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Copyright © 2014 by Hazel Dixon-Cooper and Bridgett Walther

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For Bonnie Hearn Hill and Christopher Allan Poe,

two Pluto-inspired souls who never met

a challenge they didn’t like.

—Hazel Dixon-Cooper

To my very patient husband, David,

for his determination and understanding.

—Bridgett Walther

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Why We Wrote This Book ix

Introduction xi

Who Is Pluto? xiv

Five Ways to Gain and Grow with Pluto xv

Part One: Pluto Through the Generations

Pluto in Aries 2

Pluto in Taurus 4

Pluto in Gemini 4

Pluto in Cancer 5

Pluto in Leo 6

Pluto in Virgo 7

Pluto in Libra 8

Pluto in Scorpio 9

Pluto in Sagittarius 10

Pluto in Capricorn 11

Pluto in Aquarius 11

Pluto in Pisces 12

Part Two: The Sun Signs

Aries (March 21–April 19) 17

Taurus (April 20–May 20) 21

Gemini (May 21–June 20) 26

Cancer (June 21–July 22) 30

Leo (July 23–August 22) 35

Virgo (August 23–September 22) 39

Libra (September 23–October 22) 43

Scorpio (October 23–November 21) 48

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21) 53

Capricorn (December 22–January 19) 57


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Aquarius (January 20–February 18) 64

Pisces (February 19–March 20) 66

Part Three: Pluto and the Houses

Pluto in the First House: The Phoenix of Identity 81

Pluto in the Second House: The Phoenix of Values 93

Pluto in the Third House: The Phoenix of Truth 103

Pluto in the Fourth House: The Phoenix of Nurturing 115

Pluto in the Fifth House: The Phoenix of Creativity 125

Pluto in the Sixth House: The Phoenix of Service 135

Pluto in the Seventh House: The Phoenix of Partnership 145

Pluto in the Eighth House: The Phoenix of Legacy 155

Pluto in the Ninth House: The Phoenix of Belief 165

Pluto in the Tenth House: The Phoenix of Integrity 173

Pluto in the Eleventh House: The Phoenix of Revolution 185

Pluto in the Twelfth House: The Phoenix of Acceptance 197

Conclusion: Conquering Your World with Pluto 207

Acknowledgments 211

Resources and Recommended Reading 213

Quick Guide to Roman Gods and Mythology 215

Glossary 217

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Ever since the first person scratched a picture into the rocks of

a cave, humans have studied the stars. For thousands of years,

astrologers have used the stars to forecast events, identify medical

conditions, give self-help advice, and more.

Astrology is a practice that few confess to believing in but one

that millions use. Who doesn’t check a horoscope in the paper now

and again? Many people still swear by the Moon-based advice in the

Farmers’ Almanac? Today, astrology is often used as a supplemental

guiding force that helps people everywhere—celebrities, to profes-

sionals, to us average folks—better understand both the world and


Many people desperately seek ways to heal the emotional holes

in their lives through a variety of techniques both ancient and mod-

ern. As professional astrologers, we’ve dedicated our lives to helping

people through this ancient system of self-knowledge, and we con-

sult with people from all walks of life on a daily basis. In the ongoing

service of this mission, we’ve created this in-depth guide to gaining

insight into the problematic areas of life and, from that insight, path-

ways that lead toward a more fulfilled existence.

In this book, we concentrated on Pluto, the planet of destruc-

tion and transformation. You may have read that, in 2006, Pluto was

downgraded to a “dwarf ” planet by the International Astronomical

Union. Simply put, astronomy is the science of mapping the sky and

tracking the movement of all the objects within the known universe.

Astrology is the practice of interpreting the movement of the plan-

ets in our Solar System as it relates to human behavior. Just as with


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everything else, size doesn’t matter, especially with the bad ass of the

universe. Whether some humans call Pluto a planet, a dwarf, or a

rock in space, his influence and purpose in astrology hasn’t changed.

Pluto is still the force of transformation, the tough-guy, astrology’s

hard case. And astrology uses “planet” as a reference to the farthest

rock from the Sun. In our work, and this book, so do we.

Pluto deals with what is buried or hidden in the psyche. Condi-

tioned behaviors, unresolved fears, and anger are some of the issues

this astrological bad boy raises, as Pluto’s energy works through the

self-destructive scenarios we repeat that cause us pain. These issues

are revealed through the house placements of Pluto, both by birth

and during a transit through the astrology chart. Wherever Pluto

appears, it illustrates lifelong challenges and opportunities.

Throughout this book, we have integrated examples taken from

our real-life files, although names, occupations, and other descrip-

tive information have been changed to protect the privacy of our

clients. Our intent is to show you how to recognize the harmful emo-

tional or physical patterns that you subconsciously repeat so that you

can break free of self-defeating behaviors and use Pluto’s influence as

a force for positive change in your life.

We’ve seen Pluto’s work in our own lives. We’ve felt the flow of

Pluto’s energy. When we ignored it, we got our butts kicked, just like

you probably have. But when we harnessed Pluto’s strength as a force

of change instead of destruction, we found a way out of our inner

turmoil and a path toward a better, brighter future. The choice is


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A friend seems to thrive no matter what life throws at her while

you feel like you’re stuck on that endless hamster wheel. Maybe

you feel like a loser-magnet when it comes to finding a lover or you

can’t find a satisfying job. Perhaps you’re afraid to stand up for your-

self or you’re rebelling in self-destructive ways. Why?

The simple truth is that you are probably the reason you’re stuck

like a rodent in a cage. But hey, don’t feel bad. You’re not alone. Most

of us humans have to learn our lessons the hard way. Sometimes, it

takes the emotional equivalent of being hit by an eighteen-wheeler

before we recognize our role in attracting those unhealthy situations

that we can’t seem to avoid. You could spend thousands of dollars

and months or years in therapy. You could read every self-help book

on the market. You could have your horoscope mapped and charted

and analyzed by a dozen astrologers. But until you decide to change,

nothing will work.

In order to transform, the first step forward is to become aware of

the negative patterns you keep repeating. Then you must make a con-

scious decision to change. How do you achieve such a transformation?

By becoming mindful of the automatic responses and misconceptions

about yourself that you learned in childhood and then continued to

perpetuate throughout your adult life. Seem impossible? It isn’t.

One of the easiest ways to learn about these ingrained patterns is

through astrology. It’s the original self-help tool that contains every

key you need to live a fulfilling life. It’s been said that astrology is

the first psychology. Five thousand years before Sigmund Freud

developed his theory of psychoanalysis, astrologers had learned to


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correlate planetary movements with both personality and behav-

ior patterns. As a self-help tool, it provides amazing insight into the

underlying character traits that can either impede or propel your

spiritual and psychological growth.

Carl Jung was a Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist who is con-

sidered by many to be the founder of analytic psychology. Jung was

Freud’s protégé and friend, and he also had a deep interest in astrol-

ogy. Jung cast the horoscopes of his patients and made a statistical

study of the relationships of marriage partners. He recognized that

astrology could be used as an important tool for self-awareness. In a

September 9, 1947, letter to B. V. Raman, one of the most respected

astrologers in the world (reproduced in Roderick Main’s Jung On

Synchronicity and the Paranormal, Princeton University Press,

1998), Jung wrote, “In cases of difficult psychological diagnosis, I

usually get a horoscope in order to have a further point of view from

an entirely different angle. I must say that I very often found that the

astrological data elucidated certain points which I otherwise would

have been unable to understand.”

Today, many psychologists and psychiatrists are also accom-

plished astrologers, and countless others regularly consult with

astrologers in order to gain greater insight into their clients.

Since Babylonian times, this ancient practice has been used to

guide people by interpreting the movement of the planets in our

solar system as it relates to human behavior. In fact, every civiliza-

tion has a form of astrology designed to help us find inner happiness

and live vital lives. And just as every ancient civilization looked to

the stars for answers, we modern human beings would be wise

to do the same, recognizing that we are all part of the universe, and

are subject to its rhythms and cycles just as the tides are influenced

by the Moon. We contain the same physical elements that compose

the Earth and share the same human ability to reason that sets us

apart from all other living things—and yet we are as unique as the

stars. Your personal natal chart is a snapshot of where the plan-

ets were the minute you were born. No one, not even your twin, is

exactly like you.