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    Dorene Lofgren

    Consultant, GSUSA

    July 11, 2010

    Advanced Data AnalyzerTechniques

    What is Web Intelligence?

    Business Objects Web Intelligence is an ad hoc reporting toolfor business users that provides self-service access to data.

    Business users can interact with data without having to knowthe complexities of their database.

    What are Universes?

    A Universe is a watered-down version of a relationaldatabase. The Universe translates the complexitiesof the database into business-friendly terms for end-

    users and allows for correct SQL generation. :

    A Universe is the interfacing layer between theclient and the actual database. The Universedefines the relationships among the various tables inthe database and contains the connectionparameters to the database.
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    Universes make life easier

    But it can never be too easy

    The data objects I need for myreport are in two differentuniverses!

    But I dont want the 9 digitpostal code

    Yesterday it was a #DATASYNCerror, today its a #MULTIVALUEerror. Why am I getting all of

    these errors?

    I need the data joined with anouter joinnot an inner join!Wheres the Find Unmatchedfeature?

    Session Objective

    This workshop is designed to empower userswith the knowledge and skil ls to manipulateuniverse data to achieve desired results.

    Major takeaways include:

    How to merge data across multiple data

    providers with success

    How to combine queries within a universe indifferent ways

    How to build powerful expressions.

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    Instructional Methods

    This isnt apresentation- its a

    hand-on workshop!

    Buddy up and startproblem-solving!

    Data AnalyzerWarm Up!

    Lets get everyone on the same page!

    Terminology Review

    How is a Universe organized?

    Objects - Named component that maps

    to data in the database. You

    use objects in a query to

    retrieve data for your reports.

    Classes - Logical grouping of objects.

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    Universe Objects Defined

    Object Example Definition

    Dimension Retrieves data that will provide thebasis for analysis in a report.

    Measure Retrieves numeric data based on acalculation performed on data in the


    Detail Refers to pieces of information that do notform the basis for a query but, nonetheless,are needed for the results of a query. ADetail is always attached to a dimension.Details come into play when you mergedata providers, so stay tuned!

    Girl Scouts Universes of Interest

    All Order Entry

    Whats in it?

    All Order Entry contains a record for every order linein Personify, segmented by org. It includesinformation about the customers and productsassociated with each order as well.

    Query this Universe to

    generate a list of active members

    create a basic meeting roster

    retrieve a list of donors

    Accounting Setup

    Whats in it?

    The Accounting Setup universe contains a list of

    your orgs GL accounts in Personify. It also shows the

    accounts associated with each product in your org.

    Query this Universe to

    See the revenue accounts for meeting products

    Review your Personify chart of accounts

    Access an account name (other universes

    typically include account numbersnot names)

    Girl Scouts Universes of Interest


    Whats in it?

    Tracks information on every customer in the

    database, regardless if theyve placed an order or

    not. This universe is not segmented by org.

    Query this Universe to

    access non-primary communication methods,

    aliases, special needs, non-mem ber employers,

    position codes, credit statuses and purchasing

    group information.

    Committee Personify Technical Universe

    Whats in it?

    The Committee Universe is segmented by org. Thisuniverse tracks :

    every committee (e.g. award, troop, and serviceunit ) in your org

    the positions held by committee members

    customer information about each committeemember

    Query this Universe to

    generate a troop or service unit roster

    see a list of customers who currently hold aposition (e.g. 01s or 02s)

    retrieve a list of award recipients

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    Girl Scouts Universes of Interest


    Whats in it?

    Meeting registrations and meeting products. Meetingproduct nformation exceeds what is available in AllOrder Entry. Only includes meetings that havecustomers registered to them.

    Query this Universe to

    produce a meeting roster with detailed productinformation

    Generic Product Setup

    Whats in it?

    Contains information about every product set up in

    your org, including rates and pricing, GL accounts,

    cancellation fees, and package components for eBiz.

    Query this Universe to

    Generate a list of meeting products with or without


    Marketing Universe

    Whats in it?

    The Marketing Universe is the only universe that

    currently holds Contact Tracking data.

    Query this Universe to

    generate a list of contact tracking records by topic or

    staff assigned.

    Girl Scouts Universes of Interest

    System Setup

    Whats in it?

    Contains setup information for your org and

    products. You typically will not need to query this

    universe unless you cannot find a products

    attribute anywhere else. For example, this is the only

    universe that contains eCommerce controls for web


    Query this Universe to

    check setup information for your web products.

    Security Setup

    Whats in it?

    Contains user login information and user group


    Query this Universe to

    See the last time your users logged into Personify

    See the groups assigned to your users in Personify

    Warm Up Team Activity

    Which Universe would you select to create1. An adult member listing?

    All Order Entry

    2. A troop roster for the current year? Committee

    3. A list of programs coming up in the next three months,including programs where no one is registered? Generic Product Setup

    4. A list of users with the last time they logged on? Security Setup

    5. A list of customers in the database that have an Alias? Customer

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    Lets Build One Together

    A Troop Roster for 2010

    Additional Requirements

    Include a user prompt for troop name

    Begin Date and End Date Filters


    Test Case BeginDates

    End Dates

    Annual Members

    (positions added frombatch)

    10/01/09 09/30/10

    Mid-year transfers

    (to troop/council)




    Annual mid-year

    positions added






    L if et ime memb er s 1 1/ 30 /0 0





    Test Case BeginDates


    Annual Members (past

    or future)





    Mid-year transfers

    (from troop/council)





    Annual mid-year

    positions that wereterminated





    [Begin Date] = 9/30/10

    Result Objects and Query Filters

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    Merged Queries


    What is a Merged Query?

    A merged query draws related data fromdifferent data providers.

    Data come from Query

    2 which is based on theCustomers universe

    Data comes from

    Query 1 which isbased on the AllOrder Entry universe

    Why merge?

    When the data you need comes from two differentdata providers, Web Intelligence does not knowthat it is related.

    You tell Web Intelligence that the data is related bymerging the two data providers on the commondimension.

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    Merged query example

    Query 1 - Members Query 2Customer Aliases



    Merged Objects


    Aliases arestored in theCustomers


    All Order Entry isneeded to

    display activemembers.

    ButCustomer Aliasesare not stored in

    the All Order EntryUniverse

    Examples of Merged Queries

    1. Position Codes forLifetime Members

    Positions arestored in theCommittee



    You cannot tell

    from theCommittee

    Universe that acustomer is also

    a lifetimemember

    All Order EntryUniverse isneeded to


    customers thatpurchased a



    Examples of Merged Queries

    2. Non-Primary Email Addresses forMembers

    Non-Primarycontact records

    are in theCustomersUniverse.


    You cannot tellfrom the

    CustomersUniverse that

    customer is alsoa member

    All Order EntryUniverse isneeded to

    displaycustomers thathave an active


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    Examples of Merged Queries

    3. Adult Member Training History

    The first data setfilters for all

    adult members

    The seconddata set filtersfor all training

    order lines andincludes the

    customers whoattended them.

    All Order Entrycontains all the

    Data Objects youneed for this report.


    Data Objects must

    be contained intwo separate

    queries becauseyoure dealing withtwo separate datasets with different


    Common Mistake

    And condition cancels out everything!

    You are filtering for order lines that sell an Adultmembership product and products classified astrainings. Each order line can sell either,however, not both!

    Better Solution:Create 2 queries and merge the fields you need

    Active Order Lines that sellproducts classified as Trainings Active Adult Members for 2010

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    4. Meeting Roster that shows the SU of each participant

    Examples of Merged Queries

    The first data set

    filters for all activeorder lines that sell

    a specifiedmeeting product.

    The second dataset filters for eachmembers current

    service unitAll Order Entry technically contains all the Data

    Objects you need for this report.


    Data Objects must be contained in two separatequeries because youre dealing with two separate

    data sets with different filters

    Common Mistake

    And condition cancels out everything!

    You are filtering for order lines that sell aspecified meeting product and are linked to aHierarchy Year. However, only membership

    order lines are linked to a hierarchy record!

    Better Solution:Create 2 queries and merge the fields you need

    Active Order Lines for aspecified Meeting Product Name Active Members for 2010 withtheir 2010 membership hierarchy

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    Team Activity

    To Merge or Not to Merge

    Ex 1A List of Members Associated witha List Demographic

    To Merge or Not to Merge

    No, you do not need to merge!

    List Demographics are associated with Ship-to

    Customers (e.g. members) in ALL Order Entry.

    Ex. 2Adult member award Listing byService Unit

    To Merge or Not to Merge

    Yes, you need merge!

    Service Units are related to troop records, notawards. You first will need to generate an

    award listing, then a member listing by serviceunit. Then, connect the lists by Customer ID

    and merge whats missing!

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    Ex 3A Statistical Report that counts residentcamp participants by year and race

    To Merge or Not to Merge

    No, you do not need to merge, although you


    Camp orders are found in ALL Order Entry. TheRace is an attribute of the Ship -to Customer

    and can be found in All Order Entry also.

    Ex 4An Employer Listing for Adult Members

    To Merge or Not to Merge

    No, you do not need to merge!

    Adult member employers are found in the

    Ship-to Customer All Relationships folder of AllOrder Entry.

    Ex. 5Girl Guardian Employers

    To Merge or Not to Merge

    Yes, you need merge!

    You can get the guardian Customer IDs fromAll Order Entry, but not the employers of theguardians. Instead, you will need to merge

    guardian IDs with the Customers Universe tograb their employer info.

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    How to Merge

    A Step-by-Step Guide

    Merged Query Demo #1

    Member Roster with WinPCMS IDs

    Merged Query Demo #2

    Meeting Roster that shows each memberstroop and Service Unit

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    Components of a Merged Query

    Query 1 and 2

    Query 1- Main query Query 2- Detail Query

    Contains the records youwant to see in your finalreport, and includes the

    Merged Dimension

    Contains the MergedDimension and the fieldsyou will merge into your

    final report

    Components of a Merged QueryReport 1 and 2

    Report 1- Main report Report 2- Detail Report

    Contains the output ofQuery 1. This report wil l be

    your final report thatcontains merged data.

    Contains the output ofQuery 2. You can discard

    this report if youd like.

    Components of a Merged QueryMerged Dimension & Detail Objects

    Merged Dimension Detail Objects

    Common field in Query 1 and

    Query 2 you need to join in orderto bridge data from Query 2 toQuery 1. The object s name inboth queries can be different as

    long as the data is the same.

    Fields in Query 2 that you will

    bridge over to your final report.

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    Components of a Merged Query

    Putting it all together

    Merged Dimension

    Detail Objects

    Source Dimensionsfor Detail Objects

    Creating a Merged QueryStep-by-step (1)

    Step 1: Build a new Webi based on the universe you need forQuery 1

    Creating a Merged QueryStep-by-step (2-3)

    Step 2: Construct Query 1. Add as many fields as possible thatyou want to show on the final report, including your mergeddimension.

    Step 3: Right-click the Query 1 tab and choose Add Queryto build Query 2. Select the Universe that represents the datasource for Query 2.

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    Creating a Merged Query

    Step-by-step (4-5)

    Step 4: Click the Query 2 tab and construct Query 2. In thisquery include the merged dimension and all of the objectsnot available in Query 1 that you will merge in your final report.

    Step 5: ClickRun Queries to generate the reports. At the NewQuery message, opt to Insert a table in a new report.

    Creating a Merged QueryStep-by-step (6-7)

    Step 6: Click the tab for Report 1. You are ready to build yourmerged dimension. Click the Merged Dimension icon in the


    Step 7: Under Query 1 and Query 2, select the fields you willuse to join the queries. Typically these fields are IDs of somekind that are the same field in the underlying database. ThenclickMerge.

    Creating a Merged QueryStep-by-step (8)

    Step 8: Create a name for the merged dimension and clickOK. Back in the Merged Dimensions window, click OK as well.

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    Creating a Merged Query

    Step-by-step (9-10)

    Step 9: Now you are ready to buildyour Detail objects. Open the VariableEditor in the toolbar.

    Step 10: In the Variable Editor,

    1. Double-click the first field you want to

    merge into Report 1 so that it displaysin the Formula box.

    2. Give the field a name. (The name

    must be different than the originalobjects name.)

    3. Under Qualification, select Detail.

    4. Click the ellipsis next to AssociatedDimension. Expand the mergeddimension and select the originaldimension from Query 1. This links theDetail object to Query 1. ClickOK

    5. Click OK in the Variable Editor. Repeatthe process for all the fields y ou wantto merge into Report 1.





    Creating a Merged QueryStep-by-step (11)

    Step 11: From Report 1, drag the detail objects you justcreated onto the report. Save your work. You have just

    created a merged query!

    Team Activity

    Plan your merges

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    Activity #1:

    Adult Members and their Awards

    Adult Members and their AwardsStep 1: Choose your universes

    1. What Universe do youquery to retrieve adultmembers?(Becomes Query 1)


    2. What Universe do youquery to retrieve theawards customers havereceived?(Becomes Query 2)


    Answer: All Order Entry Answer: Committee

    Adult Members and their AwardsStep 2: Choose your Result Objects

    1. What are the Result

    Objects in Query 1?(List them below)

    2. What are the Result

    Objects in Query 2?(List them below)


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    Adult Members and their Awards

    Step 3: Choose your filters

    1. What filters do you needfor Query 1?

    (List them below)

    2. What filters do you needfor Query 2?

    (List them below)Answer: Answer:

    Adult Members and their AwardsStep 4: Create the Merged Dimension

    1. Which object from Query 1will become the mergeddimension?

    (Circle your answer)

    2. Which object from Query 2will become the mergeddimension?

    (Circle your answer)

    Adult Member AwardsStep 5: Create your Detail Objects

    1. Which objects from Query 2 will become Detail Objects? (Circleyour answer below.)

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    Adult Member AwardsStep 5: Create your Detail Objects

    Name: _________________

    Associated Dimension:________________________

    Formula: _______________

    Name: _________________

    Associated Dimension:________________________

    Formula: _______________

    For each Detail, identify its Name, Associated Dimension and Formula.

    Answer: Master Customer ID

    Begin Date Detail

    Label Name Detail

    Ship to Customer ID

    Ship to Customer ID

    =[Begin Date]

    =[Label Name]

    Merged Query Joins

    Utilize the common dimension to select the records you want

    Merged query joins

    Data is merged on the common dimension in a left- orright-outer join, depending onwhich side of the merged dimension you insert i n your final report. You can j oindata with an inner join also.

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    Join Definitions

    A left outer join selects all of the IDs from Query 1 and showsdata from Query 2 if theres a match.

    A right outer join selects all of the IDs from Query 2 and shows

    data from Query 1 if theres a match.

    An inner join only selects IDs that exist in both queries.

    Left Outer Join Example

    Selecting the Ship-to Customer ID from Query 1 displ ays all members (i.e. Ship to

    Customers), whether they have awards or not.

    Query 1Current Adult MembersQuery 2Customers with awards

    Inner Join Example

    Only members with an awards show in the


    Selecting the Master Customer ID from Query2 creates an inner join if the property Showrows with empty dimension values is set toNo. (It is set to No by default)

    Query 1Current Members

    Query 2Customers with awards

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    Right Outer Join Example

    Selecting the Master Customer ID from Query 2 dis plays all customers with awards,regardless if they are members or not if the property Show rows with empty dimensionvalues is set to Yes. (It is set to No by default)

    Query 1Current Adult MembersQuery 2Customers with awards

    How to change joins in a Webi

    To create a LeftOuter Join

    Drag mergeddimension from

    Query 1 onto report

    To create an InnerJoin

    Drag mergeddimension from

    Query 2 onto report

    To create a RightOuter join

    Drag merged dimensionfrom Query 2 onto report.

    Set Show rows with emptydimension values to Yes.

    Team Activity

    Select the records you want using Inner and Outer joins

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    Activity #1a:

    Lifetime Member Positions Codes

    Circle the dimension you would drag to show all lifetime members,regardless if they hold a position or not.

    Query 1 contains lifetime membersQuery 2 contains customers with active positions

    Activity #1b:Lifetime Member Position Codes

    Circle the dimension you would drag to only show lifetime memberswith positions.

    Query 1 contains lifetime members

    Query 2 contains customers with active positions

    Activity #2a:Non-Primary Email Addresses for Members

    Circle the dimension you would drag to show all members, whetherthey have a non-primary email address or not.

    Query 1 contains all current membersQuery 2 contains customers with a non-primaryemail address

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    Activity #2b:

    Lifetime Member Position Codes

    Circle the dimension you would drag to only show members thathave a non-primary email address.

    Query 1 contains all current membersQuery 2 contains customers with a non-primaryemail address

    Which query becomes Query 1?

    The importance of starting off the way you want to finish

    FAQ:I know which queries I need.

    Which query should I make Query 1?

    Contains your final record countin otherwords, the records that should display onthe final report.

    Query 1

    Includes information you want to seerelating to the records in your final report,but not the actual filters that will produceyour final record set.

    Query 2

    This recommendation only applies if data needs to be related with anouter join (all records from one data provider show in the final report).

    If data ultimately needs to be related in an Inner join, it doesnt matterwhich query becomes Query 1.

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    Team Activity


    Award Listing by Service Unit

    The final report displays award recipients by their 2010 membership

    Service Unit (SU). If they do not have a 2010 SU (because they arentmembers), they should display a Null value in the SU column.

    Here are the two queries you will need. Which should become Query 1?(Circle your answer)

    A list of al l of the award recipients at the council w ith the award name andBegin Date

    A list of acti ve members in 2010 with their current SU.

    Team Activity#2

    Girl Guardian Employers

    The final report displays a list of guardian customers for 2010 that areemployees of the specified employer, in this example Conoco Phill ips.

    Here are the two queries you will need. Which should become Query 1?

    A lists all guardian 1 and guardian 2 customers related to girl members

    registered for the current membership year.

    A list of adult customers related to the specified employer.

    It doesnt

    matter! Thequeries must

    be joinedwith an inner


    Common Errors associatedwith Merged Queries

    And how to avoid them!

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    #DATATSYNC Errors


    Associated Dimension forthe Detail Object is not

    linked to the MergedDimension.


    Link the AssociatedDimension to the Merged

    Dimension from Query 1.

    #MULTIVALUE Errors


    A Detail object can have onevalue only for each value of itsassociated dimension.

    If the detail object containsmultiple values for an

    associated dimension, WebIntelligence places the#MULTIVALUE error in the detailcell.


    Select the table.

    Under Properties set the AvoidDuplicate Row Aggregationproperty to Yes

    #MULTIVALUE Error Explained:Lifetime Member Position Codes

    Merged dimension repeats in

    Position Code query. Each customer can hold more

    than one position.

    Merged dimension is unique in

    lifetime member query. Theres one membership

    product per customer.

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    #MULTIVALUE Error Explained:

    Lifetime Member Position Codes

    Query 2Query 1

    After merging data from position code query into Lifetimemember query

    #MULTIVALUE Error Explained:Lifetime Member Position Codes

    Query 1

    After changing the Avoid Duplicate Row Aggregationproperty to Yes

    Checkpoint #1

    Merging queries becomes necessary if the data you need comesfrom two different data providers.

    To merge two queries you need a common dimension in each query.The merged dimension tells BO how to match up data across queries.

    Dimensions merging to Query 1 must be made into Detail objectsbefore they can be merged.

    You can change the way data is jo ined across queries by draggingeither half of the merged dimension to your main query.

    Data Sync errors can be resolved by ensuring Detail objects areassociated with the merged dimension

    Multi-value errors can be resolved by setting the Avoid DuplicateRow Aggregation property to Yes

    What youve learned so far

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    Combined Queries

    Multiple queries on the same universe

    About Combined Queries

    You can combine queries in three relationships





    Union Queries

    Query 1

    Query 2


    A union combination takes the all the data from both queries, eliminates

    duplicate rows, and builds a combined data set

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    Intersection Queries

    Query 1 Query2

    An intersection combination returns the data common to both queries.

    Intersection Query Example:Returning Leaders

    Query 1:CurrentLeaders

    Query 2:Last YearsLeaders

    Minus Queries

    A minus combination returns data from the first query that does not

    appear in the second query.

    Query 1Query 2

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    Query 1:CurrentLeaders

    Query 2 :Last YearsLeaders

    Minus Query Example:

    New Leaders

    Query 1:Last YearsLeaders

    Query 2:CurrentLeaders

    What data would this Minus QueryReturn?

    How to Build Combined Queries

    A step-by-step guide

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    Intersection Query Demos

    Returning Leaders

    New Leaders

    Combined Query Structure

    The queries within a combined query must returnthe same number of objects of the same data typeand the objects must be in the same order.

    Likely the result objects for each query within acombined query will be exactly the same.

    To Build a Combined QueryStep 1

    1. Create Query 1, selecting your Result Objectsand Filters. Run the query if youd like.

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    To Build a Combined Query

    Steps 2-3

    2. Back in the query, click the CombinedQuery icon in the toolbar.

    3. The query transforms to a combined query,

    giving you access to two queries. TheCombined Query type defaults to Union.Double-click Union to change it to aMinus or Intersection query.

    To Build a Combined QueryStep 4

    4. So far youve completed Combined Query 1.You now need to add filters for Query 2. ClickCombined Query 2 to access the query.

    To Build a Combined QueryStep 5

    5. Select the filters necessary for Query 2. Thenrun the query.

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    Combining more than 2 queries

    What if you wanted to compare more than2 queries in your combined query?

    New Leaders(checking 3 years of data)

    New Leaders(checking 3 years of Data)

    Combined Query PrecedenceRound 1 Results

    Query Results

    Combined Query 1

    (2010 Leaders)

    Carol, Sue, Tina, Wendy

    Combined Query 2(2009 Leaders)

    Barbara, Kim, Tina

    Minus Round 1 Results:(CQ1- CQ2)

    Carol, Sue, Wendy

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    Combined Query Precedence

    Round 2 Results

    Query Results

    Minus Round 1 Results:


    Carol, Sue, Wendy

    Combined Query 3(2008 Leaders)

    Amanda, Barbara, Carol

    MinusRound 2 Results:(Round 1 ResultsCQ 3)

    Sue, Wendy

    Combined Query PrecedenceRound 3 Results

    Query Results

    MinusRound 2 Results:(Minus Round 1Query 3)

    Sue, Wendy

    Combined Query 4(2007 Leaders)

    Amanda, Tina, Wendy

    Minus Round 3 Results:Round 2CQ 4)

    Sue (Final results)

    Summary of Combined Query Logic

    Web Intelligence first finds theset of data that represents theunion/intersection/minusbetween Combined Query nand Combined Query n+ 1.

    Web Intelligence then finds theunion/intersection/minusbetween that data set and thedata returned by CombinedQuery n + 2.

    Web Intelligence continues inthis way through all the queriesin the relationship.

    Intersection,Minus or


    Query 1

    Query 2

    Query 3

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    Team Activity

    Combined Queries

    Activity #1Answer the questions below

    You would like to produce a list of girls who have beenregistered to your councils for the past 3 years (in 2010,2009, and 2008).

    1. What kind of combined query could you use to generate thisresult?_____________

    2. How many combined queries would you need? ________

    3. What filters would each combined query have? Write yourresponses in the space below.



    Query 1:

    2010 Girl members

    Product Code = Girl_2010

    Line Status Code = AQuery 2:

    2009 Girl Members

    Product Code = Girl_2009

    Line Status Code = A

    Query 2:2008 Girl Members

    Product Code = Girl_2009Line Status Code = A

    Activity #2Answer the questions below

    You would like to produce a list of lapsed girls whohavent reregistered from last year.

    1. What kind of combined query could you use to generate thisresult?_____________

    2. How many combined queries would you need? ________

    3. What filters would each combined query have? Write yourresponses in the space below.



    Query 1:2009 Girl members

    Product Code = Girl_2009Line Status Code = A

    Query 2:2010 Girl Members

    Product Code = Girl_2010Line Status Code = A

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    Super Combined Query on Steroids

    (for super advanced users)

    Lapsed girls ( Going back 2 years)

    2008 Girl


    2010 GirlMembers


    2009 GirlMembers


    2010 GirlMembers

    Combines results of both minusqueries, selecting Distinct

    Records to avoid duplicatesfrom both record sets

    Checkpoint #2

    Combined queries allow you to answer questions that areotherwise difficult or impossible to frame in a single WebIntelligence query:

    A minus combination returns data from the first query that does notappear in the second query.

    An intersection combination returns the data common to bothqueries.

    A union combination takes the all the data from both queries,eliminates duplicate rows, and builds a combined data set

    The individual queries in a combined query must have thesame structure.

    You can include more than 2 queries in a combined query

    What youve learned so far


    Display results based on a formula you create

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    Variable Editor

    The Variable Editor enables you to build your own dimensionsbased on other dimensions, formulas and operators

    Takes the first 5characters of

    each zip code

    To learn how to use Functions

    Click on thefunction name

    Descriptionprovides info

    about therequired syntax Provides a

    detailed definitionof the function

    To Build a Formula

    1. From the Report, click the

    Variable Editor

    2. In the Variable Editor, giveyour expression a Name.Then build your formula,using the Functions,Operators and Dataobjects required. Click thegreen checkmark tovalidate your formula.

    3. Click Ok to return to thereport. Then drag theexpression from the Datatab onto your report.

  • 7/30/2019 advanced data analyzer techniques.pdf




    Formula Demo

    Create a Service Unit Roster from the

    Committee Universe that includes Troop-level and SU-level positions grouped undereach Service Unit.

    Why do we need a formula?

    The Problem: Only Troop-level positions show a Service UnitName in the Committee Hierarchy folder. SU-level positionsshow a blank. We need to show the service units of bothpositions in one column in the report.

    Service Unit-levelposition

    (Service Unit is theLabel Name)


    (Service Unit is thehierarchy)

    What formula do we need?

    The Solution: Create a formula based on this condition:

    If the position is held on a Troop, show the Service Unit Name from theCommittee Hierarchy folder, else

    Show the Label Name of the committee itself.

  • 7/30/2019 advanced data analyzer techniques.pdf



    Checkpoint #3

    To can build your own expressions in your reports based onformulas. Formulas can consist of report objects, functionsand operators.

    The If function can help you display the results you want in acolumn based on a condition.

    What youve learned so far

    Data AnalyzerResources

    Data Dictionaries on CES Support

    eLearning on CES Support

    Web Intelligence User Guide

    Web Intelligence XI and XI Release 2



    Thank you for attending!