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Advent FIRST CHURCH IN CAMBRIDGE Congregational 1633-1636 United Church of Christ Garden and Mason Streets Cambridge, Massachusetts

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Congregational 1633-1636 United Church of Christ

Garden and Mason Streets Cambridge, Massachusetts

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Grounded in God Growing in Community

Acting in Love

Whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey, we are thankful that you are with us today, and we hope that you will stay for a bit after worship for refreshments and

conversation. First Church is an open and affirming, just peace congregation of the United Church of Christ. If you’d like to know more about us, please introduce yourself to one of

the ministers after church and explore our website at

Large print bulletins and assistive listening devices are available.

Please ask a greeter for assistance.

New to First Church in Cambridge? Please take the time to fill out one of the pew cards

and place it in the offering basket during the service. Name tags are available at both the front and back entrances of the sanctuary.

Children of all ages are welcome in our worship. Picture books, children’s Bibles, and activity packets can be found in the Children’s Book Corner located by the door to the parish building (to the right of the chancel). Children may visit the Book Corner at any point during worship. Nursery care for infants and toddlers is located through that

door and down the hallway (up four stairs to the door on the right). Fussy babies and their caregivers are invited to the Hastings Room, just across the hall from that same door,

where the service is broadcast through speakers.

Would you like to give to First Church in Cambridge? Here are easy ways to do it: Give by Text: Text $ __ to 617-841-8044

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VOLUNTARY Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland J. S. Bach *HYMN 119 Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence *GREETING Lauren, Scott, and Lily Yockel L: Beloved in God, come now and hear the promise! C: The promise of comfort, the promise of strength, L: The promise of peace, C: The promise of light. L: Remember God's promise to us: C: Christ, our Peace and our Light, will come.

*THE LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT CANDLES L: The light of Christ! All: Thanks be to God! WELCOME Ann McCann

ANTHEM Comfort Ye Katherine K. Davis



SUNG RESPONSE (The choir will sing first and the congregation will respond.) T. Smith/ P. Sykes

*You are invited to stand. Hymns proceeded by a “C” are found in the beginning section of the hymnal. This sec-tion contains hymns written and composed by current and past members of First Church in Cambridge.

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SILENCE ADVENT PRAYER OF CONFESSION L: Now let us ask for healing, pardon and peace. C: In your presence, God, and in each other’s company,

We confess that our lives and the life of the world are cast in shadow by what we do and by what we fail to do. But we know a light shines in the darkness And the darkness does not overcome it. Pardon our deliberate faults. Heal our weaknesses and fears. Give us strength to grow in the love we lack. Illumine our souls with the first glimmers Of the Coming Light of Christ, our Comfort and Redeemer. Amen.


*HYMN 115 Comfort, Comfort Ye My People


PRAYER FOR UNDERSTANDING Denson Staples READING Isaiah 11:1-10 LITURGICAL DANCE Valerie Blanc READING Matthew 3:1-12 SERMON Karin Case *HYMN 113 Isaiah the Prophet Has Written of Old

All children from Preschool to 6th grade are invited to leave at this time to make sandwiches for today’s Outdoor Church offering. The children will make the sandwiches in

Margaret Jewett Hall, and return to the service in time for communion.

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Members of the congregations who have brought unwrapped gifts for the CM Christmas Shops will now be invited to bring them forward and place them in front of the communion table.

Anyone who wishes to donate money to the CM Shops may also bring those gifts forward and place them in a small basket on the table. Once all have returned to their seats,

our regular weekly morning offerings for the support of our ministry will be received. OFFERTORY Panis Angelicus Thomas Pavlechko *DOXOLOGY

To God, all glorious heavenly Light, to Christ revealed in earthly night, to God the Spirit now we raise our joyful songs of thankful praise. Amen.



*INVITATION Jen Bloesch and Dan Smith L: Come, people of God, come to the table of hope! All: Our hope is in God, who made heaven and earth! L: Come, people of God, come to the table of peace. All: Christ is our peace, and healing for the nations! L: Come, people of God, come to the table of life! All: The Spirit will feed us and make us new! *PREFACE REMEMBERING AND GIVING THANKS L: And now, O God,

with grateful joy, we remember Jesus. Silence L: We remember that he came to us humbly. All: He put aside the glory that was his. L: We remember that he announced your favor. All: He taught us to welcome your mercy.

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L: We remember that he resisted evil, loved extravagantly, and turned no one away.

All: He did your will, and trusted your love. PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE LORD’S PRAYER (Please pray this prayer and address God in words most meaningful to your heart.) All: Our Father, who art in heaven hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.


All who seek to follow Jesus’ way of compassion, justice and peace are welcome at this table. It is our custom to eat the bread as it is passed and hold the glasses until everyone

has been served, that we may drink as a single act of communion with Christ. The bread is gluten free and the cup contains grape juice.

*THANKSGIVING L: Let us give thanks to God

for all the goodness we have received! All: Thank you, God,

for life in the Spirit of Jesus, for gladness in this bread and cup, for love that cannot die, for peace the world cannot give, for joy in the company of friends, for the splendors of creation, and for the mission of justice you have made our own. Give us the fruits of this holy communion: oneness of heart, love for neighbors, forgiveness of enemies, the will to serve you every day, and life that never ends. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

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*HYMN 121 Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus *BENEDICTION *CHORAL RESPONSE O Sapientia Healey Willan VOLUNTARY Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland J. S. Bach

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Preaching Karin Case, Minister

Liturgist Ann McCann, First Church Member

Directing the Choir/Playing the Organ Peter Sykes, Director of Music

Liturgical Dance Offering Valerie Blanc, First Church Member

Assisting with Worship Dan Smith, Senior Minister Denson Staples, Ministerial Intern Jen Bloesch, Ministerial Intern Advent Candle Lighting Lauren, Scott, and Lily Yockel, First Church Family



∗ For our divided nation following the recent elections. We fervently pray that God’s wisdom, love, and justice may be made known to us and to our nation in the coming days. We pray especially for those who are feeling vulnerable, afraid or alone. May God’s presence bring patience, strength and a renewed commitment to Christ’s way of inclusive love.

∗ For the Indigenous Protectors who have faced arrest and police violence, especially for the recovery of Susan Redlich’s friend Sophia Wilansky, who is in danger of losing her arm after she was hit by a police concussion grenade while in a peaceful protest of the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota.

∗ For the residents of Aleppo, Syria, where recent bombing have destroyed the city, and for all impacted by the Syrian refugee crisis.

∗ For our country in the wake of heightened tension, increased violence, and aggression, and for our church as we seek bold and faithful responses to a culture of racism, homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia, and other forms of hatred and fear. All those forced to flee their home countries due to war and terrorism; and we pray for clarity in responding to immigra-tion crises around the world.

∗ For people struggling with grief, illness, addiction or mental health concerns, job-related transitions, marital or relationship troubles, or loneliness.

Portions of the YOUR PRAYERS ARE REQUESTED section of the bulletin are omitted in the online version to protect the privacy of those mentioned. To find out who we are praying for this week, please contact the church offices at [email protected] or by calling 617-547-2724.

IN THIS SPACE we share personal, congregational, national, and global prayer requests. If you would like us to include a prayer request, please contact Dan Smith, Karin Case, or Kirsten Manville by Wednesday morning, or fill out a prayer request card found in your pew.

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TODAY’S HAPPENINGS WATCH FOR THE LIGHT ADVENT STUDY: THE IMAGE AND THE ADVENT SEA-SON Today at 10:00 a.m., Images have a longstanding role in inculcating faith within Christian communities. Join Denson Staples as we consider the role of images — including the images and visages of ourselves and our siblings in faith — in preparing ourselves for the coming of Christ. JOIN THE FAMILY CHOIR IN ADVENT Today and Sundays, December 11 and 18 at 10:00 in the Choir Room First Church’s Family Choir will re-group for rehearsals in preparation for singing during our annual UnPageant on the Fourth Sunday of Advent. Come to rehearsals to learn a simple Christmas piece that we’ll share as part of our family-friendly morning worship on December 18 All ages and levels of singing experience are welcome; if you’re part of the First Church “family,” you can be part of the Family Choir! Contact Sarah Higginbotham ([email protected]) for more information. BELL CHOIR REHEARSAL - LOOKING FOR RINGERS Today at 10:00 a.m., Lindsay Chapel The Bell Choir rehearses from 10-10:50 a.m. in the Chapel many Sunday mornings throughout the year. Adults and children aged 10 and up are welcome to drop in and try it out any-time; we welcome new ringers of all ages! We have a lot of laughs and keep improving, one piece at a time. No prior musical experience necessary; music is marked carefully to ensure each ringer’s success. Please text or call Susie Longfield for more information: 617-967-8888. We will be re-hearsing in December and play “Twas in the Moon of Wintertime” in church on Sunday, January 8. Please join us!

A SPACE BETWEEN We have introduced a place for healing prayers. A space between is... A space between us and God, A space between us and each other, A space between the world as it is and the world as it should be, A space for silence and centering A space for prayer and meditation The table and chairs under the dome at the front of the sanctuary are intended for prayer. Please feel free to use this space at any point during the week when the sanctuary is unoccupied to pray whatever might be on your heart: prayers for yourself, prayers for another, prayers for the world. If you wish, write down a concern, prayer, or prayer request. Take it with you or leave it in the basket. Prayers will be collected regularly and lifted up by members of our First Church community.

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AN OPPORTUNITY FOR HEALING PRAYER Every Communion Sunday, the deacons and ministers offer prayers for healing, peace, and reconciliation for anyone who desires them. The healing prayer teams will be positioned in the chancel (near the baptismal font). If you would like to share a healing prayer, receive an anointing or laying on of hands, please approach one of the teams at the end of the service and make your need known. FOOD PANTRY COLLECTION TODAY Please place the items you brought with you in the baskets in the narthex. Thank you. Your generosity is much appreciated!

OUR WHOLE LIVES Today at Old South Church in Copley Square, 1:00 - 2:30 pm Our 7th and 8th graders continue with OWL at Old South Church for the next three months of classes. OUTDOOR CHURCH OFFERING On Communion Sundays, it is our practice to prepare 3 dozen lunches for the Outdoor Church to distribute to those in need on the streets of Cambridge. The children of the church lead us in this discipline, leaving worship at 11:20 a.m. on the first Sunday of the month and return with the lunches in time for multigenerational Communion. As always, people of all ages are encouraged to participate by volunteering to deliver the lunches to the Harvard Epworth at 1:00 p.m. Speak with the deacon serving as Head Greeter today if you’d like to get involved in this ongoing mission project.

THE FIRST CHURCH DEACONS’ FUND is one of the many ways in which our community cares for one another. Church members in need of financial assistance for a one time or short-term emergency may make a confidential request to one of the deacons or clergy. This fund be-longs to us and relies on our contributions. We hope people will take advantage of this aid. You are also invited to make a gift (beyond your pledge) to the Deacons’ Fund, if able. Please mark on your check or online contribution "Deacons’ Fund.” NIGHT SONG: SOLEMN MYSTICAL COMPLINE Tonight at 7:00 p.m., Sanctuary Cap your Sunday and start your week with this beautiful, contemplative musical service. Join us for these contemplative and spiritually transporting candle-lit experiences of choral literature, an-cient and contemporary chant, and instrumental music. There is no spoken word, no sermon― just the opportunity to experience the Divine through music, being still, and silent meditation. Tonight: Setting for compline in the Lydian mode by Daryl Bichel, Psalm 121, Tone 1.7, alter-nating with Anglican chant by Bichel. Hymn: Creator alme siderum, plainchant, Mode 4, arr. by Elliott Gyger. Canite tuba - Rorate caeli by G.P. da Palestrina, 5 part. Alma Redemptoris Mater by Orlando di Lasso, 8 part. Contemplative instrumental improvisations. Mixed octet with Ben Schwendener, piano.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY WITH NIGHT SONG We're looking for a sacristan to manage the use of icons and candles at Night Song, work with incense, act as a greeter/usher and possibly help in other ways during Night Song. Contact Daryl (617/312-8328 or [email protected]) to discuss it. Thank you.

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FIRST CHURCH HAPPENINGS STEWARDSHIP AND PLEDGING UPDATE Thank you to all who have pledged their share for 2017. We are at 72% of our goal. If you haven’t yet pledged, please pick up a blue pledge card from the table in the back of the sanctuary, or pledge online at CENTERING MEDITATION Every Monday night, 6 - 7:00 p.m. in The Well (Room 22) Are you looking for a place to settle in for some quiet reflection in the midst of a hectic week? Interested in exploring a variety of meditation practices or deepening your current practice? Whether you’re experienced or simply curious, all are welcome. For more information, contact Hilary Hopkins, [email protected], or Karin Case, [email protected]. YOUNG ADULTS GROUP - FAITH ON TAP MONDAY December 5 at 7:30 p.m., Grendel’s Den The Young Adults will gather for a Faith on Tap night on December 5th at Grendel's Den restaurant. Those over and under 21 are welcome. We'll explore some guiding questions about faith to frame the evening's conversation. Please email Julie Pridham ([email protected]) with any questions. Hope to see you there! YOUNG ADULTS GROUP - END OF SEASON BRUNCH Sunday, December 11 at 12:30 p.m. Nubar (16 Garden St., Cambridge) The Young Adults Group will be wrapping up the season with a festive post-service brunch on Sunday, December 11th. We'll enjoy some good food and conversation and raise a glass to closing out 2016. Please email Julie Pridham ([email protected]) with any questions and to RSVP by Wednesday, December 7th so that she can get a headcount for the reservation. AN INVITATION TO JENNIFER STUART’S ORDINATION TO CHRISTIAN MINIS-TRY Sunday, December 11, at 3:00 p.m., in the Sanctuary At First Church in Cambridge Jenny has been a Deacon, a member of the Christian Formation Committee, and a member of the Nominating Committee. The position for which she is being ordained is as chaplain at Care Dimensions, a non-profit hospice and palliative care agency in Danvers. She also works as a therapist at the Danielson Institute at Boston University, working primarily with women who have suffered childhood trauma. Jenny obtained her Masters in Social Work at the University of Chicago, has a certificate in trauma studies, and graduated with a M.Div. from Harvard Divinity School in 2015. She is married to Guy Stuart, who is executive director of Micro Finance Op-portunities, based in Washington, D.C. Guy and Jenny’s son James is a junior at Boston Univer-sity, and their daughter Hannah is a freshman at the University of Rochester.

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HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE AT THE PARSONAGE Thursday, December 8, 5:00 - 9:00 p.m., Parsonage (44 Garden Street, Cambridge) Join us by the fireside for some festive fun and fel-lowship on Thursday, December 8, from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Come for all or part of the eve-ning. Come whenever you can. A special invitation to kids and young families to join us on the early side, for choir members to come before rehearsal, and for young adults to swing by before heading out to continue the revelry late night! We’ll provide a light meal and holiday spirit(s)! Bring some Christmas cookies or a drink to share, if you’d like, or just bring yourselves! ADVENT CHORAL MUSIC SUNDAY Sunday, December 11, in Morning Worship Our spe-cial Choral Music Sunday service on December 11 reminds us of the incredible heritage of great music composed for the Advent season. This annual highlight offers a wonderful musical prepara-tion for our celebration of Christmas. This year the choir will sing In nativitatem Domino Jesum Christum canticum by Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1690), the Advent and final choruses, with stu-dent instrumentalists from the Historical Performance Department at Boston University (of which Peter Sykes is chair). If you would like to join the Choir for this service, come to rehearsals on Thursday evening December 8 at 7:45 p.m., in the Hastings Room, as well as on Sunday morning, December 11. For more information and updates contact Peter Sykes, [email protected] or 617-645-0833.

WATCH FOR THE LIGHT:AN ADVENT 10 O’CLOCK HOUR STUDY SERIES Sundays, December 11 and 18 at 10:00 a.m., Hastings Room

After an unusually intense fall, both at First Church and for our nation, join us for a time of quiet reflection, conversations, and embodied practice on Scripture related to the themes of Advent. Together we will “watch for the light” and prepare our hearts and souls for the sea-son. December 11 - Prayer With Hands & Feet Bring prayer into your body and let it flow through your hands and feet as you walk a labyrinth and do creative arts. Jen Bloesch will pro-vide mantras, scripture, and poetry to accompany you to provide inspiration and grounding as you give life to prayer in art and movement. December 18 - The Practice of Solitude and Silence Drawing on the wisdom of the early Desert Fathers and Mothers, Karin Case will lead an exploration of how to cultivate a posture of responsive, open attentiveness to God through practices of solitude and silence. In these darkening days, come find the light within.

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FIRST CHURCH UN-PAGEANT Sunday, December 18, during Morning Worship The Un-Pageant is a creative and fun tradition at First Church! During Morning Worship on the fourth Sunday of Advent, we tell the Christmas story together as a congregation by donning costumes and accessories (think halos and wooly sheep ears) that transform us into angels, shepherds, sheep, wise folks, and villagers of Bethlehem. We sing the well-loved carols and gather close around the Baby Jesus to experience once again that miraculous love and light and hope and peace. Because it’s unrehearsed, expect a few surprises and expect joyful hearts! CHRISTMAS PARTY AND POTLUCK Sunday, December 18, 12:30 p.m., in Margaret Jewett Hall. The annual First Church Christmas Party and Potluck will be held following Morn-ing Worship on Sunday, December 18, in Margaret Jewett Hall. Watch for details, coming soon. Organized and animated with great affection and skill by the Friends of Fellowship! WINTER SOLACE SERVICE Sunday, December 18 at 5:30 p.m., in Lindsay Chapel Christmas is not always experienced as a joyful time for people facing loss, difficulties, or grief. Sometimes it is a season that is a reminder of pain and darkness rather than celebration. The Win-ter Solace Service is an evening worship experience to recognize and lift up the challenges we face in this time of holidays. A collection of Scripture readings, hymns, prayers, and times for silence will guide us through reflection, as we remember, mourn, and light candles for what makes this time of year difficult. Held near the winter solstice, themes of darkness and light will be incorporated into prayer and music as a way to seek God's comfort in our dark places. Ques-tions? Contact Jen Bloesch, [email protected].


BUILD UP SANCTUARY IN BOSTON Wednesday, December 7, 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Beacon Hill Friends House Our faiths call us to live out our principles and values. As a faith community we have a moral calling to bear witness and serve. Join the Boston New Sanctuary Movement in solidarity with our community partner organizations to shape our response to Trump and the anti-immigrant hate. We must work together collectively to resist deportations and offer sanctuary to those who request it. At this gathering we will devise an action plan for our faith response and our future sanctuary work, including an educational event planned for early 2017. Refreshments will be provided. Please RSVP to [email protected] THE AGE OF CONSEQUENCES FILM Friday, December 9, 7-9:30 p.m., First Parish Church (3 Church St, Cambridge, MA) A stunning call to action, this new film directed by Ja-red Scott, investigates the impacts of climate change, resource scarcity, migration and conflict through the lens of US national security and global stability. After the showing will be a discus-sion via Skype with Executive Producer Sophie Robinson. Suggested donation $10. Presented by Massachusetts Peace Action, First Parish Environmental Justice Task Force, and Boston Phy-sicians for Social Responsibility.

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OUT OF MANY, ONE: AN INTERFAITH CALL FOR DIGNITY AND DILIGENCE Sun-day, December 11 at 6:00 p.m., Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center (100 Malcolm X Blvd., Boston) Join together with people of faith from across the city for a special evening ser-vice that will feature testimonies from local residents, prayers from Boston’s interfaith leaders who will invite Boston Mayor Marty Walsh and other elected officials to join in a non-partisan call for dignity and diligence in this time of heightened social tension and political transition.

MIGHT YOU BE ABLE TO DONATE NEW OR GENTLY USED MITTENS AND GLOVES? All sizes wanted, but especially children’s mittens and gloves, to benefit homeless and low-income children who are served by Solutions at Work. Adult mittens will also be made available to the Friday Café guests. There is a box in the hallway outside of the church office for your donations. The drive ends at Thanksgiving. Thanks to you for your help on this project of the Mission and Social Justice Committee of the church.

FRIDAY CAFÉ HOLIDAY CHEER Our Friday Café Holiday Celebration will take place on Dec. 23 this year. Here are a few easy ways to help us get ready! • Cook something delicious—Make a dish or dessert for our holiday meal. Go to to sign up. • Warm some toes —Throughout the month of December, we’ll be receiving donations for ther-mal socks, writing tiny messages in tiny cards, and attaching them to the socks with ribbons. Sug-gested sock donation is $2.00 per pair. Tiny blank cards will be available at the Café for the next 3 Fridays: Take some home and write your own tiny messages! Cards should be dropped off at the church office by Dec. 21. • Contribute something sweet—Each year we assemble gift-bags of homemade treats to give out at our holiday celebration. Treats will be collected in the church kitchen from Dec. 11–18 (please label “Friday Café” to avoid confusion). Sticky or crumbly goodies should be individually wrapped to keep things tidy. Bags will be assembled at the church from 2:00–3:00 on Sunday, Dec. 18. • Deck the Halls—We would love some help decorating the room on Friday, Dec. 23! If you can come at 11:00 a.m. that day and make the room twinkle, please let Kate Layzer know ([email protected]).

SHELTER CHRISTMAS BREAKFAST Sunday, December 18, 8:00 - 9:30 a.m. in Sage Hall Join the Shelter Committee by partaking in a festive breakfast with some of our Shelter guests. Visit some of the Shelter and share some conversation with the guests. The Shelter Com-mittee will provide the basic food (ham, eggs, browned potatoes, bagels, etc as well as other treats). We welcome any and all First Church members to attend and support the Shelter. Other ways to support the Shelter during the Holiday season: • Guests receive a $50 gift card and thermal socks. Guests use the cards for themselves and

their family. Donations of $5 to $50 for these gift cards can be made on the FCC website “Give” tab. Under Directed Gifts, the 4th choice is First Church Shelter Gift.

• Cooked sides & desserts for Christmas and New Years can be shared by calling the Shelter at 617-661-1873.

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Christmas Worship at First Church Cambridge

Sunday, December 11 at 11 a.m. Special Music Sunday - In nativitatem Domino Jesum Christum canticum by Marc-Antoine Charpentier Sunday, December 18 at 11 a.m. Morning Worship, First Church The Un-pageant Saturday, December 24 at 6 p.m. Christmas Eve Vespers Service Sunday, December 25 at 11 a.m. Christmas Day Worship Service and Communion

11 Garden Street, Cambridge

Corner of Garden and Mason Streets. All services are handicapped accessible.

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The Week Ahead

Sunday, December 4 SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT 9:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal 9:45 a.m. Coffee/Gathering Time, Margaret Jewett Hall (MJH) 10:00 a.m. Advent Study, Hastings Room 10:00 a.m. Family Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship, Multigenerational Communion, City Mission Society Gifts Received, Val Blanc Dance Offering, Karin Case, preaching 11:20 a.m. Church School: Outdoor Church Offering 12:30 p.m. Alternative Christmas Fair, MJH 1:00 p.m. Our Whole Lives, at Old South Church, Boston 1:30 p.m. Youth Group Meeting, Meet in Lobby to head to City Mission Christmas 7:00 p.m. Night Song, Sanctuary

Monday, December 5 6:00 p.m. Centering Meditation, the Well 7:30 p.m. Faith on Tap, Grendel’s Den

Tuesday. December 6 10:30 a.m. “Aging with Grace” Reunion, Hastings Room

Wednesday, December 7 9:30 a.m. Staff Meeting, Dan Smith’s Office 5:30 p.m. Build Up Sanctuary in Boston, Beacon Hill Friends House

Thursday, December 8 5:00 p.m. Holiday Open House, Parsonage (44 Garden St.) 7:45 p.m. Choir Rehearsal, Hastings Room

Friday, December 9 1:00 p.m. Friday Café, MJH

Sunday, December 11 THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT 9:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal 9:45 a.m. Coffee/Gathering Time, MJH 10:00 a.m. Advent Study, Hastings Room 10:00 a.m. Family Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship, Special Music Sunday, Dan Smith, preaching 11:20 a.m. Church School: Classes for preschoolers-6th grade 3:00 p.m. Ordination of Jennifer Stuart, Sanctuary 6:00 p.m. Out of Many, One: An Interfaith Call for Dignity and Diligence , Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center 7:00 p.m. Night Song, Sanctuary

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11 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 617-547-2724

The Staff of First Church in Cambridge

Senior Minister Rev. Dan Smith, 617-547-2724, ext. 23 [email protected]

Minister Rev. Dr. Karin Case 617-547-2724, ext. 26 [email protected]

Minister of Stewardship & Finance Rev. Karen McArthur, 617-547-2724, ext. 22 [email protected]

Minister of Street Outreach Rev. Kate Layzer, 617-851-5074 [email protected]

Ministerial Intern Jen Bloesch [email protected]

Director of Music Peter Sykes, 617-645-0833 [email protected]

Director of Creative Worship & Arts Sarah Higginbotham, 617-547-2724, ext. 42 [email protected]

Staff Composer Patricia Van Ness

Poet-in-Residence Jean-Dany Joachim [email protected]

Shelter Director Jim Stewart, 617-661-1873 [email protected]

Parish Administrator

Kirsten Manville, 617-547-2724, ext. 21 [email protected]

Administrative Assistant Lang Haynes 617-547-2724, ext. 41 [email protected]

Facilities Manager Dan dos Santos [email protected]


Douglas Casey, Tina Quimby, George Williams, Kimel Williams, 617-642-3980

Ministerial Intern Denson Staples [email protected]