advanced portfolio research proposal

Advanced Portfolio Research Proposal • Area of Research/ Title of Research Project: • Three key primary texts (films to be studied): • Aims of Research/ What you seeking to find out from research questions: • Initial Research Plan (websites/library/ books/magazines & other primary & secondary sources): • How Research will link into your creative project:

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Advanced Portfolio Research Proposal

• Area of Research/ Title of Research Project:

• Three key primary texts (films to be studied):

• Aims of Research/ What you seeking to find out from research questions:

• Initial Research Plan (websites/library/ books/magazines & other primary & secondary sources):

• How Research will link into your creative project:

Area of Research/ Title of Research Project

How has the story of Snow white been adapted from the the original Grimm fairytale and how has that story been adapted in terms of modern film genres?

Three key primary texts (films to be studied):

Snow White & The Huntsman (2012)

Mirror Mirror (2012) Sydney White (2007)

What you seeking to find out from research questions:

From my research questions, I am hoping to find out how the original story of Snow White has been adapted in to a film and the process of it. I will also compare the different film adaptations to the original story.

Initial Research Plan (websites/library/ books/magazines & other primary & secondary sources):

My primary source will be the films:• Snow White and The Huntsman (2012)• Mirror Mirror (2012)• Sydney White(2007)

Another primary source will be the original fairytale published by The Brothers Grimm in 1812.

How Research will link into your creative project:

My research will link into my creative project by the narrative as I will be making my own adaptation of the story Snow White.