advanced differentiated learning · research regarding the impact on adl students teacher practices...

Advanced Differentiated Learning River Forest District 90 Committee of the Whole May 6, 2013 Wednesday, May 15, 2013

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Advanced Differentiated


River Forest District 90

C o m m i t t e e o f t h e W h o l eM a y 6 , 2 0 1 3

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

District 90 Mission

Deliver excellence in education through an unwavering commitment to the whole child.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Context of Common Core/RtI/professional development

Evaluation of current gifted/talented programming

Focus on student achievement

Meeting the needs of all learners

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

District 90 Strategic Goal

Assessment, Curriculum and Instruction:

To foster the growth of the whole child and challenge each child to excellence, the District will utilize bestpractices and evolving research to ensure all students have access to high quality educational programming, ascharacterized by (A) fully-articulated curriculum; (B) differentiated instruction, rooted in formal and informalassessment; and (C) appropriate interventions, supports and resources.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Strategic Action Plan

Strengths and Weaknesses

Investigation and Analysis

Program Modification

Procedural Modification

Findings and Feedback

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Key Process Elements

Identification of program strengths and needs

Examination of best practices

Subcommittee work

SLC “steering committee” role

Wednesday, May 15, 2013



Instructional Differentiation

High Ability Learners - Supports and Services

ATP Placement and Programming

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Instructional Differentiation

Research regarding the impact on ADL students

Teacher practices


Professional development

RtI and tiered instruction

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

High Ability Learners - Supports

and Services

Programming strengths and weaknesses

Targeted student needs

Programs and supports: modifications and recommendations

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Academically Talented Program -

Placement and Programming

Subcommittee work

The process of identification

Transparency and communication

Ongoing evaluation of identification process

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Achievement Profile for ADL (humanities) Gr.5

Classroom Profile1. Demonstrates inferential and critical thinking ____ 2. Uses correct grammar and conventions in written work ____3. Incorporates high-level vocabulary in written and oral communication ____4. Demonstrates the ability to organize ideas in written work, such as essays and extended responses ____5. Responds positively to constructive, critical feedback ____6. Consistently excels on classroom assignments and assessments ____7. Works well independently ____8. Is organized and has effective work habits ____

Scale: 25 - 27 = 5ptsConsistently performs well above grade level-4 28 - 29 = 10ptsOccasionally performs above grade level-3 30 - 31 = 15ptsPerforms at grade level-2 32 = 20ptsPerforms below grade level-1 Category Total __________________________________________________________________________ CogAT Verbal

____ below 90% = 0 pts ____ 90 - 93% = 5 pts ____ 94 - 96% = 10pts ____ 97 - 98% = 15pts ____ 99% = 20pts Category Total ____ _____________________________________________________________________ MAP Test ISAT Test (Grade 4 to 5)

____ below 90% = 0 pts ____ below 256 = 0 pts____ 90 - 93% = 5 pts ____ 256 - 266 = 5 pts____ 94 - 96% = 10pts ____ 267 - 277 = 10pts____ 97 - 98% = 15pts ____ 278 - 287 = 15pts____ 99% = 20pts ____ 288+ = 20pts

Category Total ___________________________________________________________________________ Possible Points __80__ Total Points ______ Required Points for Eligibility ______

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Achievement Profile for ADL (Humanities) Gr. 6-8

Classroom Profile1. Demonstrates inferential and critical thinking ____ 2. Uses correct grammar and conventions in written work ____3. Incorporates high-level vocabulary in written and oral communication ____

4. Demonstrates the ability to organize ideas in written work, such as essays and extended responses ____5. Responds positively to constructive, critical feedback ____6. Consistently excels on classroom assignments and assessments ____7. Works well independently ____8. Is organized and has effective work habits ____

Scale:Consistently performs well above grade level-4 25 - 27 = 5ptsOccasionally performs above grade level-3 28 - 29 = 10ptsPerforms at grade level-2 30 - 31 = 15ptsPerforms below grade level-1 32 = 20pts Category Total ____pts______________________________________________________________________ CogAT Verbal ____ below 90% = 0 pts ____ 90 - 93% = 5 pts ____ 94 - 96% = 10pts ____ 97 - 98% = 15pts ____ 99% = 20pts Category Total ____pts______________________________________________________________________

MAP Test ISAT Test ____ below 90% = 0 pts ____ below 256 = 0 pts____ 90 - 93% = 5 pts ____ 256 - 266 = 5 pts____ 94 - 96% = 10pts ____ 267 - 277 = 10pts____ 97 - 98% = 15pts ____ 278 - 287 = 15pts____ 99% = 20pts ____ 288+ = 20pts

Category Total _____ pts______________________________________________________________________ Possible Points __80__ Total Points ______ Required Points for Eligibility ______

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Achievement Profile for ADL (Math) Gr. 5

Classroom Profile1. Is prepared and organized; completes homework in a timely manner ____ 2. Shows strong intellectual curiosity and interest in the subject of mathematics ____3. Shows speed and proficiency in mathematical computation ____4. Demonstrates strong ability to solve abstract problems ____5. Learns new material readily with little or no reteaching ____

Scale:Consistently performs well above grade level-4 Occasionally performs above grade level-3 A score of 16 or better = 10ptsPerforms at grade level-2 Performs below grade level-1 Category Total___________________________________________________________________________ CogAT Quantitative CogAT Non-Verbal

____ below 90% = 0 pts ____ below 90% = 0 pts____ 90 - 93% = 5 pts ____ 90 - 93% = 5 pts____ 94 - 96% = 10pts ____ 94 - 96% = 10pts____ 97 - 98% = 15pts ____ 97 - 98% = 15pts____ 99% = 20pts ____ 99% = 20pts

Category Total ___________________________________________________________________________ MAP Math ISAT Math (Grade 4 to 5)

____ below 90% = 0 pts ____ below 262 = 0 pts____ 90 - 93% = 5 pts ____ 262 - 272 = 5 pts____ 94 - 96% = 10pts ____ 272 - 287 = 10pts____ 97 - 98% = 15pts ____ 288 - 315 = 15pts____ 99% = 20pts ____ 316+ = 20pts

Category Total _______________________________________________________________

Possible Points ___90_ Total Points ______ Required Points for Eligibility ______

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Achievement Profile for ADL (Math) Gr. 6-8

Classroom Profile1. Is prepared and organized; completes homework in a timely manner ____ 2. Shows strong intellectual curiosity and interest in the subject of mathematics ____3. Shows speed and proficiency in mathematical computation ____4. Demonstrates strong ability to solve abstract problems ____5. Learns new material readily with little or no reteaching ____

Scale:Consistently performs well above grade level-4 Occasionally performs above grade level-3 A score of 16 or better = 10ptsPerforms at grade level-2 Performs below grade level-1 Category Total___________________________________________________________________________ CogAT Quantitative CogAT Non-Verbal

____ below 90% = 0 pts ____ below 90% = 0 pts____ 90 - 93% = 5 pts ____ 90 - 93% = 5 pts____ 94 - 96% = 10pts ____ 94 - 96% = 10pts____ 97 - 98% = 15pts ____ 97 - 98% = 15pts____ 99% = 20pts ____ 99% = 20pts

Category Total ___________________________________________________________________________ MAP Math ISAT Math

____ below 90% = 0 pts ____ below 262 = 0 pts____ 90 - 93% = 5 pts ____ 262 - 272 = 5 pts____ 94 - 96% = 10pts ____ 272 - 287 = 10pts____ 97 - 98% = 15pts ____ 288 - 315 = 15pts____ 99% = 20pts ____ 316+ = 20pts

Category Total ___________________________________________________________________________Average Achievement on classroom assessments ____ 90 - 93% = 5 pts ____ 94 - 96% = 10pts ____ 97 - 98% =15pts ___ 99 - 100% = 20pts Category Total ___________________________________________________________________________ Possible Points _110__ Total Points ______ Required Points for Eligibility ______

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Addition of Instructional Specialists in each school to provide leadership in areas of curriculum and differentiation (3 total)

Professional development programming for faculty and staff regarding the needs of Advanced Differentiated Learners

Adoption of revised ATP identification matrices and parent communication

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Recommendations/Findings (cont.)

Ongoing review of ATP curriculum to ensure rigor, in context with Common Core

Maintain accelerated math program at elementary level with clarified outcomes

Increase support for academically focused extra-curricular clubs and activities

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Recommendations/Findings (cont.)

Increase opportunities for students to participate in outside gifted and talented programming (i.e. WSCAE, NUMATS)

Explore avenues to provide ADL students with additional support in areas of social-emotional development

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Ongoing Evaluation

Established outcomes and indicators

Decision-making informed by data/framework for RtI

Frequent analysis in context of Common Core initiatives

Professional development

Monitoring and support

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Questions and Answers

Wednesday, May 15, 2013