MacBook brand is still as popular

as ever.

To what extent does your brand match up with consumers’ needs, wants, problems, and


Apple’s “Think Different” ad campaign really hit it big with consumers. It made each

consumer feel special and feel involved with the company. It made him feel like he meant

something in what seems like an ever expanding world which helps build a loyal fanbase (Črnič,

2014). It also had an ad campaign for its Mac brand, “Get a Mac.” This campaign highlighted the

reasons why consumers would want a Mac over any other laptop. Consumers loved this

campaign and their expectations were matched by the amazing quality of Apple products.

Consumers felt so strongly about the Mac brand that they are still around for Apple’s next

campaign, “Why You’ll Love a Mac,” five years later (Sahoo, 2012). Consumer expectations

seem to be exceeded constantly (Ribeiro, 2011). The Mac brand is very popular with college

students. It meets all their needs and wants with the newest MacBook Air. It is a cheap

alternative that is easy to carry and extremely fast. (Loyola, 2015) The newest Macbook Air is

affordable for students with the student plan and easy to bring on the go. Finally, the last

campaign, “Shots on an iPhone 6.” This campaign pushed the consumer to take part in the


In what ways does your brand exceed consumer expectations?

Apple’s Macbook will continue to be successful because it innovates. Apple are

constantly producing new products. Each Macbook that is released is lighter and faster than the

Innovative Wheelhouse | 16

last. There is also the Macbook Pro for more professional users. The Macs have more expensive

models with more features, but also have less expensive products. MacBooks are available in 11-

inch screens or 13-inch screens (Loyola, 2015). Apple does not have millions of loyal fans

because it stays within its boundaries. Apple continues to push and set standards. That is why

Apple’s brands, especially the Mac, are so successful and have such a high satisfaction rate with

consumers (Ribeiro, 2011).


What are the demographic characteristics of the current customers?

According to an article by Jeffrey Nevid and Amy Pastva, a study of college students

who use both Mac and PC, showed that students have an overall favorable attitude toward Mac

computers for their youthfulness and stylish appeal. PCs received points toward being

“reasonably priced” and “good for gaming” (Nevid & Pastva, 2014). According to an

infographic on OSXDaily, Mac users are more likely to be between the ages of 18-34. It also

says that 58 percent of Mac users are liberal and live in the city. It says that Mac users tend to

have a stronger verbal aptitude compared to math. Eighteen percent of Mac users think of

themselves as unique, stylish, and upscale. Twenty-one percent of Mac users consider

themselves more computer-savvy than PC users. (Chan, 2011).

Competitive customers?

Windows PC by Microsoft is the competitor for Mac computers. Using the same

infographic, PC users tend to be aged between 35-49, and 36 percent of users are liberal. They

are more likely to live in suburbs and rural areas. They are more likely to prefer fitting in

compared to Mac users who are more likely to prefer standing out. PC users are 38 percent more

likely to be stronger at math, and the majority of PC users have a more casual style of dress. Just

Innovative Wheelhouse | 17

like how Mac users consider themselves more computer-savvy, the infographic says that PC

users are “43 percent more likely to say talking about computers is akin to ‘struggling with a

foreign language” (Chan, 2011). PCs are also less expensive than Macs. The cheapest iMac is

$1029.99, For Microsoft computers, the cheaper desktops are around $400 for an HP or a


Prospects (emerging users)?

According to an article by Jason Mander (2015), “Apple users in most countries are much

more likely to come from young and affluent homes” In a 2014 article written by Dan Frommer,

it says that Macintosh sales went up after suffering a decline. Apple suspects it was from the

back-to-school sales that helped with the increase (Frommer, 2014). Every year, new college

students are getting laptops to use for their school work, making new students a target market.

Macs are more expensive than PCs, so emerging users would be those who could already afford

them or people who may have used them in school or at work and were convinced to buy one for


What are the geographic characteristics?

The world continues to become more interconnected each day. In order to continue this

trend, companies, like Apple Inc. are working to provide people with resources to stay

connected. Apple was founded by Steve Jobs in the United States, and continues to be a United

States dominant company. The first two stores were in McLean Virginia and Glendale

California. From there, the company expanded, exponentially. Apple Inc. now has 300 stores


Initially, Wall Street employees were worried about the success of Apple. However, the

company was able to produce new products in a continuous manner to keep its successful status.

Innovative Wheelhouse | 18

Apple then became a worldwide brand. “Apple gets about 36 percent of sales from domestic

customers. Its international markets are Europe (22 percent of sales), China (16 percent) Japan (8

percent) and the Asia/Pacific region (6 percent)” (Vault, 2014).

What are the psychographics?

Apple has a branding strategy that focuses on the emotions. The Apple brand personality

is about lifestyle; imagination; liberty regained; innovation; passion; hopes, dreams and

aspirations; and power-to-the-people through technology (Boynukalın, n.d.). The company also

provides excellent customer service that its consumers appreciate. Apple targets people’s desire

to go beyond average by designing programs that enable individuals to use his creative and

innovative mind. Examples of its many different applications/programs would be Facetime,

iTunes, Photo Booth, iPhoto, iMovie and several others. Apple is popular among young

consumers. “College and university students are also targeted by Apple Inc. These students use

Apple Inc. products such as iPads, MacBooks, iPhones etc to quickly record notes” (Saini, n.d.).

Apple is also considered to be upscale and prestigious, which is desired from the young


When and how often do consumers use the product?

Consumers use Apple products very frequently. Because its items are mainly

technological computing devices, most consumers use Apple products on a daily basis. However,

the question is how often. “According to the data, an average user checks their device - which

means they activate the screen by pressing the home or power button or they unlock the device -

110 times per day.” In one particular case, a Locket user locked and unlocked their phone up to

900 times (Woollaston, 2013). Consumers check and operate their phones habitually. Besides

the daily usage of iPhones, consumers also use their Macs regularly.

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When and how often do consumers buy the product?

Macs are computers, so typically consumers would buy a new product every few years or

so whenever there is a new model or upgrade. Accessories like chargers, batteries, laptop cases

might be replaced or repaired every two to three years. Consumers make buying decisions

regarding Apple products for a number of reasons. Some of the reasons are: social class,

excellent customer support, the design of the products, quality of the devices, and the

architecture of the buildings. “Beyond the architecture, there is the service. Every time I go to the

Apple store, I find a friendly face willing to help me. They never make me feel rushed or stupid

or that they do not value my business. It’s obvious that they believe in their company and its

products and that makes me want to believe too” (Satell, 2013). Any Apple enthusiast and

consumer can inform a person about the quality service the technicians provide.

How do they use the end product/service?

The iMac is a desktop computer and the MacBook, MacBook Pro, and the MacBook Air

are all laptop computers. According to the Apple website, the idea behind the iMac is to “craft

the ultimate desktop experience” (Apple, 2015). They tend to be used mostly in professional

businesses or university campuses, though college students can get them at a discount. In the

business world, iMacs tend to be used for creative-type work like graphic design and other

similar jobs. The MacBook Pro is energy efficient, so consumers would benefit by saving

energy. On the website it says, “MacBook Pro includes a highly efficient power supply that

reduces the amount of power wasted when bringing electricity from the wall to your computer.

Lower power consumption reduces energy bills and lessens the environmental impact of

greenhouse gas emissions from power plants” (Apple, 2015). College students use iMacs and

Innovative Wheelhouse | 20

MacBooks mainly for homework and class projects. The laptops have a very attractive design as

well as long battery life.

How do they make the buying decisions?

Apple offers discounts for college students for a range of its products. College students

are most likely going to choose one of the MacBooks because every college student needs a

laptop. They have the choice between the MacBook, the MacBook Pro, and the MacBook Air.

(Apple, 2015). A college student’s buying decision all depends on what he or she needs. If he

needed a basic, lightweight computer for the lowest price, then he would choose the MacBook

Air. If he wanted something with more memory and more firepower, then he would choose

either the MacBook or the MacBook Pro.

What information is most important?

The most important information regarding iMacs or MacBooks is how the computer

performs.. Since Macs cost much more than a PC, Apple has to showcase the features of its

computers to show that its products are worth paying a lot of money for. College students must

be aware of his wants and needs in order to purchase the right product.

Where do they get their information?

College students are likely to first go straight to the Apple website to look up basic

information on the laptops it offers. Students can look at the specs and compare products to

decide which one is best suited for them. Even with the discount, the price of the computers are

still rather high, particularly for a student. Additionally, he will probably search for customer

reviews, comparison articles, videos, and blogs to see if it is worth paying the money for a


Innovative Wheelhouse | 21

Who are your best customers?

At the beginning of the company, Apple appealed to a small minority of scholars.

Eventually, Apple was able to create products which appealed to all ages and genders alike. “The

company sold its products to consumers, small and mid-sized business, education, enterprise,

government, and creative customers” (Sahoo, 40). Customers are not only in the United States,

there are many stores internationally, as well.

The Apple stores are set up to enhance the customer experience. Apple consumers have a

unique opportunity to either play, purchase or learn in the store. The company attempts to make

the “importance of technology, not about technology” (Washor, 61). If a company can create an

environment that focuses more on the consumer than on the product, the consumer will continue

to come back. This strategy to help people learn has created many lifelong customers.


What are competitors doing for the same service/product?

Apple produces highly sought after products. It is not the only company that supplies the

products, either. The biggest competitor for Apple is Microsoft. Microsoft continues to produce

new versions of its operating system. The new Windows 10 has one for businesses and one for

home (Hachman, 2015). The company is creating a program that is specific to the at-home

consumer. They have also changed the way mobile device systems work.

Apple is also up against companies that are smaller, but still produce high end products.

There is a company in China called Xiaomi that is producing electronics. It appealed to the

market in China because it is a local industry (McCracken, 2014). Apple now has to worry about

companies that were not originally tech companies, but are now producing technology. This is

part of the ever-changing world.

Innovative Wheelhouse | 22

How can you do it better?

Apple has worked to have its product be more about the experience the consumer has

than the actual product the company makes. This makes Apple differ from other companies

because most companies focus on the product. Apple continues to develop products that are

ahead of the time, like the iWatch, for example. The person’s watch is now connected with their

phone. The company says it is the “best company by far at creating exciting technology” (Lim,


Apple has created so many high end products, that after trying out the highest end

product, a consumer feels they can purchase the entry level product and still be happy. This

comes from the customer experience at a store. A consumer will be more likely to purchase a

product if he can experience it first and understand why it is worth the purchase. “My hands-on

demo time with the Apple Watch made me confident that I can go with the entry-level Apple

Watch Sport and be just as happy” (Ochs, 1).

What do competitors’ previous advertising campaigns look like?

“A More Human Way to Do” ad campaign for Windows 10 focuses on the future "new

generation" who will grow up with new technologies like voice interaction, touch screens, digital

pens and more that will be supported by Windows 10. The theme of the ads is that Windows 10

is core to "a more human way to do.” This looks like Microsoft is focusing on the consumer,

especially to portray how much easier the future generation will live because they “grew up with

Windows 10” and the ad only gives a glimpse of what Windows 10 can do, such as, voice

recognition, easy touch features, and the integration of Windows on multiple devices.

Innovative Wheelhouse | 23

What worked, what didn’t?

Apple released a new set of MacBooks that came in different colors, gold, silver, and

grey. The Macs can also match with the iPhone’s colors. According to the SWOT Analysis for

Apple in May 2015, Apple stated that its main weakness was its high dependence on iPhone and

iPad. A few months later, in an interview, Luca Maestri, Apple’s chief financial officer, said “the

company sold 4.6 million Macs in the quarter, a 10% year-over-year increase, compared with a

7% global contraction, per IDC. Even though the Mac remains a tiny portion of Apple’s overall

business.” A threat for Apple is that the “premium pricing could limit growth in emerging

markets.” As well as Apple’s main competitors: Samsung, Microsoft and Google. Another threat

for Apple was the situation in China, when they banned Apple products, only to refute its

governmental ban. It was simply removed from the government list of approved products

because of security concerns.

How do consumers perceive the current campaigns?

Microsoft recently released Windows 10. Many consumers were unhappy with the major

changes in Windows 8. “Their last attempt, Windows 8, earned major minus points for their

interface redesign” (Chew, 2015). Windows 10, however, seems to be a combination of

Windows XP and Windows 8. The old start menu is back, but it still has design elements of

Windows 8, like the colorful blocks. Microsoft seems to have a history of successes and failures

with its operating systems.

“To start, it has to be recognized that Microsoft has long struggled from

negative to positive image from specific Windows releases. A good

example would be Windows ME, which wasn’t accepted, followed by

Windows XP which was wildly successful. Following that, Microsoft

Innovative Wheelhouse | 24

released Windows Vista, which was widely seen as a buggy and laggy

operating system, which was once again was saved by Windows 7. If

history repeats itself, this most recent cadence of Microsoft’s successes

and failures promises to start with Windows 8’s failure and end with a

Windows 10’s success” (Moorhead, 2015).

So, consumers seem to be taking Windows 10 pretty well. It is more familiar to them

compared to the previous Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, but it is still fresh enough to stay current

and modern.


Apple’s campaign “Shot on an iPhone 6” reflects diversity in more ways than one. The

entire campaign is meant to feature people’s work from around the world by featuring

landscapes, cityscapes, mountains, humans and even animals in still pictures, as well as videos.

The only criteria for the campaign was the image must be shot on an iPhone 6.

According Drewniany and Jewler, “ethnic groups dominate the purchases of numerous

products and services” (2012, p. 65). Therefore, including multiple ethnicities in a campaign can

positively impact the results. The gallery on Apple’s website featured images of people of all

ethnicities. Since Apple is a global company, incorporating diversity “is not only the right thing

to do but also the smart thing to do.” (Drewniany and Jewler, p. 76).

Innovative Wheelhouse | 25


Creative Brief - McCann Erickson Role-Playing Approach

1. Who is the target?

College students are the main target group for Apple’s Macintosh computers. The target

group includes male and female students around the age of 18-22. The survey was distributed to

over 100 college students and a shocking 66 percent have been Apple users for over five years.

Ninety-one percent use their Mac for both school and personal use. It is important to note that

college students are using their Mac for school related work. About 40 percent think about

switching to another brand from time to time so making them stick with Mac is a huge goal.

Continuing to innovate is extremely important if Mac wants to stay above other competitors.

2. Where am I now in the mind of this person?

Fifty-four percent of the participants never heard of Apple’s education discounts.

Seventy-one percent believe it is important that Apple products are affordable for students.

Advertising this discount is vital for students who want to stick with Mac or even purchasing a

Mac for the first time. Possibly people are choosing competitors over Mac because they do not

know of this student discount.

3. Where is my competition in the mind of this person?

The most competition comes from PCs. Microsoft has been in the business for years and

creates a very diverse lineup of laptops. Apple’s gains over the past few years have been

astounding, but Microsoft still has an ample amount of users. Apple must continue to be creative

with its products and always stick with quality. PC has a multitude of laptops from which to


Innovative Wheelhouse | 26

4. Where would I like to be in the mind of this person?

Apple is perfect for students because of the education discount. Apple products are more

expensive than PCs, but students can get around $200 off. In addition, 80% of participants said

they were satisfied with Apple. Being the first brand to pop into a consumer’s mind is where we

would like to be as a campaign team.

5. What is the consumer promise, the ‘big idea?

The major focus of this campaign is to target the Macbook towards college students. It is

to show that it is accessible to carry around to classes, has all the features students need, and the

battery life to last them throughout the day. It is also important to highlight the Apple Education


6. What is the supporting evidence?

The survey is evidence that Apple users are satisfied with what they have and have been

long term users of Apple (5+ years). If Mac was not quality, they would have switched to other

competitors a long time ago. Eighty-four percent said they chose Mac over competitors because

of the quality of the product.

7. What is the tone of voice for the advertising?

The tone of voice is definitely hi-tech but also very friendly. It is going to be hi-tech but

in an understandable manner. It will promise good products for all products.

Innovative Wheelhouse | 27


Pics of 20 Creative Advertisements


1. It shows a classroom with students having piles of book. The student with the Mac has

everything he/she needs on it.

2. It shows someone at a really fancy dinner with their Mac because with the affordable deal

for students they have enough money to treat themselves.

3. Shows students struggling walking around campus with a ton of books. The kid with the

Mac has nothing else with him. Also shows that the Mac is extremely light.

4. Shows how good the battery life is with the Macs. It will last you throughout the day.

Innovative Wheelhouse | 28


5. In this sketch, four young college students are sitting at a table with Macbook Pros on it.

There are two young men and two young women working together. All are well-dressed.

Behind them, there is a window with a fancy building in the background that would

resemble a college building.

6. This would be a poster or picture ad. The sketch is self-explanatory regarding its

message. At the bottom, a young and well-dressed women will be featured biting into the

Apple logo. Upon her biting into the Apple, a message above her teeth will say, “Bite off

a percentage for a new Apple product.” This ad promotes the discounts student’s receive

upon purchasing a new Apple item.

7. In this ad, i will cater to the ambition and creativity that a young Apple consumer would

have. Typically, college students, are full of creativity and drive. This sketch will show

how an Apple product can contribute to the consumer “having the world.” The face of

the person will be daydreaming about the world and how to take it over with his or her


8. In this sketch, there will be 4 Iphone 6s featured. There will be a line saying, “He is

waiting for you.” Their colors will be Black, Pink, White, and Silver. This ad presumes

that purchasing a new iPhone, regarding any color, will be the consumers new boyfriend

or girlfriend that has been waiting on them forever.

Innovative Wheelhouse | 29


9. This ad has a tree that is taking up the whole page, and then it is split in half. One side is

dark and dead, while the other side is full of color. The dark side has apples on the

ground. The bright side has the image of the Apple logo. The headline is “Take a bite out

of our Apple.”

10. The “Go Ahead, Take a Bite of our Apple” advertisement has an image of a single man

holding an apple. He is licking his lips while looking at the apple, which is the logo for

the company.

11. The idea of this advertisement is to connect all people around the world through the use

of the Macbook. It has the image of the Apple logo with hands of all diversities reaching

to hold it.

12. This advertisement has a black background and a white Apple logo. Inside the Apple

logo there are school logos showing that students of all universities can use the Apple


Innovative Wheelhouse | 30


13. “Create your next Masterpiece”

It is an easel with a MacBook in place of the canvas with the Apple logo made to look

like a painter’s palette. Macs tend to be used for graphic design and other creative jobs or

projects, so it gives the idea that the Mac is a canvas, and the user is the artist.

14. “Long Battery life, MacBook Pro”

A simple ad that compares the battery life of a MacBook to a PC computer. The top part

shows the guy frustrated because his laptop died, while the girl on the bottom is happily

working on her MacBook with plenty of battery life.

15. “We’ve got everything you need, for a lower price.”

It shows a school desk with supplies spread out on it, like a notebook, a pen, along with a

MacBook and an iPhone.

16. “Portable. Lightweight. MacBook Pro.”

This is another comparison ad that has a PC and a MacBook on a set of scales. The idea

was to show how lightweight the MacBook is compared to a PC, which tend to be on the

Innovative Wheelhouse | 31

heavier side. Thinking about it now, it would probably be a better ad for a MacBook Air

instead, but the idea still stands.


17. “Mac 4 Great Ideas”

This ad has the Apple logo with the light shining from it as the main image. It is meant to

be a simple to catch the reader’s eye.

18. The Real Book You Really Need

This ad has an image of a MacBook meant to replace a textbook.

Innovative Wheelhouse | 32

19. MacBook- Take with You Anywhere

The MacBook is looking like a tent with a fire on the outside. It is meant to signify that

the MacBook can go anywhere.

20. I (apple) Mac

The Apple represents the love in this case. The many Apple products is meant to show

that many people use multiple Apple products and are happy with them.

Innovative Wheelhouse | 33

Industry Professional Feedback

Megan Sullivan, Associate Media Director at Starcom MediaVest Group in Chicago

The bolded text is the best advertisement from each person.


1. Do you see the textbook as the MacBook’s primary competitor? The message portrayed

here appears to be that the only way to get rid of textbooks is through a MacBook. If an added

benefit of the MacBook is Program X that provides digital textbooks, then share that feature to

make this message more believable.

2. The theme of this creative is strong. It may come across as a computer for the wealthy

college student who can eat fancy meals, but with a voice over will be a good message.

3. The weight of the MacBook is a very compelling product attribute, and it makes sense that

it’s the focus of this ad. How can you bring the audience to relate to this - as a college student do

you either have a bag of 5 text books or a MacBook? Seems a little inauthentic but you are

showcasing the right attribute.

4. Great ad. Direct to the point, showcasing a key product attribute vs. direct

competitor’s offering. The message is very clear and tugs at the heart-strings of college

students with non-MacBooks who have terrible battery life.


1. What is the message you’re trying to portray? Based on the description, it seems like

“College students who study together in nice clothes use MacBooks.” Do MacBooks allow for

more collaboration because of Program Y, etc. What about your visual would entice someone to

buy the product?

Innovative Wheelhouse | 34

2. Good work on this one! The message is straight to the point & has a strong call to

action. It speaks to the target audience and is very clear on the action you want the

audience to take.

3. This message doesn’t tell me about MacBooks, but rather positions the Apple parent

company in the industry. It is an effective message driving awareness of the company’s vision,

but does little to drive awareness of MacBook.

4. It appears the message you’re trying to portray is “The phone will replace your friends.” Is

this necessarily the best approach? Maybe the phone brings a more quality “me time.” Tell the

audience how the phone will improve their life or act as a friend. The message, key attribute, and

“reason to buy” need to be a little clearer.


1. The words “wrong” and “costly” in the picture & description are telling the audience

different stories. Apple products are likely a little bit more expensive than their direct

competitors, but they have other attributes that let them stand above. Talk about those attributes,

because Apple will likely never win a cost battle.

2. All companies continue to product products in order to stay in business. What about the

products helps them to “forward technology?” What is their competitive advantage? Share more

about the “Reason to Believe” or the compelling argument to switch to Apple.

3. This is a strong ad. Tells the audience why Apple is a quality product & enforces the

community aspect that really speaks to college kids. If this went into development, I would

recommend you showcase how those arms can appear to be college students & how they

will relate to the visual.

Innovative Wheelhouse | 35

4. What is the advantage of having the same computer as other universities? Explain this

message to make this attribute more compelling for the individual buying the computer.


1. Is the computer itself customizable, or are you showcasing the work the computer can do?

This message is a little unclear.

2. Great ad. Clearly demonstrates the competitive advantage of MacBooks, the long

battery life. This speaks well to college students who struggle with the need to be near a

power outlet all the time. Great visual storytelling.

3. Strong message, clear to understand. The next element of this message that may be

missing is the action step. What do you want the audience to do? Where can they get more


4. This is a good demonstration of the product’s marketplace advantages. Strong visual &

pointed message, but are all laptops not portable – this would be the only language I would

recommend changing. The target audience can clearly understand why they would choose this

product over the competition.


1. How does Mac have great ideas? Is this a campaign telling you Mac is going to support

your great ideas or that they bring great ideas to the marketplace?

2. Why is the MacBook the book that we really need? Add another line of information to

drive home why other books would not be needed.

3. Awesome visual, but you may lose some believability points – does Mac have portable

wifi or can you utilize the internet while camping? This also may work better with an “outdoor

enthusiast” target audience, instead of a college student.

Innovative Wheelhouse | 36

4. Great demonstration of the family of products, but would love to understand from

this visual why it’s an advantage to have all of your devices on the same OS. If you had

research that stated the majority of college students have iPhones, this would be an

awesome consumer insight to work off of. Keep massaging this to help the consumer

understand the “reason to believe” or the competitive advantage of having a whole suite of



The visual ideas on your ads are very strong, but lack the connection with your target

audience. Can you college-ify your ads to make them more relatable to college students?

What are the strongest attributes that relate to college students’ needs? Highlight those.


The two students are sitting in the library finishing up a paper they have been working on

all night. The student using the PC’s battery dies mid-way through his paper causing him to lose

all his work. He grunts, “Why does this always happen?!” The student using the Mac finishes

and offers his computer because he has plenty of battery life to spare. The PC user finishes up his

work and thanks him, mentioning that he needs to get a MacBook so this issue never happens


Innovative Wheelhouse | 37


Best Sketch:

Actual ad:

Innovative Wheelhouse | 38


This is a radio spot developed for the MacBooks. The ad promotes the long battery life of

the laptop compared to a PC. The spot takes place in a college library where two students are

typing a paper for a class. One student is using Apple, the other is using PC/competitor.

Radio Spot

Apple, Inc.

Radio: 30

“Battery Life”



MAC USER: Hey, you almost done with your paper? How far are you?

PC USER: Yeah, I just need to finish this- *low battery sound* Low battery already!? Ugh!


PC USER: *Groans* Oh no, I think I left my charger back in my dorm room.

MAC USER: Low battery? Man, that sucks. My MacBook has been on since this morning and

it’s still going strong.


MAC USER: Annndd…done!



MAC USER: You can use mine to finish if you want.

PC USER: Thanks, dude. Good thing I saved it all or that would’ve sucked!

Innovative Wheelhouse | 39

ANNCR: With the long battery life of the MacBook Pro or MacBook Air, you can get work

done without stopping to recharge. Stop by an Apple store or go to for details about

our student discounts.


The television ad is very similar to the radio ad as it translates perfectly into a television


Television Commercial

Apple, Inc.

Television: 30

“Battery Life”

*Shows two students hard at work in the library*

MAC USER: Hey, you almost done with your paper? How far are you?

PC USER: Yeah, I just need to finish this- *shows a giant red battery pop up on PC screen*

Low battery already!? Ugh!

PC USER: *Looks frantically for charger* *Groans* Oh no, I think I left my charger back in

my dorm room.

MAC USER: Low battery? Man, that stinks. My MacBook has been on since this morning and

it’s still going strong. *slight smirk on face*

MAC USER: Annndd…done! *Camera shows Mac user submitting their work*

MAC USER: You can use mine to finish if you want. I still have a ton of battery life left.

Innovative Wheelhouse | 40

PC USER: Thanks, dude. Good thing I saved it all or that would’ve sucked!

MAC USER: You should really invest in a MacBook it is easy to carry around and will last you

throughout the whole day. It has really saved me in many situations.

PC USER: I agree, I am going to look into it first thing when I get home and charge my PC.

*Camera shows the two students leaving the library together*


Direct mail is a vital way to spread awareness about the MacBook Pro. According to

Innovative Wheelhouse’s survey, many college students did not know about the educational

discounts that Apple provides. The direct mail piece will help raise awareness and influence

students to purchase a Macbook. They will be passed out at many college campuses especially

when one is renting a Mac from the library. There will also be students passing them out at the

most popular spots on campus. The direct mail piece will include many of the features MacBook

provides and how it can help students and satisfy their needs. It will mention how light it is

compared to other competitors along with its long battery life. There will also be a coupon for a

free case to protect your Mac when you make your purchase on top of the student discount.

Innovative Wheelhouse | 41


Traditional advertising benefits companies, but alternative to traditional advertising can

play a major role in the success of a company. In order to make sure Apple sales increase, the

Innovative Wheelhouse decided to also incorporate coupons and continuity programs as well as

traditional advertising. According to Drewniany and Jewler, “78% of all U.S. households use

coupons, and 64% are willing to switch brands with coupons” (p 256). The Innovative

Wheelhouse would suggest Apple use Groupon. Groupon is a website that has occasional deals

for consumers. This Groupon for Apple could be a certain percentage off of a Macbook, or it

could be a buy one Macbook, get an iPad for free. Continuity programs promote repeat

purchases and brand loyalty. According to the survey, 43 percent own three to four Apple

products and 68 percent of Apple users have been users for five or more years. Therefore, the

continuity program would impact Apple in a positive manner. Apple could use a promotion such

as “buy an Apple Macbook and get 35% off of your next Apple purchase.”


Promote the Twitter page with incentives to take action.

Innovative Wheelhouse | 42

Get the audience involved with Apple and the retail stores.

Give ideas of what the users would want to ask Steve Jobs (if he were still alive).

Make the tweet personal.

Innovative Wheelhouse | 43

Cater to the loyal Apple users who have multiple products.

Call to action for college students to enter into a contest on their mobile device.


Apple is an inspirational company and the Innovative Wheelhouse feels can provide an

advertising campaign that will continue to inspire. Apple continuously innovates products in

order to provide the best experience for the consumers. Consumers continue to purchase Apple

products after purchasing one product. Therefore, the Innovative Wheelhouse will aim to target

an audience who can become consumers for life.

The target audience for the MacBook is college students, mostly aged 18-22. College

students are a good demographic to target because students constantly carry computers around

Innovative Wheelhouse | 44

college campuses. It is important for a student to have a functioning computer in order to

succeed in school. The advertisements will be able to target this demographic.

The theme of the campaign is all college students at work. Students are constantly

dedicating their lives to school in order to get a degree to move forward in life. The MacBook

will help students to get there and the Innovative Wheelhouse feels these three advertisements

will help to reach the students.

Ad 1: Long Battery Life, MacBook Pro

This is our main advertisement because it promotes students working hard, as well as the

MacBook and its long battery life. The student on the top of the advertisement is working on a

PC and he is frustrated that his laptop’s battery is low. The shorter battery life of the PC will be

detrimental to the student’s grades. Meanwhile, the girl on the bottom is happily working as her

Mac still has a lot of battery life left

Innovative Wheelhouse | 45

Ad 2:

The second ad to run in the campaign will be a combination of these two. This ad will

aim to reach all diversities. The Apple the middle of the page that is being held up by the hands

will have university logos on the inside. The hands holding the logos will be of all diversities.

This ad will show that people at any school and of any gender or race can succeed using a

MacBook. The headline will be “2,618 Universities. 1 MacBook.” The body copy will read,

“Technology brings us together. Let Apple be the driving force for you.”

Ad 3: Create Your Next Masterpiece

Innovative Wheelhouse | 46

Often times students think of their work as daunting tasks, when in reality, assignments

can reveal a student’s potential. Given the right tools, a MacBook for instance, a student can

create multiple masterpieces.

The Innovate Wheelhouse feels that these three ads will promote the MacBook, as well

as, the entire Apple company. Utilizing this campaign will give Apple success because it appeals

directly to the target audience in a manner that promotes success in school, which is at the

forefront of college students’ minds.

Innovative Wheelhouse | 47


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