advances in health science research, volume 6 2nd sari ... · taken 98 case samples (infant having...

The Relationship Between Maternal Age And Pregnancy With The Incidence Of Low Birth Weight Baby At The Jaraga Sasameh Hospital Buntok 2016 Susanti Suhartati* 1 1 Sari Mulia High School Of Health Science *[email protected] Putri Vidiasari D 1 1 Sari Mulia High School Of Health Science [email protected] Mardiana 1 1 Sari Mulia High School Of Health Science [email protected] ABSTRACT Objective: The Main object of this research is to know the Relationship Between Maternal Age and Pregnancy Distance With the Incidence of Low Birth Weight Baby at the Jaraga SasamehHospital Buntok. Methods: This kind of this research user analytic with case-controlapproachof retrospective. The subjects of this study were all infants treated at the Jaraga Sasameh Hospital Buntok which amounted to 480 babies, with a sample of case 98 and the control samples of 98 infants. The sampling technique in the case sample was taken with total sampling and the control sample was determined by systematic random sampling. The data collection through secondary data using thechecklist and this study using univariate and bivariate analysis. Results : From result of Chi-Square Test found that there was a correlation between maternal age and mortality of LBW pvalue 0.000 (<0,05) value of OR 11,912 (95% CI 6,021-23,565) and there was correlation of pregnancy distance with occurrence of BBLR pvalue 0,000 (<0,05) value of OR 24,470 (95% CI 10,500-66,417). Conclusion: Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that there is a relationship between maternal age and distance pregnancy with the incidence of LBW. Keywords: Age of Mother, Baby, Low Birth Weight, Pregnancy distance I. INTRODUCTION Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) in Indonesia is still high. In the world, as 34 per 1,000 live births, IMRs in developing countries are 37 per 1,000 live births and IMR in developed countries 5 per 1,000 live births. The IMR in East Asia 11 per 1,000 when compared to the 2007 IDHSrecorded 34 per 1000 live births, but infant mortality rate (IMR) in Indonesiarelatively is stillhigh compared to ASEAN countries such as Singapore (3 per 1000 live births), Brunei Darussalam (8 per 1000 live births), Malaysia (10 per 2nd Sari Mulia International Conference on Health and Sciences (SMICHS 2017) Copyright © 2017, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license ( Advances in Health Science Research, volume 6 277

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The Relationship Between Maternal Age And Pregnancy

With The Incidence Of Low Birth Weight Baby

At The Jaraga Sasameh Hospital Buntok 2016

Susanti Suhartati*1

1Sari Mulia High School Of Health Science

*[email protected]

Putri Vidiasari D1

1Sari Mulia High School Of Health Science

[email protected]


1Sari Mulia High School Of Health Science

[email protected]


Objective: The Main object of this research is to know the Relationship Between Maternal Age and

Pregnancy Distance With the Incidence of Low Birth Weight Baby at the Jaraga SasamehHospital


Methods: This kind of this research user analytic with case-controlapproachof retrospective. The

subjects of this study were all infants treated at the Jaraga Sasameh Hospital Buntok which

amounted to 480 babies, with a sample of case 98 and the control samples of 98 infants. The

sampling technique in the case sample was taken with total sampling and the control sample was

determined by systematic random sampling. The data collection through secondary data using

thechecklist and this study using univariate and bivariate analysis.

Results : From result of Chi-Square Test found that there was a correlation between maternal age

and mortality of LBW pvalue 0.000 (<0,05) value of OR 11,912 (95% CI 6,021-23,565) and there

was correlation of pregnancy distance with occurrence of BBLR pvalue 0,000 (<0,05) value of OR

24,470 (95% CI 10,500-66,417).

Conclusion: Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that there is a relationship

between maternal age and distance pregnancy with the incidence of LBW.

Keywords: Age of Mother, Baby, Low Birth Weight, Pregnancy distance


Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) in Indonesia

is still high. In the world, as 34 per 1,000

live births, IMRs in developing countries

are 37 per 1,000 live births and IMR in

developed countries 5 per 1,000 live

births. The IMR in East Asia 11 per 1,000

when compared to the 2007

IDHSrecorded 34 per 1000 live births, but

infant mortality rate (IMR) in

Indonesiarelatively is stillhigh compared

to ASEAN countries such as Singapore (3

per 1000 live births), Brunei Darussalam

(8 per 1000 live births), Malaysia (10 per

2nd Sari Mulia International Conference on Health and Sciences (SMICHS 2017)

Copyright © 2017, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (

Advances in Health Science Research, volume 6


live births, South Asia 43 per 1,000 live

births, Southeast Asia 24 per 1,000 live

births and West Asia 21 per 1,000 live

birthsThe number of SDGs targets an IMR

of 2030 to 12 for 1,000 live births but

according to IDHS 2012 recorded an

IMRof 32 per 1000 live births this is


1000 live births), Vietnam (18 per 1000

live births), and Thailand (20 per 1000

live births). LBW is the birth weight less

than 2,500 grams. Neonatal with LBW at

risk of death 6.5 times greater that in

babiesborn with normalweight.In astudy

from Beilinson

Medical Center, birth weight was

associated negatively with infant mortality

with low birth weight [1]. The number of

LBW in Indonesia reached 350,000 babies

every year. The cause of LBW is generally

multifactorial, sometimes it is difficult to

take precautions. However, the most

common cause of LBW is premature birth.

The younger the pregnancy, the greater the

short-term and long-term risk can occur.

Factors associated with LBW infants in

general, include; maternal disease

(hypertension, anemia, preeclampsia /

eclampsia), age <20 years or>35 years,

parity, distance of pregnancy too close,

history of LBW, socioeconomic, cigarette,

alcohol, narcotics, chromosomal disorders

(autosomal trisomy) chronic (cytomegaly

inclusion, congenital rubella), familial

dysautonomia, radiation, multiple

pregnancy, pancreas aplasia, placental

factors, and environmental factors.

In 2014, the number of cases of LBW as

535 cases (1.60%) of live births, this

number bigger when compared with the

number of cases of LBW in 2013 of 484

cases (1.20%) [2]. Based on a preliminary

study conducted inJaraga Sameh General

Hospital Buntok in obtaining data in the

year 2013 the occurrence of BBLR 89

cases of LBW (15.5%) of 574 total babies

treated, in 2014 found 91 (17.8%) LBW

incidence of 509 treated babies, 418

(82.1%) babies with normal weight, while

in 2015 the number of LBW incidence still

not resolved even it increased when

compared to 2014 that is as 103 (20.3%)

birth of LBW of 505 total infants which

was treated while the incidence of Low

Birth Weight Infant in 2016 was 98

(20.4%) BBLR of 480 babies treated at

Sasameh Buntok Hospital.Based on the

above description then conducted a study

on Maternal Age and Distance of

Pregnancy with BBLR occurrence in

Jaraga Sasameh General Hospital Buntok

in 2016.


The population in this study were all

newborns treated at Jaraga

SasamehHospital Buntok in 2016. In this

study the sample was taken with two

techniques. Total sampling for case

samples and systematic random sampling

Advances in Health Science Research, volume 6


for control samples with a sample ratio of

one to one. Total sample of the casewas

taken 98 case samples (infant having

BBLR) and 98 control samples (infants not

BBLR) so the total sample was 196.This

research uses Analytic Survey with Case-

Control approach which is an analytic

(survey) research about how risk factors

are studied by using retrospective research

design.The study was conducted in March

of 2017 based on newborn medical record

data treated at Jaraga Sasameh General

Hospital Buntok from January to

December of 2016.

The variable used in this research is

Dependent Variable that is the occurrence

of BBLR. And Independent Variable of

Mother Age and Distance of

Pregnancy.Data was collected through

secondary data using a checklist, and this

study used univariate analysis and

bivariate analysis with chi-square statistic



Univariate Analysis

1. Mother Age

Table 1 Frequency Distribution of

Pregnant Women Age



Case Control Total

F % F %

Risk 70 71,4 17 17,3 44,3

No Risk 28 28,5 81 82,7 55,6

Total 98 100 98 100 100

Based on table 1 above, it can be

interpreted that in the sample cases the

number of mothers aged <20 and>35

years ie 70 people (71.4%) and Mother

Age 20-35 years of 28 people (28.5%).

For samples Control of mothers with

age <20 and> 35 years old were 17

people (17,3%) and mother with age

20-35 years counted 81 people (82,7%).

2. Pregnancy Distance

Table 2 Frequency Distribution




Case Control Total

F % F %

< 2 years 62 63,3 6 6,1 34,7

>2 years 36 36,7 92 93,9 65,3

Total 98 100 98 100 100

Based on table 2 above, it can be

interpreted that in the case sampletotal

number of mothers with distance of

pregnancy <2 years counted 62 people

(63,3%) and mother with a distance of

pregnancy> 2 years counted 36 people

(36,7%). For control sample of a mother

with distance of pregnancy <2 years

counted 6 people (6,1%) and mother with a

distance of pregnancy > 2 years counted

92 person (93,9).

Advances in Health Science Research, volume 6


Bivariate Analysis

1. Relation of Mother Age with LBW

Table 3 Results of the Analysis of

Maternal Age Analysis with LBW




Incidence of Low Birth

Weight Total






Case Control





F % F %

Risk 70 35,7 17 8,7 44,4


No Risk 28 14,3 81 41,3 55,6

Total 98 50 98 50 100

Based on the results in table 3 Chi-

square test results obtained Pvalue 0,000

<0,05 and OR value of 11.9 so it can be

concluded that there is a relationship

between mother age with the incidence of


2. Relation of Pregnancy Distance to


Table 4 Results of the Analysis of

Pregnancy Distance with LBW



Incidence of Low Birth

Weight Total




(95% CI)

Case Control





F % F %

Risk 62 31,6 6 3,1 34,7

No Risk 36 18,4 92 46,9 65,3

Total 98 50 98 50 100

Based on the results in table 4 Chi-

square test results obtained value P value

0,000 <0.05 and OR value of 24.4 so it can

be concluded that there is a relationship

between the Distance of Pregnancy with

the incidence of LBW.


1. Low Birth Weight Baby

Newborns weighing less than 2500 g

are categorized as low-weight babies

[4]. The cause of LBW is generally

multifactorial, sometimes it is difficult

to take precautions. However, the most

common cause of LBW is premature

birth [4]. The younger the pregnancy

the greater the short-term and long-term

risk can occur. The factors associated

with LBW infants in general, include;

maternal disease (hypertension, anemia,

preeclampsia / eclampsia), age <20

years or> 35 years, parity, the distance

of pregnancy too close, history of

LBW, socioeconomic, cigarette,

alcohol, narcotics, chromosomal

disorders (autosomal trisomy) chronic

(cytomegaly inclusion, congenital

rubella), familial dysautonomia,

radiation, pancreatic aplasia, placental

factors, and environmental factors [4].

The birth weight is very important

because it is closely related to the

survival of the next baby. Low Birth

Weight will increase infant morbidity

and mortality, low birth weights (LBW)

that are not handled properly can lead to

problems in all organ systems of the

Advances in Health Science Research, volume 6


body, mental and physical disorders and

subsequent flower development [5].

2. Mother Age Relation with Low Birth

Weight Infant

In the case sample the number of

mothers who have low birth weight is

70 people (71.4%) and those who do

not experience low birthweight babies

are 28 people (28.5%). While the

control sample of mother age which

experienced Low Birth Weight is 17

people (17,3%) and who did not

experience Low Birth Weight which is

81 people (82,7%).

Chi-square statistic test obtained pvalue

of 0.000 indicates a significant

relationship between age with the

incidence of Low Birth Weight (p

<0.05). In addition, there was also an

OR value of 1.6 (95% CI 6.0-23,5), so

it was found that maternal age <20

and> 35 years was 11 times more likely

to have a low birth weight baby

compared with motherage range 20-35

years old.

The results of another study showed

that there was a significant relationship

between maternal age and LBW

occurrence in RSUDZA Banda Aceh

that gave birth at the age of <20 and>

35 years had an opportunity to give

birth of LBW as 10.7 times compared

with mother giving birth at age 20-35

years old. This is because at the age of

less than 20 years, the reproductive

organs are not functioning perfectly, the

mother's uterus and pelvis have not

grown to reach adult size so that when

pregnancy and childbirth, pregnant

women are more prone to

complications, and at the age of more

than 35 years , there is a decline in

reproductive health because the

degenerative process has begun to

emerge [4].Pregnancy at a young age is

a risk factor due to immature

maturation of reproductive organs to

conceive, which may adversely affect

maternal health and fetal development

and growth that facilitates the

occurrence of Low Birth Weight

(LBW). One that causes birth with birth

weight is younger age while pregnant

with OR 1.98, CI 1.15-3.41. The current

study shows that young mothers (less

than 20 years old) are nearly twice as

likely to deliver LBW babies as

compared to older mothers [5], while

over 35 years old despite their

experience, but their body condition

and health have begun to decline so it

can affect intrauterine fetus and can

cause birth of Low Birth Weight


From the results of the study found in

the age of 20-35 years of age as 28

people (28.6%) gave birth to Low Birth

Advances in Health Science Research, volume 6


Weight, this is due to other factors such

as physical load factors and the

economic factors of pregnant women

that affect the condition of infants so

that they experience weight Born Low.

The significant risk factors for LBW

occurrence are maternal education,

smoking during pregnancy, smoking

before pregnancy, daily number of

cigarettes, number of cigarettes used

during pregnancy, father's income and

socioeconomic factors [8].Another

factor is the environment and culture is

still a lot of early marriage so that many

mothers who are pregnant<20 years of

age who are at too young age still lack

of physical and psychological mother's

readiness to accept the condition of

pregnancy and less attention to

pregnancy so that the cause of the birth

of the baby with LBW. Besides the

occurrence of unwanted pregnancies

such as pregnancy out of wedlock and

unplanned pregnancy causes the mother

not to pay too much attention to the

condition of pregnancy well resulted in


At the time of pregnancy some mothers

are only concerned with the appetite of

the food that should be consumed in

becaus lack of knowledge of the mother

about the nutritional intake that must be

met during pregnancy so it can bad

impact on pregnancy and fetus [11].

The prognosis of pregnancy is strongly

shaped by a person's age. Too young

and too old is a high-risk pregnancy.

Pregnancy at a young age is a risk

factor due to immature reproductive

organs for pregnancy (incomplete

endometrium) while at age above 35

years of endometrium is less fertile and

increase the likelihood of suffering

congenital abnormalities, which may

result in maternal health and fetal

development and growth that is being


Improvement efforts that prevent the

emergence of marriage will make a

significant contribution in lowering the

prevalence of low birth weight [7]. In

addition, efforts to continuously

increase the scope of use of

contraceptives will be able to reduce the

number of unwanted pregnancies and

also prevented the occurrence of

pregnancies aged over 35 years.

3. Relationship of Pregnancy Distance

with Low Birth Weight Infant

In the case sample the number of risky

gestational distance was 62 people

(63.3%) and the amount of non-risk

gestational distance was 36 people

(36.7%) while in the control sample the

number of risky pregnancy distance was

6 people (6.1% ) and the number of

non-risk pregnancies was 92

(93.9%)Chi-square statistical test

Advances in Health Science Research, volume 6


obtained pvalue of 0.000 indicates a

significant relationship between

Distance Pregnancy with Low Birth

Weight (p <0.05). In addition, there is

also an OR value of 24.5 (95% CI 10.5-

66,4), so it can be seen that mothers

with a <2 years of pregnancy distance

24 times the risk of delivering babies

with LBW compared with mothers with

non-risk birth spacing > 2 years.

Mothers with <2 years gestational

distance were 3.231 times more likely

to deliver LBW compared with mothers

with> 2 years gestational distance [12].

This is in line with the results of

Statistics with Chi-Square Test where

df = 1 α = 0.05 in get X² count = 6.79>

from X² table = 3.841 then it means

there is a relationship of pregnancy

distance with the incidence of LBW.

This is because at the distance of

pregnancy> 2 years cause the

occurrence of LBW because

reproductive function and nutritional

needs of mothers have not been met

properly [13].

The distance of pregnancy greatly

affects the health of mother and fetus in

the womb. Newborn mothers need 2 to

3 years to get pregnant again to recover

physiologically from pregnancy and

childbirth. For a pregnancy that is too

close to give an indication of less ready

for the uterus for implantation for the

embryo [12]. The optimal gestational

distance is the time constraint between

pregnancy that produces the best health

impact for mother and child. The near-

term pregnancy distance (<2 years or 24

months) is one of the risk factors in

reproductive health [13].

From the result of the research, the risk

of pregnancy distance to LBW shows

the number of LBW cases with the risk

of pregnancy at risk as 62 people

(63.3%) the high case due to the lack of

knowledge of mothers such as often

have a certain history such as

hypertension, anemia and unwilling to

visit antenatal care. In this case,

mothers with high-risk pregnancies

should be able to anticipate delivery of

LBW by performing routine antenatal

care visits with weight control,

checking blood pressure and other

factors such as good maternal

nutritional status. In addition, the lack

of participation by mothers in terms of

postponement of pregnancy due to lack

of knowledge and lack of information

about contraception. So although some

mothers who participate in family

planning programs but because of less

attention to the use and contra

indications it causes the mother to fail

in the use of contraception.

It is very important to prepare for the

next pregnancy. The smaller the

Advances in Health Science Research, volume 6


distance between the two births, the

greater the risk to give birth to Low

Birth Weight (LBW). The incidence

can be caused by complications of

bleeding during pregnancy and

childbirth, premature part and severe

anemia, mothers experiencing nausea,

severe vomiting, multiple pregnancies,

chronic illness.


There was a correlation between Mother

Age and Low Birth Weight event (p

<0.05) with an OR of 1.6 (95% CI 6.0-

23.5) and there was a relationship between

Pregnancy Distance and Low Birth Weight

( p <0.05) with an OR of 24.5 (95% CI

10.5-66.4). Based on the results of the

study can be concluded that there is a

relationship between maternal age and

distance pregnancy with the incidence of



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